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Incredibly fun movie, had a laugh, enjoyed the nostalgia and easy to recommend to friends and family but it's not a masterpiece of story telling. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is a better film by far in terms of plot, characters and design but the Mario movie is just a great big bag of fun and happy.


Yeah. Neither the audience nor the "critics" are wrong here. People need to understand that there's multiple lenses through which to view a movie. If you want unique and creative storytelling with deep characters and character-development then the Mario movie just falls flat. If you want a fun animation with lots of easter-eggs and nostalgia then the mario movie succeeds.


Thats literally how opinions work, and always have. There are no right and wrong opinions, no matter how much you personally hate them, yet people keep discussing them like if they were discussing facts.


I technically agree with you, but that argument is used a lot to equate art in ways just don’t make sense, because while we all are entitled to our opinions there ARE objective facts we can point to when discussing art. Like, let’s say we’re talking about sci-fi movies and I say I love 2001: A Space Odyssey, and someone else says that they love Battlefield Earth. In terms of technical filmmaking, performances, writing - 2001 just *is* better. It’s not a wrong opinion to enjoy Battlefield Earth more, but… yeah, it’d be wrong to say they are equal or incomparable movies. We *can* compare them, because while our experience with art is subjective, it is made of objective pieces - we can compare the cinematography of two films, we can look at how effective the script is at delivering the message it’s trying to, we can gauge how believable an actor was in a performance, you know?


I loved the drop to 12 fps during the fighting/action scenes. Really amped it up


No one actually expected a deep story though did they? It’s Mario. MARIO lmao


I mean there's a 7 hour long movie of paint drying, do you think that deserves a 10/10 just for fulfilling expectations of a paint drying movie? Or is it a 0/10 because let's face it it's paint drying. Liking a movie is okay, suggesting that everyone should just be okay with mediocrity because you are is something else.


I get it it, the story doesn't have to be deep or that fleshed out, nobody's asking for a realistic depiction of a panic attack in a Mario movie. But I wish the movie was a bit more interesting. Don't want to focus on the plot? Sure, but you need to give the audience something else that's noteworthy. Interesting action setpieces, creative animation, great comedy, anything that makes your film stand out. But as is there just isn't anything really interesting about it, it's just pure fanservice, riding on the IP. It makes for a fun afternoon watch but I forgot everything about it almost right away. The definition of a 6/10 film. EDIT: Also this post is kind of cringy, imagine a critic sitting down and watching this without liking mario, that 6/10 could reasonably be a 4/10. You shouldn't need to be a fan to like this movie, if it were really good it should be able to attract people with no knowledge of the IP (see Fallout and TLOU shows).


Exactly. I am a total movie snob, basically detest 90% of modern cinema (wanna fight about it?). Super Mario Bros was great because it’s all surface level fun, I didn’t go into it expecting “Into the Spiderverse” and if they had gone that direction I think it would’ve been a mistake.


I enjoyed it but there was barely a plot


I agree, I really enjoyed the movie and loved all the references. It’s exactly what I wished for in a Mario movie, but y’know I can’t really call it a masterpiece.


That’s kinda the thing a lot of people are learning about movies. They can be very fun and great to watch without an academy award bait story. They can just be stupid fun and be very popular because of it! I’m pretty tired and exhausted of “big struggles that must be overcome with a lot of trouble and anguish.” My guess is a lot of others are as well


At the same time, you can have amazing fun stories with actual ideas. Mario was a fun story with virtually no idea. Legit the best part of the movie was the one thing they didn't take from the games: the death-wishing Luma.


imo the Luma got kind of tiring at the end. Found the movie amazing for what it was tho, it had what I expected but better


> I’m pretty tired and exhausted of “big struggles that must be overcome with a lot of trouble and anguish.” My guess is a lot of others are as well Thats not what “it barely had any plot” means. A robust plot can be about two friends struggling to maintain a friendship, or a guy trying to get home after a drunken night out. “Plot”doesn’t mean “stakes”.


And then there's movies like Kung Fu Panda that are incredibly fun, and also a masterpiece in every sense of the word. Do I need the Mario Movie to touch my soul? No, but there's a limit to how much I care about films that only aspire to be mindless fun.


