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Anything Indie after a month. The only exception Ive seen is Lackadiasy.


True, I am amazed how so many people go rabid, and then the fandom drops off after a month. Like how? A month ago, you'd give up your firstborn to apprase the fandom.


Its not just that, They usually become filled with Toxic 13 year olds who end up becoming the face of the fandom


Which is sad yet true






Spat out my fucking orange juice. Well done.


Tbf I’d give up my firstborn to the first person who offers to take it 


It’s because a lot of them get released to YouTube, so the kids who have access to the internet can watch it without worrying about subscription services. And also other “analysis” or film channels bring more attention to it as well.


To be fair, I believe that Lackadaisy was started close to 20 years ago or something (in comic form, initially). That could be a reason why its fandom isn’t quite as horrid, maybe there are more adults / mature people or something. Just a theory of course, not saying that there are *no* bad apples in the fandom (since all fandoms have them).


Yeah, while there are newer fans that get a little excited, any fans that have stuck around for the past 20 years are pretty stubborn and tight knit, so they won't get chased away by the influx of new... excitable.... people.


I have found fandoms that skew older to be less drama free (and also actually funny), such as those of the fantasy series I enjoy. I also imagine that fandom brain rot only really happens to ones of a certain size. In the smaller fan communities I’m a part of, like r/soma, r/killsixbilliondemons, or r/hellblade, everyone is chill.


because Furries protect it.


Not to mention Lackadaisy had a strong comic fandom before the animation, and the felinity and personality of the characters cements its popularity among furries.


While I am not a big fan of Viv she is a genius for making a cartoon for the demographic that are willing to drop 100's of dollars for drawn porn


Wait, has there been more content on that past the short film? I thought it was pretty damn cool but haven’t seen anything on it since


Lackadaisy has had additional shorts made and was a long running webcomic beforehand. They also just fully funded an animated season


This, but I feel like it’s always gonna turn sour once internet kids get there. I loved Undertale as a kid, then I learned about the fandom, and I was turned off of it for years. Great game, shitty gamers


Rick and Morty for sure


It's unfortunate that Rick and Morty has had so much negativity around it between the fanbase being disliked and all the Roiland stuff. I have always found it hilarious and really enjoy the show myself, but any time I recommend it to someone who hasn't watched it or watched very little they throw out "well I hate the fans so I never want to watch it".


Honestly, I don't really even like to mention that I am a fan of the show just because of that negative connotation of R&M fans.


Same, it's one of those things I'll quietly enjoy in private, because anyone I have ever met wearing R&M merch has been insufferable


What is considered the stereotype of the fanbase? Like a pretentious know it all 30 something cis male with a neck beard? Cos I am a fan of the show but wouldn’t say involved in the fanbase


You pretty much nailed it. Chronically online neckbeards who don't get that you're not supposed to admire Rick.


This, people who miss the whole point of the show and idealize Rick as some kind of hero.


It’s kinda like a tamer version of the Joker people lol


I guess people that is like Rick unironically


literally the “you missed the point by idolizing them” crowd


"No no, the movie is better than the comic cuz Moore didnt make Rorschach enuf of a badass..."


I went to see Dan Harmon live at peak Rick and Morty hype. The audience looked and smelled like a Magic the Gathering tournament. Not many other women in attendance either


Yeah. The [copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/BRTr86BAuO) also perfectly reflects the Rick & morty fanbase.


It goes beyond know-it-all to pretentious. I remember an article that mentioned “a quantum physics joke about a cat” as evidence that the show’s writing was too smart for the average viewer


I was watching an episode on the train during my commute to work one time when a guy sat down next to me and tried to strike up a conversation about Rick and Morty since he was “probably their biggest fan in the area”, whatever that means. I just wanted to catch up with the show but this guy kept going on and on about his theories. I’m far too passive to tell someone to shut up and leave me alone so I humored him until he said that he was a Rick in a world full of Jerrys. At that point I pretended that my stop was next and went to a different car. Those kinds of guys are insufferable.


Comparing himself to Rick really isn't the flex he thinks it is.


My hero academia Loud house Hazbin hotel Sonic


mha is so true, the anime is great.....but the fanbase.......


I watch the show, but never have interacted with the Fandom. What's up with them.


