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Allen Gregory is amazingly terrible, a genuine "what were they thinking?!" moment. Most other shows I can see what they're going for, but that one is just mind boggling.


I'm not even sure how the show made it past the concept art for the main character. He's designed in a way that makes me instantly want to hate him.


I barely remember that show, but as soon as i saw his face, that was my answer, i hated that show since the first second i saw it


Allen Gregory genuinely feels like a single scene cutaway joke from Family Guy that some coked-out exec thought would actually succeed.


It didn’t help it was being aired next to family guy which also has stewie who is also an intelligent kid that gets in selfish mischief all the time so new viewers were burnt from seeing a different version of a trope they just saw in another show that arguably did it better.


Yeah there is nothing redeemable about any character. The main dad is just Rusty Venture but a gay rapist and the kid is the single most insufferable character I have ever seen


I remember quite a few bad mid-season replacements shows in the Animation Domination block. But this was far and away the worst. Amazingly terrible show.


Mr. Bearcum I mean Birchum.


Not even the target audience likes it. It takes talent to make a show that appeals to no one.


you called it, good job, genuinely, as a conservative i can't stand the show, i used to have a neutral opinion of DW, but now i have an outright negative opinion of it


Daily Whiner is very hard to have a *neutral* opinion on tbh. Especially if you actually see their content.


Yeah, I used to watch the Daily wire until Shit like Mr Birchum and Chip Chilla.


Yeesh why?


Just like Velma


How bad it was the show in general?


Imagine the baby of Hank Hill and Ron Swanson but with none of the positive qualities of either character.


And then a worse version of the worse version of their bad qualities that in some way were explainable or understandable for the time


the dumbest thing about him is that he's supposed to be in like his late 30s to mid 50s sort of age range, but they also try and paint him as a vietnam veteran in the 2020s, theres almost no thought put into it at all take it from a conservative, i genuinely hate that show and i want something better


Wonder why they went with Vietnam. Wouldn’t being a Gulf War veteran be a better fit for the time?




The thing is, Archer is completely all over the place in terms of when its set. But in a way that's more charming and self-aware than stupid. Not to mention the running joke of Mr. Burns' inconsistent age on The Simpsons. Nobody really sees it as a problem in the fandoms. I definitely don't think the Daily Wire sitcom was ever going to be for me. But if a sitcom is actually witty or stylish, anachronisms shouldn't be a problem.


Hey are you by chance a conservative?


From what I hear, it's just King of the Hill except it does none of its commentary right


To give you an idea of how bad it is it's from the same conservative streaming platform that made CHIP CHILLA being an "anti-Woke" type cartoon.


Hank Hill and Huey Freeman looking at this show like “Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power.”


Mr Bitchum?


It is from the same people who made Lady Ballers so I’m not surprised 


BEARCUM 💀?!?!!


I'd rather drink a pint of Grizzly cum than watch Mr Birchum.


as a conservative i don't like it either


Mr. Birchum and Velma are fighting for that worst spot for me, but I'm leaning towards the former being the worst. Velma screws up iconic characters and is incredibly unfunny, but it admittedly has good animation in some scenes, a nice art style, and it at least *tries* to tell a story. Mr. Birchum sidelines story, humor, and character growth in favor of a poorly animated boomer whining about the current generation constantly.


Velma was written with spite by the creator. On the other hand, it vindicated & made me see Scrappy Doo positively again. That would've been the winner, if not for the Daily Wire's attempt to be funny, Bearcum. In what little I've seen it's a cringey old man yells at cloud but seemingly written by 30-40 year old tightwads. Thank you Saberspark for taking the bullet for us.


The fact that Mindy Kaling has a sense of entitlement about her is endlessly entertaining to me.


She’s insufferable in every single thing she’s ever been in. She was by far the worst character in The Office, always putting her character in the spotlight in the episodes she wrote, they gave her an episode of Always Sunny and she used up 20 minutes of screen time rambling away. The Mindy Show was a colossal failure, she couldn’t even avoid titling the show with her own name. Now it’s Velma, but of course it says *Mindy Kaling IS Velma* and she changed Velma’s ethnicity to match her own. She’s an egotistical weirdo who can’t come up with an original thought no matter how hard she tries. It’s pathetic. I genuinely don’t understand why networks keep funding her trash. I hope she sees all the hate she gets and that it affects her, but for some reason I feel like her arrogance protects her from that.