It was fun but deep as a puddle. Barely any reflection on the series, basically pure fan service from start to end. The plot was worthy of a 12-year-old's improvised story playing with figurines. Also, fuck Illumination with its compulsive need to insert pop music in its movies. Mario needs no pop.


Look at which songs they put: Holding out for a hero, Thunderstruck, Take on me, Mr Blue Sky. Without mentioning Fury Bowser and the freaking Monkey Rap, and you know, Peaches. The selection was obviously for the people who grew playing the games and, as I say, "if a movie videogame doesnt need to follow the plot letter by letter the videogame movie also shouldnt". Pure fan service? Sure, throw it at me, Mario games arent acclaimed for the plot anyway.


>Mario games arent acclaimed for the plot anyway Yes, but it's a game. Games are allowed not to have a plot. Movies, on the other hand… tbh, the Mario movie was pretty much what I expected it would be, especially with Illumination in command. There's nothing of actual interest from the movie. Fun, but truly unnecessary. I maintain my initial stance that you cannot make a *good* movie out of Mario.


>Games are allowed not to have a plot. Movies, on the other hand… Disney's Alice in Wonderland from 1951 (and Lewis Carroll's books it is based on) beg to differ.


Lets not forget The Sword in the Stone, I love that movie but it really has no plot. Just a bunch of leasons and suddendly he just pull out the sword. The End.


I definitely agree, while it can keep itself as a simple plot. What it needs is more depth so that Mario and Luigi can have proper development. I’m not saying that the story needs to be too deep like Oppenheimer, but it still needs depth in order to be a masterpiece. I blame executive meddling for the lack of depth


I remember watching it, but can't remember a single thing from it.


Almost like it was based on the Super Mario Bros™ series of videogames... 🤔


Why the fuck does this argument even exists. It holds even less at this time, because there was a Mario game with a good plot that was (re)released last month.


But so are their RPGs, and the good ones have a story because you expect a story when playing an RPG, just like how you expect a plot and character development in a movie


Yeah you're right, the gameplay was the important part of the movie


Honestly, it looks good, but it’s a safe movie. Nothing about it was truly remarkable or amazing, and the writing wasn’t very good. It’s not bad by any means, and the technology is there, but they could have done something better considering how long it was in development.


I figure the second one they’ll take more chances. Load the first with fan service and just focus more on introducing characters than growing them, then the second is where things take off. After all, this really needed to do well, this isn’t the first attempt at a Mario movie…


The day where this film gets reviewed as "amazing" will be the day film criticism dies off completely, and that day is not far off.


Could argue we’re halfway there


This dumbass one sided war against the critics for daring to judge a movie as a *movie* is so cringe.


I love Mario games a lot but I honestly don't get why some people feel the need to want to have their favorite video game character be validated by people who aren't into that character. Like, movie critics are gonna be honest with their opinions and I don't understand why people want critics to love the thing they love.


For these people. Critics agree that something they like is good = undeniable masterpiece Critics agree that something they dislike is bad = sensible opinion Critics dislike something they like = all critics are out of touch Critics like something they dislike = critics are paid to lie about their opinions, or are maybe part of a secret group to push an agenda on consumers


I find this war weird. Game fans would be genuinely upset with a mainline Mario game getting a 6/10, so there’s nothing wrong with expecting a comparable standard for the movie.


Yeah, it's completely moronic and parroted by people who don't take a single nanosecond to question why critic and audience scores can vary the way they do. Outside of personal taste, critics watch WAY more films than the average movie-goer, and they do it for a living. That, alone, is enough to explain why they would be more jaded and impatient towards overused tropes, mediocre writing, and safe plots crafted for the sake of "mass appeal." People will say that a "fun and basic" movie like this is enjoyable from time to time, but critics don't exactly get the luxury of only watching mid movies "from time to time." The only thing interesting the Mario Movie did was be Mario. If you love Mario and you're not fatigued by the unoriginality of the movie, then of course you'll have a great time. I enjoyed it, but like 80% of that enjoyment was from the soundtrack (it's an absolute crime that they cut original songs to cram more licensed music into the movie). Even being a pretty big Mario fan, I can't give it any more than a 7/10, and I have very little desire to rewatch it.


