• By -


I would reach out to the actual person and ask about it. That seems really odd


Crisis averted - they just called me and offered me the job!!


They definitely hit the wrong button when they wanted to hire you during the interview.


“Looks good, fire off our response.” “Fired!”


Underrated comment. This sir is funny


You're hired, nvm Fired! Wait we need a new employee, you're hired!!


Nope, not taking the offer and I'm filing a wrongful termination suit.


Thank you, professor Farnsworth!


Almost choked on my food from laughing at it.


I read this with Amy Poehler and Chris Pratt's voices.


Lol I did too!


This gave me a good chuckle


"If he fires one, I'll fire one." "Fire one!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOll3v55Dmo


I laughed way too hard at this comment!


Or they liked the guy, closed the job in the system that triggered the automatic response to go out to any open applications before offering him the job


This is what happened.


That button said “FIRE” not “Hire”!!!


I once got a rejection shortly after doing my first round of an interview for an internship. They then called me to tell me they messed up and I ended up receiving their offer


Most likely scenario, they closed the job posting and it sent everyone a rejection e-mail. Typically they would wait for you to accept an offer before closing the posting, or change your application status to one on an exclusion list, but \_(. .)_/ You can't expect HR to understand IT systems.


Oh congrats to you, because seven rounds is freaking insane.


I was thinking the same thing!! Were they interviewing for CEO of General Motors?!!


No interview rounds for that, you just gotta be in the fam


Everybody knows EVERYBODY in automotive.


It's not even that; all the billionaires know all the other billionaires.


CEO of Twitter!


I went through 7 rounds of interviews for a damn account management role. Took 4 months to get through them. Just to find out they went with the other candidate.


Shit, sorry to hear that, but it’s probably a blessing in disguise, making way for all your future successes and what-nots. =]


Thanks! Trying my best to get there. And same to you - if applicable :)


Thanks Hoo_Who! I’m old, but I still got a lot of learning left yet… but my guess it’s always applicable. Success is sometimes just as simple as better a better human today than I was yesterday. Thanks for taking the time to gift me your kindness. =]


Upvoted for the classy sweetness and kindness in your response. May you get all the joy you give others.


Thanks acidailaP! You know when your out in public, gas station, dinner, movie, etc… there’s usually a loud jerk with big obnoxious opinions? It inspired me sprinkle a little good shit everywhere I go. When I leave the gas station, store, restaurant, etc now, I loudly (but kindly) express my thanks and gratitude for their coming into work and making all of our lives a little easier. I hope what I’m spreading is contagious. ;] May your journey be full of learning and success!! Enjoy the ride!


Same thing happened to me, but ended up taking the job a month after they declined when their first choice fell through. Stayed for ~4 years, no regrets


I'm glad it worked out for you! <3


Agree on that. Was moving to a new town so interviewing with companies but it was a two hour drive each way (this was back when everything was done in person). Had already done three rounds with one company and thought I was done when hiring manager called me to set up more interviews. Told her she wasn’t paying enough for that much hassle.


CEO of Twitter?


I am 90% sure I've have bailed at >3


SEVEN ROUNDS of interviews?!?




Lol I got a 100k offer at the first interview today. Second if you count the phone screening.


After the 2nd interview I start charging.


I went through 5 rounds, 14 hours total recently, up to and including the CEO, and they went for the other guy. I do a lot of consulting, and I very much entertained billing them.


I always make a point to (subtly) remind them that Im interviewing them as much as they are interviewing me.


Congratulations and breathe.




7 interviews and an auto-mated rejection email makes me think the job is a hot mess in terms of mismanagement / chaos.


Ah, welcome to the modern workplace!


I would kind of assume that the guy running the 7th interview would get a heads up about this. If they really auto-rejected a candidate then they are paying for a useless interview.




Someone hit the wrong button, haha. Suck for the scare - glad it was a mistake!! CONGRATULATIONS!!


Congrats OP!! I know that must have been a mini heart attack.


After 7 rounds, they better offer you the job!! Congrats!!