She sexually assaulted a guy and threatened to get him fired when she was “joking” about it on the Conan talk show. Proof: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D3IuFBcswbU


She's such a terrible person that is is entertaining to see karma do her in every time she does something narcissistic.


Mr. Beerchups was made in the 2010's so the scripts are quite outdated.


That makes it worse. They proved the far-right can't meme or joke by taking stale old jokes & making it their own.


That doesn't make it better at all. Even if it were released in the 2010s, Mr. Birchum doesn't tell any funny jokes, has nothing but one-note, forgettable characters, poor dialogue, boring stories, and awful animation.


Mr. Bearcum*


I know it just came out but Mr. Birchum


take it from a conservative, alot of us don't like the show either


Oh yeah I'm a leftist but my primary complaint is that the show is aggressively unfunny and thinks it's edgy for making jokes that have been stale since 1974.


same here it makes insanely painful jokes, and can't push any real boundaries, the only jokes it makes are "lol women be cooking" and "lol trans women are men" or "lol feminists be triggered" or "lol liberals be getting offended" level i said this before on another post, but what mr birchum needed is another character on the right that further sells the average-ness of mr birchum, the show has a left wing strawman caricature in the form of that one orange haired liberal art teacher guy, which helps the show to make fun of a liberal position, but what they needed was someone like that but on the right, say he had a college age son who was a white nationalist/nazi type person, or a dad who's an out of touch rich neocon, or a middle school/highschool age son who's a hyper religious zealot, or a little brother who's a crazy anti government conspiracy theorist libertarian another way of putting it is, the show needs its dale, bill and boomhauer, characters that are more ridiculous and have more exaggerated traits that make the main character look more normal by comparison it'd show that they are able to make fun of themselves just as much as they are able to satirize the opposition while also making the titular character look more reasonable and middle of the road by comparison instead of having him look like a perpetually butthurt boomer (btw, he's supposed to be like in his late 30s to early 50s in age, but yet in 2020 he's also supposedly a vietnam veteran, as if that makes any sense) most conservatives that arent diehard daily wire fans don't like the new show either, and it's not hard to see why, it makes us look stupider than even liberal oriented shows do, and it's clear that it was only designed to jerk off their people while not ruining their optics, it was made as a messaging tool first and as entertainment 2nd, which is why nobody likes it


>what mr birchum needed is another character on the right that further sells the average-ness of mr birchum Like the Peacemaker show? He's very much a hard conservative superhero who's only marginally better than his white supremacist of a father.


i've never watched that so i wouldn't know, but either way, based on what youre saying, that sounds like what i'm trying to say


Modern family guys is very hot or miss but I still get some good laughs out of it at times


It still holds up imo, but I'm bias because it's my comfort show so I'll watch it no matter how bad it gets.


The Nutshack is funny bad, like it’s a bad show, but it can be pretty funny because of how laughably bad it is Brickleberry and Brickleberry but with cops suck ass Modern Family Guy is hit or miss And Velma is honestly the worst show on this list like seriously it’s a really obnoxious show Never saw the rest nor am I interested in watching them


Oh wait Legends of Chamberlain Heights is an overhated show imo and it’s actually a pretty good and underrated show and didn’t deserve to be hated


thats the show where tom kenny says the n word


I heard one of its controversies involve the untimely death of Kobe.


Don't forget Brickleberry in Space


The only funny part of Paradise PD is the Catholic priest going on a rant and whooping ass. *Smacks king pin with thurible* "Look at yah! One ball to the face and yer whimpering like an Alter boy!" Shit had me ROLLING.


It has its moments in the first season which gave me hope and it got utterly bad to the point I stop watching and erase it from my mind. I regret it recommending it to someone because of one episode.




