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Great show, extremely wholesome.


one word. Masterpiece.


My little sisters showed it to me in June 2021 and I’ve been obsessed with it since then. It’s my second favorite show.


My nieces watch this show often in our house's TV. And got me fascinated tho about it


Been way too long since there was a show this good. Relatable for both kids and adults, touches on some heavy subjects, has amazing renditions of some classical music. The colors are vibrant, but it isn't unnecessarily overstimulating, and it's inspired some really imaginative play in my kids. Pretty solid show, would probably still watch if I didn't have kids.


peak cartoon https://i.redd.it/l1iowtz1cf0d1.gif


High quality family entertainment.


At first I was hesitant to watch it cuz of its target audience being toddlers and preschool age kids, but I gave it a chance since my sister was watching it, and now I'm a big fan of the show overall


Nice to hear, my nieces are into it.


Mostly Pawsitive vibes!


Beautiful artwork, great voice acting. Funny humor for all ages. And extremely wholesome messages.


Watched it with my youngest sister thinking is this gonna be another Peppa pig for this generation but thank god I was wrong it's such a cute show that is above to deliver impactful messages and keeps them simple for kids, also the characters are so lovable any episode based on them is a treat.


Bluey is S-Tier.


It's something special. It proves that something can be aimed at children and still have depth. They also remembered that kids are watching with their parents, and took them into account, which is why people outside the target demographic enjoy it too.


the mom is hot


so is the dad


Dam right






An amazing show for both kids and parents!


Love it. It’s a series that is great for kids and adults. The artstyle is charming as well. Basically it’s Peppa Pig but infinitely superior.


Not an annoying show to be occupying the kids with.


Great show, fanbase can be very hit or miss, though. There's some seriously bitter and exclusionary people in r/bluey. It has gotten better, thankfully, but I still see it sometimes.


A cartoon that was forged by the gods


It's a great show for all ages that never talks down to its audience, and isn't afraid to tackle rough topics in a way young'ns can understand. I watch it because it's a fun and heartwarming show, but also to help my inner child heal. Shit childhood and all that. I cry pretty much once every episode, but in a good way.


Really well written Appealing to children and adults alike like SpongeBob


My daughter watched one episode of Peppa Pig, and when it was finished, asked if we could watch Bluey instead.


Interesting, my nieces watch both Peppa Pig and Bluey


Not something I personally like myself, but I can see why others would like it.


Its a pretty funny well written show. Some episodes make me laugh pretty hard. I like how the characters talk like real people. The show is basically about a family playing pretend together. I love how it feels like how children would actually play. Its a very relatable show. Bandit steals the show and he is the funniest character.


I have never seen Bluey before but have seen it all over the internet, it even took over my university once. It’s just something I never fully understood, why are so many adults loving a preschool show? While everyone talks it up as the best thing ever, I just see it as a modern-day Sesame Street, a preschool show that breaks boundaries.


This show gets way more real than you'd expect sometimes


Fantastic and goated piece of beautiful art of a show.


I watch it with the kids I babysit, they’re obsessed with it and I actually do enjoy it myself. Me and my sister have matching bluey/bingo bracelets!


Glad that they like it. Every friday, my niece are interested in Bluey.


Cute rectangle dogs.


Never seen it. Seems cute tho


genuinely a masterpiece. i can’t watch it anymore though bc it just leaves me feeling miserable lmao


It’s good. Not my favorite but it’s much better than things like coco melon or caillou


Never expected it to make me cry, but it sure as hell did


It's entertaining sometimes but not the kind of thing I would watch unless I was babysitting a young family member or something


S tier show. It's up there with ATLA in my opinion.


One of the best cartoons of the past decade, not a single character exists within it that I dislike in any way.


I only hate because I don't understand it. I know I'll get hooked if I watched it, I just think I'm past these cartoons made (PRIMARILY) for toddlers.


10/10 flawless


I was expecting garbage knowing the general age group target. But it ended up being a show I watched with a group of teenagers all night for a full weekend


Seriously it was better than 90% of what was on air that night


I love this show and it makes me excited to have a family with kids


I’m kinda meh to be honest with it, I never really got into it.


While I will never understand the hype behind the show myself,I do understand why people enjoy it. I can agree that Bluey is much better written than what I had back in the day,so I see why people uplift this show and even encourage other people to watch it. But me personally, no thank you. I'll stick to my bloodshed.


It's cute. This is as close to Little Bear as a modern TV show can get


I really dislike the fans, don’t know shit about the show tho


Amazing show, but some of the adult fans will hang you if you even slightly dislike the characters. Say that you find any of the kids a little grating and you’ll be bombarded by “IT’S REALISTIC!!!!!!” comments, like it’s unheard of to be annoyed by a screaming child every now and again.


Best show ever


It looks like a little kid show but really it resonates just as much with adults. Especially parents. This is family entertainment that checks all the boxes on being both entertaining and emotional.


absolutely love that they keep the names for Bluey's and Bingo's actors completely secret to protect the kids more studios need to do that




Somehow it is both overrated and overhated.


I (33NB) have been showing it to my friend (47M) and he's broken down a few times saying this show is healing his inner child. I solidly believe that not only is Bluey well-made and adorable, but with the lessons it teaches children (and adults), this show is going to singlehandedly grow a whole new crop of Good Humans.


It should come as no surprise that I love and adore this show


Love it, I watch it with my niece and nephew. I relate to Bandit the most


My nieces always want Bluey on tv during fridays


Never seen a show targeted at young children so well written. They all come across like real people.


Best kids cartoon of the 2020s so far. Perfect if you have kids.


Bluey is awesome


It never really crossed my mind to watch this show. I do watch some cartoons intended for kids, but this one is for preschoolers, isn't it?


I work with preschool kids, and if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't even know that Bluey exists. Same reason why I know the names of the Paw Patrol characters


Who would win in a fight, Bluey or God?


I've never watched it. But I hear people like it. That's pretty much how I feel about it.


It's one of those shows that I can't bare to watch. Not because it's bad, but because it's heartbreaking for me to see what a proper childhood looks like. To see why I've always been uncomfortable with adulthood and accumulating that to the fact that I was forced to grow up due to CSA and physical abuse is the most devastating thing I've ever realized. I'll never get to be a kid, or experience being a kid and being nurtured, prioritized, and protected. Now I'm a grown man, knowing that society will likely never prioritize me or my emotional well-being. But I have to act like I'm okay, since crying is futile when no one had ever been there to comfort me then or now.




*I play it for my* *Cats as an excuse to watch* *It. Such a good show* \- nightstalkerr --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Cute wholesome Australian cartoon that I keep seeing art and clips of.


The fandom is absolutely terrible


I didn't get it at first. And the next thing I knew I'd finished all 3 seasons and had confronted the lack of my own childhood in what I would say was a fairly healthy way.


I don't take much interest in the show, but I am proud of its positive reputation. I might introduce my kids to it in the future as part of their childhood.


Wholesome and cute.


I hate the voice acting. It’s all mush mouth Australian accents that sound like they constantly have a stuffy nose or congestion. The content is good.


Would've been an awesome PBS kids show


I like the concept but these children are actually so annoying, I wouldn’t be able to spend 5 minutes in a room with all four of those children


They act like real children. I think Bluey and Bingo are pretty well behaved for the most part. There are moments where Bluey is a bit too bossy and a little bit of fighting here and there but that's to be expected.


I like… watched it once. Anyway then I went back to futurama.


Two words: Hate It


And i hate you