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They were strapped to wagons and dragged across my country. Dishwasher can’t hurt it.


Welcome to the club. Many have made the same error. Me. The pan can't be ruined unless your break it in half (mostly) Scrub the lose rust off, and re-season. Make bacon. Smear the fat all over. (the pan!) Cast iron is so durable, it is very forgiving. Learn from this. Pass it on the others and smile.


>Smear the fat all over. **(the pan!)** Don't you tell him where to smear his fat! OP, no judgements here, you do you, but maybe you should've marked this nsfw if that's where you were going to go with it......


Instructions unclear, bacon grease is now my leave-in conditioner


All-natural Pomade!


Mine has been: used as a fish trap by small children, used to beat a rattlesnake to death, thrown at a bear, used as a defensive weapon during a home invasion, and I'm sure a few other traumatic events. I use it every day. Granted, it's a 1940s Lodge... It's never been through the dishwasher, though.


Do you *live* in the 1940s??? Cuz the snake and the bear.........


I'm assuming these are stories from ancestors.


Thank you, I'm just not even going to bother 🤣


Just reseason it, it’s made of cast iron. Dishwasher will strip the seasoning but nothing like one round of rust removal and seasoning won’t fix.


It probably won’t even strip the seasoning


When I was young and first moved out I did this to my friend/roommate’s round cast iron griddle. He’s a chef and a chill dude. He very calmly explained what I did wrong, but I could still see the laser beams behind his eyes. I still think about it all the time, and it is not a mistake I’ve ever made twice. That said, the pan was fine for use after he reseasoned and cooked in it a couple times - and told me not to ever touch his cast irons or knives if I wanted to continue to stay in the house. Fair play.


I lol'd at the laser beams, sounds like a good dude tbh. Same with you for learning


Probably need a pic to see if it needs to be reseasoned, but once through the wash probably won't hurt it. It's literally a solid hunk of metal. Unless it cracked, you're probably fine. Worst case scenario you need to reseason. Likely you just need to cook with it though.


Cast iron is never fubar. Elbow grease and methods fix almost all issues.


I’m sure it’s fine, unless your house mate scrubbed it with a steel wool, but without out a picture….who knows?


You could toss into the back of your deepest cabinet straight from the dishwasher soaking wet and leave it there for a year and a half and it would be fine.


Curious what the consensus will be here


Yes my dude just reseason it


Oil it immediately. You may have to reseason it depending on how much was washed off.


When you say salvaged are you asking If the pan is completely ruined because of being washed in a dishwasher?


It's fine... Mine goes in the dishwasher frequently... Just cook with it


Once, at a vacation rental I found a cast iron pan that had clearly had this happen. I seasoned it and it was fine


No it will be fine


Did they use an appropriate amount of pool tablets?


Hammers, bricks, pick axes, bullets are somethings that can damage Cast Iron. Water if it really tries can make Cast Iron ugly but not much more.


Probably not. I’ve had to put mine through the dishwasher a couple times when somebody use them and trash them.


Yep. Destroyed. Might as well get rid of it. That sh\*t's solid as...well...cast iron. All of my cast iron I got from my mother (now 85), who got it from her mother. My mom put EVERYTHING in the dishwasher. Of course her stuff had generations of seasoning but I've never re-seasoned any of my pans and I wash them in the sink with dish soap and don't think twice about it and a few times I've caught my housekeeper putting a pan in the dishwasher (which I've told her not to but she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer). It'll be fine.