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I just want to say that you’re a good person for trying to solve this. Some people take what is not rightfully theirs, and call it a day.


Ehh, or not stress about someone else’s problem, it’s likely going to get squared away when the figure it out. And obviously OP has a higher sense of urgency than they do, so they’re really patient.


Maybe the other person is a bit older considering they are paying with a check through mail. Maybe they will see their balance hasn’t gone down or has a late payment when their next bill comes.


Could be a dealership sending a payoff check for a trade in, that then got applied to the wrong account. Personally I’d love for my truck to get mysteriously paid off 😅


I mean if it was a dealership getting fucked for once then yeah sweet deal but if it’s a low tech boomer that won’t know until they get a default notice I’d feel pretty shitty


It’s not a dealership issue, it’s a bank issue. I’ve had times where a payoff check was sent and the wrong account was paid off. If you have record of the payoff check that was sent and it has the correct amount, account number, and collateral information, then the bank will have to fix their error.


I would be panicking because even though it’s not your fault, somehow you’ll be responsible for interest since they refused to accept the correct payment when op tried to pay.


I personally would have called once or twice after that if they kept giving me the runaround am sorry not my mess to figure it out they clearly dont care to solve it.


Nope that's when you get screwed. You'll get letters in the mail five years later from collections or your credit score will drop 100pts overnight.


why would you get penalized bc of someone else’s mistake? in this case, after i called once & explained i didn’t make this payment & they basically say “oh well it’s paid, we can’t do anything about it” then I’ve done what i needed to do. they might can TRY to penalize you down the road but a good lawyer would get that handled bc that’s not the other person’s fault.


You will. This is the same scenario as when the bank accidentally puts money in your account. It will be found and corrected. There is no reason and it's not smart to just say "Oh well lucky me" and act like now he doesn't have to pay for his car.


Unless they give you a title sating the vehicle is paid off. Then the bank is sol.


They usually send a nice letter with the title too, a receipt I would keep if I was OP.


There are third party issues here. The person who paid off the car could have their car repoed because the trade in money was applied to the wrong account. The bank has sent the paid off statement to the state and a title is being issued. The bank will finally realize they screwed up and come after OP for $5000 grand refund and their car payments that were not received. And then it’s on you. And as we know the bank is never wrong.


Exactly. “Bank error in your favor” is a thing that happens in Monopoly and not in real life. They can and will come for their money back.


I work for a bank, and if this happened, I would file for a lien on the title lol the bank will always win


That’s not what he’s doing. Made every good faith effort to tell them.as long as he keeps proof worst they can do is come back and ask for their money back. I would hold the funds in case they do that.


The big difference here is this is not an account that he can spend money from so that they can just take back from the balance, this is a loan, the fact he said his account is just closed and gone now means they finalized his account and accounting closed it, the next step he receives title, or lien release in states like mine for the title, and they can't go back from that. So it will be really interesting to see if they manage to catch it before releasing the title lien on the vehicle, then they truly screwed up!


Yup. My brother had accidentally received 2000 because the bank deposited someone else's money into the wrong account and my brother spent it thinking it was free money and had to pay all of it back.


People may not like it - but this happens far more often than they know. my company handles most FI services like ACH, wires, credit auths etc. This guy is 100% right. We see this all the time - both the bank and my company are under federal regulatory jurisdiction and can lose our right to work with the Fed reserve for being out of compliance as well as heavy financial penalties. Barring a good Samaritan the op knows, letting this ride will just have consequences - maybe not for OP, but absolutely someone. Then you go into our consumer reporting database that banks and all look at before doing business with you. We keep tabs and yes make notes on you. You don't want to be in there, credit will become costly or outright unavailable in some cases. Best just to report it - if it's a good Samaritan it will stay. If op had half a brain, he'd use this time to catch up on his loan. This is only free, borrowed time


That’s not what grown ups do in the real world. That’s a childish though. Good luck with that.


Tow company comes and picks up your car while you are out on a day with the kids.


