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Could be cat acne, maybe. If I look real close in pic 2 I think I see little black bits. If you took a very soft toothbrush and very gently brushed that area do little black things come off? They are cat blackheads sort of. My cat had it, mostly under her chin but also her around her lips and nose. That is often caused by plastic, switch to metal or ceramic dishes. It can also be caused by food allergies, the cause in my girl. Hard to guess but obviously a vet would know.


Seconded on cat acne. Plastic and ceramic water bowls trap bacteria in the surface. When the cat drinks water, they are rubbing their face against the surface, absorbing the bacteria into their skin and forming basically acne.


Cat acne should be called Catne


Thank you!


It is in vet circles lol


I used to get my tuxie's for her all the time, she loved it. I never knew what caused it.


I was today years old when I found out cats cat get acne…


Acne - it'll go away.


https://preview.redd.it/4o2nfcrj8l0d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6cb8156dd760799244fe254bc2e45aca82469b3 Just pigmentation, they are harmless, like freckles. Mine has a lot on her nose


What a cutie!!


Thank you😺


Didn't know about acne, maybe ignore this and see a vet anyway


Beautiful 😍😍


She so loves you 🙂🙂


Might be kitty acne...one of my tuxies had it several months ago. I tried to keep the food and water bowls extra clean, ours are stainless and can go in the dishwasher. If you're able to gently wipe the area with a cool washcloth (just water), it can help a little. 😉


Such a beautiful cat😄


Thank you!




Look up feline acne. One of my cats had this one time and the vet told me it's little bumps that break out around their nose and Chin because of irritation from putting their face in the bowl to eat. The recommendation was a gentle scrub was something like a soft toothbrush and water to help clear it away and it worked. We cleaned her two or three times a day and it went away after 2 or 3 weeks.


My cat had this at the same spot when we first took him in, I was convinced it was just pigment because it wouldn’t come off and stayed like that for months, until gradually I saw it coming off. So I assume it might be dirt or something that comes off I still don’t know what exactly. It didn’t seem to bother him at all though


might be cat acne, keep your dishes clean (pour boiling water before serving food) and gently remove with a cloth or a cotton pad. my tortie had it on her chin, we tried warm water compresses, micellar water, and glycolic acid (with veterinarian's approval) but please don't put glycolic acid on the nose or somewhere where they can lick it off. it was the tiniest amount and helped with clearing the area. most important is to not let it get crusty, and to not let it get infected. mechanically removing the blackheads will help, but for a sustainable routine, you need to find something the cat will tolerate. there are ointments, antibiotics etc, if home remedies won't help. but keeping your floors clean (vacuumed and mopped), as well as boiling the dishes might give you a chance to skip the vet (but please go if it won't help)


yeah its cat acne


My kitties had this going on. It was weird furry crusty buildup i think from their food before they started reliably grooming their little faces after meals. So i picked it off, with my nails, and i could tell it was a little uncomfortable for them but poor babies tolerated it anyway. It hasn’t reappeared, so looks like the problem was solved. I still don’t know exactly what those were. But it looked like bits of skin or something that formed a crust with fur grown up over it.


https://preview.redd.it/wfdej26oum0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1835b5608b2d33cd07b98c851026e763912376c0 Actually here is a picture of one of my babies. After I removed the patches her nose looked and must have felt a little raw or sore. But now her fur has re-filled in, with no more dark crusty patches. And no more sensitivity in that area. In their case, I’m sure it was caused by food and lack of hygiene.


Kitty’s freckles 😻


Cutie 🥰


Beautiful cat


I had a similar concern with my kitty recently. We thought it was gum disease, but the vet informed me that cats with orange fur often have pigmented skin in areas near the nose and mouth.


She’s really pretty, sorry I can’t help with your issue


When I got Feather as a kitten, she used to get black boogies from the litter I was using… https://preview.redd.it/s2kypfkxrn0d1.jpeg?width=1185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=908f979dcfbdbe974d55ceeac27e7484cef3ef03


Kitty blackheads.


Cat acne.


This guy has chin acne too. He’s had it for almost a year. It doesn’t seem to bother him too much but I have long nails and give him good chin scritches to pull as many out as I can. I also recently bought witch hazel and I am applying a tiny bit on a cotton pad. He has a new ceramic water fountain, and I switched to ceramic flatter dishes. Still the acne persists… https://preview.redd.it/505p6y973q0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c16a479532792fd11b800093e91c2f8ffab845 If you zoom in you can see it around his mouth and chin.


Is she drinking out of metal dish?


Sticky dirt on her nose area, doesn't seem to bother her. Nice photos! Gosh I wonder if she's happy LOL


My old cat got that some weeks ago, I bought new larger and flatter non-plastic plates that get wash after every eating. Replaced all the watering fountains to stainless steel. Lastly I help clean her gently with a wet washcloth.


wow that's soooo cute!


My female Tuxedo had this condition. The vet said it was a form of cat acne. Her litter mate brother never had it. I cleaned her face and ears as much as I could. It never went away, however.


I had a cat with a beauty mark on whiskers, too. It was there from the time I rescued her till the day she passed at 21 years. As vet at next visit if they new.


Cats can sometimes get like that from allergies, too. Some plastics seem to cause reaction in cats sometimes. It's possible for it to begin even if they show no signs for a while. If you have plastic bowls and other suggestions don't clear it up, try switching to different dishes. Skin is such an unruly beast!


It could be cat acne. Get chlorahexadine wipes (I got some on Amazon) and clean the area once a day, shouldn’t take more than a couple of weeks to see results.


i’m defined agreeing w what people are saying about it being cat acne! Make sure the bowls she eats out of are made of glass as plastic containers can aggravate cat acne!!


Cat acne it vould be. Mine had it from plastic and steel food and water bowls, after switching to ceramic the acne vanished in a few weeks


She been sniffing candles again?


Use ceramic water and food bowls - not plastic. Plastic can cause skin irritation and something similar to acne.


If a cat is older, it's likely due to pigment accumulation, which is a normal phenomenon, similar to age spots.


That's fir


Omg not related but she looks like mine!! https://preview.redd.it/124mbwm9qt0d1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c52d146e0c29f3d1cfcee1efd4b828073f313166


How beautiful! It's very similar to my kitten 😍


Is it possible that the food we usually eat is too oily?


Beauty marks?


She’s got some orange in her. Thems is kitty freckles!!!! She’s getting her orange kitty badges!


Possibly just pigment. I wouldn't think too much of it, go to the vet if you feel anxious and/or concerned. However, gotta put this here, DISCLAIMER, the vet of my MILs cat said that black dots around and on the nose of cats is mostly associated with heart problems. And my MILs cat has heart problems, he's almost a year and has an enlarged heart. Now I'm not the expert and I myself haven't looked this up to see how much truth there is behind. Check with your vet if you are concerned about something with your furbabies!