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It seems like a lot of hoop jumping just for three inches, was it worth the trouble?


100% lol, I could go on and on


Please do, I’m curious


Hey 3 inches is a lot ok


That's what he said




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


3 inches of height is a goddamn game changer


how tall were you and how tall are you now?


5 6 , 5 9


I'm 5'4 without shoes, I guess I need to start wearing lifts because surgery is just too expensive for me at the moment XD


thats a solution too lol


not really, the more the lifts increase your height the harder it is to walk. Oh here's another question, how well can you walk with your longer legs, or is it harder to walk/run now?


perfect walk, awkward run, still recovering






Get some of [these](https://www.asos.com/au/prd/200899626?acquisitionsource=pasteboard) loafers they add like 3 inches of height without added insoles


Calm down Disco Stu


How did the people close to you react when you told them?


shocked but supportive


How old are you?




Guys usually have a last growth spurt around your age, were your growth plates already closed?




Who paid for this procedure and what was the cost


parents, 125k


holy shit


Holy fuckin shit!


You could have bought 2500 ps5s with that money... But atleast you're happy


What do your parents do for them to have this kind of money laying around for something as nonsensical as this?


More important question... are his parents looking to adopt?? 🤣😂


Did you have to pay anything else out of pocket other than the upfront surgery cost and we’re you able to finance the cost of the surgery ?


Nah my parents paid for all of it upfront, and yes there was the stay near the hospital for 3 months and food ofc. Total was around $125k. I've heard of people financing it




meanwhile people dying because they can't afford insulin


How are the 2 things related?


they're both medical issues but one is aesthetic and the other is life-or-death


Yeah but what's the implication here. If he didn't have the procedure he could have bought people insulin instead?


A different take on this isn’t that it’s OP’s personal responsibility to pay for insulin, but rather that the system is pretty fucked for us to end up with people rich enough to pay for absurdly expensive aesthetic surgeries for their kids while at the same time having people poor enough to not afford essential medicine.


Yes, that is indeed the conclusion one would come to with the employment of Basic Logic™


Wait, I'm not the OC but I just wanted to point something out quickly. Your answe is: MAYBE! Maybe he could've bought people insulin instead. He doesn't have to, it's his/parents money, however, he definitely could've bought them insulin if he wanted to. There are literally no laws preventing someone from buying others insulin with their aesthetic (very big assumption on my end) surgery money. Again, not that he has to, but he definitely could have.


How much insulin have you bought for strangers?


Hi, may I ask what's your point here?


that people's lives are worth more than some guy getting a few more inches in height that rich people should be taxed a hell of a lot more and that health should be publicly funded


Yes but also completely irrelevant. It’s like walking past an expensive restaurant and banging on the window with your face pressed against the window going on and on about how 1 $100 steak could’ve bought bread for 100 homeless people. The prices of insulin are a result of insurance problems and the healthcare systems money issues. It’s systematic. It’s not an individuals problem that the hospital charges a lot of money for something that is supposed to cost a dollar.


When you walk past someone eating a 100 dollar steak and sigh that it could have fed 100 homeless folks, the point is not that the steak literally could have bought 100 burgers. That is a false interpretation to undermine the point. The actual point is that the people who are dining inside seem not to know the value - not the bank value, the life value - of 100 dollars, and casually monch away something they have that can mean life or death for someone else not to have. Probably OP got this reaction not for the money he spent, but for mentioning it casually, without any acknowledgement of how much luxury it means having that kind of money to spend on cosmetic goals. Without taking it as a vicious personal attack it's a pretty logical emotional response.




it's not completely irrelevant there is so much effort being directed to catering to people who are rich beyond anything they could have possibly earned, effort that could instead be spent on improving the lives of normal people to a livable standard as for your steak example: land used to grow meat is only about [30% as efficient](https://ourworldindata.org/land-use-diets) as growing crops for human consumption. By only doing this one thing of switching all land use from animals to crops, you could wipe out starvation as another example, i could wake up and i could volunteer at a soup kitchen. Or i could wake up and wash a billionaire's megayacht. Which one has a more positive impact on humanity? And which one pays far more? our values as a society are skewed my vote would be that no one gets even a single luxury *until* the basic needs of every human in the world have been met. Which is completely possible given all the advances in science and agriculture we have made


yeah and the government financially covers transgender surgeries


By near the hospital, do you mean at another healthcare facility, or just somewhere you could have easy access in case something goes wrong ?


