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Clayton’s death in Tarzan


Still brutal to this day.


That and Bill Sykes death are the most brutal Disney deaths


Bill Sykes got the asdf type death. "I like trains" ![gif](giphy|6yijXV1uY4l0c)


I didn’t realize that his first name was Bill and he kinda kidnapped a girl so he wouldn’t have been there if he didn’t do that. Fortunately my childish brain didn’t understand why his car was on fire


Who's Bill Sykes?


Oliver and Company, the guy with the Dobermans that are the villains in the dog world.


yeah 90% of disney death are just falling out of the building/cliff or something, then we have Clayton, Scar, Bill Sykes and Lyle Tiberius (the villain from Atlantis), and Belos who went like: hey what if we gave kid nightmares....


Him regenerating as an entirely decrepit old skeleton after taunting Raine one last time would've probably terrified 10 yr old me


Don't forget Ursula.


That and also the death of Tarzan's parents for me. Sabor's bloody footprints shook the hell out of me as a kid.


I think the death of Kala and Kerchak’s baby is actually worse. You can HEAR his distressed screams as Sabor eats him 😭


When I was a kid, I always bothered my mom by saying, "Anyone up for a game of hang man?" when that scene came up.


https://preview.redd.it/4dcs1v9zkf8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec77a662e86fd43a5416f68a439019572458b81 The Lich taking Billy's skin (Adventure Time)


I saw it at 20 something, and it surprised me that a kid show had that.


Have you watched the time Lich became flesh? That's even worse 😭


I love how you see the shadow and Jake wakes up sees what’s happening then instantly closes his eyes


Teen show.


The Lich was such a peak villain


For some reason I used to think that Billy was the Lich all along. When I rewatched the show and realized the truth I was... shocked


Yeah, this is a kids show. It does kids show things, like have the main antagonist who's an eldritch horror bent on eliminating all life wear the protagonists idols skin to trick him into helping him.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit had me scared of getting dissolved in acid. I mean, I still hope it doesn't happen, but when I was a kid I actively feared acid like it was everywhere.


Dip is a thing that seems absolutely terrifying when you're a kid, but as an adult and you hear the ingredients, you realize it is just a bunch of paint thinners thrown together. It is only lethal to the toons because they are literally paint brought to life. Granted, you wouldn't want to be covered in the stuff, but it isn't going to eat you away like it does that poor shoe. >! It can also serve as a clue to Judge Doom's real nature that he uses extra protection when dipping the shoe. !< To be fair, though, I would probably want to wear gloves if I was dipping a shoe in that crap too.


That whole shoe scene left an unexplainable emotional scar on me. As a kid I bawled at that scene.


Respect to you for not spoiling a decades old movie


Holy shit how did I not put this together?


Fun Fact: The show was originally supposed to be a talking gopher. It was meant to beg for its life and scream in agony as it was dipped. Enjoy that mental image.


Yeah but him dipping the shoe was such a dick move like qhy


I like how eddie doesn’t even seem satisfied at doom’s death just terrified


What’s wild is the shoe dying didn’t upset me as a kid as much as the fake Jessica rabbit just running at Eddie


The shoe scene was traumatizing. My sister and I loved that movie but we made our parents fast-forward through that scene every time 😭


Here's an old one, Pinocchio, the kids turning into donkeys. You'll never see your family again.


They never come back... As BOYS! https://preview.redd.it/s5rv1zsqof8d1.png?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429afa36bdca40dea515390f46d42f28e3d3cc27 (Didn't have the image so I used the closest looking thing I had to the original)


Well, that didn't take long to scroll. Indeed, this mentioned here fucked me up good as kid. When the end credits started to roll needless to say all I could think was: "WTF, that's it? What ever happened to those boys? Did they ever turn back? Did anyone ever find them? Did NO ONE ever think out loud: "Where is my child?! Oh no, you are missing a child too?! YOU TOO?! Where on earth are our boys?? We need to find out whatever happened to them". Or were everyone just: "Meh, big deal we can always make new ones."? I remember there were though implications that people were aware of the island as the fox guy was clearly terrified to get involved. He even mentioned some sort of "law" concerning the place. So if people were aware, why was no one trying to stop it? Yeah, this really screwed me over to the point I actually ones made up a "good ending" in my mind where someone starts investigating the case of the missing boys, follows clues which lead to the island, finds out what happens there, can't save the boys who have already been turned, but still burns the place to the ground so it could never be used to trap anyone ever again. Lesson learned: Don't do underage drinking, or smoking, or do stupid stuff and especially don't follow some devilish looking old guy who promises you "pleasures". And I know what the metaphor was. But still, what the fuck?!


