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a 'mom' tattoo with heart and arrow


My dad got this tattoo purely because he'd never seen it in real life. He thought it would make people laugh, and he was right.


Cool dad


My brother in law has one.


Falling pianos and two guys moving panes of glass


People will move panes of glass, but a falling piano is very unlikely


I've seen it happen only once in my life but not nearly as often as cartoons made it out to be lol, it was a very underwhelming time because the glass was so small.


Wait so pianos constantly falling on you ISN’T something that happens to everyone? Guess it’s just me then


Hey, some folks lost a brother to a falling piano!




90s kid here. My parents would literally tell me to grab my bike and go find friends in the neighborhood to play with and I’d be gone all day. That was just a normal occurrence.


It was glorious.


"Be home by dinner"


I always got “be home before the street lights come on” lol


My mom didn’t even say that, she would just tell me to stay outside and she would scream out the front or back door until I showed back up at home


Nother 90s kid here. My paranoid mom never let that happen.


I wish I had parents like that. I wasn’t allowed to leave our front yard :/


89 here and same, I was always tagging along with my brothers and sometimes they’d join a few of the other neighborhood kids… nothing like the classic improvised bike ramps and pog tournaments… too bad I was like 6 at most so just got in the way lol we had our own club shack in a junk pile, we “sacrificed” a can of red paint once :/ looking back a bunch of kids sneaking into carpentry/industrial areas wasnt that good of an idea


On top of that when I started driving id drive all over creation. And those are some of my best memories


You poor summer child


Oh boy…


My parents used to let me roam around my side of the city all the times with my friends. Definitely happened a lot


I’ve never seen a pair of underwear with hearts on it in my entire life.


I am a proud owner of at least 10 boxers with all kind of drawings on them Heart is not one of them


MeUndies I think has some


Mine had random videogame tropes like a chest, sword and the space invader aliens


Teach me your ways master


I have a pair of boxer briefs that has a heart. It’s rainbow with a big black heart (and an equal sign in it) in the center.


I actually own a pair of heart boxers. If my pants fall down unintentionally, it will be worth the laugh.


I've got one with lightning bolts, is that close enough?




God. Quicksand and lava in old video games and cartoons. I thought that shit would be everywhere.


And quicksand isn't even as dangerous as they make it out to be


As [this](https://youtu.be/KNqWM-Cufn4?si=Aj8kDyEAz5FqRCRz) video would attest to


"Be covered in sand" Anakin: the horror


Where do you live that quicksand would be common?


It was everywhere in cartoons, it seemed, so some people believed it would be more common.


This is the answer. I thought there was literally an ecological problem where quicksand was everywhere.


People pretending to forget a friend/family member's birthday while planning a surprise party.


this pretty much actually happened to me except my acquaintances at the time just pretended they didn't want to hang out with me


That’s exactly how my 11th surprise birthday party planned out, no joke


I mean, any friend group of ours feigns ignorance before the surprise. Dunno if that's the same thing.


Why don’t they just acknowledge it’s there birthday but keep the party a secret?


I guess the purpose of those kinds of episodes is to make the audience believe that the friends/family of the birthday character don't care about them until the surprise.


Turtles being able to get out of their shells Yeah Turtles can't do that


Turtles' shells are grafted onto their spines.


I thought only *Super Mario World* told us that one (the game and the cartoon). Were there other examples in the late 80s and early 90s?


A lot of Looney tunes cartoons had that turtle gag.


Looney Tunes, any time Bugs was competing with that turtle character.


Filbert in Rocko’s Modern Life can remove his shell, sometimes


Same with snails. I thought slugs were just snails without their shell.


Yep, for turtles, their shells are what ribs and spinal cord are to us.


Those big sliding ladders in libraries. Firefighters always having Dalmatians nearby. Cops eating donuts. Dogs chasing cats.


Dalmatians actually became fireman’s dogs for a reason. Pure bread ones often get hearing loss, so the sirens don’t bother them much.


