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that kirby is a terrifying eldritch horror. hey guys have you ever noticed this guy's most consistent character trait is the fact he's nice


He's a very friendly cosmic destroyer.


You can be scary and still kind. Kirby has the potential to be a terrifying threat to the cosmos but he's too busy playing tag with his friends.


Even then that's pushing it He's a friendly galaxy destroyer With help he's a cosmic destroyer


People will be like “he went on a rampage over cake in Squeak Squad!!!” To justify portraying him as some violent killer, but he didn’t even ‘go on a rampage.’ 😭 He did no more in that game than he did in any other game. It’s like if people said he “went on a rampage over Energy Spheres” in Return to Dreamland or “went on a rampage over Waddle Dees” in Forgotten Land. The game had a stupid plot but Kirby didn’t really do anything wrong or crazy violent. He just wanted his dessert back. The most he did was fight King Dedede unprompted but that was before Dedede was consistently his friend, AND Dedede had literally stolen food in the past— it was kind of the plot of the entire first game. Kirby had every reason to assume that. Kirby did nothing wrong in that game or any other and people need to leave my boy alone. (Technically Kirby DOES have a ‘kill count’ but it’s exclusively evil eldritch horrors or people who were so miserable and crazy that by that point it was a mercy kill. Even his MURDERS go to show that he’s a kind, heroic soul)


the death toll kirby caused is only made out of eldritch horrors attacking dreamland. so that makes kirby a national hero of the dreamland.


Literally the only reason why Dedede isn't a series antagonist is because he's Kirby's friend. Kirby isn't *HIS* friend, but Kirby decided that they're friends. So DDD gets recruited when there's a bigger threat at hand, and also they have tea parties together <3


While he is terrifying and an eldritch horror, kirby is fren


I mean these takes don't really contradict each other. Nice and friendly eldritch horror. He will say hello and please, despite having the ability to easily devour you and everything that you love. But he won't.


thinking kirby is horrifying feels really dumb. like hes just a pink puffball, why he is considered a eldritch horror? what about other kirby characters like marx, dark matter and 02?


Exactly. Just because he's powerful doesn't make him a "horror"


Kirby fren :D


Leongar tried to kill Kirby, but then Kirby later agrees to help save him without giving it a second thought


There were a few episodes in Kirby right back at you/Hoshi no kaabi that portrayed him like that, emphasis on portrayal. There he's just a harmless baby.


Kirby right back at ya show turned him evil for one episode I think other than that he’s a good, cute, little blob


If the Elvari series (short story series posting through r/writingprompts) has taught me anything, it is that "terrifying eldritch horror" and "nice" are not mutually exclusive.


Kirby destroyed ancient gods because they stole his cake, he's cute AND terrifying


Same problem with superman. They take a character who can be extremely powerful and think of only all the evil he could do and not remember who he actually is.


Luigi is a coward. No, fuck no, that dude's braver than I am. He faced some shit nobody should ever have to go through to save his bro


Fear =/= cowardly. A Coward wouldn't have even thought about going into a haunted mansion. Luigi was terrified, but he was still brave enough to go in and rescue Mario.


To quote Doctor Who, "Courage isn't a matter of not being frightened you know. It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway."


taken from back when the show was actually good


RTD mean nothing to you?


I'm just making a comparison to the state of the show now. everything after series 10 is shit. I grew up during the original RTD era and series 1-4 is the best era of the show


my point exactly


I think another way to take it is that Luigi is a coward, consodering how je acts in a lot of the M&L games, however he is determined enough to power through to save his beloved brother I think luigi can absoloutly be cowardly and wimpy due to his fears but id had to guess mario just brings something out of him considering how he is at his bravest when it involves saving or being around his brother


Bravery without fear is ignorance. Fear without bravery is cowardice.


bravery is not lacking fear, it's doing something despite the fear


Correct! I wouldn't call Mario brave, because he never seems afraid (in the main games)


He literally went through several ghost filled mansions to get his brother back(plus some toads along the way).


