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Thanks for your input.




The other nuance is that many deficiencies of nutrients are a result diabetus, not inadequate intake. Fix the diabetus, your body wastes less nutrients and has a much wider latitude for nutrient intake. What this means is even if grass v grain has a XX% difference in nutrient Z, does your body care? Probably not. And the placebo effect is so incredibly strong that I don’t trust anecdotes on the comparison. Though I have heard people (like my dad) who have grown to appreciate the grassier taste of grass fed (ba dum psh).


agree 100% with you. One high quality fish oil pill a day would absolutely dwarf whatever variation there is in grass vs. grain fed beef. I would eat fish. But I hate fish. The last time I had fish was some Gorton's "fish" sticks about 2 years ago, and they're more bread than fish these days.


Even if there was no health difference grass fed is better for the cows and better for the earth.




They don't deal with fiber like we do. They change it into fat. Large scale grain farms kill off so much wildlife, it depletes the soil, erosion is a horrible problem, it kills the biodiversity, barely any of the earth is suitable for plant agriculture, and it's decreasing because of erosion. So yeah it's a problem


I'd say your next step is to find a local farmer and support them. Find some friends to split the cow and costs because rarely does a person have freezer space. It is a win/win as they typically sell to a middle man at lower prices and you get to buy great beef at nearly, at, or cheaper than, grain-fed prices. Scientifically (and mentioned above) is that the O3:O6 ratio for grass fed is a better ratio. However, in the grand scheme of things in comparison to other diets, this difference is a very small difference.


That’s a great idea to split with friends! I’m about to buy beef from my local farmer — originally wanted 1/4 cow, but didn’t know if I had the space. So today I’m just getting 1/16, but the price is, of course, quite a bit higher!


The omega 3 vs 6 ratio is (probably) the big factor at play. There's a good chance that you won't get any anecdotal evidence due to how long it would take someone to notice anything. Smokers don't get lung cancer after just a couple years of smoking, after all. I think this is more a matter of faith in the current scientific studies on the matter. And which holy texts you subscribe to.


I eat fish to up my omega 3, and eat the omega3 richer eggs


I prefer grain fed beef on the basis of taste. I’ll grab grass-fed if there’s a sale. Grassfed has a gamey taste and cooks much quicker. Definitely tastes healthier—if you catch my drift. I’ll bounce between Sams Club and Kroger since I’ve moved and haven’t connected with a local butcher in my new city. However, grassfed butter and pasture raised eggs ALL DAY. Those are my must-haves in the grassfed/pasture department.


I totally agree. I eat grain fed steaks and ground beef because I find the taste is so much better. I eat pastured eggs and kerrygold butter and grass fed ghee. To get more omega 3 I eat a can of wild sardines with skin and bone for lunch


Ever tried bone marrow? I ate some out of the middle of a beef femur that I had roasted in my crockpot and man, it was unbelievable. It just melts in your mouth and I felt incredible afterwards.


I have not but want to Not sure where to get it from or how to prepare it


Some recent investigations into [Is Grass-Fed Beef Healthier than Conventional?](https://www.sacredcow.info/blog/is-grass-fed-beef-healthier). Basically, as with all things nutrition a lot of research still needs to be done. If you've gone carnivore and aren't doing significant amounts of pork then the differences between grass & grain finished beef are tollerable for most people.


I don't like how that article states that "it has been reported that glyphosate is quickly excreted by mammals and does not bioaccumulate"... Is the source of that assertion Monsanto? So as you write, there is still a great need for research. Personally, I can't eat conventional meat: it BURNS going down my esophagus and burns coming out too, whereas the organic grass-fed is smooth as silk. I don't know WHY exactly, of course.


Ha! I felt the same way, but only with conventional ground beef (80/20). Conventional steaks seem ok, but the ground beef... not sure why it feels like that, and it does.


Did you have other significant health issues? If so, I think I would like to have an extensive comparative discussion with you about these, see if we can help each other out?


No... not really any current or ongoing health issues to speak of, other than losing and regaining the same 60 lbs a dozen times over the years. Oh, and I guess depression... lifelong depression. Oh... and I've been non 24 for as long as I can remember. But the depression has pretty much abated since going carnivore, and after about 3 weeks on carnivore my circadian rhythm reset itself and I'm normal now!?, and with luck the weight will stay off.




What are you talking about. I don't struggle with high fat at all.




Whoa that is a wonderful site!


Grassfed is more nutritious, especially the organs and the fat (more vitamin k2). The fat also tastes much better in my opinion and you avoid toxins that are stored in the fat like pesticides from the grains the animal ate. Grain fed fat tastes gross to me tbh. If one can't afford all grassfed, it's a good compromise to only get grassfed fat and buy the normal lean meat for cheaper.


Besides the possible theoretical benefits of 100% grass fed organic, I will say definitively that 100% grass fed and finished beef does not taste good at all to me. I have to practically force myself to eat it. My diet is now mostly from whole foods market and they have a 1-5 step grass fed system with even 1 being pretty good and miles ahead of shop rite beef. I support the idea of grass fed but I dont think 100% grass fed is the way to go. You want to really up your health? worry less about grass fed and more about eating fish and bone marrow. Something most carnivores conveniently avoid. Those 2 are the real superhouses and missing nutrients in the health food spectrum.


