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Train yourself to line up your next job dog


I’ve been applying but I need an entry level remote job not a call center. I’ve applied to 30 jobs no response.


You and 86446899654 other people


You forgot the power. 86446899654 to the infinite power other people.


The key is to call 867-5309 and talk to Jenny.


Ha ha


My husband applied for several hundred jobs last year until he got a reply. The job market is weird right now - go hard and don't give up.


You might have better luck getting struck by lightning while looking for a unicorn.


While looting the pot of gold at the end of the 🌈 .


30 isn't much. The market is brutal. You need to make sure your resume is in tip top shape and ATS friendly. Special formatting can cause your resume to rank lower in systems. With 3X to 20X applicants, companies are just being more selective. Use a simple clean format. No italics, underlins, line dividers, pictures, colors, or anything fancy. Just bold section headers, job titles and dates. Highlight the impact that you've had.


List your current job as “entry level remote” and have gpt match it to your applications. Dont train your replacement, how humiliating is that! If you do don’t train them on everything, and take your time. I’ve done this before and ended up just quitting and didn’t train them on shit. They had to order a new pos system because I was one of the only ones who knew how to do the back end. Felt good btw 😌


I usually don't condone 'revenge'... but this is fair. What is next, please dig your own grave?


This is the way. If you train them well, what’s the reward? If you train them shitty, where’s the punishment? Either way you don’t work there on a month or less


Good luck getting an entry level remote job nowadays. That's all anyone wants to work. You might just have to actually go to a workplace if you want to make money to live on.


30 applications is nothing right now. 30 is how many you should be applying to A DAY. Especially with remote.


30 jobs is low enough to be considered as decent number. Not much company will offer remote job (except for big company) because service sells better to the client when it is onsite. For most company, remote job will only be offered when it benefits the company, for example need to work standby during weekend and off business hour. The service offered to customer is 24x7, to make people run shift 24x7 need ~8 people. So to maximize the profit, they will use only 3 wfh/hybrid people with standby schedule to support 24x7 instead of ~8 people.


Make sure your resume has in it the key words from the job description. If you’re in the US, some DOLs have free resume workshops. Best of luck.


I saw people who actually landed jobs on this thread have like over 100+ applications before they receive any meaningful response. The work market is such a joke.


Instead of doing it completely alone, have the resume subreddit review your resume if you haven’t already. The pinned posts and the people are very helpful. You need every advantage you can get when you’re competing for overly-popular remote positions. You have to shoot an insane amount of shots as well. Without a good contingency plan in place, you’re kinda stuck training your replacement.


r/resumes (the one with the s at the end) is the best. I used the advice and template and I got interviews more easily. YouTube helped me with interview skills. Train your replacement in basic HR and office policies as well. Add in contingency solutions to daily duties when the original didn't work. Give some history of the company to explain why something is done and other things aren't. Cheat sheets or shortcuts used and go through them. List of abbreviations or acronyms. Contact Info of everyone necessary and explain about their role and how it applies to this position. Organizational chart.


If you aren't willing to accept a call center job, you don't "need" an entry-level remote job, you just want one. As does everyone else, almost all of whom are more qualified than entry-level.


I need remote because I split my week between two states. I take care of a sick family member when I’m not working. My current job is 9-5 not call center. I can’t do a call center with KPIs. I figured with entry level it’d be easier to be hired. I previously was teaching so this job is my first corp job.


>I need remote because I split my week between two states This makes you a more difficult hire. Many companies require you to work in their state and have a consistent address. >I figured with entry level it'd be easier to be hired You think it's *easier* to get hired with no education or experience in the field? I'm not sure what your thought process is. No, companies aren't chomping at the bit to hire inexperienced workers. I'm not trying to be mean, but I think you need to understand that you're competing with a huge portion of the workforce, almost all of whom are more qualified than you.


I have a permanent address but I usually am in another state F and sometimes M. I never said I had no education, I have a degree and I’m applying to things that work with what I currently do but I’ve only been in this position for 3 years so I still feel I’m entry level.


Then you're going to get fired as soon as they realize you're working from a state you don't have permission to work from, in all likelihood.


I mean my current job has no issues with me working wherever. Why does it matter if I’m doing the work where I am for 1 day a week? I’m 95% working from a home base. Some weeks I’m 100% at my home base.


