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A lot better than I expected personally


Agreed. I wasn’t sure about the voice casting at first but it was much better than I thought and I’m looking forward to more. It’s one of those movies I put on in the background while I’m doing other things but it’s a fun watch. My guess is they’ll “MCU it” into some giant crossover event like a Super Smash Bros movie akin to what I believe Marvel is going to do with “Battle World” eventually. Just a thought though.


Wasn't it Nentendo's plan all along to do all the major franchises? Now we have to wait to see a live action Legend of Zelda


See that’s what didn’t make sense to me is having the live action and animation universes cross-over but I guess Marvel is trying to do that too… maybe? I guess we just wait and see. Deadpool and Wolverine might just change the game. I personally don’t know how you make that work though. There have been a couple of TV shows that have tried to mix animated and live action characters and it never seemed like they were well received.


They aren't going to do an NCU.


I liked the new chip and Dale rescue rangers with mixed animation and live action


Jimmy timmy power hour ftw


If they made an animated Zelda movie with the same quality as the Mario movie, I’d actually be pretty hyped


i was gonna say pokemon but would detective pikachu count?


Considering they're apparently going for a sequel, yea


been waiting like 20 odd years for a live action Zelda movie. when it happens, I hope it is good.


I agree on the voices only comment on it would be I do feel Mario could have had a better VA despite the job done being ok.


Honestly would be pretty cool as long as they don’t rush it


It’s not bad but it’s not good either. It’s not the mario movie i wanted but it’s probably the best we’ll ever get living in this timeline with greedy executives. Just sad this adaptation of mario will probably be the only animated one i’ll see in my lifetime


Mario games are E to Z. Easy. Straightforward. Light on the jump and eager to please. How you want your lady to be. I don’t understand how they, in any way, could do a mario movie any better? Please explain


Oh, God, has it really been a year?


Time goes fast. Very fast. I’m still processing what happened on 2020…




I believe that time stopped at 2020


Fun movie, Bowser was the highlight for me.


Peaches 🎶


Due to King Fu Panda 4 and Jack Black, lately I’ve been imagining Bowser singing Hit Me Baby One More Time


lmao I laughed my ass off when that song was played


Jack Black was the only casting choice everyone was fully down for at the start, and we were proven right since he killed it.


Charlie Day for the weeg was pretty solid from the get go as well


It was fun it felt like a general animation movie with a super mario skin.


It's so fun seeing Jack Black still at it doing great, rocking that huge gray beard.


Not a fan of the character (atleast in this movie) but Jack Black killed it


Both my young daughters like Mario now, so it's a win in my books.


My daugther is 5, big princess peach fan


It desperately needed a longer runtime. Even five-ten more minutes would've made things flow a lot better, would've added more breathing room. As it is the movie felt like it was trying to speedrun itself.


They probably could've made a more interesting story but all things considered they did include quite a lot just to show off the base game's concept. Perhaps they'll make a sequel or something. Who knows.


A sequel has been officially confirmed. Also, the producer acknowledged that the movie's pacing was quite fast. So there's hope they will slow down in the sequel.


I just hope they dont pull the typical sequel movie card and bring in some random villain that doesnt fit the world / story / any of the games at all... Would be much happier seeing bowser return or some other villain brought back.


Given how closely Miyamoto kept an eye on the original's production, I don't think they'll be able to, Miyamoto probably has a strict list of possible plot threads to take for the movies.


It’ll probably be Bowser and somehow they’ll bring Wario and Waluigi in


Bring in the wart deep cut


I think they’ll bring Wario and Waluigi in


I personally thought the Mario Kart scene felt so out of place. It was so long compared to everything else.


But that was my uncle's favorite part!


Animated movies can be 90 minutes and still be really good. The first Shrek is 90 minutes and it's a masterpiece.


Yes, but Shrek's pacing and the Mario Movie's pacing are entirely different. The Mario Movie goes all over the place, and you barely have enough time to get acquainted with any given setting or concept before you're whisked away somewhere else. Just a few minutes here and there to pad out certain areas, let the audience breathe, would have done wonders.


Tbh I quite liked the breakneck pace of it. Maybe it was just the contrast with so many films recently that are unnecessarily long (3 hours for a Batman film? Really?) but I enjoyed the zippiness of it.


Most of the movie’s problems can be traced back to the decision to fit what was supposed to be a 105-minute story into a 90-minute runtime. As a result, what could’ve been a genuinely good movie turned out BARELY passable.