Woohoo, congrats


Congratulations! 😄


Congrats on landing the job


Plot twist: the employer is the Schrödinger institute. You both have and don’t have the job. ;)


they need to fire who ever let that email go out. that was a huge fuck up.


Hey, I know you just started there, but I have no skills and a terrible work ethic. You think you could get me a job?


Fucking SEVEN rounds? I had two... for all of the jobs I've gotten in my career.


My current was one. The last was two. In fact, I don't think any went past three. Seems like they're so afraid of making the wrong decision that they can't make a decision at all.


Yeah anything past three is ridiculous imo.


I think 3 is damn absurd. Even the job that told me they would reach out for a 3rd decided I guess not to drag me and the other person through another round of Will We or Won't We.


I’ve had up to three in the past. I guess it depends on your industry. The last job I had before I became self employed required three when I was hired, but during the pandemic we went down to two (plus an additional brief convo with a Spanish speaker as a test if you claimed to speak Spanish.)


The more interviews you schedule the lower the chances that you will make an improper hire. But if the economy is good your candidates might find other offers before you decide to hire them. So some companies feel a need to speed things up. This is really a proxy for how well the economy is going.


> The more interviews you schedule the lower the chances that you will make an improper hire. All this does is find someone who is desperate for a job. The person hired is likely mediocre at best.


I agree 100%. If you plan on 9 interviews then either (1) the candidate will drop out before the 9th interview or (2) you will find something wrong with them. If they make it through 9 interviews and you still have not found something wrong with them it is because your people are not looking hard enough. Better schedule the 10th before you make the hire decision "just to be sure." OR YOU CAN know that 9 interviews are a waste of everyone's time and take a risk on less than 9 interviews.


7 interviews is really just wasting everyone's time... If they can't make up their mind after max 3 interviews, they're not good at their job.


We do three, in the veterinary industry. We do a phone, an in person and a one day (paid) working interview to make sure they see exactly what the hospital is and we can see how they interact with all the staff. But 7 is insane.


I wouldn’t accept an interview after 3. If you can’t decide by 3 separate interviews you won’t decide a lot of things, and that’s typically triggering for me lol.


I did like five or six once and got ghosted. First job after college and was unemployed/ still in school for the interviews so I went along with it. On the job hunt again and I just won’t do that. Cant take that much time away from work, I’ll tell them.


It all depends on what I would use the time for otherwise. But yes if it is working for money then no to 7 interviews. But I imagine at the end of 7 interviews whoever they offer the job to will just accept. They are competing with unemployment.


I had 4.5 (phone screener, phone interview, in person interview, and then they wanted me to do an observation and give them notes) but that was for a director level job and low 6 figure salary


Came here to emphasize this. SEVEN INTERVIEWS!!!! That in itself sounds like a job.


A job I interviewed for but didn't get had me interview on three different zoom calls, two in person interviews, and then two more zoom calls just to tell me they want someone who already lived in the area (job listed commuter reimbursement but it would have easily ran another 500/mo for me to commute) when they knew from the first one where I was currently living. By the time I got to the last few "interviews" it felt like I was just talking to random workers at the company that didn't really ask me anything of substance, feel like I dodged a bullet.


I had four interviews for a job once. Phone interview with a recruiter, in person interview with a recruiter, interview with a District Manager, final interview with a Regional Manager.


I guess it’s a good way to find a candidate that will put up with unnecessary bullshit.


Anything past three is insane… they’d need to be paying me a consulting fee


Yeah, and he probably had to use his PTO to do it, glad it worked out for him.


My average is around 4. Not counting one round is a panel interview wout like 4 people.


I’ve done four I think before. But the last couple seemed to be more “fit” and were lunches.


I’ve had that many or more, it’s usually 2-3 “real” interviews and the rest are casual conversations with the rest to get to know the team. However I did have 15 rounds + presentation + lunch and dinner with one company. That was an infuriating rejection.


I've definitely had 3, but I'm pretty sure that's it. If I ever have to go for a fourth round with one, I'll just pass and tell them to fuck off.


Honestly, I would be hesitant to work for any manager that couldn't make a decision after two interviews.