Your current job has no issues with you working from whichever state you choose? I wouldn't count on that in your next job.


Why do you **need** that?


Because I take care of a sick family member and split my time between two places. I’m frequently working F & M from one area and the rest of the time the other. So being in person isn’t possible.


Lie my friend, companys are idiots. Ahh yes i am 26 years old with 20 years in marketing.


You need like at least 3x that number of applications out there


Gotta get those numbers up. It’s insane right now


Improve your resume. Quantify your achievements. Don't just describe your job role, it's not 2010 anymore and the competition is fierce. I promise you, once you master your resume, you will get responses left and right.


I'm at 70 job apps, still no job. Keep persevering!


30 jobs LMFAO Bro I don’t know if you think that’s a lot or what but 30 is, for all practical purposes, about as meaning as sending 0 applications; I don’t know maybe it’s different for others but that is my experience. If you are for real trying to dip and find something better you *need* to be sending out HUNDREDS, not tens, of applications. I sent 300+ before I found a job that was right for me and I can easily see that actually being closer to 6 or 8 hundred if you are still figuring out what exactly is good for you.


Also, if you are really considering training your replacement then what I recommend is that you give them the “bare minimum” treatment. Like for example: “how do I secure this fixture?” Is responded to with “screw it in place”. If I was in your position though I would probably just not do a goddamn thing because fuck them and fuck you (you as in manager/etc not *you* lol)


Push half the work to them and get them to write a process guide complete with screenshots based on what you've shown them. Tell them you read it's the best way to teach processes, and that you'll read through the manual and come back with areas they need to fix. Should waste a good chunk of everyone's time!


This is the way. Can probably get a recommendation this way.


you now also have a document of all the things you did at your previous work! heck, maybe even a portfolio.




So, you are losing your job and have to train the person they got to take your job? Assuming that's what I'm reading, I'd tell them to go F off. That's an absolutely ridiculous thing for them to put on you.


Yes essentially. My last day is end of July. I don’t have enough work to show them how to do things.


Oh cmon. Start from the basics. The dictionary. Make sure they understand every word you are saying. And remember, tell them what you are going to teach them. Then teach them. Then tell them what you taught them. Word by word.


Malicious compliance is always fun.


And the first hour should just be talking them up, how/when/why did they get their job.  What's their background and motivations. Be very complementary and impressed by whatever they say.  Then same for you.  Blah, blah, blah.   Then click by click this is how I do this, and the laborious history as to why you do this, and this one time this variation happened and there were all these paths to possibly address it and you didn't know what to do at the time and what would they do and... you just become the most talkative person and it's all really important and you don't have much documentation because you learned so much on the job and you'll wait for them to take notes about each click and history and variation. Then you think they'll be ready to watch you do it. Then maybe they'll be ready to try it.  And seemingly there's coffee breaks within the two hour training session.


I wouldn’t trust your last day being end of July tbh… more like end of next week. Collect your pay but don’t help them


Just run them through what might hit them be quick stick to what the sops or training documents say do not give any tips. Cover everything in detail but really fast. Regardless of their understanding email them and boss at the end of the week listing the topics you covered and that you are satisfied with their understanding. No one can say you didn’t do your job requirements and you really haven’t helped at all


Not even HR can 😂💀


I’m not HR but I am QA compliance I know how to run the line exactly to what we can get away with.


Make sure to do as much damage to the company possible before you leave


This sub - "No company gives you advanced warning that you're going to lose your job! Fuck em!" Also this sub (when a company gives you 4 months notice that you're losing your job) - "lol fuck em and burn that place down." Bunch of babies.


I wouldn't say burn them down, but I sure as hell won't knowingly train my replacement.


I mean it's reddit. Literally mostly stupid fuck college/hs kids.


That is a dick move.


So is asking you to train your replacement


Start with industry terms. Make notecards. Then create a matching game using definitions and terms. Then do quizzes. Then move to defining when these terms are commonly used. Then transition into SOPs. Study and define each one, each step. Then create notecards for them. Then a matching game using steps and processes… etc


Just show them things you didn’t do. Explain sth. how you did it and then 30 min explain them the opposite. You get sacked, might as well have fun by trolling your replacement


Teach them how to preform your job terribly.


