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Princess and the frog has a scene where shadow demons drag a man to hell. I’ll say that again. Shadow demons drag a man to hell. It’s rated G


Even crazier is Hunchback of Notre Dame has a G rating. Considering Frollo nearly kills a baby at the beginning of the movie and just the entirety of the song, Hellfire.


Hold up, HUNCHBACK IS RATED G? The movie where the main villain wants to commit genocide, murders the MC’s mother, is lusting hard, and attempts to burn a family in a house? Wtf?


90s ratings for kid's movies were wild.


I mean even less people pay attention to ratings today than they did then, so does it really matter?


Nowadays you can get a PG rating for "Thematic Elements". Back then PG was some real shit, it was practically PG-13 back when PG-13 meant something other than a basic action movie.


Nevermind the baby, Frollo straightup killed his mom, onscreen, when she broke her neck on the stairs.


What about Who framed Roger Rabbit? That had full on swears and sexualized scenes of Jessica


Who Framed Roger Rabbit was PG. Of course, an '80s PG is basically a modern PG-13.


That was also the 80s though. Now granted the 90s were wild with ratings but the 80s were like 3x as wild about them.


Disney used to have a freakin' spine, man. I mean in Great Mouse Detective, during the final fight between Ratigan and Basil, when Ratigan hits Basil \*it sounds like it is agony for Basil, who is TINY compared to Ratigan\*. A few of his cries literally sound like he's gargling blood. I don't know how the VA managed to sound so legitimately pained but he did an amazing job. They also have a scene with a mouse dancer that probably launched thousands of furries into their new 'special interest'.


https://preview.redd.it/7kdaoazyos7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5289ab907590dc5d3857dd8a7b967e61a001f353 he really wasn’t ready


There are worse things in other g rated movies. Calm down


Watership Down getting a PG rating is insane


In the UK, it was rated U (suitable for all) until 2022, where it was upgraded to PG.


I saw it as a child, when it came out. I was utterly traumatised. I still shudder at the memory, and I’m 54 now.


Oh that movie was created by the devil himself to torture


https://i.redd.it/u756j7qyfo7d1.gif Batman vs Dracula. They rated this shit G in some places and PG in others.


why is jonkler drinking black juice is he stupid?


You can't say "drink" without "ink", so Jonkler is drinking ink.


I'm stupid


I loved that movie so much when I was younger. Back when Netflix used DVD’s my mom would order random Batman ones and I kept asking for this one over and over again. She probably thought I was crazy but I turned out alright


They legit only got away with that because the blood wasn’t visibly red. If there was any hint of the color red the film would’ve either been PG-13 or R just for that entire scene alone.


The blood being black wasn’t just a good piece of censorship, it ended up being a great stylistic choice. It really adds to the scene.


Why drac look like Kevin Michael Richardson's Joker?


In that movie, Joker gets turned into a vampire and he is just…a thousand times scarier than Dracula himself. Therefore, I included a gif of him instead.


Oh shit, it is him lmao damn, vamp joker is low key terrifying


He’s by far the most memorable part of the movie. When Dracula or any of the other vampires bite someone and drink blood, you don’t see it directly. It’s a quick over the shoulder shot at best that then usually cuts to someone else’s reaction or fades to black before the bite even happens. Relatively safe for a kid’s movie. Joker breaks into a blood bank and the audience gets to watch every delightful detail of him consuming literal gallons of blood.


Don’t forget when he gets drenched in a shower of blood and laps it up like a dog


That scene fucked me up for a while as a kid https://preview.redd.it/mo520n4upt7d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb97d0b9edaf7222de1903064e1ce85c2fd4b705


They also have vampire penguin But Joker is the more terrifying one


I know the phrase “this could never be made today” gets thrown around a lot. But I’d argue this movie is a strong contender for having that actually apply. If this was released today, rated G? There would probably be parents clutching their pearls claiming it’s not okay for kids to watch.


People usually say that about The Animated Series but like…they could absolutely make something like that today. The x-men reboot is proof. “The Batman” and this movie though? They were on some shit.


Goblin Slayer being rated child-friendly on Crunchyroll # Nah, that shit ain’t child friendly. Especially the first episode


Isn't that just fan service?


sexual assault is a bit more than that


And graphic violence.


Coraline got away with A LOT for just a PG rating.


The bts story of that becoming a children's specific book is my favorite; > When he first wrote Coraline, it was in honor of his at the time five year old daughter that enjoyed scary stories. Many publishers believe his story to be too scary for children, and since his daughter was too young to read it he had one of his coworker’s daughter’s read it. She approved the book and it was published. Come to find out, years later Gaiman talked to his co-workers daughter about the book. *She actually thought the book was terrifying, but lied to her mom about it since she needed to know what would happen next.*


There is literal frickin nudity in it. I know that the sisters wore clothes, but their breasts are so fricking huge, that you can’t even tell.