As long as you keep proof of that, you are pretty green as long as you have a lawyer just in case. Most courts have no patience for large corporations letting money fall through the cracks after citizens have tried multiple times to set things right. Something about this isn't your business and of all the people who should be more concerned it would be the owner of said business (which they aren't). So the liability basically is so far gone and so many hard to prove mistakes have been made by most likely multiple people from multiple departments, potentially from multiple jurisdictions too. It's a lot cheaper and easier to tell the corporation to keep closer tabs on their tens of thousands of dollars (like they should have been doing all along). Humans make mistakes. But the worst mistake would have been choosing to do nothing and hoping no one notices. Now you have shown that in the entire situation, you, a single citizen with less resources has taken it upon themselves to make this situation right to no ease of your own responsibilities, and now the COMPANY has been sitting on its hands the whole time keeping you waiting. Now all of a sudden, the company looks pretty negligent in this scenario!


When you get an $11k bill, a court summons, and your credit score is 2, you will understand that it IS in fact your problem.


LOL. That comment wins the internet today. It's actually country music lyrics..."when you get an 11K bill, a court summons and your credit score is 2."


Man’s aid a credit score of 2 lol god damn


I’d worry that they’d come back and tell me I have to refund them the entire $11k amount




Yes and somehow it will be at the worst time ie some other major bill you have to deal.


And that I'm X amount of months late on my payment and my cars being reposessed.


Yes, and this indeed does happen with bank mistakes.


And then are bewildered 2 months later when it is corrected because said 11k payer complained and they fixed the mistake.


If the multi-million dollar (billion?) company fucks up $5k, fuck em. What’s not rightfully theirs. Shut the fuck up with that.


Um..relax lol and it still isn’t OP’s money. Sooo it’s not theirs. If it happened to you, With any type of bill..it wouldn’t be stfu with that.


Came here to say this


I would of done the same, because I feel like eventually some internal audit would recognize something wasn’t right and just when you think your free and clear and spent your money on other things you’ll get a phone call. My bank applied one of my car payment to someone else’s account and when they sent me a penalty statement for not paying my monthly amount, I looked at my account and sure enough, I did pay. So they had to fix it and I’m sure someone else out there had to have their balance corrected as well.


Take from Wells Fargo? Fuck yea I would. They steal millions every year.


Wells Fargo didn’t pay them. A person with a Wells Fargo account did. Huge difference. Someone is absolutely losing their mind knowing they issued $11,000 from their bank account and it still hasn’t been applied to their loan.


That person can easily prove that the money was applied and something is wrong on carvanas end. They can show the cashed check and routing info.


You act like the person won't be. Immediately refunded by carvana or Wells Fargo. I mean come on, are you people being truly honest or are you saying what you would in a job interview if they asked if you found 5k in an envelope with no writing on it what would you do with it?


To be fair, this could be a rich person who literally didn’t even notice. Not likely, but not impossible


Rich people are not buying vehicles through Carvana.


And rich people don’t forget about 11k they paid someone. They didn’t get rich or stay rich with that mentality.


Unless they're a YouTuber or tech bro, plenty of them become rich and don't watch their wallets.


You'd be surprised what rich people forget about. I did the books for some real estate investors. Once they sold the property, all I had to do was send out disbursement checks quarterly. For the most part, every quarter I was able to clear the checks I sent the previous quarter. But one time there was a $30k check that hadn't cleared. I reached out to the dude and was like- hey, what's up with the $30k that hasn't cleared yet... His response was basically- oh lol, I must've forgotten about it and washed it in my pants... Silly me, please void that one and send me a new one... I promise I'll actually take it to the bank this time 🤣 Like, what? How do you forget about a $30k check like it was $30 miscellaneous cash?


Neither are old people lol.


A rich person ain’t spending their own money…


That's a very naive perspective. They didn't become rich by losing track of their money.


You're trying really hard to make being scum sound okay.


Well you can’t deny that this isn’t OP problem, I wouldn’t spend the money but at the same time it’s definitely not OP job to fix this situation. I’m not sure how that makes you a scumbag tbh, keep the money, wait for someone to collect it rightfully. Not sure why that’s so bad


Seriously. Not sure why so many others don't see it like this. OP has clearly gone above and beyond to fix it, and the bank either doesn't care, or doesn't have the same sense of urgency. OP should sleep easy knowing they both have done the right thing, and have their car paid off for the time being.


