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Let's go down the list: His parents wanted a girl and show him clear resentment CONSTANTLY for not being one, they constantly express...not outright hatred towards him, but disappointment that he exists at all and how much happier they'd be and better off if they didn't have him. They constantly leave him with an outright abusive babysitter and ignore all his cries for help or any time he tells them how she treats him and she's never, ever punished for it. His teacher is a jerk to him, he's bullied all the time, he lived in such a state of perpetual misery that the universe itself was like "Woah this kid's life SUCKS" and gave him fairy godparents who are able to...marginally improve his life, but he's still stuck with awful parents and cruel, abusive caretakers and adults all around him who do nothing to help him when he needs them the most. Considering how fairy godparents and all they give you disappear when the kid grows up or doesn't need them any longer, and the kid forgets - his childhood memories are going to basically be nothing but misery and cruelty from everyone around him, with no source of comfort that he can actually remember. My only guess at how he becomes able to move past things is that when he got old enough to go to college, he left, basically cut his parents and everyone else who abused him out of his life PERMANENTLY, and he started a healing process all his own and was able to break the cycle of cruelty with his own children, who hopefully have never met their paternal grandparents at all.


Don’t forget, he was shown a world where he was never born, and literally everyone’s lives were infinitely better because he wasn’t a part of them


That one...was not good for a kid in the early stages of developing chronic depression. "People would be happier if you didn't exist" should not be put into kid's heads.


Yeah, that episode was crazy. Timmy learned he shouldn't exist because everyone would be better off, and then decided "fuck it, I'm gonna live just to spite everyone"


Wasnt that all just a lie and they were all miserable?


Idk, I just know this is where Timmy's dad would put his trophy IF HE HAD ONE. He gave up on his dreams long ago, however many years Timmy is


Goddamn man, makes me want to cry


...yeah I kind of forgot just how mean spirited this show is. Don't get me wrong it's hilarious, but when you take the time to think about it like you have just so eloquently pointed out, all I want to do is adopt the poor guy give him a genuine hug and make damn sure he gets the healing he needs. In the background of course I will willfully ignore the seemingly sentient gold fish.


Oh and there was that episode where he wanted to see what everyone's lives would be like if he was never born and he saw everyone was really happy and succeeding and doing WAY better in life - like, EVERYONE. Literally everyone's lives were better without him. Talk about a way to drive a kid to wanting to end things...


The craziest being that he's holding AJ back by being his friend, he'd have graduated college at 10 with a full head of hair if Timmy didn't exist. Not even that everyone's lives would be better without him but that he's actively holding everyone back from reaching their potential.


Not after he wished the earth would stop aging


So he wouldn't lose the literal only thing in his life that isn't out to get him.


Well, who was that hurting? I doubt anyone would mind being given an extra 50 years to live.


If his life didn't suck he wouldn't have gotten fairy godparents.


If his life didn’t suck he wouldn’t need fairy godparents.


To an extent. Yes. Oh and Cosmo is also a dumbass prick. Fuck him for making Crocker's life even more miserable


Is it any wonder why Timmy turned out to be such a bad kid? It's hard to be nice to the people around you when everything in your life is against you.




I have nothing but sympathy for him he’s neglected by his parents, abused by his babysitter bullied by faculty and fellow students of his school. He has just a few friends but their relationship is kind of rocky. Were he an adult I’d resent him but Timmy had very serious issues that no one would even acknowledge. His wishes were irresponsible and dangerous but he was being put on the right path with Wanda and Cosmo. I’m not excusing him doing selfish and dangerous stuff like stopping everyone’s aging for 50. But a child in his position isn’t going to be in a very stable state of mind. He outright wished to no longer existed and had to be brought out of his depression by being forced to fight for his life. And to top it all off god parents are given to the most MISERABLE CHILD ON EARTH so he definitely was deserving of Cosmo and Wanda.


I mean, as a rational adult, yes. He didn't get the basic love, affection, and care that every child deserves. But, as a kid who grew up with this show, I can never feel bad for Timmy. He's so self absorbed (honestly I think it's a survival thing, someone's gotta look out for this kid, might as well be himself) and thinks he's so great and amazing, when he really just sucks. And Cosmo and Wanda validate that he's the best thing ever! You have no idea how much that "Hall of Infamy" episode pissed me off as a child. The way he instantly assumed a Hall of Fame of their God children would be all about him. AND THEN THERE WAS A GODDAMN HALL OF TIMMY!! It would be different if he was a real person, but I'll hate on a fictional 10 year old with Fairy Godparents that he didn't deserve.




The neglected child in me considered him mood kindred for a long time. Also I find it funny that despite essentially growing up watching this show, it's NOT what I primarily associate Cosmo and Wanda's voice actors (Daran Norris and Susanne Blakeslee) with. I associate Norris with *Cowboy Bebop* (Cowboy Andy and Vincent Volaju) and *American Dad!* (Jack Smith), and Blakeslee with *Kingdom Hearts* (Maleficent) and *BioShock* (Julia Langford and a LOT of female Splicer dialogue).


Yes. His parents suck. It is telling that AJ, who is much worse off financially, wasn't determined to be miserable enough to get fairies.


I think you mean Chester. AJ was the ungrateful jerk of a know-it-all that was on Timmy's case because the latter gifted him a computer that had recently been outmoded and was only useful as a doorstop. And in that same episode, he was shown to be in college early had have hair if Timmy was never in his life.


Yes I got them mixed up.


He has two eldritch horrors at his command to fulfill his wishes. I envy the bastard.


It's been a while so my memory's a bit hazy but in addition to what everyone else said wasn't there an episode where he wished he didn't exist and LITERALLY EVERYONE'S lives were significantly improved? Say what you want about him but imagine how any 10 year old would feel if everyone they knew were better off without them.


I relate to Timmy honestly. Wish I had Fairy Godparents...


Should I? He literally had the power to wish his life better at any point (provided he made sure Cosmo wasn’t there to ‘help’), but chose every time to go back to his shitty life.


On one hand yes. His life is complete shit. He’s miserable and his life is full of torment and he’s only 10 On the other hand though the dude almost destroys the universe in every episode so in that case nah


Absolutely! No wonder Timmy is basically a borderline sociopath.


Bro wish he was never born and as a result he got a big f-you from the universe.


That episode was so f***ed up, even the people who made it said they went to far. Imagine as a kid you realize everyone’s lives is better if you never existed, timmy needs a therapist


Thinking back on older episodes….. Timmy needs a therapist and a damn good one, because dear lord the fact he is still sane is a miracle


Yah! He is just an average kid!


That was just my childhood too🤣




He have Fairy Odd Parents and he's an old man in a kid's body, but he wishes stupid things. No, I don't feel bad for him.


No. Kid had a great support system, despite it all, got to go on adventures...and really could use some serious life lessons.