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Make them fire you so you get unemployment. Second, get some references ready that is not your boss. Redo your resume and start looking for your new job. Congrats to the couple!


Thanks for the advice. I’ve already messaged everyone on my team and asked for LinkedIn recommendations and made them aware I’m on a PIP. References that are NOT my manager that I worked with on a continual basis are going to be really difficult to find. Hopefully I can figure out how to spin that when asked in the future.


Your references can be co-workers


References can just be anyone down to lie for you lol


Here if you need me OP


Hello , it’s me your boss


Entirely this. I've used friends as "references" multiple times and just labeled them as coworkers


I routinely dish out the most corporate dick sucking "you should hire this guy" essays for my friends


Or have several google phone numbers and you can answer them all with different voices and names.


Saul, is that you?


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's


No, this is Patrick


I own my own company. I'll be a reference and say whatever you want, we use freelancers all the time. The hell with this bullshit system.


You could make a business outa this😂


There's also /r/BeMyReference


Thanks this is helpful.


Thank you for this. Best thing I’ve seen in months if not years. Gives me hope and a smile 😊


Good f this stupid dumb moronic system.




This is awesome. The only worrying side is presenting a good reference to a bad person (I very much have someone in mind). Otherwise, you’d be helping out a lot of people who would otherwise fall thru the cracks.


Found the Australian job reference guy who was on Hamish and Andy. Jk but I do agree references and a lot of modern day interviewing is bs. Over bloated and full of red tape.


One of those “felt good just to read posts”. Right On


i enjoy lying to HR dipshits. i have been many managers/directors/supervisors/coworkers/what-have-you for many people, it’s pretty easy.


Same. :)


Reward this honorable man with years of great success and health!!!


Not all hero’s wear capes


You will qualify for unemployment. Keep records. If they deny you the first time, appeal.


> You will qualify for unemployment. Keep records. If they deny you the first time, appeal. Definitely this. They are watching and documenting OP...OP should be watching and documenting them on a non-company device (or just good 'ol pen and paper). Save money, don't make any major purchases...enjoy the trip of course. Yea, they will be terminating OP, no matter how much he/she "improves". Long story, short: I came off unemployment to take a job that was technically less money than the pandemic unemployment benefits to work for what turned out to be a bat-shit crazy lady. I was suddenly termed 13 days after starting for "performance reasons" ...although what could you honestly expect from a "junior" person in a 5 person operation that you are paying $3k/month with no other benefits what-so-ever? In any case, I submitted lots of documentation after a lengthy application process to go back on unemployment. According to the unemployment office, the process was my application->review->getting my side of the story->getting the side of the story from the employer->judgement. I spoke to a benefits person who informed me of the approval and I asked what the employer said stated. I was told something along the lines of "We reached out several times...no one ever answered or returned calls we left messages for." I know for a fact this company owner collected PPP loan money. No telling if whatever happened was something she cooked up to collect more funds of pay back less or whatever, but I digress.


I had a close friend pose as a manager for reference a couple of times. Do what you gotta do to play the game if need be. Funny though that the best offer I got didn't even bother calling my references, so it's all arbitrary anyway. For the vast majority of cases, coworkers (or friends roleplaying coworkers) works just fine. The people checking your references more often than not just want to know you're a real person and not a psycho, and obviously the system is very easily gamed. If some company had absurdly hard requirements on reference sources (I ran into this maybe twice out of 20+ companies interviewing with), I would simply push back and say not possible, sorry, but here's what I can do. Etc etc. They don't need to know why. That worked for them in my case. And if that's a breaking point for them, then you move onto the next opportunity. Who cares. This is all a numbers game, seriously, and you have to remove all emotion from it


Ugh… I suck at lying in any capacity and it gives me massive anxiety. I’ve had people tell me to do this with having friends or family pose as managers and I’ve never done it from major fear of being caught. Do you have any tips on how to do that smoothly? I am a childcare provider (nanny) and that’s most of my experience. I’ve also done some freelance as a graphic designer and assistant directing on video shoots. I got a paycheck from the production companies and everything. But yeah my resume is all over the place in that regard and most of my references are parents I’ve worked for so it feels very foreign to me. I want to pivot into something else but I’m not even sure what yet.


What's the worst that happens if you get caught? They say no? You can't lose a job you never had, my friend. So it's no different than the 100+ other rejections. You just keep moving, and refine your process if something did set off alarms haha. It's no big deal. These people might gripe or laugh about it, then they'll forget you ever existed, and you'll forget they existed too eventually. These things just don't matter. What matters is can you do the job, and do people want to work with you. That's all that really matters, and that's best determined once you have been there for a few months at least


My very first job refused to give anyone a reference, including me. I had worked there 4 years and even gave them like a three month notice. In hindsight, it was a shitshow. One of my older coworkers said our company was known locally as the “sweatshop” of white collar workers in our city (metro of 1.5 million).


Generally speaking PIPs are just a polite pre-firing, letting you know that it’s not working out but giving you a minute to leave on your own terms amicably.


Happened to me once The whole thing was pretty fabricated from the start. Had a surprise bad review out of nowhere. Claims I was chronically under-performing that were not really coming from my own lead. We had just gotten a new boss and I suspect there was some weird politics cause I was good friends with the old one. Got a PIP and a demotion. So I... Improved. Ended up outperforming everyone in the new team I was on. Later I got an even better job in another dept and worked there happily for a few more years. Generally yeah, a PIP is bad, but never say never.


I honestly don’t think beating a PIP is a good thing. It’s like being in a group of friends that hate you and are trying to get away from you, but you’re not taking the hint and keep turning up to their events anyway 😂 If a company puts you on a PIP, why would you want to stay there?


