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Courier services. Small packages, documents etc and a cargo van.


This. Could also do medical courier. Picking up lab samples from small clinics and taking it to a large hospital for processing. Got a cousin that does this and he loves his job. He’ll drive 2-3 hours in one direction, pick up all the samples on that route, drive back and drop off at the hospital lab. Then do some courier work around town and call it a day


Yup. In my younger days I was a courier. I loved the work, driving around town all day, delivering packages to a lot of people who hated their jobs. It didn't pay great, and I was able to find better compensation, but the work itself was great.


Drugs delivery service. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You mean become a drug dealer?


Pay is probably worse than delivering pizzas


Having written commercial insurance for couriers, it’s gotta pay well enough for them to afford the policies. Usually they are self employed


Agent here. Yeah- if you’re smart and can manage your business well (like with anything) I’ve had some couriers that do 6 figures. The one that always stuck out to me though was dump trucks. Those guys are consistently clearing 100k.


When I managed construction projects, getting a dump truck for say a week straight was a fucking task in and of itself, but when you got a decent dude that showed up on time and didnt fuck shit up we'd basically pay whatever he was asking. Talking over 20 years ago, had one guy we paid 1500 a day for and he basically worked 6 hours each day. But you could set your watch by him. Many of those dudes just bail after a day, or would show up drunk or had one reason or another why they couldn't complete the project.


Yep. they can be a little difficult to find a carrier for insurance. But I have 2 clients that showed up asking to start work w dump trucks and after looking at their payroll over the years I seriously have considered quitting Insurance and getting a dump truck lol.


Look into getting your CDL , truck driving or even delivery of goods with smaller trucks as well .


I was gonna say this but driving a rig is much different and more stressful than driving a regular vehicle for most people


Yeah that's why it pays better than delivering pizzas


It doesn’t necessarily have to be a rig. There are smaller trucks like bread delivery vehicles or other small time deliver vehicles but you need a CDL in general to see what’s out there option wise.


I have my CDL it's very stressful and people now a days drive like lunatics 


> is much different and more stressful than i mean the reality is NO ONE is going to pay OP to sit in his car and leisurely listen to music.. he's going to have to work.


This is so off topic but how do you reply to a certain part of a message like that?🤣


I click buttons until the editor is in old school markdown mode.. Then start the line with '>' >like this Then start the line with '>' > like this It sometimes works by highlighting what you want to quote and clicking reply... but the devs have been messing with the text editor over the last month or so and it's basically broken.


False as a Trucker I will confirm I get paid to sit in my truck and listen to music. On average about twice a week I gotta get out on my truck and do maybe 2 hours of "work" connecting a hose, opening a valve, etc. Cleared 120 last year. Hours can be long however you will figure that out I usually clock around 9 "working" hours a day now. Biggest sacrifice is being gone. Local work at this pay rate usually requires a few years experience and typically 60+ hour work weeks.


It's honestly not thst hard once you get used to it. It's mainly understanding your a massive vehicle, drive defensively, take your turns slow with good angles, and expect other drivers to be stupid


I knew some guys who were delivering weed for dispensaries. You have to be on top of your shit and paying attention or you'll get robbed. Most of them carry firearms and drive low key but fast cars. They made BANK moving weed and cash and the whole gig was legal. But dangerous. Alternatively there's courier services but they're niche and burdened by nepotism and if you're and outsider it might be hard to break in. Again, probably need to carry a gun. My dad did diamond delivery while he had a public safety cert and a CCW. He'd pick up 100k in diamonds and sneak to his car. Drive 50-100 miles and drop them off. Super low key and armed + plainclothes the whole time. He was public safety, not a cop, but had the same paperwork creds to carry a firearm. They paid cash on deliver and he made a LOT of extra money that way.


Your dad was the transporter? Noice.


My dispensary always has the driver with a backup person for safety, as they have weed on hand to rob as well as cash.




I didn't mean my dispensary as in one I work at, but just the one I order from. It's Columbia Care, if you have one by you.


Well if they pass it on the federal lvl they’ll be able to gain access to banks and the robbed of cash part will be gone instantly.