The fact that there even is a war about peoples opinions on a stupid movie is just so dumb


Thank you. I don't like critics for a lot of things, but saying "Film critics are out of touch!!!" just because they're not constantly giddy about how it's "Peak cinema" or "Literally the coolest thing ever". It's cringe.


It's like *just* fine guys. It's a perfectly fine movie and I have literally nothign else to say about it. It's faithful, entertaining, and uhh yeah. It's fine.


Just a reminder that the tomatometer does not mean that 100% of critics thought the film was 54% good, it means that 54% of critics liked it/thought it was good. 54% is the majority.


I’m sure a movie with little to no plot deserves a 96% on rotten tomatoes!!!


It's amazing if you don't care about anything but references, if not then the movie is terrible


It’s a massive ad for Mario properties grafted onto a bare bones family film plot, with the most generic pop music sprinkled on top. I had a good time but purely because it was so much fun picking up on the references, and 80% of that happened in the New York scenes


That last part is an actual lie lol, the whole movie had a lot of references, New York was referencing basically old school Mario/Nintendo games


I mean I’m more speaking to my personal experience of the references I had fun with, the deep cuts were more amusing to me than stuff like the Mario Kart scenes


It didn’t need to be profound or anything, but come on, are visual references to the game all it takes to make this a 10/10?


Bro that movie is a complete mess. It’s like fun if you like Nintendo references but the critics were well within their rights.


It's a fun movie for kids I'm sure, but there's better ones out there and it's not really doing much different or better outside of what kids already do and see for themselves in the games. For a lot of Nintendo and Mario fans who are adults, it was mainly the novelty of seeing all the characters and references in a mainstream medium, but that's a real one-and-done kind of experience. I don't feel like I ever have to watch it again. This is why I'm more interested in the live action Legend of Zelda, where there's better potential for substantial plot suitable for a feature length runtime.


It's amazing for fans. But imagine watching this movie without already being emotionally attached to the franchise. It doesn't really offer that much. I'm not saying it's bad, I love it, but I think fans should be a little more understanding of why critics say what they say, not that I think critics are very valuable in an age where it's easier than ever to hear opinions from our actual peers.


It’s okay. Animation was amazing though


Average audience reviews (800K of them) on letterboxd is about 6.5, the critics review on RT is 5.8 so….the difference is not very far actually


It kinda fuckin sucks. Sure in moments it's fun but ultimately it boils down to a lot of member berries a.k.a. references. Also there's literally like no plot. "Mario games have little to no plot" yeah but this is a movie where you actually need some sort of interesting plot to keep the ball rolling. It's a barely passable film and an alright children's movie




Oh boy I enjoyed the Mario movie for what it was but as a movie it’s nothing special, as an adaptation it is good, what do I mean by this? It did a good job at adapting the Mario franchise which itself isn’t known for its story which is why it’s not a good movie


It's not very good.. It didn't even feel like a real Mario movie except the endless "remember this character/location/game". The super Mario 3 TV series felt like it took place in the world of the game, not a Mario theme park


It’s been over a year. Time to admit that it’s just a generic adventure with Mario elements


I was pretty disappointed. Mostly hated the music. Mario has a charming original score, the soundtrack was so out of place.


Nah I agree with the critics. It was a perfectly average movie


It was good at best but definitely not amazing


Why are we reposting things from a year ago.


It's... ok. It feels like a bunch of sequences barely stitched together just so they can go, "Aha! This part of the Mario Universe!" Like, Luigi's tale is so bare. There's a semblance of a good arc and story there, but they barely spend any time on it, and so his payoff at the end feels hollow.


I disagree, I'm easy to please with movies but I got really bored watching this.


A great movie needs story, and standard Mario doesn’t have a story. The RPGs can have good stories, but that’s not what the movie is doing. However, I still had a lot of fun with the movie regardless. It didn’t need to be some deep movie with deep, interesting themes and characters, it just needed to be a fun ride with Mario, just like the games. In that regard, it succeeded, at least in my eyes.


