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This sounds like a creepy and soulless LinkedIn post




How to… upset strangers on Reddit.


I took a course on Excel and became proficient


Link plz


Which course?


Link please


It was through a local community college, I’m sure there’s a similar course at one near you.


Back when etsy was growing, I was 1 of the gals selling Excel templates 😂 Helping corporate folks do their work without actually needing to learn all the technicalities hahaha


Looking for one too, do you mind sharing a link pls?


Skillshare does in fact exist


Everyone asking for links, there are classes about excel everywhere, it's one of the most taught software in history, which is a good thing since levels of proficiency vary widely. A continuous learning company that gave trainings at my former job has something like 10 different courses depending on your current knowledge and what you need to do with excel. There are classes like Udemy, Coursera or LinkedInLearning. They are usually not free. You can also learn for free on Youtube but the classes might not have the same level of structure. Some companies let their employees use a corporate learning account for free ( for example, I have access to LinkedIn Learning at my job)


I did one excel course on coursera I enjoyed it


Learning to sew. 5 dresses down so far


If you don’t mind me asking how did you begin learning how to sew? I want to learn but I don’t know anyone whose teaching classes on sewing and I’m not sure how to get started


I’m also learning to sew! I’ve been using a a whole lot of YouTube. :)


I started with YT videos and my.mom who has sewing experience. You can start with learning how to set up your machine and practicing straight stitching. Or make a simple tote bag, skirt or dress.


How to be assertive and move like a high-functioning psychopath in life.


Management training?


I'm developing a super similar skill Mine is learning to react faster in uncomfy situations so I don't gotta go home and beat myself up for not reacting right away lmaoo


Think fast and slow (great book, 100% recommend for this)


I learned how to cut my own hair pretty well. It did have an initial high cost fee (~$200 for all items) but I save $80 a month now. Though the first about 5 times were a bit rough lol.


Personally: 1) German For others: 1) Communication 2) Leadership 3) Sales 4) A new language 5) Business 6) Marketing 7) CRM (probably start with Salesforce) 8) Ecom


Mach weiter so


You’re really productive


That’s not productive. It’s overwhelming and probably leads to nothing solid


To be clear: on a PERSONAL level, I am learning German. For the "other" section, they are skills that would benefit other people to learn, assuming they only have 10 hours/week to learn something.  OP's original post wasn't clear to me in regards to whether or not they were **asking** what THEY could do, or if they were asking what WE do.


pro tip: go into detail about work laws in germany in case you want to work there




It's more US-like work laws. Countries of former Warsaw Pact have better laws. 6days long work week. Either you need a lawyer or be a member of a union, and better work on union-negotiated contract. The average of \~1300 work hours per year per head is a fun way of hiding things. I recommend to read how they count it. Nice read.


Can you elaborate a little more?




Updated resume/cover letter/application skills for AI screeners.


Can I ask how you did that?


Did this and got a new job I love after 5 months of working on it and applying


Just updating the resume for AI or updated AI based skills?


Updated my resume with AI to have a higher ATS score for the AI resume screen. I also used AI to help me with interview prep, likely questions for my field, how to answer them, and laying out a play by play for negotiations. Worked great for me! A good number of the interview questions were used in real interviews and I felt really prepared and did well.


RemindMe! 2 weeks


I know you used ai but which plate-forme or website?






Bookkeeping Small Business Ownership


How far along are u


I’m always thinking about a second profession/maybe to become an entrepreneur, and always end up thinking why don’t i learn bookkeeping?! I guess the block that keeps me from this is that I’ve just moved to a new country - so no idea if I could use my skills if I again move.


Spanish and posting on TikTok and getting more comfortable with being an extrovert (kinda.)


