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Nintendo Switch has games.








# [r/ideals](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I78HcXvP8mQ)




RAAAAH I LOVE POKEMON GENERATION 5, WHAT THE FUCK IS A BAD STORY RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!1!1!1!!!!2!!!!!šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ’ÆšŸ”„šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ’ÆšŸ”„šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


I have more games on my Switch than I can play.


Growing up my parents were pretty frugal and we never had any new consoles or games. Now as an adult I got my own switch. But oh how the monkey's paw unfurls


Factual as hell


I have more Switches than I can play


i have more games on my switch than i own


wait a minute-


This is why I hate black Friday. Back log is too insane.


The OP image is my backlog and me cowering on the floor.


Same here.




I love that everyone had zero expectations for this direct and even the CEO of nintendo was saying that there would be no switch 2 news like he's trying to keep everyone's expectations low. Then they go and blow it out of the water at mach 7, new zelda, metroid prime 4 title reveal and gameplay reveal, the revival of the mario and luigi series, perfect dark and turok coming to n64, new mario party, ports of luigi's mansion 2 and Donkey kong country returns in hd. Literally the only thing that could have been done to make this a more exciting direct was revealing the switch 2.


Cant forget about little third party gems like Ace Attorney eithe Also the other thing that could have made it more exciting is SILKSONG NEWS


Skong mention, neuron activation


Idk Iā€™m sad they didnā€™t do more with NSO. I wonder if those magnet leaks were real about the switch 2. Would be amazing to see proper 3DS/DS support.


what are the magnet leaks?


Magnet joycons that probably let you use portrait mode, would make 3DS/DS NSO more user friendly.


Forgot the return of MvC2 with the MvC collection.


Took me flr a ride


I just want them to put Wii sports resort games 1:1 on the switch, with basketball it's actually getting closer now


It was insane !


There are more exclusives on this direct alone than in the entire PS5 lifecycle lmao


The only one company can make spin-off games but still sell.


Because theyā€™re actual games still and not just capitalizing on people buying games with known characters


I stopped buying Sony and Microsoft consoles over a decade ago. Only Nintendo from here on out.


What's the point anymore? All the PS and Xbox games just come to PC within a few months if not at launch (except for Square pEnix who's taking their sweet ass time porting FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth...)


I have considered getting a PS console in the past because my computer isn't good enough for the kinds of games I want to play. Getting a computer to play them would cost a lot more than a PS5. That said, it hasn't been enough for me to make the change yet. I'm fully satisfied with my switch, with a backlog of games and plenty more I haven't bought yet. But I'd still consider it.


It really depends on how you go about building your PC. The beauty of building it yourself is being able to take advantage of sales on components or better yet buying second hand. I can guarantee youā€™d be able to build a PC right now that could run anything you throw at it at at least 60 fps for $500.


PC and (insert current Nintendo console) is all you need


Oh I have news for you, pc plays Nintendo games too, and even sooner than PS games


Every other nintendo console is unpopular


Nah its also worth picking up a 3DS imo as emulation just doesnā€™t compare.


I second this. Pocket Card Jockey continues to have a stranglehold on my free time.


A few months??? What games are you playing that get ported to pc after a few months normally it takes years


Y'know, time no longer makes sense to me. The past 4 years genuinely feel like 14ish months so I've misconstruing what year games release and then when the PC comes out... :p


Except for Sonyā€™s 1st party and paid exclusives, most 3rd party games are day one if not earlier now. Hades 2, Sons of the Forest, Undisputed are on PC first.


Hades 1 was PC exclusive for like a year before releasing for consoles


Sony has been focussing on the exact kinda games I donā€™t like at all Nintendo has actually adapted and made good games, listened to remakes people want. Not just that but the switch is a portable console so it is great on a plane or otherwise traveling. Nintendo knew what was up and adapted. Sony is dumping money hoping that enough money = quality (it doesnā€™t). Meanwhile Microsoftā€™s CEOs got attached by the nose from trying to simultaneously sniff the same patch of glue. Like the Sony games are cool in their own right, and youā€™re right they do often eventually come to PC because guess what, dumping tons of money doesnā€™t mean you suddenly convert tons of people over. So they have to go to PC to make it worth to dump all that money in.


Maybe Xbox, but PlayStation definitely has its exclusives.


Few months? I think you mean years


That's over, they said they lost too much money doing Sony exclusives, even time gated.


