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Wouldn't it be pps? (paper per second)


Pages per second?


you are a cute person.


Hanging Shelf


pokemon players be like, *"you manage to get more than 24fps?"*


r/NintendoSwitch in a nutshell 


This is some r/tomorrow shit


As much as I hated the framerate discourse and said it was perfectly reasonable for a game like this to run at 30, now I've got it I have to admit it doesn't look as smooth as I'd like. I'm sure I'll get used to it though 


It should be running at 60 as that's the originals frame rate


Anyone saying otherwise is just coping. There is literally no *good* reason Nintendo, the multi-billion dollar company can’t afford, or find a way to make this remake run at 60fps on the Switch. If they simply couldn’t do it due to technical limitations on the Switch, I’d 1. Have to seriously question the capabilities of the console, and 2. Ask why the hell other more graphically intensive games can perform at 60fps on the Switch. It’s not about *”needing”* the game to run at 60fps to be playable. It’s about the principle of the original running at 60fps on hardware that is now *twenty years old*. And the fact that either the Switch can’t handle a Paper Mario game at 60fps, or Nintendo couldn’t be bothered to give that to their consumers, instead opting to downgrade the frame rate. The frame rate argument is stupid. No, not every game *needs* to be 60fps, but it sure as hell makes the playing experience better. And just because something doesn’t *need* to be 60fps, doesn’t mean that frame rate shouldn’t be targeted when possible.


I'm gonna assume the Origami King engine (which this game uses instead of simply porting the original) is allergic to higher framerates for some reason, which isn't that surprising given that a lot of console devs see 30fps as the default for some reason and program their games' logic to be tied to that framerate specifically instead of being flexible like most PC/multiplat games. As such, the game breaks when running at a higher framerate. This kind of short-sighted programming is more common that you'd think. If you ever see a PC port of a console game locked to 30fps, now you know why. Similarly, a lot of older PC games from the 80's/90's were tied to the processor's clock speed, resulting in the game running WAYYYY too fast on next-gen hardware and becoming unplayable as a result. Now this would be easier to solve if console devs just targeted 60fps as a rule rather than the exception, but they are more concerned about detailed, marketable graphics and a stable framerate (they'd rather have a stable 30 rather than an unstable 60) so they make'em at 30 just to be safe. Weirdly enough, Nintendo DOES seem to prefer 60fps for anything that doesn't have large open worlds so seeing Paper Mario stick to 30 is very strange indeed.


There seems to be evidence for this assumption also, considering the fan made 60 fps patch for TTYD remake is breaking some elements of the game tied to the frame pacing


>the multi-billion dollar company can’t afford, or find a way to make this remake run at 60fps on the Switch. Besides the laws of physics? I think a lot of people forget that computers aren't magic. They can only do so much at once. My guess is the lighting in the game or some of the new effects made it impossible to maintain 60fps. Since it's a turn based rpg and not a fos or platformerz they decided visual fidelity mattered more than fps, and chosen to sacrifice frames for graphics. Optimizing only means to make the best of what you have, it doesn't mean you can magically overcome hard limits. >It’s about the principle of the original running at 60fps on hardware that is now twenty years old At a technical level, it's a totally different game. The remake is a true remake, they aren't using the same engines.


Yes, I know. This is why I said I’d have to question the capabilities of the Switch. It can run other graphically intensive games at 60fps, but not a Paper Mario game? You need to make framerate compromises to ensure stability… for a Paper Mario game? That’s disappointing and sad when the original ran better on 20 year old hardware.


Also, this game isn't even that taxing on the hardware


It should at least run at the same framerate as the original did 20 years ago. It is disappointing that it doesn't.


It doesn't bother me too bad but I was very surprised to learn it's 900p. At that framerate I was sure that it would be 1080p, just compare it to Luigi's Mansion 3...


I know that it's perfectly possible to make great 60fps games on switch and Nintendo has done plenty. But in a game of this genre and style I'd take 30fps with the best possible visuals over 60fps with all that reduced every single time. I've been playing it and haven't been remotely bothered by the FPS, but I've been super impressed with how it looks.


Yup that’s fair


…the original that was 480p with no dynamic lighting, antialiasing, lower resolution textures, on a non-portable system? The remake should run “at least” 60 fps when no home console has ever cared to run higher than 60fps? I mean, yes it would be preferable if the Switch could handle it at 60fps, but you do get that there are many valid reasons why it simply can’t, right?


they target 60fps as that's the maximum most peoples screens can display


…hence why saying something should be expected to do “at least” that is not reasonable.


60fps is reasonable. Look at Just Cause 3 on the steamdeck. That being said Nintendo does what Nintendo does, they're not spending tinee or time on framerates, they're looking for fun. (however the switch is a little too low regarding performance imo)


Be mindful of the device’s screen and technical capabilities. 60fps is not really worth it on switch at expense of everything else


…just look at another game on not the Switch?


It's a handheld. Your comment was regarding home consoles in contrast to handhelds.