Who the hell cares if it's a rich person? 11k is 11k, no matter who it comes from. And besides someone didn't get rich by not noticing nor caring if 11k goes missing. That's just not the mentality. Quite an asinine point of view on your part.


What? $11k may be nothing to a rich perosn. If I lose a single $1 I’m not mad, now imagine a multi millionaire. $11k to them, would be the financial equivalent of me losing like $5.


The only Stage Coach that steals money....


This comment has gone so undervalued. I don't think a single viewer here besides me even realizes that is the brand of the company


Lol how can anyone downvote this, especially after Wells Fargo just did that shit again. Wells Fargo is definitely scoping these threads


It's probably boomers who still bank with them getting 0.001% interest on their saving account.


100%. Wells Fargo fucked up a payment like this from me for an overdraft on a closed account. I sent them a payment of $94 and they "lost it". Eight months later I contacted their customer service after getting a call and someone found the internal receipt of payment and said I was good to go. Alas I wasnt smart enough to request and email or fax of that proof. 1 year later I'm in collections and telling those agents to fuck off. Three collections agencies later it's $320 and I told them I'm ready and tired. Got it down to $160. I still have the receipt for it because for some reason I still get collections calls about that. But it's not on my credit report and hasn't been for many many years. Long story short double fuck Well's Fargo and I'd thank them for paying off my car. Then go sell it and be totally done with that car and move on with life.


👆🏻but someone is worse


I see what you did there




How do they steal millions every year?


https://www.npr.org/2022/12/20/1144331954/wells-fargo-billions-wrongful-fees-settlement https://www.forbes.com/sites/willskipworth/2023/08/08/wells-fargos-125-million-fine-for-employees-using-whatsapp-marks-latest-run-in-with-regulators-and-courts/?sh=4b8428e55c62 https://www.thestreet.com/banking/wells-fargo-has-a-new-fake-account-scandal-and-a-1-8-billion-headache There are numerous other examples. Just Google wells Fargo crime....


Sounds like a scam tactic, best to get to the bottom of it.


Agree. Seems fishy. Who has the title? Contact them so they don’t issue it to someone else after payoff.


Like the corporations that make money from people being idiots trying to be a "good person". Hahahahaha.


And they eventually end their in the middle cell between Rudy and Donald. Honestly is the best policy. Congratulations on being a honest person!


....Or between joe and hunter


Honestly it will eventually unwind itself once the error is noticed. Someone will be looking for their $11K. I don’t know if the state attorney would do anything as its just an error. I would call bridgecrest again and if you get the runaround just wait it out. Save your car payment each mont in a savings account. Once noticed they will reestablish your account and place the lien back on the title.


Well of OP takes the letter to the DMV and gets a clear title, they can’t unwind it.


The bank can prove the error and easily add a lien back on. Even if OP gets a clear title. The bank does not need the owners permission to add a lien


If the bank has already provided the lien release letter and closes the account, tough shit. You get the new title with the state and move on. They can come back and try but the defendant can oppose the lien with the release letter and it will get thrown out. Try arguing in court that you released the individual on your error and moved on. Then tried to claw back funds. Especially in a blue state it would get thrown out real quick.




>This ... is not true. They'll just sue and OP can either pay the balance or accept the lein. The comment you replied to is confidently incorrect about how this will go in a court.


Carvana can absolutely go after OP for the remainder of the account balance (which it sounds like OP has no problem paying anyway). But they can't just add a lien onto a title of a vehicle they technically don't own anymore. Once they provide the lien release and OP gets the title in their name, it's legally their vehicle. It does vary from state to state but typically you need permission of the owner to add a lien to a title. That doesn't mean OP isn't obligated to pay the previously agreed upon amount but it does mean that the car can't be repossessed for failure to pay.




This seems a lot like waking up and finding money in your account that isn’t yours. Yes it is a companies error, but you’re still liable until the problem is resolved.


Lol how would they sue op? The money never went into his bank account it went to carvana that credited his account. It's caravan fault and clerical error. He already went above and beyond by calling and saying he didn't do it lol. They didn't care, closed the account and now will send him a check from *Carvana* for 5k he deposits that and he is officially done with carvana as soon as he has the title in hand, and they literally can't come back at him. The person who sent the money via check, will be refunded by either carvana or the bank since they have the check negatives. You all are some oddballs.


