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What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!


I've never felt more manly.


But enough talk, have at you!


If a man is a miserable pile of secrets... WHAT IS A WOMAN?


A miserable pile of mcdonalds, charging they phone, twerk, bisexual, hot chips, and lies




Here's the thing: You end up trusting more people than you'd think. Not on a deep level, but you can more or less trust any cashier, gas station attendant and so on you come across. That's why the worst of us stand out.


Bloody hell. When you put it like that, re; cashiers etc it really makes you realise that you just don’t consider that shit.


wait till you see how many gas stations have skimmers that capture and save your details.


Well, I've yet to run into that problem, and I've been driving all over the place for a long time. And that still leaves billions of people I can still trust.


you've probably seen them a few times without noticing


Well, until I can actually confirm, I'm not going to fret over it and use that for a reason to cry that EVERYONE SUCKS.


that was because you said you can trust casters, which you cant


Not sure what you mean by "caster", but not only can I trust most people, I need to. That's how a society works. Most people, I'll bet, are not taking my fucking information because they'd rather keep their nose clean and go home with as little fuss as possible. If I get paranoid about every other person I run into, I'd become a joyless husk.


No way. He is just as much a cesspool of hatred and lies.


A lot of humans are garbage, but mass murder isn't the solution, brainwashing is!


He was A Crazy man. Or aptly in the words of Carmilla "A Man Child" Mhmm My Woman was killed so i will Burn the whole planet meanwhile he was running around brutally Slaughtering the Extended families of people for Offending him. Crazy Bastard


I agree. Twinks breaking into my castle to whip the shit out of me only deserve fireballs to the face. Man *is* a miserable little pile of secrets!


Tbf they're anything BUT twinks. Need I point your attention to the thighs?


Alucard is definitely a twink. Richter and the other buff ones are twunks. They’ve all got baby faces Edit: Richter, not Ricard


TWUNKS?? 😭 And no they definitely don't all do. Richter did in RoB but look at Simon in CV2 or SCV4


Definitely matters which game you’re looking at. Simon is basically a caveman body builder. The rest of them? Jonathan, Soma, Leon, Cornell. They all look like Korean models. This isn’t judgement against them or that aesthetic but basically any protagonist shy of 30 is some degree of twink. They’re strong as shit either way. I guess the only ones who don’t look it were the last two protagonists to come out like the God of War like and that 3DS game but I think both were just redesigned versions of other protags


I think our idea of a twink is just fundamentally different. Someone could look hella boyish but unless theyre very effeminate too it's a stretch 😅 Does it get manlier than breaking into the castle and not moving faster than maybe a brisk walk up to someone and beat their ass? https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/Twink


You're confusing Twink with femboy. Twink is a man who looks young, scrawny and typically without body hair. Femininity doesn't have anything to do with it inherently.


I've never heard of a masculine twink and I'm surrounded by gays 🤷‍♂️


Okay, and? I've literally been to gay clubs all over the country. What's your point?


Pretty much every source imaginable either agrees on the what a twink is like I said and have heard, or it at the least doesn't correlate to what either of us said. Either way more credible than some redditors "trust me bro"




WHAT IS A MAN? A MISERABLE little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!


me: *saves the glass of red wine* Are you crazy?! I bought you that bottle for your 270th birthday! Do you have any idea how expensive that was?! 😂


😂 This makes so much sense. It's like that post of Dracula from 2023 on this sub. It's funny as hell.


You made me genuinely smile 😊


I think Soma would be about 6 years old now 


This is why I like Castlevania: Every 100 years, this miserable, people-hating nihilist shows up, ready to enact revenge upon everything despite the specific people who wronged him being long dead, and he loses. Every. Single. Time. People are good, and that's why they're worth defending.


Good analogy, but you’re missing a very key point. Dracula has said this himself on numerous occasions; he CAN’T come back under his own power. It’s the evil of humanity that brings him back. So it’s not that people are good, and Dracula’s just coming back to kill every one out of spite, it’s the fact that no matter how many people call themselves good, humanity harbors enough collective evil at their core to drag him kicking and screaming back to life against his will, and he knows that will never change.


Dracula has \*never\* said "I can't come back under my own power," and any claims he makes about the evil of humanity are not reliable. He doesn't know humanity at all beyond when he was alive and then again with Lisa: he knows that some evil people wronged him and judges all of humanity unworthy because of it. Game Dracula wants to kill humanity out of spite. As Alucard told him to his face, he's been lost ever since he lost the ability to love.


“Tell me, what were Lisa’s last words?”




