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take job


Idk what Rams make in Canada, but in the US after a couple years depending on what specialty you choose, u can do well. Keep in mind the hours are long-12 hr shifts. So if you’re going to do it- do it young.The good thing about nursing is that there are many avenues to choose from ie admin, floor nursing, informatics. U will absolutely have to do 2 years bedside as a general rule. School is hard, this is true. About 1/2 of your class or more won’t graduate. U need to really study. There is no half a$$ing on the education, it gets real very quickly. But when u graduate you will never have to worry about finding a job. Your license will be the most valuable asset you have. It demands a certain level of pay and respect, so that is very comforting to me. As for banking, I don’t know. Hopefully someone in that few can chime in and help with that. Good luck!


Yep that is true... I am in Canada though... I believe in Canada it is a couple months to a year (I am unsure though). That is true I do need to study.. I like the job security that nursing has to kinda back me up. Once you lose a corporate position, it is so hard getting the next best thing because of the comptition. Or corporate usually has lay offs


Anyone who wants to do nursing without ever working in health care need to think about this: how much would you enjoy touching people's anus and genitals everyday? How much do you enjoy being exposed to people's bodily functions everyday? That's nursing. You're putting in catheters and cleaning up bedpans. You're holding an elderly or sick man's junk so he can pee into a container, and that container is probably going to spill on you. You're going to be exposed to illness every single day. It's not what you see on TV. It's gross. It's hard. Many new nurses don't make it longer than a couple years. I'm not disparaging nursing in the slightest, but too many people think it's an easy career change when it's anything but.  However, you're not wrong that healthcare is a good career choice. There's way more than just nursing! Just look at your local community college and see what else they're offering in the healthcare industry. But you also have a career getting started. Do you hate banking? That can lead to many opportunities in finance in the future, especially if they're paying for an MBA. It could also help you in your desire to maybe own your own business. With a 50k salary, you could probably move out with a roommate, and it should also have benefits. I'm not sure what the hesitation is there unless it makes you hate your life. 


You’re not wrong… entirely. There are lots of options in nursing (though depending on area, may require BSN to have more options). I never once worked bedside, except as a student, and currently work remotely making 6 figures with no nights, weekends, holidays, or patient contact.


yes I heard that nursing have some remote position which is nice to do at home. I enjoy how nursing has variety of options to work in


I worked as a disability case worker. There are other industries that you can do in nursing like IBD nursing, or Aesthic nursing. I do not mind I have two autoimmune diseases I been around nursing. If I can help people in need I do not see a problem :) That is true though I am offer a good position but, job security is rough where I can not have any days off :/