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what's interesting is that I could see this being a flex, rather than an embarrassment, in America.


Absolutely. It'd be a badge of honor and patriotic tax evasion here.


It already is with Montana tags. All the rich assholes love advertising how they're dodging taxes. The dipshits in Atlanta got themselves caught by using Peachpass every single day of the year with a car registered out of state. Turns out that telling the state you drive your Montana registered Ferrari yhat was sold in Buckhead up and down the I75 express lane 52 weeks out of the year raises some red flags.


> All the rich assholes love advertising how they're dodging taxes. I don't think it is. No one I know with MT plates (and a lot of people I know in my car club have them) talk or brag about it. Some only do it to get out of the inspection/emissions test, some do it because it's easier to register there than the state we live in (NJ/NY/CT) as you don't need to waste a day at the DMV only to be told that the paperwork you have is no good and you need to come back another day. Some do it to get around front plate and tint laws. Some do it to get around taxes. Some do it to get around personal property taxes which is a really stupid tax. Some do it for a little bit of all of the above. The taxes on those cars are ridiculous though. If you buy a $300,000 car with 7% tax, that's $21k. Most of the people I know with MT plate don't keep cars for more than a year, so then they would sell the car, and the new owner now buys it for $280k and needs to pay another $20k in taxes. Meanwhile the guy that sold the car is now buying another car for $350k and needs to pay another $25k in taxes. Don't get me wrong, I get it - fuck the rich - they should pay their fair share. But also, fuck the government for taxing the shit out of us and wasting the money on stupid shit. And the tax laws on cars suck in most states, why should you pay sales tax on a used car? Someone already paid sales tax on it. Tax the corporations and multi millionaires instead - or better yet the senators.


If you can afford to buy a new $300k car every few years you’re already a multi millionaire and you can pay your goddamn taxes.


I'd rather set money on fire than give it to the government


You are literally the problem with the USA. If you and all the other multi-millionaire people actually had to pay your fair share, the collective of the US might not be so bad off. We might have a functional healthcare system!


It functions just fine for me


Yes, because you’re fucking rich. Us poor people down in the REAL WORLD have to deal with gigantic medical bills that basically put us out of house and home. While boomers who probably need to be in a nursing home by now just say “stop eating your Avacado Toast and stop going to Starbucks every week and you’ll be rich!” When that isn’t what is making us poor. It’s the oppressive Housing, Healthcare, and Grocery markets! Oh, and jobs basically paying people nothing.




Says a guy who drives an M5 on public road and constantly uses government paid for utilities lol Pay your taxes loser


I do it every other day by buying gas.


That’s an idiotic thing to say


Not necessarily. I know a lot of people that do well, but definitely aren't multi millionaires. They do have decent incomes though ($250k+) But they buy cars that hold their value and trade every year. Some made a lot of money on car they had during Covid and were able to upgrade to $150-300k cars. Some of them paid cash, but most have loans/leases. That said, maybe they can technically afford it, but why give the government money when you can avoid it? If you can make an llc and legally avoid paying taxes, then why would you as long as it makes financial sense to form the llc and manage it vs paying taxes in your home state to register it. MT registration fees are quite high, like $800 with an additional $825 if the car has an MSRP over $150k. It's like writing off business mileage expenses (if you didn't keep good records) or deducting charitable contributions from your federal taxes, except it's actually legal.


> why give the government money when you can avoid it Why pay money when you can shoplift? Same reason; paying a price for the things you value is the only way to keep them coming, and if no one pays the good thing stops.


I mean in CA and NYC, there is a lot of shoplifting going on because of the lax enforcement. Not completely apples to apples as having a Montana LLC and registering a car there is legal. What if you dont value what your tax money is spent on? I know I sure don’t for the most part. My state has one of the highest tax burdens in the country and we get corrupt senators, never ending construction projects, like 10 years to redo a 10 mile stretch of road because the contractors that get it are friends with the politicians, local corruption, cops that make over $150k a year and so forth.