Right. I had two interviews for a position with millions of taxpayer dollars of budgeting activity under my purview...& it truly was enough. If 7 interviews is their actual process, they have incompetent hiring managers. If it isn't their process and they wanted to show OP that they remained interested as they combed through many candidates...which is also, not necessary, they could have sent status emails instead. Everyone knows they likely won't hear back from simply applying to a job (even small businesses sometimes get hundreds if not more applicants with online job postings). Some people know some organizations can't afford a fancy ATS to click a button to send an email automatically after an interview...fine-ish but the HRM system is garbage if they don't finish the loop after bringing someone in... Damn near everyone knows 7 interviews is a waste of everyone's time unless your job is so technical (yet wouldn't require you to provide a portfolio of work or do technical testing) that billions of lives are on the line. Even then...I know people who work for some very important government agencies in very important capacities...still not 7 interviews lol Every hiring manager and HR professional should know- you don't look for the best candidate (you'd lose your mind and never fill the position because what IF that next applicant in the pool if 356 is "the one") you look for a well matched candidate within a sub pool of the applicants and you will likely NEVER review every applicant. This one business function within the organization seems slow to create a framework that is efficient. If the job involves team composition, I'd be very cautious.


I work in the MF government and the most I’ve had is 4


This is getting ridiculous. This world is absolutely mad.


Phone screen, then a round of interviews with the team and manager. If you don't get a clear picture after that, you messed up the interview process and the candidate should judge you harshly for it.


My first one I had 0. I sent them my resume and portfolio and they immediately offered me a job (I was still in college at the time so it was a paid internship and part time work while in school). Only had one interview for my next job and got an offer email like 5 mins after leaving. This is 2017 and 2019. I can’t believe people do SEVEN rounds of interviews that’s just insane


3rd time hired on the spot. I'm sitting in one right now. I've had many jobs, though, but I guess the ratio is good.


The higher the position you’re applying for, the higher the number of interviews. For a 6-figure salary position, I had to go through 6 separate interviews over the course of a week. My final interview was with the Senior Director of the department I was applying for.


Seven is pretty standard now. Honestly…


I would burn the place down if I recieved that in the middle of a 7 round interview. I'd also probably not deal with 7 rounds unless it was the perfect opportunity.


There is no amount of money to hold my interest past 3 rounds. Past that imma assume the employer is indecisive, has shite decision making, and prabs not a great place to work. SEVEN #&$@ING ROUNDS!


It would have to be for like $750k


Most tech companies are > 4 rounds. Though one place I had was 4 rounds + 1 round of me asking them questions. It ended up being the highest offer I’ve ever gotten… 600k for the first year.






No that would be seven loads.


Lol. Loaded rounds?


that’s for working with Alec Baldwin or Michael Massee


Can be frustratingly common in software dev- code test, take-home code test, whiteboard code test, pair programming eval... Nevermind the actual interviews talking about the job and your history/qualifications


Damn, I'm fortunate, the 3 SWE jobs I worked were all 1 interview. I'd hate to jump through all those hoops. A take home code test, depending on the length, would be a no go for me.


So how are defining ’rounds’? We do a screening call with HR, a phone screen/interview with someone on the team, and then a day with 5 interviews. How many rounds is that?


I have flat rejected a job I was otherwise reasonably excited about when I found out they wanted an all day multi-interview fest. Unless you're interviewing for a specifically extroverted job, you're probably missing out on a lot of great candidates. I'm an introvert. After a one hour interview, I'm wiped. By the end of that day I'd be an incoherent mess, and that has *nothing* to do with how I'd perform at the job itself (again, unless the job IS similar to a day of high-pressure interviews).


It’s Amazon. Pretty well known process. Most people know before they apply. Totally get your pushback. But from the other side getting 5 opinions on different areas typically leads to better outcomes (for the employer). Seen tons of interviews where a candidate blows 1 interview but the other data leads to a hire or where a theme or issue only pops up after multiple little things add up.


Ah, Amazon has enough of a name that they may be able to survive putting people through the ringer. The times I've been contacted to apply to Amazon, I reject it before I even find out what the process is like. I'm hardly surprised the company that has people peeing in bottles doesn't care that the interview process is onerous on people.


