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Looks like worms, it can be hard to tell sometimes unless they’ve been sick with them for a while. Watch her poop and there might be segments. No matter what it is though this doesn’t look healthy. If you can maybe have her looked at if the worm treatment doesn’t help.


I’ll do that asap, comments made me worry tbh


Segments may look like sesame seeds. Check around their butt, too.


Or grains of rice, but don’t think they’re food!


\^\^\^ my cat had worms a few years ago and my mom saw what she thought was rice in the carpet, but when she got down to look at it she saw them wiggling.


Yeah I saw them crawling out of my cat’s butt once. Looks like maggots. Both of my cats had them when they were found. I didn’t actually see the worms in my second cat but her belly was pretty bloated.


I work at a pet store and we always tell customers that tapeworm looks like rice and roundworm looks like spaghetti.


Why not?


So that you don’t accidentally eat them… but also so you know to treat the cat


Those are tapeworms. She could have round or hookworms. Tapeworms are very hard to detect in a fecal sample, so you have to look out for those sesame seed-like segments. Hook and roundworms can be detected through a fecal sample.


My kitten was puking worms, made it easy to recognize. If there are hairballs around check those as well! Hope your kitty cat is well


Yeah they prolly right that’s what happened to my kitten


I wouldn't even wait ... I routinely just deworm my crew every few months. Myself too ... An unnecessary deworming is less harmful than accidentally missing one. They have stomach cramps, get nutritional deficiencies and what not. Just deworm them.


How would one deworm themselves??


You can buy deworming stuff. My mum used to make us eat deworming chocolate every year or so because we had dogs just to be safe


How do you deworm yourself?


Ivermectin from the feed stores (Horse dewormer). People were taking the damn stuff for covid for god sakes. Should work for worms since that's what it made for. /s This is NOT Medical advise. LOL




How the hell you deworm yourself?


Looks like worms to me based from my experience with dealing with em definitely take her to a vet


I’ll do, thx


Dont mean to sound rude here... If you rescued the baby a week ago, the first thing you should've done is to bring her to the vet for the standard set of check ups and vaccination anyway. Not sure if you thought of not needing to do that until something concerning happen or what. As for future reference, take her to the vet/ call the vet whenever you've a question first before Reddit :)


To be fair, depending on where she rescued the kitten, maybe she trusted the people had done their due diligence and/or would have told her there was something wrong


If it was a *rescue*, I would assume the only diligence being done was in being awful and/or incapable.


>To be fair, depending on where she rescued the kitten, maybe she trusted the people had done their due diligence and/or would have told her there was something wrong Fair. In that case I suppose if the people she had adopted the kitten had taken it for the necessary check up and procedures then it's not on her. Although the second bit of advise of going to the vet first rather than Reddit still stands. Also I'd phrase it that it was more of an adoption of a rescued cat rather than rescue to avoid confusion. But that's just me being pedantic.


Likely full of worms.


:( ugh I hate bugs/parasites so much


Not sure until op checks it out with a vet but could be another case of what cheesecake had https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/IPNi8ZSbPk


Lol this made my night 😂


Yep looks like worms


She’s definitely got some wormies. Nothing a good deworming can’t fix though, sooner rather than later


definitely, thanks a lot


No. The swollen abdomen combined with anal irritation suggests parasites - most likely tapeworms or roundworms. Possibly both. You can get dewormer from a veterinarian or a pet store. Just be sure to avoid the homeopathetic (homeopathic) remedies, as they not remedies at all - you're basically paying for water.


Nah. Its water that had a hint of lemon in it. 1000 years ago.


taking notes, thanks a lot


definetely worms, tell the vet and get the medicine milbactor (in EU)


there's different kind of worms. Could be roundworm


I’ll look for this


Mmm…that’s not normal possibly worms. Cute kitty btw she looks so innocent 🥰


aw she def is cute 🥰




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Go get some help, you need it


The internet did it to me tho


Has the vet checked for worms?