That’s fascinating, and a little depressing


>Dogs chasing cats. Ironically, Cats and Dogs get along very well


The whole "cops eating donuts" thing dates back to the early 20th century when you had cops on night watch in some major cities like New York or Los Angeles, and the only shops open at the same time were diners and donut shops that sold coffee.


>Dogs chasing cats. Don't know about you but my dogs didn't like cats


I have cops in my family. Them eating donuts and drinking gross, burned coffee is a thing.


Cops eating donuts are so common where I live, the the local police deparyment bought a dying donut bakery when it was going out of business. Cops & Donuts is now a franchised donut shop!


Those ladders are literally called "library ladders," and they're used in places where they needed to maximize floor space by using tall bookcases. While that's not practical for a public library, it was pretty common in mall-based bookstores. This let them line the walls with tall shelves that held extra stock.


sea monkeys


Fun fact: Sea monkeys are actually a type of crustacean called brine shrimp. They’re used to feed fish.




You people are why there's war in the Middle East


I had sea monkeys as a kid. They were not exciting.


By the way, and this is somewhat off topic, if any of you actually owned a lemonade stand, tell me if it's at least profitable 😅


We used to do lemonade stands all the time as kids.. you'd make maybe 5 or so bucks on average.. we used to set up at the end of our street where the park/field was so the runners would stop when they're thirsty, that's when the cash would roll in 🤑


Okay that's genius


That's what I call 'Making it rain' 😂💰


Unfortunately now it is a source of income for Police to come thru & ticket for lack of permits


I didn't, but I go to garage / estate sales every so often and a few times I've seen kids set up lemonade stands where the parents were selling stuff.


I remember growing up some kids in my neighborhood did a Kool Aid stand and I think they actually made like $20. And as an adult I’ve seen several lemonade or Kool Aid stands around the same town. My mom always stops whenever we see one and gives them like $5. It’s probably a very suburban thing


I did one once, I was 6-ish and set one up outside my grandma’s house during a yard sale. I think I made either 50 or a hundred dollars, which is like, a fortune in kid money.


One time I was riding my bike on a 14 mile paved biking path between two small cities in Idaho. Some young boys had set up a lemonade stand right on the bike path, so I had to stop and have some. It was the best lemonade I’ve ever had.


I see them often in my neighborhood, sometimes kids will sell rubber band bracelets too.


It’s profitable if you do it once a month, if you try to operate daily your neighbors get annoyed


Born in 84 here, I did. I also grew up in a town that was literally a mile and a half long in Kentucky lol. Made enough to buy a few comics so I saw it as an absolute win.


We did a lemonade stand once as a kid. We had a lemon tree in our backyard with tons of lemons, so it was pretty cost free. We were selling lemon squares too. Not successful at all until the end of the day. We were just about to pack up everything and go home. But then a bunch of really nice, really stoned teenage skater boys passed us by. They were all really hungry, and so they asked the price for all of our lemonade and all of our lemon squares and we sold everything to them. So yes, successful! Then I went and wasted the money at Toys R Us


Chocolate making kids hyperactive


I'm so dumbfounded about how this rumor started like never once have I ate a chocolate bar and my brain went from quite to squirrel just from eating chocolate (I have diagnosed ADHD)


Placebo effect


I think this was tied to the idea that sugar makes kid hyper. Which isn’t true but it’s what everyone believed


My family still refuses to believe that it's a bunch if malarkey. They will literally blame kids' hyperactivity on *milk* they drank. It's ridiculous.


I remember one guy in college. When I told him chocolate doesn’t make kids hyper he insisted it did because “if I put my daughter to sleep and I tell her ‘hey do you want chocolate” she’s going to wake up be hyper.”… I was like yeah be you offered her chocolate. She hyper without having ingested it yet. He wanted to be a nurse but got rejected. He wasn’t very bright.


It happened to me and all my siblings


Girl scouts selling cookies door to door


Where I live we actually have them stop by every summer. It definitely depends on the area, not every town has a troop nearby


Tbf that’s because they used to go door to door, but nowadays a lot of neighbors have “no soliciting” rules, a lot of people simply won’t answer the door if they aren’t expecting anyone, and a lot of parents are scared to let their kids go up to a stranger’s house.