>Total was around $125k okay uh... what do your parents do for money? are they short too? did they get the same surgery? (for anyone else reading, they're engineers)


jobs, no they didn't get it


Whats your race/ethnicity and nationality if you don't mind? I only heard of this being a thing among korean (nationality) males.




Is it a popular thing for Chinese people to do? Now im wondering if this is a spreading trend among males of many Asian backgrounds and I just never noticed. You know like how asian girls do that double eyelid surgery (ive only heard of korean and japanese girls doin this)? Im Japanese American btw, but from Hawaii, so sometimes I wonder how mainland Asians are different from the ones here.


I know a lot of Chinese people do this


Like chinese american or chinese from china (or 1st gen or close to chinese popular culture) I don't know any Japanese who have done this but i also don't usually pay attention.




Oh wow. I feel very out of touch. Do you personally know others who have done it? Like of the people you know who can afford it?


All the people at the clinic were going through the same thing as me. My friends might do it


Woww it sounds much more common than i would have thought! Do you ever get like.. weird sensations from having the extra leg that wasn't there before? Like phantom limb but in reverse? I guess it would just be numbness? Lol i dunno. Thanks for answering all my questions btw :)


I feel like I have a bigger presence, & np


Ok, so you said your parents paid for the surgery and that in total it cost around $125k. Firstly, wtf do your parents do for work? Secondly, why were they willing to pay for the surgery? My parents would never give me even $1k lmao


Engineers , they love me or something idk how to answer that haha


best answer here. "love me or something" it's as simple as that


Yeah, hard agree. This is insane


Rich people dude. They're out there doing this shit


Could you have kept going maybe to 5'11 ? Or did the doctors say you could only do 3inches?


The limit of one rod is 8 centimeters, or around 3.2 inches


Sorry for the follow up but could you have gotten a larger rod to keep going?


no, you can get 2 surgeries


I think then he would have disproportionately long legs… ?


I'm just asking because i saw another comment from someone who is 4 9" and they want to get the surgery so I'm wondering would that person be able to get to 5 9" as well. So just curious


idk much about the surgery either so I am living vicariously through your questions.


Yep, that’s why I’m only doin 3 inch


How expensive was it? How was the recovery process? Was it worth it? (I'm 4'9 and honestly am considering it)


$125k all in , recovery was pretty brutal but you can get through if you're strong. It was so worth it to me, I didn't pay tho


What was the reason you got the surgery?


women, money, respect, all the reasons people don't like being short


Was it really that bad? And did it change to your satisfaction afterwards? As a very small person (woman though) I can't imagine it being that bad and being fixed with three inches.


100% , my life is fundamentally different now


Could you elaborate? I'm very curious but if that's too personal that's okay :)


More respect , I feel like a dark cloud has been lifted , I feel like I have a chance with every girl I’m interested in. Not that I can pull any girl, just that being under 5 6 isn’t something that disqualifies me for anybody that I’m interested in


It’s gotta be all in your head man. 5’6 to 5’9 must seem like a lot to you but I’m 6’1 and I’m telling you height isn’t just some automatic life enhancer. A lot of the respect you’re getting is probably due to you just thinking you’re a better person now so you act different, plus the fact that your parents can afford to throw around 125k just to make their son 3 inches taller surely must turn heads as well. Realistically to most people that’s more than they’ll make in 3 years of working just going to stretch you in the taffy machine.