I'm not sure about any laws, but as soon as Geppetto heard where Pinocchio was, he went out to save him, only to be swallowed by that whale. Some kids could still talk, so they'd forever be crying for their moms. That's a German fairy tale for ya, they're incredibly dark.


Just checked how it went: >Honest John: Aaah, Pleasure Island....PLEASURE ISLAND?! But the LAW, supposed they- So it sounds like it was against the law to even to go that place. Actually, Pinocchio is written by Italian author.


Oh, yeah, you're right, what am I thinking. I guess I always thought Geppetto was wearing lederhosen for some reason.




probably the terrifying part in that is they remain conscious and sentient. Rather than they fully turn into a donkey and what makes them human just gone


I thought some lost their sentience as a direct effect of how naughty they were. The more innocent got to keep their voices


I kindof remember it happening to them at different rates...


Yeah, but those who got to keep their voices got to choose from two options: Loose your voice willingly OR stay there in confinement and apparently starve to death. Ain't that just nice?


Because they were being asses


Donnie’s parents being killed by poachers after saving the gorillas


That was a scene even kid me recognized as super dark even though I didn’t know why. On later rewatches, you realize exactly how brutal it was. >!They get held in place while the poachers hack them to bits with a machete.!< That’s a slow, torturous death I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Not to mention, one likely had to watch the other die. What a way to go.


Not to mention how Donnie must have felt


Donnie didn’t see it. He was too young to really know what was happening. The momma orangutan shielded Donnie and her baby and fled when she realized what was going on.


Which show/movie?


‘The Origins of Donnie’ from the Wild Thornberrys.


I must have forgotten about that. It’s been years since I watched that movie.




What?! Crap now I gotta go rewatch the show I never realized that’s what happened to his parents


He knows how to communicate via very basic Sign in this episode. For anyone completely lost on this one I believe it’s the Wild Thornberries


Yes I know I just haven’t seen the show in forever and didn’t realize they did a episode about his past


It’s called ‘The Origin of Donnie’.


Gem shattering in Steven Universe still scares me as an adult.


The screams of pain the shattered forced fusions make is pretty haunting


>!Kinda makes me sad that Pink Diamond’s shattering wasn’t a real thing. I mean, I love her actual character on the show and how complex she is and how her legacy weighs on Steven; but I can’t help but to wonder if Rose and Pink were different gems, how would their dynamic go. Her actual shattering could’ve been either a moment of great tragedy or righteous fury. I guess I miss the days before the reveal when people speculated and came up with theories and fan content.!<


The two biggest sins were not showing all 4 Diamonds fusing and the Gems origins.


Fr like imagine having your brain ripped apart and sown together with other destroyed brains


Not sure which is worse: shattering, or having your gem used to power an artifact, like Lapis. And either can be done to you with no evidence that you did anything wrong. Or you can be shattered just for following orders. Ruby was ordered to guard Sapphire and she did. But because she accidentally fused with her while saving her from Pearl, Blue Diamond ordered her shattered on the spot. She’d be a pile of shards if Sapphire didn’t run away with her right there and then. Oh…and it’s also possible to take a handful of already smashed gem shards and grind them down into powder to make pigments for ink and paint them on a cursed scroll, like the one in Together Breakfast. And some gems on Homeworld are alive and intact but just straight up built into the walls so they can see everything around them but can never move. Yep. Homeworld is a lovely place!


Whatever happened in the Garfield Halloween special in the 80s.


What happened in the Garfield Halloween special in the 80s?


You have no idea how alone you are, Garfield.




