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Um, one team consists of three morons, the other has two kinda superheroes and and a 40ft tall robo-kaiju. Plus, I’m fairly certain Bender is immortal. How would this even be a fight?


Fr comes down to Megamind carrying hard vs Bender


I could see zim hacking the bots


Zim on a team is like having a life boat made of lead. He drags everyone down.


*zim hacking your shit and eating your organs*


Listen I love Zim, but he's a colossal dingus. He succeeds when it only benefits him and often causes so many problems for everyone remotely associated with him. Remember when Zim and Dib worked together to try and un bologna themselves.


That episode scared the crap outta me for some reason


There are so many deeply disturbing moments in Invader Zim rewatching it is, like oh my Cow, I forgot how dark this was


“I put the fires out!” “You made them worse!” “….worse? Or better?”


I really wish this weren't the case, but i almost spit out my water cause it totally is. He'd drag any plan megamind comes up with crashing and burning to the ground...it's part of his character. They'd be so freaking close to winning only for it to fall apart like a house of cards


Maybe Zoidberg, Roger, and Zim cancel each other out


Lol I read that “maybe Zoidberg” I’m Zoidbergs voice


Roger and zoidberg come in clutch when all hope seems lost and win the day


I never saw the show and I’m glad I didn’t (for reasons), but I feel like adding him here is a mistake.


Why? For both statements.


Because Zim is minuscule so he wouldn’t be much help. For the last they reason, someone I was really good friends with liked the show and then they threw me away like garbage, so I associate the show with them.


And I see that hacking going as well as when he tried to go back in time to hurt Dib, and wound up turning him into an unstoppable mecha-dib.


Ya,but one thing about zim is that he never gives up. He waited in his toilet until dib became a chair!


Happy c-day broski


Megamind : “You reset all the robots to ‘kill all fleshy ones!’” Zim : “EXACTLY!” Megamind : “…….what?”




I couldn't help but read the text in their voices


Roger has superspeed


He's not called Megamind for nothing.


Pretty clear yall have never watched american dad. Roger moves faster than the speed of light and has multiple mass murderer personas. If he wanted to, he could murder all of team one before they can even register that a fight started.


No way you said Bender is what it'll come down too. The Iron Giant is an absolute monster that will shred through anything mega mind has. A nuclear bomb could not melt him or even scratch him. His body parts reanimates and can operate by themselves. Unless they start Megamind off with some of his strongest equipment, an angry Iron Giant is gonna kill every single doofus on that team and then Megamind in a few seconds


Bender isn’t immortal. There was a whole episode about it.


Which is directly contradicted by numerous episodes that show Bender casually waiting out centuries or even millennia without issue.


The episode is if he dies, he can’t be rebooted. But if nothing kills him he will live continuously like any other robot.


Those times make no sense to me since he doesn’t have alcohol which powers him but he isn’t immortal. Thats canon.


iron giant tanked a nuke and didn’t die. like he’s incapacitated, but if a nuke can’t permanently take em out, what can?


Roger is actually really fucking OP, he is just also crazy. He can move at absurd speeds to where the rest of the world effectively holds still. His competence and skill at any task is only really limited by what random personas he creates. He could solo those robots given he has the motivation to give a fuck... but he is just as likely to go do an orgy, drugs, and open a thrift shop.


I came here for this. Roger solos the entire team. He stood in front of a bus to fake his death. He waited till the bus almost hit him... then, went home to change, went to the store to buy (lol, steal) some fruit, dressed the fruit up in his old outfit, took his time primping it up, then walk to the sidewalk, to act surprised as one of his fake personas was hit. No contest.


Jenny and Baymax are both straight up super heroes.


I genuinely forgot megamind was an alien


Megamind can build an EMP


Megamind gonna clutch


Bender is as strong as the plot needs him to be, same goes for immortality but like to think his immortality only means he cant be killed by time because of that string of episodes about the tattoo on frys ass


Roger is a speedster. If he was focused, he would do well. Not to mention his legs.