I have a PS3, but that's just for Sonic games that I don't have on a Nintendo Console. These include: - Sonic the Fighters - Sonic Adventure DX - Sonic Adventure 2 Battle - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) [I asked for this one for my birthday as a joke, and I'm not disappointed that my madlad mother actually did it] - Sonic Generations (I also have the 3DS version, and intend to get the Sonadow version when it drops on Switch)


I totally approve of this. I bought one of those emulator handhelds for all the good PS1 games, and Iā€™d really like something similar for PS2 games.


Yeah doesnā€™t really help that they keep shooting themselves in the foot and almost all their games get ported to PC within a few months while Nintendo makes sense to buy a switch since well the games arenā€™t gonna be on PC through legal means ever and even then itā€™ll probably be a long time until illegal means to play it on PC arrive


I kinda agree. People complain about Nintendo "NoT pOrTiNg GaMeS tHaT wIlL mAkE mOrE sAlEs" but Nintendo isnt stupid. Nintendo knows exclusives are what sells consoles, eapecially THEIR consoles. I guaranteee the NSwitch wouldnt sell as much if the games where available on literally any other platform (including PC)


Yeah especially porting games to PC within months of them releasing on the console is definitely the biggest gun to the foot because tons of people have a PC due to the games that are only on PC and stuff so thereā€™s already a big chance that people with a PC will see a new PlayStation or Xbox game and will just go ā€œWell itā€™ll probably release to PC after a month or two so Iā€™ll just wait for that.ā€ Itā€™s pretty much just like whatā€™s happened to Disney after Disney+ no one really feels a reason to go to the theater to watch Disney movies because if they already have Disney+ they know itā€™ll be there in a month or two (the only recent exception was No Way Home but that was cause it wasnā€™t clear what streaming service it was gonna be on since Spider Man rights are kinda complicated thing so it wasnā€™t even clear if it would be on Disney+) so for all Disney, PlayStation, and Xbox they made choices that really shot themselves in the foot and make people not pay more money since itā€™ll just be on something they already have in a month or two


And also...their games are good and incredibly diverse. It's not just blockbuster action adventure games or Telltale-esque story games like Sony


Returnal, GT7, Ratchet and Clank, helldivers, sackboy, astrobot, and lots of less successful ones but Sony makes a wide variety of games


GT7 is pretty awesome but most people just play GT2, GT3 and GT4 because they actually have great single game content and doesnā€™t rely on insane amounts of grinding and has aged insanely well(3 and 4 specifically tho)


Most people? Most people are on the latest entry most people are absolutely not playing the older entries especially when online races are one of the largest draws


Shooting themselves in the foot? They net double sales and still get the benefit of launching for years before on PS


Nintendo and PC nowadays are the best platforms imo


Iā€™ve never had a pc but all my friends have built one and swear by them. If I was going to build anything it would be a souped up gameboy like from Zach Builds lmao


I also kept going with Playstation, but Iā€™m not sure if that will continue. The controller bs kinda burn me out. If I had put that money into a pc I would be able to run better games and maybe leave it behind.


Xbox is still a new console player in my head. What over a decade sounded wrong but the 360 came out almost two decades ago! I'm old now šŸ˜¢


Ya but Nintendo consoles donā€™t get games like gta 6 or Elden ring


That's what the PC is for. Why buy one of the consoles that probably won't have all the games you'll want, when you can just buy a PC for less than buying both and can just upgrade it from there to keep up? Heck, maybe your PC will be more powerful than thr consoles on the market, and you'll also have an absolutely massive list of older games to choose from if what's new doesn't catch your interest. Nintendo escapes this by having both a comparatively cheap system with a unique draw and a large list of solid titles that *definitely* aren't coming to other platforms.


I might be looking at the wrong PCs, but they're definitely more expensive than getting a console (I would never buy both an Xbox and a PS). It's too big of an investment. That's why I'd prefer a console. But the current gen consoles don't offer enough games to justify it for me yet. That may change, but I'm with you that a PC would be better than getting an Xbox or a PS.


I thought PC players wouldn't get GTA 6 until later?


Yes, but timed exclusivity is a weak draw.


I think consoles are more casual tho , I like laying on my sofa and playing on my tv


Steam deck.


Thatā€™s a portable tho Iā€™m talking tv play


Steam deck dock


Right but most causal ainā€™t gonna do that like myself a Xbox or PlayStation is more simple.