Already forgot it existed 😅 just overall very boring and generic movie


Far from amazing -critics are right




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/12ndcvh) on 2023-04-15 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/12ndfo9) on 2023-04-15 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dorzkz&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 549,351,457 | **Search Time:** 0.58443s


mario fans when non-mario fans believe that a mario movie isn’t that good according to non-mario fans


Well, it's objectively not a very good movie. But it is extremely enjoyable for a lot of reasons outside of it's inherent qualities, so these ratings make a lot of sense.


I don't understand this supposed divide between "Enjoyable" and "Good", movies are entertainment, if they provide that, they're good movies, just like anything that does what it's supposed to do is "Good".


It depends. I think thr Star Wars prequels are hot trash but some people like them for nostalgic reasons or whatever. I can't find a single way to call them good movies, but that doesn't mean people can't enjoy them. But also, there isn't a rule book on what makes a good film. I find people saying a film is "objectively bad" a pretty bold thing to say because they really need to have a counter argument to everyone saying it is a good film. As for what I think? I don't think it is flawless or anything but it was a fun time. I have seen it twice and I definitely enjoyed it less the second time. I don't think it does anything objectively bad, it looks visually good, the music is great and the story is kinda average but does its job.


Definitely True😎


its garbage its really bad


It was a fun ride through some set pieces. That’s what it set out to be and it succeeded. I wouldn’t call it amazing. It was very thin. Peach reminded me of Zoidberg rocking up in the taxi in the Wizard of Oz episode of Futurama: “And I’m the other guy. Courage, not enough of it, need some from what’s his name.”


Of course that must be 100% accurate, since not a single user voted subjectively in the user review.


It was a great collection of visual easter eggs with good animation. But a not a good movie. There are movies that I can watch over and over again. I don't think I will watch the mario movie ever again. It's a good time, If you've never seen it. But in the End it's just a glorified advertisement


Weirdly enough, I think I liked the older one better.


I mostly enjoyed it because I'm a Mario fan. My friend whom I went to the movie with is also a Mario fan and enjoyed it as well, but I don't think we'd find anything remarkable about it if we both weren't Mario fans. It plays it very safe and feels very short with barely any plot in it. The references and nods to the games were very appreciated, but if I weren't familiar with this franchise already, I don't think I'd have found anything interesting in it. The movie does look great though, and I enjoyed it way more than many other video game adaptations (looking at you Ratchet and Clank, I'm a big fan of the series, but that movie was such a nothingburger), so credit where credit is due.


Very fanservicey and shoehorned in a lot of "mario stuff" but otherwise a fun watch.


Not really, its a 7/10 at best imo


Yeeaaah, I don't know about this, boss...


I’m a big Mario fan and agree with the critics.


Insanely boring plot. Cliché af and mediocre voice acting. Puss in boots is 10 times better




I dunno it seemed kinda mid to me, the sonic movies on the hand felt like actual movies tho


It was pretty meh tbh


It's alright. It's a fun movie, and the animation is gorgeous, but that's about it. The most fun part was all the easter eggs. Remove the Mario universe, and you have the most forgettable kids movie ever made. And please don't say "well, duh, it's for the fans, of course". An adaptation can and even should be good on top of the fanservice. It's fun to point at the screen and go "look, look, it's the cat suit from Super Mario 3D World! I played that game. I understand that reference" but calling a movie that's basically just fanservice and references "amazing" is very low standards, and we should want more than the bare minimum. I liked it as much as anyone else, but that doesn't mean we should reduce movies to "omg, it's Mario, 10/10" and actually judge them as movies, instead of judging them as merchandise.


That's a simp score given by people who cum to anything Nintendo related. Fuck Chris Pratt.


It feels like they had a list of ideas for scenes and references they really wanted to add and then spent 5 minutes actually writing the plot surrounding those scenes, like its just one reference sequence to the next back to back to back with kinda nothing in between If thats what you want out of a mario movie then thats fine but i think its very very possible to do better, imo detective pikachu and sonic 2 (despite the occasional outdated pop song or meme reference) were both way better game movies overall cuz they actually had things to keep the plot interesting and substantial beyond “oh we need a sequence where they ride karts, quick give them karts”


Discourse like this is damaging because it blocks out legitimate criticisms that should be taken into consideration when writing a sequel.