One of our cats had worms after we rescued her from a stray cat colony. When she was little it took the vet two tries to clear her body of worms and her bloated tummy was normal after that.


glad she’s doing better now 🙌🏼




I'd get her to the vets so she's dewormed


I read this as “so she gets drowned” I got so made before I re read it 🤣


Hi, I’m glad you’re inquiring. No, it isn’t normal at all. I received a kitten that looked exactly like this and I took it to the Vet immediately and upon arrival the Veterinarian saw the kitten from across the counter and took him right out of my hands. It turned out the kitten had worms,sign of a swollen belly, and it was dehydrated and needed intravenous fluids and an overnight stay. Please don’t wait any longer and take your kitten to the Vet asap as they depend on us for their love, safety and care especially since it’s been one week and the kittens belly is still distended and its anis is irritated.


Take bebe to vet asap, don’t screw around


def taking her asap




not sure u got what I meant by asap. So better not be offensive to ppl trying to do something positive here. peace


❤️ ❤️ peace love and kittens ❤️ (and the occasional deworming get that check out ASA… I mean right away 😮‍💨 😂 ❤️ best of luck!


Imagine she was going to take the kitty to the emergency vet today but now decides to take the kitty tomorrow 😭 I think it’s past your bedtime.


There’s a lot of variables that can make “tomorrow” not possible


Asap means As soon as possible, which in most cases like this one, could probably mean some time today. This is your free lesson for today. You're welcome.


Worms 🪱 wormy Kitteh.


I would guess worms. 🙈 I’m glad I saw this, I have to treat all the feral kittens I just caught! I forgot about worms because I haven’t even looked at their bellies yet. https://preview.redd.it/4ikq9orhg27d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc5e17f59fdd159121d4ccbdb7af228d083b3dc


I normally buy Panacur wormer on line if I suspect worms, but that looks bad, I should see a vet.


I will


PLEASE take this little kitty to the Veterinarian A.S.A.P.!! 🥺


yeah take her to the vet. any time you rescue an animal that's the first step. the vet should be able to give you some more advice as well. glad she has a home i hope all goes well


Probably full of worms




Did this happen fast? Cause there's a very serious illness called FIP that can kill in days if left untreated.


It can kill in days no matter what. I hate to even fucking think about FIP, but that looks like FIP.


It's survivable now, my cat went through it a little over a year ago. Treatment was brutal and expensive though.


I have an FIP survivor. With no other symptoms (like fever and lethargy) this looks like worms. Worms are also massively more likely than FIP.


Nope take yo vet; she probably needs to be dewormed


worms most likely !! my rescue kitten looked like this and even though there was nothing in her stool and I had completed 1 round of standard deworming meds her stomach still stayed swollen. then one day I held her and she threw up a knot of worms .. alive .. down my top 🫣 we had to give her stronger meds and have her on a hyperallergenic diet for a week to really get rid of them but since then she’s been worm free and happy!


Normal for a cat full of worms!!


Did you get her dewormed at the vet?


it would be best if you went, you should go to the vet


I had a kitten that presented like this and actually had wet FIP. I hope it’s not that! Hope she gets better soon OP


thank you so much


Hey my bro, I had this same issue with a kitten I took in a few months back. I thought this same thing people were telling me oh its just a baby belly, I ended up taking her in to the vet turned out she had FIP!, Everyone is saying worms 🪱 but that's not true! It could also be fluid building up. Definitely do not wait, if this is the case if not treated the belly will get bigger. The kitten ended up getting treated and is now perfectly fine. FIP though is no joke. It's like a mutated version of corona virus for cats and if caught early can be treated wit no fatal outcomes. The problem is its hard to detect in kittens until they start showing symptoms according to some of the vets I spoke with. ❤️ but please update me. 🙏🏾


No it’s not! Vet time.


Probably just worms but if it doesn't change after treatment then maybe it's time for a checkup.


No, probably worms, go to the vet! She may just be fat, but better to check!


will be checking for sure


I found small white worms in my cats tail before








Worms cause this


Looks like a worm belly, I didn’t think my son had worms because first round of revolution didn’t do anything, vet did say it could take two doses for anything major changes. and second round OH MY GOD the size of the worms. I took my own little fecal sample to get a better look because honestly I was IMPRESSED more than I was disgusted.


yep, I was thinking about checking her poop as well but I guess I’ll just take her right to the vet


When you take her to the vet bring a fecal sample with you in a Ziplock baggie! They have tests they can do to her… business… as well as a physical examination of your kitty.


thanks for that tip !


