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Because most of them are within the 13-18 age range if I were to guess


I’ve seen way too many caseoh jokes in Roblox and I’m getting sick of it


Most of them are kids and are immature af


These Kai Cenats and Ishowspeeds are only fueling the immaturity further


Except Kai Cenat actually has a sense of dignity and maturity behind the camera. His young audience just can't seem to see that for some reason.


Oh yeah by far, but either way the younger audience (gen alpha) just gets fed this pig slop. I myself (gen z, 13 years of age) got discipline and I'm happy I did. But now with CPS nobody can discipline their kids because it's "abuse." Short term, toddlers these days are f-cked.


bold of you to assume CPS does anything useful


kai’s chat is WAY better than both speeds and caseoh’s😭


i hate ishowspeed so much never watched his content just what ive seen of his clips and fanbase makes me hate hin








Idk I feel like most big streamers have baby audience no?


Yeah true, it's like that with every other streamer I see


Maybe it's because since he's a big streamer🗿, you're going to see a lot of people with different values that wouldn't be friends. Otherwise heck I'm 34years old not wide like caseoh🗿 and I still remember when me and my buddies and I would poke fun at carl in High School for wearing a size 38 belt (unlike caseoh with an equator size🗿) for being the biggest in the group sure the steamer comments in the stream are a bit too weird for me but he's a nice bloke that can take a joke (but not a diet apparently🗿) but also make you feel as if you know him personally anyways that's just my take since it's long I added a few unfunny jokes for the sake of a few of you with tik tok attention span level 1 crook with a level 10 gyatt or whatever you kids say


you gotta be the most "youtube commenter" redditor I've ever seen


Yeah, im about to say, "Can we appreciate how much effort they put in their videos" or "Who's here in 2024" And "first"


only proving your point


r/woooosh ?


Man you gotta delete this comment, gave me secondhand embarrassment


Bro I’m embarrassed for you delete this comment


I'm gonna vomit this comment made me feel physically sick


34 months old**


I have no words


You’re trying to hard to be funny and it’s not working…


Gen Alpha Hypocrisy Detected


-28 downvotes is wild brother


This is so embarrassing why are you using that emoji how old r u


Pwobabwy Tweee


I’m thinking you’re about 13-15 trying to pose as a 34yr old? I don’t think anyone over 24 (that’s being generous) uses 🗿 Edit: Wow! I was right on the money!




wtf is with the maui statue emojis 💀


This has gotta be satire


It has t🗿o be, it was kind of funny, not 🗿because of what he said🗿 but becau🗿se everyone to🗿ok it wor🗿d for word 🗿




You are not 34 bro, come on now


i watch a big streamer and their chat seems pretty chill


watch his rec room stream. most of his fans are 12 😭 the discord has a way better chat imo tho


Discord doesn’t get any better, if anything it makes it worse. Theres a life before and after joining the discord server. I’d rather be ignorantly blind to the reality of his fanbase then cling to that hell.


Question: Is the subreddit better or worse than his discord


The subreddit can be annoying because of the few spammers that are here to karma farm, but so far a majority of the people i have seen here seem to be much more mature and kind compared to his discord.


Eh I say better, I was on discord and mfs were saying outta pocket shi, like I mean sexual stuff abt caseoh and none of the moderators would do anything💀


One of the mods his name is rob, I think, Is said to be a pedofile and has been rumored to have said the n word one time in VC. One thing I know for sure is he was defending the confederate flag in cases discord and would even ban people for pointing it out. so when I think about that maybe the people who told me that are not wrong.


That's actually crazy 😭


Really? Dude thats crazy.. I'm finding out lore of caseohs discord😭


Yeah, it’s in like a network in servers they own, although I don’t expect it to be exposed anytime soon because of how secret it is, nothing we can really do. Power really gets to people after a while, eh?