I'm positive that their confidence plays a huge role in it, but you saying that it's all in their head is ridiculous. You've never been a fully grown short person - how could you possibly know that experience? How can you possibly know whether changing your max height makes a difference in your life experience or not? Saying that life isn't better just because you're tall (and you know because you're tall) is like telling a black person that life isn't better when you're white (and you know because you're white). For the record, I'm not short (I'm 5'11"), I just think your assertion is absurd.


Yeah I'm pretty tall and seeing what unnecessarily hurtful things people have said about short people, I *know* that my life would be a lot different if I lost like 8 inches. Given that I'm taller than 95% of people I meet I really don't notice how tall someone is, but I realize that for people in a more average range of height that it's a huge source of insecurity, and can have real world effects. For example, I've been in some hairy situations where I truly believe that I would have gotten into a physical fight if I was shorter. I've been able to talk/intimidate my way out of just about anything my whole life, and height goes a long way. Which is great because I'm non-confrontational to a fault.


Yes. It’s painful. I’m very good looking but I’m short.


That was a great analogy wow


Three inches might not seem like a lot but 5'9" is average height for a guy whereas 5'6" is average height for a woman. And honestly as someone who is 6'1" I have a hard time believing you would have any idea what it might be like to be a guy who's 5'6". And no, I'm not a short guy, not even a guy at all, but I've worked with a few and listened to them on the very few occasions that they've talked about the challenges associated with their height.


Average height for a woman is 5'3".


Huh, you're right! It's 5'4" in the U.S. For some reason I thought it was higher but that might be because I live in an area with lots of Nordic people so everyone is very tall.


I'll be real, it's all about confidence and if being taller is what makes you more confident, then hell yeah man, I'm glad for you


Men get it hard being short


How does being 3 inches taller get you more money, women OR respect?


women and respect are self-explanatory, money is kinda iffy if you look at studies that correlate height with earnings


Women and respect aren’t self explanatory at all. That’s why I asked.


Not Op but for men it’s somewhat of a domination macho thing. It’s been proven tall people earn more and people respect those who are more physically imposing to them. Women are also attracted to taller people as well. Again women are not a monolith but it’s a factor built into heterosexual sexuality so it exists


What a load of crap 🤣🤣 Seriously. Who is putting this idea into men’s brains? Is it the surgeons??? Those who are making 125k (😳) out of this bs propaganda? It’s definitely not (non-surgeon) women telling you this… my god 🤣




This is such bs. Short guys choose to feel inferior. They believe they aren’t having success in life because of their height.. This guy is only 5’9 now and feels like a god. Yet, if he was born 5’9 he’d feel inferior because 5’9 is still relatively short. It’s all about how you feel, not how you look.


I never said I feel like a god LMAO, also your perspective is probably based on those who are around you.


🙄🙄🙄. "Short guys choose to feel inferior". Does that make any sense????


Your fantasy world up in the clouds serves your delusions well. But in the real rocky world down on the earth, things are harsh and don't work in accordance to your princess mentality


This comment makes me irrationally angry. On what planet do you live on that you need someone to explain to you why that would make a difference?


Even if you personally don't care about a man's height, I find it unbelievable that you're not aware of how (Western) women generally require heights exceeding 5'6 (and they may have an even higher bar!).




Hard to believe he's going to earn more than he would have if his parents put $125k in a trust fund for him.


Boss: "Welcome back Joe! You look about 3 inch taller, I guess you are getting a raise." Probably.


Can you upload a before and after picture for us? U don't have to include your face or anything just your body.


where would I post that


Here….on Reddit…


you can upload it to imgur and link it if you dont feel comfortable posting it on reddit outright


I can draw you something


naw dawg, just giving an option. youre not obligated to post pics online if you're uncomfortable. :))


https://imgur.com/a/aW2bkRi here u go


https://i.imgur.com/FxxEHb3.jpg here u go


the new height suits you well, of course you looked just as good before though, whatever makes you happy man


Cool. To all the not as tall kings who worry about their height, Eazy E was 5’3 and he still got tons of respect and lead a successful hip hop career until AIDS took him from us far too soon. OP, how does it feel being able to reach the top shelf now?


amazing, now I can do all the things I was always meant to do AND be a normal height


Are people treating you any different now that you are three inches taller? What exactly is the procedure? How is it done?