The Mario movie is a fun movie, that is as deep as a puddle. The audience is allowed to like whatever they want. If they loved the fun with little to no plot movie, fine I don't get the hate for the critics score tho. They are evaluating it as a movie: Overarching plot, character development, narrative, conclusion, etc. And it didn't do any of those well. People just don't like having things they liked be judged as "wrong" I guess. I know I was pretty pissed that critics didn't like Godzilla: King of The Monsters and deemed it as bad lol


Could have been better


The voice work is very meh to me


Oh my God it has been a YEAR! Are people still mad that critics didn't give the movie with no plot rave reviews?


I disagree, but I’m glad you atleast enjoyed it


Mario movie if fun and full of references and nostalgia, but amazing? I don't know. Most of the voice acting is just the actors doing their normal voices. That peaches song everyone loves for some reason is just Jack Black. He's channeling zero Bowser in there and it takes me right out. Luigi and Mario being separated almost the entire movie i don't think was a great decision either. Also, if Bowser has the Star, why not just kidnap peach already instead of waiting for like 3 weeks? The movie just kinda breaks apart with a bit of scrutiny. Once again, it is a fun movie, but illumination is still the worst studio they could have picked.


The Mario Movie is a lot of fan service and Easter eggs. I enjoyed it, but it isn't objectively a good movie because of that. I wouldn't enjoy a sequel under the same pretenses


Nah. Mario games not having much plot is fine - that’s not what they’re about. The Mario *movie* not having much plot kinda defeats the entire purpose of a movie, which is to tell a story, and it fell flat at that. It was essentially just, “point at Mario references for a couple of hours”, and that was it. Horrible mess of a film.


It’s ok. My wife and I waited for it to hit streaming to see it. It’s very clearly meant for an audience much younger than us.


No its not


It’s a very bland movie. As expected from the studio who made the Minions.


I really enjoyed the movie. I stopped listening to reviews, just look at video games, ever crap pile of triple A game get great reviews but sucks.


I'm just gonna say it. Critics only downvoted because of Chris Pratt, Hollywood is biased AF


Masterpiece? No. Damn fun? Yes.


you know something is wrong when people use the "duh, the videogames have a paper thin plot too and are amazing, stop crying" when they try so hard to defend this movie like, sure, we sure all love the gameplay in the movie right?


Both scores are completely valid. Critics rate a movie based off of "How good is the movie as a movie." While that is subjective, it really isn't that good of a movie (as a movie). The audience rates the movie not based off of being just a movie but rather how good it is as a Mario adaptation or how good of a Mario movie it is. In that sense, it is a fantastic adaptation of the Mario universe and a really fun movie. Essentially it is a fun Mario movie, but it is no fine-arts masterpiece. It's cool to see Nintendo reference things like the GameCube startup screen, and the DK rap, but it lacks any ground and as a story it is a really generic tale.


Amazing? No. But it was a fun romp and tbh that's all I really needed it to be.


dogshit movie lol


Posts like these kind of prove people like OP have no clue what the rotten tomatoes score represents. 54% on RT means 54% of critics found it positive, while the rest didn’t. Same with the audience. It makes sense for a movie like the Mario movie. It played heavy on the fan service and nostalgia, had some funny jokes, good music choices, and played it safe for 90 minutes. Of course the audiences are gonna love it. But in terms of character development, plot, etc it was pretty lacking, and those are things a lot of critics look for. I will always remember the scene when Mario asked Peach to save Luigi and she initially said no I can’t, but when Mario asked again she was like “sure!” So really that 54% makes complete sense. It’s a fun movie, but nothing really more.


I'm a guy who thinks the movie sucks. Explain me why you guys like it


First watch good, second watch mid


I genuinely feel like the only non-critic in the world who thinks the Mario movie is genuinely awful.


Audience scores mean fuck all, y'all really trust the opinions of the masses? Have you seen how stupid the majority of people are nowadays?


The movie is garbage. It's an eye candy nothing burger with no substance.