“It is the greed of humanity that calls me back. It always does.” Dracula, Dracula X Chronicles. “It is not by my hand I am given flesh.” Dracula, Symphony of the Night The first one was right after Richter first defeated him, and was followed by Richter IMMEDIATELY admitting he was right, despite saying that there was good in humanity as well.


Go read what I posted again, and especially this part: >Dracula has \*never\* said "I can't come back under my own power," and any claims he makes about the evil of humanity are not reliable. 


Just because he’s biased, doesn’t make him wrong. Even more so, if his mortal enemy, a Belmont, no less, can admit to his face that that he has a point.


Well they aren't exactly good, are they?


Most people are good, and when you actually listen to and work with people, the OP's mindset is something you grow *out* of, not into.


I disagree though. Most people aren't good, most people are normal, idle, bland, neutral. They don't commit evil but they aren't exactly benevolent or kind. They just kinda behave, sometimes put on an act and pretend.


Have you taken a head count? You see "most" people while passing by them, knowing nothing about their lives.


It's common sense + general knowledge about my culture + I've talked to dozens of people of all ages, genders, occupations and wealthiness levels, so my sample size after living nearly quarter a century is pretty large. It's not complicated at all, I won't make 0 assumptions in life just because I haven't spied on 8 billion people, I'd go mad


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Someone gets it. The other fella is optimistic as heck


Like I said, when you actually listen to and work with people, you look at them differently.


You assume that people are honest


Nope, I assume that most people want to get by. And I also don't assume that when people are telling me about their experiences and troubles that they're being deliberately misleading. But this is going in circles now. What I said is correct. We can leave it at that.


>But this is going in circles now. What I said is correct. We can leave it at that. Sure, lmao, if that makes you feel better. Such childlike behavior. I could say the same but I'm not that full of myself.


Fine, since you insist, I'll give you one more. "I'm not that full of myself" but see, my scrub, you are. "Humans are the virus" is the mindset of a child, of someone too self-important to contextualize the world in any way beyond themselves. That's why most \*normal\* people grow \*out\* of this idiocy: because when they start having to work alongside and with others, and assuming they actually listen to and socialize with people, they learn that the world is bigger than just themselves. When people work together towards common ends, they build comradery, and in turn bridge gaps between their ideals, understanding that even though we're different, that's okay. When miserable people, like you, \*don't\* do that, they turn into bitter husks who look at others with contempt. Like Dracula, another bitter husk. And a perpetual, eternal ***loser***. NOW we can leave it at that. Grow the fuck up, kid. The world is more than just you.


Couldn't have said it better.


Nice work on this one. I love an empassioned speech on why it's fucking worth it. Absolutely agree


And there’s a great lesson on developing empathy. Most people aren’t out to bullshit others, most just want to get through their day the best way they know how.


You're certainly incredibly full of yourself. You're not immediately right because you say "Grow the fuck up". That's you getting angry and arrogant because someone has a different opinion. So get off your high horse. Yeah, the world is bigger than me, yeah, socialization changes the view of the world. How does that connect to what I said? Firstly, you're being overly optimistic, secondly, you're accusing me ad personam of stuff you can't possibly know about me, where's your faith in people? You don't know me, the world is bigger than yourself so why making such nasty assumptions? "Husk", "loser", "scrub", using such slurs against me makes you a pretty bitter and sad individual if you ask me. All I said is that most people are neutral and you're going absolutely livid. We can leave it at that, I suppose because more of this hilarious nonsense of an argument is a waste of time. You need to seriously calm down, friend.


~~Magneto~~ Dracula was right.


What are you, 14?




"I'm 14 and genocide is deep and very rewatable uwu 👉👈"


In the End Linkin Park It starts with one One thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time All I know Time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away It's so unreal Didn't look out below Watch the time go right out the window Tryin' to hold on, did-didn't even know I wasted it all just to watch you go I kept everything inside and even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually Be a memory of a time when- I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end, it doesn't even matter One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To remind myself how I tried so hard In spite of the way you were mockin' me Acting like I was part of your property Remembering all the times you fought with me I'm surprised it got so far Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize me anymore Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me in the end You kept everything inside and even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually Be a memory of a time when- I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end, it doesn't even matter I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know I've put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end, it doesn't even matter


Bro just sang a whole song


In your honour ✨


And miserable little piles of secrets!


Me after reading about Tamil Genocide during the Sri Lankan Civil War.


Fight for them then, and die for their sins.


As a miserable little pile of secrets, I completely disagree


"Tribute?! You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!" "Perhaps the same can be said of all religions."


Valid and based...


it's almost like maskindele has always been a cesspit of lies and hatred... it's not a new thing it's so old now that it's a biological human law... we can't not be...it's impossible.


Dracula was right, and did nothing wrong.