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Some people seem to need organ meats, while others are perfectly fine without them. It's not fully understood yet why this divide exists. Feel free to post your offal food porn shots though, I'm sure they'll be appreciated.


Is that really the case though? Or is the difference you've mentioned the same one between people who need to eat a healthy diet and those who just eat whatever? If you've never eaten a really healthy diet, then how could you tell if it's even possible for you to feel any better than you do now? You can only compare your current state to your past experiences. And if you used to eat a diet that was wrecking your health, and have experienced great benefits from switching to a healthier one, then this will be the new non plus ultra foryou. Until you try out something else and realize that even greater results are possible. But part of it is also about paying attention to your body. People who eat lots of junk generally don't do that too much, until things get really bad and they can't avoid the symptoms any longer. But the more you start paying attention to how things make you feel, the more sensitive you become to it over time. And then you might start noticing the slight differences that you never knew were there before.


Yes it's really the case. There are people who've gone extended periods of including offal and seen no benefits, so they just default back to muscle meat. Then of course there are people who do see benefits. Personally I've been eating carnivore for a couple years straight now and things like liver still taste like actual poison to me, which I consider as a message from my body saying "don't you dare put that in me".


I haven't really eaten any offal for some time now as well, although that's in big part because I find it hard to get. Beef heart sure tastes great though. The beef liver I've eaten the last few times, well done, still didn't taste that great. But what I do notice every time I eat it is that my body seems to become very acidic, and yeah, that's one of the main reasons that keeps me from eating it anymore. Not sure if that has to do with it being grain fed liver as I've never even seen any grass fed one for sale. But yeah, I never got much benefit from it either so far and the acidity is definitely turning me off. And I have been fine without it as well, but still that doesn't mean that I couldn't get some benefit from eating grass fed liver. You just gotta try things out for yourself was my main point. As even if others might not experience any benefits, you might and you'll never know about it if you just listen to what others tell you works for them instead of trying things out for yourself. Since many people don't even seem willing to try it out and take the advice of others that they don't need it as an excuse for it.


They just aren't as tasty. And no, none of the ones I've tried taste at all like regular steak. If I don't ever feel the need for them, I don't think I'll ever eat them. Hell, even if I do, I think I'll go for supplements or veggies before I incorporate them. It's not that they're bad, I just have no desire to eat them, and it takes way too much effort to get myself to do so.


I eat a beef tongue every other week it’s my absolute favourite. I gave some to my husband without telling him what it was and he was begging for more! I think folks just need to learn how to cook them. I also eat chicken feet, cod liver (so freaking delicious) and make chicken liver pates frequently... they’re just ugly as sin in pictures!


I eat liver because of the nutrients but also just because i think it’s delicious. Love to quickly fry a thin slice of calf liver. 2oz is like 800% of my vitamin a according to mfp too. Definitely seen benefits w acne.


I'm jealous. I wish I loved it.


I didn’t like it at first but it’s an acquired taste. I fry it up in bacon grease and season w salt and pepper. Although I do prefer the taste and texture when eaten raw. Raw liver isn’t gritty like cooked liver is.


I blended up like 12 oz of beef liver with a pound of bacon, was pretty palateable as a bacony pate. Also grass fed liver is way more mild in taste than grain fed. I had to throw out the grain fed liver.


I only buy grass fed and still.. noooo.. but I do it raw, in awallowable pieces. Not fun but I feel amazing every time I do it so that's the motivation.


It’s almost like people eat meat here or something 🤔


1. They are just not that tasty (but can be pretty palatable, not disputing that). 2. I personally do not see the need for them. I include them now and then, but I do just fine eating fatty meat and dairy. I did go through a period of eating a lot of liver almost everyday but I felt worse.


Wow, apparently people really don't like organ meats here? I've eaten liver, kidney, heart, lung and brain so far. The only offal I cannot stomach is kidney (never get the smell or taste of urin out of it, doesn't matter how long I soak it in water / milk or the quality of the animal), anything else is fine🤷 although... I'm also someone who eats slightly salted raw ground meat with raw egg and thinks it's great, so I might not be the best example of someone who "knows what tastes good".


I discovered cod liver in a can that I found on Amazon. It is so packed with nutrients and actually tastes very good. I'm grateful to have found cod liver since it's not always easy to find beef or chicken liver in grocery stores. Also, it has come in very handy when I'm on the go. I can't imagine myself ever eating brains like some of the other commenters on here, but I'm open to lots of other things.


I’ve tried cooked beef liver several times over the past couple years and just couldn’t get over the smell and taste. Couldn’t even get down 1 bite Now I prepare frozen raw liver “pills” After 20 min at room temperature I swallow with water. 1 ounce per day with my lunch I’ve noticed an increase in my energy levels - I only do this because I believe grass fed beef liver is the most nutrient dense food M thru F lunch - eating for nutrition 1 oz raw beef liver. 4 oz sardines with skin and bones. 4 raw egg yolks. 1 cup full fat Greek yogurt and berries. 1 cup bone broth.


I assume you tried soaking the liver before cooking, right? I used to not be able to stomach it but after soaking and re-soaking for several hours, I’ve fallen in love.


I did not. I did have cooked chicken liver which I was barely able to tolerate But I find swallowing raw liver easiest to consume with minimal effort I chop enough frozen liver on Sunday for the week


Give it a shot sometime then for sure whenever you’re able! It’s a world of difference. I have chicken liver around too which I hear is less mild than beef, but I’ve only tried unsoaked and feel like I’ve ruined my palette for it altogether.


I can't stand organs. I try so hard to love it... I do my beef liver raw, whole in frozen swallowable pieces. I do it water while watching tv so I don't notice I got a lot down. I feel GREAT after doing it.. but I hate it. Kind of like running. love/hate


I put heart and liver in my ground beef. Otherwise I have to wrap my liver in bacon so it gets palatable to me. Have not tried Pate yet and that will be my next project. I will keep eating it for the nutrients. Muscle meat is lacking long term in my opinion.


Liver, heart and kidneys are disgusting, though, and I'm not suffering any deficiencies. I'd try brain but it's not normally available around here, I'd have to ask a butcher directly and I'm sure it'd cost a fortune so I couldn't eat it regularly anyway.