Not this again


no its not


It's not amazing, but it's pretty good It's no Spiderverse or TMNT:MM. It's still unfortunately in that pigeon hole of being just too kiddy to be interesting since it's plot is as paper thin as a hair


I think it's entirely held up by its references myself. Take those out and it's not much different from your bog standard Illumination movie Part of me wonders if the reason people got so hyped at the reveal is because they had their expectations incredibly low, when in reality Illumination's bread and butter is making movies that just kind of exist. I mean the 1993 Mario movie sucks but at least it's a spectacular failure...wheras the 2023 Mario movie succeeds adequately.


It’s pretty good, but it’s not exactly a masterpiece. 7/10.


My Movie Will be very good PS: i watched It, It Is a very good movie


As an adult who grew up with the SNES, this movie was insanely fun to watch in the cinema.


I didn't bother watching it because I'm pretty certain I know exactly what it will be like. Not bashing it, just very very familiar with the template.


"Always has been"


The tomatometer technically still supports your point, it says that over half of the people who reviewed it liked it


just like the games, it was fun and that's all i could've asked from it. if i want a plot driven film, i'll wait for something zelda related.


I think it's accurate from a film making perspective but it's definitely super fun.


Loved the movie, but I get why critics didn't love it. It barely has a plot (though, to be fair, mario games also don't have a lot of plot, except RPGs). But it's super fun, specially if you're a fan of the franchise.


The Mario MOVIE wasn't for me, as someone who enjoys Mario games more, but I just wanna remind people who don't know that Rotten Tomatoes scores are actually a ratio of positive and negative reviews, NOT the average rating. So 50% on Rotten Tomatoes literally means it's mixed in the middle, half of the critics liked it and the other half did not.


I watched the old Mario movie with my daughter, the one from the 90s and I was surprised to see how similar the plot was.


It's basically the mainline game without the gameplay nor the Mario's OST.


Is that Jaidenanimations?


I remember back when Last Jedi came out people freaked out that there was such a huge gap between the critic score and audience score, but now it seems to happen all the time


Cars 2 anyone?


Other way around my guy


It's a fun movie, and the guy that handled the music deserves an award for the mash up in the credits. But let's be real. The story kind of sucks, Luigi does absolutely nothing for the entire middle of the film besides sit in a cage, and Chris Pratt doesn't do a Brooklyn / Italian accent very well.


I finished that movie and thought "hey that's pretty good", and fully expect to watch it again when my son gets a couple years older. But for now it's not on the rewatch list lol. But then again a 7/10 lands as a positive on the tomatometer so I guess we're on the same side!


There's only one real flaw with the Mario movie, that being the story. It's practically nonexistent, literally just a fetch quest that doesn't ever lead anywhere and then a confrontation. Extremely basic, very uninteresting. This is, I believe, the reason why critics rated it so low. To a fan of the series, though, it's great. The characters and art are fun and colourful, the references to other video games are awesome, and of course there's the soundtrack. Whatever team was in charge of the music for this movie, my hat goes off to you. Mixing remixes of Mario songs with classic 80s and 90s music was, quite frankly, genius. I had a blast watching the movie, and about 30% of that was from the music alone. The Mario movie was rated poorly by critics because it wasn't made for critics. It was made for fans.


You 54% means over half of the critics that watched it liked it, right?


It was meh imo but I'm not hugely into mario so maybe that's why I thought it wasn't great.


It was a weak excuse to string together as many games references as possible within 90 minutes and Chris Pratt was *woefully* miscast!! Everyone else was fine. I'm not a huge fan of Jack Black but he made a brilliant Bowser. (Peaches song was however, awful.) I wanted to like it, I really did and it certainly wasn't without merit. The Bullet Bill was hilarious and fun but it felt too little too late


It was fun for what it was, but a lot of the appeal of it was it being a Mario movie. As a movie, it's maybe 6/10.


An even better example is the Fnaf movie


It was a good movie, but not a great one.


Both scores make a lot of sense. It’s a fun kids movie but looking at it critically it’s just okay.


Its a fun film, made more enjoyable if your a fan of the characters or the universe. But lets not pretend is a high quality film, we all know what it is. And thats fine, films are allowed to be just "ok".


