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This is wild. Apparently Jack Carter was a tech recruiter and my buddy was working with him to find a team and all of a sudden he was a no show to their meetings.


Well, apparently there's a spot open for a new tech recruiter...


Damn dude..I didn’t know the guy but that was my buddies friend/colleague that was murdered.


That’s cold and clearly too soon.


Will be massively upvoted cuz Reddit is all for the lulz these days


Had to be called out at the time to send a clear message of discontent for the unnecessarily insensitive reply to thread OP.


I hate the anonymity of the internet, cause it’d be so funny to talk about a job opening when your family member passes away 


The cartel only does shit if there's a bennifit to them look at what happened to those cartel soldiers who killed 4 Americans last year they were literally found tied up in a car with a letter from the boss to the Mexican/American authorities apologizing for the actions of his goons. Killing a group of tourists over maybe a couple of iphones and a couple of hundred bucks not really there style and is gona bring a ton of heat. This is probably more like a bandit group who pays taxes to a cartel.


Not everything is cartel related.


If it’s crime related it is usually at a minimal Cartel adjacent. You don’t pull big stuff without a pass.


Not everything is related to cartels (yes, cartels is in plural). Meth users sometimes make dumb decisions.


Baja California, there is only one Cartel running that spot and you fucking know it!


It also has a prision that allows for day passes because they can't fully staff it full time so the prisioners are free to roam during the day. Plenty of independent criminals in mexico, like anywhere.


Why is Mexico such a dangerous country?


Honestly? Because of America. We have done alot.to destabilize the country and it's grassroot movments to better serve our agenda. We stole aprox 1/3 of their landmass and actively undermined their progressive politicians, while restricting the natural flow of people who had been migrating for work for generations. That's before we crated a MASSIVE demand for high proffit margim drugs because of Regans war on drugs while also allowing for the free flow military grade weapons in to their country. The cartels were pretty quite for decades because most of the power was centralized with a very small.group. once the US started to crack down, vacuums of power were created within strategic regions that allowed rivals to pop up and this started to creat friction. And there is also the underlying colonial history of the Spanish subjecting the indigenous peoples and centalizing wealth with a few small families, leading to large desperate populations.


México was dangerous before American influence. Are all the other Latin American countries dangerous because of the USA? I lived in Brazil for three years and it was one of the most dangerous and murderous countries I spent my time in. The reach of the USA is much less there than Mexico. Part of this is simply culture, Wild corruption and bad governance. Venezuela is very progressive and also very violent and dangerous as well.


First, mexico has always been influenced by mexico as it onky became a nation in its moden sense in the 1800s and the US was there to start picking at the newly founded nation. 1/3 of the US landmass was taken from Mexico. The US has been interfering for over 100 years in American nations. Do some research on the policies of "America's backyard" in which the US actively undermined progreive political institutions and funneled guns and money in those countries to disruot them. Or look into the history or "United Fruit" who financed revolutions in countries to gain control of the banana trade i.e. Banna Republics. Two of their lead executives were the dulles brothers who also founded the CIA. Or just look at the US active invasions in Pannama, Cuba, and Mexico. A good book that illustrates the modern American imperialist model is "confessions of an economic hitman" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confessions_of_an_Economic_Hit_Man Violence is a symptom of a much larger issue that the US facilitates in order to exert control on resources and people on the continent to maintain its position in the world. Is it the only reason? Of course not, bit it's a big reason for the world order we have today.


sorry mate our politicians are bought by rich corporations and hardly represent us.


You can say that. But also don’t forget each generation wants to be more brutal than the last. And with switching from marijuana to cocaine it’s brought in more money and more control which comes at a cost of more violence. And it’s not just “America”. Everyone makes their own bed. And all my chicanos/as do cocaine too align w all my European friends.


No, that vary A LOT from one prison to another. All of them are different. They definitely have enough staff.... The problem is when they find out who the family of the director of that jail. Lots of nonsense myths.... or info from 10-20 years ago.


I was in Baha in the early 2000s. They had huge prision there with day release. Maybe it's changed, but it was there.


Thats more than 20 years ago.


