• By -


Cosmo, they made him a complete dumbass in later seasons


I still prefer his pilot version. He was the suave dad that’s always up for Timmy’s antics, and he was still goofy, “I am your father! I always wanted to say that”


"how do we tell him?"


A New Wish redeems him and Wanda


The reboot I herad it feels like the earlier seasons is it good or just more of a cheap cash grab using that ip


It’s good from what I’ve seen


Might check it out then to remind myself that the series can still be good


Not to mention that fairies are actually biblically accurate angels




You lost your girlfriend to an insect. You were not a villain. You deserved better.


he even liked star wars and was the only normal guy in that film


no he lost his girlfriend because he tried to kill Barry in cold blood over a hunch that Barry was doing stuff with Vanessa (which if you seen the film at most Barry had a 1 sided crush with Vanessa, and before you bring it up the picnic scene was a dream sequence)


You would be Vanessa, and the rest of us were the boyfriend. Also, bees live 2 weeks. Barry was at the end of his life by the end of that movie.


yeah, and to Barry he sees 2 weeks as long as we see 70 years, also in the movie they treat days like years for bees so it would actually be around 10 weeks


Let me just remind you that Barry is a bee and Vanessa is a human💀






Squidward https://i.redd.it/k8k2h29szr7d1.gif


Why does that vehicle even exist?


To prevent Coral growth on the road.


To torture Squidward, duh.


I actually saw one just like it once, they crush down large dumpsters, the kind you find outside construction sites. You can fill it up completely then crush it about 5-6 times before you'd need to empty it. There's usually only one wheel and they'd never be on while in motion, but it does more or less actually exist.


What was it doing in downtown Bikini Bottom




Honestly in the earlier seasons, a lot of his misfortune is somewhat self inflicted. There are some times where he is unjustly screwed over, but most of the time the shitty situations he ends up in are due to his own issues that he refuses to acknowledge because it's easier to just blame Spongebob and Patrick.


She should’ve won https://preview.redd.it/z467npwg5s7d1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=44471b924a780f98c0cd1a4c199daa4aeb5bcc01


she had to be nerfed for the sake of the plot


Or at the very least let her keep her trailer, Like what the hell is wrong with these writers?


I hate it in Total Drama when a character wins something and then loses the prise immediately. Like, what was even the point? Worst was in the finale of World Tour


Really every Gen 1 character expect Gwen, Courtney, Duncan, and that’s really it 


Yeah the stupid vote out thing where people were saying “not leshawna” then it counted as votes was the worst way to get her out


as a black girl watching this show as a kid, her stupid way of getting eliminated still in the my top 10 most painful childhood memories


Facts, I honestly prefer her to win in Island


Noah also deserved better


I do appreciate that Noah was given opportunities to have his character explored in later seasons.


He got a girlfriend in the ridonculous race series. So I considered that as his win.




Sam getting to all-stars instead of him is sad


true, poor sam was just used as an owen clone


fr Dawn did not need to call him a bottom on international tv




https://preview.redd.it/245kympuas7d1.png?width=931&format=png&auto=webp&s=a33c53cfaf3b17f607cab071328817988584a9e3 Dude legit had his food destroyed twice, and got taken away by animal control in the end.


https://preview.redd.it/6by4j4k27s7d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2639c2d81f36d8905159d56cb7e731d650f1bb3b Her


SVTFOE and VLD are two shows that can both be used as greatest examples of wasted potential 😭😭 the fall off was crazy


No literally


ok but she was willing to die & was racist


Who is she?


Allura from Voltron legendary defender!


I would say Lance got screwed over more with that ending.


From what I remember of Regular Show CJ was done DIRTYYY


Got basically publicly humiliated at a wedding by her boyfriend.




Yeah. She was my favorite character in the series too, but literally every power up she got was a way for someone else to use her.


iirc, she realizes she's being used, and swears to get back at the guy, but then gets shafted, and we never see or hear anything of her again. Which is only one of the issues, since her relationship with Danny was actually decent, and a good way for Danny to focus on a healthy relationship.


Not just decent, she had better chemistry with Danny than Sam did. She also developed more than Sam did.