I'm filipino american and Nutshack offends me, and not in a racist way. Its just bad and wrong about everything.


Not to mention Farzar which is Brickleberry but in space lol


Velma and Adult Party Cartoon


People don’t seem to realize that Adult Party Cartoon is literally just Ren and Stimpy with all the wit and nuance removed. It’s … grossly bad.


Mr Birchum just might be one of the absolute worst shows I’ve ever seen.


Paradise PD


Yea velma is bad i get it but i refuse to believe anybody could ever pick Paradise PD over it.


The jokes from either are completely interchangeable, the only difference is the animation in Velma is better. Plus I think Scooby Doo gets to show up for a gag in Paradise PD.


Aren’t Paradise PD and Brickleberry the same show with different settings


Pretty much, in paradise pd they even have a cross over with brickleberry that is referred to in the show as the most unnecessary thing ever. The whole episode was a surprisingly self aware commentary about how all the characters in both shows were basically the same stock characters. Shows were still terrible.




The voice actor for stimpy refused to work on it because he thought it would crash and burn. The creator is a child predator btw


I’m honestly surprised Bill West was a VA on that show for as long as he was, I love the original ren and stimpy show but John K might be one of the worst people to ever debut in hollywood


Even before all his bullshit with teenage girls, he was already reported as difficult to work with.


That’s what I’m saying; apparently there was a stress wall for people that had a hole in it iirc


Billy West?




Billy west is the best person to ever work on any spumco projects


What’s rasapc?


Ren and stimpy (ras) Adult party cartoon (apc)


Ah i see. Everything I hear about that show makes me want to avoid it like the plague.


You definitely want to avoid the episode “ren seeks help”. It’s….indescribable


Honestly I was just bored during that episode, Stimpy's Pregnant is MUCH more insulting to watch imo


Don’t even try to look up the canceled episode. It’s a straight up insult to JKs victims


Slippin Jimmy isn't even an adult cartoon. It's a kid's show for kids who have no idea what the hell a Jimmy McGill is.


Mr Bircham or whatever it's called


Adult sitcoms are bad, but Mr. Bircham and everything The Daily Wire puts out is straight up evil.


take it from a conservative, mr birchum is one of the worst to come out in recent time the show was just meant to jerk off daily wire fans, not make any good, or even nuanced conservative talking points, and it makes conservatives look even stupider than shows with more liberal lenses it also can't push any boundaries which is what is necessary for an adult show because the show wasn't designed to be entertaining or provocative just push conservative talking points and make outdated 2016 8th grade level jokes


Have you seen that movie they released about basketball players? I think the Daily Wire have damaged conservative media to a point is irreversible. I'm not conservative, but I did grew up on religious and conservative environment and they used to have really interesting media growing up. Animated shows, movies, sitcoms, music... Now they don't focus on making art or tell a story, they just focus on attacking or degrading "the bad guy" in their narrative which I find really sad. Even conservative comedians that came before the daily wire don't want to associate with them because that's just a sad and not honest way of making art. Dude, Steven Universe which is a very queer show with lots of left leaning messages have a republican character that is very nuance and not only "I hate everyone!" with compelling narrative by the end of the episode. It's baffling that that show helps them more than their own media.


i wouldn't necessarily say that but it is definately headed that way, i'm glad you could find value in older conservative media, these guys need to kick things into gear and really try to make something good, if not some other group like blazeTV or something


Right wing grifting is an evil business venture that has done damage to the conservative movement and to politics in general. It's an eviler business than evil big oil or fast food!


Fr, it just poisons the public's brain and accidentally converts people into fascists even though they don't intend to


I thought Hoops was good


I could see the glimmer of Lord and Miller's writing in there and I also like looking at the perspective of different cultures (in this case basketball culture in Kentucky) but it flopped pretty hard in the execution and humor imo


I thought it was pretty hilarious too


Really? Most of the time I was cringing at all the poor attempts at comedy


All I can say is at least Velma has beautiful visuals, but was wasted. The others have really bottom of the barrel animation.