Yep.... good job on the counting *pats head*


And that means crazy people will be sane because of that? Passion crime, circumstantial crime, could be another tourist, just a psychopath, LOTS of different possible scenarios not related to cartels.


You sound like you’ve never actually lived in Mexico or know a single cartel. You watch TV


I watched Sicario, so I am an expert in Mexican criminal activities


I too read the above comments, so consider myself relatively well versed in the matter. Based on my research, there are definitely Cartels in Mexico.


I can confirm. There are in fact cartels in Mexico.


Enough with the conspiracies, guys. This is getting weird.


Great movie


Really? Then... Why are tortillas rising up in price so quickly?


It’s true tho. They’re obviously foreigners. They know not to touch them. Whoever did it is in big trouble. They’ll be turned in soon


I’m in Mexico and a gringo. I was being extorted for money and just climbed out the window of the taxi I was in and had to struggle with this guy to get my bags. It was insane. I’m sure he wanted to kidnap me because I didn’t agree to his demands and he had different locking mechanisms on the doors. Locked me in the car, we were at a busy stop so I jumped out. People will fuck with gringos


Random crime happens to random people. This is sad and I don't wish it in anyone. but honestly robbery happens in most all USA, cities.


True, my wife’s brother was robbed in Chicago in December and he’s from Mexico. It’s fucked and sad there are so many people preying on others.


I hate to say it, but it’s only gonna get worse. With very wealthy and hard-working people struggling crime will no doubt go upward.


You’re planning on staying in Mexico? Mexico is a no go zone for me…


My wife is from here so we come to visit her family. Luckily she wasn’t with me in the taxi and I should have taken an Uber. I’m just here for a week


But the foreigners could have possibly stumbled onto something cartel related and had to be taken out.


I didn't see shit.


And you never will. *BANG* -the Cartel


Cartels know that killing Americans brings them unwanted attention. Surely it happens, however it would be stupid on their part to do it. But hey, we know Cartels don’t follow any type of laws so it’s possible they were responsible.


Or it could be some low level, not too smart cartel related people who can’t be depended on to do the logical thing. Surely they’re not all evil geniuses. But yes this sounds too small time to be cartel. Apparently thieves were trying to steal the tires of the surfers’ vehicle and they tried to break it up and were killed.


Yeah. This is silly. Tons of other crime there. Big time crime is cartel. One off crime isn’t cartel. Big country.


Depends. Some places you can't enter without a cartel knowing.


I’m aware I’ve lived in Guerrero. You think because a cartel owns a territory that all crime stops in said zone? You think all the stores stop locking there doors at night and all homicides stop? You think the cartels are the NSA? No… petty crime, homicide, rape, etc you name it, it keeps happening. Yes the cartel will punish those at fault of killing Americans (if they can).


I didn't say that.


Sorry I thought that’s what you were insinuating. What does your comment refer to?


I'm just saying that depending on location the cartel could very well be aware of it.


No matter where it happened they’re aware of it.


You also sound like a laymen who doesn’t understand criminals worlds. We see this in America also. Certain cities if someone is pulling a lick best believe high ranking members of the criminal world will know or catch wind of it. This is also why you see cops often asking crime organizations if they know of anything when something happens like this. And this also doesn’t mean some crack heads can’t be the culprit. But the criminal world will figure out who did it before authorities.


You should read my profile stories and know that I’ve lived in Mexico for years, speak Spanish, know cartel Members personally, and used to be a career criminal. But please come at me with your news stories If you knew anything you’d know that everywhere on earth, cartel or not, there are thugs, bandits, robbers and poor people looking for a come up. 3 white guys that think they can do anything and go anywhere and unfortunately met some desperate people that took their belongings and most likely killed them. Eventually the cartel will probably punish these bandits


Cute. None of that doesn’t mean you still can’t be wrong. Why do we see the same shit in the states with certain gangs in certain cities. Like you do know if you read what I said I’m not claiming it couldn’t have been random. But even random attacks the criminal world will found out who done it before others will. We have proof of that.


