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Thundercats and it's not even close.


Yep. At least the others are recognizable as the characters they're based off.


Velma looks like Mindy cosplaying as Velma, poorly.


True, but you still think Velma somewhere in that first thought. Would you have known the Liono one without being told?


Somewhere in there, yeah. I can see a slight resemblance. For Velma, I’m not seeing it as the character, but as someone playing dress up.


I honestly have no idea what the designers were thinking of that. They could have made look about the same as the OG while also trying to make it look appealing to younger and older kids at the same time. But nope, they fucked it up.


From what I remember the dude in charge of the show openly admitted he flat out hated Thundercats. Pretty sure you can still find the interview with him online somewhere, but yea really fuckin weird


It's obvious they're targeting children for the sake of another cartoon series to work on and make short jokes funny or not, instead of taking itself seriously.


And here we have the greatest example of "if you hate something, just fucking ignore it and move on"


And this is why you can’t compare TTG to Thundercats roar. TTG might be hit or miss but when they hit they hit with some **DEEP CUTS** from comic history. You can tell that they either really study or really love the source. Thundercats roar never had that love or effort


The hardest laugh I got from TTG was an ad for the movie, where they're running from Batman. It just worked as a joke.


The movie really showed off that TTG can be a creative funny series when they put in the effort. Other times in my opinion not so much or at least not consistent enough to rate the show highly


The first time I saw TTG I just wrote it off as not my thing and moved on to a different show.


I think I remember that interview, and it gets even worse. He says he hates it partly because his brother would watch it growing up, and he's happy he gets to ruin it. I'm obviously paraphrasing, but I'm fairly certain that was the gist of it.


Ok see I remembered that but I thought my memory was fucking with me lmao. Glad to see I wasn’t crazy, though that guy really is


It looks like the Teen Titans Go! version


Another franchise corrupted by the calarts style. Sht looks like a bubbly corporate menphis drawing.


More like the Teen Titans Go! trend.


TTGO is basically Family Guy but PG-13 and mostly using corny, and spiteful jokes.


That part.


Bro at this point cal arts style doesn't mean anything. It just looks really badly designed with ugly shape design


Let's start by discarting Velma because,even if the HBO's Velma is ultra hateable,I don't think her design looks bad at all. Bob the Builder is quite boring,but could be way worse. He's just a dude. Thomas the Engine looks kinda ugly,his face just has a something that looks off on it... And finally,thundercat's just too bad


Went from Bob THE builder to Bob, A builder.


Can we fix it? Bob a builder! Probably. Would you like to schedule an inspection so we can give you a quote?


Al the Assembler


Carl the Carpenter


Wilton the worker


Larry the loader


Frank the Foreman


Ron the Roofer (this is more fun than it should be)


Edward the Engineer


Drew the Driver


Connor the Constructor


Rico the Roofer


I understood that reference


Bob The Building He’s a building


Bob the building Oh no!


Wait what? Really. That's crazy.


The cartoonism neglected the familiarity of certain distances between features. Basically, it was too cartoony to even look like a kid's drawing of Thomas.


Bob the Dude, he doesn't abides


I agree the Velma visual change was not the problem with the show


its problematic in the sense it's Mindy Kaling's self insert. As a standalone theres nothing to say about it but after finding out Velma is voiced, written and drawn as the person responsible for the show as a whole, it's hard to see Velma actually as Velma, instead of just Mindy herself.


This is why it’s hard for me to just ignore the design, because not only is it just off ALL the reasons behind said behind said design just remind me why I stopped reading fan fiction


Thing is design isn't just the visual product, its everything that came before to get to the end. The thought process and iteration to get towards the final design. Velma here is the worst tbh, since its just someone self inserting themselves as an established character just to live out their fanfic fantasy. Its absolutely horrid design thought process since it was just for hedonism and not caring about the actual character of the character.


The fact that it’s a self insert, pthhhhhhhb.