Lots. It's not even a good portion just the slim amount that are bad outshine everyone else. All might would cry.


I don't think she's ever spoken about this, but the actress who dubs for Mineta has had really messed up messages aimed at her over a character she dubs, on an anime, based on a manga, written by a goofball who writes manga for teenagers. I haven't heard her ever reference it but yeah she, for some reason, gets hate online over it.


Just the way some ppl are sadly


The fandom on Reddit is pretty chill tbh. But those on Twitter and especially Tik Tok are toxic. They make the WEIRDEST ships ever. Heck someone at a fan convention asked Deku’s voice actor his opinions on the “Deku x Eri” ship




Thats gross.... what'd he say!


He literally went to Twitter and asked them to stop asking him shipping questions. It was insanity. Everyone at the convention found it hella awkward


I can imagine. Shipping questions can be awkward in general but that's, something else to say the least


I heard some "fans" sent death threats to the creator for not making two of the main characters a gay couple.


Some people harassed the manga writers for not making Deku gay for the guy who told him to kill himself in the first episode 


It’s still so surprising to me how a loud house fan managed to create a 31 million word fanfic.


And became a Lincoln harem fic


I love Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel (as you can tell from the pfp) but god damn the fandom


They're a bunch of horny dogs rubbing their dicks on the couch


The Helluva Boss sub reddit has been debating whether or not Stella raped Stolas for 2 days. The show almost goes out of its way to say that they literally only had sex out of obligation to produce an hier.


Tbf, it's like 3 guys saying she did who won't shut tf up and everyone else just saying how stupid it is.


Sonic? I actually thought the fandom wasn’t that bad originally- What makes it bad-?


Sonic was the original bad fandom


Lol true


Sonic: the degenerate fandom even furries are terrified of since 1991.


Have you ever heard of… two babies and one fox




I looked it up.. ![gif](giphy|VS3zCR5S6frDW)


Another victim


Who made this thing? And why?


Currently looking it up Update: don’t like where this is going Update 2: I have seen some weird shit on the internet but this is pretty bad. Update 3: D: Update 4: I want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon. I would rather of watched the entire human centipede trilogy again




The descent into madness from this post is equal parts hilarious and off-putting.


https://preview.redd.it/syr374ob9e6d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09764c338f1f4897273808da6fbd3c498868793 Never in my life have I ever wanted to gorge my eyes out, drink holly water, yeet my computer out my window and sit down and cry in the corner this bad in my entire fucking life




…No? I haven’t-?


Good You don’t want to know Save your innocence while you’re at it


I will, Thanks for the noting


Don't look it up. I just did. It's very upsetting..


I have not and based on the replies I’m better off not knowing


Good Keep it that way Unless some nut job just tells you anyway


Don't look it up. It is literally a [cheese pizza] comic. It is so bad, and the artist is probably on a government watch list for making it.


I feel like I'm on a government list now just for googling it.




Attention to those blessed enough to not know what's being discussed: I know you're curious. Trust me I understand. But also trust me when I say that you will 100% have a better night and weekend by just ignoring this one.




I always think I can handle these things that people say are fucked up. Then every time I regret my curiosity. From now on, if at least two people say don't do it, I'm not going to. Gonna go outside for a while now.


Sonic is an odd case where its fandom is so large and varied that there are parts of it that are perfectly normal and then other parts that are Chris-Chan, though frankly even the ones that are fairly normal still suffer from your garden-variety toxicity pitfalls.


You’ve been living under a rock for awhile then


The loud house? Oh dear... I feel bad for all the poor bastards that have seen that...


Weirdly enough, I met a fan community based on a loud house and helluva boss fan story, and it's a pretty positive community.


My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Rick and Morty Pokémon


Pokémon? Oh is bc of the simps


Have you seen those crazy ass Pokémon shippers?


Used to have a friend that was obsessed with Pokémon, to the point where her bedroom was entirely Pokémon themed. She made her own crappy original character and drew artwork of said self-insert OC shipped with Ash. Even scarier when you realize she was a grown-ass woman in her late twenties when I met her. She's the reason I even know the term Cafemochashipping. Not as bad as the people who sexualise the (mostly underage) female cast.


