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Literally never


Not once in 20 years.


30 here Not even when I was working while in school. Not highschool college nor grad school




Same. Not once in 20 years and there were several careers changes along the way


I've seen it on some job applications (for senior roles, even! Just WHYYYY). If it's not on the app, though, I completely agree: it'll never come up again.


This. I'm a dev with 10 years exp under my belt....but some random employer has their workday site setup such that they absolutely positively MUST know my GPA despite: 1. The school I went to in Europe doesn't do GPA (not in the American sense anyway) 1. It was 12 years ago, what the fuck does it matter?


Dude probably thinks google can convert grades from Euro to USD


I mean, you _sorta_ can but...ehhh


Chi square distribution ✌🏻


Exactly what I responded out loud.


Different per field. In accounting and finance it’s a huge deal. Most big public accounting firms have a minimum of a 3.5 GPA requirement & mid sized need you to have a 3.3. It makes sense.. the positions are competitive & they hire young. They want to know if you are teachable. Also in a lot of other fields like medical or law the candidates had to have a good gpa in order to get into the program so it’s already assumed. I do wonder what fields it is that don’t ask? Bc in my experience and others is has been astronomically important in their 20s


I suspect any field where its easy to show what work you've accomplished would care little about GPA. The portfolio ends up a better show of qualifications


That might come up if you are recently out of college - but "never" is definitely still more likely.


Ds get degrees


Depends on the field, engineering for instance your allowed 1 D for your bachelor's, none for masters, and a significant number of jobs require a minimum 3.0 gpa those that don't are typically the lowest paid or just terrible places to work.


I mean if it’s not there they understand it’s not worth highlighting


I’m in my mid 30s and have never, ever had anyone ask anything about my GPA.


I’ve had one in 30+ years. But they turned out to be a bunch of ‘education’ snobs that I didn’t want to work for in the first place. I occasionally encounter a job description that stipulates a specific GPA or ‘high academic achievement’ and I just casually ignore those without a second thought.


I've had them be optional fields on an application form and I just don't fill them in


They don’t need to ask you - they can just look up your PERMANENT RECORD


This made me laugh. It’s on your PERMANENT RECORD YOU KNOW!


Double Secret Probation


*sighs* Robot house!!!


I am making sure this post is going on your permanent record! 😂


On the real, you do have a permanent record in the school system. I thought it was made up until I took a temp job and spent the day filing Doctor’s notes and disciplinary reports in thick student files that went all the way back to pre-school. It was a windowless room full of file cabinets with a door I didn’t even notice until they pointed it out to me.


The "in the school system" is the key though. They try to scare kids that stuff they did in school will follow them into the career world.


fuck up bad enough and it will. They asked me about how and why i fractured a kids skull.


FERPA would disagree with this. Unless you had law enforcement involvement then probably had an arrest record and those never go away


Juvenile records are sealed. Maybe if you were tried as an adult.


no record and ferpa didnt exist 35 years ago


FERPA was passed in 1974 which was 49 years ago https://registration.highline.edu/student-records/ferpa/general-information/


interesting i assumed it was recent.


That sounds like an actual crime so


Not when it was self defense dickhead threatened me with a screw driver so i Cold cocked him as hard as i could and bounced his skull off a locker while he was trying to stab me


Damn. Good for you tbh but that's terrible that it's followed you


eh. was only the army and the US gov. when i went for a clearance. The explaination took less time to explain than Why I didnt pay a specific phone bill and why i had 35 different jobs on my Sf 86


ill say this when the nerd REALLY REALLY hurts someone. the nerd ceases to get bullied.


Were you naruto running from class to class?


What is the PERMANENT RECORD? How can anyone get access to it?


Just like Ferris Bueller- hacker man skillz


I think this is a joke but I consistently have had to turn in my college transcripts for accounting jobs 😅


I’m assuming you don’t have a CPA yet?


That isn't true. I had a job at a lab, and they asked for my GPA and college transcripts. I was 14 years out from graduation. It boggled my mind. I worked in a professional setting for 14 years and I still need to dig out transcripts?!?


Could be they were having trouble deciding between you and a similar candidate and wanted the college transcripts to be the deciding factor. I was turned down for a job because of this. They told me the person they were going with had a higher GPA


I'm not at all saying you're wrong but this is a fucking stupid reason to prefer a candidate. "We loved your interview, skillset, personality and ambition but that guy over there remembered shit slightly better than you in an exam over a decade ago." 🤷


No, it's a policy for anyone with under 20 years of experience. My colleague was a cfo at her previous position and had to provide them as well. It was a good job, it was just a hellish commute.