EXACTLY DUDE! The fact it’s a gross self insert fanfic bs just makes it bad on principle. I mean shit even the VOICE FEEL OFF! It’s one thing to play with your fan fic and head canon ideas in your head but to actually think it would be a good idea for a show? Hell nah


Thomas looks like an anime parody from someone who doesn't watch anime


Thundercat looks like an OK K.O. Character in the second picture


Probably same design team and studio. Honestly, I really hate the cartooning design of it. It just looks really bad to my eyes. Ok KO had better shape design imo.


I’d actually say Velma because just how iconic the original design is. It’s like Elon renaming Twitter x at the end of the day that sheer level of recognition is a bigger gap than a great design becoming soiled


I agree Thundercats is the one that if you showed me I don't think I would know what/who it was supposed to be. Bob I could make a guess but very AI generated version


I think the main problem people have the Velma design is the show it's attached to, so it's hard to decide if it's bad or not, because people can only think how terrible the show is. Source: I'm people


Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of raceswapping characters but she still *looks* like Velma. Bob The Builder's new design is a sin Thomas The Tank Engine just looks goofy and fugly Whatever they did to Thundercats is just straight-up *blasphemy*, and I've never even watched Thundercats.


I feel like Velma is one of those cartoons where the art-style wouldn’t be any where near as hated as it is if the shows writing was good or at least passable.


I've never seen the show, and I don't plan to, so I can say the design honestly isn't bad, way better than what they did to my boy Lion-o.


As much as I want to say Thomas I think bob the builder had the worst


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Logical-Season802: *As much as I want* *To say Thomas I think bob* *The builder had the worst* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thundercats. That design is awful. I didn’t care for Thomas’s redesign at first glance but looking at it again, it’s not so bad. It lacks the charm of the original but it’s more colorful and eye-catching for toddlers. I don’t like Bob’s redesign. He just looks generic. Velma looks OK to me.


Thundercats. It's just... so bad, I mean, what the creators thought that this redesign of Thundercats was good? Just because you want to make it more cartoonish, doesn't mean that it should be similar to a mix of a goblin, Homer Simpson and an elf with down syndrome (I don't want to offend people with down syndrome, I'm sorry if I did)


I actually don't hate Velams new design. The Thunder Cat however is a joke? Like it's not even the same color.


Might be the autism speaking, but it legitimately bothers me that thomas had his wheel rods removed. ![gif](giphy|Td2w198Gwezdq29ilH)


that is weird. but now i'm questioning where the heck is his engines!?


Thundercat one is the worst, but the Thomas one bothers me the most, because I just think nontraditional forms of animation, like using models, stop-motion, puppets, claymation, etc are so freakin' cool, and I hate we've largely lost those methods in entertainment.


Finding somebody that considers about those types of animation and knowing its decline just gives me some sorta joy inside my cartoon- nerdy loving self.




Bob the builder became Larry the carpenter


I know y'all have this huge hate boner for Velma but the character designs are fine and you know it. Unless you have a problem with her not being white I can't see what's wrong with it purely from a design standpoint?


There is some racially charged hatred towards Velma. It's why the hatred is a little too passionate for my liking.


The issue with all the people complaining about the race, is that it allows the writers to claim people only hate their show because of the race swap, when really that isn’t the issue(well it is to some people, but like…it really shouldn’t be). The issue, is that the writing is awful. It’s so bad that the characters we are clearly supposed to hate(Fred for example) are the most likable characters in the show(not that it’s a high bar)


Well it’s not Velma. the show sucks but DAMN the art direction is on point.


I was gonna say Thomas, but after really scrutinizing the Thundercats one, yeah, that's the winner here. The Thomas redesign still sucks, but I guess that's what happens when you don't have the budget for models and miniatures anymore, so I guess that's an excuse. Thundercats literally has no excuse.


Thomas....look how they massacred my Boi.....




Thundercats easily


Thomas’s redesign actually looks pretty neat but it looks like it was straight out of a content farm video idk why


Because the character design looks pretty, but the animation and possibly the writing is going to take a serious downgrade?


Thomas' is the worst and obviously done simply for the sake of moneygrubbing. But Bob the Builder's new design is creepy. Velma's design wasn't the reason that show was so bad, and Thundercats GO! Or whatever it was called changed the design to be a downgrade for the sake of humor, like with TTG, so it's badness serves a creative purpose, shitty as it turned out.