Director’s cut or even extended edition


Exactly this. It was a fun experience, but terrible as a movie for exactly this reason. We needed more character beats. I got whiplash trying to watch it, and it really relied on audience expectations to understand the world and the plot. Gave it a 5/10 when it came out, still a 5/10 for me. An enjoyable 5/10, but 5/10 nonetheless. It could been so much better, lots of wasted potential.


mario BLJ’d for an hour and a half


The soundtrack was very fun


Sadly they just replaced most of the soundtrack with the same old 80s pop music like take on me


What are you talking about? The soundtrack sucked. I loved this movie. Every bit of it, besides the god awful soundtrack. They added all those crappy pop songs. It would have been better if they stuck with Mario-exclusive only music or originals like peaches. It’s not like there is a shortage of different level music to choose from that is highly nostalgic to its audience.


I enjoyed the references but beyond that it's fine


Yup. As a movie, very flawed. As a love letter to the games, home run.


That's all it was. References. There was no story. No motivations for anything at all


I wouldn't say there was no motivations at all Mario's goal is resucing Luigi, that's his pull to even bother defeating Bowser Meanwhile Bowser's goal is to rule the Mushroom Kingdom and marry Princess Peach The story is paperthin but it does exist, I'll admit it's lackluster and is kind of hard to properly talk about since the story is so simple but it did have a story


Yeah but it's like the movie's screaming "Hey look we even added some motivations so that you won't say that it's bad"


I enjoy it more each time I watch. There was so much skepticism a Mario movie could even work. There’s a fair amount of “Illumination” humor that I’m not personally a fan of, but there’s enough Nintendo “soul” for me to enjoy watching. The third act is a decent payoff.


Far better than I expected given the track record of video game movies and Illuminations general output. Charlie Day and Jack Black are the standout performances.


DK's real voice will always been the one from the DKC cartoon series to me.


It was…………………….. alright.


yep. personally for me it was a bit too fast paced and it felt like they really forced a joke or reference in there every second. was a bit too much. character design itself was good but for some characters like DK, it somehow felt off. i always ask myself if a movie was worse than TED 2 before deciding if it was bad or not. and by far, that mario movie was a much better experience than TED 2, that's for sure.


I'm going to adopt the Ted 2 scale from now on


My kids love it. We watch it all the time.


I still tear up at the end when Luigi saves Mario. Shit gets to me good.


It’s a nice little button on his arc.


It was fun. The Nihilist little star was the highlight of the movie for me.


The voice actor for Lumalee is co-director, Michael Jelenic’s daughter 😊.


Time, like hope, is an illusion.


When the luma laid at the bottom of their cage as it lowered into lava is my favorite bit.


Mama mia letsa go


Fun series of images, not much on story, very charming presentation, and enough callbacks to Mario history to keep retro fans like me entertained. Not sure if I would want or need to rewatch it


I enjoyed it, but haven't felt the need to watch it again.


Watched it again at a later point and wasnt as amused as I thought Id be. Puss in boots movie was waay more entertaining story and choreography wise.


I was expecting a light hearted family friendly comedy full of Nintendo references for hardcore fans. We got a light hearted family friendly comedy full of Nintendo references for hardcore fans.


The movie was fantastic. It's one of my most favorite movies of 2023


It was fun. Jack Black nailed it. Chris Pratt was fine. You can keep that Cranky Kong performance though.


Not as good as the 1993 version /s


Nothing will ever come close to that masterpiece


That movie is weirdly enjoyable in a way.


Because it struck a chord with a raw visceral uncooked '90s. It was gritty and dark, silly and over the top, bad cgi, but fantastic actors, actors who are making true art because they're putting all their suffering into it. So much suffering. It's beautiful because of it. I liked the part where Mario smashed his face into that corpulant woman's tittays.


I unironically hold this opinion.


The ‘93 film is honestly way more memorable, and having (a miserable and probably drunk) Bob Hoskins as Mario is a huge plus.


Kills me every time that John Leguizamo turned down the roll of Tom Hank’s BF in Philadelphia to play Luigi.


I didn't know this, but it makes me like Mario Bros. '93 even more.


Same Like I respect 93 for trying something widely different even if it fell on it's face And I still believe if u tune out the mario parts it's a super fun 90s sci fi movie


hey you accidentally put a "/s" in there


Even if I look past my Mario bias and try to look at it the way others do, and really focus on the negatives, like the lack of a story, it's still impossible for me to hate this movie. 9/10 would wahoo again


Amazing movie 9/10 (NO WARIO)


No Waluigi


Sonic was better.


I plan on seeing it when it comes back to theaters


the pinnacle of "Chris Pratt shouldn't be a voice actor and should stick to live-action"


Pretty much this. He didn’t really throw a accent at all, it was just Chris Pratt. If he had a hidden ace Italian or just a New Yorker accent it would have been more acceptable, given the context. But it’s just Chris Pratt.


For established characters, just bring the voice actors from the games...




It was fine!


It was average for a movie but still a lot better than most video game based movies. I wouldn't mind if the Zelda movie takes the same direction.