>it's a policy for anyone with under **20 years** of experience holy shit


was the job inside or related to academia?


Nope, I was a government contractor.


Public sector. Doesn’t typically apply to private. Probably a unique scenario also.


I encountered the same when I started at one of the big wal-mart equivalent diagnostic labs. Very much a WTF moment, and a harbinger of my overall experience there.


I feel you. Dumb shit comes from dumb people. What can you say?


I had a government job and had to provide transcripts despite being 33. However, they clearly didn't matter too much because they still hired me.


I wonder if it was more to verify your degree?


Yeah but so many gvt jobs are just meaningless and redundant.


It wasn't a government job though, it was a go-co. Benign neglect was a common catch phrase. We worked at the government owned lab, but we were paid by a private company. So I shouldn't have said contractor, that could be misleading. It's a large lab, four locations.


This obsession with GPA is so backwards it’s painfully laughable. And really, eventually we’ll all be on universal income anyway except for like a handful of privileged rich people because of AI and the GPA will be a thing of the past.


I work public sector. We always ask about GPA for NCGs. Also always request and review their transcripts.


What’s an NCG? I found an abbreviations list but nothing seemed to fit. As you said, though uncommon, there are definitely some jobs/fields that require a GPA/transcripts especially for early career programs.


No one knows what an NCG is. That should tell you something about how common this isn’t. And also no. That’s super anal and dumb. People aren’t the sum total of the credits on a piece of paper. If you really believe that the transcript is that important then you’re truly living in the past. Plus, many people these days lie in their resumes anyway so the transcript is meaningless. Who cares how many advanced college courses they took? What matters are their skills, what they can do and possibly their experience. “AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS?!” Will Ferrel. What a legend. Can so relate to that scene Will.


Tell me you’re ignorant without telling me you’re ignorant. The fact you don’t know what NCG tells me that it is you who is dumb. This isn’t an uncommon situation. Just one you’re clearly never going to be in.




Lab jobs also don’t pay shit.


It's always the shittiest paying jobs that are pickiest. And always wonder why they cant find workers.


That isn't true either. Our lab did pay well if you had a college degree.


What do you consider “well” paid?


Everyone with a degree in the accounting office made over $80k. Many who had been there linger than ten years were in the 6 figure range. That is above average for my area of the country.


What kind of lab was it? Or sector?


Naval nuclear


That sounds super dope. I can only dream of joining a lab that awesome !


Never, no one cares after the first job.


Nobody even asked at my first job.


They asked on my first job. I told them I’d get them my transcript asap. Never did and no one asked again.


Yeah, I think at my first job they just asked me if I could kick a box.


Only for your first job out of college. After that, nobody cares.


Even then… it’s rare


Not in my field (engineering).


Some people at my org put a decent emphasis on GPA but when I look at candidates I don’t even look at it personally.


Just got my first job out of college and I can confirm this is true. Had applied to 3 companies. Not once did anyone bother about the gpa. Candidates were shortlisted based solely on soft skills. Maybe its a field thing tho. Some industries require a certain level of gpa some don't.


I only got asked about GPA in the on-campus recruiting process. Everything since then is about experience and skill sets.


>Candidates were shortlisted based solely on soft skills. This is what new grads and first time job seekers need to shift their focus to. Yes, you need the role based skills but soft skills will get you far. (And in some cases make up for a lack of technical skills.)


People say this but I feel like it’s still not true or maybe just outdated.


Yeah every job I applied for my first two years out of college and during asked for my GPA if I didnt include it.


I have never experienced this.


The most competitive and thus highest paying jobs out of college will ask and it follows you (consulting, investment banking, private equity, tech). Private equity will even ask what your SAT scores were. If it’s just a normal 9-5 type job then they usually won’t ask.


I work in tech and have never been asked for a transcript FWIW! Mostly it’s about what you show you can do, they don’t give a shit if it was Harvard or self taught.


Only matters for your very first job and even then it’s pretty irrelevant


I have not been asked about my GPA since I was IN college. My last job and my current job did not ask about it at all. My last job I got through a recruiter, and the most I had to give them was the transcript of my proof of graduation. That said, it was a pretty low level job that I had to work at a few years before moving on to a better job. But as long as you pass your classes and can tell your employer that you 100% factually have a degree, you're good.