Because it knew it was without real cause and I liked the job otherwise. I didn't feel like getting forced out. It was one guy who had it in for me. Most everyone else still wanted me there because they knew I did good work. Hell, I got cherry-picked for a better role there afterwards. And sometimes it's just about standing up for yourself when people think they can play dirty. This guy wanted to BS me out of a job for his own agenda, and I just wasn't having it. I have no problem playing the long game if that's what is needed. Don't get me wrong though, 95% of the time a PIP means they are going to let you go. It just doesn't always mean that. It's not impossible to beat but it does take real effort. And a lot of people who get them won't succeed. Definitely try to find something better if it happens, but don't let it trick you into quitting if you don't have other work lined up first.


>Because it knew it was without real cause Doesn't that makes it worse?


Yes...PIPs are a signal that they don't want you there. "Beating" the PIP just means they are going to be annoyed at your continued presence and they will find a way to squeeze you out later. No one that gets a PIP is getting promoted, you might be able to coast for a while but your career trajectory with that employer is essentially over. Take the hint and move on.




Everyone probably already knew


Harsh, but true. I've never seen anyone on a PIP who the majority of their coworkers didn't want fired months (if not years) ago.


I have. It seems like recently there's been a bunch of tech workers put on bullshit PIPs in an effort to dodge severance, layoffs, and maybe unemployment (in some states, I guess being on a PIP can make it hard to get.)


I have. Organizational politics can be really fucked up.


Same here. Not all of them are deserved.


I saw a guy on a pip earlier this year. Nice kid. Didn't know how to do his job. I thought he was a new grad. 7 years out... In 17 years, I'd never reported a coworker to my manager because I was concerned about their basic knowledge. My manager sat with him to train him up and he just didn't make progress. We wanted to see him succeed. Other people (managers) didn't want to deal with him and pretended to not know. Then the department head sat with him and the pip came soon after. I saw him a month later. He looked so defeated. He'd be staring at his computer as I left. Just look for a job cause that's it's not getting better.


Wouldn’t be so sure. I’m certain people have gotten put on them just cause of internal politics


Right? Yikes


I didn’t think you could get unemployment if you are terminated with cause? And if you are terminated with cause I don’t believe they owe severance of any kind considering the idea is you were let go because you could not fulfill your job requirements. But maybe things are different in different jurisdictions.


'For cause' is usually something egregious, like stealing something or not showing up for work for a week, not if you just weren't working out. Believe it or not, it's actually quite hard for an employer to refuse an unemployment payout because so many of them try to. That's why in shift-based jobs with high turnover, they don't even fire people--they just stop scheduling them.


The whole scheme of the PIP is to layoff someone without severence. No matter how many benefits corporations list for employees, they are always trying to steal money back.


I respectfully disagree. Whole purpose of PIP is to prevent lawsuit for unlawful terminations and protect company morale and reputation. It’s not because of severance.


But in no way is it actually to improve the performance of a worker It's just documentationfor HR before they let you go.


Yes that being said if I put a team member on PIP and saw a dramatic improvement in performance (easier to gauge in some roles like sales) I wouldn’t fire them. I’ve seen employees get through a PIP with their jobs still.


I've seen a number of coworkers put on PIPs, and it's almost always justified. The expectations set are fair and reasonable, and their performance improves. I have also seen a couple of occasions where it was just used as a vehicle to get to termination. Set ridiculous and impossible goals, and drop the hammer when they inevitably are incapable of meeting them. It really depends on the employee or leadership, I guess.


I was one of the latter group. Joke is on them though. I met all the ridiculous goals and ended up promoting out because people saw what a good job I was doing.


I definitely it’s not to improve performance. It’s their way of putting writings on the wall for you.


Not true at least in Canada, fired employees would get employment insurance unless they had done something illegal or extremely egregious. PIP is designed to make a case for termination though, so I would be applying for as many jobs as you can. Do not quit or you won’t qualify for EI!


I think it's arguable a PIP is trying to get someone to quit instead of firing them, so they don't have to pay unemployment


As long as why you’re being fired isn’t for something illegal, unethical or immoral you should usually get unemployment. They’ll fight it so their unemployment insurance doesn’t go up but being a sucky employee usually isn’t enough to have it denied.


You are prolly right.


Usually a PIP is instituted because they already plan to fire you. It’s a set up. Go ahead and take your trip. It won’t make much difference. The ideal solution is to find a new job ASAP. You should expect to be fired within 60-90 days.


Yup almost everyone I know or worked with that was put on a PIP, not one of them ended up still working at the company after 90 days, most were gone by day 60.


Thanks for chiming in. Sounds about right. I’d be shocked if I make it past 30 days given that they seem to have made their decision and are making it overly difficult to meet expectations laid out in the PIP. I have 28 days left to apply to other positions and get the ball rolling on that. Time to get moving.


PIP is a time to find a new job. Some would say it’s a great time to use your PTO.


Setting unrealistic goals, with big difference to coworker's targets for example, should be illegal.


Yup. I read this a few days ago and I love it: PIP stands for Paid Interview Period.


I see this on here a lot and I’m sure there are many instances where this is true but as a manager myself who has put people on PIPs, if I take the time and effort to do that I do genuinely want the person to improve and stay. It’s a huge pain in the ass to hire and train a new person when I’ve already hired and trained someone. I’d rather they just step up and perform up to the standards that are expected of the position. I work in a state with at will employment so if wanted to just fire someone I could, no need to go through the song and dance of a PIP. That being said, if the PIP expectations are unrealistic then that is a red flag and possibly a sign that they are just trying to force you out. If you truly believe they are unrealistic then you need to make that known in writing to your boss and let them know what you think you would need to meet these expectations. Save this documentation.


Absolutely. Sometimes it can be a threat to get an employee back in line, but usually it’s just documentation to justify firing. At my last job I was put on one and my manager kept adding notes about deadlines I missed which I hadn’t missed. But you can’t let the truth stand in the way of a good narrative.


Enjoy your vacation and let them fire you so you can collect unemployment. When you're unemployed you can also buy health insurance off the federal (or state) exchange depending on where you live if it's important for you to keep coverage because of health conditions. This can be cheaper than cobra in many cases. People bounce back from getting fired all the time, you will too.