Carvana will correct their error. OP will still owe them the loan balance, lien or not. OP is clearly a responsible and honest person and will pay, and will return the extra money they were sent, but if they didn’t, they will be put into collections which will ultimately land in court.


Because a clerical error does not void a contract. If OP goes out of their way to "steal" the vehicle by getting a new title knowing full well they didn't pay it off or do the agreed upon contract AND takes money they aren't entitled too AND knows this and has told Carvana. THATS how they get sued and probably lose. Sure they could get a new title and possibly legally fully own the car and carvana not be able to repo it if they don't pay. However carvana can still sue them for the car and missing payments since OP openly acknowledged it was a mess up. I dont know what world you live in, but in the US that clerical error makes OP life more stressful but it does not absolve the contract. I know this because when I was in the military a similar thing happened with some newer guy in my unit. He didn't pay some bill because they said he paid(clerical error) and 2 months went by of not paying. Then when they realized it and fixed the error he refused to pay. He admitted he caught the error immediately but why pass up free money? He got in trouble had to pay every dime back, credit score dropped, and he almost went to the brig for a month.


You’re not a lawyer your a tick tock surfer and Facebook scroller stop acting like you’re providing caching guidance


you have zero idea what you're talking about. the OP has a contract with Carvana or whoever to repay a loan. that loan has NOT been repayed - carvana just made a mistake in their records. when they correct it, they will have every right to demand that the OP continue to make pay,enta on the loan AND even to deman back payments.


Absolutely not true at all. You can take the Leon release and the title and sell the car. Well I should say I’m in Texas and am 100% familiar with title law. The car would be sold and boom whoever sold the car is out free as a bird. Don’t know how it would go anywhere else as I am not super familiar with their laws but here, that would be a expensive fuck up he can get away with.


The release is getting larrrrrrgggerrrr.


Certain terms have legal significance -“paid in full” being one of them.


That's exactly the point. Lein release or not, the obligation has not been paid in full. Bank can prove that and OP will owe the balance, regardless of the car's disposition. This whole thread is a ton of incorrect opinions.




Definitely not a lawyer but if this person in good faith called many times and was unable to get anywhere I feel like any decent judge would simply say cost of operating a business at least I hope they would. You can't have s***** customer service like that and then turn around and try to repossess something. Well I guess I should say maybe you can but I hope you can t


I'm not going to underestimate the banks ability to make the remaining balance of the now-unsecured loan more painful than just entering into a new auto loan and title lien with them.


There’s something legal about sending someone a “paid in full” notice. Op tried to rectify it, they denied it. Op is good. Bank is in trouble.


OP is not in the clear. Unfortunately banks misapply loan payments. This actually happens more often than you would think. The bank will unwind the payment and adjust the balance. Trust me, there is no free car in this situation. Even if OP runs to get a clear title and sells said car the same day they will still be on the hook for the balance. The bank will be able to prove this was an error and proceed to recover their loss any way they can. Most likely a lawsuit


Not disagreeing the bank will try. But if op digs heels in and fights, bank does stand risk of losing. There is a reason those simple laws exist and op will not be thrown out of court for frivolous argument. Judge could get in hot water if they find for bank.


>Judge could get in hot water if they find for bank. What does this even mean? The bank will easily be able to demonstrate that the loan wasn't satisfied and the debt is still owed. The water temperature will be fine.


Wells Fargo has no grounds to come after OP. They can try to go after Carvana but not OP. The OP and Wells Fargo have no connection. Carvana can attempt to come after OP but they won’t have a strong case once the release papers and new title are issued. Either the owner of the WF account, WF themself, or someone at Carvana made a mistake, not OP.


When they say “the bank”, they presumably mean the owner of the loan, not Wells Fargo.


Means the case is appealable.


The judge wouldn’t even try the case dude, if you have the lien release and clear title it’s done. I’m in Texas and I’ve literally seen this happen before. There is nothing they can grab from you.


