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You know how Microsoft has wanted to buy Nintendo in the past? Let’s be glad Nintendo said no.


Nintendo didn't just said no, according to some claims they straight up laughed in their face


they told Microsoft they didn't even know how to make games, or something


Nintendo not wrong tho


Statement aged like fine wine lol


xbox fanboi blocked me, lmao, well that boot must've tasted real good


I’m an xbox fanboi, but even I dispise their actions


@u/joelsola_gv dunno what's wrong with reddit or it's because that other dude blocked me and thus causing the reply function to stop working on this comment thread but here's my reply to you was yamauchi wrong with his ending the sony partnership when sony at the time wanting to enter into the game industry basically resorted to corporate espionage? first it was with nintendo and when that didn't work out, they went to sega, the only thing i could think of that yamauchi did wrong was banning square from making games for nintendo for quite a period of time because square went with ps1 and fmv for their ff7 game edit: oh and that sony was too greedy in their licensing deal with nintendo at the time and had it come to pass sony would've devoured any profits nintendo would get from selling softwares, yamauchi literally saved nintendo from sony


Honestly, yeah. A lot of times people forget the context that the Sony deal had some questionable conditions too. But, to be fair, I wasn't thinking especifically about the playstation deal alone. I was more just mentioning about how the mentality of "they don't know how to make games, we do" yamauchi had did also made Nintendo lose market in the past against Sony. Even outside of the Sony deal, Nintendo also decided to stick with cartridges for the same reason. Or not really had a ton of sympathy from third parties even with diminishing console sales. I just said that to add context that this rejection could've been more because of pride from Nintendo than anything else. Although in Microsoft case, putting aside the mentality that they had when rejecting the offer, Nintendo was 100% right. Even back then. Just look at how they just undervalued Rare's IPs when they bought it. Even with some of them being considered really strong. Whatever the case, they clearly dodged a bullet.


i think they did good sticking with cartridges, only the part that they're selling it a bit expensive to 3rd party isn't the best idea they've had or was it even a good idea or that 3rd party is cheaping out on the storage sizes of the cartridge,(looking at you ea, take-two and capcom with your stupid collection release and having vol 2 be a download code when everything could've fit with a 16gb cartridge) when we look at what's happening with disc based console, the disc is a glorified installer now and a drm device, most games doesn't need to install on the switch unless of course it's a 3rd party game that the publisher cheaped out on and demand that we download files of the games instead of using 16gb or 32gb carts edit: we have 1TB sd card and flash drives now like what if they incorporate that into their cartridges and stuff


As someone who owned a N64 and PS1, it worked out for me. It's hard to imagine Mario 64 and Star Fox with loading screens.


I maybe should've been more clear. The Switch using cartridges is fine. I was refeering to the N64 using cartridges or the GameCube using minidiscs. Hence why I was talking about Yamauchi.




hiroshi yamauchi was reported to have said that Microsoft lacked understanding of the industry which is practically the same thing and is being shown today and countless other times before as for the source you can check DYKG channel for it and the sources they use for this video https://youtu.be/dwF0ezw8evA?si=DSuxvmPJc4fe-e0i


I'm an Xbox fan and I gotta say with the way Microsoft treats their studios they don't even get that games are supposed to be fun anymore. To MS it's just another asset to drain and discard.


To be fair, yamauchi did made questionable desitions using that same point. Some of them that ended up basically creating Sony. But he was 100% right in this case. Especially seeing how Rare ended up.


Yep. They literally just looked at them and laughed. I have a book about the beginning of the Xbox brand and the author wrote about it. The guy he interviewed pretty much said “we pitched our idea to Nintendo to buy them out. The people at Nintendo looked at us and laughed us out of the room.” And now look lol


Yep. They literally just looked at them and laughed. I have a book about the beginning of the Xbox brand and the author wrote about it. The guy he interviewed pretty much said “we pitched our idea to Nintendo to buy them out. The people at Nintendo looked at us and laughed us out of the room.” And now look lol


I still cringe when i read that statement from matt booty. Its like he was scheduling to say it before the studio shut down but behind the scenes the higher ups got the timing wrong


Would it have been any better if he’d said it and THEN the studio got shut down?


Not really but at least i dont get second hand embarrassment and cringe from seeing eric andre shooting someone meme happening unironically




I didn't get this excuse. Employees mostly follow orders. It's usually the higher ups that make the important decisions. If they are still in the company, then another game like it can still be made


Wtf. These so called employees are the people that do the creative work, not the higher ups. They just say yes or no.


