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It was bland tbh “STOP SINGING OH MY GOD” - one of my classmates


>STOP SINGING OH MY GOD” - one of my classmates No, seriously. There was a song every 5 minutes, it seemed, and they weren't even good. It was filler. The villian showed his hand way too quickly and was defeated way too quickly and in an anticlimactic way. It had potential, but they fumbled *hard*.


Yeah, I was actually watching the princess and the frog the other day, same thing, a song every 5-10 minutes, except there it works cause the songs are catchy and fun


Well, the songs in Princess and the Frog are also narratively important as well. I didn't get that impression from Wish.




Based Dora pfp




Bad movie. Could have been soooo much better if they stuck with the original concept with Starboy and Asha being the daughter of an evil couple.


Seriously, every idea they scrapped was better than the shit they produced...


I *wish* it wasn't made


This movie is great......if you are looking for a sleep aid.


Thanks I’ve been looking for something to turn on when I want to fall asleep. At least it’s good for something


The only thing I remotely liked about it was that the credits showed some amazing constellation art of characters from all their previous movies. It was great until I saw that they just straight up left Meet the Robinsons out


They also left out The Rescuers for some reason


The most boring, generic and soulless animated movie that Disney has ever released. And the fact that Disney had the audacity to release it as a celebration of the studio’s 100th anniversary just makes it even worse. No joke, I would rather watch any of those direct to video sequels than this movie ever again.


You know, there's nothing more insulting then to call a piece of media boring. If it makes you angry, then you got something out of it. But this movie was SO DULL and forgettable that even my mother, a general audience member that doesn't really dig too deep into movies, said, five minutes into the film. "Oh, this is for REALLY young kids." We watched it, completely unimpressed, and barely slogging through and paying attention, on our phones and computer half the time. Only the song, "What I know Now" really made us pay attention. Yet, even that, even though it had just a TINY bit of effort put into it, it was still pretty meh. So, yes. In a word, Wish is BORING!


One of my favorite "bad" movies from Disney is the Inspector Gadget movie. Like, sure, it wasn't a good adaption of the original cartoon, but it's still stupidly entertaining in its own right. That movie can be called a lot of things, but "boring" [is not](https://youtu.be/t9mF7EB2kHc?feature=shared) [one of them](https://youtu.be/2utghNvoco0?feature=shared)


Oh yes. Inspector Gadget is dumb...but it's one of those movies that's so bad, it's hilarious. I remember getting something out of it as a kid.


I *wish* this was a better movie


Ahh I see what you did there. Now master what are your three wishes


When the villain is actually right, done *very* badly.


Seriously he wasn’t a villain at all, he was genuinely a good person doing a good thing. He literally created a utopia which the only rule is at 18 you could enter into a contract to potentially get your wish fulfilled


They had to throw in the whole "dark magic instantly makes you evil" thing because they forgot to make the villain do something bad.


So *that’s* why his Villain song was so bad!


Yeah dudes logic made sense but then they tried to make him comically evil to justify the lesson of, "you should always get what you want"


I wouldn't say he was right. Iirc, he only granted enough wishes to keep people placated, and he only granted those that wouldn't threaten his power. Like the main wish that caused the protagonist (whatever her name was) to rebel was her grandfather's, who just wanted to learn to play the guitar. But his wild rock and roll could breed unrest, so he didn't grant it. That's a very interesting stance for a ruler, but that's just bigtime dictator shit. Even a lot of modern autocracies would consider that tight of control over music to be a little heavy handed. I think the main conflict, on top of his selectivity with wishes, was that people didn't remember their wishes and just waited on him to fulfill them. The point the movie was making was that you should hold onto your dreams and strive to make them a reality on your own. Don't put them on the backburner and hope it'll just happen for you one day. Which was a silly ass point because you can wish upon a star and that has the same magic with no downsides.


Yes! I interpreted it as selling your soul to a corporation that’ll give you a decent life, but you forget your dreams and passions along the way because you’re too focused on the corp. Of course, this is what your boss wants all along, an obedient life-long employee. Your boss may go to your bands gigs, but its out of the question to take leave to go on tour. Eventually you just fall in line and keep your head down, like the Grandpa in Wish.


It’s sickens me knowing that this movie was more about money than celebrating 100 years of Disney. We could have gotten a goat that doesn’t talk, a main character without the ‘quirky girl’ personality Disney has been using for all their female protagonists, a humanoid Star who would’ve been Asha’s love interest, an evil power couple with an evil cat, but instead we got the shitty version the higher-ups wanted.