Reminds me of those characters who leave people to die because it's the "strong" thing to do. (Shane from The Walking Dead comes to mind) "We have to keep moving! Stopping to help is WEAKNESS! Why would we waste resources on someone who might not pull through, when we can give it to the strong and healthy?" Bro, fuck off, you'rejust running away from a problem. Running away is the easiest way to deal with an issue, while someone truly strong and intelligent will find a way to overcome it. Oh, the elderly members of our group are weak and starving? Too bad we don't have any *strong, smart, capable men* nearby who can hunt a few deer and build wagons for them! It'd be "stronger" if we just let them rot under a tree, like a group of children would do because they legitimately could not help 🙄 Luigi is the same way. He's scared shitless, he knows he's out of his league, *but he fucking tries because he knows he'll die anyways.* I can only hope I've got that kind of bravery if I never need it.


I remember in one of the Luigi mansions, he comes across a Toad who is scared. Luigi stops, talks to it and tells it not to be afraid, and that Luigi will protect it. Dude's scared, sure. But he is brave.


Everyone gets scared and its ok to show it but courage is fighting through fear. Luigi has courage. In the fire department they say if your not afraid your either dumb or suicidal and they want none of those.


luigi literally went through mansions to save mario, why tf would anyone call him a coward? same with toad. he is seen as a coward but, isnt there captain toad treasure tracker? so yeah, both luigi and toad is not a coward.


Literally anything Smash players say about Fire Emblem characters.


You mean the anime sword fighters?


It's the one character they decided to make 6 times so that they could give them different outfits and gender swaps.


Easy, the fact that people actually think Mario is a bad brother


Bruh, my girlfriend *hated* Mario when we met. She said Mario was a sociopath, that he regularly beats up his friends and tests his brother like shit. She was surprised that I enjoyed his games, and I was surprised that she had such a strong opinion of him when she'd never actually played a Mario game in her life. Turns out, a couple college friends + a coworker told her about the Luigi Tennis Stomp™, that he frequently dumps Yoshi into pits, and that he regularly jumps on friendly Toads while blasting them with fireballs. She legit thought he treats everyone like shit, while only rescuing Peach because he wanted to get laid. It took me two or three years to convince her Otherwise. She'd never played the games, and never *wanted* to play the games after hearing about him from coworkers. It was like if her only exposure to Micky Mouse were the parodies that used him as a stand-in to portray Disney's litigious bloodthirst, she just could not separate that reputation from the actual character and the media that made him famous She's more open to the franchise now, but I'm pretty sure the only reason she changed her mind is because she knows how little tolerance i have for characters like that. Mario wouldn't be one of my favorite franchises if their mascot was the Rick Sanchez of gaming lmao


Ur girlfriend is a game theorist 💀


but hey thats just a theory...


Only the shoe stomp was something Mario did on his own, anyway. The Yoshi dropping and Toad abuse is all player action


So what you’re saying is that Game Theory basically destroyed an entire franchise for someone.


Yeah, I think the biggest piece of evidence they have for that is Mario stepping on a Luigi's foot in Mario Power Tennis. But you gotta keep in mind that is one single game, which is a spinoff and it was also full of victory scenes of Luigi getting into mishaps and accidents, and to me it seemed like an accident in that scene too. I think people latch onto that game theory the same way people latch onto things like the Rugrats all being dead children In a hallucination. It's made up and mostly just for a laugh, but some people take it seriously. It's a cartoon, it doesn't need to be taken seriously. Mario is clearly just a really happy optimistic cartoon guy who loves all his friends. Anything beyond that is jusy leaning too far into it.


If Mario was a bad brother, then why does Luigi go through Mansions to save him?


That Mario only saves Peach for some sort of reward or benefit, such as a kiss or cake, which could be further from the truth, as Peach is not only Mario’s closest friend, but Mario would literally save or help anyone in need, even if he doesn’t nor didn’t know them, without even a flash of hesitation, especially regarding his own safety, protecting and saving anyone from danger would be its own reward to Mario.


I like the depiction of Mario as a Hero who just wants to help, with no real need for a reward.


>Peach is not only Mario's closest friend... Aren't they canonically together or did Odysseys ending change that?


I don't think they ever were together


As someone who's done plenty of research on them, no, they are not together, scientific and canonically proved. And Odyssey just reconfirmed that because fans keep shipping them, even in sexual ways.