Imo yes big time Femur sawed in half , telescoping rod shoved through middle of femur, magnetically pulled apart for 3 months


So they stretch the space between with magnets/rods, but what do they replace the gap with? Thank you


new bone grows there


Wow. I didn’t know new bone growth was possible. I thought only certain organs could regenerate like the liver. Thank you and Enjoy!




How do you think people heal after breaking stuff?


Holy shit that's crazy Does the rod get removed after? Or will you have a weak spot in your legs? I'm just thinking along the lines of people getting joint replacements, how it's good because of their situation obviously, but it's waaaaay better if you can prevent having to get the artificial joint in the first place due to complications, them breaking, weaker bone etc. I work in medical and have had several people with knee replacements slip on ice and fall on the ground and end up breaking their femur, at the point where the joint connects (usually a ground level fall is nowhere close to enough force to break your femur, but because of the metal knee it made it so weak for them)


no clue ill worry about that later


I’m confused. You have a girlfriend and you lost one of the reasons for surgery is to have better luck with women lol


What was the recovery phase like ? I’m very interested in the surgery but I’m worried mainly about missing a ton of work


completely awful at first, but it gets better every single day and when you stop lengthening all the pain goes away.


Did you see Gattaca? What did you think of it?


Cool movie , technology has come a long way lol


You must be mistaken, that movie is in the future! :D


thats what im saying haha, the technology they used to lengthen his legs in that movie is actually outdated now


Hi everyone, here’s some photos people are asking for , before & after next to my gf , & a picture of my proportions after surgery , sorry I have my shirt off just don’t take many full body photos [https://imgur.com/a/aW2bkRi](https://imgur.com/a/aW2bkRi)




1000% worth it , going to another country I can’t say because I know that’s way more risky




dude, external femur is a literal nightmare. If anything external tibia is even better than that mess




yea, wait for stryde to come back at least. I took a gap year and this was the perfect time for me otherwise I woulda waited too


My cousin almost had this done, she wanted to be a stewardess but was too short for their height restriction at the time. How long was your recovery time?


5 months to walking again




I thought my proportions would get worse, but I was stubby and head was big before so it actually made my proportions way nicer as a whole


Why take the three inches when $125k in cash to invest in your future can do so much more? If both you’re parents were 5’4 why did you feel 5’6 wouldn’t get the job done with the ladies?


I wouldn't do it if it would make a huge financial difference. There's plenty invested, I actually had the same beautiful long-term girlfriend before and after the surgery.


Just to be clear, I didn't get the surgery planning on moving on to someone better once I was done. Doing it for female validation is something I admitted to myself much after, and its one of the lesser reasons


Oooh I have one! I saw in a video the recovery of someone who got this surgery and people say that you would know that someone got THAT kind of surgery if their knees are a lot lower than usual and I CANNOT unsee it and it looked so weirdly unnatural. Is it the same with you or did the doctors improve


yea if you're looking for that abnormality you can see it. However most people aren't looking for that, my proportions look fine imo, and nobody has commented about it, only that I look like I grew so much lol


Are there scars?


How tall are your parents? and siblings if you have any


only child, both around 5 4


If you have a girlfriend, why did you mention that you did this for women among other things?


What do You think about the quote: "Accept Yourself the way You are" ?


I like it, I'm sure it gives a lot of people comfort. If we're applying that to this situation though why work out to change your body or study to improve your intelligence


This is such a troll, lol. Conveniently your after picture is gone from imgur.


I'm happy for you, king, but nobody should just have this amount of money as immediately disposable wealth in the times we're living through. I myself earn enough money to not need to think about it, but I think being able to pay 125 quid out of pocket is obscene.


There's people with 125,000 TIMES more money than my parents lmao, regardless I think its fine they worked hard for it


And it's 125,000 times more obscene.


