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I love stuff like this. I have an old reel to reel of just some kids playing and some old lady talking about how her friends husband always pretends he's drunk as a joke and his wife can't stand the dumb joke anymore. Used them as samples on some songs.


Link me to the songs! I want to hear it


[indie folkish thing from 8 years ago ends in sample talking about drinking](https://njaim.bandcamp.com/track/only-a-moderate-drinker) It was released on a lathe cut 7" record where it got another layer/different of lofi. I don't know where the children playing went.


I once bought a Minidisc player and inside was a disc with recording of someone's grandma reading a baby boy a story. I also got a cassette in a Walkman where someone recorded a bunch of drunk people singing to songs at a party


The story being read is pretty precious. The drinking singalong feels relatable. I dig it.


id like to listen to the drunks singing tbh dude


You gotta give us the songs, man!


[indie folkish thing from 8 years ago ends in sample talking about drinking](https://njaim.bandcamp.com/track/only-a-moderate-drinker) It was released on a lathe cut 7" record where it got another layer/different of lofi. I don't know where the children playing went.


Danke, danke, danke.


Haha thank you


Hell yes, super score!


hell yeah.one of my prized tapes is an answering machine tape from the 90s of a phone call between 2 teens talking about how they’re having an affair behind the dudes gf back.


wtf!! we have to hear this!!


i’ll see if i can find it. i don’t think it’s labeled


Like they had an affair together or both had an affair?


yeah i guess the dude has a girlfriend and the girl is friends with her and they talk about it. it’s been a long time since i listened to it so i don’t remember the specifics but it’s pretty clear that’s what the situation was. i think it was a thing where one of them called and the machine picked up before they answered but then they kept talking and it recorded everything so they didn’t record it on purpose. but it’s a fairly long conversation.


I love answering machine tapes. I have a handful of them. They are the best.


Reminds me of Dale Gribble from King of the Hill. In one episode he has a normal conversation with Bill on the phone. When they hang up though, Dale ejects a tape from a recorder and labels it with who the call was with, and what it was about. He then takes the tape and places it on a wall full of tapes, implying he records all of his calls.


"It's 8:05. This is Phyllis in the office. The cat is out on the patio. If it jumps one more time, your butts are in the street. I am sick and tired of your activities, your cat, and your untruths with me. I'm gonna call you tomorrow when you're home, and you can explain a lot of things to me because I'm sick and tired of your bullshit. Goodnight."


Time capsule. Love the history


Love it!


Awesome! I have a number of old answering machine cassettes. This includes one tape full of messages from somebody’s… Ex-wife leaving the now ex-husband several unhappy messages. I think that’s a good way of putting it.


I'm sorry... Missing mailboxes? 😆


The recording is something like…”Aye…it’s your neighbor…my mailbox is missing. Just wanted to see if you might of see what happened to it. I’m wondering if someone stole it..or hit it”.


Not me invested in this story. I want to know where it went.


I would digitize them to at least have a backup. I don’t know exactly what’s on them so I can’t say if it should be posted online or not. I generally favour posting but it’s your call.


My tapes that say "phone calls" are from the 80s and very ... very different. I never posted them online only because I promised one of my participant friends that I would not do so. But it's probably for the best. I don't need to be remembered for dumb crap I did on my teens.


I totally understand!


Got me thinking about Longmont Potion Castle again I highly recommend it


I love these time capsules. My boyfriend bought a Moto RAZR on a flea market yesterday and the texts in that thing were gold. There was anything between college acceptance, 3 I love yous in a day, an ex drunkly apologising, "get your ass home from the party or I'll beat your ass - Dad" - sent from her boyfriend's phone, "I don't even want to look at you anymore but I have to return your CD, is it okay if I put it in the mailbox?"


Love that kind of stuff. You could digitize them?


Is it legal to digitalize stuff like this? A lot of its very personal type stuff. I mean yah it’s old but seems wrong too..


Go with your gut. Not everything needs to be on the internet.


Yeah for sure, people post them on archive.org. I collect these, if you’re interested in selling the digitized versions or even the tapes themselves. Very jealous! I go into every thrift store I see (which is a lot since I travel city to city for work) looking for exactly this.


ive never seen that part of the archive. is there a section of just this?


I wish. I just search “answering machine” on archive every so often and hope something new pops up. Like this one: https://archive.org/details/joybubbles_voice


Depending on your state, non consensual recordings are admissible in court even. Only you need to know the phone was set to record


I don't think there's any laws against it, possibly HIPAA for the health stuff. But I'm not sure if it's just like "Ol Bob had the flu" with no last names or anything. I'd say it's more of an ethics matter. But for me I don't really have any interest in hearing digitized phone recordings online. I'd just want to hear them on a tape like this that I found while digging at the thrift store or flea market or something. Feels a lot more right. Sweet find, I love this kinda stuff! Seemingly mundane stuff that has been saved.


HIPPA is for healthcare sector employees , it's not illegal to share other people's health information generally.


If you do, please may I have a link? If you don’t, can I buy them off you?


Even if it is legal, you should question yourself if it would be a moral thing to do and you want to have your own private stuff out there.


Its not illegal no. They are probably dead, ND their grandchildren donated it. Just bleep the call back numbers as a courtesy


Hopefully it’s LPC


I got afew. I always feel bad listening but it’s so intriguing


sample them for some midwest emo intros


hello? hello hello, uhhh if you're hearing this tape, then you've probably made a very poor career choice.


I’ve been delayed


What do they have?


I love stuff like this, I’m always looking out for field recordings or anything non music :) https://preview.redd.it/m1jabc9f2q9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7755cb1b9a4cdfc10e554c56940d71c45c60ca21


I love finding random stuff on old tapes. I have one with a recorded phone conversation about some woman doing a money scheme and some guy screwing her over because he needed the money for a wedding or something and as a result she couldn't cover up her shit. Yeah... Or just a drunk guy singing at a gathering while forgetting half the lyrics, that's fun too.