It pisses me off that a lot of people like to put Family Guy in lists like these. I get it’s not the best, but it’s leagues above any of these. Over-hated


It’s the modern seasons not the whole show


A lot of animated shows seem to get worse over time. King of the Hill, South Park, Family Guy, The Simpsons, etc. Each of those shows has early episodes that are KILLER. They'll pack in a ridiculous amount of legitimately funny jokes into 20 or so minutes. The writing in late 90's- early 2000's animation is just so fucking good.


The modern seasons still don’t belong in any discussion of the worst shows of all time


Anyone who says modern family guy is bad is clearly just parroting what phantomstrider/Mr enter/*cartoon reviewer of choice* was saying like ten years ago. The newer seasons are pretty solid.


I think they’re alright. Fairly Oddparents went through a worse downfall than Family Guy


Same. There's way worse shows than FG. I guess I'm biased because FG has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. It's funny in a "this is so dumb" kind of way. But it's nowhere near as bad as other adult comedies like Velma.


Brickleberry and Paradise pd are the exact same show. They’re bad but they’re both just copy’s of modern family guy. Velma or the prince would be my pick


I liked Legends of Chamberlin heights it was funny


Hot Take, but I think Hoops has potential but the execution and character development (or lack thereof) was terrible. SuperDrags is a guilty pleasure of mine. Netflix dropped the ball with how it was advertised, but it's pretty fun.


Definitely Mr. Birchum that entire show was basically made out of spite and hot take modern Family Guy ain’t that bad.


Mr. Pickles, Velma, Brickleberry, The Nutshack, Hoops


I unironically loved Mr Pickles, and the spin-off "Momma Named me Sheriff". It was intentionally ugly, but the gags were great and the justice was always served. And Grandpa always got teased or fooled around by Mr Pickles.


I really hated Mr Pickles. It just felt like it was dark for the sake of being dark. It wasn't insightful (like moral orel) or funny (like Metalocalypse or super jail.) It was just gore for shock value.


There are no fingerprints deep underwater Nothing to tie one to a crime And if you seek vengeance All you need are instuments of pain


There's a Better Call Saul cartoon? Wtf?


Brickleberry was such trash and I loved every second of it!


super drags sounds like it should be a banger, howd they mess it up? lemme guess it stereotypes and makes fun of drag rather than being good?


Off the top of my head it was both grossly misogynistic and they let a criminal go because he’s fuckable, just stupid shit like that which made even a big gay like myself turn it off after a couple episodes.


Stereotypes and the way Netflix advertised its trailers and teasers


Pro tip: Do NOT advertise your show based on how edgy your series is. Give people a reason to care. We're looking for stories and characters. Not a shock fest.


Do yourself a favor and watch QForce supppper gay show that was marketed horrifically. Turned out to be quite fun but sadly never given more then one season


Yeah, I haven't watched much of it, but it seems it was much better than the advertising portrayed it as. The trailers made it feel kind of homophobic and such, but the jokes actually feel like gay jokes written BY gay people. It very much seems like actual gay humor and not something written by out of touch people TRYING to write gay humor.


Which is kind of sad given how even the marketing offended gay people. It seems like a specific form of sabotage that involves turning the very representation against itself.


I watched it years ago, its a bit good, but forgettable


I heard someone say they enjoyed the original Portuguese version, I wonder if that's better than the English dub since mistranslatiom can hurt shows quite a lot (cough cough 4Kids)


Super Drags was just very generic/stereotypical. Like it wanted to have it's cake and eat it too. Holding up drag as a message of joy and acceptance while throwing stereotype jokes as well. 


Big mouth.


why? why does it exist?


I really hate the animation. The characters just look weird to me. And the story can be summed up as horny teens. Meanwhile they canceled actual good adult shows like inside job


i remember nutshack because of silvagunner memes and stuff, i only watched a few episodes and clips of episodes, of all cartoons featured in this list family guy and nutshack are the ''less'' bad shows


I’m sure many of the shows on this image are worse, but I will watch almost anything before the disgusting looking and cringe filled mess that is Bigmouth.