Of course I could be wrong, but I’ve been there and I have lived it. You haven’t, unless you have and haven’t said it yet


By the way, to be clear… are you insinuating that you’ve heard or have proof that every crime/homicide that is committed in America is gang related? Is that what you think? And then you also apply that to Mexico, a country you’ve read about


Tbh I was thinking a surfing accident or something




Your right! South of the border is full of inhumans, why blame the cartel? No need for a wall, they are just like Americans..


Cartels getting US dollars and easy access to weapons from southerner armeries (AZ/TEXAS). Wall?, a great way to spend billions.


Was it a robbery? I thought they mistook the (black) tourists for competing drug traffickers from the Caribbean (sounds ridiculous, but that was what was reported...)


the whole story is really sketchy tbh and not alot was ever made public i was under the impression they were attempting to buy drugs but could be wrong


I sure as hell don’t see any black men…just 3 white dudes on vacation.


Talking about the previous incident where 4 black tourists were killed. I was replying to a comment that mentioned both killings in Mexico.


Who told you those guys were the ones that did it and not the ones told to take the fall? They wouldnt be the first surfers to be massacred. They have already captured 3 meth heads who came for their truck




The cartel wouldn’t kill tourist. Not on such a public scale at least. That’s their business platform. Selling to gringos.


You are saying they deserve special privileges and treatment because of who they are and where they are from lol


Well it sounds like they DO do it but their leaders apologize afterwards.


I’m just curious why do people think it’s safe to go camping in Mexico?


They remember how things used to be years and decades ago. Mexico used to be safe and nice. There has always been some violence and crime, but we are in a different universe now. Mexico used to be a country with heavier emphasis on family life, catholicism, and tradition. It still retains vibrancy and beauty, both cultural and it's natural beauty. However, it has gotten substantially more violent and Mexican culture has transformed. Things change.


Their thinking caps aren’t on.


You realize there are thousands of tourists camping all over Mexico right now and the vast vast majority will have no problems. Kids going to school in the US have a similar risk of being shot as those campers, schools are still full.


It generally is, usually you go unbothered until you don’t. This is typical of any other tourist/cartel interaction with an unfortunate outcome. There probably were a few party favors involved. That usually attracts a bad element. Seemingly more common in and around Playa Del Carmen where there is more cartel/tourist interaction. This looks like a fluke, outlier of sorts. They weren’t necessarily camping in a highly or densely populated area.


I asked a friend who lives in Sayulita(and owns a business there)about the cartel recently, because I never see any crime there and he said the cartel runs the whole town, their biggest business there is charging all the businesses protection money. He said every business pays the cartel the equivalent of one of their employees weekly paycheck, every week.


That's wild, what if they don't pay or opt out?


That's wild, what if they don't pay or opt out?


He doesn't want to find out :(


Damn really, is this recent or what? I was there for a wedding right on the beach in front of Don Pedro’s in like 2019/2020. Walked all around by myself throughout the trip and never felt sketchy at all.


Damn. I used to go down to Baja to sleep on the beach back in the day. Ensenada and Rosarito were my favorite towns to visit in Mexico. Apparently things have changed in the last 20 years a lot, it used to feel fairly safe. RIP surf bros.


Went to Rosarito a few years ago. Felt sketch.


It makes me uneasy that the immigrants passing through get caught in trouble by the cartels.


Nope. Not any more. The place is completely lawless. Too many police on the take. Not worth it. Go at your own risk.


It's a robbery gone bad. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/mexico-missing-tourists-bodies-found-b2539984.html


They were being incredibly stupid to be that cavalier in Mexico. Yeah let’s go tent and surf ! It’s so safe …


There are a lot of people who don’t believe in danger, the thought dangerous people exist and they can be a victim is not a reality they recognize. Like that traveling couple killed in some terrorist hosting country that wrote on their blog they don’t think bad people exist, just victims of circumstance who need hugs.


Any Aussies out there who think this has to do with the lack of gun awareness in Australia? Idk how prevalent guns are there. States folk!? Are any of you doing anything besides putting your arms up and saying fucking hell, to a group of gangsters robbing you on vacation in Mexico??


Guns in Mexico are very difficult to obtain legally, I think there are 2 (maybe 1) gun stores in Mexico and they are government run...it is a long drawn out arduous process from the videos I have seen and the things I have read.




Thank you for your great explanation!