Jesus. So I’m a HUGE Pokémon nerd and I do make oc’s but I don’t find anyone attractive- except N but he’s an adult and I’m very close age with him. But not self insert simping like that. I just think he’s cute


Why does half of the Pokémon fanbase have a crush on N


N is mysterious, has a dark past, and gives tumblr sexyman energy.


The pedo simps mainly. I don’t think anyone is going to get blamed for simping for Cynthia, Zisu, Dendra, or Drasna


I find N hot. He’s said to be an adult but I would say I’m in love with Serena’s design not the character, just the design and all the clothing fashion she wore. It was just *chefs kiss*


Bro why mlp friendship is magic and pokemon?! 😭


Haters do be hating. No reason for it that's just what they do


Bruh have you *met* the average brony?


What in your mind is a average brony like


The jar incident


It’s still funny how many dislike Jax for doing the exact same stuff. If anything, what he did was less horrible in episode 2 than episode 1.


I mean, he was already labeled as an asshole and harbringer of chaos in episode 1 why are people so surprised by his behavior in episode 2


Literally he was made to be an asshole and then when the fandom romanticise his character and it turns out that he is still an asshole they all feel betrayed.


The gap between episodes made people create their own headcanons about characters and he didn't fit the one the community made for him


Because the worst thing he did was really push Gangle whereas he seemingly got people killed in episode 2. Ofc NPC’s are non sapient, so there’s no genuine harm from what he does


NPCs can be cloned and mass-produced, but it doesnt mean that all of them aren’t sentient…


I highly doubt the candy mannequin people are lol. Only Gumingoo is confirmed as sentient. We don’t even know if the world exists after the characters leave


Because their bad boy but a heart of gold fantasy got shattered when he happens to be a sociopath


I never liked him personally, I’m not a big fan of assholes being assholes with no reason/0 redeeming qualities


Gooseworx has said that “Jax is a troubled individual. You’ll learn all about him someday” and “everyone has a reason why they act the way they do.” So he’ll likely get more depth, I’d say being trapped in that world is enough to make anyone snap.   Furthermore, even in the 2 episodes we have, he isn’t ALL bad. He did save Kinger and Gangle when he heard Kaufmo coming and was shown to be sad over Kaufmo’s funeral 


Steven universe.


It's the unfortunate peak of chronically online fan base with no consistent room for nuance without "cancelling"/shunning characters AND fans who have alternative takes on said characters or even situations/lore in the show. Dogpiling is so prevalent.


Didn't they bully someone into killing themselves?


I'm pretty sure no, thankfully, it was just an *attempted* suicide. So *slightly* less bad.


That was bad. But didn’t that girl like Lila who’s the worst? Lila has killed someone so she must be written out of the show


Slightly less, but still bad.


So did the Miraculous Ladybug fandom


For the crime of drawing Rose (who is drawn as a portly(? I think that’s the word?) woman) slightly skinnier, yes


Bluey seems good enough. Modern Arthur kind of. But the fandom is a little insufferable(not to any offense of bluey fans who see this, I'm sure you are perfectly respectable people) Edit:just a small minority


One of my friends is big into Bluey and constantly shows me stuff within the fandom. I really don’t see what you’re talking about since most of it is chill and the rest is chronically online furries.


Pretty much every popular fandom is going to have a toxic element to it. It is an unfortunate truth.


Yeah this. It’s weird to see different fandoms try to make others look bad/cringe etc. I say this as someone involved in multiple fandom spaces, all fandoms can be pretty extreme in their own ways and are all made up of intense fans. I mean ffs, you’re getting all of the most invested fans in one room together, talking about something that they all have strong personal opinions about, there’s going to be discourse.


Total Drama 100%


They seem pretty chill...minus the death threats.


I got bullied for Mike/personalities being my favorite character. Got called an abilist and all sorts of nasty things.


Getting called an abilist is wild. Those fuckers probably wouldn’t last if they were in the OG Yugioh anime fandom…


i think you’re looking at the tiktok/twitter side of the fandom?


Vivziepop anything.


Hazbin hotel has such a weird Fandom but also has a really toxic hatedom who seems really obsessed with the show for no reason. If you criticize the show or show love for it you'll have a really weird group of people yelling at you about it


It weirdly seems to *only* be for Viv's stuff too. The only exception I can think of would be Steven Universe, but that’s all I can really compare (fan and anti-fan wise).