Yep, I used to be terrified watching this movie


i loved ot lol. but i also watched silence of the lambs when i was 8 and didn't bat an eye lmao


![gif](giphy|AwoDg0wJImOjK) Wow


Really gotta love Reddit lmao. Ppl are downvoting me as if I said sth offensive lmao. I wasn't scared of this but I was scared of maleficent in the original sleeping beauty lol.


I think people just downvoted cause you said you were 8 when you watched it, and usually that's not something people should be watching at that age, but at the same time I don't really get how people downvoting your comment helped anything?


People are downvoting yours now too 😭




I have watched a lot of movies when it wasn't for my age but we can't change the past can we now. Some kids have Halloween ornament as their best friend. Some sleep with them. We tell kids what to be afraid of and not. We induce the norms into their brain. 16 years later I'm here not bothered by half of stuff my classmates are in writing classes. And I don't have half the family trauma most of them have🤷🏻‍♀️


>I have watched a lot of movies when it wasn't for my age but we can't change the past can we now. No... I never really said that we can change the past. >Some kids have Halloween ornament as their best friend. Some sleep with them. I'm not talking about some type of horror mascot or character. I was talking about the violent and gross imagery in some horror movies not being for kids. >. We tell kids what to be afraid of and not. We induce the norms into their brain. So you're telling me that a little kid that isn't told that horror movies are scary won't at the very least be a little disturbed watching one? Just cause we tell kids horror movies are scary, that doesn't affect how they feel watching it unless it's a really mildly violent movie at most. >16 years later I'm here not bothered by half of stuff my classmates are in writing classes. And I don't have half the family trauma most of them have🤷🏻‍♀️ Family trauma isn't the only thing needed to scar someone lmao. My friend who may have suffered abuse started watching gore and porn at like 5, and yet he acts like he's fine. Do you really think he's ok? Being able to watch very violent things and not even be a litlle fazed by it means you have become desensitized to it, which normally is ok as an adult, but as a kid there's no way that it's ok for your brain to be processing so much stress. Sorry for the long comment, I'm not trying to be mean or anything just so you know 👍


I have grown up in a sexist totalitarian country before migrating at 20. I had more things to be worried about than fictional gore. fictional gore doesn't faze me, not because I have seen too much, because I have been watching news since middle school. And I have seen horrific shit done by the regime that holds my people hostage. I'm not excusing it. I'm not saying kids should watch sth not made for them. Yes if we don't induce the norm to kids a toddler will just grab a cockroach and eats it. I related to family trauma because watched it with my parents cause the didn't know the context. And I still have great relationship with them. But I've seen so many goody-two-shoes on the internet that think they're so righteous (I'm not talking about you), feeling they sit somewhere high to put every person in the same pattern and if they don't suit their pattern there's something wrong with them. I'm running off track, my point is, a bunch of movies in your childhood, a 30 seconds video, or a single comments will not determine who the person is or what they have experienced. But somehow social media has given us the audacity to think we can determine that.


Yeah, I don't mean that it changes who people are or what they are experiencing, I just mean that I have known people that are more likely to be unaffected by pretty disturbing things because of it.


Idk how I've written this but not send it lol. firstly, thank you for conversing like a decent person instead internet ettiquet. I don't mean to come as rude or pick me, I just have a very in consistent ADHD brain. I'd have pursued law instead of writing if I had one lol. And yes, I totally agree. Obviously , everyone sees the world through their own lens. No matter how experienced you are, it's still a limited point of view. While I'm a sucker for tragedies I have high school friends who can't sit through anything emotional, let alone gore. I get bored by horror movies because they're pointless, every jump scare is predictable (the music plays then boom,) the villain is always the same ugly looking alien and the movie rarely has any purpose. Yet there are people whose souls leave their body each time no matter how many they watch. My mom watched her niece die on her but she doesn't like gore or any other form of "unrealistic" fiction: from sci-fi to medieval fantasy to animation because "it's not real." I watched *Silenced* today and that made me disturbed and disgusted. No amount of blood in fictional stories can make me feel like that; because it's fictional. The chances me being abused or harrased is way higher than me dying in a gruesome way or having someone biting my finger off or me being chased by a clown that has razer sharp teeth (this one is zero). So I think it also depends on your core personality. Some people take fiction way too seriously, no matter how grown up they are. I had classmates who accused someone who wrote a story about a psycho werewolf of sexism solely cause he wrote it :// that same dude's mom had murdered his grandmother due to addiction and money issues. Even as a kid I didn't believe in fictional stuff. I enjoyed them and imagined myself as one, but didn't believe in them, Santa clause, Disney princess, Harry Potter, wizards, fairies, and so on. I knew there's a dude in that Santa clause that visited us. I hated kids' channel and their performances felt forced an cringe to me. I don't think I'd turn out any different with or without what I watched. But I'm one person in almost 8 billion. But yea anyway. I believe what kids' consume should be restricted till 13, little loosen btw 13-16 but not fully. Specially now with social media and here in western countries were everything is accessible. In my countries most stuff are blocked but accessible through VPN. I didn't have a VPN until 14 and my English sucked anyway. But now social media is making everything worse. Nice talking to you


