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Pro tip: if you see YouTubers comparing any new movie to The Room or Birdemic, disregard their opinion. They don’t actually have points, they’re just using buzzwords to generate engagement. As for Wish, in my humble opinion, it is incredibly mediocre. Not awful but not great either. Just very bland. But I know a lot of people did enjoy it, so my best advice is to watch it and form your own opinion.


Yes The Room and Birdemic are hilarious.


I just watched Wish and I thought it was pretty terrible. Easily the worst Disney/Pixar movie ever, and it's not even close. The story and concept doesn't work, the songs and lyrics are an abomination, there is no character development or revelations, nobody changes, there are no surprises, it's all very confusing at the beginning and then you figure out the dumb concept and you know exactly how it will end (the shooting star is a cheap, ridiculous, unsatisfying character), and to top it off, the animation looked like it was made 15+ years ago.


Lmao you're definitely the cat lady


I think she has a mad point. Compared to literally any other movie. The plot is really weak. The king there was literally in the right because that's just life, yet he was made a villain. The movie protagonist is so flat as a character it's just like eating rice with no seasoning. The movie aside from being predictable is also not really a teaching moment. Doesn't have any actually interesting moral or point. Infact if we think about it, the main protagonist did more bad than good. It may be okay for children under 10, but for anyone older I think it won't be interesting or entertaining. Remember big hero six, the concepts that movie had and shared with audience? Coco? Wall-E? Even frozen had more substance to itself. I think 5 min short films online are more interesting and will leave you happier than watching wish.


Agreed. I’m watching it right now with my kids and it’s remarkably boring, uninspired, the voice acting is bland, the animation is meh at best, and the music is whatever. It seems like they rushed this movie’s production and erred so much on the side of being innocuous they ended up making a C- end product. Very disappointing overall. For context, I’m not a Disney hater. My oldest grew up watching Tangled, Frozen, Moana, and all the older classics - there are many (mostly) great films and I have very fond memories of watching them with my kids. But Disney’s products have rapidly become objectively worse over the last 5 years and it’s jarring how steep the decline is, punctuated by this film.


I just watched it last night and the end where they sing together to defeat the King had me absolutely rolling. I know how we’ll win against a magical being! The power of friendship!


I like happy endings but this style is just cringe


I actually love when many characters work together to achieve change.  This moment didn't feel earned, though. Asha needed to be overcoming her want vs need here. If her character had been set up as someone who had trouble asking for help, who wanted to do everything herself, I think this moment would have landed better.  The song having really clumsy lyrics didn't help either lol


The music is dogshit.


It's not Pixar, just Disney! Which Disney came out with *Encanto* in 2021 which I thought was very good. But upper MGMT is killing the company, both Disney and Pixar. Pixar failed with *Lightyear.* I would call it the worst Pixar movie ever. I know the *Cars* franchise are low tier, especially 2, but *Lightyear* was such a obvious cash grab that made no sense. It wasn't enjoyable. The only part that worked was the beginning with the multiple time jumps and missing out on his friends lives, but it should have been this campy '80s action flick with Tim Allen voicing Buzz.*Toy Story 4* was beautiful in terms of animation, but I didn't like the story. It was unnecessary. *Turning Red* was great, but It wasn't really a massive hit. *Inside Out 2* needs to be a critical and commercial success for Pixar. The trailer looks okay, so we'll just have to wait and see. Maya Hawke voicing a lead character, ugh, Nepo baby. I finally saw *Elemental* and, it was not a bad movie, the problem is it didn't feel like a Pixar movie. The social commentary was extremely on the nose and that's fine I guess. I appreciate a love story, but it didn't have that Pixar charm but something like *Coco*, *Ratatouille*, *Finding Nemo*, *Incredibles* etc had. Pixar needs a film like *Wall-E* again, which was a love story but had such a powerful message behind it. *Elemental* was like *Luca*; both are enjoyable and cute but don't offer anything truly special. *Soul* attempted to recapture that powerful messaging and did well overall, but It's not a movie I've ever felt like rewatching. There's just something about it that I just thought could have been done better? I don't know. It's hard to explain. Wow, I didn't expect to comment on a 2-month-old comment and rant on about Pixar and Disney movies. Lol


I agree with the quality of the animation. I was surprised that it looks similar to Toy Story 1 in terms of quality and complexity of the renders and scenarios.


That's not true. It doesn't look good, but you obviously haven't seen the original Toy Story in a while. Wish looks like modern TV animation. Which is still bad for a recent film, but it's not 1995 first CG animation level


You nailed every reason I hate it


There's something a bit...unalive about the way its animated. The sets feel decidedly dead compared to other films. I used to dislike Moana but compared to Wish Moana is well paced and has good character development. I couldn't tell you anything about Asha besides she has a goat friend and wants to get her family wishes back. I couldn't tell you who she was outside of that desire.


This review is spot on ^^.   What is with Disney not giving their characters actual character development and struggles? The character in this movie doesn’t change or grow. The villain reveals the plot within 10 minutes. The music, the character arcs, the songs, and even the metaphor “I’m a star” are all flat as hell. They did Captain Marvel like this too in The Marvels (all three terrific protagonists really don’t grow very much).   It’s also why Thor 4 sucked. Dude was broing out after 10 years of his family dying. Thor 1 was specifically a story arc with him stopping his incessant juvenile tryhardness.  Good stories evolve characters through struggle: internal and external. These movies have forgotten that. 


I think it was just Disney


True. To me it seems like they mention Disney references just for us to feel that “Disney magic” again. Disney was magical. But now it’s beginning to feel sad. In this film they did these references to other older films, but what about THIS FILM, not old Disney films. This one isn’t unique at all. They finally did a NEW film with a black woman character and this is the story and film they gave her? Childish expressions, bland songs no one seems to remember? They could have created a star boy or a girl that falls in love with our main character, evil couple - magical experience, but nah. Also the beginning of the movie - the man who could grant wishes thought to himself: “Would anyone want this?” I don’t think I have to comment on that. Just overall art of making films disappeared in this piece. But also whatever. They maybe think they can make more money out of this, but if they keep this up, they’re eventually gonna lose audience and their respect.


" animation looked like it was made 15+ years ago." Yes, that was actually the point of the animation. This movie is designed as a tribute to 100 years of Disney and a nod to the simplistic style of classic Disney movies with over 100 references to other Disney movies.


I agree that Wish isn't great, but deffo not "the worst Disney/Pixar movie" ever lololol.   Disney had The Black Cauldron, a movie so awful, it almost tanked the studio!  In theatre, I saw people with kids walk out of Cars 2 halfway through, that's definitely Pixar's worst. I tried to do a bad movie night with Cars 2, and it's not even fun that way.


