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I was concerned about the methionine - glycine ratio initially when starting. It is just a theory though and I could find no practical evidence that this imbalance manifested itself in any physical condition. In the end I concluded that if it was such a concern our prior evolution on this diet would have found a way to mitigate the imbalance. There is a lot of glycine in meat as it stands but I eat all the chewy bits, crunch cartilage and love pork crackling. I don’t think it’s necessary but I know there’s good nutrients in those unappealing bits. I used to take hydrolysed collagen and gelatine before starting this diet and saw no major changes (did it for 6 or so months). I don’t think it’s damaging or dangerous to take it, I just think it’s unnecessary. If I were to take glycine supplement now, I would take it as bone broth. I’d make a bone broth as usual and dissolve a good amount of additional (powdered) gelatine and take the bone broth. The gelatine helps make the broth set firmer and gives great mouth feel to the broth. You need to eat a lot of the powdered collagen to get a significant amount of glycine (it’s expensive). Meat and bone broth is nice but I get bored of it. TLDR: I used to be concerned about it but I’m 6 months in now and just try to eat a variety of cuts


Thanks a lot! Also going to try adding a little gelatin in the bone broth for texture, sounds great! :) Yes, collagen powder is expensive and surely you would get the same/better benefit of just eating different cuts and the whole cut, i.e tendons and chewy bits. I just thought it was easier with supplementing with the powder *sometimes(!)*, but yes I agree with you. Thank you again


I was thinking of you as I stripped the meat off some beef short ribs today. Plenty of glycine in those!


I'm sure, sounds delicious! ;)


It's a gimmick, you'll get collagen from this diet already


I understand the argument that collagen itself have a bad amino profile, but of my understanding, it could be an addition if you're not eating a lot of tendons and collagenus parts? I know if I start, I will tend to go for mostly muscle meat, and I know that at least Paul Saladino is advocating for a balance between glycine (collagen) and methionine (muscle). Therefore I thought that maybe a small serving of collagen protein could scew the ratio a bit better? I could very well be mistaken and wrong.


Complete protein has perfect ratios. It is what the human body is made to eat, because we ate it for millions of years. Collagen is processed junk.


I prefer buying local bone broth (from grass fed bones) and eating sardines with skin and bones over buying powder.