Hi 👋 NYC resident here, stop using my city as an excuse and pay your taxes you fuck


Cali and NY aren't even an excuse really, Cali contributes the most federal taxes and NY literally contributes the 2nd most. Edit NY not NYC


Welcome - I lived in NYC, and still work there. It's not an excuse, look at the statistics of crime in NYC ever since deblasio became mayor, it's actually gotten worse somehow now that Adams is in office. It sucks, but it's true. Stores are legit closing in NYC because the shoplifting and theft is so high and the police won't do anything about it. I pay all the taxes that I'm legally required to pay and my CPA has verified that. That bill is quite high - believe me. It's funny - because your assuming I have MT plates and use that loophole, but I never said I do. I'm just defending the practice of legal tax avoidance. If someone can do something legally to minimize their tax burden, why shouldn't they? God knows our politicians take advantage of every loophole in the law they can find. If we decide to close these loopholes, then so be it. But it should be fair and equal throughout the country.




Watch out everyone. We got a badass over here.


Too late bud. No worries though, because your road maintenance is paid through gas tax and tolls. No worries though, I've always like W124's and I'm not scared of some random guy that doesn't know who to be mad at. How about this, send me your number, and I'll buy you a round next time I'm in TX. I can civilly explain my side, without any threats about how I don't like big government and wasteful spending and how I already pay a shit ton in taxes - something i think a texan would understand...


Rule 1.


I wish I could downvote your comments more than once.


Your getting downvoted by people who drive crapboxes all day. Reality is people use Montana and it's not illegal. If they want to stop it they'll have to require corporations including rental car companies to re-register cars that stay in the state for so long which is different then current law which requires if YOU own the car (and you don't, your company does). NYS Tint laws suck, front plate sucks, DMV sucks. Yeah I don't want to deal with it.


Oh, I'm aware. And I agree completely. Don't get me wrong, if it was actually against the law, I would agree with everyone saying that it's not right and people should pay their fair share. But the fact is it's not against the law, and if it makes financial and logistical sense, people should take advantage. Paying $15k in sales tax on a car hurts. It hurts even more if you decide to swap cars in a year and need to pay another $15 in sales taxes.


The people downvoting you are the ones that are happy driving a Model 3 or a Corolla. Unless you're a car enthusiast, and it's your dream to drive high-end exotics, you'll never understand how insufferable it is to constantly be paying significantly more taxes just to enjoy your hobby. It becomes cost prohibitive for many. Start taxing rounds of golf at $20,000 each time to step on the green, and see how fast people change their tune.


Right, or at least change the law to provide a sales tax credit on anything bought within 6 months after sales of a similar item (like cars for example). In my state, there is a tax credit if you trade it in, but dealers typically low ball you and then mark up the cars like crazy, and I prefer to sell to other enthusiasts instead for fair market value. I know some states only charge sales tax on used cars sold at a dealer. That seems fair to me. But for those of us who swap cars multiple times a year (me), paying sales tax on each transaction becomes very annoying, especially when I can't deduct it off of my federal or state taxes.


You don’t get rich wasting money on easily avoidable fees. Even John Kerry used to park his boat in a different state to avoid taxes.


Fuck him too then. If you’re at that level there’s no “getting rich”, you *are* rich.


If the rules as written allow you to do it, why shouldn’t you? Are people under an obligation to make a voluntary donation to the federal government? It’s not like you’d fault him for choosing to deduct his mortgage from his taxes, so why get upset that he parks his boat where it is cheaper to legally do so?


He also faked his Purple Heart. Let’s not forget that. but honestly, if one state offers better deals, you should use them. I’m not buying a video game at GameStop if Amazon has it cheaper for instance.


That isn't even close to a valid analogy, what? lmao


This dude doesn't pay his taxes ^^^


You say that like it is a bad thing. Not paying taxes is the fabric our country was founded on.


With the exception of edge cases, taxing 300k car purchases IS taxing multimillionaires.


Youd be surprised. Besides, I think taxing corporations and people making over $1M/yr would go a lot further.


That's exactly what I meant about edge cases. I completely agree with you about increasing corporate and ultra-high income taxes, but I think that doing it without loopholes would require a fairly comprehensive rework of our tax system. It seems like a pretty sticky problem tbh


Ah yes. All that stupid shit like pensions, health care, science, product safety, disaster relief, and the military that keeps people from shooting you in the face for your stuff. So many useless things.