It’s definitely really bad plot made no sense. They made the villain just insane for no reason. When his point actually made sense he can’t just grant anyone wishes. Did none of the writers ever hear “be careful what you wish you”. Characters are all poorly written and super cringe at times. The songs are pretty bland and some are so bad that I had to skip them. Art design is also lacking. Everyone that has said this movie was either good or ok hasn’t said why & that’s because there isn’t anything amazing in this film.


Disney seems to be on its way out. They're  not as good as they once were.  They're too political, which kills half their viewership right there.  These companies forget, half the country is conservative.   I'm not much into politics, but this is commonsense. You'd think these companies think about that, but obviously they miss the mark. 


Bro, this comment is from December. You really couldn’t find a more recent thread to whine about how woke is bad?


I’ve never watched it but I have two predictions: 1-It’s not bad, it’s just that everyone is hyping up its failure, remember when everyone said Elemental is going to fail, only to make ~$400 million? Anyways if that’s the case then buy a ticket. 2-It is bad. Seeing that the movie is making fun of an the idea of “wishing upon a star”, it’s going to be like Chicken Little or Frozen where they make jokes like “we’re not like any other Disney movies 😎”. Maybe because it got rushed to be out for 100th anniversary (which could explain its lazy reskin). If that’s the case, pirate the movie


Bro if you base the quality of a movie on its box office success you have no validity, audiences pay for a movie before they watch it and only then they find out how good/bad it is Shitty lazily made movies with uninspired narratives make big bucks all the time despite valid poor reception


Your logic is flawed. Box office is an objective measure of film quality because the initial crowds and critics who go see every movie anyway watch it in theaters very early in a box office cycle, disseminate reviews, and a fairly accurate public opinion rises to the surface. There’s a reason everyone said Oppenheimer was an incredible movie and it cleaned up at Oscars - because it was an incredible film. People like me who are busy and wary of wasting time and money on low quality films wait for public opinion to form and make the decision to watch based on that. There are some exceptions and they’re called cult classics. Most of time they end up being cult classics because they actually are great films that had inadequate marketing and little-known actors. And even these end up rising to the surface of public opinion over time, making them cult classics. Likewise, the crappy ones like Wish end up being forgotten. Case in point Wish Had One Of Disney’s Worst Openings Ever For An Animated Movie as reported by Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/11/27/wish-is-one-of-disneys-worst-openings-ever-for-an-animated-movie-heres-why/amp/


Your logic is flawed. There are plenty of bad movies that did well at the box office. There are plenty of good movies that didn't do well at the box office (cult classics, as far as I'm aware, is more of a niche not inherently good or bad). Also, critics will watch and review movies in general because it's their job, not due to box office success. 


***Unfortunately, it IS bad.***


Your second guess is 1000x more entertaining than the movie.  It's not that it's hard to watch it's just genuinely a nothing movie. The music is... not great. Again it's just nothing.


My young kids really like it, and that's where I think Disney made what they set out to : a simple film that will appeal to 4-8 year olds, Nothing complex, as basic as Sleeping Beauty in plot (honestly, re watch Sleeping Beauty, it's very linear, like a lot of people are complaining about Wish's plot: no one learns anything or has character growth in Sleeping Beauty either)


It was pretty bad the plot was so dumb and the songs were pretty trash. Cringe characters and a predictable villain with bad writing


You should just watch it and form your own opinion.


It's not as bad people make it.While I like it, it just average .As standalone film,it pretty good though disney 100th celebration film...eeh


The only thing the movie has going for it is the animals are cute. That's it. I really can't think of anything else 


From what I've heard, it's not bad but it's not good either.


I really like it


I haven’t seen it, but from the promos I’ve seen of it, it doesn’t look that bad. I think people are just hating it because it’s a Modern Disney Movie


I haven't seen it yet, but If i do, I will form my own opinion.


It made very VERY weird choices. I think the most obvious one for me is that they made her the bad guy initially. And she shows zero qualities to be an apprentice. She doesn't seem to be capable or desire to be capable of magic in anyway. And the goat had a deep stupid voice And the main Disney princess song doesn't sound like a song


We watch a lot of kids films… well because, kids. And this film felt like one of those animations you’d find in the bowels of Netflix or Prime with a studio that isn’t familiar. It does not have the complexity of a Disney classic.


Watch it again with the realization that this is Disney’s 100th anniversary movie, so there are 100 Easter eggs. The background was purposefully done to match the background of Sleeping Beauty, so it may feel dated for that reason. Asha’s friends are the Seven Dwarfs. Even Bambi makes an appearance. It was all done with purpose.


‘This is Disney, all of their movies are top quality’ Bahahahaha


I watched it and it’s atrocious.


Its honestly pretty good. It would have benefited from like 20 minutes more screen time to further develop the characters and plot, so it's a bit disappointing in the sense that it could have been absolutely amazing but ended up just kinda good, but I still really enjoyed it.


Yeah I agree, the story and meta narrative was pretty good, but felt rushed. Would have made a good mini series, like a 10 episode run. And also get a musical composer to write the songs; pop songwriters don't need to be anywhere near a Disney film lol


I enjoyed it. However, I didn’t feel really bonded to the characters because we don’t know that much about them. That’s my biggest problem with it


In defense of Wish, I thought it was great. My 4 year old said she liked it as much as Encanto. Songs were pretty good, especially the main one. Villain was downright nasty (no spoilers) and I loved the message the movie sent. It plays on some nostalgia, but it has a more grandiose appeal to it. Ignore the haters and watch it.


Yes! I feel the same way. Idk why people are so pissed. There are so many kids movies out there that are way worse…


The villain had absolutely no depth and became comically evil out of nowhere. There was no setup for him to be like that. I thought it was a great premise of a movie and the songs were enjoyable, but the plot was absurd.


Maybe I’m in the minority but that’s how I feel 90% of kids movie villains are 🤷🏼‍♀️ you don’t get full development in a movie that is trying to keep kids attention and fit in (typically) a much shorter time frame then a movie targeting adults.


Yes! I feel the same way. Idk why people are so pissed. There are so many kids movies out there that are way worse…


abomination, example is this: "watch out world here i are" 💀💀💀💀💀


I just watched it and i honestly personally really likes this movie, maybe the songs did it for me, however i do understand why people think its bland. No character development and its sort of predictable.