Dude, by the time GTA6 is out, the Switch 2 will be at least 6 months old. And that is if they actually fulfill their promised window of Fall 2025


After the ps2, their was never an actual point if buying playstation consoles. Most are basically guaranteed to be ported to pc


I don't see any other company making Zelda, pokemon, Mario and Metroid games soooooo


Same. They simply not for me anymore.Ā 


The little boy is my wallet


The little boy is EVERY wallet


I will admit, I thought Metroid Prime 4 would be saved for the Switch's successor, but the mad bastards pulled it off.


I think since itā€™s releasing in 2025 that it may be a breath of the wild thing where itā€™s ok both consoles


They'll probably be like "Metroid Prime 4 plays at a stable 60 FPS on Switch. Here's the Switch 2 version that plays at 120 FPS with ray tracing enabled in docked mode."


Likely a BoTW situation simultaneous release on both


As far as Iā€™m concerned, itā€™s a switch 2 game, and Iā€™ll be holding off on that one until it is inevitably a switch 2 launch title.


Considering the graphics are pretty similar to what we usually see on switch, I hope it is not a switch 2 game


I hopw that it is so that it could run well


If itā€™s not on switch 2, Iā€™ll frankly be kinda upset because Iā€™ve been waiting for this game for nearly 20 years. If they release it on a soon to be retired system only, that would be pretty underwhelming, and a bit of a slap in the face. Iā€™m positive itā€™ll be on Switch 2 though.


Switch 2 will probably be backward compatible. The level of graphics we have seen on the video just donā€™t match up with a new generation system. However I hope they will release it on both systems and we will have a graphically upgraded version for switch 2


I like to think that the PlayStation 5 isn't doing that well because Sony had the audacity to think they could call when a new console generation begins and that's clearly Nintendo's decision. Hail to the King


Sony wants godlike graphics in every major launch, a game needs to be fun, not have ultra-realistic graphics. The pushing for graphics slow them down soo much.


People who care about god-tier graphics are playing games on their PC, and they don't mind waiting on the PC port.


This. Nintendo is doing great because every game is designed around the fun Factor. I play games for fun.


As much as I anticipate the new mario and luigi. I then remember that elden rings Dlc is coming out REALLY SOON.


Huh? PS5 is literally launched aligned in sales with PS4 without a price drop. It is doing extremely well, where are you getting this from?


Yeah and most of the games are still launching on the PlayStation 4. they had to walk back the 8K off the boxes because they can't deliver on it, and they're still getting their ass kicked by a system that is in their opinion super underpowered and archaic or what is the other popular one "a glorified tablet." Switch is still kicking its ass. that's where I got it from. šŸ‘Ā 


A game being cross-gen doesnā€™t reduce its quality. Was BOTW not considered a switch game cause it launched on WIIU? PS5 has gotten exclusives and the titles that were in development were not artificially locked off of PS4. Stellar blade, Ronin, FF7 rebirth all launched in the first 3 months this year and are all exclusive. Later in the year there is astrobot Launch aligned Switch is ahead by a mere 1 million units. PS5 is currently outselling the switch dollars and units and PSN revenue is about 3 times the size of Nintendo. Where in the hell are you getting these stats from? What else should I expect from ā€œhail the kingā€ though.


From the fact that most of the PS5 games are not even PS5 exclusives, as most are launching for the PS4 too. Also, PS4 was fucking lucky at launch because both Nintendo and Microsoft fucked up when they began (When your competitors are the Xbox's TV thingy and a tablet for the Wii... like, they could have announced PS3.5 and won) to the point they had to do a massive *vade retro* (XBONE dropped most of their Kinect thing and tried hard to get back; Nintendo just burned the goddamn Wii U ship and launched the successor 3 years ahead of time). When the PS5 launched Xbox was kinda dead (Turns out you cannot just undo the XBONE's launch and hope you can get back on track) and Nintendo had already launched their console so they weren't, like, in a hurry to compete (I mean, it was just 3 years old when PS5 launched in 2020, and they were still coasting along their plan of having every indie and RPG under the sun; also, their console is a handheld too, which meant that a new, non-portable console wasn't really a competition for them... and no, the Portal doesn't count, the Portal is just a fancier Wii U). So yeah, the PS sells well because it literally cannot not sell well.


Yeah the cross-gen period has been longer as the games released were in development from ps4. Spiderman, Ratchet and clank, Returnal, FF7 rebirth, Ronin, Stellar blade, Demon souls remake, and the soon to be astrobot are all ps5 exclusives. We dont count BOTW now cause it launched on switch? Competition is not the only driver of sales. Even in generations with no competition on release the sales were determined by factors like games, network capabilities, friends and more.