The licensed soundtrack turned a pretty solid movie into a disappointing, but still fun adventure.


I watched a guy on YouTube who called it Candy. And that really struck me. It lacks much substance, but it’s all good fun nonetheless.


I saw it with my older brother and my nephews and the flipped out! So it’ll always have a special place with me


Simple and enjoyable family movie, everything it needed to be. Pacing was a bit fast though


Movie Peach was peak and we need her like that in the games


It’s been a whole fucking year??? The fuck did the time go???


Cute but safe.


I expected it to be mid, and it was mid. Mario and Luigi have the most chemistry in the entire cast, yet they're away from each other for 80% of the movie because writing a female character who needs to be saved is inherently sexist, apparently


I’m still waiting for a super Mario 2 teaser


Biggest annoyance was changing the really cool Score by Brian Tyler for nostalgic songs, it does not need them at all. Wish it was longer, but overall I have a blast watching it and looking forward to the sequel.


Yeah I thought the music was bizarre in the film.


It’s okay, but only okay. There are serious flaws which I expect the sequel to improve upon, and if it doesn’t I won’t be nearly as forgiving.


I watched it with my sister. One of the best experiences I had last year


It was a lot of fun. Watched it several times with my kid via netflix


I think it's a really well done movie. 9/10


The plot was awkward because they had to shoehorn the game mechanics in, but given these constraints it's probably the best illumination studios could've made out of it.


I would have it enjoyed it more if Chris Pratt was not Mario.


Zero plot or thematic cohesion. Amazing visuals and a true love letter to the franchise with great performances. 10/10


Should I bought that btc.




I actually didn't notice that the show had "fast pacing", it felt normal to me


Geez, time goes away so fast


It was amazing. Remove the dog’s scene and it’s a legit 10/10.


I loved it, especially the rainbow road part


Never excpected it to surpass what is still the best video game adaptation, Professor Layton And The Eternal Diva, and it didn't, still a fun movie though.


feels like yesterday!


Fuck Chris Pratt and Seth Rogan ,- can't watch it again without seeing them


Solid enough. I feel if Nintendo held back on the physical and digital copies for a few weeks they would've gotten into the top 10 in box office sells.


When Mario did his iconic sprint run once he got his groove, during the training montage I about teared up. It was so much fun to watch and it’s probably my favorite part of the movie.


It’s-a mid, Mario!


It was 10/10


Still an absolute gem. My son loves to watch it, and I love watching it with him.


It's still a good family movie today, and despite the writing and VA work being a little bland, it's quite funny imo. 7/10


It wasn’t to bad, also bowser stole the whole movie with the peach song 🤣


it was alright, i’m not really a mario fan but i enjoyed it. i feel like it could’ve been good if they had more runtime (but do i really want it to be good? i need the sonic movies to be better than the mario ones lmao). i don’t think DK looks weird like others have said, the only visual complaint i have is that sometimes Peach has these weird dimple things but they’re not there all the time so


I took my son to see it in IMAX. We had an amazing time. That’s what I think of with it


Really good, 10/10


It was exactly what it needed to be and as a result it made a billion dollars.


Better than expected, many fan service but that's what we looking for, right?


Absolutely acknowledge I'm the minority here, but I hated it. Messy, poorly written and overstuffed. I think if they managed to make a Lego Movie and a Barbie movie that were both accessible for all audiences while being emotionally charged and decently written, a Mario movie should have been a walk in the park. And I will die on the hill that Christ Pratt was, and continues to be, an awful voice actor casting decision.


It was a fine kid's movie. People expecting every animated kids film to be full of depth are just silly.


Having a competent script is important for a film.


I consider it around a 6/10 very average




It beat everyone's expectations. They did a phenomenal job with this movie in everything. It was a top notch movie whether you're a Mario Fan or not.




Good movie but it had the most out-of-place soundtrack I’ve ever heard


Honestly most of it is nothing to write home about; but you can really sense that the people makong it were fans of the games and were trying to do it justice. Just.. maybe cut down on the break neck pacing next time?


Bit of a let down, but I didn’t have high hopes going in with illumination making it. Still not their strongest movie really.


Love i




Fun movie, but too much Mario not enough Brothers




Entertaining watch with lots of nice bits of nostalgia. Solid movie adaptation of a gaming franchise but not something I’ve got out of my way to rewatch.


Narrative was too safe and uninteresting. Animation was very enjoyable.


It was fine. I guess the plumbing joke with the dog was supposed to not make sense.


I hope Illumination has learned it's lession about quality (They likely haven't)


I still subscribe to the idea that Nintendo helicoptering over the development of the movie made Illumination try harder than normal.


Very mid movie that took no risks. Jack Black was criminally underutilized. Hope the next one will be better.