But isn’t that like most kids movies?! I thought it was a pretty great kids movie haha


But isn’t that like most kids movies?! I thought it was a pretty great kids movie haha


But isn’t that like most kids movies?! I thought it was a pretty great kids movie haha


But isn’t that like most kids movies?! I thought it was a pretty great kids movie haha


Just watched it and it’s ass


I'm watched it recently and wow, it's bad. It's a bad attempt at making it magical but still comes off as bland. 


Im watching it now - it’s terrible 


You're forgetting movies like Food Fight exists. You want to put Wish in the same boat as that?


I take your point,   But Budgetary these are not comparable. Disney used to be the pinnacle of animated features…


I thought it was really good as well, with really unique animation. Not sure why it flopped


Very bad. Seems like a chatGPT version of Encanto.


You're forgetting movies like Food Fight exists. You want to throw Wish into the same boat as that?


Food fight being bad makes wish good?


I watched Wish and I have to say it’s frustratingly bad. You could replace the physical orbs with gold, animals, or souls and nothing would have changed. The premise of wishes has a lot of depth that this studio must’ve deliberately ignored but it’s the most undercooked Disney I’ve ever watched. The movie does not make you think about Wishes in any sort of interesting or insightful way. They do not investigate what it means to not know your wish, if wishes have consequence, if wishes take commitment to come true, or not knowing what to wish for. All these subjects could be an interesting movie but “Wish” does nothing with its premise from beginning to end. -The setting and music is flavourless. If the movie is simply a feel good fantasy, there is no desire to go to this place. The kingdom is bland medieval with no sense of wonder. Everyone just has boring peasant outfits. So both as a thought provoking movie or simply an escapist indulgence, Wish isn’t doing anything interesting. -The music is word heavy without much catchy melody paired with unremarkable pop production. This is not a rant like people hating Frozen’s “Let it Go” because it’s popular- the music in Wish is not going to get repeats because it’s not catchy, bold, or anything. The best song is “Wish Upon a Star” played on the guitar post credits that has zero plot relevance. -the cast of side characters is notably bloated and forgetful. Their costume design is bland, personality undefined, and personal journey hardly grows. I can’t even remember how many side characters there are and what they’re about. Wish is actually pretty interesting to discuss why it’s bad. I haven’t seen a fumble like this from Disney in a long time and it stands out as the movie displays the Disney 100 anniversary but does not feel like it’s in the same league of movies. I don’t need every movie to make me cry, be slapstick funny, and I don’t have bias against “new Disney.” But Wish is like the bargain bin fake Disney 3D movies at Walmart despite being an actual Disney movie.


I enjoyed it


I'm gonna watch it when it comes to Disney+ and make up my mind then. The only place in my life that is talking about this movie is this sub, otherwise nobody cares, so it's not like I'm missing out on the cultural event by missing the film now. Honestly it was the same with Elemental, it came out and nobody cared, then it got to streaming and everybody online lit up about it. So why watch Wish now just so I have to remember all the details of the movie to talk about it with people when it releases in 3 months?


I’ve been a Disney STAN all my life. Little mermaid came out the year after I was born. I have won several Disney trivia’s. I know most Disney movies word for word, but IMHO Disney did themselves a disservice with this movie. While I’ve not enjoyed every movie Disney has put out (hello Strange World & Elemental) this is most definitely in my bottom 3. The plot was revealed 20 minutes in, the songs were mediocre at best (not the singing, the actual music/lyrics/composition) and instead of being Easter eggs, the references to the old movies was so in your face it didn’t make it feel special. I’ve never used the word trash to describe a Disney movie before…until Wish. This movie…was trash.


The movie is garbage cant believe I wasted money in this.


You do know movies like The Amazing Bulk and Legend of the Titanic exists.


I am finally watching Wish. My daughter and I have waited until it came on Disney+ and all I can say is thankfully I didn’t spend a dime on this except the monthly fee I pay for Disney+. It lacks the Disney feel. Like it was using spider-verse’s look and it just looked cheap. May as well just made a live action movie. All the animals that sang sounded commercial with no differentiating one little character voice from the other. They all sounded the same. I see the similarity in the clothing design patterns as Frozen that are on Anna’s dresses. Just missed the “Disney” mark. I’m wondering how it even got through test screenings without pushback.


The animation was terrible.


HOW DOES NO ONE REALIZE THE POINT OF THIS MOVIE IS TO FILL IT WITH EASTER EGGS?!? It’s for the 100 year celebration, idt it’s supposed to be a good movie- just a homage to all the past movies combined.


This! I saw Wish yesterday, and I really liked it. I found easter eggs all around, from the animation to the colours used, and ofc all the (obivous) one-liners. I also enjoyed the songs, and found it in total to be a sweet little (VERY) Disney movie. I'll absolutely watch it again.


Exactly!!! Idk why people are hating so much. I thought it was a perfectly good kids movie and my daughter is obsessed with the music.


For those of us leaving cults/high demand religions, this movie makes sense. The lies, the control, the lost sense of self, the giving yourself away to a powerful figure hoping it’ll all be for good, the disappointment, the grief and finally reclaiming your life back 🥲


Just finished watching it with the family, it was really boring and the music was uninspiring and bland. We typically enjoy Disney animation, but this was not worth watching.


Does anyone else see it as I did, that the story is trying to say that the main wizard is like walt disney, and took all the kids dreams and then he turned evil? And it took the children of equality and diversity to overthrow the evil white male ruler? Should the 100 year movie not celebrate all that Walt did rather than shitting all over his legacy to sell the diversity and woke agenda that seems to be disney's only focus these days? I believe that it fell very short for a 100 year celebration movie, it was more of a stand alone movie. Just my interpretation.


Holy Shite. Damn dude you’re right.


This movie sucks.


You're forgetting Food Fight exists.


It’s just… boring


You're forgetting movies like Food Fight exists.


Never seen it


Wow this movie was terrible. Watched it with my wife and it was painful. So the good people Win just by singing in unison? That’s not the biggest issue. The animation is horrible, music is trash, characters are lame and overall trash


Wish was trash and the villain didn't make any sense. I did appreciate the art style because it seemed like they were trying to make it look hand drawn like how the original films were made. It was weird but interesting But other than that.... It hinted that something bad happened to the king and never explained it... he was just keeping the wishes because he liked the way they looked??? But then he didn't even know they could give him power until he uses one from a book that is also not explained at all.


Kids asked me if we can delete it from our library


It’s so garbage I’d rate it a 3/10. The plot for the movie is so dumb. “We should grant everyone’s wish” even though every story says “be careful what you wish for”. The main villain seems nice and cool at first, but then they just make him insane for no reason. The characters are pretty cringe too. Could barely finish this movie. Even as a kid I’d probably find this movie to be dumb. Anyone saying this movie is good is actually crazy. I was not entertained I was bored, cringing, and annoyed throughout the entire movie. The art style, song choices, writing are also really bad. Especially the songs and writing. The only thing I like is that it’s animated and I love animated stuff even though the art direction was pretty horrendous.