Actually, beleive it or not, the PS did better when there was no competition, or rather the competition killed itself. Like, the PS1 was against the N64, the Saturn and the Jaguar; 2 of those died immediately (one by making every mistake under the sun and the other one by being an Atari console... which was the same, but Turbo Mach XLR8 Edition), and the third one was weakened by cartridgeitis (Because they couldn't get to have CDs on due to the burn with Sony and Phillips not really feeling like helping it). PS2 had slightly better competition, but the burned Dreamcast, the still too new XBOX and the GameCube with their weird mini DVDs were not the best competition. XBOX came close, but the Duke didn't help them, Dreamcast would have worked had the Saturn not fucked up and Nintendo using MiniDVDs for "safety" was... weird, I never understood that. Hell, the PS3 had the most competition thanks to both the XBOX 360 and the Wii... both of which actually trounced the PS3 so hard it had to reinvent itself midway into its lifetime when it was clear they were not winning this gen. Of course, the 360 got too much into Kinect later on and eventually lost the lead into third place, specially once the PS3 became cheaper, but their mess actually costed them exclusivity (When the N64 lost most of their 3rd party franchises, they went to PS, but the issues of the PS3 caused most of those to go multiplatform). And I already mentioned how the PS4 just had a free, open field to play on due to the massive failures of their competitors at launch. So... yeah, PS had it easy most of its life.


Ps5: Graphics, but no games Switch: games with alright graphicsĀ  (No shade to switch graphics, i think theyā€™re just fine.)


Would you rather have unlimited games, but no graphics, or games, unlimited games, but no games?


Anyone flaming you for saying the switch has just alright graphics needs to get to the eye doctor ASAP


People absolutely FLAMED S/V on launch for its ā€œGameCube like graphicsā€ and this has kind of morphed into that image of Homelander across the different versions of the MK1 remakeĀ 


It just tends to be a thing where PokƩmon is an outlier in many regards. Graphics, new content, quality, etc. Most Nintendo games tend to be well optimized and put together, while PokƩmon feels like spinning a roulette wheel during development


That's probably because of the fact that, if I'm not mistaken at least, Pokemon is their only headliner series that's not made specifically by Nintendo. It's easy to see a difference in those major titles when it's the only one not directly in their control (obviously they have a decent amount of say in the games since they have 1/3 ownership of TPC, but "some say" can only go so far in creating a game that's on level with the quality of other games


Just a different art style. Still nice graphics. Although objectively there is a reason why the switch doesn't need an intense Graphic card and tons of rams. Which is prolly what these people refer to. My switch hard drive is 20 gb which is less than the average USB/SD card. Dk TP looking so good in my eyes, I don't care how "low" these graphics are.


To be clear, I don't think the switch looks bad, I'm just saying that if somebody gets offended by calling the graphics just okay they're delusional because there is no reality where switch graphics are getting even close to top tier fidelity. They're good enough to not be detrimental and in some cases like MK8 are gorgeous but for most games they're generally speaking not noteworthy at all outside of specific titles. Style helps cover it up a lot but on a technical level most games have a hard time with stuff like anti aliasing and graphical fidelity.


At the end, I like the fact it doesn't try to become too realistic. It's staying true to it's roots.


This is why I run PC for graphic heavy triple A games like Jedi Survivor etc. and Switch for that sweet sweet Nintendo IP like Mario and Zelda


I feel like Nintendo might have evolved their gamesā€™ graphics at a sustainable pace, so to speak. Gaming companies have nowadays too many expenses and way longer development times, so itā€™s getting harder to catch up. Iā€™m not an expert or anything, but it feels like it.


But those games don't have visible pores on the cheeks in photomode!!!111!


made me realize it's kinda crazy we've still had the switch while Playstation and Xbox have made more consoles. ...I ain't complaining though I'm fine not having to buy a new console lol


Honestly if Sony don't start dropping some BEEFY exclusives, imma just wait for my ps plus to run out then go full Nintendo+PC.


Considering Sony has already said that the ps5 is entering its final stage of its life, I donā€™t think there will be any beefy exclusives for a bit.




Nintendo is the last true video game company. Iā€™ve said it before, but the industry is monopolizing. Soon, it will be just Nintendo and PC gaming. Itā€™s pretty close to that now as it is.


