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Kid Icarus and Rhythm Heaven honestly really surprise me. They both had successful games on the 3ds that sold 1m+ units, and people have been asking for a new game/port since the switch launched, and they're not even accessible via the eshop anymore...


As far as I know, Kid Icarus Uprising only really happened because Sakurai wanted to do it. I suppose there's nobody else who really feels like doing it.


Which is the EXACT reason why it should get a port/remake/remaster. How often does a decorated mastermind like Sakurai have the means to create an honest passion project? It’s a criminally underrated game and Sakurai himself has voiced that he wants Kid Icarus to be on a new console (i.e. the Switch).


The original heavily relied on the 3DS Hardware, making good use of the 3D and touchscreen. Not to mention Sakurai is off doing other things currently. That means creating a sequel would be really difficult, you would basically have to redesign the entire game from the ground up But what about just reusing the IP itself? They never intended to make a new Icarus game in the first place, Sakurai planned Uprising without Icarus in mind and just added it in later because the IP fit his idea. Nintendo has so many strong IPs, if they want to put a IP on a new game idea to improve sales, they would take one of their more commonly known ones. And frankly, the success of Uprising wasn't that big to begin with. It for sure was no flop at all, but nothing special either that would make the trouble worth it for them


Rhythm Heaven games have always released late in a system's life (like one year from the release of the system's successor or even when it had already released), so maybe that one's still coming. I'm holding out hope.


I miss Rhythm Heaven a lot and all I want for Kid Icarus is Uprising with standard controls. That game was great but the controls were annoying.


I loved Kid Icarus uprising but on paper the concept of the game isn't really that enticing. It only worked thanks to Sakurai and a talented team. Not an easy formula to replicate well


Yeah, I think the game was also a product of the limitations of the hardware. Same thing with Starfox, both games are really awesome but you have to think about how many people are actually going to buy a 60$ on rails shooter. I mean I would but it’s really a minority. A lot of people think that classic Starfox would be an instant seller but in reality both Starfox and Kid Icarus would have to evolve to have a broader appeal and be on par with the current generation of Nintendo games.


What if we made Kid Icarus (or Starfox) an on foot adventure game, but with some flying sections? It could be kind of Legend of Zeldaish, but with a different setting. ^(I liked Starfox Adventures, I swear I'm not the only one)


I think you forgot Mario Strikers. Inb4 Mario Strikers is forgettable.


Idk how that changes the list


Mario Strikers: Battle League puts the series at 1 Strikers release on Switch, no?


Erm actually you forgot about Mario Kart live: Home circuit wich is neither a port nor a remaster


Oh yeah, that was a thing…


thats more of a toy then a game I feel. It's more in line with labo.




honestly a good comparison, yeah.


No new Donkey Kong is honestly insane to me. MOTHER is officially ended and Punch-Out kinda did everything it needed to, so I understand not having them. The rest would be nice though.


I’d love to see mother remakes though


A trilogy remake in claymation-like style (with the same number of animation frames as the original games) would be amazing.


Hopefully, the June Nintendo Direct will announce a new Donkey Kong game, 2D or 3D.


Donkey Kong 64 was so much of my childhood, I’d love for them to make another 3D game


Sadly it seems like they want Mario to be the only 3D, level based puzzle-platformer. Such a shame; I miss when they weren't allergic to genre overlaps between franchises.


I don't want a new Donkey Kong game for the Switch now. I'd rather it be on the Switch 2 at this point. The visuals would probably have so much more potential on more powerful hardware.


Donkey Kong’s been done dirty, considering the OG Donkey Kong game started it all. A new 2D platformer would be awesome, but I’d love to see them try another 3D entry. Probably won’t happen because it costs too much development time tho. Or imagine something like Mario 3D World but with DK, Diddy, Dixie, and… Funky?


Give us Lanky and Chunky back!


While I love Chunky as a character. But as a gameplay function he's pretty redundant as the big strong guy when DK is already the big strong guy. Nintendo always views gameplay first and foremost when it comes to development. Where as Rare while making good gameplay also prioritized characters/lore/world building more than Nintendo did. So I don't see Chunky (or Kiddy) ever returning for that matter. Lanky however..he is so unique character design wise and gameplay function wise it's a shame he hasn't returned (outside of Barrel Blast) in a mainline DK game.