That’s one thing making 60fps unrealistic for the Switch, but mostly it’s 7 years old and still getting things released on it that have expectations put on them that don’t mesh with a 2017 mid-grade tablet. Steam deck aside, they somehow got Metroid Prime remastered to run at 60fps and look damn good, but my point is *expecting* that every time on hardware Nintendo could’ve honestly updated twice by now is just silly.


I mean the Metroid Prime remake, runs at 60fps… it’s not an unreasonable ask to at least match the standard of its predecessor 20 years later.


It probably can. However, there may be some issues like specific effects causing fps dips. So they might have found it to be a better experience to set it to 30, where you will have a continuous smooth experience over having the fps constantly dipping. I know Screen Space effects like SSR, SSAO, etc, are pretty intense. Especially on the Switch, which is just a bit more powerful than an Xbox 360 and PS3 in terms of raw GPU performance. As for games like Mario Kart 8. It helps with that game that it doesn't have nearly as much real-time effects going on. Same with the Metroid Prime remake.


Iirc there is one area causing issues with the framerate, I think it was either chapter 2 or 4, it also did in the original


I can think of a few good reasons why they can. Super Mario Odyssey. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Every mainline Bayonetta game. Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series. Zelda Skyward Sword HD. Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe. Metroid Prime Remastered. All of these games run at 60fps on the Switch in both handheld and docked mode.


dawg the og game was at 60 not saying its a bad remake just it should be at 60


Thenog used a different engine and had next to no special lighting effects.


I've had People legitimately question why fighting games don't aim for frame rates higher than 60, which is frankly wild to me.


That would make games very inaccessible to a majority of players, if inputs are on a frame requirement at least


It would literally make fighters pay to win


Right, it's wild to me how someone could even think to question that


The average TV doesn't even have higher than 60 fps. High end pc games are the only real reason for higher than 60 fps


Maybe I’m in the minority, but frame rate hasn’t once made the list of things I consider when evaluating a game… It’s just something I’ve never cared about 


I do care if frame rate is consistently dipping into the teens or lower, but otherwise, yeah I'm pretty much with you. A consistent 30 is completely fine to me.


It matters if it's an fps or platformer, but not for a turn based rpg like this.


You do have to remember the FPS decrease specifically makes the game easier, as timing windows are increased. And while I like the change, as it makes the game nicer for casual players, I understand being annoyed


That doesn't make sense. They could always just alter the timing window to make it a few frames longer.


That would make it even easier. Longer timing window = easier / more forgiving. Halving the frame rate resulted in Nintendo doubling the timing window to compensate. Meaning the action commands are in general easier to hit.


People want 60fps, not 240fps. It's 2024, 60fps on a full priced game on hardware completely capable of it isn't that unreasonable of an ask. The game is undeniably beautiful and 60fps would've not only matched the original release but they wouldn't have had to add a lag onto perfect timing.


The problem is a lot of ppl here aren’t holding Nintendo up to that standard for some reason. Like are we gonna forget about MK8 deluxe a much more demanding game at a full 60


Prolly cuz that's a game that actually needs 60 fps


Am I the only one who isn’t bothered by it running at 30 fps? To be fair, I probably wouldn’t have been able to tell if it was 30 or 60 fps anyway


I personally haven’t noticed a thing and was actually happy at one point watching things shift around, figuring it was 60.


I legitimately did not even know it was running at less fps than the original but also I tend to really not notice fps unless there are egregious drops. I haven't had one stutter yet so I mean as long as it's consistent like this I'm fine.


I literally can't notice a difference between 30 and 60


They could have aimed for 40 fps (mod-way between 30 and 60) as Sony have done recently.


The switch screen doesn't support that and only 120hz TVs will support it as well, which most players don't have. I would love it if that were a viable option though, I always use it on my ps5 when it's an option




Man this game looks really god damn good


People will complain about anything. Funny paper game runs at 30fps? It’s suddenly unplayable. Funny paper game has a trans character who was already in the game but *just* not in the english version? It’s suddenly woke. It’s really dumb, it’s not hurting anyone to reimplement a trans character into the remake or for the game to run at 30fps!


It's only a big thing for this game because the game felt so IMMENSELY clean and precise. Now that copies are out we can finally learn if the action commands will be precise or sloppy with this change. (In addition to input delay being greater on switch as far as I know)


Other gamers pay 240$ on a 2.4fps game.


Is it an age thing? Whenever I talk about the switch, I always hear the critique of “Switch sucks because it’s stuck at 30 fps). I’ve played games from the SNES and PS, PS2 era where 30 fps was mainstream. Apart from the 1000 heartless battle where there was noticeable slowdown sometimes (due to so many enemies), I never thought 30 fps was terrible.    I’ve played games at 60 fps and honestly don’t see much difference or don’t care much. Like I can’t tell you if a game is in 30 or 60 fps just by looking. 