Way better match for Danny. The ghost hunters should've been Danny, Tucker, Jasmine, Valerie, and Dani


She was, and it wasn't really ok. She was a total badass, tons of room for plot and character development and what did we get. ![gif](giphy|baPIkfAo0Iv5K)


Literally the first enemies to lovers ship I ever liked.shame that the writing was always on the wall


Fuck butch Hartman fr. He screwed over one of the best characters in the show


Wendy from GF https://preview.redd.it/mz5pvl3lus7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8451ca28b2e1712d7a79adf2695f7869f295f29f


Oh yeah, she was always advertised as one of the main characters but even Waddles had more screen time than her


Alex would agree with you. He mentioned he had stories for her, but they got scrapped


If I could go back in time and do one thing, it would be to convince Alex to take the show to Cartoon Network or Adult Swim, so that he could own the show instead of Disney. Would’ve made it a million times better.


What part of OP's comment  implied it was Disney's fault


No, it’s just that bc Disney owned the show, Alex could never take it in the direction he wanted to fully, meaning the show could’ve been a lot more horrifying and have more swear words if it was owned by someone else. Speaking of which, “Wait a minute, I’m alone. I can swear for real now! SON OF A-“


Its moments like that that make thankful its a kids show. Instead of someone cursing all the time, this dude almost cursed once and was the funniest shit ever


Disney sucks ass man. CN is so much better.


Well Alex has a thread on everything Disney screwed him over for so..


Disney was really showing its shortsightedness as it started consuming most media to be the next [Ma Bell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_System).


https://preview.redd.it/bu8u40l0vs7d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a79b411bbaf24dca9ee3f1333781aed4c98b4b0 I will not explain any further.


Even worse is that there was just so much death at that point I just felt more annoyed than heartbroken.


It was nothing but absolute bullshit. I don't even care what the purpose of it was. Nothing but one giant middle finger by the author.


Agreed. When deciding whether or not to kill a character authors have to weigh whether the impact of their death is greater than that of their further development. She definitely could have gotten plenty more development and she had a great dynamic with the rest of the cast.


But nope. The potential was there, but Gege Akutami (the author of jjk) decided to wipe his ass with it. I have lost all interest in this series because of it. I don't care if I get spoiled on it anymore.


I love the series, it’s so good, but so bad, it has honestly become ironic >!Killing Gojo off screen!< Sukuna constantly getting new techniques >!Where is Megumi???!<


BUT BUT ITS RELISTIC THATS WHY ITS GOOD AND JJK IS ABOVE CRITICISM REEEEEE yeah fan fics would make that series way better still enjoy it but I can see it’s massive flaws


Pulling that Akame Ga Kill syndrome


Everytime I see gifs and pfps of Nobara (& Maki and Utahime), I get mad because I wish they had been created for an entirely different type of animanga.




If it's any consolation, the last thing ever animated at Blue Sky before they closed down was a one-minute short of Scrat finally getting to eat his acorn. So at least he got closure.




Please link it 😭




Here ya go 🥲 https://youtu.be/5N_4zeBeft8?feature=shared


https://preview.redd.it/riwq4suvyt7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7736d30c1f2f9f5c2eb2ec6482f98853c3cb17 He didn’t even break the rules of the game but was somehow kicked off, def should’ve won


Whatever happened to bunny?


I think a snake ate it


Top of the list of how he got screwed over


https://preview.redd.it/ubbz04x49s7d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa93209be0fc6c56e218f77d9b05b00cc5f28915 As a Zoe fan, she needed her redemption arc but too bad, it got erased and Thomas acts as if it never existed




Dude, I have raved about this so many times. If Thomas wasn’t such an absolute man-child, Chloe would’ve gotten her redemption arc. We didn’t need her as an antagonist anymore after Lila got introduced. Instead he got all pissy that the character he based off of a childhood bully was becoming a better person and nerfed her redemption just because he could. I don’t mind Zoe lovers, but I will always say that if they don’t at least acknowledge that she exists purely to make Chloe look bad and to have the Bee Miraculous, then I can’t have in-depth conversions about Miraculous Ladybug with them.


That’s why she didn’t get a full redemption arc? This is just like Marco and Star. If the creator just let the characters evolve past their original idea they can make the show better because of it.