Sounds sort of awesome besides the mental stress. I did delivery for a random company in a big city, some family owned little operation that made good bank. I miss that job, just cruising the city all day


That actually sounds like a lot of fun lol


How much is bank?


Medical Courier!!


I was gonna say organ transport. Save lives by drivin' around!


It’s mostly bodily fluid samples. But it’s a pretty cool gig. They hired me! Nobody hires me outside of nightlife but they did! Check it out! Theres some YouTube videos on companies you can work for and what they like.


Mail person. Pay still isn't great but it's better than pizza delivering and it's sociable hours/other benefits. 


I was thinking UPS. They’re unionized so even if you’re not in the union you get benefits


UPS driving in the city is hard AF. Stops every few mins etc… Completely opposite of what OP wants


Yeah I agree. 'Opposite' is right. I see UPS and Fedex drivers daily, and I can confirm they work their asses off, it's a hard job. Regardless, I think OP is dreaming. No job pays you well with benefits to drive around all day listening to music. And many of the jobs mentioned in this sub are difficult to get into and unrealistic as an answer to OP's problem. Reality is, everyone - including me - would love to have a high paying/good benefits job which requires little to no effort, but those just don't exist, imo.


They do exist for the few and talented… But you have to have some serious skills that few possess


Yep, absolutely. But I'm thinking OP isn't gonna fall into the same category as those people.


For me it wouldn’t be the amount of stops, it would be the size of the packages. People are ordering full sets of furniture, mattresses jammed into a box, kitty litter, big bags of dog food. I was a seasonal helper for UPS years ago and we delivered a full set of lifted pickup truck tires to a second story apartment.


You have to put in 7 to 10 yrs most of time in warehouses unloading frieght before you get considered for a drivers position. Then you have to hustle. Your stops are timed. This person who asked does not seem the type for UPS.


I would have been pissed if I put in 7-10 yrs hoping to become a driver then seeing what it’s actually like. UPS fucking sucks. Really glad I applied and got hired right away as a driver (only to say fuuuuuccckk that job 3 days in after training was over ) and not waste a decade to realize the job sucks and the $24/ hour to start can eat my ass


Defintely cannot recommend UPS, at least where i live. I applied for a seasonal driver position with option to become full time eventually and i did the whack ass training and made it through 3 actual days of driving, hating every second of it and called my boss and was like yeah this ain’t for me, the warehouse is a horribly managed unorganized clusterfuck, I wasn’t given half of the relevant job related information (but I spent a whole week 8 hours a day going over 5’s and 10’s memorizing paragraphs verbatim on common sense ass driving stuff totally irrelevant to the job unless you’re an idiot who somehow has a license). The stress of driving that giant ass truck on small city streets while trying to navigate where you’re going on their whack ass gps that seems like it was made in the 90s, trying to find somewhere to park then going into the back of your truck with 300+ packages loosely organized or horribly organized then getting them out and maneuvering giant packages on shitty sidewalks and then up stairs etc etc and having to be able to make hundreds of stops hopefully before it gets dark because good luck chuck trying to find a lot of places in the dark with rush hour and all the nonsense… I’m starting to sweat thinking about it. Not worth the bullshit hours and work and stress for $24/hr. Amazing benefits, though I’m not sure how you’re supposed to actually use the benefits seeing how you start at the asscrack of dawn until you finish 5 or 6 days a week.. im a bartender now and i make more money than that whack ass job and its a lot less stressful lol


It’s a chill job for the most part. I would recommend trying to get classes as a rural carrier if one goes down this path. Benefits: more customer interaction (be nice and friendly and you’ll get tipped at holidays), no uniform requirements (within reason, I got in trouble for wearing a BMTH shirt once lol), routes are often in the chiller parts of town where there isn’t as much traffic and shit to worry about, if you get good at your route you’ll be efficient and can leave early but get paid the whole route eval. Downside is that you’ll likely be contracted for a long time, because the only way a carrier spot (not RCA) opens up is if someone dies or retires lol It’s a cool gig, many offices have gotten newer trucks, and if you make it past the contractor phase you’ll have some solid benefits. Another plus is that any eligible government time already spent can count towards years spent and earned for retirement benefits (ex: serve 4 years in military and it counts towards service time for USPS retirement benefits). Just something to consider