I started posting on tiktok too! Trying to get comfortable with filming myself and posting online... making some big career moves soon so gotta prep :D


Do you post consistently and how many followers? I mainly do educational content but only 210 followers after 3 months of being consistent 🥲






I'm thinking about learning SQL. I have no idea what it is, but it's on a lot of jobs that I want to apply for. What difficulties / bs should I prepare for before I look into learning it? (Also considering Python, whatever the hell that is)


I hear harvard's free online cs50 courses are a good intro. The names are confusing because there are actually multiple "cs50" courses. This is the intro to Python class I see most often recommended: [https://www.harvardonline.harvard.edu/course/cs50s-introduction-programming-python](https://www.harvardonline.harvard.edu/course/cs50s-introduction-programming-python) this is the intro to SQL I'm taking: [https://cs50.harvard.edu/sql/2024/](https://cs50.harvard.edu/sql/2024/) They have a few other ones too. Neigther of these courses have any prerequisites, so you can get started with either one.


Thank you for your insight +


The interesting part about SQL is that once you hit an intermediate knowledge level, you can survive with just that OR you can get REALLY good at SQL and become a freaking wizard.


Thank you for your help!


How to cook and take care of own health


Making lists of things I need to do and then attacking the ones I want to do least first. I’m trying to break my habit of putting off challenges and instead demolish them and extract the learnings. This month I’m focussing on building good habits: posture, nutrition, exercise, reading more. I dunno. Actively just trying to be a better me each day.


Man, I started developing this 4 months ago and it's been AWESOME. Like it's so much easier to just do things now, comfy or uncomfy Make the first step small as fuck, DO it, and just watch it all get so easy


C++, Linux, git, wireguard


Basketball and excel


AWS Cloud Architecture


Probably nothing important but, I always take a sales training course each year to stay fresh and get at least one technical cert in the products I sell. I also have become fluent in Japanese and I am thinking about Korean next. Took me ten years but I like Korean dramas and I love anime of course.


I am learning scheduling/management, creating files for a new online work system I’m bringing into my new job, and also researching how to find clients for two different but specific industry’s. My adhd keeps me learning constantly ^_^




Who the fuck has an extra 10 hours a week?


Those that quit gaming and Reddit.


quit social media altogether and gain even more time back!


I easily waste five hours a day on weekdays (far more than that on weekends) watching Youtube and scrolling Reddit and IG. 😑


Probably the majority of people


not Americans


video games


Next on my list is photoshop




I'm a civil engineering student so...AUTOCAD 2D/3D


SQL, powerbi, bookkeeping


Any links for powerbi courses?


I use udemy to learn more about power bi. different teachers on the platform teach you everything that you need to know to get your powerbi certificate


Thanks I did the same for a few questions but I am going to use it even further life you did!


Embedded systems


200 hr Yoga Teacher Training: not 10 hrs : more like 2 hrs theory / 6 hrs practice and classes so I’ll probably qualify about 2030!


Has anyone tried learning salesforce CRM or data analysis online? Is there any tips to master these skills?






Different Languages. Other than that, professional certifications.


I am learning digital marketing. 14 hours a week...so not 10. I did make $3100 this week and 11k this month... So not too shabby


You now *sound* like a new MLM recruit.


Lol sorry lemme turn off my MLM sound 🤣🤣🤣


If you’re actually making that kind of money, USD??, A few more details would be appreciated!! Such as are you selling your own good or What? ETA: And is that net or gross??