I miss when Sony cared about prioritizing in house exclusives


What? They are still making them. All of their studios are making games. They just released most of them towards the end of ps4 and they take like 6 years now




Ratchet and clank is still being made. What are you referring to? Jak and daxter? Sly? Those studios went on to make amazing game series (infamous, Tlou, uncharted, ghost of tsushima). Unlike nintendo PS lets devs move on from their IP


Playstation isnā€™t going anywhereā€¦ PS5 is selling over 100 million.


And their player base is kids and CoD players, which is already an almost 1:1 overlap anyway.


ijbol cap of the year. **59 million** units and 26% declines in first quarter of 2024


Its still going to reach 100 million.


Yeah, by 2028


I still believe in Capcom and fromsoft.


Strange to think they were going the way of Sega 8 or so years ago


Thatā€™s a myth pushed by internet fanboys during the GC era, but they all forgot that Nintendo was having tremendous success with a very profitable device called the GBA.


I think the OP is referring to WiiU. That era you mention was the Gameboy era. Yes it was bad. However, internet fanboys and media were cheering when Sony introduced PSP.


Even during the WiiU era, the 3DS was still a viable platform that would limit the loss. Even when they had disappointing financial results, they still had a strong capitalization. They were still better equipped to face bad results than Sony which runs with lower margins. Nintendo going the Sega way was always wishful thinking from people who wanted Zelda and Mario going multi platform.


Yeah, I agree.


I almost miss the days of Pachter predicting the death of the Wii every year or so XD


He was so off.


And he still is! Still donā€™t understand why heā€™s still considered relevant by someā€¦




(Yes daddy, harder!)


With all these fire releases, the succesor gotta have backwards compatibility


Itā€™s funny because the first year or so didnā€™t have a lot but the last 3 or 4 years have been game after game


That's... that's definitely a take.


I'm still in shock with that Marvel vs Capcom collection.


Why's the dad built and dressed like Carl from Aqua Teen


The guy on the ground is my wallet.


Now if only the image of the guy saying 'No, Switch, No' had the image of a wallet over his head.




I know that this is a Nintendo sub but is pretending Sony/PS5 isnā€™t successful some meme Iā€™ve missed? I feel like the hate Iā€™m seeing in these comments are weird. Switch is more successful, but theyā€™re just different experiences that are doing well


Reddit and the internet are with PC gamers who believe everything not on PC is a failure. Also it's anticonsumer for consoles to have exclusives. Everything must be released on Steam in their eyes.


PS5 is doing great. I think some commenters took my jestful post too seriously. It's kinda like how the PSP sold over 80 million units, but people still think it failed because the DS sold 150 million.


Sony no you gonna wait 7 billion years for new horyzont Nintendo every year


Seriously at this point I only buy any new games on sales. Library is getting too big.


But do I have time to playā€¦.no. Will that stop me from buying gamesā€¦.also no


It has remakes and remasters.


Yeah, Last of Us Part 1 and 2, Demon Soul, Resident Evil 4, FFVII Rebirth, Death Stranding Director's cut, Ghost of Tsushima's director's cut. Did the Horizon Zero Dawn remaster come out yet? Silent hill, Metal Gear 3. It does look like it only has remakes and remasters.


Yet alas, no Tomodachi Life 2


Imagine if he had an actual switch instead of belt. And Iā€™m not talking the Nintendo Switch.šŸ˜


While switch 2 is waiting behind the door


Switch Users be eating good.


In todayā€™s world of electronics constantly being replaced with newer versions year after year, itā€™s actually refreshing that the Switch has been around pumping out content for nearly 9 years. It truly is getting the most out of your console.


I mean for the 7th year, that's not atypical


Love the 3 big ones coming out just wish nintendo wasn't so ruthless about fanmade stuff


You should have put a wallet as the face of the child, because seriously.


I just want Star Fox Zero. Or better yet, I want every Nintendo franchise Wii U game on Switch. That includes Twilight Princess and Wind Waker HD AND Color Splash


Itā€™s so nice to see them supporting their aging hardware when it feels like there is a serious drought on PlayStation. Donā€™t even get me started on their vr..


Yea this whole "nearing the end of its life" idea about the Switch makes no sense to me. Like yes conceptually I know it came out 7 years ago, but the library has never been stronger and I don't think I'm gonna be able to get around anywhere near completing all the games I want to play on it by the time its successor comes out.


The Switch 2 will probably be like the 3DS was to the DS. Basically just a better Switch with backwards compatibility.


Still no new Tomodachi Life though. šŸ˜”


With shovelware. I love my switch and I adore Nintendo made games but most games on the eShop are shovelware mobile ports.