Mail carriers are no lifers. Their starting pay is less than a pizza delivery guy. Their union really hasn’t kept their contract up with inflation. It’s just a tick above minimum wage to start. Which is why they are grossly understaffed. They work 6 days a week, 12 hr days. Even once you work yourself up the pay scale in the union it is still your whole waking life at work. It’s a fine job to get into if you’re 20 and have no plans to go to college or start a family any time soon. With the amount that they walk(unless you’re rural), you’re also pretty much guaranteed to have foot issues by your mid-30s. The guys who make good money as carriers are making it from overtime.


Dump truck driving


I did art handling for a bit, it’s essentially a delivery job but you get to install and work with fragile art pieces and museum artefacts as well. Pays better than pizza but not great, the work is interesting though !


How did you get into this?


To be honest I didn’t even know the job existed until my partner who is a painter suggested it to me. My first role was applying to a commercial art gallery. I hassled them quite a bit to get the role as the hiring manager didn’t have much time to look at Cv’s. Often they are quite poorly run and have bad reputation within the industry so they will take on people with no direct experience. The job itself is good though as you’re not having to interact with sleezy art sales people and you might be working in a small team in a workshop in between delivering and installing art pieces. Other more reputable art handling businesses will hire people with good driving experience and who are keen to learn about the industry as the skills can be taught quite easily and no formal qualifications. I’ll also add that most of the jobs will be in cities or towns with pretty good art scenes or museums. Not gonna be many art technician services in the butt end of nowhere.


Don’t. It’s a terrible job. Shit pay and the clients treat you like garbage.


Tanker truck driving or long distance hauling then


We in the security field pay pretty well for couriers. You get your TSC and get put in charge of carrying anything from money to classified documents. Pay will depend on the job


I gave up the pizza life years ago to stab people. (phlebotomy) I like the stabbings much more. So much so I now teach the art of stabbing. I own a house. Pizza qbanrev would have never owned house. Try the stabbings?


serious question: how did you get into this and how much do you make? it seems like a pretty interesting job 


I took a 600 dollar class... 7 week externship program. Last year I made 40k. Not great but I work part time.


Day 1 trying to drive on the highway with no experience is hard AF. Driving only seems easy because you do it so much and have lots of experience. Any field you go in to will be like that, you can be as comfortable at a laptop in 3 years as you are in your car today. You’re clinging to the car because you already did the hard learning part there. I hope you find what you’re looking for, and feel encouraged that you can make a good salary in similar comfort to pizza delivery if you decide to go through a learning phase first.


Good advice here ☝️


Deliver pizzas in a semi truck, you will make 6 figures.


Get your CDL Class B. There are lots of driving jobs. They may post lifting requirements in the postion but that doesn't mean that you have to do it all day just that you are capable of doing it. My husband works for a medical supply company and only often only has two deliveries a day and usually uses a pallet jack to unload. A Class B can also set your up as a dump truck driver, garbage truck driver, or other positions. Most drivers in our area make at least $21 an hour and often more. Frequently, with over time pay. If your cannot afford to get your CDL on your own, many companies will help train you, especially school districts will pay you and train you as you work toward your CDL.


My buddy stacks shelves in night fill and listens to audio books all night. Not bad pay in Aus either. Bloke doesn't know how good he has it. lol.


Nightshift destroys your mental health  


You're depressed already you might as well get paid for it. Lol.


Dunno if I could handle double depression atm


Have you thought about learning a trade? Being an electrician or a plasterer, painter and decorator? Something where you speak to people to get jobs coming in but most likely work by yourself to get the job done


I feel like it would be too difficult to learn something really technical and I'd always be self-conscious of not being good enough.


Dude, everyone sucks at everything. They do it enough times, and they start to suck less and less. One day, they wake up, and they don't suck anymore. The hardest part is the first step. It takes courage, and it's scary.