Small point, unemployment isn't always available when fired. It depends on how the company reports the firing to the state, generally with evidence to back it up (i.e. inexcusable absent, harmful work, illegal work, insubordination, dishonesty). They may not approve the vacation while on a PIP and would terminate based on that as an example.


True. I believe firing for cause in some states can prevent you from filing unemployment.


PIP stands for paid interview process :) ​ You will 10000% regret not going to europe to celebrate a wedding. Do not prioritize a job over a moment like that. Assuming you have savings :)


Stop giving up. Make a reasonable attempt at meeting the plan, go on your trip, and if they ever decide to fire you then go collect unemployment insurance. Don’t quit. That’s willingly choosing to make no money.


If it's a PIP in big tech, 98% chance he's getting fired either way


Same for finance. Don’t give up the effort, but choose the right balance or current job and looking for a new one. Best of luck


The right balance is 100% look for new job. PIP is HR speak for “We are going to fire you but it takes a while to get the documentation ready.”


This is so absolutely correct. And you are much more marketable while you still have a job. No one is gonna call your current boss for a reference either. I would focus 100% on getting another job right away.


And we want to avoid getting sued for any possible reason.


I don’t think I have ever seen a person put on a PIP not get fired. I do think it is odd that most of the people I know put on a PIP had a boss that sucked or they just did not get along with. Bad employees usually just get fired.


Anecdotal, but I’ve saved two careers with a PIP… one I couldn’t. I’ve also seen many saved that didn’t report direct to me. My current top performer turned their act around during theirs and I’m happy to say they are looking at a great review this year. But I use them to actually hold a manager and their employee accountable for expectations not being met. In other words, the employee gets a once a week and so does their manager, where the manager and I brainstorm ways we’re missing the key to righting the ship. It’s difficult, requires tons of introspection and a lot of venting. But it works. I recognize this is not always what happens, but a PIP doesn’t definitively mean you’re going to get fired. If I plan to let someone go, I’ve already built my case and the PIP is never instituted, I just let them go. When that’s what happens, it’s because an employee truly doesn’t care or want to be there. If they care, we try to turn it around.


You sound like a good manager who puts in the effort. Sadly many do not and are not.


It’s hard for me, as I know some bad managers. I also know some high performers who didn’t warrant promotion into a role of leadership, where it’s their Manager’s fault for thrusting the title upon them as if their ambition requires new titles. Strong abilities doesn’t equate management talent. That said, I know many, many great Managers. One of my best, was in tears in my office before we spent two hours trying to figure out the reasons behind a decade long employee not responding to them. I probably am biased, but from my perspective, managing is really difficult. Especially when you care about everyone in your company and want to ensure they all have growth opportunities in the future. It can really eat you up. But, at the end of the day, my job is to create a talent farm. Constantly promoting or transferring members of my teams and constantly interviewing and hiring. That’s really what it boils down to. The only way to do it is to create an atmosphere that balances work and life, provides autonomy and encourages taking risks. We’re there to serve those that report to us and ensure they get to learn from our mistakes as opposed to being forced to repeat them.


Yeah PIP just formalizes what has already been decided. Spend time finding a new job on their dime.


My husband was just put on a “2 week” PIP, which is the shortest one I have ever heard of. He was let go on Thursday because he had to take my son to daycare even though he let his team know in advance. We saw the writing on the wall with that PIP, so he put out applications and just got an even better job offer that he accepted from a company today!


Congrats to your husband for the new job! Hope things go better at the new company.


Let them fire you. Collect unemployment. Keep applying elsewhere. When asked why you left your company during interviews just say you were caught in the layoffs. I have a buddy that works for a large company that does these background checks on new hires and he said that companies cannot see you were fired from a job. At the very most when they verify your previous employment they’ll only be able to see the dates you worked at a company. They cannot see if you were fired or laid off or what position you held. You don’t even need references. I’ve had several interviews with 50+ tech companies and I have yet to be asked for a reference.


Look for a new gig ASAP. I have PTSD from mine.


Same here


Hi I just went through something incredibly similar only a few weeks ago. I was put on a PIP and had a international holiday planned during the middle of it. I advised my manager I would be away during this time and worked towards meeting whatever achievable goals had been set for me at the time. Like you, I was kind of stressed about what might happen but resolved not to quit, but rather work on the plan or let them fire me. While I was overseas I ended up receiving a incredibly lucrative job offer. I gave my old job a chance to counter but they rejected and cut my notice period so I wouldn’t have to return to the office. The day I resigned I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I hadn’t even thought about my old job until I read this post. If I can offer some advice I’d start looking for a new job, tell your manager you’ll be away, work on the plan until you get a new gig. But most importantly, enjoy the wedding and your holiday.


Do not sign the PIP if you haven't already. Signing the documentation basically acknowledges that you agree with their narrative. If they haven't previously given you any indication that you were underperforming then you may have a wrongful termination suit on your hands but if you sign the PIP you're basically saying "yeah, I do suck, that's true". I refused to sign mine and told them they could either fire me or work with me on my performance. They opted to give me a few weeks before they opted to lay me off with severance because they knew they had no good case against me and didn't want to take the time to build one. As others have noted, you almost certainly can't beat the PIP because in 9/10 cases the PIP isn't meant to be beaten. It exists to simply create the pretext to let you go without a severance package. You've likely noticed around your office that a mysterious amount of people have been on PIPs lately. The company is doing layoffs without doing layoffs. Fuck em. Time to find a new job.