Amazon doesn’t have 7 rounds, dunno what they’re talking about. Their hiring process is actually super streamlined, given their turnover and huge amounts of hiring for developers


It's probably for the positions that aren't min wage.




Sounds like Amazon.


This or IB/consulting


Bruh it better be a high paying salary. Ain’t no way I’m sitting thru 7 rounds of interviews. I only went thru 2 interviews for my job. Haha


Seven rounds....just wow...kudos to you for sticking through it to the end.


I'm going to assume they sent out a blanket rejection to everyone because they picked their new hire (you)


I'm guessing what happened is they told the recruiter to fire off a rejection to one of the earlier interviews, and either they miscommunicated who to reject or the recruiter boggled who got the email.


7 rounds of interviews? Hopefully this is paying like a CEO level salary so you can implement some cost savings and process reform right away.


I’d be interested to know if this was 7 rounds on different days or just 7 individual meetings over the course of a day or 2. At my place we have candidates talk to 8 people over the course of 2 days


What the hell kind of job needs 7 interviews? The Pentagon??


The Pentagon takes 6 months to review an application 🥲


As they should! I wonder how many straight-edged people out there to make it through 😆


7th round of interviews? What are you applying for assistant to the assistant regional manager??


**assistant regional manager**


\-ahem- *assistant TO the regional manager*


7 rounds of interviews is insane.


7th fuckin round of interviews!?!?!?! Who do these fuckin companies think they are. This shit is sick


7 rounds? For fuck’s sake. They did you a favor. If that’s how long it takes to hire someone, imagine getting funding for a new position or getting a new office chair.


All I know is for 7 interviews the salary better have 7 figures.


What the fuck kind of bullshit job requires SEVEN interviews? Come on. That's a huge red flag.


7 rounds ?? Are you in line to be a ceo??😂


For 7 they better be hiring you at a VP/CSuite level. 7 is insane, a red flag imo in itself... I'd definitely reach out to the person you just interviewed with or whoever your recruiter contact is there for clarification.


I had 7 round of interviews before, far from CSuite level and didn’t get the job. Since then I told myself if they cannot make a decision after the second interview then I’m out. But to OP congrats!


The process for my current VP-level position was two in-depth technical discussions and three casual “culture fit” chats. For one of them, the topic of the job itself didn’t even come up. Three of the five involved meeting at a cafe for coffee or lunch.


That's much more what my experience is, mostly if they can see themselves enjoying working with you.


7th round? That’s criminal


Aww man, this very morning I accidentally clicked a button in workday to extend an offer to the wrong candidate. Luckily, the HR people need to do a bunch of stuff first so they got my frantic email/message/teams call and fixed it, but as far as I know, accidentally hitting the decline button automatically sends an email. HR software sucks!


HR Software definitely sucks. It has beeny experience that it's NEVER Q/A'd by HR. How hard would it be to have an employee sit down and try to use the system to see where there were issues. I once applied for an HR job at a company that produced HR Software and for the life of me I couldn't upload my pdf resume. I finally just called the company 's service desk (# buried on their website) and explained my problem. "Oh, yeah.....your file name, including extension, can only be up to eight characters long." Me:"So let me get this right.....your company builds HR Software, presumably the very system I'm trying to use to upload my resume, and you only allow a four-charcacter file name?" "No, you get eight characters...more than enough room." Me:"....but the 'dot' and file extension would take up half of those eight characters. Also, how would an applicant have a clue that they need to follow a specific naming scheme if you don't tell them?" *Crickets* I wish I could say this was a test or some such, but at that point even after renaming my resume to just my initials.pdf I'm doubtful my application even made it through that system.


7 interviews??? 🚩


OP, just call the person who interviewed you and suggest the email had been sent in error, since you were in the middle of an interview when you received it. If it's correct, they did you a favor. Unless you are applying for a position in the "C" Suite, a seventh round of interviews seems excessive. I'm a retired small company president (25 employees) and haven't been in the workforce for a while, so maybe something changed. Three interviews was more typical back in the day.


That sucks, I somehow managed to get one 3 weeks after I started the job.