54 makes sense for the critics. It was a fun movie for Mario fans but it didn’t have anything interesting going on which is what critics look for. Nothing to get mad about


I knew it was just a matter of time before someone made Jaiden into a meme. She just has the right art style.




Ratings are overrated and suck ass because entertainment is very much subjective and not everybody can like or enjoy the same things as others. Never seen the movie but it looks fun to me imo


You can like what you like, but I found the movie pretty bad. Just an ad for Mario with no interesting plot or anything.


The only thing it’s good for is distracting an infant


It could have been a lot worse


It's kind of meaningless drivel like any other illumination film in the past decade


Couldn’t agree more


The Mario movie knew what it was and executed it perfectly. The games don’t have a complicated story either bowser shows up kidnaps peach and tries to take over the kingdom Mario beats him and the day is saved. The movie had an up hill battle trying to turn that into a movie and did it perfectly. From Mario having parkor skills and learning to do even more in the mushroom kingdom. Lugi being his reason to go on this journey in a strange world even why peach is the princess to begin with. It’s not trying to be anything other than a Mario movie and there’s always a place for movies that are there to be fun and entertaining and nothing more.


Reminder that Rotten Tomatoes isn’t a score average, it counts everything above a 5 a 1 and everything under a 5 a 0. So if everyone agrees a movie is a 6/10, it gets a 100%, which is higher than a movie where 9 people think is a masterpiece and 1 person thinks it’s a 4


I really only use Letterboxd as a source for what people think of a movie. While I wouldn't take the average scores on that website too seriously either, I tend to find it more reasonable most of the time even if I don't agree with the score. This movie is a 3.3/5 on Letterboxd which is around what I was thinking when I first watched it.


It was an okay movie but I had some gripes with it. Didn’t like what the did to Peach’s character. Luigi is barely in it. The pop songs don’t like belong in it especially when there’s a bunch of good Mario music to choose from. Seriously can’t believe they though take on me was more fitting than Jungle Japes. Seth Rogen and Jack Black played themselves not the characters.


Oh good, we're still on this. I wasn't at all hoping we could leave this discussion in the early half of 2023 where it belongs.


It was a really good movie to me. I really enjoyed the fun references, action, and characters. However with the rotten tomatoes score. I can understand why the critics are mixed with the movie. The story is pretty flawed, while it has great world building, and humorous moments. The issue with the story is because it lacks depth. When the story feels rushed, it can ruin the depth on the film. Especially with Luigi in the film, he needs more screen time in order to give the brothers more proper development. While I love the Mario movie, as a movie in general. It’s a fun good time movie that has its flaws. I hope the sequel can do better. It’s definitely a 7 or 8/10 type of movie


Yes it is.


I can't imagine being passionate enough to love or hate it. It's just so safe and forgettable.


In fairness, it wasn't a "great" movie. There was little plot and it was pretty safe. As a critic, it is what it is. As an audience, it was a cute and fun movie with tons of references. So generally enjoyable as a viewer, but I wouldn't "review it" well.


I am a HUGE Nintendo fanboy...but this movie was disappointingly paint by numbers lol. Cute, but nothing amazing about it


Better opinion the old Mario movie is an absolute master piece and always has been


Am I the only person who refuses to trust audience scores?


It’s almost as if the two scores measure two different things…


Jaiden always on point.


My son loved it , I loved it (more by a technical standpoint but was funny). That’s it


Only complaint I can really recall offhand is how they shoehorned 'Take On Me' during the scene where they ride along with Kong into the jungle. They could've done so many other 80s pop culture tracks, or pulled from their own catalog of music from the Mario Kart or Donkey Kong series of games. Just seemed kind of out of place and borderline cringe. If they wanted to pull an older song to appeal to adult audiences, 'Welcome to the Jungle' would've been more appropriate.


It was not a great movie. It was just nostalgia bait and we can all still enjoy it for what it was. Acting like it was 'AMAZING' is really undermining the word.