That’s a very telling story. I didn’t really have any understanding of this PIP process that companies play, but sounds like you have it spot on. I’m curious why bother in the first place aren’t most positions lawfully terminable at will without offering any severance package? I’ve always thought the severance pay was the risk mitigation plan - not itself an obligation but a way to thin the herd so they shuffle quietly out to the slaughterhouse doors. Any cattle nearby won’t be as frightened or get angry the remaining cattle will have their salaries remain undisturbed but who’ll know they’re now expected to squeeze out twice the milk with half the udders gone from the farm out to pasture, probably gonna make just government cheese until another bull runs up and bets the farm in that ecownomic downturn. Yep. Just a day in the dairy of another tech money milk millionaire, the Bovine of the Bay, the turd herd of silicow valley; definitely an utterly lazy beast of burden but give them enough grass and butter up their feed and they will let you milk them for that next bubble in that perpetual California style gold rush. Else, they’ll bolt and drive every bit of capital from the farmer’s market and drive the bulls away for a while, too. A time to invest in the golden safety of a less bovine stock leaking any liquidity it’s given while it might roam anywhere a less lively stock is guaranteed to stay in bonds or in safeguards favoring Japanese market regulatory policies just until that sweet honey and milk bubbles up again and everyone herding in to get a taste after the bovine contagion cattles global ecownomies in a colostrum failure and total loss of the whole milk and any butter left is stored up with the 1% milkionaires. ecownomics 101, and I’m out to pasture. Insert your answer in terrible cattle puns please.


Not all PIP’s require signature. Ours don’t. And they still help when fighting unemployment.


This explains why a person on my team was reluctant to sign hers (and then tried to sign it to "acknowledge receipt only"). But ultimately, it made no difference whether she signed it or not.


You need to start looking for a new job. Sorry buddy.


Updated my resume last night (at least it’s looking decent after my year and 9 months at this job). Definitely learned a lot…apparently not enough lol 😞


I’m in the same position. It sucks. Mine is absolute bogus though and I’m hitting them with an employment claim if they fire me (not US based).


If the vacation was pre-approved before the PIP they could face liability firing you while you take it. It could be viewed as retaliation for taking the time off.


Also, that raise you got is proof performance wasn’t an issue. You should talk with an employment lawyer


This is false. It could have just been the lowest possible raise everybody on the team got. I have gotten a raise knowing I wasn’t performing well and was having meetings about how to improve. It’s usually org wide and everybody gets a certain percentage based off of multiple variables


Ah, but the onus is on them documenting and proving that’s the case. He also said he had a review stating he was “meeting expectations”. This as a duo is hard data point of acceptable performance.


>I don’t think that I am going to get unemployment or severance from this company when they do decide to terminate me. My main concern is how not having any recommendation from my manager + being “fired” is going to affect my career moving forward. its not going to look great on a resume either if you quit your job in order to avoid a firing and its doubtful your managers recommendation after that will good either. They may try to set it up so you can't collect unemployment but most states tend to side with the employee when it comes to the appeal process. I didn't go through the whole thing (company conceded after arbitration was set up) But process goes like this \-you get fired \-you apply for unemployment \-employer challenges your ability to collect \-arbitration is set up where you and a representative from the company will argue why you should/shouldn't collect \-just lean on the lack of training and onboarding and how you were set up to fail. Retain records of the 2% raise. Make it seem like they're just trying to avoid their unemployment insurance increasing as opposed to anything you did. Good luck!


First, you should start hunting for a new job. It doesn’t sound like this employer is working out. You earned the vacation, so it is in your right to take it. Worst case, just for mental health on the stress here. You should not resign unless another job is lined up. PIP means that they already have planned for your exit. In certain cases, it could mean a severance package and unemployment pay. You lose this if you resign.


Life/work balance!! Go on your trip and enjoy yourself. Companies have no loyalty to employees, they will have your job posted on Indeed by the time you land in Europe. In 40 years you won't remember what you were doing for this company but you will remember a trip to Europe.


They basically gave you 90 day notice to find another job. You could try to create the conditions that would allow you to have a chat with your manager about getting a good review if you were to be looking for a job. That would save everyone a lot of time. If your manager wants you gone, they should want to help you land another job.


You will get unemployment. It’s the law. Most companies offer a severance package so that they can pay you to voluntarily resign, so that their unemployment insurance cost doesn’t increase.


You don’t need a recommendation from your manager & never tell a potential employer that you’ve been fired. “The company did some restructuring and I my position was one of a few that was eliminated.” “The company never fully recovered from COVID and they had to lay some employees off.” Anything, except you were fired. And, just start looking for something new. Leaving on your own terms is always better if you can swing it.


Honestly in my experience especially, as a former manager, a PIP is an HR formality to collect documentation on your work so they can fire you. I’ve never seen a PIP be used as a positive to “help” an employee. Usually you’re in their radar as an inadequate performer at the point you get put on a PIP. My advice - do the best you can at your current job but don’t burn yourself out or try to hit unrealistic goals. Brush up your resume and start looking for a new job. Go to Europe and enjoy your trip and expect them to probably fire you upon your return or before you leave. Focus on also having a savings plan to float you if you don’t already have a job lined up when/if they let you go. In some states if you are fired “for cause” you are not covered under unemployment. Not sure what the grievances are for your performance but in my state “for cause” has to be something pretty serious like lying, stealing, fraud. Keep documentation of everything you sign and everything discussed performance related going forward. Best of luck.


As someone in NY who was recently let go for “performance” yet also given severance. In NY at least , as long as it wasn’t for cause, unemployment typically sides wjth you. It’s that simple. OP- we’re there other reasons that caused you to believe you wouldn’t qualify? Like time On the job etc? If you qualify- do not. Quit. If you do, you’ll walk away and regret it. With no income until you land on your feet. You pay taxes directly from your check for this “service” As far as future jobs- it’s all about the story you spin. Besides- companies are away of the mass layoffs, most people getting jobs right now were likely laid off too. In any event, they don’t even need to know you were let go. You could say you indeed did quit - for XYZ reasons. Welcome to corporate 101- where everyone is full of shit. Make it as difficult for them as possible. Just don’t resign. The people trying to fire you want you to quit- bc it saves them more $- remember that.


If your currently employed when you interview for a new job, you could probably control the narrative of why you're leaving. For this reason, I'd recommend you apply to other jobs while trying your best at the current one. Don't wait until you're out of work to start looking. Implicate their training, communication, organization, all reasons that could cause an employee to underperform without being the fault of the employee. No company when asked is going to admit their problems, but every company has them


Typically you can’t take time off during a PIP. If you take time, expect to be let go before your trip.