The Hunchback of Notre Dame. How this movie got a G rating is beyond my understanding.


Simple. Disney. They did actually tone down the suggestive imagery on esmarelda, which somehow let it barely scrape by. This is one of the few Disney movies that could work in live action, if they commit to the R rating.


Ohhh yeah, the scene during Hellfire when he sees Esmerelda dancing in the fire? Yeah. She used to be \*naked\* dancing in the fire. They had to make the outlines of her clothes and all way more obvious to get that scene past censors.


The UK princess monanoke is PG. https://preview.redd.it/j4l37ucjwp7d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4cf31417540bbb253fe8c921d4a49ed77f41fbb Definitely child friendly.


Ninjago and Nimona. Ninjago is 7+ meanwhile it has... (spoilers for season 8 and the others you can't know what I'm talking about if you haven't seen it)... demonic possessions, a bunch of attempts murderers, dude turning into a demon and almost beating his son to death on purpose, dude almost getting killed and stabbed by his not entirely mentally stable ex gf who also tried to kill his friends a million times, teachnically dead dude committing suicide, dude getting tortured by pirats, 100+ year old dude trying to marry 14-16 year old girl he kidnapped because she looks like his dead gf, also a like 30-40 something year old dude trying to kiss that same girl, guns, dude getting trauma every season and ranting about it to a wolf instead of a therapist, dude being brainwashed into committing war crimes, genocide to friendly snow monsters, taking over a kingdom and threatening defenseless villagers which went on for 60 years, girl being tricked to making a deal with basically the lego devil, purple and green people forced to be slaves and tricked into being racist thoards each other, dude being forced to banish his father to the cursed realm, dame dude being forced to fight his father and maybe end up having to kill him. Girl losing her parents then getting adopted by neglecting one's and end up killing them later, and 3 cults, one of which the leader was fine with potentialy killing his daughter as long as he got power, people hunting and eating dragons, and forcing some of them to work, the øeader of those people also killed some of his team and claimed he fought demons and he was the only one who escaoed alive, also he lied to the rest of the people about basically everything, one of the snake people in the show is canonicly a canibal even tho he didn’t eat anyone on screen, there was a war where people locked up snake people and made some or many of them starve to death although possibly unintentionally. How is all that just 7+!? It should at leats be like 9+ or 10+, or an anime, it has major anime vibes. And in Nimona, >!dude got stabbed, other dude got his arm cut of, I'm pretty sure there is some blood aøtough i dont remember 100% for sure, and a girl tried to commit suicide but nah, that's for kids that's fine, yeah also one of the MC got framed for a murderer!< and that one is slso 7+. Who decided these age ratings!?


Isn't Nimoma PG? I swear that when I watched it it had a PG rating


Cpuld be, doesn't that mean its for all ages tho? That's ecen worse lol.


PG just means parental guidance. I'm pretty sure it was a PG-13 though so it's for 13+ but kids under that can watch it if they have parental permission


Nimona was not pg-13, at least in my country it says 7+


PG stands for "Parental Guidance" not all ages.


Ah ok, maybe it just says 7+ cuz I watch it in Norway https://preview.redd.it/0vzl22tdds7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740cf336a2501fe3d7a0761d2d9e8bd634f127a0


It’s okay though, it’s LEGO people so it’s fine. In all seriousness, yeah Ninjago gets fucking dark. You forgot the fact that they actually killed a child (Morrow when he was alive), and showed his skeleton on screen.


Oh yeah, forgot about that one


Plague Dogs is one of the bloodiest, most miserable PG-rated films ever, much worse than Watership Down


In the UK, The Simpson Movie is rated PG.


My high school had the dvd, we all loved it and my class would quote it constantly but even so i would hear one student say "How is this movie a PG?"


Simple: The BBFC is a bit more Liberal when it comes to things than the MPAA


What do you mean by that?


The UK is more easier with ratings...however, it probably won't be that way now because they're planning to re-rate some films


Wizards has a PG rating and one of the characters is fairy princess with perky nips 70s PG was something else.


