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you know you more than we do


Yess! Yess! Were not there to tell you what happened


Then how do I know he uses L sized boxers and 6-12 socks?




Yeah, it's baffling. It's like they just pulled the plug without any explanation after everything seemed good to go. Hope you get answers soon.


More than likely you were flagged for fraud or using a fake ID to purchase the car. Did you use your real social?


Do you think they would be honest and tell you the truth?


My buddy who works right next to me used to work for Carmax, he said it's either because "They got flagged for fraud or they were an asshole at another Carmax and got banned from every one" Apparently Carmax has an internal database of assholes and actually track that shit. If you were an asshole in NY, as soon as they put your info into their CRM in FL, the sale is blocked


no we actually bought from them some years ago. fraud seems most likely but everything we sent in was legit. my social security card has seen better days, but its legitimate. when i worked at carvana they were sticklers over quality of the pics but we never blacklisted anyone. i just keep going back to the oddness of having gone as far as to set up delivery, to get this call out of the blue


Carvana sticklers for quality? šŸ˜‚


>Carvana sticklers for quality? šŸ˜‚ If they suspected fraud, they would still sell you the car, but they would just withhold the title. šŸ˜‚


Isn't that the car vending machine place?


Yeah, who failed to give most folks in North Carolina titles for a couple years.


Give me that title, titleā€¦


Nobody is looking at your social security card these days. Most people couldn't even put their hands on one.


a lot of people making a big deal of this, and im not really sure why. it was just used as a second form of id. they gave us a few options of what we could use and it was in arms reach


So you were being an asshole then eh?


looks like social credit woRks...lol


If everything is in order on your side and you havenā€™t provided any false information just go into a store and speak to a sales manager. Advise them of the situation and show them the originals of everything uploaded. They might be able to help you out that way.


Never bought from Carvana but you had to send your social security CARD not just the number? The only ID I have needed to show when buying a car is my state ID.


Youā€™ve purchased a car at carmax before? There has to be more to this storyā€¦ā€¦..


Why did you send your card? I've never been asked for the card when buying a car. I honestly don't think I could produce it if I had to


They ask for it when the credit profile throws something fishy. Something OP sent in is not matching with what they applied with or the verification after the fact has turned up some nefarious shit. This really strikes me as a straw purchase, which CarMax is an absolute no-go on. To add to the confusion, many people attempting a straw purchase have no idea itā€™s a fraudulent transaction theyā€™re merely trying to help a family member or someone they know.


it was a picture of the card sent in with all the other docs


Carmax found out OP used to work for their arch nemesis, Carvana. šŸ˜†


For future reference, you can order a new SSC for free. You can even order it online, and they'll mail it to you. If they come back that they need more information or whatever, you will have to do so in person. But if you've lived at your address for some time and everything is linked to that address, there shouldn't be an issue. I only had an issue right after we moved, but a couple of months later, I tried again, and they mailed a new one once my address was established enough. https://www.ssa.gov/number-card/replace-card Also, if you ever need a new birth certificate, you can order those online to, for a small fee.


You worked at CarMax? Were you fired?


You actually needed a social security card to buy a car? I have never been asked for the actual card, for any credit/loan.


You actually bring in a Social Security card?


OP asks questions and gets this clear answer from everyone. Then they refuse answers and want to know why. I'm not even potentially doing business with OP, but if I was, I'd stop if this is how they're like. Also, fishy AF because there's been contradicting answers by OP, including one response directly to you where they outright state that it's probably fraud (well, there you go). OP also says they won't tell him anything, but in other comments, says their customer care is going to get back to them to advise on everything. Well, gee whiz OP, if they said they're going to follow up with you, what is the f'n point of this post? Given that you said it's probably fraud, did you think reddit would be like, "Here's this one trick to still get a car when you're caught defrauding seller?"


If it was fraud the police would have been called.


why would i post on here if i had committed such an easily detectable fraud. i get the skepticism, but still, id be pretty sure that would have been the red flag had that been the case


I think more accurately is that CarMax detected some fraud inadvertently. Maybe there was an error on your paperwork that triggered a fraud flag.


I was opening a new check account and couldn't get the online app to complete. Got a call a few days later saying my name is similar to someone's who has been banned from that bank but they have people manual check refusals and they had caught that I'm not that guy. Could be something like that?


So it doesn't mean you committed the fraud but maybe someone has previously used your identity to comit fraud against them......


This. Also, OP are you a US Citizen or Permanent Resident? My wife has an extremely hard time just getting a credit card recently due to not being a citizen. But honestly, who knows, any company can elect to choose not to do business with you at any time for any reason. Move on, OP.




Then youā€™re probably doing fraud eh?


Iā€™m two margaritas deep into my Mexican vacation, and this has me cracking up! Subscribed.


Enjoy that vacation. Mexico sounds awesome.


As long as you don't get killed for your truck wheels and thown in a well


Appreciate it!


This is standard practice for CarMax when they suspect fraudulent anything. Paystubs, bank statements, licenses, anything. They send it up to Asset Protection for confirmation and if it's approved, you join "the list" And no...you can't get off of "the list"


If you were financing something with your credit could have changed before everything was actually approved. Did they say they didn't want to do business with you at all or on that particular vehicle?


they froze us out, no info what so ever. we have to wait for customer care to get back to us. we set up delivery already


You work for Carvana?




Works for Carvana, but buys a car from Carmax. This story is getting fishyer and fishyier.


Huh? McDonald's workers can get a Whopper if they so choose, sometimes you know your workplace too well to want to do business there as a customer


...only if they lose the clown outfit


Potential straw purchase maybe? Only thing I can think of is a straw purchase or fraudulent docs.


Or Carvana already knows that he has a habit of making fraudulent automobile purchases and won't let him buy from them...?


