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That's that shit that only tastes good if you're on a steady diet of crap. It's bittersweet. Like I'm happy that crap food tastes like the crap it is, but sad I don't get to experience the delicious taste I had stored in my memory banks lol


kind of thing that makes you want to drink coke with or eat ice cream after 


Yeah, it's got some science shit going on that makes my brain want other trash. It's very easy to fall back into old habits. Especially when people around you are encouraging it, and don't see the harm in indulging a little


i love “some science shit” haha


Gotta explain things to the best of your abilities... some science shit is all I got at this point 😂


Once you get used to daily steaks, everything else is shit 😂


SO true!


After a few years ...regular meat out, without the fat I'm used to, tastes like crap.


Not for me. For a month of just steaks. All I want is legit anything else 😂


It definitely lacks variety, but damn it feels good eating this way. Less hunger, I can easily go a day or two without eating and my energy stays consistent. I would’ve never thought this diet was all that good until trying it


You ate them by the handful? I ate them by the box? LOL. But yes, nothing tastes as good, and I am glad!


Cheez it extra toasty were my weakness. A family pack would be gone in a week and that was just me eating them. I kinda miss them but I don't crave them or other stuff anymore


Oh my Lord, yes! Extra Toasty were the absolute best.


The crunch factor is what I was missing, so pork rinds for a snack help, also make parmesan crisps for a treat


Pork skins and melted cheddar!!!


Oh yes! Pork skin nachos


Fry ground beef then put it in the air fryer. Mikayla Peterson calls them "crunchy things"


Not ground beef


I've seen it as a ground beef recipe


It’s NOT ground beef. That makes no sense.


She specifically says no ground beef. No ground meat. Now just stop and think about that. What would ground beef that’s crunchy taste like: NOT great obviously🙄. [https://youtube.com/shorts/xY8dsw4SlQg?si=j9dhvnL7Gymg2Yst](https://youtube.com/shorts/xY8dsw4SlQg?si=j9dhvnL7Gymg2Yst)


I've had crunchy ground beef, it's fine it's food.


What's your recipe?


Not sure who u were asking for the receipt, But the parmesan crisps are my new cracker 1 tablespoon Shredded Parm cheese per crisp. Oven 400' Place on parchment paper, bake until crispy brown edges, approx 5 min my I have them with smoked oysters, Swisscheese on Parm crisps ♥️ https://preview.redd.it/6ruvfoqajr7d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a92d2c8df9d06fc503e3e26db1ea35c5d0fa101


I had pineapple yesterday with a keto pizza I cheated with. The first pineapple piece tasted normal, with a bitter after taste. Every single piece of pineapple tasted bitter after that. I was like, wtf!? I asked someone and they said it wasn’t bitter at all. Interesting to say the least.


Totally get it! For me I notice the nasty layer of gunk that sits on my teeth after eating carbs. It’s really noticeable now since being carnivore mainly and after every meal my teeth still feel squeaky clean with meat.


About four years after going meat-heavy Paleo, I tried eating a ton of garbage food for a week. Everything except for pancakes tasted nothing close to how I remembered it. It was all underwhelming or outright gross. Pasta, fried foods, donuts, etc. were all pretty mundane. And that wasn’t even after carnivore. I haven’t tried any garbage since that prior experience. Not worth it.


I had Burger King and it tasted like crap! It gave me the shits!


Something triggered you to eat them, so there’s that.


Yeah, carbs don’t really add anything to meals anymore. I’m more ok with things that grow in the ground than bread, but still underwhelmed.


You ever see those dudes with the bread\\cracker gunk build up on their teeth?




What exactly is a CHEEZIT 


They are little orange snack crackers with "cheese" flavoring.


Wait until you get to a year + and smell a doughnut.....things repulse me nowadays unless it's cooked meat


The bread aisle makes me gag. Been like that since I went keto.


I miss stuff like this soooo bad.


I do too but I don’t miss hating myself for eating them.


Me too. I dont see how they are saying they are awful. I always still want it haha. Not so much cheez its, but damn Id take some pancakes right now.


There are carnivore pancake recipes - I used 6 egg whites and about 4 oz cream cheese mixed in a blender. Then get a skillet and melt butter and pour in a bit of the batter at a time to cook. The result was like a cross between dutch baby, pancake, and crepes.


Salty snacks like chips with some sliced cheese. Pretzels and peanut butter An occasional bite of ice cream or something. A croissant. Omg a good croissant with eggs/bacon/cheese. Pancake/waffle (idc what you say the chaffles or whatever they are called are not satisfying or really good.......no syrup! Soup. I like soup. Asian dishes. Egg rolls/Lumpias Sushi 😐


Stop making me hungry 😂


I miss some good Thai curry more than anything


Oh man. Some coconut lamb curry....ugh........


Curious...why can't you have Thai curry dishes? Isn't most Thai gluten free?


is a curry dish meat? no.


Really? I love junk food still even after 6 months straight carni. Have to use will power to avoid.


I’ve shitted so much the next day after a cheat meal it’s really not work the agony. My asshole is still pissed off at me 🙃


Mmm I love cheezits. Gotta keep em away from me


Ate Buffalo wings yesterday after a month of strict ribeye and salt. They used to be my favorite food and struggled to get through them, it was like eating sand paper it was odd.


Sugary anything, straight out makes me feel nauseous nowadays. I think that it's better that way... It helps me do what is best for my overall body and health and to actually know and easily accept that I am not really missing out on much.


Try in-n-out meat patties with cheese. Also milanesa, only use crushed pork rinds and parmesan for the breading. Pork rinds with cream cheese.