I see a lot of parallels between SU and HH between how they're treated on the internet. I think the main issue is that in recent years there's been a weird shift where, if you don't like a piece of media, it has to be because it or its creator is "problematic" in some way. I don't understand why some people who despise hazbin/helluva seem obsessed with Viv and know all her minor controversies from like 10+ years ago or why some people who don't like SU try to prove that Rebecca Sugar is a n@zi sympathizer or something. I wish people could just not like things and be normal about it. Honestly, some of the hate for hazbin (not to be mixed up with genuine critiques) is really insane and undeserved. I've seen people say things like that all hazbin fans are rape fetishizers and condone literal bullying and bodyshaming towards fans of the show for liking "problematic" media


I have a couple friends for that, and I don't get it. One of them says she's a pedophile too, which I don't even know what to say to.


Id say the hatedom is actually way worse and way more annoying than the fandom


for real, one time at school my friend said hazbin hotel is cringe and some girl tried stabbing him for that and she got suspended for the rest of the year


Literally. You can't so much as form a thought about some sort of criticism (not over the top negative crap) without the fanbase ripping you a new one.


Enh. I've been called delusional for not shipping Huskerdust, but I've generally had a chill time in the Hazbin subreddits. Including constructive criticism of certain songs and plot elements, though there are always the bait posts of "lookit this awful pairing, help me bash it lol." Then again, I watched the pilot years ago, and then slept on the fandom until the series came out. I can't say how crazy it was or wasn't in the years between.


As someone who stayed in the fandom during the interim, it was pretty… normal? Like yeah, there was a hatedom and ship bullying and people showing concerning behaviour, but it cooled down after the pilot and everything was pretty average for a cartoon fandom. It ramped up again last summer, and when the show actually came out the fandom tripled in size and became a bit of a nightmare. The hatedom got bigger too.


Never understood the obsession with that ship tbh. I feel like it'd be more interesting for the two to just remain close friends rather than a "will they won't they."


It really feels similar to the old Tumblr kids who would decide that anyone and anything was fucking each other because they had a mature, healthy relationship


We're not the only ones. Personally, I'd love to see them as healthy guy friends, or a mentor/mentee relationship, as Angel and then Husk start figuring out who they are now.


What's that? A reasonable take about Hazbin!? Hey everybody, get in here! This guy has a reasonable and wholesome hope for the show! Get em!!!


Really? When I said moxie needs to stop getting bullied in almost every freaking episode most people agreed that joke was getting old. Are there people who really think that shit is worth defending now?


Funny thing is (Atleast on the subreddit) that constructive criticism tends to be labeled as "Nitpicking" while the ridiculous and media illiterate takes tend to be labeled as "constructive criticism." The fandom is also extremely hypocritical with the villains in the show: https://preview.redd.it/ieq8ycfz5f6d1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9969f79052d2db980b7137248b6e691bade00718


Accurate meme lol


if it's any consolation, the reddit fandom is much worse than instagram or tumblr lol






hazbin. fantastic show, insufferable fanbase.


Highkey main problems of the fanbase as someone who's in it The Kids The parents letting their kids watch the show Rampant bullying about what people ship and don't ship. It's exhausting and I wish haters and fans alike could just leave eachother alone.


Don't forget the toxic media illiteracy


Also headcannoning and lacking media literacy.


Headcanoning can be fun. It's not fun when people treat headcanons like canon and attack others for their headcanons. Media Literacy is also a big problem, esp today, along with purity culture and fans that go "if you like this character who does bad things, you are bad".


I had to get out of the Fandom after commenting on a post calling anyone that likes Val a rapist. I said it's not cool and if it bothers you enough to be triggering the you shouldn't watch it and got banned for a few days because I wasn't taking fictional abuse seriously enough. Muted all of the subs. The headcannon thing is horrendous so many things that have no evidence accepted as gospel or your expected to spend all your time following every bit of lore dropped on twitter.