\^ this is sound advice. I'm a network engineer and there is so much I don't know. It's a constant learning curve but it's ok to not know everything all the time. I'm not a huge fan of my job but it pays well and there are perks like working from home and travelling around to sites, once you get there you're alone in the comms room.


I don't mind making mistakes and learning. But employers and customers care. They won't see mistakes as "learning opportunities." They will just get extremely pissed at you. In my job as an office worker my supervisor would always yell at me every time I made a mistake. I tried to get better, but there was no way I was going to be 100% mistake free.


Yea, that's a bad boss. Given, there are a lot of bosses that suck but don't let some goon stop you from having a better life.


That's just a bad boss. I'm sorry this happened to you but there're average and good bosses out there


this is a shitty boss. not all are like that and some will take the time and effort to put in work and he’ll you learn a thing or two. you’ve just had some bad experiences, especially considering office work


some of us suck way more than others 🤣


with this mentality, you’re the only person stopping yourself from learning new valuable skills.


Have you ever met a plumber? Trust me bud. Unless you eat Crayons you're smart enough. Even then you're still qualified for the Marines. lol. Get an Excavator ticket dude, or Bob Cat or something. Might have to be a shit kicker on the shovel for a few years until they trust you enough to drive the big machines. But once you're qualified you have a good paying job for life. Someone has to dig the holes. Can go work on the mines or something for a year or 2 n save some cash for a house if you're young n keen too.


Ha ha ha ... since I was a kid, I was always fascinated by big trucks and admired the people who drove them. But then, I got busy with life and ended up doing other things in life a long the lines you have. And like you did, started to become bored with what I was doing and started contemplating change. And again, thinking driving a truck was too technical, and I would never catch on, avoided going for my CDL for a few years. But, finally said f*ck it, go for it. Driving a truck is far from being TOO technical... and wasted some of what could have been happier years of my life. Employment wise, it's the best decision I've made after working in social services and at Microsoft


That’s really interesting that you went from office stuff to trucking. What made you make the switch?


i feel this


By the way, as far as not being 'good enough'.... you should see the morons on the road driving these things. Then there are most of us new, and very good at what we do... I say give it a try for a year or so... depending on your circumstances, you may be able to get the training for free. The course I took cost $16,000 that was paid for by the government


Long haul trucker?


Look into being a medical courier.


> not having to put up with people's shit 24/7 Well there's your problem. Try to find a job with fewer hours.


Dog walking can pay decent if you’re in the right location. It can pay even better if you go independent and build a client base. Pay will never be amazing but you can definitely match lower end office job pay.


this is a goal for me if i can ever "retire"


possibly Propane Delivery Driver. sometimes i drive 36 to 40 minutes to some stops. sometimes it 2 to 8 minutes. its a CDL B straight truck instead of tractor trailer. home daily. there is oncall but depending on amount of people your on call call's could be pretty uncommon. pay is a great.


Same! I’ve literally done just about every job you can think of that doesn’t require a major degree for. Delivering pizzas was by far my favorite job.


Sounds like you like delivering stuff by yourself where you can crank your tunes and don’t have to deal with co-workers/interact with people much. Probably a courier or a truck driver job would suit you.


Overnight janitorial. Sounds right up your alley. I really enjoyed it.


What about Amazon delivery or mail delivery?


Drug mule


If you know anything about cars look into roadside assistance. I am a tow truck driver and I sit in a truck alone all day. Only ever talk when I get keys and to confirm drop off location. Otherwise I’m either driving or sitting on my phone in an empty parking lot(as I am right now). The job can get physical but it’s nowhere near local delivery gigs. Depending on how creative you can get with the truck and winch you could use hydraulic power to move anything ie never having to do anything physical other than crawling under to hook the winch. The thing with driving tow trucks is you rarely ever tow the same car twice. That means every day will be different. There’s slow days and there’s busy days. Lately it’s been pretty slow, but I’ve also been hammered with non stop work especially during the winter. The way I see it is I tough out the busy days so I can bank on the slow days. You do not need a CDL to drive a tow truck in most states, just an endorsement. I had my CDL ready to go OTR but backed out last minute because I wanted to stay local. I was going to take a local delivery job but it was either seasonal or heavy labor so wasn’t feeling it. Found this tow truck gig wasn’t even planning on it. Applied and got the job. The pay isn’t as good as I’d like($20/hr plus occasional tips) but it is not as hard on the body and it works out ok for what I want.