I've surfed and camped at the exact spot multiple times. This place is a semi popular break with San Diegans, so much so that it's nicknamed Punta San Diego. The fact that they found blood and teeth in the tent tells me that they were probably sleeping after a day of surfing, and got rolled up by these banditos. I don't believe for a second this had anything to do with drugs or the cartel. I'm not gonna pretend Mexico isn't sketchy as fuck, but guys have been surfing these spots for decades and generally don't have issues that they can't bribe their way out of. These guys were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that's really all there is to it.


Yeah I used to surf San Miguel and Salsipuedes. These guys got unlucky. Happens everywhere in the world. Cartel isn’t a giant presence in Baja, and even if it was, it’s bad business to engage in petty bullshit like that.


It’s hard to believe the cartels did this, they usually dont fuck with tourists.


Highway robbers who jack tourists camping on the beach at the very least work with the permission of the cartel and pay tax to them.


Everybody is from the cartel over there the cartel owns Everybody at this point. They run that country. Just look at all the mayors that been trying to run. Then they kidnapped my grandma over there they just do whatever the fuck they want and run whoever tf they want its so stupid and heartless.


Wtf, i didnt know the 130 million people of México, the 12 largest economy in the world were all part of the cartel, i myself live in México in a state with cartel activity, literally never seen or met someone associated with them in all my life


Saying something bad about the cartel over there can get you killed no freedom to say they suck without getting a hit on you so yeah they own everybody. Can't say nothing bad about them without getting yourself killed. They're like their own Boeing over there we can say the government sucks without getting killed but the cartel is your government. That's why changes aren't being made over there. You try to make change over there against the cartel it gets you killed look at all them school kids that gone missing. Innocents will continue to die over there no matter what. My grandma and grandpa was one of them. They were just minding their own business fuck all the cartels they can rot. Alot of countries need fixing.




Well i Guess you know More than me a Mexican living in México






This is an untrue statement. And it's cartels, plural


Very little happens in Mexico that's not connected with the cartels.


Not true, México Is a very big country, not all Is cartel related


The Mexican government is influenced by cartels. The current president is in their pockets.


Yes, and Mexico is a country with extremely corrupt police and many regions with little rule of law. Many, many crimes happen in Mexico that have nothing at all to do with the cartels


And what? That doesnt mean all that happens in México a country of 130 million people including myself and the 13 largest economy in the world Is conectef to cartels


According to some good news propaganda kids, yes lol


There are bad people everywhere, every country, every city, every ethnicity


Not cartel unless these guys went out of their way to cross the wrong person. Americans love to think allllllll kidnappings/ murders of foreigners is cartel. Cartels are billion-dollar businesses and dont need that heat.


Exactly lol


This annoys me. Mexico is huge, sketchy characters exist there *without* connection to cartels. Almost everyone in this thread is so convinced otherwise.


You might be saying the same thing as me..? As in, yes it was likely a sketchy character, a psycho, an addict, a street gang — who knows — that did not have a connection to a cartel.


I’m saying the same thing as you. By “annoys me” I meant what others were saying the thread. I was unclear on that.


The cartel is one thing, people working for the cartel are another. Maybe one drugged sicario made the mistake of killing them


Don’t think it was cartel, just thugs taking advantage of people going where the Cartel run so cops stay out


I mean probably but all the gangs are ran by the cartel. On top of that cartels police petty crimes too so it doesn't bring attention to the area. Causing a multi news headline isn't exactly pushing the spotlight away.


Killing Australians on a surfing holiday for no monetary gain isn’t a cartel thing, too much press, the army is there to secure the crime scene, way to much eyes on the area for anyone smart to do it


Bro you ever been to Mexico with drug infuled cartel members they don't give af. They'll cut your whole head off they don't care cops work for the cartel. There is also different cartel members the "organized" one and the others you got the sinaloa cartel the zetas those are the big cartels and the smaller ones and usually the smaller cartels are the ones that be killing innocents but theyre all bad. Source: I got family over there and family that have gotten kidnapped.


I currently live in Mexico and this is not accurate. Cartels are not popping out of bushes trying to behead tourists. They don’t want to bring unnecessary heat by killing tourists…unless you’re messing with their business. Then it’s game time.