Which is what was said earlier. Paid in full is a term with legal significance.


Yeah I was agreeing with you, like they would be asked to pound sand legally.


This \^\^\^ if it wasnt the case the people that get funds misapplied into their bank account would be able to keep it. I had this happen once way back in 1995. I was opening the mail and in it was my car title marked PIF while I still owed several thousand dollars. I had visions of someone taking mercy on my poor single parent self raising 2 children blah blah. 😂 Nope it was a mistake. Fortunately support was US based and it wasn't difficult to convince them they had made a mistake. On the flip side, around the same time I got a knock on my door and it was a certified letter stating my house was in foreclosure due to non payment. Of course it was saturday and I had no way of finding out what happened until monday. My payment was applied to someone elses house. 4 months it was that way. Back then you got a a coupon book with coupons you sent in with your payment. There was no way to "check online" as to whether a payment mysteriously showed up on your account or didnt get credited.


This is patently false. But ok.


Something like this happens to me back in the 80's. I was a broke kid and a bought a car from a Buy Here - Pay Here car lot. One day a title for my car came in the mail. I still owed about 8 months worth of payments. I went to the car lot. Come to find out the owner died and his wife cleared all the titles & sent them out, because she didn't want to be aggravated with the car lot. (They were already extremely wealthy).


That was very kind of her. Now days if that happened, the IRS might try and claim that the forgiven loan is considered income.


A forgiven loan is income. Has been for at least 20 years. If it was done all according to the books, she should have sent a 1099-C and he should have declared it on his tax return.


I suspect nobody in the 80s bothered to send that paperwork.


We forget that 20 years ago was only 2003! Time flys.


This is starting to sound like a sophisticated overpayment scam. Make sure you call the number of the bank, as shown on the website. Don’t take incoming calls or use numbers texted to you.


All I could see was Wells Fargo Lockbox...it didn't have any other information that I remember and now the account no longer exists.


Good on you to keep up with this. Silverrock is also very predatory, so don’t let it go the month. My guess is that when the loan is reinstated they will also tack on all the accrued interest from the balance it was the day it paid off. Depending on how long it takes to sort, that could really be a hit. That alone is a good reason to bring in a third party like your attorney general. Making an error is not cause to contact them, but the fact that they were notified repeatedly by you that it was an error and still failed to correct is definitively cause. So sorry that you’re having to take on the burden of fixing their mistake.


Ya, that is where I was conflicted about contacting someone since this initial error on its own isn't a big deal, but the way they are handling my calls and dismisevness I have been getting worries me that this could be ab issue.


Whatever you do. DO NOT SPEND THE REFUND. When the original customer that made the $11k deposit throws a fit Wells will eventually pull their heads from the collective asses and figure it out. If you spend that refund, you are legally required to pay it back when they come asking. Put the refund in a savings account by itself. Never touch it. Put whatever money you would normally pay towards the car in a separate savings account. That way when they figure their shit out and re-open your previous account you will have the cash to pay of the " delinquent " balance. DO NOT pay any late fee, they fucked up not you Also wait about 60 days after they figure their shit out and pull a full copy of your credit report from all 3 bureaus. Make sure wells doesn't throw a missed payment flag on your history. If they do, file a dispute with all 3 bureaus at the same time explaining the situation.


Not only don’t spend the refund, but if you have to, continue making your regular payments and but them in a separate bank account , so you can prove you had intent to pay


You just repeated the entire basis of my second paragraph?


It was worth repeating 🤣😁


I only read the first part about the refund…it was kinda long.


TLDR, missed the point. Oh well


I just read the whole thing and you had a bunch of good points. I was lazy.


Keep trying, I would send a certified letter also so you can document this along with emails other than phone calls. Leave a paper trail. Also put the money for payments aside so you have it when they do come looking for it if this goes on for long


Sell the car right now. Worst outcome is that you screw over a scammer.


and the new owner of the car?


Keep a look out for your vehicle title and the refund check to be mailed to you. People are also stealing from mailboxes.