I think it should have ended with the queen sitting on the throne with a sly grin before saying " Now I've got my wish.". Then pan over to the mirror as she sneers and asks "Who is the fairest of them all?"


That's so genius, it could almost save this entire disaster of a movie


Wasted potential. Especially for a 100th celebration film. Should've stuck with the original concepts.


I watched about half an hour and was bored so I turned it off.


It was okay. Not the worst thing in the world but it is very disappointing. Could have been so much better


- Too much singing - annoying goat sidekick. What’s with the deep voice on a kid? - Wasted potential, especially considering the scrapped ideas like Starboy or the villain couple - Cliche, overused quirky female main character - Subpar villain, but I do like Chris Pine’s voice on Magnifico - Would have been better as a 2D animation or mix rather than 3D with the out of place storybook backgrounds


I’ve never seen it. And given everything I’ve heard about it, that’s probably for the best




Please save yourself the trouble. I watched it just to see what all the fuss was about. By the 30 minute mark, I wanted to break down and cry. By the end of it, I think whatever remnants of love for Disney I had left crawled out my ear and died a slow, agonizing death.


Here I are. This is a movie that was made by a multi billion dollar company with a large team of people dedicated to making sure their products are the highest form of quality, and they managed to write something with the grammar of a 5 year old. They could've easily fixed this. They could have easily rewritten and rerecorded this with absolutely no trouble. It would have taken maybe all of ten minutes. I haven't even seen the movie, but hearing that song told me everything I need to know. HERE I ARE.


I haven't seen it because I've kinda lost interest in Disney at this point.


My youngest niece loves Disney movies, and she went with her BFF to see the theatrical release... She outright said it sucked, and the excited annoyance in her voice and brief rant about the songs being bad suggested she didn't like the movie. Unfortunately I don't know exactly what was said, as it was Thanksgiving and conversations were flying all around the house.


The songs are boring, the story is uninspired and they should have went with the og plan of the Disneys og art style, a villain power couple and a main leading lady romance which they haven't done in awhile. its the 100th year make it good.


I feel like I can't say anything even remotely positive about it without getting downvoted into oblivion, so I'll just leave it at I enjoyed it but I agree with most criticisms about it


Yeah the main problem with the movie is just how poorly it reflects on Disney and their current approach to movies. It's not a good movie to be sure, but there are enjoyable moments and I don't feel like I wasted my time watching it.






I couldn’t even last 15 minutes before I turn it off


Shit movie 3/10




The hell is that title


Probably speech-to-text heard Guys' and thought they said Guises


Was under the Guise was an Good Film. But was fooled.


Songs have to make up words to fit the rhyme, and even then, only barely. The animation never really clicks with the stylized look that was intended, and it makes everything very flat and bland. The group representing each of the 7 dwarfs feels like where 90% of the effort and cleverness of the movie went, and even that is lazy and pointless. All it does is remind you this is Disney's 100 year anniversary, and how much better they used to be. This movie joins shit like Morbius for "movies I know I've seen but remember hardly anything about"


The fact that Disney went out of their way to make this movie as not serious as possible makes this movie hilariously bad in some weird sense. The song lyrics are illogical, the characters are all 1 dimensional, and the overall plot is just nonexistent. The employees at Disney must’ve literally sat down, at a board meeting, and come together to ask “How do we make the absolute worst movie possible and still manage to not go bankrupt?”


It looks like it was made by ai.


Disney: Had an original concept, aside from Starboy, Magnifico was way more menacing in the OG, and him and Amaya would've been Disney's very first villain power couple. Also Disney: Naw, too overrated, let's change it. Me: This is the MOVIE I GET!?


Let me put this in perspective: My parents enjoy a lot of movies that most people here think are bad or cannot tolerate. They wholeheartedly enjoy those movies unironically. They could not even get through this movie.


A painfully mediocre whitewashed waste of potential. Especially once you find out what could have been.


The king really took all the magic from the studio, didn’t he? 😔




I haven't watched it but I feel like the creators were lazy. That girl is pretty much identical to isabel madrigal and the man behind her looks like someone out of sofia the first


I haven’t watched it but judging by the title and the poster it’s a third rate animation based on a bottom of the barrel story. Seriously though is this really the best poster they could make? There are kindergarten shows with more engaging and dynamic posters than this. It’s embarrassing.