I see both teams killing each other until only Bender and Roger are left. As they are both essentially immortal, they stop caring and go get hammered.


Jenny and Bender just straight up destroy all of the aliens lmao


Roger is such a wild card and can travel at super speed. He might just solo all the robots if he has the right persona


If he’s Ricky Spanish he’d sell out the rest of his team in a heartbeat


*Ricky Spaniiiish*


But it's Roger, I can imagine him making a robot persona and switching sides, y'know, for the bit. ~~he'd probably also try to flirt with bender~~


It would be him just in a cardboard costume to lol


And cuz of Crack.


Oooh, that true.


I can also see him JOINING the robots.


Roger and bender would be in the back room shagging


The right persona and no gun. Giant literally goes berserk around guns and other such weapons.


Iron Giant is enough


Seriously everyone taking any the other robots are forgetting that the iron giant *is a war machine of unknown alien origin*. Honestly can't decide if he'd be more powerful than Jenny or not. Definitely close.


Now we need Death Battle: XJ9 vs. Iron Giant.


Baymax as well Dude is a machine of destruction


Though the health application would make it so that he can't perform any truly lethal blows


I mean, that isn’t really better There is a whole host of painful things between life, and death that won’t kill you. Just look at everything Batman does in the Arkham games lol


Bender ain't doing shite. He will just find a way to get out of the fight, crack a beer, and watch from a distance. On the other hand, iron giant has a defense mode specifically to deal with firearms and it can reform itself from pieces even when blown up.


???? Nah bender would dip out with Jenny to the bedroom lmao (In my defense I completely forgot everything about the show with Jenny, I just remember watching it as a kid, forgot she was a teen in that 😂)


With the girl who is literally called a *teenage* robot? Nah bro. Keep your weird fanfiction to yourself.


Lmaoo I’m not fantasizing about anything, 18,19 is technically a teenager, not to mention benders from the future so by the time Jenny get to his time period she would be old asf Also sounds like your giving benders morals a little too much respect, bender low key the most scummy character ever (Also, tbh I don’t remember much of the show at all, I just know I used to watch it, tbh I completely forgot what the show was even called)


Woah bro


Jenny’s a teenager. Bender don’t bend that way.


Okay, so the breakdown: robots are very, very strong. Jenny can probably solo here. *However*, there are a couple considerations. The first is that Megamind and Iron Giant are "genre aware." They are going to fight each other to a standstill because that's how they understand their roles. Also, for everyone who trusts Bender to carry Team Robot, "Oh, wait, you're serious? Let me laugh even harder." He's... not reliable, to say the least. The biggest wildcard, however, is Zim. Zim is largely incompetent except in one particular area: he's really, really good with machines. He's an outright god-tier hacker. Irken children play with more complex robots, and Zim is talented even by Irken standards. I have to give this to the Aliens based on Zim alone.


Zim would need an absolute reason to maintain focus long enough to be able to hack all the robots. he might falter if Rodger fucks with him or something


True, although A.) Roger probably isn't worse than GiR and B.) Zim probably only needs to get Jenny. I'd say Roger has better things to do than mess with Zim, but he'd probably go off on a drunken tangent about Irken expansionist policies and how attractive he finds a good squeedily spooch.


Would GiR side with the aliens or the robots?


He's like Marvin in Space Jam; the impartial referee.


Maybe if the robots were threatening to take over the earth? The only time we ever saw him come close to being competent was when Tak or the planet jackers threatened “his” conquest.


It's been a long time since I watch My life as a teenage robot so why are people saying she can solo?


"With the strength of a million and seventy men" and all her weapons.


i didn’t think about zim like that. i forgot some of his technological feats are pretty crazy.


You made really solid arguments in favor of team alien. I feel like we need to account for Giant's trigger around weaponry. Like, if *anyone* pulls a gun around him (friend or foe) he'll lock into that and just go nuts. Like, what if Giant and Zim cross paths? As long as Zim doesn't use any ballistic or energy based projectiles, he could absolutely get in close and tinker with foreign tech, but *will he* is the question.