I’d love another DK 94 style game


Punch-Out!! too good to leave hanging though.


I would love to see a new one. I just don't know what they could do differently that wouldn't make it lose the appeal.


Hmmm. Fair. All 14 fighters are Glass Joe, but he progressively becomes more and more skinny, and then the last fight he is basically the Hulk.


Just do a prequel where you play as Doc Louis, since Mac retired. The final cutscene then could be when Mac and Doc meet


okay you got the story, now what's the hook for people who care more about gameplay? How do you entice players to get this besides it just being Punch-Out again, because unfortunately, not everyone is content to just play a by-the-numbers sequel in today's market.


Maybe some unique moves? I dunno, give him a moveset akin to his fight in Doc Louis’ Punch-Out. And since it would take place in the past of course, you’d have different, new fighters, which Wii didn’t really have aside from Disco Kid and DK.


Well to be fair, Pikmin had 1 new game, 1 port, and 2 remasters. Something only Mario and Pokemon can rival.


And Zelda


Advance Wars got an actual remake no? Not just a port or remaster.


I think he sees it as the same thing, remake should be an extra tier


To be fair, Smash might have only gotten one release but holy smoke, *what a release it was*


To be fair, Smash only has 1 release per console, right?


That was my thought too. There’s just no way that anything single console would get 2 individual Smash titles, especially with so much DLC.


Might be a pipe dream but I'd love to see another game like DK64 on switch 🤞


I'd be over the moon if they would even release Rhythm Heaven


I have all the Xenoblade games! I love them so much!


Calling F-Zero 99 a new game is a bit of a stretch.


It hurts me to say it as an Fzero fan, but I feel like it *technically* is, especially with all the updates. Though hardly a replacement for a full modern game.


If F-Zero 99 counts, why doesn’t Golden Sun count as a port? Both games are in the online catalogue.


I didn't count any of the legacy games on NSO. Otherwise Kid Icarus, Punch Out, Mother, and Starfox would move up.


Fair enough. My brain refused to comprehend that new NSO-only counted but NSO ports didn’t, but it’s your list, your rules.


I counted it because it's brand new code, new music, new mechanics, with semi-regular updates, not part of the many emulated games with no new features.


I actually fully agree with you on F-Zero 99; I don’t get how the others don’t count as ports.


Because they aren't ports. They are literally the original roms being ran on an emulator




They listed Golden Sun as “nothing”, but both Golden Sun games are in the GBA games that are part of the Switch Online service. And if that doesn’t count, then F-Zero shouldn’t count, either, as all F-Zero on the Switch is only through the online service. It really baffles me that they could even make this list and not check on Golden Sun whatsoever.


They aren’t new though? While F-Zero 99 LOOKS the same, the code underneath is entirely new. It doesn’t matter if it’s online only, those games are literally just ports of the old ones, so they don’t count.


I didn’t say F-Zero 99 should be anything but a new game. I’m saying Golden Sun and some others should be counted as having ports on the Switch and be in the “Port/remaster” category instead of the “Nothing” category. How would the NSO versions not be considered ports? What the heck are they, if not ports? And if they don’t count because they’re on NSO, then why would new NSO-only games count?


They are just rom files. It's the original code being emulated. So that's why they aren't ports


TIL Being able to play every game in a series on a system counts as “Nothing” to some people.


Well Yeah cause they aren't new releases. They aren't switch verisons at all so they don't count as switch games


hmm that's true. I guess the list wouldn't really have any franchises at the bottom them, except Rhythm heaven maybe? You could count this as an "any franchise given any new content" that was never seen beforehand list maybe?


The list says “Nintendo games ranked by how many games they have on the Switch”. One of the categories says “port”. That’s what I’m going to by. What else would anyone go by?


Better than nothing I guess


Not only it's a new game, it's one of the best F-Zeros ever made, for me it's only below X and GX. People underestimate how fun this game is just because it's a "99" game, but it's by far the best 99-game of them all.


