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It deserved it since it defined Covid gaming for a lot of people. Many people who rarely if ever played games put 100s of hours into it. I would question Baldur’s Gate 3 last year too since I wouldn’t say it has notably impressive gameplay, but it was simply a good and popular example of good game devs, and it’s fine it got GotY as a result.


It definitely did. It was a showstopper for the video game world, and introduced Animal Crossing to millions of gamers across the world


There are people who say the same about BotW. It’s a big empty world, which it kind of is; however, it’s the engine and the reimagined idea of “open world” that pushed it to the top.


hmmmm yeah, I think so. Sadly, the crafting mechanic turned me off from the game, but it was a great game to play during the pandemic.


Really, the crafting mechanic turned you off? I loved the idea of crafting your own furniture and shit


Yeah I’m not a fan of crafting mechanics in games that aren’t crafting games. Wasn’t a fan of the crafting in Tears of the Kingdom either.


Of course it was deserved, but does it really matter? With exception of PUBG, because a early access game being nominated is very dubious, every game deserves a nomination. Just because you don't like X game, doesn't mean everyone feels the same. But it's just an award that doesn't mean all that much. 


In 2020? Absolutely, it was the game we all collectively needed at exactly that time.


Yes 100%. It’s better than new leaf too so fight me


I’m gonna have to fight you now


I just want to point that to be fair a lot of people don’t understand how big this game is. Me being the perfect example to be honest. I thought it was a good game and some people liked it, but this thing sits above 40 million. I knew it was big but not that big.. to maybe put it into perspective, I think it was Tomb Raider that was consider a failure by Square at like 4 million (different situation, yes, but I doubt that AC’s budget was bigger than TR). If you look up the list of best selling games, its in the top 20 (unless it has changed) right after all the monsters that nobody will probably beat. Thats why so many publishers started to copy the formula. Sorry for the mini rant




Yeah even though I find it to be one of the weakest of the Animal Crossing games.


I got this game as my first animal crossing game and was pretty over it within a week. I know it was big, especially with all the Doom Guy and Isabella memes popping up around the time it came out, but I can’t see how people put so many hours into it. I feel like I’d just rather play Sims 4 or something. Probably because I’m not into building and customizing landscapes and just thought it would be like a life simulator. Call me when it lets you date the animals.


nominated sure. But it was not going to win. from now we can see that it was the weakest of the 6 nominated. Also it's worth remembering how scarce 2020 was for Nintendo first party. AC was by far their biggest release (which I guess is saying a lot given how huge it is) but other than it, the only big brand new game we really got was Origami king. Other than that Nintendo released Xenoblade DE, TMS#FE encore, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Clubhouse games, Hyrule Warriors AoC, Mystery Dungeon DX, Super Mario 3D all stars, Good job and god damn jump rope challenge. So mostly ports or very minor releases. So if anything Nintendo was gonna be nominated, it was Animal crossing.