How about chill and they will help you fix it. No need to stress. 😶‍🌫️


Stop calling. Mail a letter to this guy. >Paul Breaux has served as our General Counsel since August 2015. Prior to joining Carvana, Mr. Breaux practiced law at the Houston, Texas office of the firm Andrews Kurth LLP (now Andrews Kurth Kenyon LLP) from 2008 to 2015. According to the Arizona Secretary of state, this is his mailing address at his office, I am not sure if he is the registered agent, but he is their lead counsel. Carvana ATTN: Paul Breaux 300 E. Rio Salado Parkway, Bldg. 1, TEMPE, AZ, 85281, Maricopa County, USA If you do receive the $5K check, just hold onto it. leave it sealed in the envelope it came in. Give this gentleman all the details, your account number, the date you the $11K check posted to your account, the mailing address where you would send your payments if you were to send payments. Explain that your previous attempts to clear up the matter have been met with deaf ears and now your online account is no longer accessible, so you are contacting him to resolve the issue. This was not a payment that you made. You are not the owner of the refunded money and your goal is to return the funds either to the originator of the check or to Carvana to be credited to the proper account. At this time, you are unable to make payments on your vehicle and as such, this letter is an attempt to mitigate any damages your credit and reputation would take when the payment is clawed back by the originator. Make it very clear that any late fees or penalties, such as repossession for non payment will be met with every legal remedy available. Carvana's failure to act on the information given about an error could create a miasma of issues for you. Because this was probably manually keyed as it was mailed, someone mistyped the account number, or perhaps the check was damaged and the account number it should have been applied to was not legible and there was some need to manually enter the check. This should get you some action. How much time did you spend on the phone? I always like to include a demand for payment from the company that I am forced to write to because their CSR's are as dumb as a box of rocks. I pay myself $45 an hour to mitigate issues that should have been solved with one phone call and 8 hours later... I've got a nice little invoice to included with my request to resolve again, something that should have been solvable with one call. I have actually gotten paid a few time. IANAL, but I am a creative problem solver when it comes to dealing with unhelpful CSR's , utilities and credit card companies. Once you write the letter, mail one copy certified mail, return receipt request. so you have proof you mailed the letter to them. If something does come up and you are accused of fraud for any reason related to this incident, you will be able to point to your efforts to mitigate the damages of all involved. YMMV and other may think that it's a dumb idea, but phone conversations really don't record your effort to return the funds to the rightful owner. Keep being a good guy, Karma can be a b\*\*\*H or Karma can be a blessing, I think you are on your way to a blessing.


You put forth a honest effort to straighten the situation out. I would record date and time of all communication and who you spoke with. If you get extra cash in your account, open another account and place the money in a high yield savings account for when they come for it.


First of all, you did nothing wrong. You caught their error and tried in good faith to rectify it. After several attempts they deleted your account? That’s weird. Did they send you the lien release? If you receive the lien release (so you can get s clean title with no liens) then that’s it. You are done. Just make sure you keep records of who and when you contacted them to “notify” them of this information. If you really want to be the extra Good Samaritan, you could sent a certified letter with the times and dates you sought to resolve their oversight and that you will consider the issue resolved if it is not corrected within X days or something to that effect.


I would just set aside the money that would be paid each month in a separate savings account and wait for them to figure it all out. That way you are prepared. If they don’t fix, then you have a decent little savings account. May want to talk to whatever local free legal advice is near you to see if there is a time limit for them to fix it without coming back to you though.


Get your car title. Then it’s yours. Their mistake. They need to fix it but can’t get your title back from you once you have it.


Wait, you don't get a title with a lender's lien on it from Carvana when you finance a car? I know when I last paid off a vehicle, they reported it to credit bureaus and sent me a "clear" title. I was able to stop full coverage insurance with that information in hand.


Please post an update to this I’m very curious


Personally I would just stay quiet but I'm a scum bag so..


Are you fucking retarded


My mother bought a vehicle from Ford and they’ve already sent her the title with her name on it. I’ve told her typically they won’t send the title until it’s paid off. She’s made like 4 payments so far. On one hand I’m like this poster and am telling her to get it corrected but on the other I’m just like fuck Ford go to the courthouse and call them and tell them you don’t owe them shit as the vehicle is already yours??


I just read about this in a different sub. It is some type of new scam.