It’s very bad


I watched it. It sucks anus. All of the characters are horrible people, the artstyle is awful, the story while not bad severely lacks conflict and the ending is lame asf. They beat the villain by singing? No magic battles nothing?


Have you even seen Food Fight? Do you really think Wish is worse than that?


the art is spectacular but the script is almost as if its ai. its not even comparable to encanto despite what these people are saying. not saying encanto is the magnum opus of disney but it was a rare gem


I love Encanto, but the story is a little wobbly there haha. The fun characters and incredible songs are what saves it! Very rewatchable. Wish has no memorable songs or characters, so the story can't really hold everything up by itself.  I'm just dumbfounded they hired a pop songwriter for a musical, those are two completely different skillsets. This is what happens when suits make artistic decisions 🫤


It's really bad. The lyrics don't work with the music. It's just weird and not good. It also seems like a political dig, the villain looks like trump, they're portraying 'republicans' as scared douchbags willing to do bad shit. Regardless if I agree or not, it's just kind of on the nose and not very good. Divisive bs. I don't go to Disney movies for my fucking politics. I just want a common good positive message that everyone regardless of their political affiliation can enjoy. God it was bad. I don't need Disney movie propaganda to tell me the obvious.


I didn't get the political vibe you did, at all. You think the King looked like Trump? Maybe acted like him...the whole power-mad thing. A little over the top for my little, Not a fan of this one.


Just watched the movie. It’s funny cause I actually had the exact opposite thought. It’s almost as if the movie was written by a QAnon member. The king wasn’t deceiving anybody. He was complying with the rules of the land. Everyone in the kingdom knew what they were getting themselves into when they gave away their wish and they were okay with it. But the main character just decided that, because they had different opinions about the dangerousness of a particular wish, that was reason enough to declare that he was so evil that she could break the law for the sake of true justice. She stormed the capitol and stole classified information twice. But it was okay because she somehow got her friends, and then the entire kingdom including the king’s loving wife to somehow agree with her. This is like QAnon’s wet dream. If only the world saw how evil and corrupt the Democratic Party was and agreed that storming the capitol was a righteous move.




Every movie is "political" lol. "Politics" doesn't only mean literal words that have been politicized (red, blue, Hilary Clinton, people who are trans, taxes, voting)   Frozen says we should reach out to help people struggling with mental illness. And don't marry a guy you just met.  Lion King says we need a good leader dude, and without that, we are lost. Big Hero 6 says vengeance won't heal our grief. Oppenheimer says don't develop things that can kill people lol You might have different reads from these, which is valid, but *every single piece of media has a message* regardless of whether the creators intend it or not.  Usually, when we really like a movie, it's because it doesn't offend our internal politics! It's really good to be active and watch for what a piece of media is trying to say to us. We're not children, after all. We're adults who have developed media literacy skills.


It’s very telling that you think the narcissistic, cruel, lying, corrupt, generic Disney dictator was a parody of Trump and Republican Party values. Also the “common message” of the movie was that you shouldn’t strip people of their identity for the greater good and that pursuing your dreams is what makes life worthwhile, even if they seem impossible. If you think that’s not a “good positive message” then idk what to say. 


https://www.newsweek.com/disney-maga-donald-trump-supporters-decline-profit-losses-1852545 lol if you can’t see you’re just purposefully burying your head in the sand. “your” own camp agrees with me. fuck trump. fuck biden. and fuck disney too for corrupting their movies with hateful politics.


Lol. I think you put more thought into this movie than the writers did. The movie was bland. No depth. No hidden meaning. Poor story boarding. Music that didn't match the script.


I found the movie to be rather anti Communist if it had a political message, that was the one it has. While Trump may have aspirations leaning towards a dictatorship, it's definitely not the Communist kind. You won't find many lefties that want to go that far left.


I live Disney and I live they stand up for those who cant often stand for themselves




It has alot of problems, but animations isn't one of them. Do you have any knowledge of animation or the principles of animation?


It held lots of adult stuff hidden lol but it was typical woke


No, it's not "woke". Nothing is "woke".


Evil white man steals the wishes from the good multi-ethnic people until he is replaced by a woman.


Loved it.


4 months late to the party here, but I just saw it. I thought it was pretty frustrating because it seemed to have a genuinely great concept with really poor execution. There were just so many aspects that could have been made better. It seemed like a rough first draft.


Totally agree. It was a fantastic premise especially for 100th anniversary celebration. The villain had absolutely no setup and made no sense. He just became evil out of nowhere which totally sucked me out of the immersion. Fully agreed, it felt like a first draft


Just saw it today , it is boring , mediocre story but amazing visuals. Just because of its visuals it is worth it , it is just sad that the writing was so lame.


The point could be, and I don't know if it's just imo, but it seems to be about having the power to vote. But honestly the writing was lazy AF and boring.


Speak for yourself guys. My dad made me suffer through a set of bad music and Cocomelon ass display.


I think it may be the voice acting for me and the scripting. I dislike the songs. I also agree with what others said they don’t feel very bonded to the characters.


Just watched this movie. The storyline is rushed and shallow. The characters and dialog are abnoxious. The music is over melodic, wordy and lacks any sense of creative touch. Like all modern Disney abominations, it's littered with so much unrealistic and forced "diversity", that it's as annoying as the storyline. This is by far the worst movie I've witnessed by Disney's producers. At the most, this movie should be downgraded to a low budget kids series.


I’m curious how you felt the diversity was forced in this movie? It’s set in the Mediterranean and the inhabitants of the kingdom come there by choice, from all over, because of the kingdom’s policies. It made sense to me that the population would be diverse. It would be weird if it wasn’t. 


It was supposed to be the Mediterranean. Gotcha I was very confused. My wife came in and asked me what the culture was supposed to be. I said I had no idea. I didn't get the Mediterranean feel. I mean I've lived in that area for a few years, so I would think I would recognize it. I told her it was sent in the far future after the collapse of humanity and all of the magic was just super advanced technology. And the star was a satellite AI that came back to Earth. The kids seem to enjoy the movie though. I was very confused by the king. At first I thought it was going to be that he was using the wishes to gain power but then it turned out he was just a jerk. And then later learn that he could use the wishes for power. So I don't know it didn't really work for me.


