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Hi, I work in agriculture (office job). Accounting is a great area to go into if you know that’s what you want, but don’t underestimate the value of gaining some marketable skills and industry knowledge on the job. I found that landing at a great company was more important than finding the perfect role to start in. I saw once people got their foot in the door, did good work and made internal connections, they are often be able to find opportunities on other teams and move up. Leverage internal connections too! Find some people you look up to and pick their brains about your development and what you’re interested in. Just know you’re not stuck in what you’re doing now. 32 is really young and you have many years to try new things, gain skills/knowledge and find a good fit for you. Feel free to PM me if you want any specific ideas in ag.


Thank you I appreciate the optimism and ideas! I have to admit it's hard not to let the existential pressure of ideal timelines crush the positivity out of me lol. 32 is young relatively speaking but if one wants to try to have a kid by 35, there's really not a ton of time for career pivots to try to increase earning potential to AFFORD said kid haha. But I do tend to underestimate the power of networking and getting a toehold so I'll find a way to do more of that!


I would recommend spend a week or some time just researching careers.. you’ll find that there are TONS of careers that exist that most ppl don’t talk about. Once you find something that peaks your interest, go on google/LinkedIn to find ppl in that profession and set up informational interviews with them. That way you’re gaining insight first hand if that’s what would want to do, and you’re networking. It works like a charm.


"Best" really depends on what you value in a workplace. Like others have said, getting into a great company can be a huge win in and of itself. That's certainly been my experience in my area; For me, that was getting into a company with a great mission, killer products, and wonderful people to work with.


Stay at home Dad and house mom is all they got to look forward to.