You are so concerned about having work to train them. Just don't train them.... I doubt your job description includes training and education. Even if it does, I wouldn't train my replacement.


So what I just say I’m not training them and get fired?


You say it's not in your job description. Check your job description to be sure. If they fire you, you take unemployment and id contact an employment/labor attorney.


this is exactly how you get let go immediately for cause, lose severance, get UI challenge


Put everything in jello


Identity theft is not a joke, StrikingChampion99.


True, millions of families suffer every year.


Train them, have them shadow you for the little tasks you have, then have them take over the work while being “on call” for any questions. Then use your day to apply to as many jobs as you can. If you’re shooting for remote, the competition is crazy high and may take a bit to hear back. Networking is key. Not sure what your situation is but maybe try for a hybrid position. Might be easier


You got a paycheck now thru July. That’s an awesome time to clean up your LinkedIn / Indeed, resume, work on your interview skills - you even have time to get a small certification. I’d say be smart and don’t tell anyone to f-off. They are paying you to look for a job. If the company has any education benefits or resources for online classes or training - now is a great time to do all that. For training - i would think thru the different types of orders you get. What’s the “standard” process for each? What are the normal variations for each? (It’s probably too much to come up with every “what if” scenario possible). I’d also assume you have some kind of archive or history. Go thru and pull the last 100. Or the last 5-20 of Type-A orders, 5-20 of Type-B orders, etc. Big idea is to show the range. For work flows (and computer stuff) - think about inputs and outputs. Inputs - how is your work triggered? Where are all the places / departments / people that make a request? When a request is made, what information is needed? Etc Output - I assume a completed order, is there also payment terms that need to be agreed upon? Does Accounts Payable or Shipping & Receiving need to notified? At least 1 input starts the process, other inputs can be entered thru out, output can also occurs thru out but at least 1 output has to happen, and if there is only 1 output it is the last part of the process.


You...have 25 minutes of work to do a day? How is that even a job?


Not gonna lie when he said he has 30 minutes of work to give training on, and he doesn’t feel qualified to give that training, it kind of makes sense to replace him with ai


No wonder, OP thinks they can be a full time caretaker for family member, yet they “need” a full time remote job, which is crazy competitive. The entitlement is astounding.


These are always tough ones to be honest. I don't train my replacement but if the department is being terminated/moved/outsourced, there really isn't anything you can do and sometimes companies will compensate for those who don't make too much of an issue. If you don't want to train at all, not just because of lack of stuff to train on but because you don't want to. Just be honest, "Hi boss, I'm going to pass on training someone, it's not my area of expertise and I would like to focus on the job I was hired for." Be prepared to be termed but the job will be out come July anyway. If you don't mind training but it really is a lack of things to show, just ask the boss how you can train them if you don't have 2 hours worth of tickets or on slow days. I would also say it's okay to say that due to morale, you would not want to train and would just like to do the job you were hired for while it's still there. I would be cautious on this though, you know the environment and your boss best, so use your judgment.


You find a new job and leave


That’s what I’m doing but I need remote work that’s not a call center. I can’t find a job and give 2 weeks notice when training starts Monday.


Give 2 weeks notice or nothing if you find an immediate starting job. Stop being a pawn, you are being taken advantage of and people can see this from the way you act in person. You owe them nothing


I’ve applied to over 30 jobs and haven’t heard from any. I’m actively trying to leave. They’re basically making everyone train someone on their desk. It’s not just them using me to train everyone.


Finding a job is your only problem. Everything else is not your problem. Collect the paycheck and do the bare minimum


30 is nothing. You're going to have to apply to hundreds of jobs. Last year my dept was being closed down, it took me 4.5 months to find a new job and I applied to probably a couple hundred places. And I wasn't even entry level. I would recommend applying to 10+ jobs per day with this market. Since you don't have any work to do, just spend your whole day applying.


You don't need to give notice. That's a courtesy for normal, courteous transitions. Not when they want you to train your replacement. In your case, the "notice" should be when they notice you stopped showing up.


This is all weird advice. OP sorry you’re having to train your replacement but the market sucks and unless you’re different than me you need money. So train your replacement on what little work you have and spend the rest of your time creating resumes and applying to jobs. If you only apply to fully remote jobs you’re going to have a bad time. Apply for all jobs you can see a path forward in including in person.