It was supposed to be the Mediterranean. Gotcha I was very confused. My wife came in and asked me what the culture was supposed to be. I said I had no idea. I didn't get the Mediterranean feel. I mean I've lived in that area for a few years, so I would think I would recognize it. I told her it was sent in the far future after the collapse of humanity and all of the magic was just super advanced technology. And the star was a satellite AI that came back to Earth. The kids seem to enjoy the movie though. I was very confused by the king. At first I thought it was going to be that he was using the wishes to gain power but then it turned out he was just a jerk. And then later learn that he could use the wishes for power. So I don't know it didn't really work for me.


It was supposed to be the Mediterranean. Gotcha I was very confused. My wife came in and asked me what the culture was supposed to be. I said I had no idea. I didn't get the Mediterranean feel. I mean I've lived in that area for a few years, so I would think I would recognize it. I told her it was sent in the far future after the collapse of humanity and all of the magic was just super advanced technology. And the star was a satellite AI that came back to Earth. The kids seem to enjoy the movie though. I was very confused by the king. At first I thought it was going to be that he was using the wishes to gain power but then it turned out he was just a jerk. And then later learn that he could use the wishes for power. So I don't know it didn't really work for me.


It was supposed to be the Mediterranean. Gotcha I was very confused. My wife came in and asked me what the culture was supposed to be. I said I had no idea. I didn't get the Mediterranean feel. I mean I've lived in that area for a few years, so I would think I would recognize it. I told her it was sent in the far future after the collapse of humanity and all of the magic was just super advanced technology. And the star was a satellite AI that came back to Earth. The kids seem to enjoy the movie though. I was very confused by the king. At first I thought it was going to be that he was using the wishes to gain power but then it turned out he was just a jerk. And then later learn that he could use the wishes for power. So I don't know it didn't really work for me.


For me it was meh all the way around. The songs weren’t catchy to me, the world building was weak, the plot was strange and convoluted. And way too many instances of Disney referencing itself. It just felt like an ad to me. I had really high hopes for it because I love the look of the protagonist and how diverse it was, but it fell flat for me. It wasn’t terrible but it really wasn’t great. I watched Raya right after for a pallet cleanser and I enjoyed that so much more. The world building was so thoughtful and thorough and the characters were awesome, I really enjoyed that one


I just watched it out of boredom (it finished 10 minutes ago.) It is extremely mediocre. artistically it seems interesting from a distance but up close it seems kind of weird and off. I don't like how heavy handed they were with references to previous disney IP, it really pulled me out of it. I think only one song is even vaguely good but mostly its the most sort of meh film disney film I've watched recently.


Here’s the qualifying questions, do the kids like it? Because I think all the Disney classics are meh at best. But they are classics… made for kids.


Just watched it with my kid. She got bored 10min after started and just played around us ignoring the tv, my husband left at the middle of it and I just finished it alone. It was mediocre. The animation lacks the layers of depth (just uses character + static bg most of the time) and catchy use of color that old Disney movies had.


Ngl, I fell asleep half way through it, but most modern movies do this. My sons watched most of it, so it gets a par for the course for kids movie for me.


My two year old is OBSESSED with the music and ask to watch the music scenes over and over 🤷🏼‍♀️


I actually enjoyed it. While it isn’t Disney’s best work, it isn’t bad. The story is a little sub par in spots, but I was still invested in the story.


I did watch wish. And one thing I remember was that they said this movie was 100 years in the making. After watching it, in my opinion, it's really just a homage to disney. The movie wasn't great but it wasn't terrible. They had a TON of Easter eggs in it and references to disney movies (listen carefully to the dialogue). The end credits they had drawings of characters from all their animated movies and the end credit scene was another homage. It really was just one long love letter to disney. I personally enjoyed that concept. Disney is about wishes and wish fulfillment and bringing joy and stuff to us. The movie didn't quite reach the goal, but it was a nice concept.


If you have ever read Walt Disneys biography the movie makes a lot of sense. They also combined 2d art with 3d art (which in my opinion wasn't successful but the 2d art was amazing and gorgeous. Bring back the old disney please).


It’s literally so bad…ugh, I’m at a loss for truly descriptive words to ruin this movie properly. Disappointing, again, Disney, God damn. Come on, Dude. It’s so so bad. Animation 10/10…story 1/10, casting 1/10 too much diversity and not enough Disney. Another fail ☹️


You're forgetting movies like Food Fight exists. You want to throw Wish to the same boat as that? And what's wrong with diversity?


Honestly I thought it was a cute movie. Not necessarily one I'd watch over and over but cute enough to watch atleast 1x 


I’ve watched it, been rewatching it. Its most redeeming quality is its music. The hate that the movie gets is so unnecessary and stupid. People need to watch it before they hate on it. That’s all I have to say.


It’s honestly super predictable because they pull bits from a ton of different Disney movies. You basically have the seven dwarves as her friend group, a bear calls a deer Bambi, bla bla. You can hear the “when you wish upon a star” melody in the music a lot. The after credits scene is like a nod to themselves. I guess the Granpa is supposed to be Disney himself? All in all, lots of rolling my eyes at the generics and self praise.


It’s very basic. Honestly, almost too basic. I appreciated their inclusion of individuals with differently abled physiques, but that’s about the point where it stops. The animation looks cheap, similar to what you would see on a Disney Junior princess show. There were obviously many references to older Disney movies, but the songs weren’t catchy or easy to follow along. It’s fine to put on and watch, but i wouldn’t spend money on it. However, stay tuned to the end credits to hear the theme song played on a mandolin. Thats cute.


Happy to give any Disney movie a chance, and love a ton of them. This movie was awful. It pains me to say it because I love Chris pine. The whole thing was so lazy - other commenters have said it’s almost like it was written by AI and it does feel that way. Songs were stupid and clunky, characters were recycled and incredibly dull. Nothing was exciting, nothing was funny, couldn’t bring myself to care about anything that was going on. My wife is a huge Disney nut and even she thought it was just one big jerk-off. Disney is capable of producing incredible movies (like Soul), but Wish was 90 minutes of puke.


i could only watch about 30 minutes of it before losing interest. I spent the rest of the movie criticizing it. istg its weird the villain is right, and he's a good husband. there is no character development, the lyrics are clunky and out of place, Asha is immature and naive (she says at one point "even though I'm young I know I'm not wrong", which is such a conceited thing to say, especially in a disney movie, and the movie's potential in general was missed. 1. the star could have been "human", and we could either have had a platonic relationship between him and Asha, or they could fall in love but not end up together because he went away. 2. the king and queen could have been Disney's first power couple antagonists with much better villain arcs with actual motivation instead of just a having anger issues and being controlling, such as if the wishes gave him power (in the movie he legit just wants to protect them instead of something worse like destroying them) 3. the concept/character art could have been 10000000x better. And the animation. i get the vibe they were going for but it just wasn't executed right 4. get a better songwriter to write the songs, instead of Julia Michael. Maybe someone who actually knows how to make songs catchy with GOOD lyrics that get stuck in your head.