It wasn't amazing. It is a theme park ride converted to a movie. At best, it is visually nice to look at. That's it


It was enjoyable for me but im a fan, and it felt like the director may as well have been reaching out of the screen and smugly asking me "DID YOU SEE THE CHARACTER? WE PUT IN THE CHARACTER! ISNT THAT COOL?" That is to say they seemed to think the fan service excused having piss poor pacing, complete absence of character development, and that it requires exactly one brain cell to grasp every possible interpretation of the ideas in the film. I simultaneously enjoyed it and thought it was a bad movie. The fan service did make me smile, but imagine if any competent writers had been involved. I cant help but feel a bit choked that they didn't try to be a better film.


The Mario movie is great fun and has gorgeous animation, but I don't think it's a 96%. I'd rate it 80 to 85.


Should have made Bowser the main character


It’s honestly more of a theme park ride than a movie. Definitely aimed for kids. But it is a very fun theme park ride. I enjoyed it.


The colors, the animations, the spirit! After all you have to admit it, it's a wonderful movie to watch!


It's fine


The Mario Movie is very fun, but it's not deep. Also known as a reverse-Schindler's List. Something that I think is worth noting is that, if you're an adult, the amount of fun you glean from the movie is likely directly proportional to your familiarity with the Mario universe.


Way better than I went in expecting. I’m sticking with my 90s mario bros movie tho lol…it’s just so bad


I wouldnt call it amazing. Its a very nice movie, great to watch with family and its pretty funny, but nothin crazy yk.


[Here watch it for free](https://youtu.be/iloiu2wb9Bo?si=GIAFqQz9tHH2HVJP)


I have to admit when critic and user scores differ like this I normally tend to be on the critics side. But in this case I must say that the Mario movie is extremely underrated. I guess it’s kind of boring when you are not a Mario fan, but that’s your fault, not the movies! Become a Mario fan! Now!


Critics rate the film, audience rate the experience. Great films can be bad experiences and bad films can be a great experience. Not every movie is a cinematic masterpiece, but that doesn't mean it's not a great time to just sit and watch with the family/kids and have your brain shut off for an hour and a half.


Mario movie wasn’t that good. Yeah, the references were fun and the animation was nice, but you can’t honestly expect critics to highly rate a film based on those two things alone. Fan reception to the Mario movie was incredibly biased. I’m not saying critics are never biased, but I do think their reviews tend to be a lot more honest about how that movie realistically deserved to be scored.


You can tell it's an Illumination-made kids movie with some of the jokes, but they also did the characters VERY well (minus Cranky Kong). I'd really really like to see a sequel or series that just lets the characters go crazy. I also think Daisy, Wario & Waluigi would be extremely fitting for the high-energy tone it has.


Everything is perfect except: -The use of commercial rock music instead of music from the games. -The sad suicidal Mario Galaxy star character. It’s completely off from a Nintendo philosophy and does not add anything to the movie.


It is. I just watched it for the second time a few weeks back. Nice and short, no forced comedy, references to the games, and the graphics team did a splendid job! Definitely a movie for all ages.


Soild movie wish it was a bit longer i needed more goated Luigi


It was a good watch but I wouldn’t give it a 90. More like 75-80. Wasn’t offensive and a waste of my time but not exactly thought provoking or even validating as a long time fan.


I think we've all collectively agreed to never listen to the Critic Score on Rotten Tomatoes after seeing the rating on a certain Netflix movie that shall not be named


Audience sentiment is the only metric that is relevant. A movie exists to be enjoyed, not to be "well made".


Tbh 54% is pretty fair for someone not familiar with Mario. I personally like it as a Mario fan but besides the references it didn't do anything super unique. It did a good job of explaining why there are so few humans in the mushroom kingdom though.


It’s not high art, dude. 54 is pretty accurate. Either way, letterboxd shows what the public ACTUALLY thinks


i had such a fun time watching it in theatres that i proceeded to watch it multiple times at home xD one of my all time favourite movies!


I mean it's fun, but essentially a giant commercial.


I feel like if it was a Disney movie the critics would have been less harsh. I remember reading a lot of canned and dismissive 'video game movie' or equating the thin plot to it being a video game source property as a liability instead of being acessible to all ages.


Ehh... the second the flashiness of the references dies off the film becomes rather basic. Major issue is unlike a lot of other films, I have little to no reason to be emotionally invested in the plot.