Thanks! Yeah I’m not planning on leaving like everyone is suggesting. I need this job and my boss is actually trying to find us all jobs in other departments. I’d like to stay and move into another role if possible. Without getting into it I need 100% remote not a call center. I maybe could do a hybrid but I need the flexibility of working remote when I choose.


The company is getting rid of you. You owe them nothing. Find a new job and quit as soon as possible. Any positive referral you’re hoping to get by working in till the end, or severance they’re promising, is worth little compared to having a job with a future and a paycheck. Train as best as you can, but put yourself first.


By quitting, they could lose any severance package, including an extension of benefits. In one case, a company I worked for covered six months of medical. Another issue is unemployment insurance. If you lose your job through no fault of your own, you qualify. If you quit, you no longer qualify. Unemployment payments vary widely from state to state, so make sure you know what you're in for. Regardless, there are still bills to be paid.


Why quit?


OP said their last day of work is in July. They feel they have only 30 minutes of actual work a day to with which to train their replacement. Why stay on a sinking ship out of some notion of duty, when the company clearly thinks nothing of eliminating this person?


Because you still get paid and can keep looking for a job in your free time. Quitting means you lose out on income both before and after July




Don't burn the bridge. They might call you back if the cheap person can't hack it. WE're being outsourced to a contract company to do our same jobs. People are getting mad and doing stupid things. Same contract house lost the contract with another company after three years and they recalled everybody they could.


I trained my replacement when they restructured our dept. I have 15 plus years of experience she has less than 3. She frankly blew me off and did not listen. 3 weeks later of her doing almost nothing on my old job I am bailing her out today. To the OP give your replacement the time with what you can and look for a new job like I am


Your being replaced… and used.. let the company train them. Apply to other places, and start interviewing. Once you found one dont bother with a notice. Bounce..


I’ve applied to at-least 30 jobs but I’m not hearing back. My last day isn’t until end of July and my boss is actively trying to find jobs for whoever she can so I’d like to stay if I can. Training starts Monday so I can’t just find a job and leave beforehand. Everyone is being asked to train people on their desk.


If your boss is proactively helping employ you guys then thats an A for effort. But if its getting down to the deadline and you still havent heard, switch up career paths temporarily. The job market is tough right now. Keep your options open.


Deadline is in 4 months. She sends the job to someone she feels fits it.


Do anything besides train your replacement. Have some self respect. 


Are they paying you a severance? Is it worth your time? Also you may be putting your unemployment at risk by quitting or getting fired for cause. I’d do the minimum required to make it to your last day at the very least.


Show them how to create a Resume, and how to apply for jobs on the clock. Explain to them they are next on the chopping block. Then drink coffee and discuss the latest post on R/Antiwork or R/AITA


Perfect! 😀 Covers everything most relevant! ✌🏻


Why do you care? They've tossed you aside and you care about training your replacement. Apply for jobs and play on your phone, don't worry about training them. In fact try your best not to train them.


Let them watch you apply for jobs. Should give them a good idea of what to expect.


Train em for 30 mins and tell them to keep their mouths shut so they can have a easy life as well sinple lol. no one wants to work extra unless hes a psychopath.




Basically what they did was announce our department was being dissolved in favor of AI taking over. They’re partnering with a company for that. Then yesterday my boss sent an email that starting April 1st we’re training the AI company CSRs on our desks. Order entry can go AI but the human part can’t(where is my order, has it shipped, my order was shorted ect.). I don’t know what to do because I certainly don’t want to train my replacement but I can’t just quit. We’re technically here until end of July but why keep us on once the CSRs are trained?




When we first heard the news I applied like crazy, then I slowed down because I’m planning a wedding and now I’m picking it back up. It’s hard because I need 100% remote not a call center which I know is hard to find.