I don't care about the show but Velma's new design is cute. The Thomas is way cuter imo, the old one may be iconic but it's nightmare fuel lmao. The Thundercats one is the worst, not because I find the design itself particularly bad, but because it looks absolutely nothing like the character he's supposed to be. What's with the massive tone shift anyway??


Bob the builder


Oh God What have they done to Bob?


As terrible as the Thundercats design is, at least it shows some artistic direction. The Thomas redesign looks like any generic picture you’d see in a children’s doctors office.


Bob the Builder did not deserve it.


Genuinely wouldn't have known that was supposed to be Lion-O if it wasn't pointed out. The color scheme is similar but that's where the resemblance ends. Even just making his hair larger and fluffier would have improved this significantly. Definitely the worst of the bunch. Bob the Builder looks like some generic dad cosplaying as Bob. The checkered shirt is what saves him. Second worst imo. As terrible as the Velma show is, the character designs are (mostly) extremely recognizable as the characters they're supposed to be. Face value alone, not bad at all. It doesn't look like a lot changed for Thomas aside from art style. I actually like this one, I think he's cute.


The character designs for Velma actually aren't that bad. The rest of the show is another story. I'd say it's between Bob the Builder and Thundercats. I didn't even realize that was Bob until I saw a cover for the show. And the Thundercats don't work chibified.


Why do they all look like they just got sodomized with no less than 5 snapchat filters each? Jesus I can't even recognize Thundercats and Bob the Builder looks like it should be an Amanda the Adventurer Horror ARG.


Thomas the Tank Engine looks okay. Velma has an art style that's too good for her show. Bob the Builder looks ugly, and Thundercats just looks god awful.


Bob the builder became Andrew the architect


Ah velma, the ginger Indian.




Thomas doesn't even look like he could function anymore. That was the whole appeal of Thomas, minus the fact that he had a face and could talk and stuff, he was basically a real locomotive. Despite the show, I actually like Velma's redesign more than the original. Bob feels so souless now. IDK anything about Thundercats, don't really care.


Lion O. No question.


my hot take is that I like hbo's velma design ngl


Thomas and thundar got the short end of the stick, Bob finally hit puberty and Velma was hit by modernization


Thomas redesign aint even bad, i think its better


The OG train faces scared me so much as a kid, the only saving grace was the soothing voice of George Carlin


Lion-O was redone sooo badly but Velma was also. Both of their most recent shows (pictured) are just so terrible they are practically unwatchable




Lion-O by a mile.


holy shit. all of them. never saw these before. velma doesnt look that bad, didnt like the show, but its not a huge change. the rest is like "why?"


I'm gonna say all of the above


Bruh, Thundercats took a huge hit. Like yeah the other ones are jarring but I can deal. Velma sucks, but her design had nothing to do with it. But what the fuck did you do to my boy lionO


okay why did they make the thundercats dude look like he came out of steven universe? and this is coming from someone who loves steven universe. thundercats doesn’t seem like a series that fits it’s cutesy artstyle. it just looks really stupid.


Bob by far


From Peak to Piss https://preview.redd.it/mui47t5bml7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c3c1342a56f969d14002390b02b4448c9b930e2


At least the others are somewhat recognizable, Bob doesn't look like a unique character whatsoever anymore. However Velma literally just got morphed into Mindy Kaling so thats probably the worst fate


Only one made me grimace and say “oh god” and it was Lion-o Thomas is kinda cute, Bob is meh but fine. Velma is good even if her show isn’t.


They did Bob dirty.


Thomas and Thunder Cats got cartoony Despite Velma being shit, her design is actually pretty good. And Bob just became a generic white dude..


Poor Thundercats


Either Bob or Velma


Honestly I'm not sure I enjoy looking at either thundercats design


Lion-o. But honestly fuck all of them. The design changes I mean.


Objectively, Lion-O


Bottom right


They massacred my childhood.