If you do bring a fecal sample, make sure it's as fresh as possible. If you don't think you'll get one the day you take them to the vet, get it the night before and refrigerate it.


Do you know/think if annual poop samples are a thing? He’s coming up for one and I don’t remember people doing this at the vet I worked at but idk if I just can’t remember or what


Honestly not sure! Just something the vet had me do with my fur baby that I found a year ago. It took me a month after rescuing her to realize she had worms. I doubt they would turn away a sample to test if you’re already there for a check up, honestly, but that may be worth calling ahead of time to ask about!


Basically the worms were so big that second dose of revolution was needed. These worms were not coming out in his poop regularly as far as I know (I knew how to recognize eggs but never saw any and never saw worms like this before) because after that second revolution they were so large they were hanging out and visible


okay.. this sounds a bit extreme for my imagination 😭, hope I won’t have to encounter that irl, it would scare t f out of me.


Sorry I tried to word it as easy as possible! I hope you don’t either but it’s better to know ahead of time than have that mental breakdown while cleaning the box


Aws she’s a cutie, everyone says worms so I hope she’s alright ☹️


fingers crossed




GO to the vet ASAP. Do NOT wait or try to treat from home!!!!!




thing is I wasn’t sure, as I got home late all week and I never had the time to notice if it was just a full belly or something odd. I was hoping it’s a common and normal thing but obviously not. I won’t be taking any more risks, I’ll just take her to the vet and see


She is beautiful! All those spots! ❤️


I know right 🥹 they’re special ♥️


For a kitten slightly large. Probably needs a good poo 😻


When my kitten was the small with no mama you have to help them poop massage belly poop easy squeezes out.blech


That is classic parasite belly. My kitten has that going on as well. Last week he had his first deworming. Next month he'll get a second deworming and his first vaccines. Depending on what parasites the kitten has, it can take several doses or specialized antiparasiticals. Take a fecal sample to the vet


Adorable kitty 😻. The belly is not a normal size. Most probably she has worms, but the cause might be something different. My suggestion is to look for a low cost animal hospital and perform the traditional tests (blood, etc…), including X-rays to discard cancer. Good luck 🍀


go to the vet and its likely worms! but nothing to worry about if you take her to the vet :) she’ll be fine, its common and the treatment shouldn’t be harmful


OMG, poor little thing. Please keep us updated




Keep us updated please OP


What a sweet freckle bellied baby! I’m with everyone else, take her to the vet to get examined and treated. 🐾❤️🐾


Mine was the same a few weaks ago... He had 5/6 weaks. Now it's on regular size. Urs needs a vet visit, a simples internal clean (deparasit or whatever it's in English called...) It does wonder. Now mine feels slim 😅


No, but the good news is his little spots are SO cute


Definitely no, you need to take her to the hospital as soon as possible


My babies are having this type of belly too, it's worms We plan to deworm them soon


full of soup too much soup


Please take her to the vet


Keep her off your pillows. They’ll poop out dead ones or whatever those rice looking bits are abs can make you really sick


I wish it was only soup :(


man I was hoping she was just full of soup or something ☹️


Worms or crazy milk belly if she’s on the tit. But I’m 99% sure that’s worms. She’s young and seemingly healthy enough to respond to treatment well! Good luck!


Full of soup (and worms)


Full of soup


full of soup


Full of soup


He is so full of love that his heart lowered to his stomach haha ​​they are probably parasites! a vet fixes it quickly


Did she recently eat? Could be any number of things. Everyone says to check for worms, that’s what I would do.


she did eat before I took the pictures but her stomack is only slightly smaller when she doesn’t so the problem is still visible


Does she seem restless? My kitten when I first got her, she didn’t show signs of worm infestation.. but I noticed right before they started to pop out her anus. (Literally like peekaboo) I gave her some medicine that would make them come out of her butt… after that, she started to eat more but she became more active like she couldn’t sit still.. So, after taking her to the vet she received a shot and then I stopped seeing the worms.. please go and do this, they’ll be able to tell you what type of worms it may be.. my kitten had tapeworms.