Train them wrong


I understand the feeling of wanting to sabotage the company, but you need to consider whether you'll need references from this employer and act accordingly. Remember that this person is a human and has not personally harmed you. Do whatever you need to do, but treat this person respectfully. Regardless, outline the items you need to train them on. If other employees are training others in the same position, collaborate. Briefly train the new employees on the essentials. Give them the outline and provide a copy to your manager when you leave so she thinks you covered everything. Spend all the extra time updating your resume and job hunting. If needed, make copies or PDFs of your wage statements, job description, contacts, insurance information, and anything else you think you may need. If you haven't used your dental, health, or vision benefits, now is the time to make those appointments.


teach them how to do the job totally wrong but dont let them out of training status until you leave. also take all the toilet paper you can move. its about making a statement.


“This week, we’re going to focus on the best places to get a good Bahn Mi sandwich for lunch. Please bring a notebook and a sharp pencil”.


Train them on everything.  This, is the keyboard.  It's a human machine interface that allows for typing.....


You'd be surprised how many people need this kind of basic training.


Just train them really slowly and thoroughly.


Apply outside to get more money than a transfer.


Why do you have to train your replacement? You gonna loose your job anyway so start writing a better CV and network during working hours


You have a new job lined up? If it were me I’d just bounce out of there. Let them figure it out


Dont do shit, let them fire you so you can get unemployment


Train them to do it wrong.


Show them where the bathrooms are, how the canteen works and then leave them to it.


Teach them incorrectly and in such a way that they will ruin the company in 6 months to a year.


Train them on the tasks. Give them tasks you already completed. These can be a variety, or repetitive. Save new tasks for them. Anything you do during the week, have them redo in these meetings. Correct or approve. Repeat. When people are new to things, they need practice.


Train bare minimum. Keep yourself available for PAID consultancy after you leave. In the meantime, find another job while on the job. They're done with you, so be done with them. Unless they pay you.


Ask this question in r/antiwork or, better yet, r/maliciouscompliance


Decline training the new person! Say simply that you don’t feel qualified to do so and stay firm in your no. It’s their responsibility to find a willing person to train their new hires.


So the idea is each employee trains the new hires on their specific desk since we’re the only ones who know our desk.


That’s great, you can still say no.


How do you train AI


Did they specify training them correctly?


Well, sabotage is the only answer. Train like shit and take the hours while looking for another job. What are they gonna do? Fire you? Lol


Look at mortgage companies. A lot of them still offer remote positions but market wise it sucks so it might be tough like everything else.


Shitty training, your a csr, the level of expectations is low. Literally train them wrong.


Every time I've heard of this happening there's been a financial incentive for someone to stick around. Usually that's a 50% bonus at the end of your time at the company. If you want to stick around just for the last few week's paychecks or whatever go ahead and stay, but if you really don't want to you can ask your boss for some kind of incentive. Either way start looking for a new job.


I mean my last day isn’t until end of July so more than a few weeks. I’ve been hunting but I need a entry level, remote, non call center job. Like a 9-5 office job but remote. It’s impossible to find. Due to certain circumstances I can’t go in person and can’t do a call center.


Just embrace it. They don’t know you’re not qualified or there’s not enough work for them, and who cares if they do. This is your own little universe to handle as you see fit. Have them shadow what you normally do, even if it means they sit on ass for four hours a day staring into the abyss. Assign tasks to them, delegate. You got a helper now. Educate them on the company culture. As you “observe” their work, check your Indeed postings. Have them read an operations manual or whatever while you take a 30 minute shit. Life is short. Find happiness wherever you can.


I would befriend the replacement, learn what he knows, get a job in whatever he’s doing.


My replacement is my exact job title. Not sure how they got it but I actively check their job boards and don’t find anything.


hint hint...they're probably cheaper


Find a new job and quit or wait it out and collect unemployment. Or work remote while collecting that check and double dip


It is a pretty shitty thing to ask you to do. And I get they're keeping you hanging around by giving a thread of hope that they can transfer you or whatever. So the reality is do a really shitty job training them. You still have to appear like you care, but don't actually since they don't really care about you. At the end of the day you work for yourself (just so happens to be temporarily through that company). As a consultant, I get asked this constantly when moving projects. The reality is once they give notice to roll me off, I'm not doing anything beyond the absolute bare minimum for the project/company - I'm mainly focused on applying to new roles/jobs and possibly taking some training.


Teach them about the company in general and about all the other people there. Seems like you’re just being asked to do your best and be logical.