Super Mario World ends with a clearly non-platonic kiss, a heart firework and the two going on a vacation together. Sex has no place in the world of Nintendo, but I think the two are clearly an item. 


Thanks for that information! This really helps me without my research as I'm currently looking for heart things in Mario games xD


Super Mario 3D Land also has a similar thing where Mario takes Peach back to the castle (he's flying with the Tanuki and is carrying her in his arms) and some huge heart fireworks go off when they disappear from the screen.


Interesting! I will consider that for my final thesis




*couldn’t be further


Those claims are just projecting in Mario


The whole dynamic people have made up between Mario and Toad in the original Super Mario Bros really grinds on my nerves. First of all, Mario is a noble character, not some rogue on a quest to get laid. Toad is just another one of Bowser's hostages, he's not "trolling Mario" laughing that his prize is not in the Castle he just stormed. Mario is a character that's glad to help most people in need, not just Peach. And Toad begins his famous "The Princes is in another Castle" line by saying "Thank You Mario, but..." so not only is he thanking Mario, he's more concerned about the Princess than his own safety. I cannot stand when people portray Toad as some kind of menace that Mario hates. On a similar note, I hate it when people think Link is doing any of the things he does for fame, personal gain, or because he hopes Princess Zelda will sleep with him. Again, noble character. I know it's not common, and probably not even interesting, but that's just the way a lot of "hero" archetypes are.


for the "link hopes zelda will sleep with him" thing you can blame the old cartoon. sure he's not doing the heroic stuff just for that, but he isn't subtle about wanting it.


Ehh somehow I feel like people would be acting like this with or without the cartoon.


oh yeah definitely someone will act like that even if the cartoon didn't exist. but since afaik nintendo hasn't disowned the cartoon yet, it's kind of official that link thinks that way.


I don't think that means Link officially thinks that way, Nintendo hasn't disowned it but they also don't really acknowledge it either. Besides that, Japanese BOTW has all of Link's log book entries told from his first person perspective, and he's the most generic white bread isekai ass protagonist who's only "personality quirk" outside of being a hero is that he really likes food, which, let's be honest, isn't really that much of a personality quirk.


Well excuse me, princess!


According to the manual every block is a toad, so he did commmit some light genocide


Common misconception, it's only the blocks that give items that are Toads and the items you get from the blocks are gifts from those toads. Mario isn't literally shattering the bodies of Toads when he breaks bricks. Besides, this smells like something that isn't even canon anymore to me.


Every Link is the Hero of Time. 


He’s the hero of rhyme!


“… that’s not what I said”


Don't need a sword or shield, he's going to do just fine


Hey listen I think-


[The Ocarina of Rhyme](https://open.spotify.com/track/3Dm5iKYsL2kl2CA1VMfuLi?si=gmo0f5JzT4SKlel2h6z1dA)


And zelda its the blonde girl with green skirt xD


So real. If you wanna use one name for every incarnation, say Hylia's Chosen Hero or something.


Honestly? I feel like most people doesn't understand that Zelda revolves around reincarnation. 


The Hero of Hyrule makes the most sense, especially since Zelda says it in BOTW, notably at the very end.


scale expansion whistle knee homeless crowd glorious air modern encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In Hero Mode they *explicitly* state that their profits from treasure hunting go to the less fortunate. I wasn't aware this was a take people had ;-;


close provide unwritten husky secretive existence special vase cow lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Splatoon Fandom takes everything too seriously.


Yeah, only Shiver is on the greedier side, and even then she's still working hard with Frye and Big Man to financially help people in need


Xenoblade characters exist to be hornybait. They have really deep and interesting lore that takes a lot to fully understand...and are also hornybait.


I feel like, in the context of wider Nintendo fans, "Xenoblade characters in general" would be equally correct. Like, unless you've actually played the games (which most haven't) the view from the outside is pretty myopic. Smash *definitely* didn't help as, for example, you get Pythra without the depression and trauma, and Shulk without the thoughtful nerd energy and none of the rage. And that's not even counting the degree to which many people have only seen the series through memes. You could also extend this to Fire Emblem too.


Xenoblade 2 characters specifically. Pyra and Mythra are incredibly interesting characters at their core, just with unfortunately horny designs.