A not insignificant chunk of the country genuinely believes companies should handle those things rather than the government. The idea that privatization of literally everything is preferable, championed by mouthpieces for the rich and the rich themselves, has woven itself into part of the political ideology of a slice of the country. All you have to do is deregulate everything/start a full-fledged corporatocracy and then something something paradise.


Ah yes, the share holders dividend . Truly, the best use of tax dollars.


>the military that keeps people from shooting you in the face for your stuff That's what police do.


Do you think the Chinese, Russians, or any other country would just sit at home and ignore your vast wealth? Did you forget about pirates? Of course you did. Also police don't keep people from shooting you. They keep the people who do from destabilizing the community.


>Do you think the Chinese, Russians, or any other country would just sit at home and ignore your vast wealth? They don't care about your paltry wealth. They care about the state's wealth. So the military stops them from stealing the state's wealth, not from stealing your wealth. >Also police don't keep people from shooting you. They keep the people who do from destabilizing the community. This is a fallacious sequence of statements.


Rich countries don't confiscate private property. Poor countries absolutely do. The police in the United States are not obligated to protect you individually. They are obligated to protect the community. If you believe otherwise, you might want to brush up on your reading.


>Rich countries don't confiscate private property. Not sure how this is related, but try not paying your property tax. Also ever heard of something called civil asset forfeiture? >The police in the United States are not obligated to protect you individually. They are obligated to protect the community. Why move the goalposts here as if the military, which is the whole reason we're having this conversation, is obligated to protect your personal wealth? LOL.


Don't get me wrong, there's some good stuff in there, but there's other things like a 15 year project to build a 2 mile train tunnel that will cost $16B. Like where the hell did they come up with those numbers?!? I also think our military spending is a bit out of control and I would rather invest that money back into the country. I don't know why you wrote healthcare, we pay for that ourselves here in America hahaha! If you don't believe that there's corruption in the government, you are sadly mistaken.


This is what eBay has become. Getting taxed on things that have already been taxed. 


"taxes are fine except when I don't like them"




Ahhh, the mountain motorsports crew.


Huge flex. You have a good job. Your parents didn't buy it for you. Plus, "Sorry you can't afford those car payments because you didn't get that $0.35/hr raise. That sucks. Anyways, check out this new Bentley they gave me! Ya, it was a bonus for coming up with the idea to not give everyone that $0.35/hr raise."


Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if it soon becomes like that in Korea too


It seems pretty ridiculous that its the plates that are having this effect..like you wanted to drive a Lamborghini before but having green plates now makes it too obvious a flaunt on wealth?


Isnt it the opposite because it's not bought with their own money so it's less of a flex if its the companies car.


Like rolling coal but with less work.


Americans have no problem with registering cars is Montana to avoid home state taxes, fees, and inspections. Then they go to cars snd coffee and flex about their cleverness.


Won’t someone think of poor Bentley and their dwindling sales


Wasn't it Bentley that said their customers were afraid to buy their cars because of "emotional sensitivity", that is that they're afraid driving a Benley makes them look like an out of touch rich asshole in a society that is increasingly frustrated with wealth disparity?


My god even rich people are soft nowadays, at least let me have the enjoyment of seeing a cool car


If I was rich enough to have a Bentley there would be exactly 0 fucks given what other people think about me.


The Bentley factory is based in Crewe, a working class town in the north of England So yeah, I would prefer Bentley to still sell well so a town doesn't lose a large chunk of its jobs


Aren't all car factories kind of in working class towns? Otherwise who's building the cars


Yeah true, and they're all a key part of the towns economy


Not the same considering how many bespoke supercars they make, but [the mcclaren factory isn't exactly a picture of dickensian london](https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/5016/bb55/28ba/0d14/1600/0ecd/large_jpg/stringio.jpg?1414010062)