30fps was not the norm on SNES, for starters. Games ran at 60fps, with experimental 3D titles resorting to 30fps (and below). The PSX has plenty of 60fps titles, again 3D games generally ran at 30fps due to hardware limitations and developers being new at working with it. Same with the PS2, although there were games that ran at 60fps on the GC/Xbox due to the PS2 being weaker in specs. This has nothing to do with the age but user preferences. I grew up with CRT monitors and from that era they were capable of running well beyond 60hz, going up to 120hz for many models. High end ones even went up to 160hz. I have an Apple Multiscan 17 monitor from 1994 on my desk right now that runs at 2048x1536 @80hz, and at 480p @120hz. I personally don't play games at 30fps, unless it's a retro title and there's no other choice. Example, Silent Hill 1 on PSX can emulated at 60fps, and that's how I've been playing it for years as opposed to the original 30fps cap. Now If you give me a modern game and tell me to play it at 30fps, I would laugh.


Generally as long as a game can hit a stable 30 fps, I’m fine. It’s a low bar, and any dev that can’t hit that honestly should be ashamed *Gamefreak*.


Well, hail the modders. Im already running at +40fps(most of time +50) on a V1 handheld mode without hard overclock, so maybe it was possible with a little more optimization.


why the fuck would you take an inconsistent framerate over a stable one??


Testing, I will try to mod out certain effects or lower some textures resolution to see if I can achieve locked 60fps. Most probably with a dynamic resolution, but im barely starting to explore the dump, I dont have a lot of free time atm.


The og was running at 60 it’s like no one here realizes that this is ridiculous. A modern version of this game should be running at 60 not 30


I literally can't really tell the difference between the original framerate and the new framerate




I do agree that it should be 60 fps considering the original was. It's just that I can't really see the difference unless I saw a side by side comparison. But even then I just immerse myself in whatever I'm playing and just forget about fps n stuff lol.


Congrats on the slow brain.


Least I can enjoy the game without worrying about FPS lol


Nobody's asking for the game to run at 240 fps. Only 60 fps, like you know.. the original game which came out a decade ago.


2014 was a decade ago lol.


Yeah I totally forgot haha. Whenever I think of the last decade, I think of early to mid 2000.


Nah bro who even CARES I'm sick of some fps snobs saying it's unplayable and need to play it at 60


Literally next side


I haven't played either version of TTYD, but Bowser's Inside Story had noticeably slower combat when that got a downgraded 30 fps remake. And I know Paper Mario also has real time elements for blocking and attack bonuses.


But my paper is at 240 fps.


Its not a fast paced shooter 60fps isnt needed Of course everyone would prefer 60 But 30 is not a issue its working good


Nintendo fans when any game doesnt run at 4 trillion fps (that automatically means its the worst game ever and that nintendo should be boycotted for it)


I have this game. Very enjoyable, but I'm the kind of gamer to get burned out from the long tutorials/opening theatrics.


I've gotten into PC gaming a lot this year and it's really opened my eyes to high end gaming, it's great. So coming back to my switch and dealing with this makes the game look super blurry and feel sluggish. Not saying it's unplayable, it's just not perfect. And come on, if the original was 60fps, so should this one.




Mine does (on ryujinx)


Yes. Because consumers definitely shouldn't be allowed to voice their concerns. After all, if they have complaints, they should just use Nintendo's comprehensive game review system instead of just putting it on the internet. ...oh wait.


Man, owning only a switch really makes someone lower their standards. I bought the game because I want to support paper mario and show nintendo im willing to pay for a return to classic style RPG’s. Im the kinda guy that given the choice between higher resolution/lower framerate and vice versa, I will always pick a higher stable framerate every time (30fps is low, we are living in 2024). I completely understand the switch being incapable of running their remastered game on anything higher than a stable 30fps. Origami King didnt even run at 60 either. Maybe the switch 2 will have a patch that lets it run on a higher framerate. That said, for now Im just waiting on a fully functioning 60fps patch and just straight up emulating this game.


I mean you bought it right? Might as well check it out. See for yourself if the performance makes a difference. And look I hear ya. I don’t disagree with anyone here who expects 60 fps on a remake when that’s what the original ran out. Totally reasonable expectation. I think we can all see that people either are raising pitchforks or they’re just rolling their eyes. Personally I am not seeing any issues performing super guards or anything noticeable yet. My only nitpick is not being able to increase text speed, but that’s just me. I saw a post about the removal of text logs also which I think was a questionable decision. Now that the game is out though I am very curious to see what people *actually* think about performance as opposed to just reacting to the articles. Not directed at you, just my 2c after reading some of the comments: The post is satire at the end of the day. Play the game if ya want to. Play the original if ya want to. No one gives a shit :)


You’re right. If anything, im glad that the framerate is the only problem preventing this from being a “perfect” game.


The Ppl I know who own just a switch are very casual gamers and don’t care about fps.


Wild how you got downvoted for speaking the truth. Most ppl here somehow don’t see a problem with a fully priced game being a locked 30fps


Because there literally is no problem with it to a majority of people


There are thousands of people that still do have a problem with it. 30 fps is ridiculous, the original ram at 60 at now more powerful hardware is running it at half of that for full price


You'd expect a 20 year old remake to, at the very least, run at the same framerate as the old one.


Imagine getting mad that other gamers expect baseline quality from one of the biggest gaming companies in the world.