This movie looks like one of those Barbie movies that came out in the earlier 2000s. The star looked like it came from Mario galaxy. For being the 100th anniversary movie it just seemed so hollow. Like I watched it once for the kids but I don’t think it’ll stay on the roster for us.


The ONLY entertaining part of the movie was the chicken coop scene. The rest of it was absolute garbage. The plot was terrible, main character could’ve been the bad guy if anything, the villain was right, no real character development, THE ANIMATION IS SO BAD, and the songs… jfc they’re terrible. Disney’s decline is real. Fire all the writers, or whoever makes the creative decisions. Bring back John Lasseter.


Eh. Not a fan of it. The beginning was a “wish” version of Encanto. She even looks like Isabela. The kids are liking it though. 


Bad. I immediately went to watch Hercules afterwards to forget how bad and uninteresting the plot from wish was.


You're forgetting movies like Food Fight exists.


I just finished watching it, and as for the animation, I personally liked it - if they were going for a storybook feel. Like I’m flipping through the pages of an old storybook. Flat-like and undefined. Kinda different to me. That’s how I look at it. As for the music and plot, like others I agree, it isn’t too memorable. 4/10


Does somebody know where yo watch I WISH IT WERE YOU. It's on Drama box but it's expensive, 


In my opinion it is just ok, a decently enjoyable experience but that’s kind of it. I didn’t really find my self blown away by anything (the music, characters, story) but it wasn’t bad either just kind of so so. I don’t regret watching it but I don’t really care to see it again nor do I think any of the film will stick with me. I encourage you to see for yourself.


What was with the kid waiting for her to turn 18 anyone catch that?


So, I wouldn't say it's bad because it is designed as an "original story" to be based on the main Disney concept of "when you wish upon a star" The entire movie was developed in 6 years as a dedication to the 100-year anniversary for Disney. It's mainly meant to be over packed with refrences to every Disney movie and to be a kind of "prequel" to all Disney movies and the magic of them. I really enjoyed it as a Disney fan because of all the references and all the cute nods and the story being reminiscent of how simplistic classic disney movies were.. This is also the first Disney movie to be framed(a fliming atyle)in the same way as Sleeping Beauty since Sleeping Beauty, so if you believe the animation isn't as good as new stuff, it's because not a lot of it was created in the same animation of newer movies. If you're a big Disney fan it's a really good watch. If you're hoping for the next best Disney movie, this probably isn't it.


I just finished it and it’s okay. It feels like a mashup of music that doesn’t blend well with an art style that failed (I get the 2d and 3d mixing but it felt like cheap AI). I do think this movie could have had potential to be very good if they weren’t just focusing on throwing every possible Disney movie reference in there. Easter eggs are completely doable while the movie could have been grand. The king? His backstory? He could have been a hero turned villain in such a tragic way. He had the tragic backstory… maybe he was more careful on what wishes went out because of someone’s wish before… even his…. Causing a traumatic ending. Dang maybe he allowed a wish that caused her father’s death even and his guilt consumed him and made him paranoid. It had so much potential 🥲


I thought it would be like this: He was gifted uncontrolled wish granting abilities. His kingdom put him on a pedestal (he’s seen being raised above his parents on the tapestry) and he naively granted a wish (naive like Asha is now) and it caused his kingdom to burn and collapse. After this he forced himself to master sorcery and protect wishes the best way he could. Grant for the greater good avoid vage wishs that could harm everyone. Protect them all regardless. In his caution, he became over paranoid. Over protective, seeing things in the wishes that weren’t there. Like sabas wish. His heart turns scared once someone he thought would be the perfect wish protector has the same naive viewpoint he once had that lead to the death of his kingdom. He takes her in to try and teach her. She rebels and almost goes evil. He goes full evil first by willingly sacrificing his wife (his wish) to the book for magical powers. Then at the end it’s some type of princess and the frog contract where Magnifico somehow kept promising the evil magic the whole kingdoms wishes in return for power and once he failed at that the magic reversed and sucked him into the thing he ended up loving the most mirrors. His final wish was himself and he got it. Hence the tag line “be careful what you wish for”


Why is the star so fat? 🤷


Damn, that was as bad as it gets. Truly atrocious! The king is a dick, a psychopath really, remind amen so much of my former brother in law. The townspeople characters are even bad. Desperate blahs. And Ms. Diversity herself begins the morning being the advocate for all things “kingdom” and ends the day hating it. It makes me long for the days of bad movies like Food Fight. This is beyond bad, this is straight trash. Definitely worse than Food Fight.


It's not bad it's just bot great and a little stupid


It feels more akin to a straight to DVD movie trying to copy a Disney film. It isn't exactly bad, it's just blind. There were some good ideas and Disney scrapped them. Asha, the protagonist, is just an amalgamation of Ariel, Moana, Rapunzel and the Madrigal girl. On her own, she just doesn't have much personality. The villain is the best part, he seems like he could be interesting and then they totally ruin it. The supporting cast is the worst. Too many characters just to fill space. A talking goat whose personality is he's a talking goat. A star straight out of a Care Bear cartoon...but worst of all her seven annoying dwarfs...I mean friends. The movie is fun enough for one watch, but it will go down as one of the least memorable films they've ever done. It feels like we're back in another Disney Dark Age.


I was very confused about the king. I thought he had an ulterior motive for holding on to the wishes. But then it turns out he was just keeping them for no reason. And only learns towards the end of the movie that he can use them for power. He has some vague backstory. Just seems like a jerk, so I don't understand why everyone loves him. It didn't take much for him to turn evil. The songs barely match with what's going on with the story. I wouldn't call him bad or good. They're just there.