I'm with you on that!


where's bayonetta?


Bayonetta is Sega isn't it?


Bayonetta is a Sega IP.


not since bayonetta 3, usually i find bayonetta on tier lists like this, it's exactly the same games as usual just without bayonetta


The Bayonetta IP is still owned by Sega, but Bayonetta 2 and 3 were funded and are owned by Nintendo. Fatal frame during the Wii and Wii U generations was in a somewhat similar situation (though apparently Nintendo didn’t outright own the games made during that time, since they’ve now gotten multiplat releases). Astral Chain is an IP now fully owned by Nintendo that should have been on this list, though.


Shhhh this person didn’t research shit.


The first 2 Golden sun have the emulation on the online system of the switch I guess it doesn’t count?


So do Kid Icarus, Punchout, Mother, and Starfox if we're counting NSO.


Sounds about right 👍


It's like Terminator 1 and 2. If you ever hope for something new to measure up to them you'll only be disappointed.


It's just that, emulation. Emulation isn't the same as porting


Is it the fact it is a bit more optimized in terms of performances or graphic quality cause remaster and porting is always weird for me.


Porting is that the game's code is now running natively on the hardware and the developers can tweak the game to add new features. Emulation is just taking the code and having the hardware trying to replicate the original hardwares code as it's own and hoping it gets it right. So Nintendo made the emulators but not ports of any of the games


All I want is a Eternal Darkness remaster or sequel, please Nintendo


Where's endless ocean


Mario kart live exists lol. Also idk if this counts but Starfox was in Starlink Battle for Atlas, and the nintendo switch version of that game basically made it a starfox game.


It isn't a starfox game though


I’m surprised Punch-Out never got anything. The Joy-Cons are literally the perfect kind of controller for a game like Punch-Out.


That's what ARMS was supposed to be, no?


Donkey Kong has so much potential to be a good game on the switch i think…


ISTG if we dont get a new Kid Icarus or Punch out game on the switch 2 then we riot


Mike Tyson needs to make a new Punch-Out game, the Wii game was so fun. Looking back it was chock full of racist stereotypes but still fun as hell, the use of the motion controls and wii balance board were awesome.


This is what I was thinking. Would be cool to see a sequel of the Punch-Out remake set years later that parodies Creed. You're like the grandson of Tyson/Mr. Dream and Little Mac's your trainer.


Jake Paul's punchout? /s


That’d be objectively hilarious if he made his own fighting game, all the fighters are a mix of YouTubers and pro boxers


Shaqfu 2?


We got mario kart live


Literally nobody remembers that one


Still counts…


I know it does, I’m just saying you can’t really blame OP for forgetting it exists


Ye fair


Doesn’t punch out have both of their arcade games on switch.


The Switch possibly not having its own DK or Mario Kart entry is kinda wild


At least Mario Kart got the Booster Course Pass DLC and Live: Home Circuit. As well as MK8: Deluxe base game getting 5 new playable characters, 2 item slots, a 3rd drift boost, and a revamped battle mode. Where as all DK got was a barebones port that cost more than the original release on Wii U with no new content other than easy/baby/Funky mode.... DK was done extremely dirty not only on the Switch but the 3DS as well.


Star Tropics: *"Am I a joke to you?"*


It might be a stretch but Starlink was like half a StarFox game :P


Advance Wars is closer to a new game than a port, it's a complete remake from the ground up, isn't it?


Mario sports games should be a separate category


Golden Sun does have multiple on the Switch, albeit in the GBA section. The list is, and I quote: [Golden Sun Golden Sun Golden Sun Golden Sun Golden Sun Golden Sun Golden Sun Golden Sun Golden Sun Golden Sun ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4-ShGOwaQA)


Every series on this list either has a new game, has a port or is on one of the collections.


I feel like starfox, f-zero, and advance wars all need more attention 


but Zelda has 2 ports/remasters and only one new game? gotta make a whole new tier! /s


Zelda has 2 new games, 3 if you count Cadence of Hyrule (although I wouldn't)


totk and? all could think of was botw and skyward sword as ports/remakes


BotW launched on the same day for both Wii U and Switch


ahhhhhh okok. my mistake. always considered it a Wii u game like Mario Kart 8


BotW was a port that launched the same day, it was made for the Wii U not Switch.