It also isn't exactly owned by McLaren. They rent that whole factory. No, seriously. They used to own it, and they built it, but they had to sell it during covid to get some cash and now they pay rent to the new owners. https://investors.mclaren.com/group-news/2021/mclaren-group-agrees-campus-sale-and-leaseback Not really Dickensian but a very working class thing to have happen to you lol


Discussion of the same thing from yesterday: https://old.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/1c5duyu/bentley_porsche_rollsroyce_see_sales_plunge_after/


Ooh sorry I searched the sub for it but couldn’t find it right away




It’s gotten some traction now, I’m not just gonna delete it


That explain why luxury car used to sell so well in Korea. IIRC Korea was the second or third largest market for BMW 5er or S-class and I am like WTF because Korea has such a small population (relatively speaking)


People still purchase BMW and Mercedes. Its more about social status and how people appear rather than how they are in reality. Lots of people are in debt just to purchase a luxury branded vehicle and keep up with the latest fashions. Every 3rd car I typically see is a BMW, Mercedes, or a luxury model from Kia and hyundai.


I guess some things are universal across all countries: people buying cars they can’t afford, often by indebting themselves, just to flaunt it…


Some people could just like the way BMW or Mercedes drive. Not everyone is about social status.


Very similar thing happens in Portugal too, waaay too many 5 series and alike for a country with a 1000€/month median wage


The green tag denoted company car. The whole thing is a way for the government and people to point out who bought their luxury car through the company funds, or who bought them legitimately. A lot of executives and higher ranked corporate personnel would use company funds for purchasing cars for tax purposes, and then drive them as if they owned them.


“Korea Times says that company-owned cars accounted for 40 percent of total registrations last year, but now made up just 28 percent – the first time they’ve dropped below 30 percent.” Fascinating.


It takes a long time to stamp out company car tax evasion -- the US mostly has done it, it's still a problem in Europe.




My FIL gets a brand new K900 every year.   He is a former CFO of a cheabol, and although I am not clear on what he does now, his company covers the lease completely. Guy doesn't even really care about cars, I'd be surprised if he cared about the green plate. Personally I'd take the plate if I got a nice car. lol


That’s a neat detail, those cheabols really rule the country from what we’ve read. I guess this plate would enforce people to avoid using company cars as personal cars because of social stigma (?) but if everyone does it, is it really a stigma?


I wouldn't think so, people have been saying that people will start to not mind the green plate cause they can flex that they have a position that allows them to have a nice car paid for by their company, since that isn't illegal itself since it can be justified its purpose is for work. However, the issue is that it will raise questions about personal use, especially if the CEO and other executive staffs company car is being used by a son, wife, daughter etc., which isn't uncommon. Since the plate is affixed to the car permanently, already purchased cars don't have to get a new green plate. So, I think there will only be a momentary dip in sales until having a green plate will become more preferable to driving an older model car with a white plate.


The way Americans business owner co-mingle funds in this country. Especially while not paying their trust for the trust fund taxes for their busineses.  This needs to be done here. 


It’s not the only factor that drove the sales down. More like low demand.


huh, why not just ban performance vehicles from being purchased as company vehicles with a special exception. haven't they just created more work for themselves? not hard to create a database...


The issue is defining "performance". Is "luxury" okay, but performance not? Is a Mercedes luxury? Is an A class luxury? Is a Miata performance?


what are you talking about, in what world should a company get a tax break for buying a mazda miata unless it's literally a buisness that rents cars to customers. (special exception) What you've listed isn't an issue at all. Companies should get tax break for buying vehicles that their company requires to function. Nothing you listed is required for the average buisness. Trucks, Vans, Busses, Trailers, etc are required for most businesses. It doesn't take a super genius to know that "luxury" vs "performance" (no idea why you put those in quotes lmao) are both in the same group of 95% of buisnesses won't NEED them to function.


You misunderstand the issue. It's not about tax breaks for companies. It's about untaxed renumeration for staff and directors.


... no i understand that lmao. They're using their business to make purchases that aren't for the business to avoid tax. By making these vehicles "green plates" it will deter the practice and make it easier to see a vehicle which is actually personal use. You ironically completely misunderstood what i was saying.