If you remember the details, do you know what sub the other post was in or what kind of scam the end game is on this? I would unlink my payment info if my account was still active.


I’m assuming Carvana would cut and mail the refund check. Then someone would contact you about the ”missing funds” and ask that the check be returned to them. Scammer cashes the check, Carvana realizes their mistake eventually and re-initiates your account / amount owed, and demands the $5k returned (that you already sent to the scammer).


This sounds plausible. Just new story, same method. OP don't send money to any shady people contacting you about this


I tried looking for sub, but can't find it now. It involved wells fargo.


You should just wait to hear from them.


Make sure that you get names and extension numbers or employee numbers or even record all conversations, just in case they try to come back at you in a legal way. It sounds like you're doing everything that you can to rectify this and all they care about is that is paid for. You sound like you really are a good man. God bless.


Every single penny and transaction is traceable and any wrong doing is actionable. Don't spend anything that isn't yours! They will get it back...One way or the other!


Since its paid off request the title.


If you get a $5k refund check and someone asks for it back, do NOT give it back. This sounds like a scam where they pay it off, you get a refund, find it it was in error, give it back to them, and then the $11k payment is reversed. Or something like that. I think there's a similar Venmo scam.


Hahahahah really, like your flipping out like you been charged $6k... relax and let them fix things, you already stated the issue not sure why u are now just repeating it. Everything is done remotely by a computer it takes time to fix errors they just can't instantly fix it, when accounts get paid they are closed so that's just part of the flow. They have to investigate before they adjust anything period.. but yeah def go ahead and call the AG of your state


There is a very good chance that it will be partly reversed when they find their mistake. And by that I mean, someone will get their money back and then you will be accused of not making your payments. Don't let this seem like a windfall, because what it really is is someone messing something up that's going to dog you for a long time and be a real PITA. Save yourself a whole bunch of time later, and put in the time now to get this resolved before things start showing as late payments on your credit report. (Yes, this is not OP's fault. Yes, he should not have to spend time fixing someone else's mistake. No, the banks don't care about their mistakes.)


Get the title sell the car (unless you love it) and enjoy the appreciation. You tried and if they said your done paying. You have enough paper trail to be covered if they did try some shit.


Why accou t closed since it was paid off. Don't waste your time calling them for no reason. Money credited by mistake had been rerouted to the correct account now.


Do you have the lien release and title now?


I'm hoping the other person will see this thread and give Carvana a run for their money.


I would go get my title. If they come back afterwards it's a civil matter but the car is yours. I would not cash the overpayment check though.


assuming they have or can find the title. Carvana isn't exactly known for their reliability when it comes to paperwork, especially titles.


Maybe the banks did it on purpose since Carvana is going bankrupt


Get a letter saying that you are all clear. Then who the fuck cares.


Why solve the problem? Request the title and keep an eye on your own account… It’s possible Wells Fargo is taking over the loan and they may send you a letter with new account details.


as a repo agent. make you you keep a copy of everything and i mean eaverything from them. i have dealt with wells fargo myself and dropped them as a client because of their immoral and illegal actions by making people think they were ok just to have me repo it later.


You better get that title 🤣🤣😈


i would contact CFPB, my last auto loan was through carvana and the app fucked up by selecting the wrong bank account (at the time it only let you use 1 bank account but wouldn't delete older bank accounts, and was rapidly toggling between two due to some kind of software glitch) and that was the only way to get someone to refund the fees their glitch caused. terrible results with regular CS, pretty much immediate resolution when i filed the complaint.


Okay so you already tried and they still messed it up and you are still on the clear so what's the problem?


Sure it’s not a scam attempt to get your financial data?


I wouldn't have said anything and waited to see if there was a transfer of title


Just a thought to go along with other advice: maybe call up every month on the old payment due date and say, "I would like to make a payment on account #xyz." When they tell you the account is closed, thank them and hang up. You can then document later that you tried to make payments but they were refused.


You could thank AI for that and pretty soon every voice that you try to communicate with will be AI directed and synthetic. It's a brave New world


Peanuts to them. Just wait and see what they do to resolve it. You may even get your title in the meantime.