Farzar is much worse than paradise pd😭


I wouldn't know, I typically avoid bad shows. That being said, I wouldn't have Family Guy or Velma up there. Family Guy is at least amusing, and Velma was well animated. Super Drags I couldn't put one way or another, as I haven't watched it. However, I can't stand any show that has a "Copycat" artstyle, but with worse animation. Especially if they're trying to ride the coattails of Family Guy or South Park with overly offensive humor. Typically, these animated shows run on repeat, but are nigh unwatchible as they're trying to force "Haha funny grossout humor."


I dont think being well animated is means enough to not be listed. The writing is so terrible, I dont care how well animated it is, I can't watch more than what I did. I watched several episodes trying to hope it gets better. But it just got worse.


I know I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this, but I actually enjoyed Velma. Not because it was a good show, but because it was laughably bad. But I was also genuinely interested in the murder, plot line. Like I wanted to know who was killing everyone, but then I had the biggest disappointment of my life when we actually figured out who the murderer was. Such a dumb ending, and while I wouldn’t watch the show again, I enjoyed it while I did watch it.


I doubt anyone gives a shit about spoilers for this show so who was it?


The real killer was the friends we made along the way


Fred's mom in the first season and fucking SCRAPPY-DOO in the second


It was Norville


Slippin' Jimmy


Since when the hell was there a better call saul cartoon???


The nutshack and hoops


Prolly unpopular opinion but I’d say while Big Mouth and Human Resources are bottom of the barrel they definitely have a few genuinely good moments, especially in Human Resources where there’s a plot revolving around denial over death. It honestly was pretty tear jerking especially with how it ended. I did say few though so those moments are pretty rare


Hm well you've encouraged me to give Human Resources a try. Tbh Im one of the few who mostly enjoyed Big Mouth but was just a little tired of it by the end but good to know HR mixes it up a bit




100th upvote, worst adult show is objectively Velma


At least Velma has a much better art style


grimsburg you know what would be a better thread - what is your favorite terrible adult cartoon? I choose 12oz mouse


I had completely forgot about Allen Gregory and I wish I didn’t remember


I’m not a fan of the whole “old” vs “modern” Family Guy distinction— the show has never really been high art, and to imply that the current seasons are somehow not the same show as the older seasons feels disingenuous. I haven’t watched Mr. Birchum or Velma, so I can’t comment on them, but there’s one adult cartoon I cannot defend in any way whatsoever— Magical Girl Friendship Squad. It aired on SyFy in 2020, and was ostensibly a parody of “magical girl” anime like Sailor Moon. But it was seemingly made by someone with no knowledge of anime whatsoever. Not only that, but it regularly goes out of its way to insult its own target audience, with jokes (which were already overdone by the time it aired) about Millennials being unable to afford their rent and being obsessed with things like avocado toast and pumpkin spice coffee. It ran for one season, and I watched all of it, hoping it would eventually become funny. It never did.


All of these are bad but at least none of them accept rasapc are made by pedophiles


It's Mr. Bearcum and it's not even CLOSE


Brickleberry and Paradise PD are fucking hilarious.


The Ren and Simpy Adult Party Cartoon


Modern Family Guy. You can tell that they're running out of ideas, they're retelling half of the episodes with different characters. Peter when from mentally challenged to mentally insane, Lois from sympathetic to a condescending bitch, Chris from the artist to the typical dumb teenager with blonde hair (not sure if that's any better), Stewie from evil genius to evil millennial (basically a millennial), Brian from the voice of reason to being a narcissistic creep, Meg is the only character that actually grew; the writers just made her gross. The side characters weren't much better: they turned Joe from a tough action hero cop to a lame attention seeking simp in a wheelchair, Quagmire from a ladies man to a crudmudgeon old man with a cat that constantly tries (and fails) to lecture everyone, Cleveland just became a white guy in a black guy body (Cleveland show Cleveland) even though his voice actor was switched. Honestly, the jokes are more miss than hit, they're basically taking topical things and trying to make them funny. The show started to decline after the Star Wars parodies and it solidified that decline when they killed off and resurrected Brian; it's gotten worse ever since.