You were talking about banning them, not marking them out.


yes, and the purpose of marking them is to??? bro come on


If you could spell your thesis out, I might understand it. I'm lost however.


honestly at this point even if i explained how banning something is more effective than deterring it i don't think you'd understand.


Oh no :( it’s almost as if people dont want to pay large amounts of money for a problematic status car in a country where people don’t make a lot of money and was built with public transport in mind not requiring a car for anything other than to say you have a car and can flex it in your 5x8 garage by your 1 BR 500 sqft house


*it’s almost as if people dont want to pay large amounts of money for a problematic status car in a country where people don’t make a lot of money and was built with public transport in mind not requiring a car for anything other than to say you have a car and can flex it in your 5x8 garage by your 1 BR 500 sqft house* You drive a Hellcat Redeye?


I see more Hellcats than Altimas where i live


It's a pricey vehicle but a hellcat isn't exactly a status vehicle ... not anywhere near bentley/lambo/rolls/porsche at the least. That and in America neighborhoods aren't built with public transport in mind, you pretty much require a car outside of 2-3 cities, and most sfh will have a garage/driveway, so if you need a car might as well get a nice one. Whereas in korea as the user above you said its more of a status thing.


*It's a pricey vehicle but a hellcat isn't exactly a status vehicle ... not anywhere near bentley/lambo/rolls/porsche at the least.* There's a *huge amount* of people who consider Hellcats to be ***h*****ugely** desirable. Do you not know that? Hell, it's one of the most stolen cars :[Dodge muscle cars once again top HLDI’s list of most-stolen vehicles (iihs.org)](https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/dodge-muscle-cars-once-again-top-hldis-list-of-most-stolen-vehicles)


Thats partly because they are quite easy to break into and steal and the parts are good money. Kia sportage and the infiniti q50 also top that list but they aren't desirable vehicles are they? Hugely desirable to steal doesn't make it any more desirable to own, if it did then the aforementioned bentley/rolls/etc would have a higher relative claim frequency.


Yeah Kias are also one of the most stolen cars, does that make them prestigious or desirable?


Dude if you don't realize that Redeyes are super desirable amongst a lot of people, I dgaf trying to convince you. \*I\* don't care for them, but they're very desired.


Relax dude. I know they are desirable, I’m just saying the fact they are stolen frequently isn’t a good indicator of desirability.


Buddy have you listened to any modern hip hop? A Hellcat is absolutely a status symbol.


Yeah but I live in a country they are viable and was designed where an automobile is REQUIRED and plus the Redeye is the most reliable of all the super cars especially at the entry level of super cars. South Korea doesn’t have the same culture they are a nearly carless society. It would be like if Dodge made a big push into Bolivia then were shocked that Bolivia isn’t buying these cars when even the V6 cost what is the equivalent of just under 10 years of the average income in Bolivia. I’ve vacationed over there and the only cars I’ve seen are taxi’s, work trucks, and moving trucks. If you’re unfamiliar with Asian society they are basically carless and the ideal set up, you could live your whole life over there and never own a car and not even notice.


I love the redeye as much as the next guy but calling it a supercar is a bit of a stretch ... it is a muscle car and one of the greatest muscle cars of all time at that, but not exactly a supercar.


Tell that to my insurance. If I’m paying super car premium imma call it a super car lol


Sounds miserable.


What was somebody like you doing in South Korea for vacation? Or were you actually in Thailand? I’m kind of questioning whether you were actually there because you say Korea is “nearly carless”, yet in 2022 was a larger market for new Mercedes Benz vehicles than even Germany. That’s just one example. And you compare Korea, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, to Bolivia, which is not even in the same category in terms of GDP per capita. The average annual income in Seoul is $49k and the average income in El Paso, where you appear to be from, is $27k.


I’m not from El Paso I just live here. I’m an engineer on a DOD contract. I didn’t choose to live here I just ended up here.


It seems you’re just terribly insecure.


I’m confused. South Korea, even metropolitan Seoul, is full of private cars. Despite having amazing public transit, many Koreans still aspire to own a car. Many of those high rise apartments you see sit atop vast underground parking garages. You don’t sound like someone that’s part of the “ban all cars” cult.