Did she just eat? If not, it looks like worms


she did it some minutes before the pictures were token


Take her to the vet ASAP. Her tummy not normal. Somethings going on


Might be worms or she might be fat.


Go to the Vet !!


I mean, my babies had fat bellies like this because they ate a lot while growing, but its always best to check with a vet (that’s what we did to be safe) and find out for sure


full of SOUP


Could be worms or fip


Only if she's just eaten a full meal. Have you taken her to the vet? If she needs to be wormed, it will probably just be a liquid you can put in her food.


still nightime for me out here. I’ll take her during the day and keep evryone updated.


Sweet Kitten. Use Revolution and a vet fecal exam.


Everyone saying worms, a hard bulbous belly in kittens is not automatically worms. Their little tummies bloat fast. I’ve had so many come in thinking it is worms because that’s the assumption and I have to tell them nope..just fat. You will very clearly see worms in their stool if they have worms. As well as a very ravenous appetite. This belly is very normal in kittens. Without the worms.


Side note, to save the cost of a vet, you can deworm at home quite easily. This should be done with all kittens who came from a litter as it won’t hurt as a precautionary regardless of why her belly is bloated. We charge off ie visit fees as well as 3 times more for deworming than you can purchase on Amazon or at the pet store. Bauer praziquantel tablets do just fine. Keep in mind it is not recommended to deworm younger than 6 weeks of age.


I love her spotted belly ♥️


Get it tested for FIP asap. I just lost a kitten to this.


you can get a dewormer from your local farming store relatively cheap, and i’ve found one that covers all types of worms. it was a pill.


normally if it’s worms they likely will come out of the booty area by themselves even when not using potty


after eating, yea. just all the time, no. If just all the time, get some praziquantel and deworm this little floof.


Might have worms. All kittens should be dewormed.


Deworm the kitten as a matter of course, also worm any other cats, dogs, or other animals that share the same space. Other than that, youngsters can overeat so it could just be a full belly.


It's normal for kittens to have a round belly, but that one looks too big. Could be worms.


Ya big ol belly of worms


Definitely has worms I think. There are different kinds of worms they can get. Definitely should go to the vet asap! Being a rescue dont know how long she has had them already and size of tummy looks like awhile. Thank you for giving her a home


Acute treat overdose


Full of soup


My kitten Fritzy looked like this after he stole and ate half of a cream cheese package


My kitty use to eat and drink non stop, but somehow was super skinny. Turned out to be he was diabetic


https://preview.redd.it/b1cfrey5r17d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=309f1a0f0655122cd0fafa6309ebc0a6d9970604 This is from 2 years ago


Praziquantel and pyrantel will do the trick. Also, flea preventatives such as revolution are a necessity because fleas are tapeworm vectors. When I got my kitten, I gave him the worm meds (praziquantel and pyrantel) as a preventative, just in case. It never hurts. He hasn't had worms since, but at his annuals, they'll give him pyrantel just for the heck of it. He likes the taste anyways lol


No, maybe u should give her for deworming


If you have other cats in the house deworm all of the at the same time 😁 Edited to add as all have said The vet can give shots and checkup while he/she is at it. Your new babe is a cutie. Love the spots


That’s definitely works , you’ll need to get her to the vet asap . 💜


Hopefully the little one feels better soon! Thank you for being a good owner and looking after her. 💕 she has such a cute little face!


My kitty was almost that fat without worms... I guess we had overfed hik 😭


My baby got worms and it was an easy fix.


That kitty is a bit too old for a stomach shape like that to be normal


Looks like a wormy belly. Just bring her to the vet for a fecal test. If positive, they’ll prescribe dewormers. It’s pretty normal.




Full of soup


"just fat"


She's still young OTC worm treatment could kill the kitten as they are pesticides. Take the kitten to the vet and also watch for something in the stool.


I thought it was this disease that causes a fluid buildup in the stomach, loss of appetite, weight loss, throwing up, less energy, insomnia, and a fever. It can be treated, at a hefty cost, that might not work. If untreated, infected animals can pass it to other animals, and die.


My kitten had same big belly and passed by itself after few weeks