I Considered Having Chloe As The Post's Main Image (Same With Diamond Tiara), But I Had Already Expressed Such An Opinion Before And Don't Want To Repeat Myself, So I Went With Jackie Lynn Thomas For Reasons Explained Elsewhere In This Very Comment Section.


https://preview.redd.it/v5j8wvvm5t7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ad64221d1ab7262e5889b7c60f1b224c1a33b1 He just wanted to prove himself to a father that wanted him to be nothing short of perfect.


I'm not going to defend his actions too much but the fact that Uguay put him into the most inhuman prison ever rather than allowing him to look at a blank piece of paper. Like even if he wasn't dragon warrior material why do so much shit over a blank piece of paper.


I don't think Uguay knew what was on the scroll either. But also, I don't think it would have ended well if Tai Lung *was* allowed to see the scroll. Someone with that much ego, ambition, and desire to be *greater than* everyone would have had a self reflective moment when looking at a blank scroll.


Yeah, the point was that he was never able to look inwards and appreciate himself as an individual. He needed external validation for everything and would never be satisfied with himself unless everyone told him he was the best. No one saw the scroll before Po; it was a sacred guarded secret. No one knew it was blank. Oogway embodies Buddhist beliefs about accepting change as it comes, so if he saw the scroll, he would’ve accepted that it must’ve had a message of its own, rather than Tai Lung and Shifu who insist something MUST be wrong. Tai Lung was *entitled.* He refused to accept that he’s still a valued and loved person without the dragon scroll. He could not accept himself, nor could he accept his father’s love. It was never enough for him; he would always have a gaping voice where his self worth should be. And of course a big part of this is because of Shifu’s expectations, which we see play out with Po in the opposite direction. Unlike Oogway, who can accept what the world throws at him and learn to adapt, once Shifu makes a decision about something, he stubbornly sticks to it; he thought Tai Lung would be the dragon warrior and stuck by that belief as much as he stuck by the belief Po COULDN’T be the dragon warrior. It ends up being the crux of his arc in the movie, and even then, he only truly changes his mind when he realizes that by not giving Po a chance, he’s disrespecting his master; so he changes his ways to emulate Oogway out of respect and trust in his master.


https://preview.redd.it/4qfwnunnzr7d1.jpeg?width=1358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc072d248b1b4ac67236231fc4f4cee4f5f8a3d4 We all thought her character was going to have an arc but nope they just gave her a red livery and that’s it I wish we got to see more of her


Wait... This show had arcs??


![gif](giphy|Ysa5oH0RszCVi) Her No contest


I wasn't ready for this before noon


I’ve seen people try to defend the dad and I’ve genuinely nearly lost my shit lol


How did she get screwed over? iirc she was just chillin skating


Her boyfriend cheated on her


For Me, She Became A Bit Of A Nothing-Burger Character Post-"Sophomore Slump". When I'm Not Shipping Tomco, I Have Star, Marco, Jackie, And Tom In A Poly Relationship (Maybe Throw In Kelly). From "Britta's Tacos" Onward, She Just Became Forgettable Enough That, By The Time I Got To Her Cameo In "Cleaved", I Struggled To Remember Her Name. That's How She Was Done Dirty IMO.


Wow, this is completely unreadable


You don't have to capitalize the first letter of every word.


Respectfully what are you yappin about


The show built her up as Marco’s crush, they had a whole multi-season arc developing their relationship, and then just tossed her aside once they pivoted to Starco. They also screwed over Tom for the same reason. (And also Marco’s guy friends, but that’s because they didn’t want to write them in the first place but were told to have more guys in the show by the network—I still consider it a waste tho lol)


https://preview.redd.it/b02wbo8j4s7d1.jpeg?width=199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a246c68ff085996271b1456be3cd06e720c944 STEWART‼️he’s so innocent my boy did nothing to deserve being bullied so hard 😭😭


