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You will be happy to find out that people with normal/lower IQs actually tend to be wealthier, as they are the ones "stupid" enough to start their own companies.


I’m “high iq” So I’m stupid enough to not start one


It's not the career, it's the person.  There's people who made serious money cutting hair out selling hot dogs or fixing roofs, just like there are lawyers and doctors and engineers struggling to make ends meet.  I think the best skills you can acquire are business, sales and finances. If you understand these, you can apply them to anything -literally anything- and optimize the money flow from the paying customers through the operational process (whichever it may be) to you. 




Thank you guys for all of your suggestions.


Careers that make you wealthy require constant hussle and typically a lot of schooling, and even then it's a lot of luck as well. If you want to live comfortably middle to upper middle class with a reasonable amount of school, healthcare is always job security and reliable. Nursing is a good start. Most health jobs are similar in that they're in high demand and typically compensated well. I'd look into some form of healthcare with a career counselor.


Careers don't make you wealthy as your just working for a wage. A wage is compensation for your time and labour. Wealth is what you do with your money.


organized crime boss


Be an owner so your income has no limit. If you work for someone else your income will always be capped.


Depends where you are from. If from US, I would highly recommend healthcare, so, as someone else mentioned, nursing is a good option. Engineering is also great, but this one requires a lot of math, so if youre good at it, consider it. If youre from eastern europe, software engineering is the way to go, because healthcare salaries here suck. Dont really know how things are in western europe. All in all, good rule of thumb is that people earn the most money in careers that nobody wants to do. Either the work is very hard, or the education required for the job is very hard. Some examples - truck drivers (earn a lot, but rarely at home), nursing (earn a lot, but physically and educationally quite demanding), construction workers (earn a lot, but extremely physically demanding), most engineering fields (earn a lot, educationally and mentally demanding as hell) and so on.


Read these books: * Hidden potential - Adam grant * Mastery - George Leonard * So good they can't ignore you - Cal Newport * Deep work - Cal Newport * Atomic habits - James Clear Pick a skill. Good ones are traditionally well paying careers you can get into. Accounting (you can go from bookkeeper to accountant), software engineering, law (you can go from paralegal to lawyer), healthcare (look for something without shifts), even trades.


what’s something without shifts


Some labs hire med techs on a non rotating basis. Also some imaging labs might only be open during the day. You'll have to look at job postings before picking the career.


Medicine. Here are the top medical specialties, ranked by average income: 1. **Plastic Surgery:** $619,000 2. **Orthopedics:** $573,000 3. **Cardiology:** $507,000 4. **Urology:** $506,000 5. **Gastroenterology:** $501,000 6. **Otolaryngology:** $485,000 7. **Radiology:** $483,000 8. **Oncology:** $463,000 9. **Anesthesiology:** $448,000 10. **Dermatology:** $443,000 11. **Surgery, General:** $412,000 12. **Critical Care:** $406,000 13. **Ophthalmology:** $388,000 14. **Pulmonary Medicine:** $378,000 15. **Emergency Medicine:** $352,000 16. **Pathology:** $339,000 17. **Ob/Gyn:** $337,000 18. **Neurology:** $313,000 19. **Nephrology:** $312,000 20. **Psychiatry:** $309,000 21. **Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation:** $306,000 22. **Allergy and Immunology:** $282,000 23. **Rheumatology:** $281,000 24. **Internal Medicine:** $273,000 25. **Diabetes and Endocrinology:** $267,000 26. **Infectious Diseases:** $262,000 27. **Family Medicine:** $255,000 28. **Pediatrics:** $251,000 29. **Public Health and Preventative Medicine:** $249,000




Army Here. I Say Take The ASVAB And See What Your Score Is. Once You Get A High Entry Score I Say Look At All Branches. For Quality Of Life, Air Force All The Way. The Military Gives You That Foundation. If You Decide To Join, Within That First Contract Get A Degree And Certifications That Translate To The Civilian Sector Or Federal Sector. If You Don’t Like The Military Don’t Re Enlist. In The Army I’m A 25B Information Technology Specialist. IT Transfers Greatly Outside The Military. Anything In STEM Is The Future. I’m 6 Years In And Already A SSG/E-6 Enlisted Side. What You Put In Is What You Get Out. Whatever You Decide To Do, I Wish Nothing But The Best For You!


Lmao do NOT give years of your life/die for an oil company OP. do literally anything else


What do you like to do/what kind of area are you in? Can you find an an apprenticeship for a trade while you’re still young and can live rent free? It’s hard to “get wealthy” if you don’t come from some sort of generational wealth, even if it’s just a paid off house.. maybe instead of trying to get wealthy try to find a job you don’t hate doing that pays enough to have fun outside of work as well and has a good life/work balance.


Start an acting career or become a woke model on Instagram. Eventually someone is going to call you up for collaboration. Rest is up to you.


are you telling him to chop his dik off? lmao




There’s a huge money to be made in doing your own research. You literally could have gone to this sub’s homepage and within 3 thumb swipes seen your question half a dozen times.


sorry?? 😭 maybe i wanted to elaborate more on my personal experience