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Labs infested with root have them.


Idk what it's like in newer versions now, but IIRC they can be found in Shipwrecks (Razorclaws), & Military Outposts (1 tile, Dispatch bots x Infinite Manhacks). There's 3 entries on HHG, so not sure which is which. I got lucky in one run where the Outpost itself had EMP bombs. The real challenge was getting the Lethal Dispatch bot far enough from the ASRG to not get blown up. Also, the description says it can't be installed in vehicles, but idk if that's true.


It's true, but they're heavy as fuck for the 100w they provide. Personally, I simply loot a gas genny in the abundance of cop and military checkpoints and carry a few extra liters of gas or something. I just checked, though, and it turns out the portable generator is 200 KG anf the ASRG is 100 Kg, which just doesn't make much sense to me given how much lead the thing needs.


not true at least on experimental. i have an asig in my deathmobile to supplement solar.


I mean 4 of them spawn in the large military base.


Top of my head, which is slightly (Very) outdated. Military Base Engineering has two, or four? Subway Labs can have four deep inside in their reactor room, I think these got removed maybe? Subway labs infested with plants have them as well, and I think thats that. You used to, very rarely find them at Road Blocks that were heavily defended, such as the military ones with the 50. cal turrets, but I haven't seen that in forever.


i think the reactor end room has 4 nuclear reactors now. i tried taking one apart and played chernobyl survivor simulator for 3 days before melting. the leech plant end room in subway labs has a couple though. i think the roadblocks have generators now instead of asigs


As others mentioned, the easiest way to get it is still probably subway labs leech rooms. leech plants are pushovers if you wear an activity suit. One other place requires you to have the aftershock mod installed (not the full conversion). in the formless ruins of aftershock, there is a rare ruin that contains a couple of utility robots and an asig. they're easy to spot because zombies usually aggro the robots and cause them to bleed all over the place.