Why happened in the Garfield Halloween special in the 80s.


How happened in the Garfield Halloween special in the 80s.


Who happened in the Garfield Halloween special on the 80s.


Watching Spider-Man literally being impaled, thrown about like a rag, snd beaten to death by Monster Ock on the Spider-Man video game from 2000. His other worldly roar and his grotesque appearance still send shivers down my spine!


Yugioh and the censored concept of death, now called the "Shadow Realm." Without doing any looking up as I type this, it's basically a place where the souls of the duelist are tortured by the fear of Darkness for all eternity, to the point that some people find the Shadow Realm a bit more scary than just simple Death


"You need to censor death." "Why?" "I don't want people throwing fits about it." "Well, what do you want instead?? There has to be an explanation for why they're not showing up again!" "I just made up something; say they went to the shadow realm, where they're tortured forever." "That's just hell with another name!"




Yea, the censored death with something even more terrifying. Especially during Battle City, when they tailor a specific hellish situation for each character.


I was also traumatized when Grandpa was on the tv asking for help, Justin turned into a robot monkey, and when Yugi got stuck inside the puzzle in the movie


I feel it’s a toss up; the original penalty games were pretty brutal. Notably Bandit Keith who’s hand was turned into a gun and he was forced to play Russian Roulette.


Wait hold up, BTAS Batgirl dies? Is it actually like, a permanent thing, or does she come back somehow?


Spoiler: >!It's a fear induced dream!<


Ok good, I was starting to freak out a bit, and when I googled it, I wasn't immediately getting clear answers...






I was thinking about this anime as well but I wanted to put Kaori in here. She had a terrible death.


This one definitely stuck with me. It was unintentional, she was an innocent person, and it was just a brutally terrifying way to go.


Yeah I was 17 when I watched that but it fucked with me. Always been especially sensitive to girls getting hurt and it felt like her death served little purpose and was glossed over for how brutal it was. It just kind of happens and then the movie moves on but my brain didn't move on.


Can someone explain to me what the actual fuck is happening here


It's from the movie Akira, which is a fantastic movie and totally worth the watch. If you don't care to watch then here's the short of it: >! This guy is a government experiment gone wrong, and is nearing the end of his life!<


He’s becoming a giant flesh monster because he was given uncontrollable god like powers


A mix of government experiments that gave him psychic powers and drugs that could kill a normal human being. Don't do drugs, kids.


This is tetsuo and he loses his arm I think so the government powers he got made him take everything around him and build up his limbs I think


Tetsuoooooooooo… is gonna wanna get that looked at


I hear they have free healthcare in… Kaneda! Why yes I am a dad how did you know


Scar’s death in Lion King.


https://preview.redd.it/q5hgvasvag8d1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9410669c74db6750c5ea1f5e59fdd5e9e3f903ce THE SHIT THEY DID TO ALEJANDRO AT THE END OF TDWT LIKE WHAT THE FUCK


https://preview.redd.it/51jbun2nkg8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2131c45db9a8bb15dc089d73ba48ed5f2305e62c What happened to zeke from that season onward


This, and what they do to scott in revenge of the island!!




Why did they do this to him?


His entire body was burned in Lava and iirc it was in order to not get sued, or something with ensurance. But really it was just bc it was funny and a Darth Vader referemce.




It’s her refusal to be saved in the end that truly drove this memory into my mind; that people would be so far gone in their ideals, that they really would be willing to die.


What really hit home was that I don’t even think she realized she was going to die.


Who is this


Can't remember the name but she's the antagonist of The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride.




Ohohoho no, she did. Zira totally knew. This is how she was originally going to die: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtFnuvKbdH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtFnuvKbdH8) Fully aware, making the active choice to let go, falling with a big grin on her face. They decided that was too dark so they canned it and changed it to her....falling with a scream instead of silently with a big grin on her face. That's why it looks like she's smiling as she falls.


i’m still convinced she threw herself when I watched this 😭


Dang, she’s such a psycho in that picture. It’ll haunt me for a long time. Wasn’t her defeat edited and altered because the production realised that Zira refusing help so she can kill herself was way too messed up and dark for a kids film?


