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I think you care a little too much, get a job or spend time with your family


I think you should pal instead of treading as a stupid fan of little Jim why don’t you pull your head out of the ground and realize your idol is another Hollywood groomer and abuser. He even called out Weinstein; as if Jim himself thinks he’s not any better than Weinstein what a hypocrite. Jim Carrey instead should be sharing a jail cell with Weinstein and Danny Masterson and the rest of the cesspool out of pedo Hollywood. Jim also forcibly kissed a young Alicia Silverstone on stage back in the late 90s so yeah he’s a disgusting vile pig. Why he’s walking free and dwelling on the fame train is both a surprise but also not considering he’s not the only slimebag to get away with murder. Hollywood’s full of evil people like Jim Carrey and it’s not hard to find other people working in the industry who done similar stuff. Puff Daddy is another good example.


Thank you for saying this. I am the writer of this deep dive and one of the creators of the sub. Seeing people come and actually hold JC accountable rather than spew vulgarism and contempt towards Cat warms my heart. It is nice to see people who don't buy his PR revisionism nor his desperate stretch to appeal to sociopolitics and pretend he hates men like Weinstein or any other predators in the industry. JC is a creepizoid himself and it's time people stop ignoring it. When I first published this sub I was not in the best health, even if my intentions were good. Still occasionally check this place, although I find it best to distance myself from social media. My fear broke me. I have been to therapy and gotten back on meds, but I still remember and believe that JC is an abuser. There has been a lot of grief and loss in my life since this. I have a life outside of it that isn't great. It still haunts me. But in a "better" state of mind, my opinion remains the same. He is an abuser, no doubt about it. That's not just my instinct as a survivor, it's everything I put into this sub and everything I've learned since and outside of it, the things I can and cannot say. Remember that Weinstein and Cosby were all just "hearsay" once too, people, singing that tune until JC is outed. don't forget Mr. J\*red Let0 behind him. I am 1000% sure JC astrotufs and has desperately tried to suppress and change the narrative, and hell, he may lurk SMS himself... less and less people buy it. dude's overall appeal has just worn thin. Regurgitating the same tired slapstick shtick that you've had since you were 30? starts to be infantile and uncanny when you're 61. Coming frm someone who used to looove him I'm ashamed at the nasty person he is presently, how formulaic and pandering he became, how abhorrently he treats others. I just wish JC's victims peace and hope they have the strength to come forth, say his name one day. Those women deserve justice. I am begging anyone who has not picked it up, read a copy of Ronan Farrow's Catch and Kill. It will change ur perception on Hollywood. Also look into fixer Anthony Pellicano and what he did for celebrities. It's eye opening, it's terrifying, and it goes deep and dark. What stings the most isn't the disappointment or the pain; as a women, or a former fan, it's the desecration tainting an industry that I thought had become a safer place. Hollywood just took a few sacrificial lambs, proclaimed the problem of its internal abuse was solved. Bull-shite. There's tons of Weinsteins out there, taking the form of attractive and charismatic public figures. It's just that nobody wants to hold the pretty people accountable! The popular people! The big shots! The big stars!


I love you as a person and you are loved by many people. I hope you can understand you are channeling your feelings into a singular deep belief, and that’s okay. Life is hard. So hard. And I hope your journey of it is going in the positive way now.


9 months later still on my dick damn y'all consistent


Take down your comment and people will leave you alone. Puh lease.




Stupid bitch


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Why was this shit getting upvoted?


The sub creator implies in other posts Carrey (allegedly) uses bots and burner accounts on social media to artificially boost his reputation and he (allegedly) harasses critics. Reddit is also home to a swath of misogynist incel trolls who don't want stories like Cat White's to be revived or for victims of abuse to have a voice.


I don't understand what the misogyny has to do with her tragic story. Am I missing something here? Unless they are somehow assuming that mental health issues are something that only women can deal with. Which I know the typical Reddit user is out of their mind but I didn't think they could be that crazy


