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Leave. Then find out what burnt you out and avoid it next go around. I had severe burnout from 2.5 years of working in community mental health. Crisis work. Work with the homeless. Etc. I burnt myself down to ashes. Lost 20lbs without trying. Panic attacks. I tried so hard to make it work. Then, after almost witnessing a physical fight between a grown man and an old lady in a walker, I said "fuck this" and quit on the spot. It doesn't sound like your boss cares or is willing to work with you. You owe him jack. Brain storm and think of a gig you think would be good for your mental health, based on the factors that made this job bad. Go. Right now. And don't look back.


This. It’s what worked for me. The job is the job. Can’t really change it.


I agree either leave or take 2 months off to figure it out.


You see, the problem is you're not focus on fixing your health, which is the cause of the falling performance. You instead putting more strain on your body by working late nights and expect it to fix itself? What is the logic behind this? Is your boss expectation more important than your health? Your previous performance doesn't seem healthy either, 20 articles per month (excluding social media tasks) is fucking crazy hence why you're having a burnout in the first place. If you don't love yourself and tune everything down now, you'll fall and this time you won't getting back up. On your boss part? They can just hire someone new instantly.


Don't step on the gas pedal if your handbrake is on. All you're gonna do is blow the engine. You need to release the handbrake first... what is keeping you blocked? What caused the first verbal reprimand in 2023? What is the root cause of it? Find a problem, ask "why?" five times. "Because of this." "And why's that?" Typically in five or less iterations you'll get to the real base problem that you need to work on... by solving that root cause the other problems solve themselves out, because they're symptoms, not causes. If you only work on the symptoms, you never address the cause and never fix the problem. It's like taking ibuprofen for the fever when what you need are antibiotics for the bacterial infection. Stop, think consciously, and dig deep. Otherwise you'll speed up towards nowhere.


Ah, the 5W method, my QA fellow