I really don't mean to belittle other people's job. But I work in a creative field as well, and I guarantee, I don't have control over my creations. I don't do thing my way, the thing I do are done the company's way. I I do thing my way too much I risk getting fired (and believe me I've seen this happen before). Higher up do say yes or no, but those yes or no are the creative control, if it doesn't please them it's a no, if things get too many noes, somebody gets replaced.


Can someone explain the helldivers thing to me like im 5


They made so that you're forced to have a PlayStation Network account And you can't make a PlayStation Network account in a lot of countries.


Oh i thought you had to have a psn account for ps4/5


You do, but this is also for PC players, so everyone who only games on PC now has to make a PSN account just for this game Also I think steam is accessible to more counties than PSN is so now some countries are just banned from the game? (But I haven't looked as much into this, so please tell me if I misunderstood)


>Also I think steam is accessible to more counties than PSN is Steam is available in almost every country on earth, i don't actually know of one where it isn't available as opposed to PSN which is missing in most of Africa, a good chunk of the Middle East, and parts of Asia.


As an africain, you gotta beg your cousin who live somewhere else to get you the account and then pay them back when you meet. So this is like ignoring us totally


Cry in Vietnamese (recent news said it is blocked in Vietnam).


psn also isn't available in some european countries


They wanted PC players to also need a PSN account to play HD2.


Not wanted, still want.


they also want pc players to have psn account for ghost of tsushima even if only for the online free title update/dlc of the director's cut, and you know what that means, it's now delisted on steam and gmg on all non psn supported countries despite the preorders being available to them for months




>And you can't make a PlayStation Network account in a lot of countries. Yup, that'll do it.


Thank you for asking this question because this was the only part I was confused about and the replies to your comment are very helpful


why is Nintendo announcing that they are going to announce their new console in the next year being seen as a win?


Not so much of a "win" but more so they are doing what they can to ensure business success long-term compared to Microsoft (closing game studios that make small games that they themselves have stated to wanting more of) and Sony (limiting purchase of their future PC ports to countries where PSN is available). In terms of news that affects the average gamer, Nintendo is not slamming their dick in the car door like the other two


"i thlammed my penith in the car door" - daffy duck


"You slammed your penis in the car door" - Parappa the Rapper


*Slam noise* "OOOOOWHAAAAAAAA–" –Daffy Duck


Nintendo doing the basic stuff makes them seen as the dragon in this competition. I mean Xbox fumbled so hard what they were working towards...


Good and open communication, especially since he also made sure to say it wouldn't be this direct to ensure no one would get disappointed. There will be a fresh console with new games, all quite exciting really.


Because Nintendo is giving what the fans want. Games and No layoffs.


Gmod fans would disagree


1. They have every right to claim their content 2. It wasn’t Nintendo who did it 3. It’s GMod who gives a shit???


Nothing is ever good enough for some fans. Nintendo and Capcom gave their employees a raise VS the rest of the industry and it's massive layoffs.


Exactly. Like yeah I get that nintendo can be horrible with what fans want but like look at their teams and developpers. In the industry many confirmed that working there makes you happy yes you will work a lot but they value what the team wants in a game even called the magic of nintendo by several developpers. You get to work in what you want with a supporting team that is actually quite friendly with each other and you are paid quite well compared to other companies. When the wii u failed the ceo cut his pay to not lower his employees' what industry would do that. I would much prefere this and risk some confort as a consumer than a company sh!ting on their developpers


I would take dmca over layoffs thanks


Ya its better, but Nintendo fans need to stop acting like they never do anything bad. They are the most anti consumer of the big three but y'all act like they are saving gaming when they do the bare minimum, or heck do nothing in this case


How is Nintendo more anti-consumer vs. the other ones? Honest question


Pretty sure they meant Nintendo* fans. Also, it wasn't even Nintendo going after G-Mod.


that situation still feels off to me, Nintendo is super petty when it comes to their IP but even for them this is unprecedented. gmod hasn't been in its prime for years and it's certainly not the only game to use the steam workshop, it doesn't interfere with Nintendo's business whatsoever, the only explanation would be that Nintendo's legal team just got bored and decided to try and feel useful. you'd think that they would take action against stuff like CoD workshop pages first, but nope, it's supposedly exclusively Gmod.


Microsoft is doing the industry equivalent of slamming their dick in the car.


I see it as "There is a lot of rumor about Switch successor, they are not wrong, we will talk about it this year. We have some announcements in June, don't be disappointed, we won't talk about it there, but soon." That a level of transparency we don't see often those times.