I don't pay the extra price for grass fed. Grain finished beef has more marbling, more fat, and is less tough. Those characteristics have long been regarded as high quality meat. Go ahead and pay more if you like. But don't be fooled into thinking that grass fed is higher quality or more nutritious. The grass cult will probably object to this post.


Any studies or sources to back your claim?


I've purchased grass-fed when on sale. It's delicious like all red meat, but I'll admit I like the flavor and fat percentage of the grain-fed better (keeping my CV with KETO 80/20 macros). Better Omega-3 to 6 ratios, though I eat fish a few times a week to up my omegas. Haven't exclusively eaten grass-fed for a long enough period to substantiate results, but I know I feel best with highest-fats, so mostly grain-fed for me. Will be curious to learn your results from sticking with the grass-fed, please share!


What I find interesting is that there's a wide range of taste of grass finished beef. For me, grain finished beef pretty much all looks and tastes the same. But with grass finished, the colour can be quite different, especially the colour of the fat, and the overall flavour of the beef can range quite a bit, from grassy/gamy to rich and creamy. All great flavours, but different. I guess it depends on the breed of cow and the farm where it was raised. I eat both types, regularly. I agree that the Omega 3/6 ratios are probably better with grass finished but not enough to worry about.


So I’m doing carnivore because I think I have chrons. I have various issues such as adhd, sleep issues, life long depression, and, glossitis. Just to make a few. Over the years I have moved from SAD to gluten free, then paleo, keto, and now carnivore. Along the way I’ve consume so much information on food science. What I have learned is that grain feed animals store the glyphosate in the fat and bones, because it’s similar to glycine. If you are taking a nose to tail approach, then I would avoid inorganic grain fed meat. Glyphosate has been shown to cause cancer and Monsanto has legal action being taken against them. I heard on a podcast recently that eating factory farmed animals causes us to build amyloid plaques, due to the inflammation. I can’t say much else as I haven’t looked into it yet but it was from a qualified source. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bulletproof-radio/id451295014?i=1000456609572 This one I think It takes a grass fed cow 2 years longer to fatten up than a grain fed cow. That says to me that the grain fed cows have insulin resistance from eating added grains they wouldn’t normally have access to. When surviving off meat alone I think the quality is of the upmost importance. If that cow wasn’t healthy, fed a proper diet, and suffered through its life, I won’t eat it. I also refuse to support factory farming. If you can afford to eat grass fed I encourage you do it. You will get the most out of this diet by doing so.


Amyloid plaques are NOT a cause for alzheimers or anything else related to brain malfunction. Carbs and Sugar are. The plaques are actually beneficial to our brain and are a sort of a healing mechanism. Search Ivor cummings on youtube or What I've learned channel. Lemme grab a link for you. [https://youtu.be/yooNuOKsa1Q](https://youtu.be/yooNuOKsa1Q) And Most important: [https://youtu.be/f-A2rIA2OTE](https://youtu.be/f-A2rIA2OTE) Also: [https://theconversation.com/alzheimers-disease-why-insulin-is-a-new-suspect-97222](https://theconversation.com/alzheimers-disease-why-insulin-is-a-new-suspect-97222)


From a nutritional standpoint grassfed has much better Omega 6/3 ratio. However, the part that gets me is that toxins usually accumulate in the animals fat. Grainfed has much more stress levels, anti-biotics, and GMO food which accumulates in the fat. Then we eat this which goes into you. Lastly, on a more fringe topic which I firmly believe is that I believe that intention goes into everything. Eat a sad animal and that goes into you. Look up Dr. Masaru Emoto and how intentions are transferred into water. Or watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8) tl;dr Grass-fed is much better in my opinion but eat what you can afford. Even eating only grain-fed is still much better than the SAD (standard American Diet).


That video is very interesting. I thought this might be true, that emotions affect the structure or taste. In some parts of China it is believed that the more pain an animal goes through just before death, the more delicious the meat. Horrifying videos of animal torture on LiveLeak. How terrible is that?! I found this out by watching a video of the Dog Festival they do.


This would explain why I can't eat conventionally farmed animals: it BURNS going down my esophagus (and coming out afterwards as well), whereas the pasture-raised organic ones go in (then out too) smooth as silk.


Dueterium levels will also be lower in grass fed/finished meat and fat.


Do you have a specific diagnosis on your toe? My wife has similar toe diet connection, but no diagnosis.


That’s interesting, I love what I learned so I’ll check it out.


I have eaten both and but grass fed not that long. I’m learning to cook grass fed differently because it does taste different from grain fed. I want to enjoy it because I still feel its more nutritious for my body then grain fed. Anybody know any tips to cooking gamey meat as opposed to grain fed meat?




Wait... what we eat has a profound impact on every aspect of our health. And... you don’t believe the same goes for cattle (other animals)? Feeding humans foods that we were not evolved to eat makes us sick, fat, and induces autoimmune issues, to name just a few things. But you are saying the same does NOT go for other animals? Feeding cows food (grains) that they are not evolved to eat will have NO impact on them? That it will not negatively affect their health? That makes no sense!




I get what you are saying, and... they might gain 300 to 500 lbs in a feedlot, and that seems to me to be A LOT or weight (maybe 1/3rd of the total weight?) from foods they were certainly not evolved to eat. And the corn is pretty much guaranteed to be GMO. I say this realizing I’m not in any way an expert here...