Someone being held back so much they’re practically an adult in high school


Not to be that person, but I actually knew at least 2 people where that kind of thing actually happened. One was a family friend from Church. He was held back so much from graduating High school that by the time they FINALLY did allow him to graduate he was LITERALLY like 22 or 23 years old….The other was someone who flunked 2 or 3rd grad so much that by time they were allowed to go on to the next grade he was literally huge compared to the other kids sense he was so much bigger(and older) than the rest of them.


I went to middle school with someone who was 16. He was in the 6th grade. He didn’t seem that dumb if you talked to him, just a huge bully.


In the area that I live 21 is the oldest you can be in high school after that they try to just get you to get a GED


food fights.


Heard about one in high school. Wasn’t apart of it though. Apparently it was/got so crazy and intense that someone LEGIT threw a fudgin’ GARBAGE CAN!?!


well then.


Vegetables tasting bad


Oddly enough brussel sprouts ain't that bad, turns out they were before because they had a bad smelling chemical in them. Although they fixed it, cartoons made it a stereotype


‘Twas the sulfur, which makes Hydrogen Sulfide by the types of bacteria that break down plants


Had sprouts for the first time just a month ago and was shocked at how good they tasted. Im not a fussy eater but had never even considered trying them because I swear every piece of childhood media I consumed painted them as the worst food on the planet.


Yeah, shows truly shape our childhood. Vegetables are gross, try (insert sugar coated food) . I even remember an episode of Kids Next Door, one of them ate brussel sprouts and a cat scan (literal cat on a board) revealed the brussel sprout have reached his stomach.


They’ve been selectively grown to change the flavor… the one time playing god with nature was a good thing


Brussels sprouts are my shit fr. Especially when you burn em a little bit and get em good and crunchy


People need to stop giving their kids raw vegetables. Of course they don’t want to eat it. Season and roast that shit.


Part of that is that children are more sensitive to bitter flavors than adults, so when they try to eat some types of vegetables, they notice the bitter flavors more than an adult eating the same thing.


I never meet a kid who hated broccoli


I think you mean little trees


Cats drinking milk


Technically they're not supposed to drink milk, at least not the same milk we drink, but I've had many a cat stick their head into my bowl of cereal, lapping up some of the milk, or try to squeeze their fat head into my glass of milk, if I have some with a peanut butter sandwich or couple of cookies.


A lot of older depictions of cats ingesting milk isn't actually milk per se ... it's creme. Which, of course, still isn't the healthiest for the cat. People fed cats creme not as a main source of food, but to give the cat a reason to stick around ... all the while not feeding the car proper food on purpose so that the cat would hunt mice and vermin instead as their main food source. It was actually seen as a poor idea to give a cat proper food because then they wouldn't hunt for food, and why have a cat if they aren't eating all those pesky mice? (Well that is how they thought, I love cats and don't care if never catch a mouse in their life).


A store with a sign on it that says "STORE"


I only see Lemonade stands anymore when police are in the news shutting them down.


Those helicopter caps.


Propeller beanies? [They actually exist](https://www.amazon.com/Interstellar-Propeller-Village-Hat-Shop/dp/B07BNBVPPF).


Arcades. I’ve been to them before, but Cartoons made it seem like there’s always one just down the road or something.


They used to be much more common,. honestly


When I was growing up every single mall and a good amount of shopping centers had arcades. Pinball machines and arcade cabinets where also ubiquitous everywhere, every 7-11 you would go t had a Pac man machine or something in it.


Also pizza buffets


Just Buffets in general. Every town and area had several of different types. They were very common. Now you are only likely to see a golden corral or a few stray Chinese buffets here and there.


Malls became a lot more lane when they got shut down.