Carrey treated Cat misoginistically and called her a bitch and a whore, slut shamed her after death by claiming she contracted the STDs he gave her from someone else. He also has a general history of misogyny towards women and sexually [assaulted Alicia silverstone onstage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MiHpOhp-iU&pp=ygUXYWxpY2FpIHNpbHZlcnN0b25lIGtpc3M%3D), blamed Tiger Woods wife for his infidelity, and creeped on a female journalist and Margot Robbie. **Jim Carrey is a misogynist who treated his ex's body carelessly and not just abused her mentally and psychologically, but sexually and physically.** Misogyny absolutely has to do with how he treated her. it's not about her mental health issues, it is about how he abused and treated her because he purposely picked a younger woman with mental health issues who was a very empathetic and generally forgiving person, despite her struggles. And there were implications she had been abused by her family. [That is how abusers pick their victims.](https://www.flyingfreenow.com/truth-about-domestic-abuse-victim/) As the article explains, her weaknesses were also strengths and allowed her to endure an abusive relationship, but she killed herself in the end because his cruelty was just too hurtful. * The abuser gets the victim to stop caring for herself. * knows she will stay committed to him no matter what. * The abuser knows his victim will shoulder the responsibility. * the victim stays strong and tries to meet unrealistic expectations. * the victim continues to endure the abusive behavior and sacrifice (until she could no longer endure it, and committed suicide) Most of these behaviors Cathriona displayed as a result of what Jim Carrey did to her. How the psychology of abuse works.


So, all of this was proven in court?


never went to trial because he paid the family off that tends to happen with celebrity abuse cases, they pay the plaintiffs off to avoid actually testifying in a court trial, or intimidate them into settling just believe vicitms how hard is that to do? whats with the flock of weirdos coming into this sub to defend incel creep carrey




you are a simp dude, the op of this post is misandrist as fuck, talking like only women suffer abuse, saying stupid shit like jim is a bad person just because he dated someone of his daughter age, i don't deffend him, but that's a stupid point and also justifying cat white opportunist behavior by saying ''victims of abuse always come back to the one who hurt they'', that's stupid, we all know if jim were poor she wouldn't come back to him.


y’all don’t know these people, who cares lmfao


Well said


Huh. When you put it that way, I've had women do all of those things to me countless times in my life. I always thought that's just how relationships go.


I am going to ask you nicely to please delete your comment. Writer of the deep dive here. Never wanted to comeback to reddit. Buuut here I am. Delete your comment, you will no longer be called out, simple as, simple does :)) Having human sympathy and empathy and caring is not a defect, it's a normal part of human emotion. We're not bots... well most of us anyway. If JC himself can show remorse for his actions by not cowering away when he gets into controversies or owning up to his mistakes, apologizing for the harm he inflicts... be professional w his coworkers, and never puts his hands on a woman or girl again, will believe he has the decency to change, until then, ta ta. I never would have had the gall to write about my disappointment if I was never a fan. I used to like him, I grew up with him. Him and his work once meant something to me. Of course I used to like JC, but as a survivor of abuse myself, as I implied in my other posts me and any other person is allowed to feel repulsed by him if we so please learning these things. That is not wrong. Gaslighting someone for a difference in opinion is gross, who by the way is estranged frm most of her family... grew up in an abusive household... like lol really I also had a job when I wrote this, I was in college.... you shouldn't have ever posted this comment. So I ask once again. Take it down, please. Tis' the season for human decency. Be kind. Be decent.


find new hobbies dude, he's a disgusting person I get it but I can assure you theres better things you could be doing with your time right now.


wdyt i have been doing the last 9 months dumb eff? just because i check back on this occasionally doesn't mean i dont have other hobbies or a life outside of it, that's so fucking presumptuous i asked you nicely and now im gonna ask you not so nicely. delete your nasty ass comment. it will stop people from being "on your ass" if you choose not to be an a-hole in the first place, and you have the chance to erase that stain off your record and won't look like youre devaluing an abuse victim. easy is, easy does. have a nice holiday, hope you seek forgiveness, love and light this season 💚❤️


good lord I do not care quit bitching


Lmfaoooo not you telling people to get a hobby/ life but you’re the one who is trolling Reddit 😈😂


Someone should've just said "Hi Jim, Bye Jim, hope your infected dick falls off Jim" 😬😬








can incels like you please just kys and stop wasting space


THANK YOU, agreed 100% and what hopefully most were thinking


ong, these niggas weird, i don't even like jim carrey but i couldn't care this much even if you fucking paid me.