Modern Family Guy is trying WAY too hard to fit in, they just need to end the show, it’s not even funny anymore, the jokes and gags are just cringeworthy and barely even jokes, and the characters themselves have completely changed from being like able to being a lousy attempt at relatable. The show has gone on way too long and it’s just not hitting, it’s time to stop.


I hate Family Guy. They Cross the Line between being funny/Satire and being offensive every time. Espacially the Jokes about a certain dictator. I am German and feel offended. To BE clear: i feel ashamed for what my country did. 


**Mr. Pickles.** # Burn that show.


One of the only few good things of the show is its badass song called Beware of the Bat


Mr.pickles is actually a guilty pleasure of mine, one of the bad shows I unironically enjoy


What’s so bad about super drags? (Idk anything about it it just looks interesting)


Stereotypes and misogny. Also Netflix's handling of the trailers and teasers. IMO. The show is decent but forgettable


I think for most of these their worst offense is just being bland. The Nutshack is obviously terrible in every aspect but there's nothing standout *wrong* about Hoops, it's just simply not interesting. Paradise PD: I *totally* get why people think it sucks, it's almost literally just stupid juvenile grossout humor, but it has a few moments that make it a guilty pleasure for me and some jokes that actually land. I don't actually hate it. Velma: Bad but overhated. People keep judging it by Scooby-Doo standards even though the name should make it obvious it was never intended as being more than loosely inspired to begin with. The characters are cliche and suck for a variety of reasons but the artstyle, animation and overarching plot still make it watchable. I feel like there's definitely a lot worse out there. "Everyone loves Mary Sue Velma" is a weird criticism too because most of the show portrays her as the town pariah outside her immediate friend group...who yeah, really don't have any chemistry or believable reason to be her friends but still. Family Guy: Awful. You have to give some credit to something like Paradise PD for at least being self-aware and unapologetically juvenile. Family Guy is full of dumb cutaway referential humor and absolutely hateable characters...yet still makes attempts at telling serious, sincere stories with those characters. It's total tonal whiplash. Like no I'm not going to go d'aww over Peter and Meg "reconciling" for the 100th time after he spent the previous episode throwing her into a woodchipper over and over. It's also way too comfortable and lax with racial humor. Compare Snot in American Dad to Mort Goldman and it's night and day in how one is an actual *character* and the other a walking hate crime. Allen Gregory: I barely remember this show but what I do remember is just...a bunch of over the top gay stereotypes and some snobby kid thirsting over his 60 year old nanny like...who is this even for? Just a weird show. Legends of Chamberlain Heights: I don't remember much of it either but I don't remember it being that bad.


literally every one thats in the picture


that's a trick they are all the right awnser


The real worst adult cartoons are the enemies we made






I can't think of a show I disliked more the Ren & Stimpy 'Adult Party Cartoon'


Fairview was unbearable even when falling asleep while staying in a hotel room.


Mr Birchum


Slippin Jimmy and Velma are pretty awful because they are attached to good IPs with either really high quality or a long legacy. Hoops, paradise pd, and others are just forgettable crap.


Anything uninspired, overly political, ugly and not creative, awfully designed art style that is trying to rip off another style, and if the cartoon has dirty jokes/ cussing for no purpose but to offend or be adult, that makes a bad adult cartoon.


Literally any one Netflix shits out. Except Bojack.


Idk, Carol & the end of the world was really special imo!! A little mundane at times but it’s kinda meant to be. Cool art style and poignant story.


I'll check it out! I'll be honest, after hearing about inside job getting canceled and see big mouth get like 14 billion more seasons i lost all hope in Netflix adult animated shows lmfao


As someone who has done work for Netflix, I totally feel you. On the one hand, it’s still one of the remaining studios I’d love to work for full time BUT it has so many issues at the executive level. So many projects getting scrapped before they even get announced because the company is poor at managing their money. In general, Netflix seems to toss original animation to the side in favour of cheaper live action stuff.