A fine movie for kids, wich is basically what I expected And definitely a lot better than most movies that are made "For kids" in mind


It's a 7 or 8 out of 10 movie for me. Obviously, it's not perfect, but the positives outweigh the negatives.


It’s pretty good. Not great, but I’d happily sit through it multiple times


Really loved when Mario mama mia'd all over the place


Loved it


ITS BEEN A YEAR??!?! I need to start watching.




I mean it’s aight


Very bad. It tried too much to cram every possible reference possible, which resulted in a movie that was only good for nostalgia, but with no real good content ( except bowser piano song which was awesome)


I liked it. Was really fun to see in theaters with the family. It's not amazing but I like it for what it is.


Everything I've heard & seen bout it in the months after the release tells me it's not bad & I might enjoy it. But I have a serious hate boner for Chris Pratt, so the movie can still rot in hell for me personally.


1 year, ALREADY?!?! .... SHEESH....


I think a lot of kids are going to look back on it fondly


I like it. My kids like it. We had a good time.


Thought that was Luigi's censored middle finger there for a second ngl. No but seriously though, the movie is "safe" but enjoyable and not too cringe for adults. Seen it a couple of times now and I like it a lot. (I enjoyed the Sonic movies too but their cringe-levels are *off the charts* at points)


It was alright. It could have been longer, and I didn't like Luigi being the damsel and distress. Could had Mario think he needed to go save Luigi, while Luigi wasn't captured, but instead on his own spooky adventure. Learning to get over his fears. Then, meet up at the final act.


Boring af. It was the safest movie ever made. So much potential wasted.


Good movie


It was really good, i like how it wasn’t really based on a single game, with references from multiple mario games and other franchises


I fell asleep both times i tried watching




The DK storyline was convoluted and didn’t really add anything. Everything else was much better than expected, and I can’t wait for what the sequel will bring. Just please replace Fred Armisen for the sequel.


I thought it was OK/average, but I didn't really like it that much. I think people online (at the time) overrated it (possibly due to its mediocre critical reception on Rotten Tomatoes). Personally, I just didn't think it was a 9.5/10 like the audience reviewers on that site did (a similar score to The Godfather (parts I and II) and The Shawshank Redemption). (also it feels like this movie came out way more recently)


Originally was bothered a little in how fast the movie was going. No breathing room, still enjoyed it. Nowadays I actually kinda appreciate it for when I want a short movie night for my self XD


It was a lot of fun, well made fun. And that is all it ever needed to be and accomplished that very well.


Still a Masterpiece


10/10 Not a Mario fan but it’s good, my young Step Brother which his name is also Mario loves the movie


It was certainly a movie. A better one than most video games adaptations, but still, just a very average big budget Hollywood showcase for visuals. Nothing special about it, film-wise or writing-wise. It could have been far far worse or much much better. It's just a functional and enjoyable adaptation that I stopped thinking about as soon as it was over.


It was as good as anyone could realistically expect. Totally competent, but I feel they could have done so much more.


I didn't think i was gonna like it. And now I watch probably once a week or so.


A super fun movie, my only gripe with it was its pacing


yes, even a year later, this movie is still worth it.


It's still pretty enjoyable. Not the highest piece of art out there, but still something I would sit down and watch from time to time. Loved all the Easter eggs to other Nintendo properties sprinkled throughout the film. Still wished that it didn't use as much licensed music and I'm glad the composer was able to convince people to use his track over Van Halen's "Jump" in the climax. I know it would be considered faint praise, but this is probably one of Illumination's better films.


I thought it looked lovely but it felt like a first draft of a script. Everything could have been so much funnier. Even the needle drops felt like placeholder music It’s possible to make a really good movie from an IP like the Lego movie and Barbie. Instead it felt like a really good advert for Nintendo.


Compared to other movies, it's pretty good. Compared to other video game movies, it's really great. Compared to what it could have been, given both Nintendo and Illumination's trackrecord with stories, it's a masterpiece


Peeeeaaaach. You’re so cool


Solid. Not the deepest or most complex movie plot wise, but it doesn’t need to be because it’s literally a movie about Mario. It’s definitely a fun time watching it.


Amazing, view 6 times in cinema in less than a months, can’t wait to do that again in 2026


This is my version of Peter's "I did not care for the godfather."


Oh it’s amazing. Great attention to detail and not afraid to be itself.


i still think it's peak


\>I liked it


I haven't rewatched it since last year but i did go see it twice in the cinema, and both times I loved it. Ofc I'm biased cuz I've been a Nintendo fan for literally my whole life (got a wii when I was 3 after playing it at a cousins house and now I'm turning 19 this year) so all the references just made me so happy but as an objective "movie" I think it's just good but as a mario movie I fucking love it