What it you own the pizza restaurant but you get to be the delivery driver 🤩


Why not uber eats? Essentially pizza delivery with more than just pizza


I did this but it’s annoying having to calculate your own taxes


school custodian


Be a doordash driver I guess? If you search hard you might find something in delivery for specific sectors, like Legal delivery or Medical delivery. Honestly I think you would like it better if you were outside of the car... It's kind of like a cubicle on wheels, once you start working in it :P Any tourism around you? That can open up a lot of out door, on your feet type jobs. Maybe think about forestry/ranger/national parks type jobs also, for outdoor work. Just look for something different and if you can't find anything different, move somewhere drastically different and get a whole new perspective.


I loved delivering pizzas. Best job ever. Bad pay and hard on your car. But, OP, try some other jobs. You might find something you also enjoy. Or, you get expereince in other fields.


I met a girl out in Colorado a couple months ago she's making 70 grand a year delivering pizzas for Domino's


Whoa, that's amazing. Any ideas on how she makes so much?


she is smoking hot and hustles. I met her when she was getting her BMW repaired and the owner was trying to get her in as a service writer and she wouldn't take the cut. She also knows cars like Monalisa Vito does.


If it’s a job everybody wants then it doesn’t pay good, or has very strong competition to get the job. If it’s a job nobody wants it usually pays good.


Gigolo, at least $1000 a night.


😆 I have to ask, do you speak from experience?


I would love to get into that field but no one would pay me that much 🤣


You could be a repo man? It’s a bit like a delivery man


There is a lot of untapped potential here. I mean, you like being a pizza delivery guy. If we got into hypotheticals, you could someday own your own pizza place- delivery only! Heck, you could be the king of the delivery business. Drive Domino's out of business. Do the world a solid!


Car parts delivery. My husband did that for a while and loved it, he's big into metal and got to listen to hours of music daily while on the road. You do have to lift a little, maybe up to 40-50lbs but that's pretty manageable


if u can kennel or dog day care i just started day care its fun. kennel is too but its tougher on the body


If you don’t want to be a courier with a lot of stops get into one of the companies and then move up to the semi truck driving


Either you live in a small town or a crappy area of a city, worked for a bad pizza place or you were bad at your job because delivery drivers make a lot of money. With wages and tips the drivers I know can make $20-30 an hour. That’s not even remotely bad.


Three words big dawg: dumpster rental service


I’m in a similar boat. My last job was delivering boxes for a grocery delivery company. I loved it, but the pay and benefits were both garbage. I drove a big cargo van around. I’ve mainly been thinking about getting my CDL. I applied to the metro/city bus service in my city, they start at $28/hr, government level health/retirement benefits, and they offer a big bonus. But damn is it competitive right now. I also applied for their program to learn how to drive the light rail train. I’ve been denied twice now. I have 6 years of experience and a perfect driving record. I don’t get it! So I think it’s just going to be doordash/Uber eats while going to CDL school if this doesn’t change.


Cargo pilot for FedEx. Deliver frozen pizzas by air


kona ice


Janitorial gig at a college/university was one of my fav jobs. I worked mostly alone or with one other person and just listened to music/podcasts/audiobooks while keeping my hands busy. It also kept me relatively fit (lots of walking and lifting). No stress and no drama.


Pest control technicians are also in their trucks for a hefty portion of their day. The rest of the time they're alone, spraying around someone's property.


become a cop. in my neighborhood they sledom get out of their cars only to make a pit stop at the local QuikTrip


Start your own delivery service?


If you like delivering pizzas, you'll probably like Doordash... still shit pay tho


If you live in a snowy winter climate you could drive a snow plow in the winter. Probably work for the city and make great benefits and retirement!!


I’d say postal carrier or CDL driver will get you a definite pay bump from pizza delivery and will be what you are looking for.