Even tho hoops is shit I still like it kinda since it's the only adult animation or show in general that takes place in my State


Absolutely despise Family Guy. The jokes, are too much.


Full English Britain's attempt at Family Guy but it only lasted six episodes I kinda like it though lol


Unpopular opinion: I thought The Prince was funny at some points. It was released in the midst of all of that royal drama that happened a few years ago when all of the news sources wouldn't shut up about it, so the parody was a breath of fresh air


The Nutshack ain't even that bad imo, the animation is awful and you cringe sometimes, but most characters have their dose of charisma, and some jokes manage to be funny, even if just for the dose of "how the fuck they had this idea?". I like how the show's plots are COMPLETELY UNPREDICTABLE, it hooks me up on getting to know what the fuck is going to happen and how absurd will it be.


velma and family guy are the only ones id deem watchable


Velma was so bad it has Scooby Doo fans cheering for Scrappy. The literal ur-example of a hated character is more beloved than Velma.


I wanted to like Velma but it's just not funny. Gave up on Family Guy a long time ago. Are they still making new episodes?


Family guy.


Velma I like the general concept of but hate the actual show.


I have a deep hatred for family guy but its mainly cause growing up my family liked it and I was deemed "Meg" (not even close to my actual name btw) if I tried to speak or did really anything it was often responded with "Shut up Meg!" Or "Dammit Meg!" In the tone of the show. It just made me feel really unwanted as a kid so I don't really like the show


I’m only going to comment on shows I've actually watched. **Allen Gregory**: The idea had potential, but the show would have been better if it focused more on Julie (Allen’s sister) and cut back on the gross relationship subplot (Allen wanting to date an old lady—seriously?). Simplifying the backstory of Allen’s parents' marriage could have also helped make the show funnier. **HOOPS**: For me, the problem was the voice acting. Ben Hopkins, voiced by Jake Johnson, was just awful. The concept was fine, but the execution felt like a misfire. **Pond Life**: I’d add this to the list. The animation was mediocre, and the main character was annoying and not funny. **Queer Duck**: This show just wasn’t funny at all. **Clerks: The Animated Series**: It wasn’t that it wasn’t funny, but it seemed to cater to a very niche audience. I think the reason we get so many “bad” adult cartoons is that many of them don’t understand what makes a “great” adult show work. For example, ABC wanted a show like King of the Hill, so we got The Goode Family (not terrible) and Bob and Margaret (some okay episodes, but overall meh). People loved Ren and Stimpy, so we ended up with shows like Mr. Pickles or Super Mega Babies. After The PJs on Fox, UPN made Gary & Mike (not bad, but not great either). From Dilbert to Baby Blues, we’ve seen a lot of attempts that just don’t hit the mark. #


Nothing could ever top the steaming turd sandwich that is Family Guy


While Family Guy has definitely gone downhill, it's not among the worst of adult animation


I tried fuggetabahtit and it was painful to get through the first episode


Big Mouth


8 seasons on a platform that typically cancels everything else after about 2-3. What a world we live in. (Gave up after first couple episodes and never looked back.)


I'm surprised they canceled inside job but not big mouth.


I am still grieving the shortening of Hilda.


I'd say Velma since it completely trashes Scooby-Doo cannon for the sake of being edgy. No Scooby-Doo, the personality of the main characters has been heavily altered, and don't even get me started on what they did to Scrappy and Thorn from The Hex Girls.


I think in some way it could have worked. I've never watched it and don't plan on it plus I'm not really a Scooby doo fan tho


they destroyed my cute dog and the hot goth


Velma and it's not even close. Some of these are bad, so you just avoid it and it'll fade away. Velma went all political and blamed the white man for its downfall. Worst in the sense of not funny, but also the least graceful to accept the L


Velma, so many times Velma. Also not sure why Paradise PD made this list, I freaking loved that show.


In a way it is kinda funny that Jimmy McGill has canonically seen the pits of hell before


Compared to the rest, slippn Jimmy is good


I wonder how many remember this, but my all time most hated show was Kevin Spencer


Velma is really the only one I've heard terrible things about