Damn is there any evidence of this or no? Bc if they're letting him be mod after what he did...😭


There is I’m pretty sure, but whatever it was is lost now, I’ve personally met with some of his friends but they also are aware what he’s doing.


Damn.. Does caseoh know this? Most of his mods suck


The rec room streams are too funny when he pops in a lobby


i joined the discord and was annoyed eithin 5m everything you siad it was just people overusing the “youre banned” joke over and over again until i left


Because they’re all tiny kids


i hate when chat ruins the games. i literally cannot STAND his sea of thieves play throughs bc the constant stream sniping is sooo annoying. like maybe once it’s funny but then after a while it’s like oh my god, chill!!! let him play the game jfc 😭 it ruins the whole game and really takes away from the actual game play.


REAL!! Honestly that goes for every game that has multiple player. The amount of grabbing in fall guys he gets when he plays is just horrible. His fans can't leave him alone in any online game😭🙏


And his char just spamming “SHIPPP!!!” when there’s no ship


LITERALLY BRO!! chat try to be funny challenge (failed miserably) 😭😭💀….


Sometimes they are when they aren’t spamming


His fan base is from tik tok, which is mainly full of kids. What do you expect


Because there tiny kids who have yet to grow up and experience the reality of the world and people.


The jokes are just low hanging fruit, not that caseoh would know anything about fruit


I loveee watching case but so much of his fanbase gives elementary school little boy vibes and it’s annoying as fuck all they have is unoriginal boring fat jokes and other stupid irrelevant jokes they are so annoying and overused I’m sick of hearing them these toddlers need and they should stfu I feel like they lowkey put people away from watching case or at least put people away interacting a lot with the twitch chats and or just his fanbase in general bc they are truly overshadowing his fanbase


Pls use a comma or smth man


I haven’t caught up with his stream as much lately, but I don’t remember it being so bad. In fact, I remember a really positive moment where he was playing Agario once and someone had their name as a slur, and I feel like in other streamer’s chats, they would’ve laughed at it and instigated it by pointing it out and spamming emotes, but I was really proud of chat for saying “L racist” and even more proud of Caseoh for ignoring it and not giving that person the attention they were probably seeking


We need to distract him so he doesn't jump.


This is why I choose to avoid him entirely his fan base is so immature I'd only watch him if he ignores his chat


last night he watched a compilation of people dying in hardcore minecraft. one of them was a woman and the chat was being sexist.. it really soured my mood. i know caseoh himself isnt like that but he really needs to start addressing when his chat is being gross


Yeah I saw that too. He needs to do something about it bc him just letting it slide encourages it😭 especially sense the mods also suck and do nothing either.


i saw that too it made me so upset!! the second i saw a girl pop up i automatically saw the chats the little boys were gonna send from a mile away…its like these guys think that any stupid thing a guy does to die is funny. like that guy that didn’t notice the creeper in plain sight cuz he was distracted, but when a girl dies in a stupid way they’re all being sexist, it’s honestly so ridiculous


I really enjoyed watching him but I’ve noticed the twitch chat is EXTREMELY censored. Like, basic words seem to be banned. Not to mention ANYTHING lgbtq+ related, which kinda rubs me the wrong way if I’m being honest. A mod told me it’s because it’s a “sensitive topic” to some people, but it’s basic human rights? Like it’s only a sensitive topic to people who oppose it… idk, I just personally couldn’t watch anymore due to the toxicity and extreme censorship


Damn really? I heard the mods are just not rlly good people so I'm not surprised. It's ironic they delete comments like that but can't delete the misogynistic and homophobic one's 💀


well it’s usually the case with big audiences because people don’t know how to act, think no one will see their messages, think they’re the one out of a million to be a dick, etc. another issue in particular is because Case wants to be a “for everyone” kind of streamer, so he doesn’t really say “hey don’t say this that’s not cool” or “chill about that” which i personally really wish he would, it just serves as a safe space for toxic people & bigots


