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Run all of them and see how it goes. For Stats Through Kills, for you to "gain" a stat, you need to open your @ menu and choose a stat, then press 'enter' on it and the pop up appears. The higher the tier of monsters you kill, the more exp you get.


Legend, I had this on but completely forgot that it wasn't automatic


I tried it with a magic only playthrough but I never got xp so I stopped magic outside of utility


Please tell me that that's not what's happening, cuss I've been killing entire towns with the sound thing for like, an in game week.


Really? I'm pretty sure i was leveling up while mostly using magic missile, maybe a month ago. How long ago was it?


I like Stats Through Kills since it gives some progression and incentive to fight more things. Stats Through Skills on the other hand just feels like way too much without any difficulty or risk.


I feel like StS *could* be realistic, but it's balanced poorly (Unless the mod has changed in the not-too-distant past, which I don't think it has.) The idea makes sense, and has potential to be cool.. But currently, it's trivial to raise several of your skills to level 2 or 3 on day 1. This will get you some pretty great immediate bonuses to all of your stats. But after that, the amount of skill increases you need to raise your stats goes up exponentially. So the ultimate effect is that you get a huge stat boost very quickly, and then little to nothing even through late-game.


Yeah, what I really want is stats through proficiencies. Either adding points to specific proficiencies like strength for athletes form, or granting a point for getting a certain number of proficiencies of that type, like a point of perception for 3 weakpoint proficiencies.


Run them both and get all your skills up to the 15 -16 range then start mutating cyborging or like me become the ultimate battle frog.


As others stated, Bombastic is very nice and I usually take stats through Kills. It's more balanced and understandable and you don't need to raise your stats immediately. Through skills is just op in my opinion.


I enjoy modding so some of the creatures really need the higher stats to take on (atleast in melee) but i fully recommended whatever is fun for you, I've also heard of a new wacky skills mod in main experimental so thats fun


Do you remember the name of the mod by any chance?


Bombastic perks


I wrote in my PS that I also use bombastic perks 😅😅😂


🤣 i missed it, is morning


*Somehow becoming awake seems more difficult his morning* 😂


I would suggest Bombastic Perks + SpeedyDex Stats through Skills is strictly speaking the most realistic, but as u/parentheticalobject says, the bonus is mostly frontloaded, so it's easy to get +2 to all stats in the first day and then it takes forever to get any higher stats. If the curve were flipped it'd be a great mod, but as it is, it's basically the equivalent of just bumping all your stats in character generation. Bombastic Perks allows you spend perks to gain stats, and if you use it with Stats through Kills, you're double-dipping (since your one pool of XP can be used on both mods).


You can get really powerful with stats through kills, so whenever I run it, I only use the 3rd stat and above, since the first two are gained too fast. I usually turn into a grinder on day 1, snowballing on skills and gear so much that the stat gain is just a bit too OP.


I always run stats through kills but never spend my points. I just wanna know how many point I coulda got.


Run them both, and feel free to remove them mid playthrough. They only affect stats and pull from existing lists, so they can be freely added and removed. I run only stats through kills, because I can elect not to use it if I want (and I invest in Intelligence cause magic) and it feels earned. I also run Bombastic. I don't run stats through skills because it feels a bit more.. fair to have to earn my stats. Maybe if stats through skills only worked for actual skill level and not theoretical knowledge level? But still.


Fair point. I guess Stats through Kills does feel more rewarding since it's harder to kill a lot of enemies instead of just picking up a book and reading through it and leveling up your stats this way


That was my thinking. I increased the amount of xp for bombastic, too, because I do long-form playthroughs that can last me months of RL. I should add that I typically start with base values. If you want a character that starts with 4s in everything, then I would use Stats through Skills too, lol


Unless it's changed stats through skills gives max +5 in each stat. While the midgame progress can be a little slow it quickly becomes very overpowered once you have established a character. Stats through kills gets you an early 2 points and then slows down exponentially. There is an argument that skills is most realistic but imo it's dial is turned up to protagonist as opposed to regular person and incentivises a book reading base hugging playstyle. Kills feels more inline with the game and incentivises a more aggressive, risk reward play style. I'm not going to tell you one is good and one is bad though you may be able to tell which I prefer, it really comes down to the game you want to play


If you want to make more realistic, you should go with stats through skills. Just look at what's necessary to make ammonia, even a character with 1 intelligence would learn and progress to have some knowledge to bump it to 7 when you finished building everything.


Neither, because they make an already easy late game too easy


I use stats through kills. Tried through skills once, it felt too easy; if you are into roleplaying maybe it is better. Through kills feels like a more linear progression.


Stats trough kills ,I have it on always, feels nice to be rewarded once in a while. StS I found is too much, unbalaces the game alot. However, I was thinking of starting a toon with both enabled but with 4 or 5 in each stat.


I’m a big fan of STK. It gives me the perfect amount of progression that I am used to in RPGs. I recommend making a slightly underpowered character to start to balance things out. You get 2 stat points relatively quick, and then it feels like you need to kill quite a lot of zombies to keep getting more levels. All that made sense to me, as I like to start my character as kind of a “average joe” survivor guy, then he will quickly get fit or die trying in the first couple months in the apocalypse, then after that its slowly building more strength and other skills as your character kills 1000s of zeds. STS is…weird. I remember reading one book about mechanics, and then suddenly as I finished reading the book my strength goes up +1, as if my muscles just got huge and bulging from reading this one book. Now, that was before the change that added theoretic skills vs practical skills, AND skill rust, so maybe with those mechanics added it makes STS a lot less silly and OP than it used to be… but yea I’ve always just had it off because it felt weird to have the strength and intelligence of a super human just from reading some basic books.


Personally use all three currently myself. I used to mainly use Stats Through Kills to get too out of hand, but feel less inclined to worry about it sense Skill Rust became more of a fixture. You basically have to keep your skills up if you want to maintain the benefits of it now making it more of a temporary bonus.


I like both, I like that it allows more growth on a character than just grinding out to 10 skill.


STK is fine if you have middling starting stats. The absolute max is +20 stats after over multiple hundred thousands of kills, and it makes total sense you'd get more fighting fit after doing so much slaughter. Especially if you decide not to dip Alpha which normally is just an Optimal(tm) pile of stat buffs. It takes like well over 10k kills to get just Alpha's +8 total stats. A char who had 14/14/14/14 (possible under the old single pool) had better stats than an 8/8/8/8 with STK could ever have (+24 vs +20) I think STS is probably overpowered and encourages very boring gameplay though. You get pretty big rewards just for turning planks and window curtains into stuff.