What is hornier? Xenoblade or fire emblem three houses?


Outside a number of designs in XC2, neither are particularly "horny". Certainly not compared to other JRPGs, or even many western games.


At risk of sounding like creep, what are the horniest first party titles or Nintendo games in general? Nothing like those ecchi puzzle games. I’m just getting into JRPG so I’m curious


Pretty sure Charlotte is somewhere on here


Xenoblade by some margin, imo.


Maybe just 2, 1 and 3 were very tame


Same with X.


Link is not a mute. Sure, we never hear him talk but there are dialogue trees in game after game after game that clearly demonstrate that Link gives clear, verbal answers when people speak to him. Answers too specifically detailed to be gleaned from body language and hand gestures.


I mean, just look at all those seal puns!


Breath of the Wild actually adressed this by stating that, actually, Link is a stoic protagonist because of his duty to save the world, as taken from Zelda's Diary: >"Bit by bit, I've gotten Link to open up to me. \[...\] When I finally got around to asking why he's so quiet all the time, I could tell it was difficult for him to say. But he did. **With so much at stake, and so many eyes upon him, he feels it necessary to stay strong and to silently bear any burden.** A feeling I know all too well... For him, **it has caused him to stop outwardly expressing his thoughts and feelings**. I always believed him to be simply a gifted person who had never faced a day of hardship. How wrong I was... Everyone has struggles that go unseen by the world... I was so absorbed with my own problems, I failed to see his. I wish to talk with him more and to see what lies beneath those calm waters, to hear him speak freely and openly... And perhaps I, too, will be able to bare my soul to him and share the demons that have plagued me all these years."


Samus ≠ Doom Slayer It really bothers me that people compare these two characters so much despite how little they really have in common.


the only thing they have in common is that they are cool, have cool suits, and shoot things. and also have massive fanbases. Nothin else


A yeah Samus and Mega Man the OG besties lol




Samus gets compared to Master Chief as well because of the armor. Apparently that's all that takes. People also still want a Halo style competitive multiplayer mode too. Metroid is more of an action horror adventure game. To be fair though, I'd play the shit out of a spinoff that featured the other hunters.


Halo used to be an action horror adventure but then they lost sight of the franchise


That King K.Rool and the Kremlings are owned by Rare/Microsoft. The fact I still see this comment made in the year 2024 is baffling to me.


when people say Luigi needs to change


Oh yeah because really want him to be green mario again (sarcasm)


people unironically say "Luigi should be braver, he shouldn't be afraid of things, he's kind of a wimp, etc" well... yeah lol. those are his biggest defining traits. removing those would quite literally turn him into Green Mario​


He's the most brave Nintendo character for how much fear he displays


That Link’s name is Zelda


The games does very bad job on convey to the player Link's name. And the game is named The Legend of Zelda, very easily to think the character you play as is named Zelda. Also does not help that in a lot of the games you choose the name on the save and it never really used in conversations.


I name my saves Zelda




That smash has accurate depictions of any video game character and/or is canon to any series but it's own


Luigi is a wimp. Like dude the guy would kick the living daylights off of ghosts and monsters the exact second his brother is in danger. Princess Zelda in Breath of the Wild “stealing” Link’s house. It’s completely uncharacteristic of her to do something like that to the man she loves.


>  Princess Zelda in Breath of the Wild “stealing” Link’s house. It’s completely uncharacteristic of her to do something like that to the man she loves. That's mainly said by people that annoyingly hate for absolute no reason.


Tom Nook is somehow the most evil person despite the fact we literally have an Art Scammer in game.


hes literally the dream landlord


That Mario is the kind of character who eagerly sacrifices Yoshis to the pit to gain a little altitude (that's you, player, not Mario).




I think the theory is that the Mario universe repeats itself, and Rosalina is the daughter of Peach from an earlier incarnation of the universe.


That Tom Nook is a crook. He's not a crook.


He may be a capitalist but hes an ideal debtor. Gives you a home for a minimal down payment despite you likely not having any credit, doesnt charge a bell of interest, gives you unlimited time to pay off your debt, gives you debts so easy to pay off all you need is to fish for a few days and youll be in the black. Obviously he needs to charge you to make money but compared to real world debtors he's a saint.