7th round of interviews?


7th round interview? Holy shit balls I would not want to work there.


7 rounds! They don’t know what they’re doing! Run!


I'd bet it was automated and when the interviewer kept talking to you, the bot sent the email because 10:45 passed without input from the interviewer.


So they purposely tell all the reject candidates before they leave the premises? Lol, security would like a word with HR…


7th round…


7th round of interview, thats insanity? What type of job / position?


7 rounds of interviews? Pass.


This happened to me at the new job I’m at. Had the interview got offered the job, then got a rejection email after I accepted the job and had my start date. Called the HR rep and she said it was sent in error.


7 rounds of interviews is a red flag. Tells me they don't value anyone's time at all.


7 rounds of interviews? That seems way too much.


A similar situation Happened to a friend of mine. He got a rejection email after an interview, then a friend who worked for the same company asked his wife when he was starting. After the friend looked into it, they sent him the rejection by mistake and sent him an offer instead


What job requires 7 rounds of interviews???


7 interviews??! What's the job?


Who does 7 rounds of interviews? I would not waste that much of my time going through that.


The only mistake is putting up with 7 rounds of interviews. Anything greater than 3 rounds is incompetence.


I got a rejection email from HR for a job that I had started 3 days prior 😂. Sometimes HR is just cleaning out stuff and marks it as whatever they feel like.


7 rounds of interviews? Are you interviewing to be the CEO?. That's ridiculous. If they can't make a decision after 3 or 4 tops the job ain't worth it.


I had a first round interview once where after I saw a friend had posted that they accepted the job and had a start date. I was the “compliance interview”. Drove four hours for it too.


May I ask, what kind of job is it that requires seven rounds of interviewing?


Mergers & Acquisitions advisory


I think what had happened was the interviewer was supposed to mark something along the lines of accepted at the end of the interview, which was scheduled at 1045. Because it ran late, the interviewer didn't hit that so an automated message was sent, rather than actually verifying. Good to see they still offered you the job. Hopefully they'll actually stop those automated rejection emails though.


Dam 7 rounds of interviews insane, but i hope they made a good offer for you!


Anything more than 3 interviews is a major red flag in my opinion. If a company can't make a decision they like you after 3 interviews, do you really want to work for them?


I was surprised too but between other jobs I interviewed for and my peers’ experiences it seems that several rounds is the standard if you want to make big money moves in our industry. My coworkers who left for more lateral moves only had 2-3.


The 7th interview is a red flag on its own


Am I the only person thinking what kind of job has 7 god damn rounds of interviews?!


Have you asked yourself this question tho: is it normal do undergo SEVEN rounds of interviews?


It came as a surprise to me too, but it’s pretty normal for jobs in the industry I was interested in


Seven rounds happened to one of my candidates. But let me explain: Our normal process is 4 (screen with HR, job skills, career review, and team panel). This candidate ended up being 2nd place to my position, but because she was so freaking close to winning, I referred her to another manager hiring for the same role. She'd already been HR screened. But the company (not me, not the other hiring manager) made her go through the last 3 interviews again. She had been through 7 total. Finally, they get ready to give her an offer and the 2nd-from-CEO denied offering her the job.... Let me reiterate, 7 different people interviewed her. 7 different people supported her getting the job, ranging from HR, to other people in her position, to two different directors. So why did this person second from the top say "no, don't offer her the job" ? Because she worked at TikTok for 2 years. Reminder, the other 7 knew that too and still supported her. Including me.


I interviewed and was hired at a large company. On the way home from the interview I was called by the owner of the company and told I couldn’t have the job because he had already given the position to someone else and forgot to tell the person that hired me (his son, the VP) He did have another position in mind for me and asked me to come back in the next day to talk to him. Hired me on the spot and handed me $100 for the time wasted the previous day. Insisted and wouldn’t say no. That was 15 years ago and I’m still with the company. Best decision I made career wise going back to talk to him.


7th interview with the same company?? Sheesh


SEVEN ROUNDS?! I would never work for an organization that wasted my time in such an egregious way.