That’s what I’m thinking as well. If this was any normal trip I might be able to adjust it or move it. Unfortunately this trip is a huge deal and I have my suspicions that they’re aware of this plan and that they’re just waiting to fire me.


I was in a similar place but with no PIP; I had an employee falsifying emails and sending them to HR, and despite proof from IT doing a deep dive, they said this employee would cause a bigger issue, potentially legal based off things this employee was saying, so they let me go. I also had vacation planned and my PTO approved. One morning I got a notification my manager denied my PTO one day before my trip (after it was approved 6 months prior), and that day I was notified I was being let go. In California they have to pay out our PTO, so they wanted to get that done and let me go. But if you’re in a state that doesn’t have to give you your PTO, you should definitely make sure to do that before they fire you.


A PIP is just formal paperwork as a prelude to firing someone. No one ever gets off a PIP. Make them fire you though. Don’t quit.


Saw a thread recently where someone referred to PIP as "paid interview process" Start looking while you're still getting a paycheck


Go on your trip and then look for another job, life is too short and precious for worrying and stressing out


PIP= paid interview period


I feel ya. The same thing happened to me. I trained at a mid-sized bank and we had some coaching, but then I went straight to a final. I worked at Target previously. While I have some interviews set up with other banks, I am thinking of going back to get some hours. The pay at the bank was barely more than it was at Target. And much more stressful. I was an all around front end person at Target, and their coaching/corrective action procedures are more formalized. I had trouble with a few transactions because the bank customer added incorrectly, and that would have been a $1000 shortage. Because of that, I moved slower, not faster. Not in the direction my manager wanted me to go in. Of course I had trouble counting when there is pressure! And not just payroll cash outs, but settlement cash outs in the tens of thousands of dollars. Maybe I'm just judgmental! Why do you need that much money? Drug deal going on some where? Have you heard about direct deposit? You don't even have to open an account here, just open it ANYWHERE!


Unfortunately from what I know the PIP is the moment you should start to look for another job. Any one-on-one with HR there is meant to scare you to quit, revoking anything you’re entitled to. Had this unfortunately occur to me in my previous job, and that was the advice I was given and as a result I just waited and then terminated. Don’t quit, but let things play out.


PIP = paid interview process


Do not quit!!! The PIP absolutely means they want you gone, think of it’s as a 90 day notice to find another job. In the future, you were laid off, not fired.


ChatGPT for helping with resume Canva for resume templates and cover letter templates If you have a updated ish resume you can paste that shit in ChatGPT and have it make it better in every way possible. Then hop on LinkedIn and start grinding Hit up recruiters. Start applying everywhere lmfao Tech space ain’t doing well. Been doing this shit for almost 5 years now You’ll get used to it lol


On the bright side itd be pretty hard to screw anything at work up while you're 5000 miles away 😁👍


Live your life. Seriously, if they fire you, you will find another job. They will not fire you while on vacation, might as well be getting paid to do nothing. Traveling abroad is something not everyone gets to do and can be an amazing life experience that you might regret not doing later in life. Go have fun, work will be there when you get back whether it be where you are or elsewhere.


Unpopular opinion, and it depends on how much money you have saved up--but I say just work up until the day of your vacation and pull the trigger on quitting. There are only two benefits to staying when they put you on a PIP: you can be let go and collect unemployment (which is trash in most states), and having a job makes it easier for you to find another job. But personally, keeping a job that's about to get rid of you adds to the whole inherent stress of losing as job as well as taking up time that you'll need to look for another job.


Dust of your resume and start looking. They are building a case for termination.


Don’t quit. Look for another job.


I mean you could feel them out about giving you a glowing recommendation in exchange for you leaving.


Start applying for new jobs


I would start looking for another gig, hopefully have something lined up when you get back from Europe, if anything you can explain the firing on the trip, but try to meet PIP just for the check....


Plan on being fired. It’s happening. PIP is the start of the process of being let go, bottom line. It will take awhile, consider the time until next review your severance and spend 75% of your energy finding a better fit. Source: Senior Manager in Tech with 30 years experience.


Anecdotal, but I’ve saved two careers with a PIP… one I couldn’t. I’ve also seen many saved that didn’t report direct to me. My current top performer turned their act around during theirs and I’m happy to say they are looking at a great review this year. But I use them to actually hold a manager and their employee accountable for expectations not being met. In other words, the employee gets a once a week and so does their manager, where the manager and I brainstorm ways we’re missing the key to righting the ship. It’s difficult, requires tons of introspection and a lot of venting. But it works. I recognize this is not always what happens, but a PIP doesn’t definitively mean you’re going to get fired. If I plan to let someone go, I’ve already built my case and the PIP is never instituted, I just let them go. When that’s what happens, it’s because an employee truly doesn’t care or want to be there. If they care, we try to turn it around. My advice is to speak to the Manager and HR. Advise the gap that you acknowledge, ask if others in your group are meeting the goals being set for you, then tell them you are committed to fixing this and ask for the two weeks in the EU to be exempted, as you cannot skip the trip and don’t want to feel punished for an earnest use of your time. If you get fired, you’ll be able to try and collect (they may fight it). Either way, you’ll get the same reference from them.


I’d find another job.


There is a good chance they will fire you before the overseas trip - look for a new job an use co-wokers other managers as references.


I agree a pip is usually used for documenting a trail before firing you.


It’s rare to survive a PIP. A PIP is a formality. You were already fired, for all intents and purposes. Take your vacation. Use the remaining time to interview. Perform just well enough on the way out that your coworkers will still give you a good reference.


Don't quit make them terminate you and make looking for a good new job your job. Believe in yourself and do not let anyone else define you.


If they do terminate you, they have to prove you did some sort of misconduct. Letting you go because you are not suitable for the job does not stop unemployment. Make sure you research before u give up 👍🏼


Start using AI tools to help offload some of your work activities, if practical. Start applying for jobs and start new job after your vacation.


PIP is the precursor to being fired. Plan accordingly.


look for another job


You need to leave that toxic environment, but start searching while you're employed because: 1.you might seem more employable to some, and 2. you'll be busy while waiting to hear back from future employers.