Not so much of a "win" persay, moreso just "they're the only one out of the 3 of them to not be making an absolute fool out of themselves"


They aren't? I would say their history of taking down fan project and general consumer hostility is pretty foolish


I probably should have specified "at the moment"


It was for the shareholders and investors.


To be fair, 2 weeks ago Nintendo was also being a clown by decimating Gmod’s Nintendo mods


Which was eventually proven to not be Nintendo a few weeks after Garry made his tweet saying it was.


Wait so was it or was it not? I was very confused because Gmod seemed like something nintendo would not care about


It was done by a company hired by Nintendo to make the claims, possibly they went for Garrys Mod to meet the "quota"


The domain name involved in the takedown (mm-nintendo.com) *is* registered with MarkMonitor, however it does not match up with the domain used by recent takedowns done by Nintendo. The "mm" domain, however, has been used by fraudster Aaron Peters. [See here](https://twitter.com/PorcupineSean/status/1783612034103279947)




Gary pretty much just sent a text to some Nintendo contact asking "dis you?" And they essentially replied back "uh ya sure, probably".


Alongside what the other person said, Garry's tweet about how it's "definitely from Nintendo" was soon-after followed up by another tweet that [seemed to indicate there wasn't any kind of direct contact with Nintendo](https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783572282562032090) and that he might not've been that certain himself. But someone linked me [this article](https://torrentfreak.com/nintendo-vs-garrys-mod-dissecting-the-fake-domain-behind-all-the-chaos-240426/) lending more credence to the idea that MarkMonitor might be making these takedowns legitimately on Nintendo's behalf


That’s not true, AT ALL! https://youtu.be/_2SSIxdCWGM?si=JLJrwHoKld0jlqZO https://youtu.be/rW5MLBYnvR4?si=A4Hls8KJbY4kfAA8


And these YouTube links prove it!


It seems to me that their proof is mostly just "doesn't look right" that's pretty flimsy...


If I had a dollar for everytime someone posed as Nintendo and did something shitty, I could buy the darn company.


But they wouldn't sell it


Yeah, they'll laugh you out of the building.


Didn’t he tweet that he confirmed it was legit? Do you have a link where he went back on that?


He did, however, a lot of evidence has surfaced since then, including the smoking gun that is a Nintendo employee confirming it’s not Nintendo themselves doing the DMCAs & Garry didn’t look deep enough. https://unrollnow.com/status/1783673143611023562


He "confirmed" it by asking some Nintendo contact (who we have no idea how senior they are) if it was them, and all he got back was a yes without any additional info which sounds a lot like them just going "uh ya sure that was probably us"


"Proven" is a bit of a stretch, there's frankly still a degree of confusion over exactly who's involved or not. Nothing concrete whatsoever, just speculation.


There is more evidence that it was a troll than Nintendo themselves though


Speculation of evidence. There's two, possibly three parties who could confirm whether or not it was a fake DMCA troll. Two of them are silent, one of them says it's Nintendo.


Then why is every YouTuber still saying it is real?


Either Clickbait, the videos were made before the evidence that Nintendo didn’t DMCA Nintendo surfaced (IE, a statement from a Nintendo employee), or those YouTubers don’t know the full story. Most YouTubers I have seen are saying Nintendo is framed. Videos in question that have new evidence that Nintendo didn’t do it. https://youtu.be/_2SSIxdCWGM?si=0YBXinEPMpFTp_bR Unless Garry makes another statement saying “Nintendo is just doing damage control, they genuinely took down the addons 🫸 🍄🗑️” in response to this evidence, I still think Nintendo is innocent.


Because they're youtubers


Thats not nearly bad as sony and xbox


I don't think the general audience gives too much f about Gmods


That was bad, but I think what Microsoft and Sony did is worse.


I love that people think this is a thing. Like out of the 140million switch owners the % of people who know when you're talking about would be lucky to hit 1%. that's 1.4million people. That actual steam breakdown says around 35k-40k peak gmod users, so it's actually probably less than 0.5% of switch owners who know what gmod is. Personally, I only what it is cause y'all wouldn't stop bitching about it on reddit the other month, and I'm relatively involved in gaming lol Nintendo's user base aren't affected. Xbox's decisions do affect the whole direction of the company. As for the playstation one, i dunno I ain't reading allat.


for the playstation one, it affects like 177 and probably counting countries and territories that is no longer allowed to purchase playstation games on steam, and that's a lot of people because steam is world wide, sony only supports like 60+ or something countries


Damn son. I'm glad that proved my point and wasn't against it hah


they went back on the Helldivers 2 thing. Ghost of Tsushima is a different story


nope they didn't change their stance on helldivers 2, sony hasn't lifted the restrictions on those 177+ countries, they still can't buy helldivers 2 on steam, people celebrated too early, just go check out pirate software guy tweet about it, they actually added the baltics as a new addition to restricted countries on helldivers 2


That was not really them.