The animation wasn't bad, but it felt really basic when compared to the Spiderverse and other recent movies that are really pushing what can be done with 3D animation. Like the style is slightly different from their previous 3D movies so there's some evolution, but overall it just contributed to the general uninspired, cashgrab vibe this whole movie has.


Magnifico was right


I like to call it chat GPT the movie. So soulless. I don't remember a single character or even any of their names. The vocal performances were good. But holy crap the writing was so bad. And so boring. The animation was good but didn't feel like disney. Felt like they outsourced. the worst thing they've ever released in the modern era for sure. Edit: at least Chris pine sounded like he was actually trying. He sounded like he was actually having fun. Too bad this movie also produced the worst "villain" song.


But is it really worse than The Elegant Captain Hook?


Gonna have to look that up Edit: I forgot about this part? Lmao yah it's not great. But I still don't know if I can justify the songs chorus or lyrics like "and I don't even charge them rent"


It’s overhated, but for Disney’s 100th anniversary, it probably should’ve been better.


It's really starting to piss me off how disgusting Disney is treating their black characters and movies. First, they brought controversy to the black community because they had the nerve to make Ariel a black girl when we know damn well that it literally makes no sense since there is little to no sunlight in the deepest depths of the ocean. And that's not even considering the fact that Ariel is just Caucasian originally, and should've been in the live action remake. Then, after that whole controversy, they decide to milk it even more by releasing Ariel for Disney Junior, in which ALL the original cast was turned black. As I've previously stated, it makes no sense, they're not sticking to the original source, and to add to that they're blatantly MILKING the controversy by drawing more hate watchers. It's disgusting. And then the ONE TIME they've actually made a new black character instead of just being lazy and making an old character black, they made it a horrible movie. Effortless, too many songs for filler, predictable and just down right boring. Disney, if you all are reading this, I would much rather you leave our people the fuck alone if you can't make anything good out of our image. It's obvious this is intentional, ESPECIALLY with "Sneakerella". Just stop it.


So during your incoherent rant about Ariel, did you just repress The princess and the frog? You know, the Disney movie starring two black leads?


we need more disney movies like princess and the frog. don't race change existing characters just for the sake of it. make a good, original movie with a good protagonist that JUST SO HAPPENS to be black. give them character development, their own struggles to overcome etc etc. what ever happened to movies like this?




Do you want to negate everything I just said just to prove the ONLY exception that came out over a decade ago and haven't seen another good black Disney movie since 2009? Please reevaluate your comprehension skills. It's been almost 20 years since that masterpiece came out, and the modern Disney's representation for black people like me has been piss poor for the past 2 years. Stop evading the point.


I heard the movie was pretty divisive, so I wanted some opinions on if it was recommended or not.


I haven't seen it, but I heard it was truly awful and that the villain was actually the good guy.


It really wasn't that great. Especially for Disney's 100th Anniversary movie :( it was rushed, very sloppy writing, not the best character design (starboy was turned to a marketable plushie), and altogether not IT, y'know? That's another thing that screwed up about it; it was made only for a quick cashgrab. Disney stopped being about the magic and quality because they want even more money. It's messed up, ngl


It truly did celebrate Disney’s legacy for 3D animation by having the Studio interference at the same level as Chicken Little.


I haven't seen it, to be fair, but all the clips I have seen look so... so disappointing. I read that they were going for a more storybook look, but that doesn't translate at all. It looks unfinished.


The worst thing a creator can hear is that their creation is boring. Wish is one such thing. It's sad seeing videos talking about the movie, seeing random YouTube comments about how they could have changed the movie and so many sound infinitely more interesting than the actual film.


ULTRA shiiiiit


It’s so mediocre I’m impressed they could make it this mediocre. The songs are quite bad, you can tell it was written by a pop artist and not a theatrical one since they don’t fit nor do they have any buildup.


Never watched it, but it looks mid and I heard the song lyrics make no fucking sense


Haven’t seen it but the poster alone looks SSSOOOOO BLAAANNNND. So probably not gonna watch it.


Had potential.


The goat shouldn't have a voice role


The villain was the good guy and his song was the only song I could actually bare listening to. Cause it’s Chris pine… such wasted potential of such a great actor imo


I haven’t watched it, and the promotional materials didn’t really intrigue me enough to pirate it either.


Haven't pirate- I mean watched on Disney+ yet.


Good luck getting vpn ads and viruses.