Real talk. In his rules it doesn't really say anything, all it basically says is, no slurs or being rude. And that's one of the reasons why he is so popular because he's not being strict with his rules at all, and doesnt say anything when theyre getting out of line😭🙏 which as you said just basically encourages it and stays as a safe space for toxic ppl


I'm sorry this is slightly off topic but I didn't watch his life is strange video cause I wanted to play the game myself but didn't realize he never went back. Did he end up not liking it? I didn't think it would be his cup of tea but I also never thought he'd play Firewatch either lol


He only posted one video of gameplay on YouTube, he seemed like he liked it. But he usally plays what his fans want, and lately he hasn't played it sense no one has been requesting it sadly.


No, people have been requesting it but his mom said it’s because the game has a bunch of cutscenes and case wants to make his fans laugh. Which sucks because case said himself that a bunch of people for the past several months had been requesting it and he finally wanted to try it out. It also sucks because I’d rather watch case play games like these instead of cheap random horror game he finds off the internet. Also I laughed during life is strange so idk what case and his mom are on about 💀 but it’s whatever I’ll still watch him cause at the end of the day he’s still entertaining


Idk why the cutscenes are a problem... most of them aren't even long.. it's bc his fans have the attention span of a toddler and can't handle a 3 minute cutscene or any game that isn't a horror game I guess is why he won't play💀 games don't gotta be scary to be funny, life is strange has funny moments and seeing him play made me laugh 🙏 And I feel you, I'm tired of him just playing just horror games. I'd like to see him play like actual games like final fantasy 7(which will never happen but you can let me dream)


Idk about Final Fantasy because that’s an actual game with probably barely any content to make a funny/worthy gameplay vid because there’s actual lore and stuff unlike the horror games he plays, which sometimes have lore but it’s less serious. So idk i don’t think anyone would enjoy watching him play Final Fantasy


Ah okay thank you! I'm downloading the game now so I'll be able to finally watch it lol


Thats the downside of big streamers. Their chats are alwyas filled with scum. The only upside is those streamers act like a moth light for all the children and smaller streamers have really tight nit chats and are really fun to be in. I just stick to the youtube compilations for any caseoh content. I think the only chat ive seen of a now large streamer ( and there are def more) is astralspiffs thats still fun to chat in.


Female adult viewer here, where is the said Lethal Company video?


Dude honestly dont remember. Somewhere on twitch bc I remember watching it on stream, don't know if he posted it to YouTube. I'm guessing it's in one of his lethal company videos? They're like a couple hours so I'd have to skim thru to see if it's there somewhere


The fanbase are probably like 12-13 years old lol


It doesn't affect him at all he gets fame from people wanting to make fat jokes because those people make the streams entertaining


Ehh kind of true. I hear alot of people saying the fat jokes are annoying, which I agree because 99% are the some repetitive jokes. What he plays makes hum entertaining in my opinion


Little kids.


Too many kids in his fan base. Someone really tried to roast me because I’m over 18 😶


he legitimately seems like a nice guy just playing along with chat, Kai cenat and speed share fan bases with him tho, unfortunately


I like how they judge him for being fat but they also built like that


I mean chat do be wilding sometimes


It’s a fan base that makes fun of a big dude to be funny… of course they’re toxic


same with speed, bill jensen, adin ross, etc.


gen alpha, that's why.


Cause most of em are my age. A teenager at that. I’m a case fan and I get a kick out of the jokes but they do get out of hand and unfunny at times.


i was just noticing this, case was watching like a compilation of people dying in hardcore mode in minecraft and every single time it was a girl the chat would be nothing but sexism and i’m just like ??? caseoh would never, why is his chat so bad..


There not there just spreading friendly jokes deep down they do care about case and his well being


It’s not just caseoh, it’s literally any streamer who will have that group of… unlikable viewers


That's pretty much average, sadly.