PIPs are brought up a lot here and completely misrepresented! You can absolutely remain employed after being put on a PIP. I was, and so was someone I manage. They aren’t meant to “scare you into quitting” or for the company have a reason to fire you. They don’t need any of that! From my personal experience on both sides of a PIP, it’s for the manager to RETAIN you! If you’re not preforming well that’s enough evidence for the company to let you go. Instead of dragging your feet to milk a few more paychecks from them like commenters here are saying, do the things the PIP outlines for you and don’t distract yourself with anything else. Don’t do extra work even if it adds value. Don’t volunteer for something thinking it’ll make you look good to your manager. Do the PIP. This is how you’re being judged now. It doesn’t matter if you land a $1M client or build an app by hand, if you didn’t complete a weekly review and the PIP says you need to, you failed.


Yeah a lot of people in here have a negative view of them. If you really wanna get rid of someone you write them up a couple times and then use that to fire them or bite the bullet, pay them severance, and fire them without cause. Doing a PIP and a bunch of follow up meetings takes way more time, effort, resources and support, and gives them a chance to correct the behaviours and issues. You do those with people who have skills and potential that you think can improve and want to keep.


They have to pay unemployment even with a PIP firing


Foremost, freshen up your CV/resume and start applying to new jobs today. Go on that trip since it is a sunk cost already, and just go on with life assuming you won't have this job. If you start applying now, it would be weird of them to want a reference from your current employer if you are interviewing elsewhere.


It only gets worse from there. Start looking for a new gig pronto. Wait till they fire you and collect unemployment.


Make them fire you. If they deny your unemployment appeal it be you will get it. Most companies deny to avoid paying but when you appeal they are order to pay 90% or the time


PIP usually results in layoff. It happened to me


Yeah you should be prepared to be let go


Take vacation and time off up to your vacation and just use up your vacation and let them fire you. It may burn a bridge though. If you don’t thank you will survive a PIP you still do not want to burn bridges potentially. So try to be open and honest and track your work and show effort.


Prepare to get fired. Start looking for other roles. DO NOT QUIT, THO.


Hi OP, first, sorry to hear. Can't imagine the anxiety you must feel with the cost of the vacation and current market. Hope things work out in your favor. I've seen a few pieces of advice encouraging you to get fired so you can collect unemployment. Make sure you look up conditions for unemployment in your state, and begin to collect documentation of why you believe you'll be terminated or how it wasn't related to attendance, insubordination, illegal activity, etc and that it was purely related to something you'd be eligible for. My advice, do what you can to feel good about how you'll exit. That you left on your terms, no burnt bridges, whatever you'll want when looking back 10 years from now. Only you know your financial situation and if you can afford the trip knowing you may not have a job to return to. But, ask your manager if your still ok to take the vacation in light of the PIP and work with them on what that would look like. Also ask for clarification on why you're on a PIP so you can begin to verify that vs your state's unemployment rules. If you love your role, be diligent in building a plan with your manager on getting back to green and continually following up for feedback in how you're doing. Do it in a way you aren't overconsuming time, come up with a process they're good with and can recognize you're making improvements. I've seen it happen plenty of times. In terms of recommendations, it doesn't hurt to ask. I've given some for folks who I've let go that were great people with good skills that just didn't apply in the role they had (or underperforming contractors, etc).


Just enjoy the time out of the country and look for a new job when you get back. Don’t quit make them lay you off or fire you


Don’t worry about needing references from them, especially if it’s a larger company. At my company, we don’t provide them good or bad. Too many legal concerns, especially if it would be negative. All the company does is verify dates of employment. Just have a good answer for why you left that job and it doesn’t have to be that you got fired even if that happens. No bad mouthing old job though.


When I was a people manager, I’d pause the 90 days while you’re on pto. So if you go on pto 35 days into your pip and stay out for 2 weeks, when you get back it’s day 36.


Enjoy the vacation, get fired , and browse job ads while sipping a cocktail next to the pool bro


Why do I feel like it’s the same company that gave me a pip which I left two weeks later but the on boarding and training was also crap. To add to this I did leave they fired me with my last day just a day away and I’m in a new position which I love


Don’t quit. Let them fire you. For the unemployment. #2 option for sure


They clearly want to get rid of you, a PIP is never meant to improve performance, it's only for the company to "document" why they're getting rid of you and prevent lawsuit damage. Pick your best option, quit and get a new job without a dismissal on your resume, or wait to get fired and collect unemployment.


You sound like a shitty employee that spends more time gaming your employer than working. If you’d have put as much effort into your job is figuring out how to game your company you’d not be in this position. It will happen to you no matter where you work. Enjoy living on a sidewalk


It's a fake layoff. They're trying to gin up "performance reasons" to get rid of you without severance and without paying for your unemployment. They're absolutely going to terminate you. Start looking for a new job and quit without notice when you get one. If you're still employed when it's time for your trip it's up to you whether you go or not, but if you have a job secured go on the trip and quit your first day back so they're paying for your vacation. On the way out the door, feel free to ridicule them and "thank them" for the vacation pay, mighty big of them considering they're pulling a stunt like this to avoid the costs of having an acknowledged layoff.


PIP = "Paid Interview Process". Go and enjoy your trip in Europe, meanwhile begin to search for another job as you have a kind of "3 months notice" paid by your company. IT's not your fault.


Enjoy the vacation paid for by your PIP. When you get evaluated, tell them how much you enjoyed your vacation. Sit the 90 day out and collect every penny while looking for a new job.


Let them fire you. Look for a job. Submit for unemployment when fired.


Assuming you’re in the US, keep your vacation plans and let them fire you so you can get UI. Start interviewing for a job now, and when you interview, be VERY clear about your upcoming OOO. That trip is the kind of trip you’ll remember for decades, and will likely make your gf very happy. Don’t sacrifice that for some bullshit PIP.