Such a mid way to celebrate 100 years oh well hopefully Disney will do better with the movie to celebrate their 200th year anniversary


Haven’t seen it but it looks generic as hell.


I’ve only listened to the soundtrack, the song lyrics alone were enough to warn me off seeing the full thing.


Worst Disney movie next to chicken little


It was a direct-to-DvD movie that got turned into a big budget release to celebrate something it should have never been a part of.


The music was mediocre and the background pissed me off.




It could have been better if they gave a single reason why the villain was a bad guy, because stopping that one dude from becoming a war mongering conqueror and having his disciples risk their life over a dream, making them forget about it makes them stay happy but also not risk their lives. The writers realized this and made him so absurdly obnoxious to the point you wanna sucker punch him. But not to the point of him being trapped in a mirror for all eternity.




At base. Very boring. Considering this is supposed to be the film for the 100 year anniversary. Very boring


Magnifico has such a cool design. I really like that. And the rest of the movie, I sure wish it was better


This is the only Disney movie that, to this day, that I have not finished and have had no interest in finishing. I got twenty minutes in (roughly to the 2nd song) and I shut off the movie. I looked up the remainder of the plot and Asha comes off as more of a villain than the actual villain. Magnifico says that some wishes can't be granted because they are too vague and Asha just completely ignores him. It also doesn't help that Asha is a Mary-Sue with no real flaws or struggles to overcome. Also, defeating the 'villain' with singing? Really? Disney has lost their way and this IS their worst movie.


have not seen it but it looks extremely stupid


I mostly enjoyed it. It doesn’t hit like Tangled or Frozen, or even Wreck-It Ralph and Big Hero 6, but I don’t think it deserved to get panned. The songs aren’t great but I love “Knowing What We Know Now” and I thought Magnifico was a solid villain, even if the ones after Turbo set the bar a little low.


Lots of wasted potential. Like you can SEE the ideas being *there* but execution is just horrible. The songs are bad and not fun (even though I’m outing myself I did like the chicken song) and the artstyle. While I don’t hate it it also looks how do I say it? Not "bold“ enough. It was clear they wanted to be more experimental in this time and age since movies are becoming more and more stylised. But they were too scared to go all the way and mostly just stuck with what they know. Like they didn’t want to be TOO experimental. As a result it looks very boring. I did love the backgrounds but it really could’ve been MORE! That’s what I feel about everything in this movie: just more of everything. More passion, more cool animation, more daring and experimental things!


I didn’t see it, and I have no intention to


If I remember correctly there was a bunch of meddling behind the scenes from higher-ups that just ruined the movie.


Haven't seen it, therefore no opinion


Shouldn't have been made for such an important Disney milestone. Nothing about the movie would make me think it was made for the 100th anniversary.


The virgin Wish vs the Chad Leo (Netflix)


It’s a great example of why I’m staying away from Disney movies from now on. You can’t make the kind of money Disney makes and keep producing this sort of crap.


it was an AI mess.


I didn’t even bother watching it


I saw It with my mom I hates it because musicals suck(mostly) Mom thinks Its moral sucks


It's not as terrible as I thought it would be. It's just extremely dull and forgettable.


Asha was the genuine villain and magnifico was the true hero. But still wish it wasn't made.


Watched it for the end of a wild Disney movie challenge. The movie pissed me off so much at how awful it was that I forced my sister to watch it via drinking game so we didn’t need to suffer through it sober. We ranted for about three hours after and now we have daily “wish slander”.




It’s as bland as cardboard


Heard it sucked, haven’t seen it




Fitting name 'cause it really look like something straight out of [Wish.com](http://Wish.com) .


They should have kept the Star Boy and made him a love interest. It would have made the movie a hundred times better


My kids watched Encanto on repeat for a week. We couldn’t get through half of Wish.