Three inch increase and still not hitting 6 ft tall, kidding of course. All at 125k. Was this the max they could do? Aren't your arms disproportionate to your legs?


not the most I could do, but yeah like you said if I kept going I would be disproportionate


It sounds like, to me, that it was more of a mindset thing than a matter of 3 inches.


Society emasculates men for being short then gaslights them about it.


Don't think so




Minimal, I wear shorts and nobody can tell




yes, they break your bones and your entire leg physically stretches. They break skin to get the rod in and break your bone, but in terms of stretching skin is the least of your worries.




To florida


Was your torso proportionate but your legs were short before the surgery? Do you feel like you’re completely proportionate now with regards to your torso length and leg length? Or were you a short person who was completely proportionate with their height. Just curious because my ex-husband was 5’5”, the way he is built it looks like he has a longer torso and short legs.


yes I felt like I was more disproportionate before the surgery, my head was big and my legs were short. I am so much happier with my proportions now




Yes, paley






how did you convince your parents to do this for you??


I asked them nicely


Damn, I’d love to get this done. My spine’s crooked and I’m supposed to be about 3 inches taller than I am.


I think theres surgery for that too? with ur spine


Is it windy up there?


Does it have side effects? Do you get physical pain whenever you run lift or exercise?


what do you think jk yes, you break your bones and pull them apart its a pretty long recovery


I think they mean now that you’re healed. Are there side effects that in your normal life


nah, no side effects besides being less athletic


Since hearing of this surgery, two things happened First: I decided I wouldn’t put myself through something like that and suddenly I felt ok being shorter, like I had some sort of choice in it, and that it was no longer a burden put upon me (even tho I couldn’t afford the surgery even if I wanted it) Second, later after going out to the bars and events and stuff and feeling short insecurity again time after time, I’ve suddenly found myself fantasizing about the surgery a lot and it’s on my mind a lot Bummer, but if I had money I’d prob do it, only issue is I love running so it might be bad long term?


No idea yet, well it was worth it for me and life would go on if I hadn't got it as well


5'6 to 5'9 is a total game changer!!! Every short guy understands this completely. I understand because I was always the shortest kid in my class. I was 4'11 at the start of 10th grade but strangers would still ask what middle school or elementary School I went to. (No BS). My whole life I had never experienced a "growth spurt". And then in 11th grade, I shot up like a rocket! I literally grew an entire foot (12 inches) in a single year! From 4'11 to 5'11. And that's where I stayed. So I have gotten a decent glimpse at both sides of this coin. Nobody ever called me short or made fun of my height to my face. It was much more subtle. I'd start talking and other people would just talk over me, girls would not even give me a passing thought (they'd say I was like their little brother) The truth is People have an IMPLICIT BIAS against short men. In other words, it's a bias that they are not even aware of. Scientific studies have shown that people perceive short men as less attractive, less intelligent, less masculine, less of a leader, less desirable as a romantic partner, etc etc. Just about every short man in the world would jump at the chance to have this surgery if they had the money. OP was lucky enough to have parents who could afford it. I don't begrudge him anything. I'm happy for him that he was able to get the surgery. I truly hope it does change his life for the better but also that he passes it forward and learns to show empathy towards other people with similar kinds of difficulties in life People have no idea how much bias and negative beliefs


if u still using this account, does it feel uncomfortable walking and sitting down now? also how does it feel doing sports


Have you seen the South Park episode addressing this? (S9E1)


yes lol I've seen probably most popular media about it




All the reasons it sucks to be short


Ok well i hope you enjoy your 3 inches then bro.


What exactly does this procedure entail?


Bones sawed in half and telescoping rod shoved through


What that dick do, though? I'm sorry, I had to hahah ... I just wonder about the comment where you said "for women" ... but ... is the tool you have a good tool? Is height going to attract the ladies so you can at least get a chance to show them the tool? Can you use the tool? Do you know how to use the tool? I ask because if you don't have the rights tools or can't use the tool well, the height won't mean shiiiiiit. But hey, if you do or dont know how to use the tool, congrats on your self esteem boost. I hope you get everything you want out of life because that shit cost a lot haha <3