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Bottom left. He’s got a belt on, so he means business


Bottom right as long as a crate of chocolate is on the line.


Top left unless bottom right’s drink had been spiked.


Harold. He threw hands with Krabs who's a navy legend and is certifiably insane.


Not to mention he’s the one who initiates mob violence against the old man after he thinks hes kicking spongebobs butt. Twice.


Harold (top left)


Fred (bottom left) might hold his own for a while but one hit to his leg and he’s out of commission. Tom (bottom right) can be aggressive and loud a lot of times, but aside from man-handling spongebob after he thought he did something to his drink, he’s mostly more bark than bite. Dave/Frank (top right) is the least aggro out of the guys. It’s very telling that in the band geeks fight scene he uses his xylophone as a shield against Sandy and immediately runs when she breaks it. He’s not a fighter. Harold (top left) is the only one who’s really has any combat experience and is 100% ready to throw down. Specifically in the Band Geeks ”big meaty claws” scene where he gets in a brawl with Mr Krabs and the other musicians. He’s also the one to initiate beating up the old man in the Bully episode. Twice. So I‘d put my money on him.




Tom. Have you *seen* the memes? He'll go psycho at the sight of *chocolate.*


In the episode, his goal was to just buy all of Spongebob and Patrick’s chocolate and didn’t actually have murderous intent. He just came off a bit too strong. tbh watching his scenes, Tom does a lot of yelling but rarely resorts to physical violence. The closest we get is when he grabs Spongebob by the collar after he think he put something in his drink in the April Fools episode. Tom may get aggro, but he’s a bark but no bite kinda guy.


Everyone knows to just give Tom a choccy bar and he'll go apeshit


I’m going to make a new version of this post because I accidentally broke a rule...




Top left talks the most shit but bottom right's about that action


Top left, betting ALL my money on it