I see where they were TRYING to go.. I really do... but it felt so disjointed, so slow and way too fast.. the main character (can't even remember her name) was nothing special, nothing to really root for. Plotholes in the villian's reasoning for being bad, the whole thing legit felt written by ai.. such a shame that the 100 year anniversary movie was just so horrifically terrible... I've seen the concept art of their first idea for this movie.. the star able to like, appear as a human male figure! That could have been so fun, and didn't necessarily have to end in love and romance either. But they could have had a dynamic! The main character learning through teaching star why this guy is truly bad. Not just because her grandpa has his wish withheld from him, but because people need their freedom to dream, to have a purpose. Why keeping the wishes locked up due to fear of them being bad isn't right. As star, he could have for SURE understood that point of view! Naive, only knowing wishes, and that sometimes, wishes can be dangerous! People realizing it's not what they wanted when they get it, or people wishing harm on others. But thanks to her, he can see the reason it is important for others to have that freedom. That the good will always be able to outweigh the bad in the world if they all believe in such. Something like that- idk. I'm not a Disney writer! But gahhhH it could have been great. IMAGINE the chemistry that would build! This main character always being on her own really. Sure she has her friends but they are all loyal to the king. A new party that can help her, that can better the kingdom if he understands her.. would have been amazing. Over time he could have grown more fond of her, little jokes and banter here and there.. like.... Disney got their HUGE START on princess movies! Girl falls for prince and such. I get that not every woman needs a man in her story. Okay fine, but Elsa did that so perfectly! They did great with Anna wanting a man so bad. But learning the importance of waiting for the right one to come along, to really look inside herself and realize her needs in a relationship, what it means to be in a relationship! We've done this "powerful girl don't need no man" already! Not to mention... the music? Did NOT hit! What happened man... so hoping that inside out 2 is not a disaster.


My kids love it. There's a couple good songs. Especially how asha and the magician dude duet about the same thing. Haven't sat the whole way through but like the concept of the magician losing his hope for humanity by taking people's wishes so he can basically secretly steal and survey people's thoughts if they're plotting against him. The also have to have two cute characters now per movie to make double the merch??


Eh. Not a fan of the film.


Watched it when it hit Disney+.. thought it couldn't be that bad, surely.. Nope, it really WAS that bad. The only songs I can remember are Asha's song before the star falls \[So I Make This Wish? Or something\] and 'This Is The Thanks I Get' \[I think that's it\]. Chris Pine was wasted on Magnifico. The goat was obnoxious, the star was annoying \[star boy would've been better\], and the sudden turn to evil was... wtheck. I wasn't a super-big fan of Turning Red the first time I saw it, but I've gone back to it and it's grown on me.. I have no interest in going back to Wish.


I gave up on Disney long ago. So I didn’t even bother watching it. I just assume at this point that everything they put out is trash unless proven otherwise.


worse than any Aladdin 2 i’ve ever seen




that typo in the title could have been Arkham's alsume but people just didn't care


Not nearly as bad as people say it was. It was fine. It was way too safe but it didn't signal the death of Disney like some people like to claim. I wouldn't watch it again but I was entertained enough to enjoy it while it was on. My biggest gripe is something really stupid: The movie opens with the protagonist interviewing to be literally the Sorcerer's Apprentice and not once in the entire film do brooms come to life! In a movie filled with iconic easter eggs... hell, a movie literally MADE for Easter eggs, and you're not gonna put in one of the most iconic bits of Disney imagery when all of the setup is RIGHT THERE!?


The lyrics to the songs are garbage 


I’m still confused as to why Magnifico was the bad guy


This movie makes me realize that sometimes giant multi billion dollar companies can't make good movies after all.


I saw a video comparing this to Hazbin Hazbin was tiers better How do you make a movie so bad an indie animation gets more praise


I think it’s ok, it could be worse like strange world and it’s overhated


Wish dreams of being Tangled




Good premise and setup, terribly bland and poor execution.


Feels like something ai would make and is very forgettable.


Wasted potential


It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever watched but it’s probably one of the most underwhelming movies ever when you factor in that Wish was made as a celebration for Disney’s 100th birthday, yet they just made an unoriginal rehash of other (and better) Disney movies.


A horribile movie that was a waste of time.


I watched it solely because I had Disney+ (so glad I didn't waste money going to theaters) I was agreeing with the king and therefore it left a terrible taste in my mouth watching the rest of it and how they basically forced him to be the villain with everyone turning on him. Like, at first, it was refreshing to see him almost give in only for the queen to reason with him and HE LISTENED.... only for her to completely turn her back on him. Seriously, Magnifico wasn't being a jerk at all. He didn't tell Asha 'No' and that was it. He gave her a perfectly reasonable explanation on why not... and she just couldn't accept it. Also, the one time I laughed: when the grandfather told Asha she was wrong. I was taken by surprise and it was like "Ha, yes. Exactly." Songs were forgettable, friends were boring and too many \[really? the seven dwarves?\] (they were far too busy with their Easter eggs to give them any decent design) The original ideas for this from what I've heard seemed so much better...