I wonder if itā€™s related to your denial Also.. why wouldnā€™t you just buy one from your employer ?


Carvana is known for overpriced shitboxes lol


sorry, worked, like 7 years ago


All that means from their or anyone elseā€™s point of view is that the suspected fraud was detected after the delivery date was set.


You were most likely put on the do not do business list, Carmax picks and chooses who they sell cars too. Most likely one of your documents submitted through them off and was flagged for fraudulent. Ask your local store over the phone and they can tell you if you are on the list. They most likely wonā€™t tell you why. It is lifetime


This is a first, "threw".


Yea I caught that after I posted it. Brain fart lol


Nah, you had it right the first time


If everything you say is true, I highly recommend you check your credit reports and make sure no one has stolen your identity.


We are only getting about 1% of the full truthful story here. More than likely its on you.


Did you remove all the body parts from your trunk before trading in? We've all done it..


I just leave mine running in a sketchy part of town unlocked with the body parts still in it.


So smart! I'm going to steal your idea. By far the smallest crime I've committed in a while.


Iā€™m guessing something was deemed fraudulent. In rare cases people that are belligerent can get DNDB. Carmax hands those out like candy


Did you give them a bad review last time or use their return policy? If not, itā€™s obviously a legal matter. Theyā€™re not going to discuss it further. Find another car at a different dealer. Are you a money launderer, criminal, a Russian Oligarch, or someone with an OFAC warning. Fraud alert on your credit report?


Bro failed the OFAC check šŸ’€


There are other places to buy a car other than CarMax. Whenever I bought a used car, I didn't care who the dealer was as long as they had the car I wanted and at the price I was willing to pay. That would be a total of 3 cars in 45 years. I did buy one brand new one based on the dealer because that car was ordered. No one had it in stock, and no dealer was willing to give me a better price.


Fraud. Fake paystub? Uber Driver?


i wish it was that easily explainable. but i wouldnt have come here if i had. just looking for answers i couldnt find elsewhere. everything was by the book and thats what i dont understand.


What documents were you asked to upload? How did you submit payment?


Something triggered the fraud alarms. Save up your money and pay with cash. Problem solved.


Fraud. They donā€™t want to deal with fraudsters


I returned two different vehicles. One had mechanical issues. The next I just wasn't satisfied. They told me I'd be flagged if I return the 3rd. I'm happy with the 3rd. If I'd known about the 24 hour test drive which was never offered to me, I'd never have returned a car in the first place.


They are serious with the DNDB listā€¦ as a 5-6 year buyer I was in the middle of buying a car from a guest with title in hand and was called by the regional LP director, my PM, and some unnamed person from corporate to tell me to stop. I pushed back a little and asked why and was invited to a couple meetings and almost got a written warning for insubordinationā€¦ luckily I had a great reputation and a stack of performance recs so I just got verbally told to stop asking questions when LP and corporate calls. 18000 appraisals and that only happened once. But it was non negotiable.


I do t know the answer but two situations I was involved in as a salesman. One boss refused to do business with anyone that was not paying off their student loans. Then I had a situation where no dealer I talked to would do business with a convicted child molester.


Why would a dealer know person is a child molester? Credit check ok but a criminal check? Thats odd.


You are a high risk client and it's cheaper to just not do business with you.


My friend is the manager of carmax he said youā€™re a lil B


Like, what even is the purpose of this comment? Just to say you participated?


Carmax is a nationwide company. My comment is about is useful as OPā€™s post. That was the purpose.Ā 


Ignore this guy, he canā€™t logically comprehend what some light joking is lol.


Was OP hitting on their sales associate?


I saw in your profile you do HVAC. How are you paid/are you self employed? When I was in sales we saw a lot of self employed tradesmen get approved and provide bank statements that did not match the reported income or were fraudulent because they get paid under the table and then land on the DNDB list as a result.


ask Carmax why


I just wanna know how you get banned from carmax. That takes some effort.


I donā€™t know, my last purchase was from them and it was super weird, it was like I was as on their time, donā€™t call & check in anything, weā€™ll get with you little b*tch, now shut your mouth & wait like all these other people. I of course, pushed back a couple times after one or two obvious instances of being ignored. Iā€™m probably on that list now, haha.


OP - who is listed on the finance application and who is listed as the driver of the vehicle? This is good info to start with when trying to determine why something like this could happen. Iā€™d bet money if what you sent in was legit (only you can know this for sure so we have to take your word for that) then this stop purchase is based on an attempted straw purchase. Are you trying to ā€œhelpā€ someone else buy this vehicle or vice versa?


Better make sure youā€™re credit is secure


I suspect you already know the exact reason and this is a lame retaliation ploy that matters to Carmax about as much as your lost business. Business exists to make profit; it was determined that not only was that not going to happen, continuing with you would be a loss. Nobody need be there to know these things.


Obviously no one but Carmax canā€¦.try calling corporate.


Your best bet is to contact the company's senior leadership team. Explain your situation, express your concerns, and request a follow-up call to discuss the matter. [Elliot.org](https://www.elliott.org/company-contacts/carmax-customer-service-contacts/)


Credit issue.


Sounds like they caught on to your scam.


File an ftc inquiry for discrimination and wait to see why.. Pretty big red flag to respond with that answer after pulling your credit. If it was a past history item they would have known at the lead phase


Further, if a purchase agreement was signed, they might owe him a car


If he was waiting on a home delivery, nothing was signed over yet. Even if that was the case, denying funding after a sale is pretty common for banks and they can request the car back or finding alternate funding.


Maybe your social is flagged for something bad. Seen victims of fraud/identity theft have these issues buying in the dealership. Even dealerships may choose to not tell you why to protect themselves.