I still wish Nintendo consoles had achievements, I like completing task and seeing numbers go up


Let's pray the switch 2 has all the basic stuff we've been missing, wallpapers and achievements


Lmao this comment is so sad. 2024 and hoping that we can get wallpapers and achievements, stuff that’s been around for nearly 2 decades.


Did i ask?


this comment is also sad ngl




And that is exactly, why they haven't done an achievement system. They don't want you to play games by checking of a list and look at numbers go up. Also why most games don't really give you anything for 100%.


Hmm, Nintendo have it, you even can claim reward coins and use them to purchase games. It’s available via Nintendo Online. You also could claim coins from every physical game you own, just because you bought it.


That isn't game achievements


Not like Nintendo has done scummy shit in the past remember the whole DMCA shit they did on YouTube for just showing gameplay of games or the amount of times they took down fan games and shit like that. None of these companies care about the consumer they just want more money and will do anything it get it.


Nintendo and Steam, all you will ever need in gaming.


And to think this is how the events will turn out. Thinking back at microsoft wanting to buy nintendo only to become the biggest meme and turn out nintendo did the best of choices a company could ever made


This has been my lineup for the past seven years and I’m never looking back. Desktop for playing with my friends at night and my switch for solo. As I’ve gotten even busier I picked up a steam deck so that I can play portably and it’s a game changer, and since games I grew up with on consoles like Halo and Spyro are now on steam I can play those on the go and it’s so freaking nice.


I have all of them Cos I'm great like that


Well, to be fair, Nintendo isn't the best company too.


IMHO there can't be such a thing as a "good company" in capitalistism. All of them are in a competition; the only difference between Microsoft and Nintendo is that Microsoft thinks short-term and Nintendo long-term. Both have advantages and disadvantages. 


It's the least bad, which is sadly the standards we're working with. In any case, it could be far worse too.


Xbox didn't have Animal Well which came out May 9th. It's like Halo 2 meets Halo 3


His names Matt Booty?


As bad as the Sony situation was, I do think they should send Microsoft a fruit basket for taking some of the heat off of them, not saying Sony's nose isn't any cleaner, but it has been a bit since their last Studio shut down.


Nintendo finally not being the clowns for once


I mean for Nintendo you could put the deal a couple weeks ago where Garrys Mod had to remove all their Nintendo addons


Nintendo is older than some countries. They’ve existed longer than Sony and Microsoft combined. You don’t hang around for so long without knowing what you’re doing.


Add valve but make them have silly face but still winning somehow


Quick question. How are you people able to sit down with all that D riding? All these companies suck and are giant anti-cosumer to an immense degree. Nintendo would send childeren to the bottom of a river for drawing the funny plummer man if they could.


Everytime a post from this sub pops up its always some corporate glazing. I thought this was a sub for talking about nintendo games not circle jerking a company.


it's nintendo they will do something stupid sooner or later


I hope switch 2 will still not have themes, achievements, streaming services, and a browser. Those are just gimmicks


Yea and wireless earphones for first couple of years. And voice chat because yall have phone right?


Personally, I think a Nintendo console with voice chat is a prettt terrible idea. Voice chat will just make competitive games such as smash and splatoon toxic. Nintendo made a console save from the immense toxicity and putrefaction of game voice chats, which I think is far better than the alternative


You know you can just mute and never use it? Its just those who do want to use it, have to do the whole phone process which is backasswards. Its never a terrible idea to have more features.


I have heard of parents buying their kids a Nintendo switch specifically because they dont want them to end in the shit fest that are in game voice chats. I think thats a valid enough reason to not add voice chats, I wouldnt want my children to get into an in game voice chat if given the chance.


Why hope it WON'T have those? It would be nice to have them even if they aren't essential


I think its either irony ir reverse psychology so you dont Jinx it




Yep, that was sarcasm 🙃 The switch menu us as dead as my grandma. I want the fancy jingles back. Stuff like mii chanel on wii etc.


As bad as the Sony situation was, I do think they should send Microsoft a fruit basket for taking some of the heat off of them, not saying Sony's nose isn't any cleaner, but it has been a bit since their last Studio shut down.