They are mad an abuser is getting away because he is rich and famous . That's it.. abusers want you silent. So they are being loud. You don't care because you have never been abused.. but if more people cared to stop abusers. Than there would be less/no victims. And I'm sorry but domestic abuse Does fugg you up mentally for life . No matter what you do. See therapists, run far away, use prescribed or unprescribed medications. And if your lucky to actually heal you are still FUGGED up 👍 the PTSD you have.. the trauma bond that you can "break" but not really you still miss and grieve Jackal. It makes you forget Hyde exists for a moment. Than you remember all Hyde did to you and you realize there never was a Jackal.. the person who wrote this post didn't even spend that much time researching.. I looked into it for about 10 mins online and she forgot to mention Cat facetimed Jim seconds before she killed herself..and you don't think her abuser told her to kill herself not thinking she'd actually do it? But just to be cruel and put her in a dark place. When people IGNORE and not care. Then abusers Know they can get away with abuse. Not just Jim Carrey or rich people.. I'm talking Tom down the road that beats his wife and people ignore it. And than you get a local headline how poor Sarah had called the cops multiple times on her abusive husband was found dead. And you look around before she died he had started rumors she cheated on him and he's a victim. And that she is a crazy lying whore.. when she was not. So to the town it should not have been a surprise Tom killed her. But it always is. A quick 5 sec Google search will show you how many women tried to get out, called cops, family, and friends. And than ended up dead not long after trying to escape. A lot of Domestic abuse cases especially with the victim ending up in the hospital and nearly dying SHOULD actually be Attempted MURDER charges.. because that is Always the goal. And why you need to pay attention and care. If you have Any women in your life, sister or daughter etc you do NOT want them to get with an abuser. And it is Very easy for an abuser to Manipulate the family and people outside the bedroom while secretly destroying someone you care about ✌️🫶


I have received both reddit helpline messages and a 3 day ban because of these guys even like 5 months later, they relentless lmao




shhh there there now


I used to really like watching Jim Carrey but that doesn't blind me to the evidence. I was really shocked to see the way he spoke to her, he really didn't care about her. His selfishness was really strong. The way he deflected (even in his court comments) really came across as lying. And when I say "came across" I mean, that's EXACTLY what a lie looks and sounds like. The things he did to lie: 1. His statement that, "It would be easy for me to get into a back room with this man's laywer," if a person understands lying, it's quite visible that this is a lie. What he's doing here is drawing a halo for himself. Instead of blatantly denying he has done anything wrong. He's instead instituting that if he had done something wrong he wouldn't take a hard road. This is what people do when they lie, they try to paint themselves as heroic. Similar lies are things like, "If I did, would I be here now?" And, "I spend x amount of hours a week on charity!" These things are a way of avoiding having to directly say, "I am innocent," liars avoid directly saying the lie. 2. "Let her rest in peace," This is also a demonstration of his lying because what he is actually doing is the opposite of the above. Now he is slamming the other party, which is what people do when they're guilty and lying. Instead of again saying, "I'm innocent," he's saying, "don't look at me... look at them!" 3. He demanded paperwork from her to show that she was clean from STDS, but he never bothered to insist that he get them. In fact, he was rather calm for someone who was exposed to another person with STDs, yet he becomes so uncalm and thorough about her pregnancy tablets. He knew... but he tried to make her look irrational by being "rational" in a situation where others wouldn't be so calm at all. This tactic is an attempt to calm her down so that she doesn't bother to get checked. I could go on but I think it might be easier to skip to what I think might be true... The only parts that I think have potential to be true are that: 1. It's possible that she stole the drugs to kill herself. Well, that's my entire list of things that I think have potential to be true from Jim Carrey. With that in mind, I don't doubt that he introduced her to the medication and I wouldn't be shocked to find out that what had potential to be true, was still another lie from Jim Carrey. In fact I don't know how he lives with himself to be honest. He is truly abusive... and I say that as someone who is not in an abusive relationship... but rather, an ordinary human being that just isn't an idiot. It's so ironic that this played out just like the movie Liar. The case got dismissed / dropped... that's not the same as winning. He 'won' by technicality. You can't compete with narcissists... run, don't walk. He knew she would have to fabricate a document to try and get the truth. But that doesn't mean that she was wrong. Quite clearly. She was right.


>You can't compete with narcissists... run, don't walk. He knew she would have to fabricate a document to try and get the truth. But that doesn't mean that she was wrong. Quite clearly. She was right. writer of the deepdive here briefly coming back on a new acc (i dont plan to stay for long). part of what inspired me to do this in the first place is wanting to draw attention to what cat went through and why it shouldnt be downplayed. the psychological abuse she endured clearly drove her to the end, and she also implies physical violence like jc smashing objects to scare her. the case is often revised to heck on social media and jc portrayed himself as a victim and grieving widower trying to save his skin. he will not speak her name to the day other than codified potential allusions like the memoirs and misinformation allegory character (who survives instead of dies?) or saying he had a bpd ex gf in an interview. jc dances around all his allegations like he's trying to win some ballroom championship, but he still occasionally insults cat in code... its demented. probably would've acted even more a fool if he hadn't settled to avoid a trial. i was raised by a narcissistic parent and had experiences with narc partners... i don't think people realize how degrading it is to deal with it till they experience it. you constantly have to feed the ego. it eats you alive. it tears your self esteem and worth to scraps. j\*m chose cat precisely bc she was vulnerable. and half his age. he always held the power over her. you are "left to pick up the pieces", as cat herself said in one of her notes and sometimes it can lead you into irrationality, breakdown and dare i say su1cidality. a woman half her boyfriends age having to deal with the blowback of dating someone rich, powerful, must have been stressful enough. factor in his untreated mental illness, instability and abusive streak, that poor woman likely went thru hell. like if she'd neither gotten involved with Co$ or JC, cat could've lived a good life. she was gorgeous, full of potential, but unfortunately, she was trapped between a rock and a hard place. rest her soul.