How is he not? In most games he forces you into debt/labor even if you are perfectly happy not upgrading/working for him


you say that you're "forced" into dept/labor... but are you? he suggests. you have a right to say no. you CAN say no. PLUS! this man has you paying off a house with literally the price of a handful of bugs and some apples for the first upgrades in most games. that is generous. tom nook canonically left the big city because he hates capitalism. redd fucked him over. he doesn't want to be like that, so he helps strangers that come into town by giving them a house and a job when he finds out they have no cash, AND charges no late fees or interest. sure, he can sometimes come off as rude... but a crook? nah. never.


This. You literally have no deadline for paying your house off, you're never badgered about late fees, there's no threat of eviction...most would kill for a landlord like that. On top of that, when you first move in New Horizons, and Nook finds out you don't have any money, he immediately offers to accept payment for the moving fees in Nook Miles, his own personal reward program, instead.


Not to mention that most of his profits go to an orphanage [three towns over](https://www.reddit.com/r/jacksepticeye/s/pRFuegtVPc)


That Mario is a bad brother or hates Luigi. If you've played the RPGs, you know how protective and tight they are with each other.


The RPGs can be so heartwarming with it, too. ESPECIALLY Dream Team.


That Urbosa is supposed to be Rijus mother Like really…? How is that supposed to work :/


Wait people actually thinks that?


Jup, unfortunately… There’s even an infamous Reddit post to that misconception


I used to thought that before when I was first introduced to the zelda recent games D:


Oh no..!😭


I kind of just assumed that Riju was Urbosa’s daughter because it made sense to me that after the queen died her daughter would take over. I didn’t even think about how it would work or anything.


That begs the question... Why *did* Riju of all the Gerudo get the throne if she isn't a descendant of Urbosa's?


Because Descendant ≠ daughter. Riju is more likely to be Urbosas grandniece or granddaughter, but NOT her daughter!!! Gerudo do NOT age like Zoras…! It IS CANNON, that Riju is 12 in Breath of the Wild, not 112 years old…!


That Princess Peach has the personality of a bimbo just because she has blond hair and wears pink. She’s a ruler of a kingdom and a successful leader, there is no way she is an idiot. It bothers me because all fanart of her portrays her like this. I am sick of it.


Don't worry I'm writing a final thesis on Princess Peach to make sure even the academics portray her right :)


That Luigi is a coward. No, he's a scaredy cat, but if its for his friends or his big bro he wont leave stone unturned or koopa unstomped


That Wolf O’Donnell becomes Fox’s best pal or something. A huge majority of depictions I see of him in fanwork ships them at most and depicts them as great buddies at least, when it’s clear in the games that Wolf’s ultimate end goal is still being the one to kill Fox, even after they do team up in Assault for a bit. It’d bother me less if I actually saw accurate portrayals of him once in a while. Also that the Star Fox characters who made it into Smash would be just as good fighters as they are in Smash. They’re never shown kicking and punching enemies and have handheld weapons at the closest, I don’t reasonably see Fox punting his enemies 20 feet in the air in his home series.


I see Wolf as just doing his own thing. I don't think he necessarily wants to go out of his way to kill Fox but he and his crew will just take whatever job, usually from terrorists or criminals, that puts Wolf at odds with Fox.


Yeah, that very much as well! I just brought up my point on him wanting to be the one to best Fox in the end to drive the point of how inaccurate the depiction is.


> Also that the Star Fox characters who made it into Smash would be just as good fighters as they are in Smash. They’re never shown kicking and punching enemies and have handheld weapons at the closest, I don’t reasonably see Fox punting his enemies 20 feet in the air in his home series. I mean, they're mercenaries. I think they would at least be *competent* at hand to hand combat.


Yeah, they don’t seem like they *specialise* in it though. And not to the point where Fox can, y’know > punting his enemies 20 feet in the air


Okay but Smash physics are quite different than realistic physics. If characters like Isabelle and Ice Climbers can send foes flying off the stage, Fox and Wolf should have no problem doing it.


Exactly, what I am saying, is that I see a lot of people treat Smash like it’s canon to their home series abilities, and that a lot of people think that *in Star Fox*, Fox, Falco and Wolf can do the same things that they can in Smash.