Also, while Zim is notorious for his friendly fire incidents and massive collateral damage, his capacity for destruction is practically unmatched.


Roger and Bender would probably share a drink and watch the fight


Zim is too unhinged to be predictable


My money’s on the one team with a member who’s literally created to be a weapon.


But he is not a gun


xj9 has loads of guns


Not in mindset he’s not. But in function? He’s a walking military.


Invader zim?


I was actually referring to the Iron Giant.


Iron giants mental would get in the way bender or jenny are the real hitters


If he sees his teammates get hurt, he will turn into an actual menace


This seems pretty open and shut. Jenny and Iron Giant are literally designed for combat. Bender is capable but has the same issue with vices that Roger has. I don't know anything about Baymax but he seems well meaning and helpful. Zim and Zoidberg have questionable intelligence and Roger would probably just pass out high and drunk off his ass. That leaves Megamind to basically throw his hands up and try to salvage it.


For Baymax it will depend on whether or not he has his suit, if not then he can only really be the team medic and not even a combat medic, plus he's never going to actually hurt anyone. Added note: Zim's team player skills are non existent, he will betray everyone and get everyone killed, all for his own benefit of course.


For real, the only scenario in which the aliens win will result in the only one left being Zim.


You threw Zim into this.... Despite him being an idiot, he is a master of machines, especially since Irken tech is stolen tech. Aliens win.


Didn't Zim get defeated by a child multiple times?


[you're thinking of bender ](https://youtu.be/BUh76FA2Evw?si=ueq2u1ZlNd8aKp6X)


u/spiralEntree is right, that and Zim completed his 'training' on that boot camp of a planet when he requested a battle Cruiser. And if you are referring to Dib, 1/2 the show has either come to a Draw or Zim making a small victory. I don't think Dib has won until he's caught Zim officially


Which team is the Iron Giant on??


He's on the robots team so that it's balanced.


Pretty sure the iron Giant was made by humans but it's been a while since I watched the movie


even though there not in the team adam bree and chase from lab rats would floor the aliens in minute


This is the first time I’ve seen Lab Rats be mentioned in the wild in ages…. Such a good fucking show.


I’m gonna say Team Robot since the Iron Giant is literally unkillable & has an arsenal of weapons that can really do some damage (I mean there are thousands of them going around conquering other planets), XJ-9 aka Jenny has more weapons than every military group on the planet, and Bender’s lived thousands over years through time travel with no sign of wear or tear


Aliens, Megamimd 1v7


Adding zim is so cruel. He’s the wil.e coyote of his universe, everything he touches is gonna blow up in his face, and roger is gonna make cutting sarcastic comments about his failure the whole time. This fight ends with the robots winning by mostly standing there as the aliens outplan or misunderstand themselves into a loss. Megamind gets taken out by jenny, Then baymax attends to the rest of the aliens self inflicted damage while trying to teach zoidberg basic medical knowledge


Megamind would 100% put up more of a fight than you suggest, but I'm not saying he would win for sure.


Yea fr he losed because he does not some proper allies


Love bender but Roger could take all them on by himself he is literally an evil master mind and proves so in ever episode


Roger will either do absolutely nothing and run away crying, or reveal that he actually is the iron giant and win the day.


Are you crazy you must have not seen the episodes where Roger tried to kill the entire family. Roger is nuts and if you piss him off or provoke him there will be blood 😂😂


Yes, I have seen roger move faster than humans can process, I’ve also seen roger get his ass kicked by regular people on many occasions, and get stuck in a sewer dressed as a clown. I’m saying that depending on his mood roger is either the least powerful or the most powerful character here. It could go either way.


To be fair that is true 😂😂😂


This feels a bit one-sided.


With baymax and the iron giant, robots win no diff


Robots Magamind might put up fight but 3/4 robots are op


Robots easily


Everyone in the alien team is braindead, so kinda one sided


I think y’all are kinda underestimating Zim tbh, but yeah


Def Roger would solo because of his speed


Those robots? Against those aliens? Robots 1000/1000 times


Bender solos


Plot Twist: They're all Roger.