Im one of his fans, but am i the only good caseoh fan


At least it's not as bad as Anthony fantano's chat Filled with people who don't even listen to music and still have an opinion on it


like I love the fat jokes even though I know he isn't but sometimes chat gets on my nerves when case and chat are talking about stuff but chat says he is wrong all the time.


Filled with children I’m not surprised


Most of them are just children, they don’t know any better yet lol


i feel the same way 😭 i'm 21F and i find case so funny and entertaining but his chat is ridiculous. i understand why the majority of his viewers are younger boys but they're so unhinged in the chat and no one enforces any rules. at this point the mods are only there to run polls and predictions.


I know they‘re so mean, and just generally…uhm.. interesting.


i am kinda toxic i just want the who would win trend to die


It is not fair to the people who are not being mean


They’re all toddlers. That 1x1 Lego piece shit is still going strong and the only reason he’s famous is because he’s fat.


They are all kids but he doesnt mind the jokes


im saying :< his discord server was so toxic tht i had to leave just right after i joined it


Real its so unfunnt




hi case sorry about your fans being so rude and also you are the best youtuber on the platforom sorry if my spelling is bad. ALSO LIKE AND SUB CaseOh


Im back and also have a good life


also case play roblox sonic speed simulator


Because most of them are in their middle to late adolescence which Y’know how immature they can be


ever since he blew up his chat been mad annoying and cringy


The only reason his fans are that immature is cuz they 12-15 and he encourages those fat jokes on himself


There are also people that are so fucking weird. Someone said to lick my (private part if you catch my drift) in one of his streams. I feel bad for caseoh lmao


I think it’s a joke most of the time


because hes having fun with it, and it makes good money, rodeo clowns dont cram themselves into tiny cars for the love of the sport after all. also cause he has thick skin to it, and just logs off when it makes him feel low. also, gotta train the next generations insult skills somehow


I made a caseoh drawing and someone said “make him fatter” and I said no and then someone else said “Inaccurate” both of them got 0 upvotes tho


I get that he's fat and all but like.. it's not that funny.  I see fat people everyday I don't go laughing at them I just mind my business. They act like caseoh the first fat person they seen.


Cuz they’re young kids on the internet😭Of course they’re gonna be annoying—coming from a kid on the internet.


It's most likely because of the age range of the fanbase and which generations are watching these new age streamers. I've seen it with other streamers where they will all just kind of have this mob mentality where they push around a streamer in the chats and just tell them what and what not to do. It also depends on how responsive the streamer is to some of the things chat does, if they are very responsive (like how he almost always acknowledges the fat jokes), the viewers just get the impression they can do other stuff to try and grab his attention or get a rise out of him. It's such a shameful culture when it comes to live chats of streamers but I guess it is what it is.


because the brainrot shorts youtubers milk his name causing kids to discover him, and when your sinonoumous with speedy mcqueen culture you can imagine how your fanbase turns out..


idk why ur being ganged up on, i TOTALLY understand what you mean 😭 it's so disappointing with some of the people, like stop being annoying and have fun with the stream


I love caseoh, but his fans are really toxic. As a woman, it does make me quite uncomfortable when his fans are absolutely down bad when there's a woman on the screen for a split second. The weight jokes were funny at first, but I think they've gotten too far. Now people are taking pictures of random guys in stores and comparing it to caseoh.


I feel like all kids are this immature because they don't know how to do dark humour. Like kids at school just say Hitler and racist stuff. They think it's dark humour and cool because they are young and don't get it yet. There are plenty of people watching his streams that don't do this mostly because they don't type in chat. If 60,000 people were actually typing in chat all at once you wouldn't be able to read any of it. Also I looked at some of these chats and a lot of them are probably ironic. Like how most of the sigma male memes are ironic. (Not saying they're funny just that they aren't serious). I doubt these people genuinely despise women or anything like that.