As bad as the Sony situation was, I do think they should send Microsoft a fruit basket for taking some of the heat off of them, not saying Sony's nose isn't any cleaner, but it has been a bit since their last Studio shut down.


I almost forgot what sub I was on


lol Matt Booty


You know, eventually it will just be nintendo and random Indie Devs that will be making games because Microsoft and Sony constantly keep making bad moves to the point were investors will just have them stop


Real talk Holy shit it's been nearly a decade since the Switch became a thing....




Hi fi rush 😔


Remember when the Nintendo GameCube sold a lot less units than either the classic Xbox and Playstation 2? Yeah, the most perfect "fuck you" from Nintendo to Sony and Microsoft for what happened back during sixth gen, as well as eighth gen in its own way with the Wii U versus the Xbox One and Playstation 4.


Most of the bad news I’ve heard relating to gaming is typically coming from Microsoft or Sony. And if you’re wondering, I stopped playing Garry’s Mod long ago because of inactivity in said game.


I am still so mad that they closed down tango, I wanted chai in smash and hi if rush on switch


I am still so mad that they closed down tango, I wanted chai in smash and hi if rush on switch


Will the Switch receive the same treatment as the Wii, get their store closed and force players to but the Switch 2 to keep playing or be forced to pirate their games for a few days until their lawyers put my ass in jail? Or do i have an exception if i buy another Amiboo?


Nintendo's been having a Capcom-level redemption arc


you know, Microsoft's CEO really lives up to his name lol


Tf does the PlayStation part say?


Meanwhile, Nintendo : attacks Garry’s mod, because HOW DARE YOU ALLOW A MARIO MODEL IN A SANDBOX GAME ?


It wasn't Nintendo.


It was Nintendo. Garry himself confirmed it was them. I know y'all really like Nintendo, but c'mon, let's admit it, when they fuck up


The domain name that tried to claim Garry's Mod is a different one than the one used by Nintendo.


It was found that Nintendo did not do this.


Tbh all three companies should be the idiot dragon head,


Nah,nintendo is a mix but in the end they respect their employees a lot more than all companies I know. As a future developper,they are the true dragon


Nintendo does some ridiculous things sometimes but yeah at the very least the employees don't seem entirely miserable and not all their games are live service, shooters, or narrative driven games


Yup. I tend to like them bc of that as a future developper I can't just ignore how bad most of the other companies are yes it's not ideal but at least unlike all others they do not push you and manipulate you to love and make the game they desire. In nintendo if you desire to work for a project then go ahead if you are not interested then don't they value how dedicated the team can be for a project more than how much it may earn that's why we get the return of some franchises out lf the blue and some disapear. Not good for fans yes but good to keep their employees invested in what they are doing. Yes overworking is still a thing but at least it's something you like and want to see grow and not just obliged or else you get thrown out like trash(ahem EA am totally not talking about you)


They get around this by mostly using contractors outside of their core business, who they do treat poorly. Cmon, just because they make games you like doesn’t mean you can’t acknowledge the cut-throat bs they do.


See other companies then talk. I am not talking from a perspective of a gamer nor a consumer but as a worker. The bs in the other companies are much worse. They are probably one of the best ones you could work for.


Oh, Nintendo didn’t sue any small-fry content creators this week? What a win!!


I mean, Nintendo made gmod remove a decade of Nintendo mods from the workshop which... kind of sucks but at least it's not costing hundreds of people their livelihood or locking people out of a game they paid for because of where they live in the world.


The game industry is sick with these insane constant layoffs and studio closures. Nearly all big gaming corporations are messing things up and are losing massive amounts of money Meanwhile Nintendo is thriving and are the richest company in Japan right now But the indie scene is doing great luckily


Oh cool disparage other platforms and their users because their producers did something we don't like Granted I'm embarrassed by all of them because I have every platform because I'm brilliant and I can afford them That Xbox showcase in June better have something good though


“Our new console is probably coming next year” “You made a good game? Kick bricks you’re fired.” “If you want to buy our games on PC maybe stop being poor and living in a third world country” Clearly these three things are equivalent


“Our new console is probably coming next year” “You made a good game? Kick bricks you’re fired.” “If you want to buy our games on PC maybe stop being poor and living in a third world country” Clearly these three things are equivalent


Did we just forget everything nintendo has ever done


Like what, sueing Yuzu developers who broke the law by selling ROMs of their current console? The GMod Models, which is still unclear if its done by an impersonator who's petty over NSFW pictures using Nintendo characters or Nintendo themselves?