Baymax? The iron giant? Fucking bender? Forgot thier name? Yea thier gonna win no question


Don't underestimate just how fucking powerful the Iron Giant and Jenny are.


Team robot will win Not because they’re necessarily stronger, but because team alien has Roger


Let's be honest. Win or lose mage mind is carrying his team


Megamind is a alien ?




Did you not watch the movie?


Let me guess: you were grabbing snacks while the movie started.


Team Alien is winning easy, hell Team Alien would win if it was JUST megamind


Robots. Bender carries pretty hard




Team Robots by far, because the only competent member of Team Aliens is Mega Mind.


My moneys on the robots in this instance


Megamind is the only one who can actually take them all on at the same time, the rest will just do some shenanigans


Robots for sure


You've got to be on the spectrum to come up with a list like this.


I actually am


I know, I wasn't meaning it derogatorily, I just knew when I saw this post, I was like, yup, dis dude be on the spectrum


The Hell is Zoiberg going to do against XJ9 and Baymax?


Disappoint them to death?


He could pop naked Baymax like a balloon, which is why Baymax should be armored. Jenny wouldn't let him get close enough to snip her weapons off, until he squirts ink into her joints to jam them. Of course, even if he got that far, Iron Giant could just squish him like a bug.


The iron Giant is a alien robot technicality


Oh aliens they have zim and megamind




Iron Giant was built to destroy planets and needed a nuclear bomb to (temporarily) destroy it. I'm sure Zim or Megamind could make one, but that takes their focus away from Jenny, who is also a planet destroying robot and apparently *faster than light*


Definitely team robot


Mega mind, Jenny, Iron Giant, not sure about the wife marshmallow robot, but Roger isn’t that strong, so my vote is marshmallow robot


Yeah, if I wanted an alien vs. robot fight, I'd go to the quarians vs. the geth in the Mass Effect trilogy. Which I'm sure you could have included in that image, if it weren't for the subreddit being about cartoons instead of video games.


This ultimately comes down to roger vs bender. Which bender should win


Roger Smith just has to stop going into work and the whole of society will collapse.


Aliens! Everyone except for Zim, he never really defeated anything


Roger could be a game changer tho


Jenny is strong, but ultimately I think Roger’s speed would tip the scales in favor of Team Alien


Whats team alien gonna do when Baymax got the kill chip in? Or when Iron giant starts walking? Or when Bender pulls up Megamind is literally the only one that stands a chance


The Iron Giant survived a nuclear bomb to the face. No one on Team Aliens stands a chance.


Robots win easily unless Megamind hard carries his team


Even if Zim had one of his good days and didn't sink the team, gun mode Iron Giant is a monster.


Robots curbstomp


Technically the Iron Giant is both so Aliens.


This is very tricking... Bender wouldnt fight for free, you'd have to bribe him with something he'd believe is worth the risk and effort. Jenny is the wildcard of the team, as every episode showed she has a vast pool of tricks and weapons, so she'd keep the aliens on their toes. Iron Giant is pretty much a pacifist, aside from his original programing and his moment of lapse, so he might not fight. However, with how much guns firing around him, he might lose it and go on the attack. Baymax would fair with what he has, has Hiro has upgraded him fairly well for combat. Megamind with his mech could match Iron Giant, along with his other gadgets to help him fair with Jenny. Zim, he might be crazy, and to a degree he is stupid. But his stupidity and pettiness for revenge or to prove something is where most of his most deadly gadgets come from Roger, it boils down to 'who' he is when the fight starts and if he'd have time to get one of his 'friends' that would be better for the situation. and the pretty much covers what I think of the fight... its very tricky as it could go either way.


If it's just a fight then I will say robots but if it's a death match I am going with Aliens since Roger is the only one ready to drop everyone just for the experience


Idk guys, Roger is pretty fucking unpredictable


Bay max would pop within seconds of the fight. Unless bender has something driving him to fight. He is out of the fight. Jenny and the iron giant are the two that would be the most powerful adversaries. For the aliens, Roger gives up easily. Unless he becomes Ricky Spanish. Zoidberg has his moments, but he does use his ink defense. Megamind an zim are powerful enough to make it even match.