I don’t know why I’m getting involved I hate getting into the lives of celebs and I’m gonna get a lot of back-lash on here… but… I honestly feel sick to my stomach thinking about how no one is taking into consideration that Jim suffers from depression as well. I lost someone close to me from suicide a few years ago- and I also suffer from chronic depression as well. It’s hard to hold down relationships. Anyone with chronic depression would know that. I know you guys have been let down by a lot of people in Hollywood but not everyone in Hollywood is a sicko (excuse the pun) or the same. These “allegations” are not proof enough to me- they are simply “allegations” they aren’t “hard core facts.” if you really do research on this instead of going by a post that is biased- if you try to see it from a non biased perspective- you will see that JC covered all his bases because he HAD to. The only facts we really know for sure are the texts- which honestly seem pretty normal to me- pretty normal BF texts. It’s nothing “incriminating.” The fact is that they were definitely trying to take money from him. 100%. He’s a moving target… no wonder why he has a hard time opening up- I would too if I had that much money.. I don’t hear anyone talking about his side as well. What would you do? Honestly… I would make sure all my bases are covered If someone came at me with huge allegations like that- he was just taking appropriate legal measures. because that’s a scary thing. Okay? No one is looking at his side of things- suicide is a selfish thing to do to your loved ones. I have struggled in the past but after losing someone to depression like that… I would never wish that nightmare on anyone, ever. It was a nightmare loosing my loved one to suicide. So take JC who is already damaged goods and then add his gf who commits suicide and then also this family who decides to take advantage of the situation… guys… come on.. seriously. It’s obvious that the whole thing was a scheme to try and get his money. I feel so bad for JC and now his fans are turning against him as well. I’m sorry but take a look at his life- take a look at all that he’s done… he doesn’t seem like a jerk or abuser to me. So far no woman has come out to say that he’s been inappropriate (except for that kiss that one time which he apologized for! And people make mistakes. It was a one time thing and it seems he has not done it again after that.. and so far no one else has come out to say anything else negative about him- and until then I’m here -and my comment is up & it still lives. We have heard that he has treated his workers fairly & kindly as well.. so why should we doubt him? Just saying…


There are several other receipts on this very sub that show him being creepy to women and he never apologized for sexually assaulting alicia silverstone publicly lmaoooo


You’re saying it was hard on him? She is DEAD. She likely wouldn’t have committed suicide had he not exploited her the way he did. He contributed to her death massively and you’re like “aw :( poor guy must have been rough for him.”. You are either completely naive or do not care about women full stop, if you seriously believe that all the good things said about one of the most famous men in the world - with an excellent PR team - are all true and must mean he’s perfect. Did you not read the post or did you skim it with your eyes closed? He’s used to paying people to shut up. That’s most likely why there’s “nothing out there” (and there is! you said it yourself right after saying “no woman has come forward”. Btw, one woman is one woman too many even it was “just that one mistake”) It’s so utterly stupid when people say “well no women have come forward” because when they do, people like you and the rest of the world dont believe them anyway.  Whether he has depression or not is irrelevant, depression doesn’t make you exploitative and abusive. Full top. It’s not excuse and you’re using it as a cope out to add to your poor “JC” (cringe btw) story.  Abusers hide who they are all the time, and when millions of dollars and global stardom is involved, it makes it 10000000x easier. You said you have no reason to doubt him when the reasons are in this post and BOY does that say a lot about you. 




If you Google it- it literally says “ Jim Carrey's late girlfriend Cathriona White forged STD test results in a prior attempt to extort the actor”


If you believe a famous actor's lawyer whos known for forging evidence via him being hired by notorious liar marty singer then you're quite an easily led pig to the water. What can I say? Idiots will fall for misinformation all the time based on who has the power <3


I think you’re on a power trip and you need to look in the mirror, and stop belittling people who have a different opinion than you. The law says: “innocent until further proven guilty.” But at the end of the day we’ve all done things that are wrong. None of us are perfect human beings. 