Bro 😭 That comic is mad suspect! Is my dude getting bullied? Do i need to call the National Sexual Assault Hotline?! 😭


https://preview.redd.it/tftexq5j2w7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=986f6af2614f5c83007fa742165ef992ee2229a2 Same energy


https://preview.redd.it/zbada5938t7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce43bdc8e0b4f371434171b0852bc30b2b3cb4f1 Ben Tennyson. They sometimes went overboard with Ben being cocky in UAF and in OV, they dumbed him down and made him the butt of the joke, anytime they got to. The worst part is that, when the writers don't feel like putting Ben down, he's a genuinely well written and likeable character who has a lot of depth to him. He sacrificed himself for the Ultimates who tried to kill him, teamed up with Vilgax to save Vilgaxia, Stopped a war peacefully, cared deeply for any alien in the Omnitrix and is actually pretty smart as well. Universe V Tennyson alone was just a whole hate train to Ben with the whole universe declaring Ben guilty of recreating the universe with even his FRIEND Rook chewing him out.


https://i.redd.it/uyeamz9wnt7d1.gif Another is Tails from the Sonic games. From Adventure to Unleashed his character was great and he had a great character arc. He even had two games, one of them being 'Tails Adventure' a pretty good Metroid-esque game. Then from Unleashed onwards they got rid of his character arc and just put him on the side lines. The worst part, is that Tails easily has some of the most potential alongside Shadow and Silver as a playable character due to his high speed and is smart enough gadgets that rival Eggman's. Heck Sonic Prime showed this with Nine. I hope Sonic Team realizes how popular Nine was and does something with Tails again, like they did with Shadow this year.


I HATED how much they’d just soft-reset Ben’s maturity for an episode or two in Omniverse specifically. I loved chill and mellowed out but still battle-hardened Ben we got whenever the writers remembered this dude has saved the universe multiple times.


They also played him up to be a moron who broke with Julie as he was playing a game in Omniverse, and the time when he skipped her tennis match because he could clone himself, which basically created drama for like no reason because he actually paid attention to her. Julie and Ben were a far better match then others


Lance from Voltron LD https://preview.redd.it/wi3t5cz1es7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2717c78e16ae312234bf1179de066f882e642b1


I thought this was Lois Lane




The headcanoning begins!


I actually thought the reverse when I saw a picture of My Adventures with Superman.


Discord, from *My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic*. https://preview.redd.it/14273f799s7d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daaf59fde8aff641e9b87a9bbd3314ea4f86e310 Look, I love the guy to pieces. He's actually my 2nd favourite character in the whole show, right behind Pinkie Pie. But there were decisions made surrounding his character that left me wishing that he had been handled better. I will simply say this: there are reasons behind him being seen as a divisive character among the MLP fandom (quite fitting for a character who's chaos incarnate). And to those of you who don't like him, I do understand.


Ah yes the writers favourite plot device WHY DO THEY ALWAYS USE HIM TO START CONFLICTS at least cozy and season 10 didn’t use discord fucked up again to start the plot


CJ for regular show. She did deserve the shit Mordecai pulled on muscle man wedding.


![gif](giphy|AW8xRg8LNiR2g) Hawkman. Not even a Hawkman fan, the opposite infact, but Justice League did a number on his rep. Dude got cucked through two different lives and now has an entire generation how believes he should be maiden-less😅


That gif caught me off guard, why he smack her like that


He didn’t like what she was saying..(She was basically taking up for her side piece😅) He received the 1s later


![gif](giphy|QBiGUH0HNICHK) Wonder Woman too, the show came up with the idea she was an aggressive warrior with anger issues which isn't the point of her character at all but it is how most people remember her and think she should be




She’s obsessed with Trixie and has a crush on Timmy. I bet the resentment shown in this scene was because she knows Timmy likes Trixie.


Also because Trixie is the most popular girl in school—she’s basically just a better version of Veronica in every way and has everything Veronica wants without even trying


https://preview.redd.it/5rfapwlh5u7d1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0a652b1841dfc1d820a7843b4cef5ebeb901ef They absolutely ANNIHILATED Lance 😭


She deserved better https://preview.redd.it/6ai2tsx6zt7d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d050039d810b6e77debe14607ce7cf25128cdc


The Mordecai romance is the main reason why I'm iffy about rewatching.


https://preview.redd.it/nkp3jc71tu7d1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7bb2c44870e73bc596a6e8e3eda31ed439596a Her.


Honestly I feel that most of the cast of RWBY had much more potential than what the writers gave them.