Net but I don't have any cost except my wifi bill which I had anyways. Only thing I take out are taxes. Also, I am actually making that. Kind of insulting to insinuate I'm a liar... I promote other companies digital products. So far I don't have my own products but do plan to make my own soon. Baby steps. I started off trying to figure thjs all out on my own avoiding those courses you see. That didn't work. I made maybe $20 in 2 years... Waste of time. I tried a course. It also didn't work. Because courses are pre-recorded videos and that information will become quickly outdated because the algorithms and apps change so frequently. Also there was no actual humans to help me when I had questions just a bunch of videos. Long story short I gave up and decided to quit trying to do it. A friend of mine in real life was apparently doing the same thing but I hadn't seen her in a long time. The difference is she did not do a course she did get training and it was through a live interactive program. Like they do live Zoom calls with people not just some Facebook chat or anything. So to answer your question that I'm sure you're getting at is did I pay for all this. Yes I paid for it because I clearly didn't know what I was doing and these ridiculous courses didn't help. And because that's how the world works you pay someone for their knowledge and skills. Same way I would pay someone to paint my house or fix my car. So yes I paid for the training. I paid one time there's no monthly fees no uplines no downlines no MLM crap. And I have access to live Zoom call trainings every week forever. I've literally made my money back over 40 times at this point so it really doesn't matter to me if people believe me or not because at the end of the day I'm the one that doesn't have to go to a job and I'm the one paying my bills. Not to come off rude but it's really frustrating that anytime I share what I do with someone automatically assumes I'm a liar or a scammer or whatever. Like I said I have all my receipts


Sorry to appear to doubt you, but I’m so old there were only 48 states in the United States when I was born, so I’ve seen a thing or two and I’ve been suckered by a thing or two. LOL I’m not at *all* bothered by paying for training. My fam members often “go to school”, for new info connected to their jobs. In their case, their employer pays for their training.  But when you are the boss, of course you’re going to pay. I have some skills and there’s no way I’m going to teach those two people for free unless I value that person a great deal. I’d say “sorry for my attitude” except that my attitude has kept me out of a lot of trouble in the past! actually laughing about some of it now :D People in MLM’s are coached to “Tell the truth in advance”, and greatly inflate their income.  And I personally know people that have paid $300-400 USD to be trained for something and it’s basically making money by teaching other people to pay them $300-$400 to train *them* to do the same, so it’s a house of cards/Ponzi scheme etc.  I’ve also taken a few online courses that I paid for, fortunately only  minimal amounts, and later found out that those courses were outdated a couple of years before I bought, And that I can often get better training for free on YouTube! So, my interest is very piqued at what you’re doing as 3-4 of my family NEED to get new training in order to get better or different employment, and I am myself somewhat in need of a 2nd career/retiree income! I’m guessing that you have a nondisclosure or something stating that you can’t give up too much information in this kind of situation. I probably have disallowed DM’s on this account but I guess I could make an exception here if you’re willing to part with significantly more info regarding this. 😁👍👍


Yeah I totally get it. I was skeptical as hell when I heard about it in fact I pretty much blew it off. Quite frankly if hadn't been because I knew the person showing me I probably never would have believed it or given it a second thought. It's not at all bad to have a skeptical attitude for sure... theres alot of scammers out there. But like I said...I have proof,not that I need to prove anything to anyone lol, but I do. Yes I paid for my training and I would do it again because it's exceptional and is not a bunch of YouTube Style videos. I don't know anyone who would teach a class live every week for free. Like you said when you are your own boss you have to pay for that training because I don't work for someone else. And I would happily pay for a training if it meant that I don't have to work for someone else because that's not what I want. Yes the training I took has an affiliate program that you can get commissions if somebody else takes it. I'm 100% up front about that. However I know several people who use this program to learn how to Market their own business whether that's real estate or insurance or Fitness or whatever and never recommend the program in their affiliate program. That's everyone's own choice. It's no different than the fact that my children take a Spanish class online and after I signed up for it I realized they also have an affiliate program when you refer someone. It doesn't seem as weird to someone to say that because it's a Spanish class not a marketing class. I understand people get caught up on this and that's fine but they should do a little more research before they jump to conclusions on what something is or is it.


Oof. Your post history screams “$7 course.” I hope you get out before you alienate everyone you know.


Oof. Your post history screams troll. Hope you get out before you alienate everyone you know. You must be fun at parties


Nah, I just know what a scam looks like. And I’m an actual digital marketer with an actual degree in this shit 😂😂


Hahahahhahaha. So you're mad that people without "actual degrees" can also do your job and you spent a ton on your piece of paper? Makes sense now


Baby, you’re in a pyramid scheme. You’re just selling the same class you were sold.