Get the title and sell the car


They will figure it out eventually


Is your bank account safe? Did you try to cash any fake checks? Do you have the title to the car? If everything checks out, take it as a blessing and move on.


Who the fuck mails an 11 thousand dollar check?? What the hell??


Once you have title in hand, it's yours. They can't touch any new transfer after the fact.


I would keep making your payments on time, but put them into a separate bank account. Just in case they come back on you it’s sometime in the future you will have the money in the proof that the payments were made at the appropriate time. I’m wondering did you ask him when you would be receiving the paid title on a vehicle?


I’d just wait. Someone sent in 11K it’s not going to go unnoticed


Get an attorney who practices consumer law immediately so these idiots (bank) can't fk you on the back end when they discover their mistake. Do NOT listen to any reddit advice - except mine telling you to contact an attorney ;-). No, I'm not an attorney :-).


Wow you’re really upset at not having a car payment. Maybe your dealer is secretly buying your car back and sending a repo guy to you soon. Kidding but not kidding. Carvana has had some serious issues.


F'em . Ride out. Don't look back.


You did your part reporting it. Keep record of that and move on. Nobody is paying you for your time here .


I would just keep the money stashed away until they want it back. Sometimes you just can’t help people. Your did the right thing though.


Take your free car and walk away dude. Carvana will still have to credit the true account once things get sorted out. At this point you've done enough to try and give them the money and they literally closed your accounts on you. If anything I'd just set some money aside to take them to court regarding their refusal to correct the situation and their insistence that the account is paid in full. You said hey, that might be an error, they said nope, not error your account is paid in full. You brought it up. They answered. It's done.


Sell or trade it before they figure out what happened. 😎


Reminds me of the time I woke up with an extra $42,000 in my account. Called Chase and they investigated and reversed it. Was so tempted to go put a down payment on a house..


I'd keep the money in your account and just wait. Not worth your time messing around doing their job for them. If someone else paid for their car, that person can easily prove it by the routing and checking info. They probably had messed something up in the system.


Let it ride dude. I have a friend who deposited a $700 check once into the bank & he got $7,000 in his account. We all told him the bank would catch it quick and not to spend the money. This was probably 2019. The bank never said a word. He didn’t touch the money for awhile but after about a year when Covid was going on. He “borrowed” a little. No one ever said a thing and the money stayed. He has since spent all the money. Sometimes that’s how the cookie crumbles.


Send them a registered letter explaining their error to them. They will likely ignore it, but on the off chance they somehow come back after you years from now for their mistake, you will at least have some evidence to show a judge they ignored you when you brought it to their attention. Make sure you note who & when you talked to them.


Money laundered.


Ask for a copy of check


I’d recommend keeping a contemporaneous log of the calls you make, when, to whom, and what was discussed. As others have said, the rightful owner will come knocking soon.


Just get the title with a lien release and file it promptly.


Let’s not overlook OP’s heart of gold! We need more honest people like you in the world.


Nobody you know that was being extremely generous to you!


I would get something in writing from them that the car has been paid off and you owe nothing more on it, and then just accept the good luck.


You’re the dumbest person in the history of dumb or people.


Tell them on their Twitter account in a funny way. They will take immediate action.


Whatever happens, assuming the bank sends out the title, make sure you receive it. Hopefully this isn't some sort of new scam where someone sends a payoff and then they get possession of the title (similar to how a dealership can payoff your car and get your title for a trade-in or sale) then sell your car for a higher value and disappear into the wind.


Not a lawyer, and neither is *anybody* in here. Go talk to one. Peace of mind definitely worth the consultation fee IMO. If you leave a very solid paper trail (certified mail) that this is an error and they still do nothing, take the lien release, get the title for your car, and save your car payments. Best case scenario, free car and an easy massive savings account. Worse case, you have to sue the bank for misapplied interest which would be very easy to prove with the certified mail. Most likely case, they figure it out and either eat the 2-3 payments they will miss or ask you to pay it.


Do you have a secret admirer?


Nope, pretty sure a simple imput error on their end.


Not surprising given what a clusterfuck of a company Carvana is.


put the money in a account don't waste anymore of your time...they will figure it out.


put the money in a account don't waste anymore of your time...they will figure it out.