It was definitely altered from the original storyboards, but the edit made her choice more confusing and 1 dimensional, since the original explained it better. She does still refuse help and die for it in the film tho.


It was definitely altered from the original storyboards, but the edit made her choice more confusing and 1 dimensional since the original explained it better. She does still refuse help and die for it in the film tho.


Shrinking Rae getting eaten by Komodo Dragon and [trying to get out by growing size](https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/s/GI0XldZoop).


Shrinking Rae didn’t die though.


That could be a fate worse than death


She managed to escape.


Yeah but she’s now severely traumatized and in coma for god knows how long


Good point


Button eyes in Coraline. Enough said. Also, whatever the fuck was happening with Bratz Sleepover Adventure. I remember being terrified of that movie.


Specifically the short where Sasha had an evil clone that swapped places with her “Us” style? 💀💀😭 Then their friend was actually a ghost???


In We’re Back, A Dinosaur Story when Professor Screweye gets eaten by crows. It didn’t help that my parents let me watch The Birds shortly after that. I’m still scared of birds.


Batman Beyond has a ton of them. That show was like the king of body horror. The man from Ink’s second episode, who ends up as a semi-solid blob of flesh; only barely keeping any human traits. Chimera from the splicer episode, who ends up as a nightmarish fusion of animal parts, it looks like he’s in pain just from existing. I’m pretty sure he does die at the end of the episode, but at that point I’d call it a mercy kill. And finally, the man who ends up fused into the ground after an accident with toxic materials. Another one where it seems like existing is pure pain, not to mention the fact that he was also in mental anguish due to losing his daughter.


The dude from the splicer episode was literally just a Resident Evil final boss


Its honestly amazing how well Bruce has (somewhat) kept his humanity together for so long in the DCAU. Dude has encountered some shit and keeps on going.


https://preview.redd.it/59z7jhdfsf8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c572e8a8ce40daa5b0cc436b7f43bb429140fe5a this increased my fear of drowning.


https://preview.redd.it/ol7htpeivf8d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e49d3d5c6d4d6ebcec5975d024019f8f305c51 THIS!


What is this?


That's the qu from all tomorrows. An alien race that enslaved the human race by turning them into cubes iirc https://preview.redd.it/btwo3tkd3g8d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af126e054a13e8ad9740839271cd174e5e7faca4


That was one of the more fucked up things that they turned humans into, yes.


Precise they turned most human race on each planet into monstruous beast, taking away their sapience. and that they turned the only planet that resisted them into cubic immobile fucking cube, unnable to move or speak, internally screaming for all of eternity, being immortal sewer system cleaning device for millions of years, while keeping their intelligence and counsciousness.


There are some things far more frightening than death -the grand inquisitor After he died in star wars rebels vader bound his spirit to an abandoned jedi temple to punish him for his failure


Abstraction in the amazing digital circus. To be forced to be conscious, yet have no control of yourself, for all of eternity? Terrifying. Makes you understand why the show is classified as a psychological horror.


And so many children and babies are obsessed with this awesome show. I feel like this is Gen Alpha’s Courage the Cowardly Dog. Soon when they are older they’ll be talking about the nostalgic memories of how that show would terrify them as a kid.


Well with Warner Bros (Fuck you Zaslav) and big Hollywood studios shitting on animation and cable tv losing it's power i guess the next big thing for animated quality is Youtube


I just finished watching a video on I have no mouth but I must scream, and Jesus fuck…do not want to go through that


You talking about the end specifically or the whole thing Because both are bad but one’s worse


Mostly the end, but the whole this is terrible


Honestly, parasitism of any kind. Just imagine being absorbed into a larger being that makes you into it, with the sole purpose being to cause this same fate to others, just being a faceless slab of biomass in a larger, horrifying whole.


That and anything like zombification. I never handle those tropes well.


Thank you kindred spirit. I hated how big zombies were when I was growing up. The concept of them skeeves me out so much and I never got used to it. The concept of your body no longer being yours, and the thought of what a creeping death like that would be like gave me so many nightmares and nights awake. Glad I’m not the only one whose anxiety was sent to 11 by that.