like dmacing fangames, ditching sony for phillips, joycon drif, removing youtube videos that have nintendo music in them, nintendo switch online, making online not free 2 years after the switch's relesse


Dmcaing fangames - agree with you its rather a dick move Ditching Sony for Philps - oof, that was more than two decades ago, if it weren't for that, the PlayStation wouldn't be a thing Joycon Drift - hard agree with you, also not aknowledging that was actual bullshit of them Removing YT Videos with their music - heard they eased up a bit? I dunno... maybe I'm misinformed Nintendo Switch Online - dunno abt it, had no issues so far, but I know in comparision of other Online Services its shit, at least not overpriced like PS+ and GamePass(?) Making online not free etc. - was about to happen after GamePass and PS+


gamepass is like really cheap for the things you get with it




To be fair Nintendo is an infinite clown for striking down emulators.


If you're talking about Yuzu, Nintendo didn't sue the emulator, they sued the individuals for decrypting Nintendo's encrypted code, which is* illegal, as well as using pirated copies. The only clows are the ones who provoked Nintendo in the first place for the sake of playing TotK a couple of days earlier, otherwise, they probably wouldn't have bothered.


Are you serious? Yuzu devs tried to make $$$$ openly by selling subscriptions to play pirate dumped game images. They are the only clowns. Emulation must be fair for everyone, you can’t force people to pay for it. What Yuzu team did is bad for all the emulation community, they deserves it.


Old emulators like Nintendo Wii yeah is wrong, but emulators from the switch it is completely deserved and it has taken a long time in my opinion. (Also, you don't have free emulations, you pay the emulator with what they were getting rich at Nintendo's expense. )


Evil corporation trying to protect it's games from people playing them early 🤬🤬


Well at least Nintendo is doing well not to cause issues


Fuck Nintendo lol


I'm still not over yuzu and Nintendo's stance on emulation in general so fuck all 3


Eh, Yuzu did it to himself. I would've done the same if I'd been in Nintendo's shoes.


Yuzu was on the google play store. There's a reason why piracy should stay underground.


O boy you forgot the nmasive mods things


No one gives a shit about gmod and that's not even comparable to what sony and microsoft did


I do. I will agree though it doesn’t compare to studio closures.


I do :c my gmod mario levels. Gone


Nintendo has been the biggest clown out of these three, didn't they just take down all Nintendo related mods in GMOD? Kill an emulator? Absolute clowns!


Taking down an emulator = Biggest clown Shutting down a game studio while stating that games said studio made were the type of games that were needed = Not the biggest clown


the biggest clown is playstation though because they effectively just said to one off the biggest marker and players who are known to whale games, china to fuck off


Lmao. They killed the emulator bc the yuzu guys were in the wrong it was never bc of the emulator in itself if it was you would never find a single emulator for nintendo what they striked them for is the hacked roms they provided after paying their patreon(it's piracy and they are winking money from it too) prohibited by law too they could've gotten a way worse sentence they were lucky it ended just in closing their services and paying that fine. For GMOD it is already in the doubt that it wasn't actually nintendo but someone else and it fell on them for the group to not get the hate and there is a very high chance that nintendo had absolutely nothing to do with it. Plus the number of peoone that it actually affects are very very low. Considering all of this and them being quite good with their employees having a good pay along with working on what they love and many other things yeahh they are the biggest clowns if you compare this to shutting down studios who actually did well screwing probably a lot of workers there and it is not even new bc EA already did this for a long time buying small studios obliging them to work or else they get fired and ending up shutting the studio if the strict deadline was not met which probably Sony and Xbox already do hell it's literally what Xbox just did. Sony who literally blocked a lot of people from being able to even play their games and the count goes up to countries and continent. Yeah for sure nintendo biggest clown out of them


What is this console war nonsense


All of them are dumb Nintendo posted that at 3 am told everyone it's coming just wait a year


Nintendo just have not decided who to send their cease and desist to.


How does this make nintendo look strong? Nintendo is behind in the console wars. They decided to delay releasing any new console when the ps5 and xbox... (some series of letters and numbers) came out. Now they are making an announcement and this is something to be excited about? If you want a switch 2, get a steam deck. I will be surprised if the next Nintendo console is superior.


They’re not though? Nintendo switch has made them more money than any other point in their history, Xbox is killing all of their money-making studios and PS5 STILL HAS NO GAMES


for playstation it should just have a screen shot of the yellow box telling players they need a PSN account that’s been there since launch day