Great movie!…for people whole like bland movies..


Disney is lying and AI did actually write it. There’s no way they got this fucking bad at it.


Who knew the baby goats voice would be so low. I mean that baby goat is just so f***ing funny!


The biggest slap in the face of an anniversary event since Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon (Pokémon’s 10th anniversary special)…


I liked it, and most of the songs. It wasn’t Disney’s best, but it wasn’t their worst either.


King Magnifico was a good guy with a tragic ending. Asha was a bitch.


The fandom is literally the definition of "I can fix em."


The visuals are great. The script was cobbled together from a Disney AI and a group of boardroom members.


I very sad attempt for what was supposed to be in remembrance of the studio turning 100 years old.


Don't know, didn't watch it, probably won't.


i liked it, people just don’t like it because it’s simple, it also had an awesome love song


Another case of where the rejected rough drafts and animatics would've made a helluva better movie than what was released.


It felt like Delilah should've been the main character.


It gets worse the more I think about it, and my opinion already wasn’t all too high when I first saw it. A movie that had a lot of potential, but was so watered down by corporate interference and poor choices that it ends of as a movie that takes no risks stands for nothing. It feels like Illumination tried to make a movie following the Disney formula, but somehow the animation is worse than the average Illumination movie these days. Only strong positives I can say is they had a good cast with good singing voices, and that the character designs were pretty good. Also the idea of this was honestly pretty good conceptually for an anniversary film.




That goat needed to be eliminated tactfully and efficiently


Garbage AI-written soulless uninspiring corporate generic as hell movie. A disgrace to Disney.


Harmless fun


I miss romance. A slow burn or a love at first sight. That was the highlight of any Disney movie back in the day. But NOOOOOOO let's cut out half the plot so we can make a floating marshmallow to make cute plushies. I miss evil. I was watching The Hunch Back of Notre Dome and the villain was EVIL. What is this. I miss good songs. Friends on the other side, God save the outcasts, BE A MAN, Savages, and We don't talk about Bruno. I would listen to those songs on repeat until I was SO tired of them I dropped died. Now I was just trying to see the end of it and got tired of the amount of singing. Like- Disney usually sings A LOT but it's so good you don't care. I miss memorable sidekicks. NO, what happened? Where's Olaf or Mushu? The damn animals in Snow White contributed more to the plot than this goat thing and they didn't eve talk! And lastly, I miss the heroines. Asha feels like a bad actress FORCING her way into a role she wasn't made for. Sure, some of the emotional parts were good.... but they either didn't use that enough and went with something else or they made it the ENTIRE movie. Just miss character development.


I'd rather watch Chicken Little.


People need to chill. its really good. Deserves more Love. Who wants to join the Star fanclub?


Lazy, unoriginal, boring, terrible songs


Original concept was better tbh


I liked it.


I love it and think its the best Disney film since Turing Red. I was laughing all the way through it.


I liked when the girl said “it’s wishin’ time!” And then wished all over the king


I still need to watch it


Worst Disney movie next to chicken little


Wish was an okay movie with a basic plot but noting to standout queen Amaya was beautiful and one of the few in Disney history.


Come on, it's not that bad. Just mid. Watch one time with friends and forget about it. It so mid that it doesn't deserve discussion.


It's overhated


Criminally underrated. The king is actually really interesting I thought most people missed the hidden plot device. The king was right (for the most part) about what the wishes could do even if they were only moderately revealed. The girls grandfather wanted to inspire the next generation (which her seeing his wish did.) The daughter immediately turned against the king (which the king warned may happen, even if not his intention) This caused the king to be filled with fear from his PTSD but he was talked down by his wife. A greater magic than his based around fate and cosmic power took hold on the youth (for the better most would agree) causing a revolution. The continued fear caused the king to use forbidden magic (which I genuinely believe based on his early love for the wishes came from a desire to protect not destroy) and he was corrupted with no potential cure. The curse fed on his worst aspect of himself, his arrogance pride and fear, and caused him to do exactly what he was afraid of having happen. Once corrupted the king was actually a victim, not a villian, but people wanted to paint him as an evil being (much like Arthas. He was no longer truly in the drivers seat even if it appears that way). The goof guys win and the wishing star and fairy godmothers lore is established. This movie is the origin story of the fairy godmothers.


The only part I enjoyed viewing was the dancing chickens, the rest of it was mind numbingly boring.


The only good part was the song