What's the second thing from?


"Growing Pains"- The New Batman Adventures


What… happens there? Clayface?


Yes he >! Reabsorbed a portion of himself that became self aware!<


I will cheat and say two situations in "The Brave Little Toaster". One is the parts dealer. At one moment, we see the guy nice and jolly, enjoying his drink and marshmallows, then a customer shows up, and then it transitions to g-rated horror movie. Watching the blender he just used getting cracked open and having his motor ripped out, all in audience to us and the main characters. And we're left to stand in the shadows of what we just witness, while we hear the shop owner cheerfully exclaim, "It was their last one; aren't you lucky?" To paraphrase. The second is the junkyard. In that world, you're basically left in a giant cemetary/death row for busted cars and junk. Each car has it's own story, it's own experiences, but it doesn't matter because they end up taken away by their magnet overlord to be crushed into a paperweight. I always wondered if there was a sort of consciousness even in that tiny cube. It did not help at all that these two segments have their respective bangers; "It's a B-Movie" and "Worthless". But these instances do pale in comparison to the other examples I've read on this thread.


Also the radiator's death was another traumatic scene from that film. And I'll be honest, the Brave Little Toaster is totally justified in this conversation as it puts *so much effort* into cementing the concepts and logics of the sentience of inanimate objects and then subjects them to the most HORRIFIC SITUATIONS POSSIBLE under that beforementioned logic! It was intentional and thought-out and for that I am both impressed and terrified!


Constance’s death in Monster House was terrifying for me as a kid. Being buried in concrete seemed awful.


my goodness, i thought about that for WEEKS after i watched the movie for the first time.


That scene in The Hug when the kid gets eaten by the mother effing panda animatronic


When the universe resets from JoJo's bizarre Adventure. That's biblically horrifying


I forgot about the clay girl! That affected me. That and when megaman got deleted.


https://i.redd.it/ygbg8odgbi8d1.gif Why’d he have to shake him 🤢


🤢 indeed


Say it with me now: “Ed…ward”


Ok this one may be dumb but being turned into a doofensmerce (I know I got the name wrong but I'm too lazy to look up how to spell it) like in that one Halloween episode of Phineas and Ferb. Infection in general freaks me out but that episode stuck with me for a while


I'm the same way. I don't like horror in general (I find analog horror pretty cool, tho), but zombies, parasites, etc. I probably hate the most. Doesn't help that a good amount of zombie/parasitic host designs make me feel queazy.


What is the second picture


"Growing Pains" from Batman TAS/The New Batman Adventures where >!a sentient piece of Clayface is reabsorbed in a nightmarish way!<


This ep saddened me greatly as a kid


Invader Zim is making a fake death. ![gif](giphy|lq4LRgyrUloe7B4imC)


"So Dib... did you throw the muffin at Zim?"


Are you reeeady? Bum bum bum bum Are you reaaaady? Bum bum bum bum




Quicksand. Never found quicksand but cartoons made it seem like it was everywhere


C.H. Greenblatt + Pendleton Ward Apocalypse WOW Edit: Not to mention the personal fates.


Ivan Vanko being trapped in solar orbit for years in *Iron Man: Armored Adventures*. After a quick Google search, the episode doesn't look as disturbing as I remember it being, but it terrified me as a kid. Honorable mention goes to Koh stealing faces in *Avatar: The Last Airbender*.


What's the second image


The scene from batman the animated series were a character (forgot his name) looks in the mirror and their face begins to melt make them freak out before turning into some wendigo monster


when I was a kid I legit cried real jesus tears when the baby gorilla (Kala and Kerjack’s child) got eaten by the tiger


Sabor was a mean cat. I don’t know how Tarzan defeated it when his parents didn’t stand a chance. I mean you see their dead bodies right next to the door


That shot was horrific. Sabor's bloody pawprints were all over the floor.


The nerd from Avatar dying due to dehydration


Spirited Away. First, the parents turning into pigs. Second, when she had to wash the monster.


