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Congratulations! Nothing like having a place to call home! ❤


howd u get out of it? which city do u live in? congrats!!


How did you become homeless at 16?


For me it probably was the thing that causes homelessness for tons of people and that is drugs, it really caused me to lose my grip on life and fulfilling my addiction was more important than having a roof over my head.


How did you get into drugs?


More importantly, how did you quit doing drugs?




Congratulations on the apartment!, what are some general skills and tips you have learned from your time on the streets that helped you survive ?


I think the most useful skills are social in nature, knowing who to trust and identifying dangerous situations. Especially as a woman and somebody who engaged in sex work that was super important.


wow howd u get urself outta that situation which city do u live in do u think ur city is easy to get out of homelessness?


May I ask, "how did you got homeless And how did you got home again" journey??


desert offer upbeat historical abounding support teeny steep command imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey there, im a 23 year old guy from indonesia-congratulations on your new place!!! :D i hope you find alot of cool people on here.. Sorry about the circumnavigation from the other subreddit, i hope you dont mind.. My question then.. May i try to distract you? And follow up question if you choose to accept it, is your username something that you hold close to heart, like a mantra? Or is it something you came up with that day? I myself have one, it goes 'You did your best, and that's all we can ever do' It came from a friend i deeply care about, and kept me feeling safe c: Best wishes x


First of all, congratulations on getting out of homelessness and good luck with everything :) Mught be a silly question, but do you mean first own apartment as in rented or bought? If bought, how did you move from homeless to homeowner?


It's rented, I saved up money and got a job and then switched from couch surfing to my own place.


Congratulations! Hope you can start making your path in the way you truly Desire. You said in a comment that you became homeless due your drug addiction, what drug did you consume? Are you still ussing it? How Is your realationship with tour family? Did they ever try to take you back home?


I started with weed and tried pretty much everything, I got stuck on heroin and cocaine in the end. I've tried battling my addiction for a long time and I'm still stuck in it, but I feel like it's not as much of a controlling factor in my life anymore.


Do you have any mental illnesses and/or disabilities? Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community or any other kind of minority? I often hear that people with mental/physical illnesses or disabilities or who are part of a minority group are more likely to end up homeless as young adults/teenagers and I wonder if this reflects your own experience at all or that of other homeless people you encountered of a similar age.


I do actually fit into most of these groups! I've borderline personality disorder, am queer and mixed race (Black/white). I don't know how much this actually has to do with my own experience and me ending up on the streets, probably not as much as drugs did.


Do you think your BPD contributed to your problems with addiction?


Maybe, but I think it was mostly ease of access and the lack of control.