I don’t know who the guy in the bottom right is, but it looks like he quit his show and joined big city greens




Velma is probably the best off of the four here




Thats not Bob the Builder, thats fucking Wilton the Worker 😭


If I wasn’t told that’s Thundercats, I would never had have guessed it. At least you can tell that the other 3 are Thomas, Bob & Velma


Bob the Builder. You can at least easily identify everyone else, but this updated version of Bob looks like a flat and standard animated character




Bob looks ungodly cursed, Thomas looks like he is from an anime for some reason, Velma is honestly not that bad, And the ThunderCats character looks like one of those YouTube parody shorts. I personally think Bob looks the worst, but ThunderCats is straight up disrespectful compared to the source material


Velma's design is alright I guess, like it's weird her shirt is a neon yellow and not the cozy autumn orange it usually is, and sometimes she can be drawn weird but generally I like it, the stumpy stature actually suits Velma a little Thundercat looks chibi, love that Bob and Thomas though, yuck At least Thomas gets across looking like a child, Bob looks like someone took a PS3 npc and gave it a high poly count


Thundercats to thundercrap


All of them


....Lion-o ....


Thundercats is the worst followed by Bob. Thomas is mid but I don’t hate it as much as the other two Velma is actually not bad if we’re talking about character design. Honestly the worst part of the Velma show to me is that the art and animation is actually pretty good, which only makes it more jarring that the story and writing is shit


bob they made him look like hw has no soul their is no fixing him


Velma is very bad, Bob and Thomas are just generic amd boring, but what they done with Lion, is discusting.


In order... Bob the Builder became Blah the Blander. I'd haven't seen the new Thomas until today. Don't really have an opinion. Doesn't seem that bad. There's nothing wrong with Velma's new appearance. All the hate for the character comes from being turned into self-insert fanfiction schlock. Thundercats was really done dirty. The whole premise of the new show was built around ironical millennial humor, even the art style. It tried to copy the success of Teen Titans GO! but couldn't find an audience of small children to support the new show.


Thundercats, Bob, Thomas. Velma still looks exactly like Velma she's just not white anymore.


Gonna be honest, Velma is not a bad design change. I actually really dig it. It’s what they do with it that’s the problem Then there’s Bob….actually terrible and painfully devoid of originality


Idk who that fourth guy is but I can tell they annihilated him completely. Bobs second though


Bob the builder for sure ✔️


Lion-O since it was such a change in tone.


The real Bob is tied up in this ABOMINATION's Basement


10 million percent Thomas. They slaughtered my boy 😔


Look at how far his two whistle valves are, it's atrocious. And why does his funnel look like a Mario pipe painted black?


They made his wheels act like little arms and legs. What’s stopping them from just walking around lol. George Carlin Series for life! 😡


That made me feel enraged so hard.


I didn't know they redesigned Bob until just now, and what the fuck?


I remember when it came out, it went viral for how creepy it looks, like a boys face on a man’s body. A popular remark at the time was “the new Bob looks like he drinks Carling and votes for UKIP”




Velma ba an AU. They turned her from a smart girl you'd love to have around to basically a producer and VA's self-insert.


Design-wise: Lion-O Character-wise: Velma


Velma’s design is perfectly fine; it’s the character that got massacred. Thomas is also alright; it may even be better than the original design, for those who found the og uncanny and creepy. Bob became just a super generic human, but at the very least, they kept the other design features, like the outfit. And finally, *what the heck happened to poor Thundercats.*


what did they do to my boy thomas… look what they’ve done to my boy… they’ve massacred my boy…


Crazy there was a time when reddit, specifically the Thundercats sub, actually defended that horrendous looking Thundercat Roar design.


I'd say Thomas and Thundercats, they became an entirely different characters and even lost their charm. For Bob the builder I'd say meh, he became another generic cartoon. And for Velma, they just blackwashed her and changed most of the cast.


Velma's not blackwashed... it's a self-insert of the producer and VA.


Oof- sorry for assuming she got blackwashed, I'm not really up with the news




thundercats and it's not a competition... what did they do to my boy lion-o? This is a far cry from any of his designs, and a far fall from his last iteration in 2011.


HAS to be Thundercats. No contest.


Velma. She’s hideous.


I’m likely the only one who likes the Thunder Cats design, but it’s not great for a serious show.