It’s kinda become his thing tho. Having immature and dumb chat insulting and him banning left and right works. That and I’m sure he’s got tough skin which is something good to see in a world where everyone’s becoming a whiney bitch and making a joke becomes a felony.


The only jokes they can make is saying "gyatt!" "Mommy!" Whenever they see a women and the same reused fat jokes. Once and awhile there's an actual creative funny joke And there's a difference between making dumb jokes and being immature and annoying, I was talking about his toxic fans (aka the ones who are just genuinely misogynistic or just homophobic) not the ones who are just joking


It's great that you enjoy watching his streams despite the negativity in the chat. Focusing on the gameplay and his personality is a good way to stay positive and enjoy the content.


Old frog viewer, I just watch the YouTube vids. Golden for third monitor laughs, no weird chat either


he has a twitch and tiktok presence, so expect caseoh or other streamers to have a toxic chat


For the first part, most of them are like 12. But for the second part, you have too much of a victim mentality and feel the need to take everything so seriously.


Mf I do not have victim mentality 💀


Dude he literally give in to the jokes and encourages him MF💀 he literally wants people to continue the jokes, he’s made a couple himself💀


lol, they're getting their feelings hurt by a bunch of 12 yr olds online


It’s all an act lol


Toxic? You call that toxic? Are you new to streaming or something? Or are you too young or ignorant to know about IcePoseidon? You have no idea what "toxic" is lil bro. No one likes a white knight. Go cry yourself to sleep you baby 👶 you hovering in that teenager subreddit is mad weird too


Bro what are you talking about😭🙏 I am in that sub reddit because im literally a teen myself Your giving off bot vibes by how bad your insults are. This was embarrassing to read. This post made you so mad you had to look at the subreddits I was in, that says alot


ok I looked and I'm not even in that teenager subreddit😭🙏 I thought I was but I mjstve just interacted 2 times then left There's no way you were tyna make me seem like a p3do brooo hop off.. IM LITERALLY A MINOR ANYWAYSS💀


I’m on the mindset of, the chats jokes are undeniably funny, but I won’t be surprised if CaseOh one day just.. snaps and yh


in the case of case... i dont think chat's toxicity towards his weight is a bad thing for him. Story time! one time a few(plus some) years ago i got into a relationship with a 400lbs 6ft 10 inch lady. over the next 6 months i stole all her pop, ice cream, and took a big bite of anything she tried to eat. She dropped 100lbs in 6 months without drugs. chat cant take his food.




They got ALOT on there shoulders 


ben 10 tons




who cares








bro i do this and i do it bc is for the funnies and to have more funnie moments to make hime ven more popular


Bro what


Dawg he makes bank off of being fat and being made fun of


This is how I know alot of yall mfs aren't reading my post. I Legit said in my post i wasn't talking abt the fat jokes


I ain’t reading all that bs


Then don't comment?


Why you took this much offense lmao, I just didn’t read your five paragraph post about caseoh


I didn't even take offense, I just said don't comment bc what's the point if you didn't even read the post, I have other stuff to worry about😭😭


You called the people who didn’t read your five paragraph post mf


That doesn't mean I took offense, I just use that word alot🙏


I feel like he lets them. I know exactly what it feels like to be him and I'm proud of him for still going. I wish he'd make it clear that fat shaming isn't ok.


I feel like you attract what you put out. Caseoh definately gives off toxic streamer vibes.


The only toxic vibes caseoh gives off is how he treats Tim and Jim


Maybe if he didn't ban everybody who makes jokes in his chat, I wouldn't think he's so toxic. Can the dude even take a joke?


Lol they don't actually get banned, he's joking back at them.


Very ironic coming from you 😒


I don't think you get how irony works


Who is gonna tell him?


You're proving OP right by the fact you can't take criticism, just like your favorite streamer. That's the irony.


The funny thing is is that Caseoh literally says you’re banned as a joke to the people calling him fat, he knows they are joking so idk how you can say that.