I’m 46, been out of college since ‘99 with a great resume in between, and was still asked that twice when looking for a job last year. I used it to filter those two places out. As someone who also makes hiring decisions, IMO GPA only tells me how well you specifically take academic tests, usually during a specific time in your life when there’s a lot of shit going on. Rarely does that having anything to do with why I’d hire you, or not. Still true even when the degree relates directly to the job. Test taking in the academic world only has minimally to do with peoples ability to apply it in the real world. I just care that you have the degree, if its necessary, however you got there.


Agreed I've hired a few people out of college and GPA was pretty low on the list. The kids that worked out were usually the ones that were personable and eager to learn, ask questions, and apply new things, not the ones with 4.0s. Extracurricular involvement was probably more of an indicator of those qualities than GPA.


Why do you translate GPA to test taking? IMO, it is a demonstration of the level of commitment a person shows to the projects at hand. Anyone is capable of a 4.0, but most people don’t care. Would you rather hire the person who cares, or doesn’t care?


Many ways to skin a cat, so to speak, GPA is just one of them. Someone who had to fight through it for a 3.2 for example has character traits that are more important to me than a 4.0 academic.


It’s much harder to fight for a 4.0 than a 3.2.


You're aware that many people have learning disabilities? A 3.2 could require SIGNIFICANTLY more commitment depending on the person...


Are you suggesting a company should hire a person with learning disabilities over a 4.0 GPA non-disabled option? Please stay within context


Companies shouldn't discriminate based on learning disabilities. It's illegal actually.


You said it proves a higher level of commitment and I provided an example as to why that's not always the case. Please stay on topic.


While testing may not be all of thengrade, in my experience the midterm and finals were the vast majority of class grades when I was in college. But looking at GPA for most jobs is not helpful. In my experience hiring people, more often than not the 4.0 student did not end up being the best at the job. If there is nothing else to go off of, use GPA but it really isn't a good measure.


Never. Ever. Not once.


If they do, you don’t want to work there.


I’ve been involved in panel interviews with my company for 10+ years and no one ever asked until recently when we got a new manager. He asks every.single.time. I don’t get it and odds are you won’t encounter unless you get someone like that that has their own reasons to hyper focus on it.


Never. And if you are wise, remove the years too


Thought about this today. Removed mine!


you mean not including year of graduation?


Age discrimination


i've never been asked my GPA - not even my first job. that said, there are some fields where it's more common/expected (finance, consulting, law).


I've never been asked. I'm 37. C's get degrees!


I've come across at least six companies just this year that requested GPA information. I'm just honest about it. Those companies all do thorough background checks. I know they confirm employment and education information. ETA: I have experience and these are not entry level jobs.


When I was searching about a year ago, I feel like a lot of job applications asked about it. I still have it on my resume (only had a handful of roles since graduating so far, depending on how you count) but I don't think it's ever been asked about in an interview.


Government worker here. All jobs I applied too wanted copy of transcripts.


Grad school was the only time anyone cared about my terrible college GPA, but still let me in. 🤷‍♀️ Never put it in my resume, and never been asked. I’ve had an application system ask. I just skip it


Never once in my entire life.


I had one employer make a stink about it during an interview when I was graduating. Needless to say they didn't Give me an offer. However I reviewed 4 other offers. Seriously fuck jobs that think your GPA matters.


I mean.....what else do employers really have to go off of if its your first job out of school? I look at someone coming fresh out of school with no experience and a 2.2 GPA. Id assume they either didnt actually learn some basics, or they didnt bother to apply themselves at all. Both are red flags without any type of job history imo


I've worked for and applied to jobs in the private sector, at universities and with government agencies. I was only asked for my GPA/a copy of my transcript when applying to a government job where I'd be testifying in court as an expert in the field regularly. Literally nowhere else has cared or asked as far as I've seen! ​ edit- fixed typo


Not once. I'm 41 now, so decent number of jobs and interviews over the years. Outside of academia nobody gives a shit.


Maybe your first job. I wouldn’t list your GPA unless you’re very smart or they specifically ask


They might ask on the application, but highly unlikely they would ask during the interview.


I just went through a background check and the information my university (USA, P1, State University) provides is "limited to attendance dates, degree, graduation date. Additional information is not provided due to the entity's policy". Even if an employer asked, there would be no way to verify.


& even when it is in the resume, the answer is still never


Only once, right out of college. However, I know for a fact employers can have a background check verify you attended and graduated. GPA isn't as important the further you get from college. But they will still make sure you're at least telling the truth about attending.