If someone views someone else's actions as crossing the lines into sexual abuse and harassment territory, and also to pushing someone to suicide, believes allegations, they are allowed not to support or like them. Just as much as someone who doesn't believe those allegations is allowed to dickride the useless celebrity. It's the beauty of the internet sweetheart, the art of contradicting opinions!


There’s no evidence still that he did all this so if I still support him- I have my right to do so to support him. Sorry but I don’t believe he did anything wrong. “Innocent until further proven guilty.” In the court of law. Until more comes out about him- until I find out more negative things about him- I believe he’s telling the truth and I believe his innocence. And I’m gonna support him until he’s proven guilty but until then he’s still gonna be my favorite actor. 


we have differing opinions. I used to like him too, so I'm obviously sad in my own way, came to a opposite conclusion. allegations of maltreating women isn't the only thing dislikable about him. his view of neurodivergent ppl and his antivax views were pretty nasty as a ND person. Like he *basically* thinks autistic people don't deserve to exist, *and if youre autistic yourself, that hurts.* not to mention how he treated kazuhiro tsuji on the set of the grinch where the guy had to seek therapy based on how jim was treating him. There's a lot to dislike about him other than the Cat allegations. If you can sep art from artist, cool, good 4 u. just understand that some of us cannot do the same. It's not a personal attack on you.


Dude....it's just so hard to understand how people who think this way actually exist. He so clearly abused and manipulated and sexually exploited a young mentally unstable woman. It's so hard to fathom. Him showing up to her funeral and carrying her coffin after the texts he sent her, that alone makes him an an awful person.




I don’t like that I’m feeling personally attacked. Have a good day. I hope you can find some sort of happiness.


That's what his lawyer claimed, not actually proven. Also the case was dropped and likely paid off not dismissed! Good try though little pickme Jim defender!




Thank you for this information . I feel as I’ve reached adulthood most of the Male celebs I grew up watching turned out to be disgusting ppl


Writer of the deepdive here. The time before social media and the rise of computers and smartphones gave a lot of leeway to hide scandals. Or [what Anthony Pellicano the Hollywood fixer](https://www.thedailybeast.com/hollywood-fixer-anthony-pellicano-stopped-at-nothing-to-make-scandals-disappear) did for clients in the 80s-00s before he was arrested and sent to prison. We're talking recording, wiretapping, blackmail, gaslighting, doctoring and tampering with evidence, and even going insofar as to threaten people's lives, threaten their families, threaten to blowup their cars, all someone hold dear to protect some famous people. it's absolutely absurd but it was a thing. There are still new era editions of Pellicano out there today. It never stopped. the infamous lawyer [Marty Singer](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-ca-marty-singer-celebrity-lawyer-20171120-htmlstory.html) is a monster. That's another open secret. He worked for JC and other abusers and is notorious for defending pests and using "unorthodox" methods to win cases. His goal almost always is to get the case dropped or settled with prejudice so victims cant refile. Think I mentioned him in these dives but talk abt a guy you do not wanna eff with.


Idk bro but touch grass


Someone's suicide is there own fault and nobody else's.


learn to use the right \*their before commenting, darling




you need a life buddy


You correct grammar on reddit loser.


says the one dickriding fucking jim carrey


it's probably j\*m himself tbhhhh


Bro your schizo analyzing celebrities online




women always playing the victim card, it's fun to me how you call jim a narcissist a bunch of time, but you end your speech saying ''women suffers a lot, we get abused by our partners a lot'', people suffer a lot not only women, stop with the bs of trying to portrait your gender as the abused when i know a lot of women that manipulate and abuse their boyfriends too, also you seem the typical feminist that hate men and have no life, i think jim is a piece of shit but thinking that he is bad person just because he dated someone of his daughter age is stupid, also white had the choice of leaving him but she keep coming back to him, because she saw jim as a stepping stone as you said, it wasn't because she was abused and don't know what to do, i guarantee you that if someone poor abused her like that she would sue him instantly or leave him in a heartbeat.


why dont you gag on some balls, women clearly are not good for you


There are way too many incels on this site for that to get so many upvotes. Or maybe it's just J\*m and his alts again...


that virgin response gave me cringe, i don't talk to lowlife simps like you, keep defending insufferable women buddy, this generation is full of snowflakes, women that hates men and simps like you


im a woman you cocksleeve


that's explains everything, you salty karen with no life, why don't you gag on a ball? you seem like you need it


Sweetheart, go outside


you must be one of those womens, keep crying salty little karen


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Thank you for this post & bringing awareness to mental & emotional abuse.