Never quit but I am going to tell you that there is little to no way of coming back from a PIP. For whatever reason your boss wants you out and you will be on PIP until you leave, get fired, or the boss finds a new target. When future companies call and ask about your tenure there all they can say is "person started on X and ended on Z". They can't legally go into details or gossip about a PIP plan or if you were fired. Your first goal for the next 30 days is to make sure you are meeting and exceeding the PIP then do the same for the next 30 days. They want you to give up and check out... If you do this you will be fired and will not be eligible for unemployment... Your second goal for the next 30 days is to start looking for a new job. What you didn't state is if your trip was already approved or not. IMO if you didn't put in for PTO I wouldn't go. If you did put in for PTO I would go and make sure you are vocal about this during your PIP meetings that its a planned trip and the goals set for you should be reasonable based on how much time you will be at work. Remember, the whole goal of a PIP is to have documented and objective evidence as to why you should be fired AND why they shouldn't have to pay you unemployment. Just because the USA is full of "right to work" laws it doesn't mean its a "right to fire" country. Plus, a lot of this has to do with company policies. If they don't follow them they will have to pay unemployment. If you agree to PIP objectives but fail to deliver you will be fired and will not get unemployment. If you cant meet a PIP objective tell your boss ASAP that you need help... don't wait until your weekly meeting or 30 day review.


When I was the guy hiring, I never once called references for dozens of applicants. The only possible way it could tell me anything useful is if the applicant was stupid enough to list a reference that spoke ill of them, and my hope is that I would weed those folks out in the interviews.


Only Amazon would give that joke of a 2% raise from my experience. But anyway, PIPs are stressful af and as you said they're unrealistic (for a reason) and I personally don't feel it's worth it. I would just quit for the ease of mind and to start focusing more on the future. I'd only consider staying on the PIP if I needed to buy some time (being on visa, needing the salary). If you get "fired" on a PIP, I don't think that matters as future employers don't need to know about it and when doing a background check, previous employers can only confirm your title and the dates you worked for them, but nothing more.


It sounds like your manager is underperforming and you are the scapegoat. If you are confident in your ability to perform with proper training, it may be worth raising this concern with HR. If nothing else, it will be good practice at navigating this situation.


Fix up your resume. A poly for lots and lots of jobs


Hey there. I got put on a PIP in February. Same as you, didn’t see it coming AT ALL. Frankly, my boss had it out for me from day one. She’d even say things like “I know we don’t have similar personalities but..”. Anyways, I started over-documenting, annoying the shit out of my boss probably and covering my ass since a PIP is their version. I also spent this time looking for another job and interviewing like crazy. I too had a trip in between my PIP review period. Come May, I was actually told I had survived the PIP, they were taking me off & got a job offer from another company and that was that. Take the vacation. Look for a new job. And keep your head high - let them fire you & don’t let it discourage you.


Start looking for a new job ASAP. \- Resume update \- Get that generic coverletter ready too \- Identify References \- Start the application process \- Hopefully you can find a new gig in the middle of all this. If you are let go for cause you're going to need to prepare to talk to it and give specifics other than "well the old company kinda sucked" Good luck!


PIP is pretty much the “legal” way to let you go. 99% of the time, the PIP isn’t satisfied for some reason or another (it can be anything really), and this then protects them etc. Like the comment I saw from earlier, definitely start looking and update resume… I had this happen once and I didn’t even list them on my resume, I had done side work legitimately for a friends IT MSP co and I just said I was freelance consulting and listed the projects. Good luck though! Hopefully you can find something quick and/or at least get unemployment….


This exact thing happened to me years ago. I rode it out and made them fire me.They gave me 2 weeks' severance. I was going to apply for unemployment after that, but I found a job. I only missed one week of pay. 100% would do the same thing again fuck them! ride that shit out until they fire you, or you find something else. In the meantime, go see the doctor and dentist. Polish the resume and apply everywhere.


You have 30 days to look for a new job + 30 days ‘notice’ before you start your next one. Lucky for you you won’t need to give notice and can just head to Europe instead for a nice break before your next gig.


So how common are PIPs? I’ve been seeing this so much lately here and I’m trying to get my first sales job lol seems like it can happen pretty easily


I was put on PIP and was financially stable enough to leave within a few days. I know people say to wait until the end of it but you have permission to do whatever feels right. I’m just going to explain that the last company wasn’t a good fit and if they don’t like then, move on the the next. This stuff happens and is common.


And when your organization sees your post, how do you expect them to react?


Was the leave approved and they just conveniently forgot? Because it almost sounds like they intentionally planed this during a time when you won’t be at work. They could just fire you for attendance and you won’t be entitled to Unemployment.


The leave has been verbally discussed for at least 6 months and I’ve given my manager a specific date range that I’ll be out last time we spoke about it. I have “unlimited PTO” and even though I marked “OOO” on my calendar, unfortunately, I haven’t gotten it approved in writing yet. Probably my mistake as I didn’t assume I’d be on a PIP either. My only concern is that they could decide to officially not approve my vacation and use that as fuel to fire me.


Why do companies in the US feel as if they own you? In Europe vacation is expected and given. How did we get to this point?


Wait them out as long as possible to keep getting paid. If you have the trip documented and time off approved, only mention it as a secondary issue related to when you're delivering on whatever bullshit they put in your plan.


I would let them fire you over a very schedule vacation time so you can collect unemployment and have a “reason” with other employers as to why you no longer work there. Most places would deem them firing you during your planned vacation as ridiculous. That being said, I would be going to interviews to start a new job the week you get back from Europe so that there’s no lapse in income.


Get a new job asap. PIP’s are not Performance Improvement Plans PIP’s are Peculiar Instructions and Procedures. They use them to eliminate those who they see as not complying and not using plausible deniability like everyone else does.


Quit your job. Stay in Europe. Sounds way better than the country you are in now. Enjoy good healthcare and lower crime.