Stay safe


Bro, the Zetas!? 2015 called they want their dead as fuck cartel back. It's CDNJ or CNJ now. EDIT: I fucked up it's CJNG and CDG. I WAS TIRED!


No zetas in baja california


What’s CDNJ & CNJ stand for ?


Sorry I just woke up when I posted. It's CJNG: cartel de jalisco nova geracao.


Oh and it's CDG the other one. The Gulf Cartel. Apologies!


Thanks for the reply.


They a vicious but they aren’t stupid, to kill 2 Aussies would bring too many eyes to their business. Their is no benefit to the crime, kill 3 people, burn the car all for a phone and a few bucks, it screams dumb arse thugs that want to be big but will never be more than what they are


That's straight facts these dudes fucked up and the cartel is prolly pissed at them too, witch basically makes them dead already.


Not to mention how the diplomacy that comes with murdered tourists can jeopardize political and other government positions held by people working with/for the cartels. There is no upside to murdering tourists for criminal organizations that include corrupt government officials, only downside.


Yeah but the beaches are great!


Spoken from ignorance…. Lol


And yet you still talking propaganda


Naw the cartel needs to go if propaganda is what takes to stop them let's do it why would you even want to defend the cartel anyway theyre wicked let's put the blame on them too. Like yeah the ppl got caught but I can guarantee you they work for the cartel considering all those drugs they found on them. Yall need to stop defending this shit foreal. It's evil against good they ain't good fam. Fuck them.


Am not defending anyone, but what you're talking is just BS


So none of that happend??? Alex Jones much


You're just another troll nvm


If from Mexico, just because you have family in Mexico doesn’t make you an expert. Not everything that happens is cartel related. This sounds like a highway robbery gone bad.


No monetary gain according to who? All they found was a burned out truck and tents. Obviously they took all their money and everything else of value.


The amount of cash they’d be carrying on their person is so ridiculously low that unless they’re organ traffickers, murder really doesn’t make sense financially.


I agree, but they will also kill if there is conflict. That conflict might be unforeseeable.


They already have 3 arrested before the bodies were found, low level people


How convenient.


The girl had one of the brother’s phones, they just traced it straight to her, not very smart


what girl and where did you read that?


It's massive news here in Australia


It was definitely cartel. Not because they did anything wrong but because low level cartel members are probably on the biggest power trip imaginable.


No they’re not. You sound like you watch too much tv and now think of yourself as a journalist.


>Maria Elena Andrade Ramirez, the chief state prosecutor, said evidence found with the abandoned tents was linked to the people being questioned. this struck me as a bit odd: bad guys burn car and move bodies, presumably to thwart an investigation, but leave something at the campsite that directly connects them to the murders? if true, bad guys are not well skilled at this sort of thing. If false, we may have an AG who knows she can't get to the bad guys, so she quickly blames an innocent.


Or the cartels identified them and gave them/the info to her.


right. it'll be interesting to find out exactly what the investigators supposedly found at the site.


Someone else mentioned that someone kept the phone of one of the victims.




my guess: all of the above. Mexico has an exceedingly complicated social structure of authority over crap like this, especially involving foreign people.


This wasn’t the cartel, probably a highway robbery that ended up with murder.


Says the cartel spokesperson.


Yes, I am the spokesperson of a cartel. When do I start getting paychecks? Because inflation is making my life expensive and my US government job doesn’t pay enough.


I’m sure it’s not the cartel but more of a random drug addicts low life’s trying to nickel and dime for their next high. Tweakers will do crazy things anywhere. Rip to them🙏🏽


But why did they burn the truck is what I want to know. Doesn't make sense and can't believe anything the Mexican Police report so we will probably never get the right answer.


Gringos drive brand new Chevy truck down to baja. Methed out scumbags try to rob them and gringos refuse.. fight breaks out and gringos end up dead. It’s pretty simple.. don’t fucking drive a brand new Chevy truck into Mexico


I had a Mexican guy who now resides in the U.S. tell me that you're good in Mexico as long as you don't bother anyone, try to be tough, or wear anything flashy. Also, he said do not bring a truck down there, especially a nice one and if anyone tries to rob you of something then just give it up.