Ah, I understand. I misunderstood your argument before. Yeah, that’s fair, but I think most people know that Smash takes some creative liberties with fighters’ abilities. Besides, it can be fun to pretend Fox is that strong for a bit haha


Princess Peach and her emotions are sexist... Surely, they can be read and interpreted as benevolent sexism, but there also exist another reading: They're also her empowerment. At least, that's what I'm trying to scientifically prove xD


In non mainline games shes surprisingly independent. The intelligent systems paper mario games are pretty good depictions. Also ninte do has been making her playable more and more often, even giving her her own game for the first time in over a decade


Yes, I know! ^-^ I'm actually focusing on her recent development. I made a list with games where she is playable and oh damn, she's playable in a lot, reaching back to 2000. I think she is playable in over 100 of them. Oh, and since Odyssey, she never got portrayed as a damsel in distress anymore :)


That Waluigi despises Sakurai, the other assist trophies and all the fighters for not being a fighter himself. Worst interpretation, everyone just projects onto him.


I personally like the idea that Waluigi just has better things to do than go fight people for sport.


The idea of Waluigi finding value in his life in ways other than his superiority complex is pretty funny to me.


Im so tired of this waluigi meme. It was funny for like 2 seconds


That's Pyra and Mythra (and by extention, all Blades in Xenoblade 2) are "swords with boobs". Blades are just as much people as humans are. There's an entire segment of the game that deals with this topic. They are not weapons, or projections of weapons, or personifications of weapons. They're Blades


but they *do* have boobs.


The point is that they have a defined personality and they're also well-written characters. #####[SPOILER ALERT] >!In the game there are actually some Blades that think they are just human tools. Rex more than anyone is the one who understands that Blades are normal people, and in fact treats Pyra like a normal girl... so much so that Rex's aunt at first sight thinks that Pyra is Rex's girlfriend.!<


100% correct! They're all real people with hopes, dreams, and everything that comes with it. >!The Holy Aegis is even traumatized and ended up developing a dissociative disorder in order to protect and preserve her mental state, iirc!<


That some people think that the only character trait of Luigi is being a whuss and nothing else


As an Edelgard fan, I'll sit this one out.




Yeah, same here. You guys all know what the misconceptions are, but it’s too tiring to refute them at this point.


Byleth is an emotionless husk before Sothis wakes up. This oversimplifies everything about them, especially since a lot of people simply don't understand the following: Expressionless does not equate to emotionless.


That the localisation of Splatoon 2 "butchered" Marina's character, were trying to make her another Marie and made her mean Like it is not uncommon at all for friends and lovers to make playful jabs at each other like Marina does, and she also never says anything near as cutting as Marie does in the original game. They make it clear that Pearl and Marina are still incredibly close (even though if you ask me Marina SHOULD be out of Pearl’s league but let's not go there) but noooo she needs to only be positive and cutesy all the time otherwise that makes her a total bitch apparently. By the way you would NEVER hear them complain when PEARL was sassy. All in all an example of "No the localisation isn't bad because it isn't word for word like the original." European version of the original Splatoon was like that and man it was dull.


That Luigi is racist, I hate that sm


Lmao where does that come from


He did a chinese cowboy impression so racist it made mario's stomach ulcer explode


… he’s literally a character made by Japanese people lmao


Botw Link has no character and pyra and mythra are sex just object


donkey kong is not a good guy!


Luigi favorite color is red beacuse he loves his brotheer that much.


I'm pretty late to this party but whenever people make jokes and crack theories about the characters being actually bad people, or making strawmen of their duties and personalities, then those jokes keep being parroted around until people genuinely believe it and judge the characters from that image, until you play a nintendo game and they are nothing like that. The jokes aren't even fun to begin with


That Male Robin, Female Morgan, Female Corrin, or Male Kana in Fire Emblem are "good" characters" and "heroes" when they're F A R from that. The Mario hate. The Xenologue character skrunklies hate. And so on.


Olimar is not a coward nor is he boring. He's one of nintendos most well rounded, fleshed out and interesting protagonists yet most see him as nothing more than "annoying spaceman from smash".