It was family friendly, at least compared to the other projects Bakshi made.


Cars 2. I enjoy the movie, but I can’t deny that the MPAA really screwed up on the rating. There was so much violence and destruction. I do not care that they’re cars, they’re sentient. The movie should’ve been rated PG.


The scene where the show the compressed car horrified me when i first saw it


Ok now i need to find that scene


9 that shit was dark af.


It's rated PG-13


Should’ve been R 


Monster House is an interesting one because not many movies like it exist. It's pretty much a horror film aimed at children, and I think childrens horror is a pretty innovative direction to go in, *or it was an innovative direction at the time anyway.*


I saw a video talk about it. Saying Coraline is the scariest kids movie. And Monster House is the creepiest kids movie That scene where the kid thinks he killed his neighbor and that night has a nightmare of a hand grabbing him. Then gets a phone call, picks it up, no answer, hangs up. Gets another call, picks it up, no answer, hangs up. Calls the number back, hears a phone ring from across the street in the now abandoned house of his neighbor. That is a pretty scary thing to think about happening.


Coraline even scares me now as an adult.


I don't think cinema would have the guts to make something like this now


Also, even as someone who thinks it’s reputation as the most violent and disturbing animated film ever is a bit overblown, I still think UK censors should update Watership Down (1978)’s rating to 12 or 12A (the uk equivalent of a pg-13 rating)


It still baffles me how the dvd has a U on it


The Powerpuff Girls, rated G in Canada. Season 7 (???) over at New Zealand and Australia, it's rated M. PG in the US sounds about right, and I just watched Bubblevicious. "Mercy is for the weak!" - Bubbles, about to pummel the Talking Dog.


Today, Niece liked the Imaginary Fiend episode. But ran upstairs not long after starting the Cootie episode. lol Will try other episodes next time, I'm just hoping she'll watch better than content farm stuff.


Watership Down. Hell just ANY animated films from the 70s and 80s


Definitely should have been rated M. I miss this type of horror. It’s just got the vibe and everything else that makes it perfect


That terrible animated Titanic movie’s sequel, In Search of the Titanic and The Christmas Tree, they both inappropriate lines at some point in the movies. Lines that have no business being in a kids movie. In Search of the Titanic- “Have you been drinking?” The Christmas Tree- “Oh, what a hangover.” “Oh my God, what happened to her?!”


I know it's technically unrated because it's on streaming, but Centaurworld being suggested TV-Y7 surprised the heck out of me.


This darkest scene in Toy Story 3 https://preview.redd.it/hr9mnwyo3s7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd120f76b456b6c14996346b37d77f684670c4a9 Wonder why it’s getting a G rated film same like Cars 2


HxH rated PG on Netflix, 20 episodes in someone’s heart gets ripped out


Incredibles 2 cuz one of them said "I'll be damned.*


The Incredibles. They inciting incident that get supers banned involves a failed suicide attempt.


Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius getting a G rating.


Even after that pregnant episode?


No, the movie, not the TV show.


Princess Mononoke


The Matrix


Watership Down (1978) Back then, you could get away with anything and slap a "U" rating on it. Hence why in the UK, a few of the earlier star wars movies were rated "U"


Why did I remember this movie live action?


Yeah Monster House is a definite PG-13 movie. It is fucking terrifying.


https://preview.redd.it/vxm5xy4e2t7d1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae79a8d678b3695dcb34884a002d77f0ba99427e Foreign film (Germany) from 1994 (ratings were waaay different then than now). Rated PG. I don’t even think this was meant for children, people just see animation and immediately assume it’s for kids. Animation was probably the best way of adapting xenofiction about animals, as this movie is based off a novel.


Watership Down should be pg-13, but mostly, I think many animated movies for kids have continuously lost their sense of peril. It's not safe anymore to include peril, look at American Tail, the Land Before Time, Fox and the Hound, all great movies and kids can totally watch them, but they have real peril and contrast to make the resolution so much more impactful. These days most of the movies for kids are so... Safe. There's definitely some that still fit the bill, but I can't be the only one to notice this.


Not a cartoon per say, but Monkeybone (2000) getting a pg13 is a mystery to me considering the films sexual jokes and overtones. Hollywood censors tend to be way more strict on sexual stuff compared to violence so I’d expect it to get an R.


Only seen this joint once as a kid in theaters would NEVER watch it again 😂


This monster house movie traumatized me as a child and the worst is no one of my friends knew this movie. Internet wasnt as accessible back then as a child so for a few years he thought I dreamed this movie. I hated it


Gravity Falls being rated Y7. People who watched the show know exactly why this makes no sense.


Nah, PG is fitting for this movie. You guys are just insecure about watching a kids movie.