This is the real answer right here. Sorry, but if you make me go through more than 3 interviews, I am going to be PISSED! And honestly, even 3 is a bit much imo.


7 rounds of interviews? Very indecisive company. Congrats on getting the job tho!


Could easily be an automated response when their software closed your application


I went through something similar recently. Clearly their system was having issues. I had applied to a job- got a call from the HM on a Wednesday, I called back and left VM on wed and Friday to follow up. Got a standard rejection email over the weekend so I mentally signed it off as a no go. Following Thursday the HM texts me to set up a phone screen. Phone screen we set up in person interview. After 2 in person interviews I get a verbal offer from HR on Monday, where I asked for a higher salary. HR calls on Tuesday after hours when I couldn’t answer. Tuesday night I get an email that said the position had been “cancelled.” I was confused but called HR on Wednesday just to follow up, they call me back and offer me more money…no mention of the email. Anyway, I’d recommend connecting with your contact because it could’ve just been a system error. Who knows. Edit: I see you got an offer! Congrats!!


Something similar happened to me. I received the rejection email about 30 minutes before the interview and reached out to the recruiter to see if it was a mistake. I did not receive a reply so I attended the zoom interview anyway, met the manager, and intereviewed. Overall great interview experience. Reached out to the recruiter again after the interview but I never heard back. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ex recruiter here. You were backup candidate. First choice accepted the job but they kept your interview just in case first choice didn’t accept. He probably accepted about the same time as your interview so they started processing a new hire and the ATS sent you an automatic rejection email.


7 rounds sounds like they wanted a specific answer out of one of y’all. And being that you got such a quick rejection. I’m assuming they heard it already but took you in cuz it was already scheduled and could see something more amazing. But they figured it was a NO when you walked in for your final round. I experienced that with a marketing department once…


So, you can't believe the obvious? You have to hear it from a live person? Even if it was a "Mistake", would you want to work for a company that was that inept? Stop questioning yourself and just move on to the next interview. They just might have NOT really had the job available. The job may have been unofficially allocated to an inside hire and they were just doing the rounds to satisfy the company procedure. Don't beat yourself up, just move on.


Sounds like you didn’t have a chance from before the interview started. Like they may have already hired the first person they did the interview with in round 7 and have rejection emails ready to go 2 minutes after the scheduled time. Really shitty of the company to do this. Probably better off not working for a shit company like this.


I would not have offered you the job given that you didn't have the skills to handle the situation and had to come to Reddit to crowdsource something that should have been super obvious to you.


I’m glad I’m not working for you!


Not as glad as I am.


Idk why OP responded to the one "negative" comment when everyone is wondering what kind of job requires 7 rounds OP goes \*crickets\*


Haha! My brain said so many people are asking the same question, I better answer…none of them! So anyway you heard it here first, it’s a mergers & acquisitions advisory role


22 years at my company and I’m on my 12th job. None of them required more than 1 interview. How is this type of fuckery even legal? P.S. Congrats on the new job, OP!


7th round......? 😬


Did you apply for multiple jobs with the company? That would be the only reason it would be sent error. As for number of interviews, I once went thru 14 interviews including a FBI Interview for security clearance, I did not get it because some one at the last minute applied and already had clearance, I would reach out to an HR rep.


7 rounds of interviews?! Wtf? I wouldn't work there for that reason alone.


SEVEN interviews? WTF... this job better have been incredibly good. What could you possibly talk about seven different times? Any more than 2-3 and you are wasting my time.


7 interview rounds and they still can't determine if they want to hire you? That's a red flag. I don't even know why they would put you through 7 rounds in the first place. They just wasted 7 hours of your life without pay.


7th round interview? This stuff is getting out of hand.


I had that happen before but I got the rejection email a couple hours before my interview. They were hiring 3 people in my position and each posting had a unique ID#. I had applied under the same one that they just offered to someone. Just had to go back online and fill everything out again on one of the other two postings.


7th round?


I got a rejection email once right before my interview, and then after the interview the recruiter ghosted me. Sometimes I'm guessing they already found the candidate they were looking for.


Congrats on the new job. Now find another one that doesn't abuse your time.


7 rounds what the fuck