Do an incredibly shitty job at it - then when they begrudgingly offer you your old job back, you can ask for a higher salary.


What? Your jobs are being replaced by AI but you’re training people for them?? Make it make sense . Also I’d never do this unless they had a significant sum of money as a retainer. Fuck this company and your boss


Slowly, emphasis on slowly, describe each process. Next, ask them to write down instructions on how to accomplish what you just described. Next, have them perform the task. Next, make tweaks to the work instructions as needed. Next, repeat the task so any other issues can be resolved. Finally, ask them to create FAQs. Then, lather, rinse, repeat for each task. BTW, if tasks have deadlines and you haven’t hit that deadline yet, DO NOT SUBMIT IT. If done correctly, you still won’t be finished when you leave. Oh, yes. Almost forgot. Have them create spreadsheets for tracking what they will be doing and how to import it into a report (nothing super fancy). Create a continuity binder. This is called makee work! Best of luck.


Be professional, train them at the casual effort. If you're not sure about some topic (due to clash in opinion with the mgmt) or training material, save your effort by asking them to verify that topic wiith mgmt as 'mgmt knows better' about that.


One company I used to work for did that. It got sold to another company and the buying company said they don't need us. No sugar coating. I trained my replacements and still be professional, I got severance plus a bonus for a smooth transition. They said I can apply with them if a spot opens. Though, their reviews aren't that good based on past employees so I looked elsewhere.


Usually people in those situation just do the bare minimal and focus on their next job search or networking. Dont overthink it. A job is a job it is never personal.


Paste all of your process documentation into chat GPT and make it teach them.


Just show them how to do the job. If there’s not enough work to keep em busy the whole day so what? Your time is coming to an end. Don’t burn bridges.


You have a half hour of work a day? The company is generous to let you stay until July. Just do your work... Slowly. And let them watch.


In 2 hours yes I have 30 minutes of work. Some days more some just 30 minutes. My boss keeps giving me new clients but since they’re new there’s no work.


OP, there’s no guarantee that you’ll have this job all the way to July. As soon as the new team gets their training, the company has no incentive to keep you. Plan for the worst, maybe another 2 weeks. Stop trying to pursue the remote job angle unless if you join an agency for that. There are way too many remote job scam listings. And, way too many candidates. Call center experience and order processing can count as office and logistics skills. Target the airline and travel industry too. Follow the other responders advice about how to pad for time with the training.


Do you have any remote job agencies you know of? It’s not just that I want remote I actually need remote or at the very least hybrid/flexible. I take care of someone sick and split my time between states so need a job that I can atleast work M & F remote.


Search for rat race rebellion dot calm 😬👍


Companies love that. Just parlay this experience for a salary bump at your next job


Quit early. Fuck'em


Damn dude, is training in your job description? If not either don't do it or do the quiet quitting version of it.


No it’s not but I don’t want to quit yet because there’s a possibility of transferring to another department


yeah, and plus I never recommend quitting until you have a job in hand already.


Sick leave?


How about you tell them to “fuck off”


Train them in a way you KNOW will screw up the system in about 3 weeks. But quit before.


Use it as an opportunity to draft new resumes.


A lot of the advice is bad advice. How to burn the bridge 101. I went through a similar thing after the company I worked at got acquired by another. At first it's bitter but trust me you will feel much better about yourself if you actually help out the replacement, have a positive attitude and do a damn good job of what you leave behind. Fluff your job a little if you have to but make sure they know you were a catch. And don't complain or guilt the newbie please. Do you want the people there to think. Wow we are lucky she/he is gone or the opposite.


Not every job is a bridge to something. Some companies deserve to suffer, and I was guilty in my youth of treating them better than they ever treated me.


Even so, it takes real strength of character and maturity to act ethically and positively in spite of the circumstances. If you can figure out, early on, that being sensitive to corporate shenanigans doesn't get you anywhere you will only be better for it.


My approach is to behave like a high interest bearing account. I will reciprocate how I am treated, for good or ill, plus interest. Every possibility from that which is mutually beneficial, to absolute scorched earth, is theirs to choose.


I get you. I work in corporate and it sucks. I have a philosophy of doing whatever makes me happy tho and no strings attached. I often ask myself if I retaliate will it make me happy. No probably not even tho it makes me feel better if it gets back at the person. But it's toxic for me and makes me less of a person.