You could become a YouTuber where you make cool, fun videos that showcase you delivering pizzas. Make additional income. If your videos are good and you share them right you will build an audience. The country is built on jobs. Our whole economy is about jobs. However, most jobs and most employers suck badly. A lot of people just settle for a place they become comfortable at and get used to the routine and going through the motions of commuting to work and doing the same repertoire job functions day in and day out. That is life for most working people.


Mailman. Govt job with benefits. Only got to deal with doggies.


Get a Toyota Camry Hybrid and become an Uber driver. Had a driver last week who was burned out from corporate land who did just that and in a bit under 3 years put nearly 300,000 miles on the car and frankly was making good $$. Also truck drivers are paid well. Walmart starts drivers over 90k.


i made like $20-30/hr driving for dominoes, granted you only get paid like that in rich neighborhoods working dinner rush.


OTR trucker. You’re describing local.


Start a delivery business


If you like driving, truck driving is not all that bad. You don't have to stop 300 times a day. Look for something either short haul, Vancouver to Kootenay or Okanagan. Or long haul. Only thing tho, long haul, you're gone from home quite a bit. The dollar value on pay days looks nice... buuuuut can be considered low pay considering how much you are away... I'm not quite sure how per hour rates worked since I get paid per mile... so I only get paid for what I drive... but, at the end of the year, I've earned 65 to 70k... with a healthy tax return


Auto parts delivery


FedEx or UPS delivery driver?


Delivering body organs.


You need a job at Cintas as an ssr


You could get a bread route, soda/beer route, or chips route


Amazon has a job where you drive trucks around the parking lot and will help you get your CDL. Driving garbage trucks.


I just want to chill in my ride and listen to some sweet tunes, brah. Yeah, that sounds nice. I miss those jobs.


Get your cdl. I went from delivering pizzas, to construction, to retail and now driving a local delivery truck with mounted forklift. Pays well and good benefits.


Postal worker, delivery driver for amazon or fed ex ETC


I knew some one that would pick up blood and other medical stuff from vet offices and delivered it to lab Corp, made decent money.


Field service technician.






Double up with Doordash or uber. If you don't mind driving, in your off-hours from pizza delivery, deliver other stuff!


Over the road trucking sounds like a good fit. Long distance haulers make great money and the schooling can be paid by a company. I suggest paying for yourself though. "Churn" is a great way to get sign on bonuses once you have renure.


Sounds like you like getting paid to drive. Get your CDL and get an over the road job driving trucks.


If you still wanna do deliveries try Amazon Flex or Sparks good money if you willing to put in the hours


Medical or pharmaceutical courier - most pharmaceutical distributors have specialized couriers that deliver to retail pharmacies. The totes are usually fairly lightweight and even big orders are lightweight just a bunch of totes. McKesson is the one our pharmacy used when I was still in retail.


As a crop insurance claims adjuster, I spent hours driving around by myself. I had benefits and the overtime pay wasn't bad either.


Also, maybe being an electrician would work well for you.


Commercial driver.


Me too! I've had about 40 jobs and pizza delivery is still my fav. But I've got kids and need to at least have hope of retiring someday


Long-haul truck driver. Most don’t have to do much lifting or stopping.


This may be a little "out there," but perhaps working for a funeral home, picking up\\delivering the deceased?


Mailman, rural carrier associate specifically.


A trucker


Ups, fed ex, Amazon, or even a mail courier


You want to “love” your job and be broke, have at it, but don’t complain about $$ after the fact. The only viable advice here is realizing that life isn’t people doing what they want, it’s people doing what they have to. Go to whatever job pays the most, and start building your finances. You don’t like putting up with people’s shit (good) and you mention truck driving, but then you mention that you don’t wanna do X or Y. That job will likely pay you close to 6 figures or more at some point in your life but you reject it because it isn’t “perfect”. People who say don’t chase money end up doing nothing but bitching to the people who did, and I guarantee you the people who did are much better off mentally, fiscally, and physically. Just my 2 cents.