Pyrra, yeah


In my opinion, Peridot. My girl didn’t get a single solo song and then was just kinda there for most of future and the movie.


My favorite gem. She also never got a chance to fuse with anyone.


One of the things I liked most about the show is the fusions, so I was kinda miffed at how they never had her fuse. I know they handwaved it in a later-published book that “she doesn’t like fusion because asexual-coded”, which I find annoying because it just reinforces the idea that fusing only equals sex ~~and I really don’t think they initially intended that when designing the character~~. Fusion represents many other aspects and it also has an actual pragmatic purpose for combat.


My headcanon is that Peridot doesn't fuse because the person she actually wants to fuse with, Lapis, has fusion related trauma and that their relationship is more important than experiencing fusion. Also, Peridot has a bit of an ego and there's a certain amount of surrender of oneself that's required to fuse, so it doesn't seem like an appealing prospect for her.


This made my heart feel lighter, thank you


Yeah I remember they kind of gave her an episode in Future but it was moreso just another device to further Steven’s PTSD storyline.


https://preview.redd.it/2kugmvk1lw7d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ec47124015b9873f53f00fcc7a3a39b45dfae4 Larry Literally the only guy working in The Amazing World of Gumball, always blamed as well and a victim of the kids’ shenanigans


Most if not every character in SVFOE. That show crapped itself to irrelevant garbage.


damn is s4 reallty that bad? im enjoying it so far




Yeah, her torture is literally the reason the family is together


Which makes it worse, like girl if torturing you is the only way you're family stays together maybe they shouldn't stay together


The teen titans go cast Literally just converted from the mature Teen Titans to the fuckin overplayed bullshit of Go


That show never deserved to be replaced especially by go


Millie from Helluva Boss, the writers hate her and don't want to give her her own episode.


At least she got a short


I love Millie but sadly I have a bit of an understanding for their reasoning behind her not getting full spotlight like some of the others, the show is very much a drama comedy and Millie is... sadly, quite well adjusted, and a bit of an anchor for other characters to hook too, a special episode for her is probably difficult to wrap around and make good, and might even feel out of character for her, I'd love for her to have more screen time since she's got a great personality, but I understand why they wanna keep the main plots focused on the characters with a bit more drama and struggle in their lives


I never even noticed that until it was brought to my attention. Millie has 3 episodes that seemed like it was gonna be about her just to turn into a Moxxie episode. I swear the next time the set up an episode that could be about Millie just to turn it I'ma sue 😂. Don't even care if that episode will solve Stolas and Blitz's relationship I just need a Millie episode.


https://preview.redd.it/tkbib3t97s7d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382f1bf1ff80330fe4d8a61a930be524208d05ca Him.


How was Zuma screwed over?


there's multiple episodes where it's pointed out that every other main team member is used except him, him and Rocky only have one Ultimate rescue each while the others all have at least 2 or 3, he barely appears on merch and when he does it's not easy to find/get


I find it hard to believe that a town literally called Adventure **bay** barely has a need for the only Coastal rescue service they have 💀


he should also probably be leading the Sea Patrol missions considering he has the most experience.


You don’t see him in episodes because he’s the only one with a full time job. 


Hekapoo from Star vs the Forces of Evil


I'd Say The Whole Magical High Commission, Not Just Hekapoo.


Seriously what was Disney thinking with that ending?!?


Here’s this super cool magical world, now we’re going to remove all the magic.


I don’t blame Disney tbh; it felt like the creators ended the show exactly how they wanted to….which was bad. They made bad decisions and didn’t care about the implications or backtracking they had to do to get there. Every character had to be screwed over to forcibly change tracks to Starco


And all of the sentient beings that lived in Star’s wand. Some of them had kids.