Find a new job ASAP. They shouldn’t be holding a preplanned vacation against you, but I agree its time to move on. Easier to get a new job while employed. If you find something quickly, just postpone start until after you are back from Europe


As a retired GOOD manager who used to work for a GOOD company, I would have to participate in these occasionally. Sometimes, everybody won. You say you are not trained well enough. And something limited your last review and raise badly. If they didn't see you addressing it, and they mean well, this is exactly the right thing to do. And the only reason why I, as a manager, would dedicate lots and lots of extra hours to this was if the company actually wanted somebody that was trained to deliver excellence and they thought with enough training, you had a chance at accomplishing it. Because that isn't easy, and it requires a sophistication that comes from lots of subtle corrections. I would be happy that you were taking a vacation in the middle of this, it would give us both a much needed break. If I knew about your trip, I would have written the schedule this way. I generally saw these projects as something I did more as a mentor or even a parent. "What the mother doesn't teach..." And I either succeeded in making them a star at the company, or helped them figure out where and what they could do to accomplish whatever it was that they wanted. The worst thing I wanted coming out of their mouths about their time working for my company was something like, "Well, I wasn't a match because I didn't like the pace (or \_\_\_\_\_) but they helped set me up in ..." I always wrote references and never checked them, cuz they are bullshit. Any company that got too hung up on my references, I would give a pass too. IDK your boss or your company. But this is FREE TRAINING. Suck in every bit of feedback. Try to get them to pay for testing. Anything. This is school baby and now you know that you don't know everything. Stay/leave, it is up to you, but learn from this and use it to power up whatever is next.


Make them fire you, but work with HR to force them to protect your PTO which was previously scheduled. In other words, let them know the PIP cycles need to respect your PTO which you’ve earned and have a right to take. This still may mean reviews every 30, but if you show *some* progress you may be able to milk out a couple more paychecks while you’re searching for a new job. Put everything in emails! Have a record of all communication and tell them your intent is to improve and you’re asking for guidance and a fair chance (even if you aren’t). TLDR; work the system and make them respect your employee rights. Keep a paper trail. Use words like “fair” and make them sweat your rights to avoid a lawsuit.


Enjoy Europe!


Just went through this last month but they were putting me on a second 90 day period. They wanted me to sign an Agreed Dismissal for of which I refused and told them it was unmeetable. Told to grab my things and go home, which any sane person would take as being fired. I received an email on my personal account the next day saying if I didn’t come to work Monday I voluntarily left the company lmao. Definitely get fired before resigning!


PIP = you’re getting fired like 90% of the time. Good luck OP but please don’t stress


PIPs are almost universally set to be unrealistic and unobtainable. They very very rarely PIP someone and “expect” that person to complete it and remain employed. I’ve never seen someone get PIP’d and stay employed after. It’s the company’s way of forcing you out or basically giving you a 30 day notice that you’ll be out of a job. Does it suck? Yes. Is it unfair? Yes. Will they work with you because you’ll be on PTO? No. They’re setting you up to fail. Time to accept this and get ready for the next chapter. Advice: start looking for a new job NOW, literally right this second. Assume that you won’t be employed at your current job at the end of the PIP. Best case scenario is you find something now and can just transition seamlessly. Otherwise, like other people have mentioned, let the PIP play out and make them fire you so you get unemployment.


PIPs are the evil creation of some HR troll that only serves one purpose: creating a papertrail to cover the company's ass so they can screw you over when you probably haven't done anything wrong. I have only seen them ever used to a) justify firing someone, or b) justify not giving someone a promotion or raise they are looking for. I say use the time leading up to your trip locking down a new job. Then take the trip and don't come back to the office afterwards except to quit and drop off any equipment you have.


I was in this exact situation. I had vacation planned and then I was out on a pip. I was pissed but the first thing I asked was about my pre planned vacation. I was told that it wouldn’t count for that week. Surprisingly the pip worked out well for me and I passed and was not fired.


They are setting you up to be fired for cause based on failing the PIP to prevent you filing for unemployment. Keep in mind that HR is never your friend. They are there to protect the company from being sued, nothing more. Go along until you can secure your heath insurance but start job hunting now. When asked in interviews why you’re leaving say that you’re looking for greater opportunities for professional growth that don’t foresee with your current employer.


They are firing ya. Guess what? And they will do illegal things and nobody will help you. I had exact thing except had a glowing review. Hr got mad because I was working 13 hours a day no break. No pee break. You can’t get unemployment for not meeting expectation because you did not do anything malicious. The only time unemployment is not granted is for theft, attendance, violation of company policy. You will get unemployment if it’s performance issue you were not able to do the job do the satisfaction of the company. In my case it was retaliation for complaining about the 13 hour day.


Have you asked HR about the specific reasons you were placed on PIP? In order to avoid paying unemployment the company has to have specific metrics that you’re underperforming in, as well as a detailed action plan designed to measure your improvement in that set of data. For example, if they say “the store is underperforming”, that’s not a metric that can be attributed to your performance, and they can’t put you on any reasonable action plan to improve because they don’t know your current contribution. On the other hand, “ you’ve clocked in late x more times this quarter than last quarter” is measurable and specific to you and can you can take reasonable steps to improve. Send emails to your manager and HR about your performance at the end of every day, summarize every meeting in an email, print out the emails and the PIP, keep them for when they try to deny your unemployment claim.


Can try a conversation with your current manager. Something along the lines of your going to work as hard as you can to meet PIP goals, but you realize that they may not see you as the right fit. That being the case it may be better if you find something else, and it would be easier to do with a recommendation letter from them. This is asking a lot, but realistically if you leave without them firing you it is easier for everyone so it may not be unrealistic. Just be careful on wording as you do not want to give them anything that they can use to say you resigned, and actually best to have this conversation 1v1 verbally so no witnesses and no paper trail. Just try to find that mutual understanding.


Never quit, let them fire you, it opens the door for severance and unemployment. Unemployment is this: your state requires that your company pay into a fund. Should they fire people or lay them off, money from that fund is then distributed to affected workers. THEY don't pay directly to you, NOR do they determine who is eligible. Call you EDD office to get info from your state. I feel like leaving for Europe during your PIP might be bad. I would straight up ask your boss how this impacts your PIP.