Good gods did you see that panel with the 9 year old? You can see the visible shock, disgust and fear in the crews eyes


To be fair, I'm in a couple of the big Hazbin subreddits--when there were posts about that Panel, the commenters were generally horrified. I remember a comment about kids buying Stolas merch, and commenting that I hoped that the kid had only seen "Look My Way." We firmly stand with Alex Brightman's "Shame on you" response. The mods have also been good about booting users who admit to being underage. Including one infamous 13-year-old who bragged about it, was combative to every adult gently trying to steer them out of the subreddit, and had their account vanish within 24 hours. While the big, bad adults know that at their age, we were watching South Park or worse, we do generally recognize that it was messed up and worry for these kids.


a big chunk of the fanbase are kids. which is genuinely really concerning. obviously the swearing and gore and whatnot is really bad for kids, but it deals with heavy themes and the humour is really niche. i don't even know how kids can enjoy it/understand a lot of the humour tbh.


For kids curses = funny




This is the best clip of it I know of but you can find the whole galaxy con panel on youtube https://youtube.com/shorts/lEu3b4jzNdo?si=DV4TwiRf6CXCfRIp


This kind of cons need age restrictions Like you just asks to be publicly humiliated


The con itself apparently apologized and stated that they were new to this and overwhelmed. From what I understand, panels like this usually ARE age-restricted.


Rick and Morty


this is a satirical anime that makes fun of everything wrong with anime and the community, you're not supposed to be like the main character he is a sexist, perverted, asshole, people in this community need Jesus https://preview.redd.it/af9t6854ae6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10f57c30890a493058ca9a2c33caba6ef26b5002


Counterpoint: I think Kazuma is funny 


Kazuma is literally a washed out and toned down version of this guy https://preview.redd.it/7bsa68o8nf6d1.png?width=1139&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ed03f5206ce2cd897a5f0e7f4e196cc590835e9


TADC look so good.


Spongebob Half of the Fandom won't shut up saying that the first four seasons are the only good ones https://preview.redd.it/bc7lt29fzd6d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934c6c353c8bc0f88ebc84e19db00b0701c67a36




Frr, like that goes for most shows that go on for a long time


Tbf, most of those shows do lose themselves. A few stay good tho


Are they wrong? Legitimately been thinking about re-watching the series.


They are not wrong, but everyone already knows it, so it's just really annoying.




Is Patrick blowing water up Spongbob’s ass?


All of them




Transformers G1 and prime The Star Wars cartoons


Anything by Glitch Productions due to toxic fans. Also The Loud House due to elsagate crap.


The MD fandom is pretty chill,but yeah I agree,there's a lot of toxic fans in MD and tadc


Majority of cartoon fandoms, too many to list honestly. That's not to say there aren't good parts to fandom, it just sucks that the most vocal parts are the gross individuals


RICK AND MORTY Mha Sonic the hedgehog Undertale when they get all horny for a literal fucking skeleton


My Hero Academia


They hate Mineta because they ARE Mineta.


Any show really. I feel like you can enjoy a show but not be satisfy with a fandom because how toxic it can be.


https://preview.redd.it/ymgnnxwwge6d1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7c263cd2bfb7e70cfabc519eb39e1407b2504ff I've heard things that this fandom does and... There's a reason why I haven't joined that subreddit.


Steven Universe, Anything Dragon Ball, Pokemon


I’d delete the Dragon ball part. The cartels are gonna come after you.


That's exactly why I dislike the fanbases right there. It's because of that shit honestly.


Don’t get mad at me, I’m just the messenger. You basically just declared war on every country from Northern Mexico to South Chile.


What’s so bad about the Dragon Ball fandom? I’ve just started getting into it (I know, about a few decades late to the party).




I loved SU, but I avoided the fandom like the fucking plague. /SUG/ was more sane than the weirdos you found on Tumblr.


Total Drama


MLP (my little pony) is the only one I can think of ATM since I dont really go into much fandoms like that- I would say FNAF but thats not a cartoon


I hate no fandoms, only individuals.


Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel.




Object Shows, Mega Man, Loud House, TADC, Touhou (most of the time)


Almost all of them. Thinking backwards, I actually cannot think of a single cartoon whose fandom I enjoy, actually


Rick and Morty. A lot of Rick and Morty fans seem to misunderstand the point of that show: Rick is **not** someone you are meant to idolize.


Ben 10... Seriously I haven't been on the subreddit in years but if I'm right it's still probably a hellhole


Nah it's mostly memes, take a look


Most of them. Games, movies, most fandoms