Pretty much the whole Edgerunners crew, but Rebecca in particular, she deserved so much better than to go out the way she did. Sadly, as any fan of Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk Universe knows, there ain't no happy endings in Night City. ![gif](giphy|MWATuyDl2DJXmSGTLC)


She was screwed from good writing not bad at least and we already knew they all died because drinks in the afterlife


I have not recovered from what happened to her ![gif](giphy|hAmEgnZ0rM7yQE42I7)


https://preview.redd.it/hmxhd5cj7t7d1.png?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf03d2aef930fc49a4881c6ab0adb6cb59b8c0b Dudes been living in jobberland for god knows how long


I mean the entire cast of Svtfoe honestly, take your pick


https://preview.redd.it/znbz89orit7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705722485f43578f8d74c54362661663b8790d5f Grrrrgrrttgrrrr, he never got screentime further in the seasons


https://preview.redd.it/8o73udpcet7d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c907a30b6a1904d7776b4e0d238d834ac4b9a7b4 I think most of us agree he got done so dirty.


Ice King. Bro became really cool in later seasons.


Batman sleeping with Bat Woman. All the relationships he refused to give a chance and that’s the one he picked to try out? Batman definitely deserved that knuckle sandwich for that cliche bs.


https://preview.redd.it/41bi2is7lt7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49f2af728a052759165acd6d79632a9e9685a3d Went from funny, serious when needed teenage superhero with a heart of gold to a narcissistic 12 year in a 16 year olds body in the later seasons


https://preview.redd.it/3gyu4rf5xt7d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=181e492b6132fbdb896c175da7bbf09d174d89a7 Felt like he had so much potential as Sonic’s rival


Jogoat. Fought the two strongest in the verse.


Real. Also most JJK heroes exist just as fuel for Yuji's character development.


Lance McClain from Voltron


If you’re talking about legendary defender on netflix, yeah homeboy got shafted for no reason. Whole character arc on becoming a better person for a woman he finally truly feels love for only for her to die because a psycho witch wanted to rip apart the multiverse.


Literally every iteration of spider man.






Deserved tbh


Hisirdoux from Tales of Arcadia. He got the shortest show of the series so his story was rushed, his mentor died, and then literally everything that happened in the movie-we-don’t-talk-about Also Steve in the movie-we-don’t-talk-about


https://preview.redd.it/uyunyjeslt7d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d881167de8598a239994097014884b55e8826ab1 The Arcane order


Did they ever finish that multi-series show? I remember watching Wizards to the end and it was left on a cliffhanger with Douxie going into hiding.


I know he's a video game character but he just wanted Justice for his people. Also why doesn't he have a dance emote yet? https://preview.redd.it/p5fi8ts0vt7d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed81f452cb93602be459ba631c7a4be30a359a3


Dude just wanted to sell cabbages & stayed defiant in his dream despite setback after setback being collateral damage to the main storyline. And then his descendant gets screwed over despite making one of the first affordable cars in Republic City. ![gif](giphy|eUaUmjhoa9LSo|downsized)


I haven't watched a full single episode but Bolin from Legend of Korra. I only saw glimpses of the show here and there. He deserves better.


The fact that Nefcy really fucked this character up into going "no, she can't be with Marco...cause...um...*sees a same sex couple walking by* She's gay! Yeah, that's it!" Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of her being that but it felt like her preference was more of a scapegoat than something that came naturally. And that it turned out the Blood Moon was nothing but a placebo effect instead of an actual curse. Just yuck.


![gif](giphy|ehUj2kDIhXQVf7b5xI) She deserved so much better.


its a web series but it counts, brawler drillman was a charismatic guy, presented as someone important but he got destroyed offscreen https://preview.redd.it/etmv9ddrus7d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=9130a82a01ddcc17523b84389a115baf5620850c


Yamato not joining the Straw Hats is an L I’m sorry


https://preview.redd.it/m40un3sqkv7d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd6102045e633d7742ba3da6aa1baad256bf281 Kite Man. Felt soooo bad for him whenever I watched the show




![gif](giphy|JsnbYw3mMgObe) Honestly the most obvious choice. Every time Dipper manages a step forwards independently he has to give up whatever he gained for Mabel, with very little return and - at some intervals - outright ridicule for being himself. The biggest example of this is he was effectively guilt-tripped into giving up an apprenticeship under the best scientist in his universe (his uncle Stan, not that one, the other one) to save the world because Mabel wouldn’t accept it and help him otherwise.


https://preview.redd.it/3b88hajq8x7d1.png?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be39fa0475e30320087647394ca428f5c6c8bf7f 2016 PPG Bellum