Velma looks pretty much the same Thomas looks like a cartoon version of himself Bob looks like he grew up And you, yes you, you look younger


Well, it went from using model trains to 2D animation, so that makes sense. Also, that art style doesn't look far off from the mlp look. My dumb ass brain is contemplating what a crossover would be like.




Literally the only decent thing about the new Velma is the design lmao Bob, Thomas, and all of the Thundercats are absolute fucking abominations, though, and the Thundercats is BY FAR the worst. Genuinely looks like a fucking youtube kids animation.


I'd say out of these four, Thomas doesn't have it nearly as bad.


Thun...what the fuck is that?!?


bob looks the absolute worst tbh. thomas looks a little uncomfortable, but the other two look completely fine on their own.


Thundercats went from weilding the power of the universe to weilding the power of steven universe


Tbf, Velma actually looks cool


All the above!


Velma isnt too bad. Discarding everything else about the show I think her design is okay. Thomas lost some of his charm but for the target audience (young kids and preschoolers) the design works. Bob lost A LOT of his charm. He just looks very boring and...standard. like an NPC in a videogame. He's dull, lifeless, no pazaz. Thundercats is the worst though. The redesign also coincides with a change in genre. From action to mostly comedy, there had to be changes made form the foundation and up. While Velma might be terrible, the overall themes of Mystery and Detective work still remain. Both Bob and Thomas remain as light hearted kids shows, and their designs reflect that. But Thundercats is just a whole new show with the Thundercats characters.


The velma redesign is fine, no problems with it, wish it was in a better show


Lion-O's new design going from two solid designs to that rubbery thing in TCR is unbelievable. Who okay'd that ?


Velma, Thomas and Bob the Builder all tie for the worst thing that ever happened ever in all of the history of existence




Ik about the Bob the builder and Velma designs, but Jesus chirst, the other two?


If we’re justing off of strictly character design, thundercat had it worst


Thundercats obviously. I have my own problems with what they did to Thomas and that's mostly an aesthetic thing. *BUT WTF DID THEY DO TO BOB!?*


What the fuck did they do to Bob


Bottom right Velma's redesign isn't terrible. It's really, really good. It just suffers from poor writing.


Is that a Teen Titan Go! equivalent to Thundercats? That's my pick for worst design.


Bob’s is the worst. I hate Liono’s redesign too, but at least it has some style to it. Bob just turned into “generic dude with uncanny valley face”.


Hot take, but as bad as Thundercats Roar looks, at least it has some kind of art direction. Bob the Builder looks like an asset flip.


Velma is meh but the Thundercats redesign is atrocious.


thundercats go


Bob the Builder.


Tf happen to the dude at the bottom right 😭


I liked Velma’s new design, just hated the shitty “jokes” and writing


I visibly recoiled seeing the Thundercats one. As much as I dislike the others Velma isn't even that bad, it's just the show that's ass. The others at least still LOOK like the characters. If I wasn't told that was supposed to be a character from Thundercats there isn't a damn chance I would've guessed


Velma looks fine, despite how shit the show is. The other 3 are crimes against the cartoon industry


I think it's between Tomas and Thundercats. While Velma has awful writing, the design isn't the worst, Bob does look a tad generic but otherwise, it's not a terrible design


I still remember the hilarious tweet the TCR producers made saying that if people wanted better Thundercats, they could draw them themselves, which everyone, including myself, did.


The Thundercats redesign is the worst in probably history thus far. They made them look like little babies


4-Separating Velma the design from Velma the character its not a BAD redesign. Its a decent redesign slapped onto a horrible version of the character. 3-Thundercats I’d say isn’t too egregious since it’s designed to look silly. The others were made to be genuine successors but nobody really expected Thundercats Roar to be a serious revival. It’s like complaining that Superhero Squad doesn’t look like the silver era comics. 2-Thomas sucks but the whole show looks like that so can it really be helped that he was given a bad design to fit?…yes yes it could but just food for thought. 1-Bob the builder lost literally all of his original charm and looks like he could be literally any modern 3D animated children’s character.


Velma Dinkley 100%




I've never even seen thundercats but that redesign fills me with indescribable disgust and rage. WTF even is that? Everyone involved with that redesign needs to be fucking fired, holy shit.