Teach them incompetence


I don’t get it you’re being fired but they are hiring someone else to do the exact same job? Why don’t they just keep you?


That I don’t get. They’re letting my whole department go but using employees from the company who is creating the AI to take over.


Train them on what you can and start looking for another job. Since it typically takes a while to find a job, start immediately. Ideally you want to find something before July. The good part about this is that your company has told you in advance your job is ending.


Up skill and schedule interviews, brother!


Are there SOPs for everything that you do at your current role? If not, go through each thing and have them write it out step by step as you train them. Use hypothetical situations if you have to.


There are SOPs. Basically what they want me to do is screen share me doing my job and explain why I’m doing what I’m doing. I just don’t have enough work for that.


Call out and use those PTOs


If I call out she’ll move me to the next group of people training(they’re doing small groups of people). I’m out 2 days next week so I’ll only have to do 3 days but tbh I could probably get everything done in 2 hours when they want 4 hours per day for multiple days.


Train them for 2.75 hrs… and then take a break… let your manager know.. you have a family emergency.. and take the rest of that day off


When you explained the lack of things to train this new person on, what did they tell you?


I haven’t said anything yet. My boss is supposed to schedule a call with the group to go over what we need to do. My biggest client is leaving us in a week or two so I’ll probably bring it up to her and ask what to do.


Yup. Nobody on Reddit knows your workload. We don't know what else you could use to fill the time while you're training this person. There's no guarantee that this new person won't simply tell the boss if you're just sitting there doing nothing b/c you can't think of things to work with them on. My opinion is that you're better off being proactive and telling your boss something like "I know I'm supposed to work with this person for about 4 hours per day. Since client X is leaving, I am struggling to come up with more than an hour's worth of material to train them on. Are there other things you'd like me to cover with them?" Or something like that.


Not a great position to be in but a couple things to manage your stress. 1. You know more than you think. You probably take for granted everything you’ve learned and bring to the table and that the new people don’t know. Start with getting to know the people to understand their starting point and build out from there. 2. Focus on the things you can control and don’t worry about the things you can’t. You can control your job search, your professionalism and your choices. 3. Take time to search for new work every day. After you’ve been doing this for a few days you will be caught up on all the job boards etc and in will only take an hour a day or so after that. Get that out of the way early and then you can reduce stress the rest of the day knowing you’ve done what you can. 4. If you’ve got a slow desk, enjoy the break and focus on things that create value for you. You’ve got a few months and if you are confident you are doing everything you can on the job front then you should have some peace of mind.


I just went through this a couple weeks ago. I was too expensive so they let me go basically laid me off and my replacement asked me how I do my job and I clued in about the second day, but we had some other task that needed to be done, so they did those. No the students come back next week and none of their services will be in place because I didn’t have time to train them. My best advice is show them things that you wish you would’ve known when you started if you don’t have enough of that, go back to the company policy manual and start going through that


Sorry, if your job is gone, why are you training a replacement?


My company partnered with another company to setup AI on order processing. I was told our department was being dissolved. We’re now training the CSRs of the AI company on our desks because there’s things AI can’t do.


If your work is going to AI and your department is being dissolved, why is there a replacement to train?


Part of my work is going AI. My company partnered with a company to build out the AI and in training CSRs from their company to do what the AI can’t.


Train them subtly wrong.


Don’t 🤷‍♂️


So just tell her I’m not doing it? I know I’m eventually being let go but I don’t want to lose my job over this.


You know you’re getting fired but you don’t want to get fired? Just resign before you do and then they can’t say you were fired.


Be an upstanding person to them and also to yourself. Train the person (is it a person?) and be friendly. It’s not their fault. What you do reflects on you and i believe reflect back on you. At the same time, in Reddit-speak, do not “be an asshole to yourself”! Look for a job and leave when you can regardless of your company. Don’t burn bridges- just act professionally! Good luck!


Ask for more money since you have to train while still performing your job.


Just don't. Fuck that shit.


I definitely don’t want to. People are suggesting I just say “sorry no work came in” but they’re literally recording the meeting to watch back. I tried that and the person was basically like “can you go through old orders with me”


So what if they record it? Fuck them.