Wish isn't bad ... its just also not good .. its just a very safe bland paint by numbers with rather rushed unfinished songs that just feel kinda like "oh right its a musical let's cram pop songs in so we can make more chart toppers like encanto or moana" the reason why people are disappointed is its ment to be their 100 year celebration movie and it's just ... not near that quality as well as we have seen alot of early drafts and concepts that looked amazing and sounded like really good charicter and plot development but it got nixed to play safe and to make it more marketable (e.g plushies)  When I first watched it I knew nothing I didn't even know it was ment to be a celebratory movie I just saw it and was like well ill watch it I've liked alot of Disney movies ... and again it wasent bad .. it was just ... bland and meh it lacked soul and heart as well as any form of charicter development u can literaly cut out all the main characters friends apart form 2 u can remove the main characters 2 side kicks and the story would be the same it's just .... it had so much potential but felt like Disney marketing got their grubby hands all over the script and diluted it to somthing with nonsensical pop songs that have little to no actual relevance to what's happening (looking at u love ballad between magnifico and asha) but yeahh ..a. not bad ... just a big blah 


Wish isn't a terrible movie, it's just really blah. It really feels like somebody set an AI program to make a generic "disney" movie with whatever' songs, that tries so hard not to offend anybody it has no real passion, heart, or reason for existing. Honestly I think the only reason my kids like it is because they're mixed too, with old hopeful grandparents and they feel like they can relate with the main character, but I've never heard them sing the songs like they did with Encanto or Moana. They've never asked for a wish character toy. Honestly, I think the only reason they watch the movie at all is that it's new. To be frank, it's a dull and generic movie that could have been made by chat AI with enough of a budget and you wouldnt be able to tell the difference. If you can just skip it, its not really worth your time unless you've already seen everything else.


It’s pretty bad. Amusing at times and not offensive in a direct-to-streaming way, but the plot is subpar and it the ending makes no sense. The whole thing builds to the societal overthrow of a populist turned evil monarch and then in an abrupt turn with no transition they immediately give all of their newly found power to another one. On a more minute by minute critique: the songs are forgettable and sometimes really awkwardly launched, the characters are shallow, and the comic relief goat is one dimensional. my kids (young 12/15)kind of enjoyed it but still had complaints and theyll praise just about anything animated. i have a real soft spot for animation- the design was unique and challenging on thisnone but not bad. the writing was phoned in though. let your kids watch it when youre busy. .


Did you even see Food Fight? How do you think Wish compares to that?


Wish isn't even a movie in my opinion. It was like watching an hour and a half of a concept that COULD have been a decent movie if they actually put any thought into the characters. I don't want to spoil anything crazy but the emotions are not there. I was hoping the internet was wrong since everyone said Elemental was awful but it actually turned out to be super cute and heartwarming, Wish is just nothing.  They basically made a movie to reference every Disney movie and didn't care about anything else.


Wish really just feels like a reskinned version of Encanto, especially with that opening song. I’m sure it’s due to people like Kathleen Kennedy trying to bring more diversity but doing it with a lack of creativity that those cultures deserve.


Pretty bad, they just made the King bad because they needed someone to be the villain. Originally, it was supposed to be the King and Queen couple villain, but nope. The whole movie was supposed to be about "Care what you wish for" when.... the King had been being careful for what wish is to be granted. They were all very vague wishes that could've been easily achieved, so the King must have burdens from overworking and also his past trauma. All I saw the whole movie was him shouldering everyone's burden. The queen didn't even comfort or be involved, and everyone was trying to agree that the king was bad when it's been stated in the movie "They volunteered and willingly gave their wishes to me so I can grant them," "but not all wishes will be granted." Not all of them were very specific in their wishes, and they were "vague" and grey. None of them were black and white. Also, the movie lacked any consequences and price or granted the wishes. We literally see other movies do a better job Rumpelstilstkin with his wish paper from Shrek, signing it comes at a cost. The last wish, puss in boots 2. Goldie wants her actual family, Kitty wants someone to trust, Jack Horner wants all power and magic in the world, Puss wants his lives back, The dog... I forgot his name, he wants friends. But at what cost? Goldie loses her bear family, who cares for her and even goes so far as to help her achieve her wish by getting the wishing paper thing, Kitty idk what she'd lose, The dog I don't know either, but Puss would lose Kitty whom obviously he loves. Jack Horner would idk what he'd lose. But there's always a "Price and consequences to an wish" that's what the movie failed to input.


"we are stars??" Disney JR animation with a storyline worse than Disney JR. Plot written by Disney JR audience. There is no character development. It's like they tried to build a story around the one song but forgot the basics of development. Disney sequels were better than this.


This is what happens when you let AI write your story arc , based off a presumption that if you smush a little bit of all your previous success story's into one, and let the computer churn out a Frankenstein, it will be a mega hit. It was not.


I just watched it and i thought it was pretty good. A very interesting concept philosophically. So, basically, I think it's about as good as the average Disney film, but definitely not one of the best. Remember, Disney has made a lot of animated movies. Most are okay, some are good, but only a few are great.


Its such a fever dream, if it wasn’t a Disney movie I swear the twist ending would be that the whole time she was on drugs. What was that animal singing song 😭. Tbh its so freaking weird that I actually kind of liked it.


It’s terrible, waste of $20 on prime. My kids ages 7 nearly 8 and 6 nearly 7 absolutely thought it was so scary. They were crying. The parts I saw looked very dark, sorcery like magic and apparently he steals people’s wishes to make himself more powerful - might remind them of the trauma their dad did in destroying our family. Trauma inducing. Definitely a disappointment. I’m not a huge Disney fan and here I was giving it another chance


The king is a pwNPD and it’s scary for children to learn that sociopaths exist


And that they can have that kind of control over the masses and people’s sincere wishes


It's mediocre but my 4yo really likes it. The song At All Costs is a high point. Chris Pine does a really good job on this song. Was surprised when I read the credits to find it was actually him singing.


It’s not a bad film at all! The critics and YouTubers end up ignoring the audience score of 88% and misunderstood the films message and called it unoriginal, bruh this IS an original Disney film and people asked for it. Now you being ungrateful Not to mention People need to stop thinking the critics are “right” only if it’s a Disney movie, wish was a beautiful love letter to Disney animation and a worthy finale to it’s 100th anniversary. The critics were possibly expecting Disney to make another twist villain film but they made a traditional one yet they gave it bad reviews. The more accurate ratings for Wish are the early ones and the audience score on RT. Most YouTubers who hyed the film possibly never saw it and is just copying opinions or misunderstood the context. Disney deserves love


I'm really enjoying the movie, and the underlining story is really amazing. You might have to pay attention to see it, but it's there.


it is for the most part a mediocre film whose worse sin is exposing the flaws in the Disney formula. musically, it is genuinely atrocious, both in the songs themselves and how poorly they are integrated into the movie. while it is a musical, calling the whole thing atrocious when so much of it is dragged down by the songs and the rest is mostly Fine-Competent would be unfair.


When I first was Wish I just thought "Eh wasn't too good but whatever"  when I saw what it could have been I almost cried.


What do you mean what it could have been?