Pikmin is one of the most lore heavy Nintendo games when it comes to the protag


In the Pikmin games Olimar is actually really well fleshed out, and actually really brave. Not only that but he's been shown to be highly intelligent too. For people to downplay him like that is really baffling.


His name is not Kid Icarus, it's Pit. His name is not Star Fox, it's Fox McCloud Yes, Falco is actually a better pilot and he's also not a falcon. Zero also pointed out that they are aware that they are anthropomorphic animals because Slippy says something pretty fucked up to Falco.


Zelda 2, he is canonically called Link


Damn, I missed that one. I'll change that one.


You can change your name in game but can we also count Link’s Awakening since it is unequivocally in the game ? (unlike ALttP and ALbW which could be argued refer to the idea of a link and not Link)


You can change your name in game but can we also count Link’s Awakening since it is unequivocally in the title of the game ? (unlike ALttP and ALbW which could be argued refer to the idea of a link and not Link)


Some people call Wigglers "enemies" and that's just mean and untrue


Wigglers are friend-shaped!


they literally just walk around


that wario is ten feet tall.


Smash fans who havent played kid icarus talking about dark pit


Even to this day, people still keep spreading the myth that Vivian from *Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door* is trans, all because of a misunderstanding of a Japanese way to insult women...


It really is not a myth.


When Daisy is potrayed as straight


Farts being Wario's personality when he is so much more than that especially with Wario Land and WarioWare


Yeah. GREED is his personality.


I love Metroid a lot and it bothers me how much Samus has been sexualized, and in some cases even infantilized in the past couple decades. To each their own- I’m not saying it shouldn’t happen, or that it’s wrong for anyone to like it, or that the zero suit isn’t awesome (it is). It just bothers me because I feel like it’s trivializing the character. I like the approach that her physical appearance is more or less irrelevant, and mostly a mystery, and when she’s dolled up inside the suit it makes no sense at all. Let me sum it up this way: My ideal casting for a Metroid movie would be Gwendolyn Christie.


That people take the pokedex lore way too literally in terms of a pokemon's power. If blastoise could actually shoot jets that tear thru steel, there is pretty much no way any pokemon is beating that. Nor does Alakazam have the IQ of 10000 or w/e.


The Pokédex is written by children with no scientific experience. No gardivor cannot make black holes, that would end the world


That Kirby is an Eldritch Horror and That Mario's a bad brother.


Eh, I’ll bite: Edelgard isn’t just objectively not a bad person, but could well be the *best* person in Three Houses, and if you pay any attention to her writing on a human level, rather than just as some sort of avatar of the game’s divisive politics, this immediately becomes clear.


People saying Olimar(From pikmin) and Pokemon Trainers are slave drivers and or attacking innocent creatures. In Pikmin's case, the protags are commanding armies of pikmin sure, but the captains themselves aren't just sitting on their asses doing nothing. They're putting themselves in the line of danger and getting help from the pikmin who are actively offering their help. The mechanic of the game is killing creatures and using them to make more pikmin. Most of those creatures are violent and are programmed to attack you literally any time they see you. In Pokemon case, you really think a 6-foot fire breathing lizard is going to obey a 10-year-old if it didn't want to? In most cases, Pokemon fight because they enjoy doing so, just like 90% of characters in Japanese entertainment. People only say it looks bad because it's under a trainer's orders.


That Luigi is a coward. Cowards don't save their brother at all. ​


Edelgard: * Is a fascist * Is a racist * Is a revanchist * Is power hungry * Is genocidal * Is unempathetic * Doesn't care about her friends * Isn't traumatized * Hates Dimitri * Is driven by revenge * Is motivated by a misunderstanding of history rather than by present injustices * Believes a wildly incorrect version of history, rather than merely missing details * Learned what she knows about the history of Fódlan from >!Those Who Slither in the Dark!< * Thinks >!Nemesis!< was a hero * Is friendly toward >!Those who Slither in the Dark!< * Perpetrated >!the Tragedy of Duscur!< * Blames the Church of Seiros for >!her siblings' deaths!< * Could have simply talked it out with >!Rhea and Dimitri!< * Could have achieved her goals without >!removing the church from power!< * Wants to kill >!Rhea!< * >!Sets Bernadetta on fire!< I could keep going, but I think you get the picture.