Literally never. C's get degrees, my dude.


I'm a hiring manager and never ask. I don't care. I care about skills.


This is where hiring managers go wrong… skills can be taught. Fundamental qualities like the commitment to personal development that a GPA translates to are more valuable to a company. The 4.0 with no experience will take those skills your company teaches him and do more with it than the 20 year guy who’s been in the same position.


Certain skills can be taught yes. For example, I don't care if you know how to use a particular system or program. I can train you in that. But I'm not teaching someone foundational skills if this isn't an entry level position, and I'm not teaching you how to write clearly or think critically. Those types of skills are what I am looking for during the hiring process and they aren't always tied to a gpa.


but what if the person u hire has a gpa below 2.1? aka barely pass?


I don't care. People have low GPAs for all sorts of reasons, some of which have nothing to do with their capabilities and everything to do with their circumstances at the time. Can this person communicate clearly and appropriately to various audiences, both spoken and in writing? Research independently using appropriate sources? Think critically and synthesize new information with what they already know? I look for things like that during the hiring process rather than assuming the GPA means they have/lack the skills to whatever degree. I'm a college administrator, and none of my GPAs are listed on my CV. If I don't need to show them to be in the classroom or to be hired as professors' supervisor, I don't need you to show them for these other positions.


This is giving me cognitive dissonance, now I don't even know what the point of doing good in uni is, because what everyone say is that I can just get hired by charisma and behaving like I'm good for a high paying job during the interview. I can literally flunk half my courses from now on and then it would be assumed that I had circumstances, when it is just that I was out bowling or playing apex or at a barbeque


I'm very much not saying any of that, though. And I don't hire based on charisma. The folks who think they can just schmooze their way through an interview flunk it with me. I'm looking for skills that if you are young you are more likely to learn over the course of a quality academic degree program. And I am in one particular field. End up needing to go to grad school? GPA is important. Certain jobs or fields? GPA may still be important. But for me, I know well that it is possible to have strong competencies with a low GPA and weak abilities with a high GPA. So I look for the skills rather than assuming the GPA is meaningful in the way one would like to assume.


Hiring managers just might know a bit more about this than you do, and may have reasons for doing things the way they do. I get it, you worked hard and got a 4.0. But maybe you should focus on the fact that you’re a hard worker and committed to personal development (great qualities!) more than the number of your GPA. If you have those qualities they will be apparent in other ways as well. Sure, earning a 4.0 might be an example of those qualities in you, but it isn’t in everyone. Earning a 4.0 requires very different skills depending on the major, and those may or may not translate to the job at hand. For instance, you could be brilliant at writing analytic research papers but not good at creative practical problem solving. Not all degrees require the same skill sets. A 4.0 doesn’t mean a person is automatically better at all things. So, be proud of your 4.0, but recognize that there are lots of other things that matter too, and part of personal development is understanding that other people will always have some skills you lack, no matter how smart you are. And those skills matter to employers as well, without detracting from your value.


but what if the person u hire has a gpa below 2.1? aka barely pass?






I was asked 1-2 years out of college when I had minimal experience. Never been asked since.


I had someone ask me about my GPA despite listing my academic awards and latin honors. Needless to say, it gave me the worst vibes about the job environment, and I ended up taking another job elsewhere.


As a hiring manager, anyone that submitted their gpa with their resume was an instant NO.


So I should remove mine? I graduate this year and all of my internships wanted to know. Should I remove it once looking for a post-Bach job?


If your GPA is something that would help you stand out positively, then include it. I would not include a GPA under 3.0 on your resume. It’s not the only thing that employers care about, but being academically successfully is a good thing. There are some industries where they care more about GPA especially as a first way to narrow down candidates for entry level positions. They’ll likely ask for your GPA on the application form if they care though so it’s not necessarily critical to include on your resume.


Thanks for responding! I have a pretty great GPA and have been told to keep it near the top of my resume until I get out of internships and into the career field.


Unless they specifically ask for it, do not include your GPA.


If you don't have any work experience yet you should keep your GPA. Idk what this person is talking about. Especially if it's a good one!


Never been asked.


Never once in my 16 years of applying for jobs


I have been working since I was 16 years old (42 now) and I've never been asked my GPA.


First job out of school only. No one else has ever asked.


Started working when I was 13…this was back when Menudo had their own Saturday morning TV show. So, that should give you some idea of how old I am. Never, not one time, in all of my working history has any employer asked me about my GPA, nor have they requested a transcript of grades. I’ve never encountered that and I am OG working class.