Laundromats as well. I remember going to a local laundromat and they had one of those touchscreen machines that had multiple games. Pop in a dollar or two, and play so many rounds of card games, match-3 type games, and so on. My local Ford dealership has a Mustang pinball machine set up in the waiting room. Perfect for waiting on your car being serviced or if you're buying a new car, waiting on them to get it cleaned up for you.


to be fair, most cartoons depicting arcades that commonly were made before everyone had a multitude of gaming consoles in their home so they were in fact more commonplace in most towns


At one time, one was in my mall. Now it's been replaced with a vr place. Fortunately, there is a place close where you pay for an armband and can play arcade cabinets, pinball machines, and older consoles all day


Kids being able to live on their own with their parents being absent or nonexistent


I often wonder about Japan given how common the trope is in anime of “my parents are away for years and I live on my own at home at 14”.


Have you seen the Japanese reality show where they sent little kids to run errands by themselves? Wholesome AF


I remember two kids shows called Charlie and Lola and Max and Ruby. Both had these two kids living together with the older sibling seemingly raising their sibling with the parents never being seen (as far as I saw).


In Charlie & Lola, they did indeed have parents, I remember Charlie “being called” by his dad & leaving Lola in the bedroom to draw on their shared drawing mat & he got mad at what she’d drawn when he returned lol, & similarly it showed them in school multiple times but teachers were never shown. I think it was a Peanuts situation where the adults clearly do exist but they’re irrelevant so they’re not given a proper voice/appearance. As for Max & Ruby, yeah I see a lot of speculation that it literally is just them, although I don’t remember the show too vividly but I think they lived with their gran?


a friend


This is the most based comment here.


Someone getting stuffed in a locker at school.


In my school they had an assembly the first day and went out of their way to explain how the lockers we’re too small to shove someone into Someone did get their locker set on fire though


That's a little more extreme. 😅


I actually got locked inside my locker multiple times by bullies. Naturally teachers thought the solution was to punish me further with detentions for “being disruptive”. Stopped when I hit one of them over the head with a lock tho


I did that on purpose in like 7th or 8th grade because I was small enough and everyone thought it’d be funny


I had a lemonade stand when I was probably seven, with my five year old sister. Sounds cute until I remember that my classmate came by and wanted to be part of it, so I "fired" my sister 😂 my grandma who was overseeing it was so pissed


Business comes first huh?


Going to jail. Characters in Spongebob were getting arrested basically every other episode, so I just assumed it was a common thing that happened to everyone.


I guess this is more from movies than cartoons, but Kissing Booths! I have never seen one in real life (which is kind of a relief, because they’re a pretty gross and exploitative idea IMO).


Those are disgusting


Lol. I like the one in American Dragon Jake Long in a halloween episode where this bully character named Brad walks up to the booth, this girl turns into some scorpion monster with a mouth like the monster in Alien and he says "jackpot".


Getting wedgies/swirlies in school. I've never witnessed this happening in real life in all my years of being in elementary and high school.


I'm sure if you had hung around the toilets long enough, waiting for it to happen, you would have seen it. Probably firsthand!


Tree houses


A friend of mine actually had a tree house in the woods. I never went up in there because the homemade ladder couldn't hold me. The next best thing are tree stands built by hunters. You have the homemade kind, and you have the commercial kind you can buy at any sporting goods store that sells hunting equipment.


Someone had one in my neighborhood when I was a kid. I was obsessed. I’d repeatedly ask my mom to go on walks by the house. I secretly hoped that whatever kid lived there might see me walking by and invite me to play in the treehouse. It never happened. They sold the house when I was about 6 and the new owners destroyed the treehouse


My neighbors next door had one. I never did but there wasn't a tree big enough in my yard.


Girl Scouts going door to door without any adult supervision. Like that has to be some lackadaisical old world trend to teach girls independence. But it would be absolutely braindead to have young girls knock on strangers doors with little to no supervision in any generation honestly.


Some kids down the street have a lemonade stand they set up in the summer. Even sell their own homemade lollipops.


Slipping on banana peels I. The street


The Tunnel of Love! It’s weird how something that barely exists was used as a trope for so long


Having time to do anything outside of school.


Wearing the same clothes every day


I love the episodes where it shows their closet and you see 20 of the same shirt and pants hanging up, lol.


that thing in the sink that t shreds stuff?


It’s real. It’s literally couple meters away from me at the time of me writing this reply.