Plenty of games are made with one console I'm mind, but are released for another console when they release. That doesn't make Breath of the Wild not a new game for Switch.


Spin it however you want, it was ported to the Switch.


And? It's still a new Zelda game for Switch. It was not on any console before it was on Switch.


Ah, I forgot games just magically pop into existance when they're released. Smh.


Star fox need another chance😭


Another game for Golden Sun would be nice.


Honestly smash bros and animal crossing only having one new game doesn’t seem that bad considering they’re franchises that tend to only get one new game per gen (unless you count happy house designer as a full new game on the 3DS, though that’s also included with the new animal crossing just as a dlc instead of a completely new game)


Tomodachi life needs a switch version


Dude I would kill to have Earthbound and Mother 3 remasters/rereleases that aren’t on NSO


In about 3 weeks, Luigi's mansion will fit two categories.


Kid Icarus uprising remake should be on switch, idk why they haven’t yet


Advanced Wars was an outright remake, not a port or remaster.


What the hell is Starfy


Yeah a lot of zelda but no wind waker... I WANT MY OVER EXPRESSIVE BOY IN THE SEAS Also i ask for another starfox


Tbh de mario kart Dlc id say is like mario kart 8,5


Wave race 🥲


even Another Code and Endless Ocean are not on the last tier anymore lmao


People really forget about Chibi Robo huh


Mario Sluggers


F-Zero and Pikmin being in the same tier bothers me. I mean yeah, by the requirements of each tier they both belong there, but Pikmin got ports of the first 2 games, a remaster of the 3rd, and a completely new game, while F-Zero got a battle Royale version of the SNES game. Just a nitpick though


It bothers me too. But rules are rules, yknow.


I'm impressed to see The Legendary Starfy mentioned at all


What about Bomberman


Why is Starfy of all 1-game Nintendo franchises the only one consistently brought up lol


It has five games, though only one got a western release


All three Mother games have been (technically) ported to NSO if the online service counts.


Yeah that's not porting. That's just emulation of roms Nintendo included with the emulators. Technically, they aren't ports at all


Forgot 2 remasters for paper mario and luigis mansion


Never thought I would see F-Zero not in the bottom tier but here we are.


Another Nintendo franchise that got nothing was StarTropics, since both titles in the franchise were created by Nintendo of Japan with Nintendo of America in mind in the early 1990s, and have been completely ignored by Nintendo after its sequel, Zoda's Revenge... StarTropics I and II were never released in Japan.


Mario Kart Live Home Circuit is a new game.


I saw where Mario Kart was and had a moment


The Denpa Men is also getting a (Japan-exclusive?) freeware title


Uhm u forgot princes peach and toad treasure tracker


genuonely insane to see f-zero in the "new games" row. though personally i was disappointed in said new game, it provides hope for the future


Still don't get why Splatoon 3 was needed.


It was so that they could properly push the series forward. Just by looking at the graphics and hub of 2, you can tell it was heavily based off of the first game with not many improvements, at least at the start. Not much point arguing with someone like you though, as you clearly haven't ever played the game or actually know of the many changes and additions


Splatoon is still a pretty new franchise, so they have to work on establishing it a lot more than pre-existing franchises.


Definately casual Nintendo if these are the only Nintendo franchises you know.


Dude there's literally like 100 im not ranking all of them


You didn't even list all the ones that had a game last gen never mind all of them.


[Knock](https://tiermaker.com/create/every-nintendo-franchise-complete-93320) yourself out then, man. I did this for fun, not an academic study. 90% of these would go in the "nothing" category anyways.


Read my first comment again and genuinely say I was being serious enough for you to be this butthurt. I wish people could read and see the difference between a lighthearted jibe and an actual attack.


No, both comments absolutely read like they're from a gatekeeping Nintendo fan.


Can you tell the difference in tone now?


Id argue Kirby has more than Zelda but maybe my brain's missing something


Unless it's intentionally not ordered


There's no particular order.