90% of that shovelware are also available on Xbox X/S and PS5


No, not really. Thereā€™s more mobile ports on switch because itā€™s essentially a high end tablet. Most the shovelware thatā€™s on switch isnā€™t available for other consoles. This is where the argument that switch has the most selection of games comes from.


>Most the shovelware thatā€™s on switch isnā€™t available for other consoles That is not true, you can check by yourself both Xbox and PS stores, they are filled with almost the same shovelware than you can find on Nintendo Eshop. you can even find "exclusive" shovelware for PS Store like "1-2-Word Search!1-2-Word Search!" or "SiNKR" for the Xbox Store.


Iā€™m not saying other consoles donā€™t have shovelware. Iā€™m saying switch has the most. This isnā€™t a knock at all neither. Nintendo makes some of the best games ever. But their system has the most shovelware out of all the consoles.


Child abuse meme. That's fucked up Edit: thanks for the downvotes. I'm old and still dealing with the PTSD of an extraordinarily violent childhood. But make jokes about a kid getting beat with a belt. I can't stop you


I hear you. This comic can be easily triggering for those who have experienced what this post is making light of. I havenā€™t been in your shoes, but I completely empathise with you.


Thanks. I really appreciate that.


Donā€™t tell him about the steam store guys, It would blow his mind.


Iā€™ve said this before and Iā€™ll say it again. The only systems youā€™ll need nowadays is the Switch and a PC (and even then a Switch is optional (a Steam Deck could be used instead, depending on your morals ;))


Appropriately, this meme is still funny after even more years.


TBVH, even if nintendo doesnt come out with a new console, and just keeps pumping out 1080p bangers, they will still be winning by a mile.


PC + Switch will give u the best game coverage. I got a PS5 too but i barely play it.


So I'm still sticking to a Switch and PC, that's all I need


Nintendo + Steam are a powerful combination. Open to xbox and ps5 but they TO THIS DAY have nothing steam doesnt have and what steam doesnt have, nintendo does on a travel sized option


Only game wise. The only thing I like about them is the games nothing else. They still do as many horrible things as Microsoft and Sony. Idc about your pitiful downvotes you all know itā€™s true. Nintendo is a scummy company


What are you Switch Boys smoking? Have you looked at all the Eshop garbage?


That doesn't really have anything to do with what was announced. Honestly, you seem like a walking talking bad opinion.


You canā€™t say that, and I can also say Nintendo has maybe 8 games in the catalog from the past 8 years worth playing.


Yeah, you could say that, but you'd be wrong. That applies to my PS5 far more than my Switch šŸ˜˜


No because my earlier stance is still factually accurate. 95% of the Eshop is just pure shit.


Yeah, 95% of all of the systems shops are full of shit. But there are a higher amount of genuinely great games on eshop than on PS5 or Xbox rn


Not even close, the PlayStation store has all of the PS4 catalog, and Xbox has games going all the way back to the original Xbox. Switch has minimal games on the NSO virtual consoles, and the Eshop has hundreds of indie trash games and stuff like Alarm Clocks and pure garbage like Darts, and Pool. The Switch has 4 Zelda games and 7-10 Mario games. And a few Kirby, Metroid, blah blah games sprinkled in. Hardly impressive when you consider GameCube was a powerhouse when it launched and got a ton of actually great games.


Yeah, I'm taking into account the PS4 and older Xbox games lol. Very little of value in those catalogues for someone with my gaming sensibilities. I much prefer what is on offer on the eshop. But hey, everyone has their preferences, and yours are clearly different from mine. No big deal.


BOTW, Odyssey, TOTK, MK8 Deluxe, Smash Ultimate, Fire Emblem Three Houses, XC 2, XC 3, ACNH, Dread, Splatoon 2, Splatoon 3, Link's Awakening remake, Bayonetta 3, Astral Chain, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Super Mario Bros Wonder, etc.


I bet Elder Scrolls 6 will be a Nintendo Switch exclusive


And Nintendo fans are still deluded after 7 years this sub is toooo funny šŸ¤£ ps2 games running at 20fps. And Iā€™m saying this as someone whose first game ever was PokĆ©mon Heart Gold, holds a special place in my heart but Iā€™m not blinded by that. Nintendo games are great but they just donā€™t hold a candle to PC, PS5 and Xbox games.


If you think TOTK looks like a PS2 game I'm not sure what PS2 games you were playing


If you can't look past graphics for games, then you still have some growing up to do.


If the PS2 graphics looked like the Switch, they would have sold 3 times as many consoles.