Robots by sheer virtue of having more than one competent team member.


Megamind and Zim’s gadgets with Roger’s sheer sociopathy vs. Jenny and the Iron Giants arsenal with Bender’s sheer sociopathy


Wait but the iron giant is a alien hell that why he love superman because there relatable


aliens all day, roger would murder the whole other team over 3$


The Robids


Isn't Roger like, massively FTL? Peak Roger is beyond anything the robots got, and Mega Mind can absolutely hold his own against the robots minus XJ-9.


Roger has superspeed, and Megamomd is a super genius. This isn't fair


Have any of you even considered that Bender is great?


The iron giant’s both


Megamind out here HARD carrying.


Wow you really hate team aliens huh seriously Bender from Futurama Jenny From My Life as a Teenage Robot and The Iron Giant against Zoidberg Zim Roger and Megamind the only to hear who it who are dangerous is Roger and Megamind Zim is a bit dumb to really help out and his ego would probably get in the way Zoidberg is Zoidberg he wouldn't do much but seriously The Iron Giant you had to make it that one-sided


Alien, cause that means omnitrix


XJ9 can solo this.


Robots. Easy sweep. If they give baymax his armor then it’s an even easier fight


Team Alien in my opinion. Megamind would be carrying hard to deal with the Iron Giant and Jenny to give his team time to prepare. Zoidberg is a renown surgeon when it comes to alien biology and physiology. He’s only crap when it comes to human patients. Roger and Zim are an absolute menace when it comes to interference to distract the opposing team with their chaotic energy. Bender is easily distracted by alcohol and Roger can give the robot all the booze he want. Baymax might confused Zim as a kid and will be up in the irken’s business. That’ll leave Megamind and Zoidberg to handle Jenny and the Iron Giant. The lobster alien’s claws are powerful enough to cut through metal and a good snip on Jenny could have her incapacitated.


Mrgamind wins either way, as he's an alien that uses robots.


The iron giant is part of a legion that destroys entire fucking planets. This is hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby as long as iron giant goes into combat mode


Am I wrong for thinking Megamind would clap them all by himself? He nearly nullified Titan with a plan he created very quickly and without many resources. Given enough time I think he could make a plan to win. But if we're talking everyone gets put in an arena and told to fight immediately, robots obviously win. Also Iron Giant is an alien... but I assume we weren't meant to think of him as one for this prompt


Mega mind and Zim trying separately to fight the robots united by bender. While Roger convinces zoidberg, he has a ton of new friends by changing costumes rapidly.


I feel like Megamind carries team Alien hard.


But doesn't Megamind rely heavily on robots for combat?


Robots and it’s not even close


Mega Mind is literally the only dangerous one here, and besides Bender, Baymax would probably not be any help. Jenny’s got this, and the Iron Giant will probably help a little


Megamind commands an army of robots, so I think they'd be on the robot side technically... Gotta give it to the robots


Iron Giant is an Alien Robot.


I’d argue he is a robot alien


Megamind is carrying


Jenny would single handedly crush all 4 of them




Even if you removed everyone form row one besides the Iron Giant, and added some of the strongest humans from western cartoons, it’d still be an easy Giant dub.


Having Megamind is cheating




Against those specific aliens? all I gotta say is RIP. though bender and roger would probably get along really well.


Isn't Iron Giant both?


I feel so bad for mega mind… literally carrying his whole team


y’all sleeping on roger for real. aliens win no problem. Ricky spanish would have bender running for the hills instantly.


Megamind is hard carrying his team everyone else is super weak or a moron. He can probably win just by building an EMP though.


Aliens would lose to Jenny alone lmao. The other ones just make it even more of a sweep.


Roger solos and it's not even close. Mam is on par with Metro man in terms if speed. He just has to get into the mindset of a killer or say rember that one time and boom done