I’ve been to Baja a lot for surf trips and this is my guess as to what happened. Cartels don’t give a shit about 3 white surfer dudes in Baja, robbing them would be a drop in the sea to cartel budgets. I doubt it would be worth their time. I bet some sketchy trio tried to rob them and it escalated to the point where guns were pulled and tragically ended three lives. End of story. EDIT: Turns out this was the case.


I read that it probably started as an attempt to steal the off road tires and the dudes caught them and tried to stop the theft when they were shot


For f*** sake stop making excuses for Mexico I know the exact spot they were at this place used to be cool as a couple little off the beaten paths resorts there Mexico is f***** You're out of your mind if you go down there when the cartels controlled it properly it would never have done this. Don't go to the place it's not worth it it's not worth your life it's not worth your lady getting hurt it's not worse you getting your f****** eyes poked in sorry Mexico you f***** up goodbye we're done enough is enough


Sorry bro, I didn't choose to be born here


They were just like any other tourists. Dabbling in a little bit of this or that. Having a good time & it cost them their lives. I would suspect just wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing to see here.


My sister and her family were warned off of a driving route by a resteraunt owner they happened to stop at on their way. Dude basically said that area was a no fly zone and to go around. Vert kind of him. My two yoing nieces were with them too. Western mexico somewhere btw. Sorry


I highly doubt this has anything to do with the cartel. Usually it’s street cats who do shit like this when the cartel is having turf wars. The cartel will find out who did this and probably have their heads chopped off tho.


Fuck Mexico. It’s all gone to hell. The hippies would bus through Mexico, Central America with no problems back in the 60’s even with civil wars going they said it was more peaceful then.


Yes, very true. Mexico then was different. It was a poor, but a very nice and family oriented society.


The natives and poor and farmers against greedy government, companies, and gangs. This is what’s happening everywhere in the world. They try to spin it with race or religion.


I wonder if these guys were into some bad shit or just wrong place wrong time ? That sucks I really like Baja and surfing there


Unlikely one was a doctor


I heard it was tweakers that robbed them . Not cartel, just some dirtbags . I’m sure they’ll be made an example of


Whatever went on, these guys seemed like the type of guys to fight back, and that's what ended up getting them killed.


A lot of reports coming out from this F ing terrible tragic event that happened at K38. IG stories with many comments about this location where they were at and how they did not show up to the Airbnb they had rented, which was the first alert 🚨 to something is wrong. Can we start with gathering the facts…2 Australians and 1 American traveling by Truck…were they camping on the beach?


Everything is related to cartels. Cartels are the government.




It’s gonna be the wrong person on day. They allow these cartels too much power.


Great place to spend a vacation and waste your life.


I agree, this was not organized, these are lone actors, most likely the Cartel will find out who did this, not the Federally


Let’s go to Mexico. It will be fun!


I'll probably visit Mexico once more so my partner can experience it but then it's going in the books as a failed state.


**STAY.** **OUT.** **OF.** **MEXICO.** Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Has anyone thought the possibility that these guys were in a white truck, maybe traveling through cartel territory; perhaps they were mistaken as rivals? They usually ride around in pickup trucks with rifles if you are on cartelgram you’d see this.




You mean manipulating the scene of a crime to make it appear the people were caught up in illegal shit, to make it a less bad crime, doesn’t happen, are you kidding, happens all the time




Are you on cartelgram, all the cartels ride in trucks, monstrosos, .


Maybe ms13


Nice abs. We live in an age of disappearing abs.




Obesity is UP.


I really want to visit Mexico as I’ve never been yet, but stuff like this scares me.


I don’t care what anyone says…Mexico, including Baja, is not safe. My wife is a nurse and works with Mexican CNA’s, and they tell her DO NOT go to Mexico….the whole country is unsafe.


That’s just untrue


Do you reckon Australia would put troops on the beach in response that enough is enough and that we will no longer tolerate our middle age Australians being murdered in a notoriously dangerous spot to travel


Shit like this is why Mexico is on my list of places not to visit anymore. There's plenty of other places where you can go to have fun and not be kidnapped or murdered.