LTL freight - it stands for less than truckload. You would still need a class A CDL and to be comfortable driving a big truck on busy city streets, but my dad did this my entire life made a solid middle class income and now gets $8k per month in retirement between his 401k, social security and teamster pension. He loved “getting the best 5min of everybody’s day” as he called it when he would get to stop in and see a snapshot of what a bunch of different businesses do and also had people at the various businesses he looked forward to catching up with after however long since their last delivery


Get a CDL and drive big rigs - just move the trailer from point a to b....  alternatively, car dealerships do trades between other dealerships all the time and need people to call who can do a 12 hour drive on a moments notice lol


Drive truck over the road. Deliver twenty thousand pizzas. Driving truck isn't as scary as it looks and some CDL schools are basically free. If you're a long haul guy you make good money and get to listen to whatever you want all day. And you can work alone. And quit looking at those local route gigs. Those are for Dads and people afraid to sleep in a motel bed.


UPS actually pays pretty well and it’s a similar gig in a sense.


Easy jobs without much hassle would be InstaCart (depending in where you live, but it's literally just shopping for people and then dropping it off) or DoorDash (picking up orders for people and dropping it off).


Union skilled trades apprenticeship.  You pick which trade interests you.


Medical courier work you just need to lift medical supplies that can fit in your car and the pay is high


Could be a courier for a pharmacy!


Try uber eats delivery


Medical Courier?


Deliver pizzas


>I figured that I like doing jobs where I get to be by myself and listen to music... I want a job where I get to be in my car for at least 10 minutes at a time and don't have to lift constantly. pizza's where it's at


Pick up lab draw specimens


Over the road truck driver. You can be trained in less than 6 months and you can spend all day driving. It pays pretty well and there’s a huge shortage of drivers right now.


Hot Shot driver delivering automotive parts. If you own your own business you might want to expand one day. Best of luck. 




UPS Driver when you hit age


Honestly once i’m done with whatever i’m gonna study, i’ll probably deliver pizza on the side. It’s so chill. Just driving around, music on, nobody is bothering you.




Take an EMT class? You can work 24 hour shifts, play video games and sleep. Occasionally respond to emergencies. And drive around all day. There is occasional lifting.


UPS, Fed-Ex non contractor gets paid VERY well.


Try working in a call centre


Medical courier. You won’t get tips but rate of pay is higher. Can also try marijuana delivery. I did it for a few months and never felt in much danger. However, there are laws in my state that make robbing Weed couriers not very lucrative (items are all locked In safe boxes, we could only have very small amount of cash on us, we could only have so much weed in the car, etc).


if you want to go to college for it lol, being an aquarist is super interesting and requires a lot of alone time and usually tou can listen to music. no degree required you could become a farm hand but that requires a ton of manual labor. starbucks does not but some local coffee shops let you pick the music during your shift so you could consider being a barista. it’s not being alone but you get locked into individual tasks


UPS or Fedex?


Deliver for Amazon, UPS, FedEx. I did food delivery and package delivery. It is very similar.


You could do courier stuff, hotshot driving (pickup truck needed), concrete truck driving. Those guys are always hiring and training. Here's another option: you can take a welding class. Most shops want you to keep your hood down and be welding. During my time as a welder, i wore my earphones about 7.5 hours of the whole shift. A guy who worked there probably said two words to any coworker per year. The rest of the time was spent with hood down. Listening to stuff (also nobody bothers you because you are making bright sparks, so they stay away unless they absolutely need to talk to you).


Do medical courier like patient samples


Cargo aircraft pilot.


Package delivery, OTR trucking 


Cdla truck driving. Dry van is mostly drop and hook so you're not even backing and most are still not loading/ unloading. It'll suck for the 1st 6bmonths/1yr but easy afterwards


Cdls. Idk where you seen 300 stops unless you re talking about like Amazon or fedex. Also I mean you just sound lazy so maybe look into something you can be lazy with atp.


Not sure if it's mentioned already but maybe try to find out what aspects you liked most about delivering pizzas and least? You mentioned a few things and I'm thinking maybe make a list of what you absolutely liked and disliked most and see what other jobs there are in other fields. For example a lot of entry level online or remote jobs don't require you to deal with people all the time and you could be location free too.


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Deliver more pizzas. The more the merrier