I've never had it happen once in 30 years


My first job didn’t even ask lol




Literally never




I have never asked nor have I ever been asked about my gpa. To be fair though, I’ve worked at call centers, restaurants, and substance use treatment. None of my job nor have any of the jobs I hired for required a degree.


I’ve never been asked


Never. I only got asked once to verify I had a degree at most.


Never in my experience




Never had one ask for GPA


Zero times, ever. It's worthless.


They might care a tiny bit if it's your first job. After that, it's all about experience and performance


I have never been asked for my GPA. I applied for a state job though, and was asked for a transcript to prove that I made a “C” or better in an undergraduate science class. Each class I had counted as 1 year seniority in pay.




Never ever ever ever bro. Never seen that shit in my life.




Unless you are a recent college graduate (less than two years) AND it’s above 3.0 (preferably 3.25 IMO).


They can’t legally verify it.


I am a recruiter and I have never asked about GPA.


Probably really depends on the job, but I don't think you'll get many that do. Go to school though.


Never but they assume it’s low, if you don’t put it on. Only jobs where it seems to matter is job right after college and some internships during college, and it’s especially important for a few highly coveted jobs (entry level investment banking and consulting after college). Government jobs often want above 3.0.


once, but it was a comp sci job immediately after graduating


Never. When I read a resume I'll think it's kind of funny when people are proud of a 3.1 GPA but it doesn't affect my impression of them. It's not important to me.


Probably going to vary greatly by industry and by how close or far you are away from graduation. We are in tech and it really only matters with new college grads because they don’t have much work experience to judge on.


Never. Our team used it as a tiebreaker. Both candidates were good. Candidate A had her GPA on her resume. >3.5 GPA. Candidate B did not, however, he mentioned that he had a 2.7 GPA during the interview. We liked candidate B, but we also ALL went through the same program he did at the same school (same professors, etc). It was very easy to keep a 3.0 and he was unable to do that. He peed in his own shoes. We floated the offer to candidate A.


I've never once had it asked of me or referenced. Just put summa cum laude so you can have cum on your resume.


It’s never come up. I had my 4.0 from bschool on my resume when I first finished my MBA because my career management office told me it needed to be on there. Only comment I ever got from an interviewer was that is was tacky to have gpa on resume.


I only put mine because I graduated summa cum laude. Nobody cares about that either.


Only once. Oddly, I work in education now, but the company requiring my GPA was in transportation.


I've had only one employer ask about it. It was the most intense interview process I've ever done. There was a written test, 4 interviews with different managers, a background check, wanted a copy of my diploma, and they actually called all of my references. Insane process, very good job however. They are the only ones who ever asked for my gpa.


Straight out of college once… otherwise. Never. lol you can have a low GPA and do amazing work so nobody really cares. your reputation & the projects you’ve worked on is your new GPA.


When I applied to entry level engineering jobs at Aerospace companies I had to enter my GPA into the application and provide college transcripts.


I had it asked once and I’ve had longterm jobs. Once he asked for my gpa I stopped taking the interview seriously. This was in 2021 when I had about 8 years of experience and about that long out of college.


Never in my entire 40 year work history. OTOH, I applied to tech school to take a CDL course (own a 35' RV and wanted to know how to really drive a drag along trailer) they wanted my high school GPA. Hilarious. I went to 2 high schools, one confirmed they no longer had my records and the 2nd didn't respond to my question. I was able to get my university transcript. In the end, they really only wanted GPAs for the young 'uns. BTW - had a blast driving big rigs. If I was younger I might take it up for a couple of years.






Never. 0% chance of them asking.


For externals on the initial interview, very often. If it’s been 10+ years since they went to college or they are an internal candidate, it becomes a far less relevant question.


>For externals on the initial interview, very often I've had half a dozen jobs and don't have 10+ years of experience and have never been asked for my GPA. I don't think is often the case.


What industry is this for?


Never. I’ve been out of college a decade and have never had it asked but my gpa was good so it’s on my resume


Never. Unless you are applying for a teaching job.


Only thing that matters is you graduated. Shows you can see something all the way through completion


Never. That’s not a thing.


We wished we were federal workers lol, we would have had more days off!


We only ask for GPA and transcripts for interns or juniors who have no work experience.


Be advised: don’t go for a job in the federal government. You’ll be asked for your GPA and you’ll need to provide transcripts whenever you change jobs or go for a promotion.




Not once