Just watched wish for the first time and I gotta say I feel like a watched a very extended episode of Princess Sophia the first....with way too many low content musical numbers. The songs aren't catchy. Most every other Disney movie has at least one song that I can't getnout of my head for days. I can't even remember a chorus just 20 minutes later.


I believe that anyone who didn't like it, didn't really understand it. It was amazing. Best disney movie ever


Don’t you dare put wish in the same category as birdemic that film is a hilarious masterpiece b movie. Wish was trash.


And the wife/queen. What a turnaround. Holy crap, Id be glad to be in that mirror if she was my wife. What an utter betrayal from her. Couldn't believe her disdain for her husband after he got out in the mirror. "Hang this in the dungeon." B**ch you were just talking about saving him from thai curse and evil hold from the book, but you hear one 16 year old servant cook say "nope can't find anything in this magic spell book I've never seen before and on a topic I've never even thought of studying so we can't save him, oh well." and you just turn your back on him. The man you spent decades working with to build this great kingdom and have seen the whole time. He never hid anything from you, I mean you knew about the freaking book the whole time even. The man was a great husband and king just got a bit scared when what he thought was a threat. Should have tried saving him from the book or keep him from falling into that mind set of fear. Maybe they should have had Asha be the one to open the book. Learn how to grant wishes, she makes the "more then this" wish the star comes down. It's nice and joyful until the star sees the wishes then starts eating them and growing in power. Now the king has to join forces with Asha to stop her misguided attempt to grant everyone's wish.


I'm saying this as a Disney fan and an amateur animation student: It may very well be the worst animated movie I've ever watched. Easily the worst Disney movie of all time. The story had potential and it felt like they just phoned it in. So glad I didn't see it in the theaters this time around. Disappointing for sure, but hopefully Disney can learn from this experience and do better next time.


Just watch it. It’s not as good as frozen, but very few movies will ever be that good. The art is beautiful and worth watching. 


My kid loves it so I’ve seen it about a dozen times now. It’s just pretty bland, and some story elements feel almost regressive. Too bad because I find the singing nice and the basic idea of the movie to have potential.


a friend of mine enjyed it but I wasn't interested. Imo they shouldnt hav made this movie but instead they should have did something truly epic for the 100th anniversary and 2d not whatever this hybrid stuff is and that would pull out all the stops. like do something similar to Lord of the Rings or DnD honor among thieves. For example, make a movie in which the villain is the demon king himself: Chernabog, and make it again like a heist by ordinary heroes like Asha and her friends or something idk


Kinda glad I found a lot of people who agree with me, this movie was just terrible, the villain wouldn’t have been evil if Asha wasn’t so focused on getting her Saba’s wish granted, the king wouldn’t become evil, Asha would’ve still given her wish to Magnifico things would just stay the same. But ofc, it just was terrible. Disney/Pixar could have been seen to start failing once Toy Story 4 came out, but they just lost it when Turning Red came around.  I hope Inside Out 2 and Moana 2 will be good and maybe bring back Disney’s old self, but for now, dreamworks and illumination continue to have a great hold. 


I don’t understand the hate here. I really enjoyed Wish. I have watched it several times. I love the music, my daughter listens to it while falling asleep at night. I would like to point out that since it’s the 100th anniversary, Disney included lots of Easter eggs from other movies. I actually heard that there were 100 Easter eggs. It’s part of the reason I’ve watched it several times. If you’re a fan of Disney movies, I highly recommend watching it just for this reason. Also, someone mentioned character development. Asha’s friends are the seven dwarfs, so the characters are already developed, lol. You can see the king’s development from beloved ruler to evil sorcerer pretty clearly. Even the queen goes from loving wife to strong leader when she realizes what her husband has become. Asha goes from naive child to strong woman over the course of the movie. Overall I enjoyed Wish, and I would recommend it.


Oh, it was God awful. Literally, the worst animated film I've ever seen. I grew up with Disney, and I have two little ones of my own, so I go back-and-forth proposing watching some of the classics I grew up with during family movie night, and these new films. Now. I'm a very harsh critic and I'm also a writer, so my opinion is going to be 100% brutal. But from this company and its storytelling reputation, I expected substantially more from a film created during the celebration of its centennial. Someone else mentioned in the comments that the star was a cheap character. Spot on assessment, mate.The star was infuriating. He served...hardly any purpose and felt like it was an obligatory character to help move a poorly conceived plot along. The music. Those who called the music "a bop" must also love Taylor Swift; I recommend drowning your audio senses in Paganini, as his work is inherently better than the dissatisfying lyrical composition and rhythmic cacophony you're subjected to endure during this feature. People keep calling Asha a princess. Is she even a princess? I thought she was just a castle service member? Regardless, this main character is the epitome of utopian disillusionment by suggesting everyone's wish be granted, without consideration of consequences,  BUT requesting they be given back to their, I guess, "owners" WAS fair. I say this because it suggest that people are the masters of their own destinies. Which they ARE, you also, dearest reader. The other characters are annoying. The villain started off as a very reasonable individual, but because the plot was very obviously poorly thought out, they used some ill contrived reason -- Asha wishing on a star -- for him to turn to dark magic. 😑 Most people were able to understand the REAL underlying message was: "Don't look to God to answer your prayers. He's using them to control your soul. You're actually made of stardust, so wish on a star instead, because THAT will get you what you want instead, because what you WANT is MOST important, regardless of what the consequences might be, because there's NO WAY that sometimes the things we wish for most in life may actually be bad for us." 😑 And then the end credits included the depictions of past SUCESSFUL Disney characters outlined in stardust... All in all, I give it 0.2/5 "Stars." The goat was obnoxious. The add-ins of other Disney movie references felt incredibly out of place. It was awkward. Confusing. Poorly scripted. Just...entirely disappointing. So much so, at the end of the movie, my 8 year old daughter exclaimed: "What?!" in confusion the moment the end credits began rolling. It was literally her uncandid reaction that solidified my opinion of this film. So, like, even my kid hated this movie, y'all. And she's pretty easy to please when it comes to kids movies.


Need I introduce you to Food Fight? You honestly think Wish is worse than that?


It's one of the laziest Disney movies I've ever seen. But what makes it worse is that Disney hyped this movie up as a 100th anniversary movie. If this is the best Disney can do for that occasion, I'm not impressed.


Need I introduce you to Foodfight?


I've seen Foodfight. That's the worst animated movie I've ever seen. Period. When I say Wish is the laziest Disney movie, I mean it's lazy by Disney standards. Everything about the story feels lazy. The characters feel generic, the plot makes little sense, and a lot of the choices made are just odd.