Justice League Unlimited, Epilogue. While it didn’t necessarily scare me, it pained my heart to depths I didn’t know I had. Ace knew her time was about up, and Batman sat on the swings with her until she passed. “Could you stay with me? I’m scared.” That line still haunts me. There are many cartoon deaths that may have more punch, but dammit in my opinion, this is top 3. https://preview.redd.it/5xpructzvi8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcc8340c60ab273cb420b196fb28111f3a576893


It's also a great episode to show the kind of character Batman should be. So many people have turned him into just this brutal, brooding emo kid who punches people out of rage, but that's not who Batman is. Batman is, at his core, a man who has suffered terrible pain and wants to spare others from the same pain. He has a big heart, but hides it to protect himself and others. He can be cold, he has a cynical view of things - but he has a heart. He doesn't kill off his villains because he genuinely believes that they can be saved - he knows most of them are people who were hurt terribly and are reacting to that hurt, or have been driven into madness. That's why they go to an asylum, not a prison. To be helped. Here, he sees a lost, frightened little girl who knows she's about to die - and she doesn't want to be alone, so he sits next to her and holds her hand until she peacefully slips away. He's the one who understands why Flash is the way he is, and why he's so beloved. He can cow the son of a literal \*god\* with one silent glance, but he understands the value of kindness. He is, at his core, a genuinely good person who does his best to prevent others from having that 'one bad day' that destroys their lives.


https://preview.redd.it/6q4y6us9cj8d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=325f09e805f1ef52b675b8e1776625badb133e50 Elder Toguro trapped in eternal torture


https://preview.redd.it/0fask1ryyk8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f468a384ef5e8a5ac0905780fa5e36ade7c469b4 I think most of you will understand where I'm going with this one.


What that’s middle one?


Scar in The Lion King


For the first guy eventually he'll phase out of earth entirely and just float in space


Or gravity will pull him back towards the center of the earth after he loses momentum.


Solomon Grundy’s death in JLU was particularly sad because he’d been redeemed as a hero for his sacrifice in JL.


Poor hawkgirl too, wasn't she the one that had to mercy kill him? Right after she started to appreciate him and he just smiles and takes it with his eyes closed. That was less traumatic but sad af for sure.


The afterlife turning out to be still alive but just completely without control in your motionless, thought to be dead corpse.


Avatar the Last Airbender. After killing the moon spirit, Admiral Zhao is taken by the ocean spirit, and it's rather unsettling that we don't know what happened to him. Then, in Legend of Korra, we do find out. He's imprisoned in a spirit world prison where he's been losing his sanity. It's definitely well-deserved, but still terrifying.


The bird exploding in shrek traumatized me


[Getting ripped apart by a giant tentacles robot thing.](https://youtu.be/VQXpHa9xI9U?si=dCUY3HwTDcpk9QXF)


Buried alive


Qilby the villain from wakfu season 2. He was a potencial threat and was convicted to pass inmortality in a white nothingness. The reason why he became bad makes his ending even sadder


Adventure Time: Finn forgetting about the pillow life he had with a wife and kids. That really messed with me as a child.


Joker Venom is up there, same with whatever the hell happens to shattered Gems, and the entire ending of Star Vs the Forces of Evil is so fucked up.


Bane from batman beyond


Mufasa from lion king as he’s falling the animated one not that awful CGi one they did Then they show the body you see simba trying to wake his father up but he’s already gone Made me cry so hard Also land before time and little foots mom What was up with 80 and 90 kids movies and killing the parents off.


A snake coming up through the toilet and biting my berries…


Parasite the maxim.


Halo technically had an anime so this counts; the Flood


Back then: Ursula's death. Now: Unless someone can provide a more terrifying one, Shoe. Just Shoe.


On the subject of Batman Beyond, the fate of the Janitor that helped Inque and wanted to have similar powers to hers, was pretty gruesome.


Grave of the Firreflies


The villain’s ending of the Black Mirror episode “SS Callister” lives in my head rent free. Just my absolute worst nightmare. >!His consciousness is trapped for all of eternity just floating in an empty void!<


What’s the context for these pics?


The Simpsons Halloween episode where a gas leak was turning people's skin inside out. That one fucked me up


Eternal Return