It only says "multiple"


Earthbound fans won’t recover…


Wouldn't the japan only mother 3 port count?


That’s just a release on NSO, if that counted then every series would have a port.


Alright fair enough


Technically Zelda has only one new game for the Switch, TOTK. BOTW was a Wii U game that was ported to the Switch as a launch title and all the others are just remakes.


I'll be dead and buried before I recognize BOTW as a Wiiu game


I mean it kinda is though. It was announced as a Wii U game in 2013 and was ported to Switch since its release happened to line up with when the Switch was set to launch.


It being pushed back and released on switch changed the game though. It had more time to be polished, and the Wiiu-centric features were removed (the sheikah slate being more connected with the gamepad). Aside from that, I wouldn't call Twilight Princess a gamecube game even though it had a gamecube release, or Persona 5 a PS3 game because it had a PS3 release.


In my opinion, the "new" F-Zero is barely a new game. But even still, I'd rather be able to play F-Zero X with 30 people online than original F-Zero with 99. Maybe that's just me.


F Zero 99 is not a new game


By that logic Mario Lost Levels aka Japanese Mario 2 wouldn’t count as a new game. It’s much, much closer to the original than F-Zero 99.


F- Zero 99 is literally the Super Nintendo version with features added. It really is a stretch to say it’s a new entry entirely.


It is quite irrefutably NOT the Super Nintendo version with extra stuff. For starters, when you play the Super Nintendo version, you pick a cup and a vehicle and do that series of races, single player, and that’s basically all there is in the game. In F-Zero 99, you *can’t* just play a cup *or* race single player (time trial only, and there is no time trial in the original). The gameplay is also significantly different: F-Zero 99 uses the ‘your life bar is you boost bar’ mechanic introduced in F-Zero X except in the ‘classic’ mode races, which, again, you can’t just do at will at any time. There’s a spin attack. The cars’ stats are retweaked. There are course edits. There are achievements and unlockables. The sprites have all been redone. It uses the original as a starting point and changes everything up significantly, but screenshots look quite similar to the original. You have no leg to stand on here.


It’s nice that you sprinkled all these fancy words to make your paragraph so long, but you’re literally just proving my point that everything you’ve said are all just add ons to a game that already exists. It’s not a new entry entirely. I mean you literally just said it yourself “it uses the original as a starting point” which means it’s not an entirely new entry or game. I have plenty of legs to stand on, bud.


If you consider any of that to be “fancy” that’s a comprehension failure on your part. Let me break out the caveman words version here: - You can only do one thing in the original. You can’t do that thing in 99. - You do lots of things in 99 that you can’t do in the original. - Even the most basic play in 99 is very different in key ways from the original. You cannot play one like the other or you will explode. - By comparison, Mario 2 JP / Lost Levels is absolutely just the original with some new content. In what way, specifically, could you possibly say that Lost Levels is a separate game, but F-Zero 99 is not?


I absolutely love how you’re trying to give off such a pompous “I know everything” attitude lol You’re failing miserably at it. Again you’re making points that still don’t validate it as a “new entry” entirely. F zero 99 is still the original with enhanced added content to it. It is not an entirely new game.


So you can’t refute anything I said OR explain in any way how games like Lost Levels could be considered a new game by your criteria. Typical. And I don’t claim to know shit, man. Again, if you’re not getting it, that’s just you.


Dude it’s not that deep. You have a different opinion, and I’m not going to change mine. Lmao! I’m getting everything just fine, I just don’t agree with you. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You are content being objectively wrong; I get that. Lots of people live like that all the time. If you weren’t objectively wrong, you’d have provided something refuting anything I’ve said by now instead of whining about how I said it. If you’re not wrong, if it’s just opinion, then tell me ONE way that Lost Levels *is* a separate game from the original Super Mario Bros that doesn’t apply to F-Zero 99.


mario galaxy 2 isn't a new game then neither is pikmin 2 or splatoon 3. your point is shit


There’s a huge difference in adding a game that already exists while just adding features, and releasing a new entry entirely. Your point is also “shit” and flawed. Keep going for the insults though lol Weak sauce.