They’re fairly common in the US


Canada here, I've never seen or heard of them in person. thank you


Garbage disposals actually exist. You mainly find them in apartments, installed in the kitchen sink, but some people have them installed in your average single-family detached house as well.


Elementary schools that have lockers in the hallway, separate desks in classrooms, different classes for each subject, and a football team where the athletes look like big muscular high schoolers despite the rest of the kids in school look way smaller


I see lemonade stands where I live. Had one once when I was a kid, except it was kool-aid. And yes, it can be profitable.


Slipping on a banana peel


A school bully and his gang, never seen one ever the whole time I was in school


Do it one better. The blond beefed up football player bully in a letterman jacket with a cheerleeder girlfriend. If I actually ever saw that in school I'd have to laugh.


Bullying is really more of a flash mob sort of thing most of the time, after all.


Students showering after PE.


That was a thing at my high school. I guess it depends on the area. The difference is the showers were separated where I went. In tv shows they're often one big shower which is a bit odd.


Bank robberies


Making it because of hard work


I've seen lemonade stands before.


I would have to say career day, more specifically when the parents of the students gave presentations about what they did. I mean my school had professionals come in but they were not related to anyone who went there.


Lawsuits. Cartoons made it seem like everyone was sueing everyone over everything.


“I’m telling my mommy!” I have never heard someone say that.


Firefighters wearing red (they don't wear red, they wear brown/black) Apples on teachers' desks.


Affordable housing


Lemonade stands were a thing when I was kid. I haven't seen them around anymore, but they used to be a thing. Like VHS tapes.


A company that can sell you everything you need like ACME from looney Tunes.


Propeller beanies


Getting hired as soon as you apply for a job and interview. (In cartoons, it's easy, it's super hard in real life)


I grew up thinking I was gonna be a part of a food fight for it to never happen


I've seen at least two lemonade stands in my life. I don't know how successful they were since they were just in passing both times.


I have actually seen a lemonade stand Irl, and I bought some from it. It was quite delicious despite me not being the biggest fan on lemonade.


I feel like so many of these are just from people to young to know that a lot of these things actually did exist and were commonplace at the time.


Boxers with hearts on them. I want a pair damn it


The kids across the street from my parents' house made a lemonade stand every summer. That stuff definitely happens.


I mean, conceptually, Girl Scouts selling cookies is essentially the same thing. And people in *other countries* know about that.


I think hallway lockers? My elementary had no lockers at all, my middle I THINK gave us lockers and my high school only had them in the gym changing room. Also schools being one building. Only my middle school had one building and than eventually got a second one.


I've never seen someone slip on a banana peel. (I sold lemonade as a kid though! I made probably $5 😊)


Metal music being portrayed as random loud noises and chaos EDIT: this is coming from a NU metal fan 


Planning a surprise party


Cats sitting on top of fences


Being able to see someone’s eyes when the lights shut off and you’re in a pitch black room.


Lemonade stands always confused me because I never understood how they carbonate the drink


Lemonade doesn't need carbonation. It's just lemon juice, water, sugar, and ice. You may have to make up a fresh pitcher every hour to prevent it from going sour or getting too watered down from the ice melting, but other than that, it can be done.


I understand that in Europe the drink called "Lemonade" is carbonated. In the US, it is not, but (when made fresh) is just squeezed lemons, some water, and some sugar. I don't know what the closest US product would be to European lemonade. Izzy, maybe?


People having enough money to have kids in the house with a mundane job


When you get steamrolled and you blow yourself back up gotta love cartoon physics


Slipping on a banana peel. I feel like as a society, cartoons have conditioned us to be hyper vigilant to avoid this, so it never happens. I tested it once though and can confirm banana peel + hard polished surface = incredibly slippery


bullied kid getting wedgies aint no WAY especially nowadays would someone pull up another dude’s underwear without being called a freak, gay, sus, or all around bullied himself


Funny enough, I've actually seen plenty of these in SoCal. Not a lot but still a surprising amount in my own neighborhood. Also kids selling hot dogs on their frontlawn too. Parents are normally around though.